The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 10, 1925, Image 1

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VOL. xxxViii
1L. '
rf v m h .rr -v n xm.
no I? mP
Money May Be Loaned nt Low
Rates of Interest and Pay
able on Easy Conditions
. Liberal ami long-term govommont
credits to cnttlomuu of tlio West anil
Southwest Is recommended by Pres
ident Coolldgo'ii ogrlcullurnl com
mission. Tlio plight or tlio entile
brooders on tlio ranges Ih regarded
ly tlio commission nn tho outstand
ing oinorgoucy In thu Amurlcau ag
rlcultural Bltuatlon.
Undor tho nusplcoH of thu Federal
Farm Loan Durcuu thu commission
will rucommond that rollof advances
nt low rates, and eprayublo on onsy
condltlonn, bo forthwith placed nt
tho disposal of tho cnttlu Industry.
A fow dnyii ago President Coolldgo
gave Indication of bin Interest lit that
particular branch of agriculture by
appointing Albert Calvin Wllllamn
of Toxns, to tho Farm Loan lluronu.
.Mr Wllllums Ih tho forntur president
of n livestock loan company at Fori
Worth and Ih especially uxperloncod
In making loans on cattle. It Is prob
able that roller measures to bo urged
by tho agricultural commlflnlou next
month will bo larguly directed by
Mr Williams.
Thoy will bo worked out buforu
hnnd In consultation with tho presi
dents of thu twelve roglounl Federal
Laud and Intermediate Credit banks
nt Springfield, Mont., Ilnltlmnre,
Colubmla. S. C, Louisville, Now Or
leans, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omnha,
Wichita, Houston, Berkeley and 8po
knno. Incidentally, all matlcrH of
finance affecting agriculture will bo
Help for the cattlemen, who aro
scattered throughout tho rural West
with the exception of tho whoKt and
rn bults. wlllo thu.ouj ojngrgon
cy moaHuru ducjnrcd by tho prosl
dent'H commlsskm to bo of vUul and
Immediate Importance. All other
branches of agriculture have been
found to be taking caro of them
selves. Where not alroudy buck on a
tiormol or tuml-normnl binds, they
are working; atondlly and untlsfuctor
lly toward that und.
The livestock Industry n whole
U today on u sounder footing than at
tiny time since the prleo collapse of
1010 nud lt20. Hut tltts oaUle-browd-en
the ntlsern of tho animals wltlelt
nre the raw material of tru American
meat Industry have bd tougher
Redding than breeders of sheep or
dgs. For tha iat three year tbe
cattlemen have been systematically
lliluldaUnic. War-tlma loans oou
traded at high lularaat are larxoly
paid orr. Mul conditions arc fur
from sutlafftctnry A prominent rep
resentative of agrlulturo In tho Hon says that "throe-quarters i.f tho
Wostorn onttlomou nro Iiin.V.ii " It
It to moot tha. d'ru emergen? thnt
("morons flnanolnl muntmroa nr "nn
templated by t.o (isrrlcuw il com
r. isslon.
Treasury nuthorltlns roimnltod
ii'.ort that no nw lotfUUtlor should
be necoasury to effect th. proposed
p. of piotfni'ii for tin oattlomeu
There Is wild to ha ample credit and
machinery available for nil imrpftves,
uUhough It Ih ndmlttad thu (liu ma
chinery hits not beon .iporuted a
helpfully or uffoctlvoly It might
liavo boon. President t Coolldgo moro
than it year ngo expressed tho vl
. lluit better financial mnungoment In
tlio farming regloim wits as vital to
(igrloultural recovery na bettor ng
rlcultural methods. Ho said, bluntly,
that In his opinion "bad banking"
Mas about na much to blamo for
i-omlHIaiifl a "bad fnrmlng."
