The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 24, 1925, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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t' h
T II M TIMWa-HKItAIi'D H U R It 8 , H A 11 N T N Tg jT r OH 10 Q W
Malar?, JHry 34, IMS
PAttR 58
The Times-Herald A mc?
UiiN Tlio LnrncHt Circulation Of Any
Nowspnper In Harney County.
Himsomi'Tiox hatix
One Your 92.00
RU MoiiIIim 1.00
Throo Months 75
Hntimhty, January 21, 1025
Amoni; thu mult received nt this
ollleo Tuesday morning wiih n lottor
from a subscriber In Sun Antonio,
Toxub, with an onc.loHuro of runuwnl
of subscription to UiIh pnpor. Tho
lottor reads In liurt:
"Tho Tlnum-Horuld In n vory wol
rotuu visitor, mid llnrnoy county oiui
bo iiroud of Hiiuh i splendid wookly
"I would like to express n word
of appreciation of tho church notices
of tho ltovorond Hutuuot IlnrrlM
original anil clovor. but yot no kindly,
that thoy would ho u IiIohhIiii; to nuy
"Wo woro gurry to road In your
paper of tlio dorught and Muvoro win
ter In Oregon, hut hopo thnt during
1925 Tho TliuoM-llornld utny ho on
alilod to prnclnltu n yonr of prospor
Ity, not only for Hurnoy county, hut
to nil of tho grunt northwest."
Just oh woll "toot" n littlo front
tlnio to tltnu an homo folic may soo
what other tuuy think of in.
Hond Is tho fnstfMt growing littlo
city In Oregon, If not In tho Unltutt
States, T. II. Koloy, manager of tho
Hond Water, Light & Power com
pany, doclnrod yesterday at tho Im
perial hotel. Ilend also oxpoctH to
douhlo Its population In tho 'nunr
future, If tho proposed now railroad
In Interior Oregon Ih ootiMtructed, an
all good Homilies helluvo It ghould
lie. All conversation In llond content
on the railroad, for ihey are as
tdroiigly opposed to construction of
tho road from Hums to Odell Junc
tion as cIllzetiH of thu Coon hay
cities are In favor of It. Itathor llond
wants the, road hullt from Hand to
Hums or from Huron to Prlnuvltlo,
and also from Hoiid to I.akovluw.
Thoso roadH would upon up to de
velopment large iintnuchud timber
tracts, Mr. Foley says, and would
also bo cheaper to construct than a
lino to Odell Junction. Ah a parting
nhot at tho lutter project. Mr. Koloy
declared that Odell Junction Is snow
bound moat of thu year, although ho
admitted theru are no banana plan
tations along either of thu other pro
posed routes Oregunlan.
Hy using laud planter on potatoes
cut for planting ho vera I growers on
"vVostou mountain got ouo-olghlh
more yield. Tho treatment Is par
ticularly offoutlvo In rather damp,
cold soils where sprouting Is slow,
as It seems to prosurvo the seed
pieces, tho experiment station finds.
Hay stored In summer gained sev
eral pounds per halo at tho Oregon
experiment station, reaching great
est weight In February or .March.
Taking up moisture from tho air Is
what give It a heavier mld-wlnter
than mld-summor weight. It tends
to go back to Its first weight tho
following mi minor.
Ited ami alslke clovor planting I
usually host done tho lutter part of
February In Oregon, the experiment
station flndH. Thoy aro sown on fall
grain where (ho light freezing and
thawing, or rains, gonerally cover
the seed. Tho clovor seed business
demnmlu puro sood, especially free
from buckhoru. Heed sumpluii will
ho tested free by tho experiment .and
and federal seed laboratory at Cor
vallls, to help tho farmer ho cortaln
that his seed Is good. .
Pruning tho young Oregon orchard
to n low head Is said by tho experi
ment station to havo many advan
tages: Pruning, spraying, thinning,
and harvesting nro moro easily dono,
and cultivation Is no oasy If rightly
managed. Hun, cold and high wlndB
dumngo thu trees less.
