: " it -v r THM TilMMH-IinnALD nURWH, KARWHI 0 SIT f ft 11 K Battmlay, Jam nary 10, IMS 1'AflH a f nrvi nrti tt IJ !cnmo from Men canned by loggorn, IwnmnuHii 1 he 1 imes-rierala 0r mo tutai r,o,o2i.oi mnmgoH un-ifid dor tliu oIohoiI and puDdlng civil canon Hm Tim Lnrc-Ht Circulation Of Any Nowapapcr In llnrnoy County. JULIAN ltYltl) MniuiKcr HUIIHOUIPTION UATIM Ouo Your ,....".., ijM.OO Hlx Months 1.00 Throo Mentha ,v 75 i ,-, 'itwmjiM.Kuumaj -jiji1 u. . , ,' Hrttuiilay, January 10, 111-5 -- . - - 1,1 ITS JIK IWUt Untlor tliu bonding "Tlio Market , llonil Law," In Hut January 1. 102R I mi uo of tlio lliirnoy County Nows Ih an nrtlclo, tho Inut .paragraph of vrhloh Ih as follew: "Again, tlio predominating fea ture 'of tlio policy of tlio Htutu High way CotnmlflHlon, both n rognrda highways and nmrkot roodH, which nmkos tlio average tuxiiuyor nou roil ovary tlmo It la calldil to IiIh iitlon tlon, could ho corrected If tlio mnn ngomout wan in tlio lunula of tlio Court, u ml tlint la tlio wnuto nntl ox trnvngatico of tlio engineering forcea employed upon thoae roiula. Kuglu oorlng oxpouccri and ilupllcutlon of work lina ilono moro to ninko mail work uuilor tlio Htuto Highway Com mlaalou ttiipopulnr tliuti any other 0110 tlllllg." Tlio unfalrno.HH of tlio ntntotiiont to tlio coiniiiln.'iloii and Itn oiigluoora In plnlu to aoo. Mo mnkcti a awoep IiiK chnrgo without giving any facts or figures. Ono of tlio many honoflta of oin olont onRlnoorliiR la tha ollmlnatlon of duplication of work. Tho cost of Burvoya and flolil on gluocrlug on work under tho direc tion of tho commission alnoe Ha be ginning olght yearn aro linn hoen BV4 per cent of tho total cost. For tlio lant two yeara up to Novouihor 30, 192-1, It haa boon II. 86 per rout of tho amount oxpoudad durltiR tho two year period. In all falruo to tho highway commission and Itn olllclunt ngluoorn thoae fact aliouhl lio mado known. Tho work of tho hlRhway anmuila lon la unpopular only to thoiio who aru inlaload by tho Ignorant poruou who aiiya In effect, "Them roI denied crvoyora I hot Ret about all tho mon ey wo apend on roads, mid they don't do notliln' neither that I ran aeo." Tho only atato properly tax which U luvled for tlio nuipurt of the atate hlghwuy uyatom la Vi of ouo mill. O. O. JKTLKV. over HO per cunt to duo to togging flrea, It Ih aiild. "Much na wo dlnllko to .inflict legal ponnltloH upon foroHl vlultorH," said the UUtrlot Korealor, In dlsouMii Iiir tho report, "Iho faet ronmliifl thai rolltH who violate tho fire lawn are )aw bretikern, and nuiHt be piitilHhud au huoIi. Tho fiituro ocouoiulo wel fare of tho Pacific Northwettt do-' mauds It. llowovor," hn nddod, "If ovoryouo would head tho printed wurnlnga and Hiiggoatlona, abundant In tho National Foroalu, wo would liuvo fewer foroat flrea and fewer law ouforceuieiit ciihoh." O ' A HTATKMKNT FIHK l,AW VIOLATOIIH CONVICTKU At tho roguuat of John h. Cald well, ox-ainieiiKor, I am making tho followliiR iitntemoul aitont tax muddle: Mr. Caldwell accented mo on tho atreot the flrnt part of ileptembor and nuked mo to put a nntleo of mooting of tho Hoard of Kiiunllzatlnn In the paper. I uald very well. The matter entirely Hllppcd my mind until It wna called to my attention later by Mr. Caldwell when 1 at onco admitt ed that Midi a uotlco had .never boon puhllHhed In The TlmoH-IIerald for 1 had forgotten It. Thin la not tliu flrnt omlaalou cauacd from my not mahliiR n note of It, nor will It likely be the l:iat, aa I find ninny times af ter closing' the forma of tho paper that I have overlooked hduioIIiIiir that I wanted In. 1 am assuming uo ronpoualhlllty In thla matter mi It waa not my olll clal duty to aeo that thin notice wnn In the paper, nor do' I have tint au thority to write It, althoiiRh I would have looked up tho notice publlahed In former yean In thla paper and publlahed It If I had thoiiRht of It. Had tho notice been written and handed In by tho naaomior It would hare boon pitbllahnd, JULIAN nVHD. WHY NOT K.VPMHT mm ai)'A.ntai:h? awiiginKBaiOMi Hansen Addition IDEAL HOME NOW OPEN FOH INSPECTION CIobc in, Best location in City, Level, Alfalfa, First water right. You select your lot and home plans. Wc will build for you. Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Rent Be independent. Se us to own your Home. Bent and Cheapest in the City ' W. T. Lester Company Leading Realty Dealers Fire Inuurancc Burns Building Loans Oregon VMWWjmflZtiMMi Campora, Minnkora, bruah buruera and loRRora nil appear In tho IhII of tho 197 court convlctlonu for crim inal foront flro law vlolntlona on the National Korea la of Oregon and WnahliiRton durliiR the aoaaon of 1924. The report which has Juat been laaued by the District Korostor'a olllco, Portland, showu that 222 cnaea wore brmiKht to trail. Of thoae, 197 worn convicted, 9 uero found lint Klulty and 10 cuhch nre atlll peudltiR. Kluea and coHta were auMeriMod In tliu Amount of 13096.25 under the urlmluul flro law conviction, In ad dition .13 civil canon were aettled and damitROi colluctod covering Oovern meut timber deatroyod In the amount f 117.C1C.C4 ; 22 civil caaea nre atlll pondliiR. InvolvliiR ilamaRea amount Iiir to $39,00( 27, according to tho roport. Cnmpera' flrea hoad tho llut of con viction undo rtho nrlmlual lawa with 128 convlctloua, 5 not Riillty and 0 pending. Hruah bufliliiK without permit ranks aecond, the imokor'a flrea third. Although the greatoitt' number of eonvlctlona la for camperu' flrea, It la pointed out that tho greAteit dnmaRO While the proponltlou or a Hue of railroad nonius the atate to connect with California and weiilem Oregon la under conalderatlon why ahouldu't UuriiH point Itn advantage In tliu way of advocating the through linn be built through here and on to Prliievllle throngh the vaat belt nf flue timber where the tonnage la available? It la tho fenalble route and the one that would appeal to tho railroad builder. Why aliould thoy prefer going out over a deaert coun try that can never develop any ton nage when by routing over the north ern Alternative given by the Kephart report? Poter ('. Crockatt, of the Unlver- nlty ol Oriigou faculty, nrltea nn ex tended article In the t'omiiinuuronlth Itevlew of tho Unlveralty which wna publlahed ami distributed In Decem ber. Prof. Crook nit polnta out the romotoiioHH of any development of tounngo ncroaa the desert route while the advantage of the routo through the timber la aliown. HiicIi a routo would In no wlao dutract from any agricultural development na It would touch uvery point where farming la poitalblu or where irrigation develop ment may ho expected. with no uctual responsible head. It Hhown what may happen and what generally doea happen through in olllcloncy, lack of authority of uny ono to really nupervlno or dlctuto u bualuusu policy. Tho writer had road thla article with aome Inloront and wna expect ing to make aomo comment upon It nt aomo time, but the morning fol lowing tho roadlng of tha article a letlor wna received from tho odltor of tho Country (lentlomon calling PAr tlculnr attention to tho alory And giv ing permlaalon to copy It. llowovor, thla will not bo done At thla tlmo, oapeclally alnro It la to be followed by other article on the aatua aub Ject. At the opeulnc of tho campaign four yenra ngo when we had n county Judge to elect, thla pnpor advocated an amendment to the law of thla atnte giving the county Judge abso lute authority In mnttora governing tho bualneiia policy of the county and to make hla anlnry aiilllclenl to Jua tlfy tliu aelectlou of a man big enough to fill tho bill. At that time thla pnpitr Advocated a niilary of $3000 for the Judge of Harney coun ty with au Additional aiim of $1000 annually for traveling and other ox 'iuuaoa and tnnk': lilm nbaolute boak under coudltlona wher lie couldn't "paaa the buck." Mako him ra apnnalble and glvo him authority to .