After tackling rellof for tho cat
tlemen, tho agricultural commission
will mako Important recommenda
tions regarding co-oporntlvo morltot
lng. Tho nttontlon of Congrotm wn
drawn to thin branch of agricultural
reform by tho Fort oral Trndo com
mission at the boglmilng of tho proH
ont nasfllon. Tho former olialrmuu
of tho oommlsslon, Houston Thomp
son, aubmlttod u report on co-operation
In forolgn countrlos, based on
Mr. Thompson's oxhnuatlvo Htudloa
of It In tho Hummor of 1923. fiona-t(-r
Norrla urged tho flonnto to ar
rango at qiico for wldosproad distri
bution of tho roport throughout tho
farming flections Portland Tolo
Wo will do your Job'work.
NATION'AIj fokkht Tinimou
All yearly records pertaining to
thu cut of timber from tlio 147 Na
tional Forests wore broken during
tho calendar year of 193.1. Thin
Is tho Btatemnnt In tho Chief For
ester's annual roport, copies of which
havo Just been received by District
Forustor C. M. Oranger lit Portland..
During thin period tho cut for tho
first time liUlio hlntory of tho Forost
Service exceeded a billion board feet.
TIiIh amount exceeded tho cut In
1022 by 20 per cent and bad n 2:i
per cent greater vnltto, tho report
nays. In speaking of the fiscal)
year ending June 20, 102 1, tho ro
port ntato.-i that both cut and re
ceipts surpassed tho calondar year
of 102.'!.
Sales of National Forest timber
during tho calondar year of 102.1 al
so oxcoedod all records with a total
of over three billion board feet which
had a contract, value of moro than
$0,000,000. Compared with thu cal
endar year 1022 this Is an Increase
of GK pur cent In amount nud 70
per rout In contract value.
In commenting on tho Forester's
roport, Mr. Oranger brought out thu
fact that although the out of Nation
al Font timber In Oregon and
Washington was the heaviest ever
made, that this cut represented less
than fi jier cent of thu total cut for
theso two States.
"It should be remembered Hint
tho basic reason for the National
Forests Is tho growing of timber un
der scientific forestry methods. For
estry In simply thu scientific grow
ing of timber crops, and meauii tho
putting of the forest resources to
use under such methods that will
tnsuru continuous timber production,
said Mr (Imager.
Practically ovary human being In
Urn I nltod Htatati who baMi't buao til
Coney Ishutd, thu famous eiisteru
plouauro spot, bus rend about it time
and again.
Thuru. is n curtain fascination
about the atmosphere of that oarul
ol laetlou. There are freaks of nil
typv. human and animal, clowns,
pretty KlrU and alroug wen. JJahlnil
thlr makeups and pretence, they
are human. a more than one notion
let hat discovered and written
ViettnA ivm once Ilia must dnxsllug
oentar of Wurope. Uealdast It httd a
romantic glamor differing front the
auneal that any other Continental
capital held for the average tourist.
IU Coney Island, called thu Prater,
was a great alght. Than the war
came along and well, those neoplo
are human. Jut as they would be en
title able of the water They miffered
gold stani, alarvatlon nnd poverty.
Written Into tho form of a motion
picture spactaele, this intriguing at
mosphere will be noon on tho screen
when "Morry-(Jo-Hoiind," Universal
Huper-Jowol offering, comes to thu
Liberty Thoatru next Wednesday and
''Morn'-Clo-Hound," whloh cost
time, money ami cure to film, Is
tho story of two Invent separated as
widely by caste as two human beings
onuld bo. One Ih n poor girl of tho
Prater, nn organ. grinder. Tho other
la a young count, aide to the lOmpur
or ami slave to uvury royal whim
hut reading a life of pompous Idlu-
Tho father and-mother of tho girl,
n ralthfiil hundhbaok swoothoart, a
groat beast or a man who ruloa 11 big
concession t huso and othors of tho
picturesque population of tho Prater
nppear In "Morry-ao-Hound."