Con Lloblg and Raymond Horton
rotumod from Portland on Tuonday,
bringing back an Overland touring
car for ono of Con's customorB. Thoy
roport tho roads flno from Port
land to IJond but from tho latter
placo to Hums thoy woro not good,
as tho snow had molted causing tho
road to fill with wator which wnn
partly frozon. Con hns taken tho
agency for tho Oakland car and Ih
loud In praising tho gooiWiualitloB
of his now find. Ho polntod out
many vory attractive things about
tho Oakland and If ho Bhould find
any ono In tho markot for a car ho'd
bo llkoly to mako mich n convincing
talk the fellow'd liar to buy ono.
Tho Increasing tendency on tho
part of Home of tho young folk to
Indulge In promiscuous drinking, and
tho way to handle tho problem, In
thu Imrdonl thing which confronts
tho city administration. I do sot
know .how wo nro going to do it, hut
wo nro going to attack thin problem
and do our beat to solve It.
What Ih Hums' Kiivitml Problem?
If you auk ino what I am thinking
most about I could answer you but
ter. Thu tjuoHtloii that' Is occupying
our minds right now In how wo aro
going to meet and combat tho mon
aco that In presented by tho apparent
Increasing tendency on the part of
some of tho young folk In Hums to
Indulge In promiscuous drinking.
Now don't nilHundenttand mo, please.
There Is nothing wrong with tho
young people" of Hums. Thoy aro
Just iih fine and clean aH any young
people anywhere, or any young peo
ple or any time. Hut t.hey seem to
havo conceived a wrong point of
What to do with young; pettp'o
Kvoryono who Is eoiinclonllouiily
endenvorlng to follow his duty in
tho enforcement of tho prohibitory
laws, Is confronted with this prob
lem. We can handle the bootlegger
and tho ndult drunk when wo can
catch them hut what aro wo going
to do with tho flno boy or girl of
tender ago. vvJio, through Ignorance
or Home other mistaken Idea, han
liquor, or has boon drinking liquor,
and how aro wo going to hntidlo a
situation which arisen when a group
of these young folks get together
for a party or dance, nnd tho party
or dnuce, which U of n private na
ture, but which Is being hold at a
hall or cafe, develops Into n near
debauch? Of course wo have n pol'co
department, but how far should our
pollco department go In private mat
ters? Wihou should tho pollco power
step In? Pollco control Is not a
pleasant thing It Is not a sympathetic
thing, It Is a harsh nnd moro or tesn
merciless thing, so wo nsk ourselveH
nt what point should tho pollco
assume control of those young folks.
Bhould tho government assume a pa
ternalistic attitude?
When Im Iteopoiinlblllty Devldisl?
Whou doe the responsibility of
the parent coaso and tho responsibil
ity of the police begin? I will say,
frankly, that I don't know. Hut It
seems to mo thnt If those young folks
are going to have a chance the par
ents aro going to have to reassert
themselves and their parentnl auth
ority, and re-assume tho responsi
bility thnt iiome of them hooiii to
have laid aside.
It would be a nice thing for (no
young folks, wouldn't It, If the police
were to mid one of their pnrtles and
arraign them In tho pollen court?
I can't think of anything that would
he harder on thorn.
I havo practically arrived at tho
conclusion that thin thing cannot
he handled by tho pollco nloue, but
that It must be taken care of by co
operation between parents, the man
agers of Hie places where these
young poople congregate for enter
tainment, and civil authorities. I
nm going to havo a talk with 'he
managers, but I can't have a meet
ing with tho parents. They are go
ing to havo to wakn up themselves.
We aro going to a'tack this prob
lem and do our very boat to solve
It. Tiiuro may bo somo bruised placeH
left, but tho wulfaro of tho young
fnlkH domantlH thnt some ono tuko nn
City Marshnl.
Hansen Addition
Close in, Best location in City, Level, Alfalfu, First water right.
You select your lot and home plana. We will build for you.