(import all aubordlnato ofllcera to do their duty or realgn. Tho plan brought oonaldorablo favorable com ment from dlffrtront tnxpayera- aomo of Ilium heavy luvoatora In tho coun ty, and novel ul uiiccoMJful bualnona men. Tho writer hn hnd no occnulon to change hla mind on the aubjeel and beloved It would bo to tho Inter nal of the tnxpnyera of OroRon to have audi it law and to really place tho county nffnlra on a bualnoaa baala with coupetent hcada who nro paid a aulllclont anlary to dovoto tholr on tiro tlmo lo that work. " i:oni'iih:nci: in mk. iikiuuok Without doubt tho people of Ilar noy county, and oapeclally tho bual noaa men of Ilurna, havo faith In Krod llorrlck accompllAhlng more for the dovelopmout of the county dur ing th coming year than any other Individual. Mr. llorrlck hna tho con fidence or tho bualnoaa men of Duma and they aro ready to glvo him any naalatnnce within their power toward furthering hla eiiturprlaca. Tho developcont of tho limber ro nourcua mid bringing In trnnaporta tlnu llnea la un undertaking that ro liilrea great outlay of fiuniicoa. Mr. llorrlck lina been nt thla work for aome time and doaervea tho concorl tul backing of thla community. For your thla country haa boon rotardod through Uck of trAnaportatlon and noccaaary funda to dovolop It. Tho opportunity la now at hAnd and wo art expecting big thlnga during tho prcaont year along that lino but wo ahotild keep in mind that wa aro to help In the entorprlao and not hin der. Tha undeveloped reaourcea can KKA'irilll AT TIIK MIIKItTV T1IICATIIR, HATUUDAY, JANUAHT 17. aOOll-H 7UM KMC I IAW MI HERBERT BRENOM ciionuniiun IIHADM4HH (JOVKIt.tMK.NT Under the abovo caption Herbert Quick haa an artlclo In tho Country Oontloman of January which dealu with county govornmont along tho Una of hotter bualnoaa, Thla arllclo recoinmonda a county manager plan Hlmllar to thoae adopted In aomo eltlea. Huch plana have been put Into operation In the Unltod fltatoa. Tlio artlclo polnta out tho weakneaii ea of county government In general When you need medicine TRY NYALS Each remedy is from a tested and tried formula Nyal has a Remedy for every common ailment and are dependable for the entire family. Home Drug Co. tftCTSHOW S ofUFE" WITH ERNEST TORRENCE ANNAQ.NILSSON MRS. ALFRED C. WELCOME SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING season 1924-25 STATE ACCREDITED TEACHER High School Credits Given Residence Studio Telephone 111 J only become liquid iiMotH when they are placed In a mnrkotablo form. Wo have other aourcoa of revenue than livestock ir wo will aid in getting them In ahnpu, Lota help Fred llorrlck. Wanted Hlnglo bod by cldorly man with woodou bond nlid foot, box aprlngn and felt mottrcaH. Weekly Qazotte, Mich. .NOTICI-: OF ANNUAL SIKKTINQ Notlco la hereby given that tho nn-' nual meeting or tho stockholders of tho Ilurnn Flour Milling Co. will bo hold nt Tonnwnma on Saturday, Jan uary 17, at 3 o'clock In the urior noon. The usual bualnesa will be trnniiActed. J. M. DESILETS, Sty.-Traa. xo o II o B o o D o o n i loeaogp Q BROWN'S o B I G SALE Still Continues S Every thing in Ladies n department sold At Cost MMl STORE 030E xo irsmKzxaxssrjiSi'mmmvunm mintmmwsm&m5atW)ncmm: S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay Burns, Orgn HARNEY CO. CREAMERY aak far ALPINE BUTTER and ICE CREAM A Harney County Product Keep the dollars at home and get the best All Leading Grocers Sell Alpine Butter rj