Mary Phllbin, Unlversitl'it "dlnoov
ery" of tho year, plays tho organ
grlndor's rolo. Norman ICorry, fleorgo
HaoknUirno, Halo Fuller, (loorgo
Solgmniin, Al Kdmuudsnn, Cosaro
Oravlna. Kdlth Yorko, Lillian flytvos-ter.-Maude
Coorgo, Dorothy Wallaeo,
Sldnoy limly. Hpottlswoodu Altkon,
Maurice Talbot, Fonwiok Oliver, Al
bort Coutl, Anton Vavorkn, Ghurlos
L. Klnff, Helen Ilronoau, Juno Sher
man ami other bundle tho dramatic
Uuport Julian dlroctcd, with 11
staff of ojc-oIIUoi)h of Vlonnn.
There Is nlso comedy with tho
,T. T. UarnOH was over from tho
DrowHoy sootlon this week looking In
on tho county court and attondlnn
to Hjmo business mattqrH lit addition
to BWftiuiIng yarJ with hi? many
ufno" frurnds.
Increase In Passenger Service
Over New Line; Time Should
Conform With Rnilrond
A representative of thin paper mot
thu engineer In charge of thu train
that ciiino In Thursday itlglit, Mr
Dodge. Thu gontloiunii expressed
coiislderahlu satUfactlon lit tho In
crease of passenger sorvlco ovor thu
now line to Hums nud also staled thu
train crew was well pleased with
llurmi nnd that four of them Intend
ed making thin their permanent
homes If they could find suitable liv
ing quarters. Mr. Dodge was on
his way at the time to look nt n resi
dence with a view of leasing It.
Mr. Dodge deplores the difference
In tho time kept by llurmi nud thnt
of train time and says thu confusion
should be avoided. Ho remarked
thnt it was necessary to hart 1,0
three Utiles on a recent mr-rMni; to
accommodate outgoing pa.tsungers
und It wait caused entirely by thu dif
ference In time, lie also remarked
that nt thu time thu crow rises for
duty nnd thu train to pull out thu
town Is yet In darkness, the electric
lights not coming 011 until Just nt
tho tlmu tho train leaves, making It
Inconvenient for nil concerned In
making thu train, especially nt hotels
where no lights nro provided.
Thu Tlmus-Hornld sees no serious
reason for not changing thu town
time to conform with rnilrond time,
snlcu It Is cunlomery all along (ho
lino. The subject should have thu
attention of the city authorities,
Heboid board and discussed In tho
Commercial club. D can be arrang
ed If wu'll gut together,
Dr. Ward nud Willis Itoiinsevollo
accompanied Mrs. J. K. llnitnaovelle
to Ilolso thu fore part of thin week
lo consult n specialist. Mrs. Hoiiiimu
voile was suffering from a severe
hemnrrhngo from tho nose itud It
seouiHil Impossible to stop It per
matiently. Word from tho patient
la to the ocflct that alio Is better
and the bleeding has stopped.
Kuiemiel Clark was In town ror
a few daya dttrlug this week visiting
hi oit and family and nmewliiu ac
qunlnlancee. Emanuel spent the win
ter of 181ft In Hums breaking Oil
horaee for Pete Stengel'. Ha used to
take Hie manager of this piper,
Archie McOowan, Ltod Johnson nud
some of the other boys behind bla
breaking cart 011 their hand alette for
swift rldoe with Ills broncoH. Now
the "kld" hitch 011 behind an auto
for it fast ride.
J ,
' " XSfi&ifi'v- f a nnn cat in v - x$m 1'v ' . '.'
i I J U f fP: i-S!r -n sll
Hundreds of Starving Children
Taken From The Wayside
Contributions Favored
Mrs. W. 10. Itambo, representing
the Near Kant Hollof, npoku at tho
llaptlst church In this city Sunday
morning ami wait taken to Crane
that ovontug by llov. Samuel Harris
for nu evening mooting there. Mrs.
Itambo announced to a representa
tive of this paper that alio had 11 flue
iiudleiico nt Iliirus,
Mrs. Itambo was among the first
lo go over on relief work. Shu lived
at linker previous hit (she ami hur
husband had been In India in yearn
before. Tho refuges have been scat
tered all over the world according
to this representative, Australia hav
ing taken 11,000. France asked ror
7"') boys who hud been glvuit npoclat
ttuliilug In farm work by Mr. mid
Mm. Newman, two graduates of tho
Oregon Agricultural College. Mrs.