Small Easy Payments, Cheaper Than Rent
Be independent. Sec un to own your Home. Best
and Cheapest in the City
W. T. Lester Company
Leading Realty Dealers
Fire Insurance
Building Loans
Hand Oregon UecrutluK DlHtrlet In
tho Uallway Kxchaug nulldlng, lm
been recBiilly authorised to make
enlistments for tho 16th Infantry
Hand In China. This Is considered
a vory choice assignment for several
reasons. In the first placo tho Amor
Icnn Forces In China are, In efTect,
a Legation Ouurd stationed at tho
American HurniokH In tho City of
Tientsin. Most of the leading coun
tries of the world keep troops there
also, each In tholr own quarter or
lection. Kor Instance tho French
Quarter and tho Kngllsh In tho
Kugllsh Quarter and tho Japaneses
In tho JnpaneHw Quarter, etc.
Mvlug conditions in China aro
vory ronHoablu much cheaper thnn
In this country, nnd on top of that
one dollar of Amurlonu money Is
worth $1.07 In Chinese money.
Thin prion of exchange lluutntos of
The pay per month for Army mu
slulatiH ranges from J21 to J12C por
month during llrst enlistment, to
this must be added the value of ra
eutii, light, heat, medical and den
tal attention, etc which Is estimat
ed to be equivalent to an Increase
In the monthly payment of from
I no to J7r or moro.
Men In Army hands have no mil
itary duties to perform other than
thnt of playing an Instrument
which usually consist of about three
concerts per week and one dunce
which tho orchestra mostly plays.
Of course they do more or less pra
ctice on their Istrumonta dally.
Men who play the following In
struments are wanted: flaxaphono,
Olarlnots. Huso Drum, Cornets, Ha
soon, Haso and French Horn. It
Is also desired that sovoral of these
men Hhould be able to douhlo on
the violin."
Louis Hath, who Is In chargo of
the Will route from Crane to HltUou.
was In town thin wuek for a short
time attending to somo busluoH mat
ters. Mr. ltath stales that tho mall
service ban materially Improved over
that route recently. Ho also said
there was somo friction rocontly in
connection with mall carrier and
post master but It Is evidently settled
as nothing has boon reported to local , terson. Mlsn Keconoy was returning:
peace olllcers In tills connoctlon, so
far as we have learned. Mr. Hath
ays (lit riiow has all disappeared
In tho Callow country but an abund
ance Is still on tlie Htetu'H Mountain.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Illlcy wont to
llond Wednesday for a short visit.
Thoy were accompanied out by Miss
Dorothy Keeney and Mrs. Tod Pat-
to Horn! to remain nnd Mrs. Patter
son was going to Itedmond to visit
hor pnronlH for a few dnya.
mau-juw m,,iivuui jtuummj-mRi
Tho recrutlug OHlcer for tho Por-
Mr. (llraiix. a resident of tho Cat
low section, wiih In Hums for a short
visit during the prosont week.
I. Wolnwtoln arrived homo Wed
nesday evening from a trip to Rovor
ul of Un ousl cltleii whore ho was
buying f' !'' -norcantllo establish
ments. !. .- t to HoIbo on
hlH way homo. Mr. .otiiHtoln roporta
business very ijulo. nil over tho
northwost hut thuro Is a spirit of op
tlclsm and uvory ono Is looking for
ward to a good business during 1025,
Mr. WeliiHtoln also says that prices
on most ovorythlng l on tbo rlso.
When you need medicine
Each remedy is from a tested and tried formula
Nyal has a Remedy
for every common ailment and arc dependable
for the entire family-
Home Drug Co.
Money SAVING Sale
We are offering everything in our
Ladies department at Cost.
Sale To Continue
Until All Is Sold
Yon can save a great deal of money
by taking advantage of this sale
All Goods Offered Are At Cost
Brown's Quality-store
Bigger Kids, Age 9 Including Si Grade
Friday, January 30th
Little Kids, From 1 to 8 Years of Age
Friday, February 6th
Saturday, February 14th
Dancing After The Masquerade Programs
Costumes of any nature nnd design can lie rented at Wcinsteln's