Itambo stressed tho suffering of tho
Armenians, the cruelty of fate hi
tearing them from their natural hab
itats, thu breaking up of families,
the hundreds of starving children
tnkou from thu wayside who do not
even know their names.
Mrs. Itambo snys It Is posslblo
thnt some good will mine from thu
terrible Turk but ns yut It Is not
Already there Is 11 cry from that
country that some means bo provided
(or agricultural work as tho food sit
uation Is becoming tense, thu mili
tary having absorbed all thu able
bodlod young men.
Contributions were made tomnrd
the relief of thu unfortunates to Mrs,
Itambo but hu was unable to cover
tho field during her nhort atny here,
therefore Mrs. A. C Welcome nt the
First National llauk has consented to
net as treasurer and forward nny con
tributions that may be bunded In.
' ' 0
Mrs. Win. Farro nunounros thu
Presbyterian flholr will moot for ro
hwiranl at the home of Mr. mid Mrs.
Julian Mynl on next Thursday oveu
lug. Several frltlurta gathered at the
homo of Mrs. Cnrrleo lent Tuesday
ovonlng nd participated In a buffet
lunvheou followed by several hands
of bridge whist. Al Welcome wns
thu siiceuaeful high score with the
uontleiueii ami Mrs. Leonard Loubor
had the high score for tho ladloa.
Tho-KUtMUa also Indulged In dunolng
for u 1 line and It Is reported aa hav
ing altoselher been a delightful
Thu TlmoH-Hornltl man visited the
court house Wudesdny and paid re
specif! lo the new olllclals who have
assumed their respective duties,
In the (iliorlffa olllco he found
Clarence N. Young, sheriff for tho
coming term, In charge with Frank
Thompson as his deputy. Leonard
Lecher, who has been sorvlng nn dep
uty under ltoduey Coxad, In utlll In
the sheriff's olllco and will romalii
there for a tlmu, perhnps, nnslstlug
In the routine work nud giving tho
new olllrers stirh Information an he
1 can to aid them.
Chits. W. Loggitn Is at wnr)( In thu
nsijussor'n, olllcu nud In nsslsted by
his wife. Tho work Is qulto arduous
Jiuit at present getting thu rolls In
! shape for tho coming year.
V. O. Coxnd Ih the now district at
torney mid bo has ausumod tha olllcu.
No other changes tiro made In thu
court house nt this time, thu new
members or tho county court having
assumed their duties directly follow
ing tho c 'Ion.
I .11... M...,lnw .,injiflll flf (III. Atftlll
I IIU HJf,Ullll IIM..HI.Ih "
em Club wns hold at tho home of
Mrs. Julian llyrd on Thursdny nftcr
110011 with Mrs. Hnrry .. Smith Join
ing ns hostess. The particular busi
ness Itofurn tho mooting wns the 1111
utinl election or olllcers nud thu fol
lowing wore elected:
Mrs. John Cnldwoll, president;
Mrs. Cluudu Drown, vlco president;
Mrs. W. M. Sutton, secrotnry; Mrs.
T. J. McDonald, treasurer.
Since the club hnn become Fedor
nted xlt wan necossnry Hint a hoard
of trustees bo provided nnd tho fol
lowing were chosen ns trnstoes for
thu ensuing term: Mnt. Ilnrthn
Smith, Mrs. (Jrnco Ltmpshlro, Mrs.
Jennie Moitllen.
ItcfroahmotitH wero sorved follow
ing tho htiSlnoHH session, Mm. W. A.
(loodmnn nnd Mrs. A. S. Swnln pre
sided nt tho rofreshmoiils Initios ror
the hostesses.
The announcement or thu annual
enlluo ball to bo given on Friday
night of tho April term of circuit
court wee aiitborlxod.
The next nieetlny will be nt tho
home of Mrs. Lee Miller ou January
Aluz Uggloetou has tlio good for
tune to be n dologatu to tho annual
gathering or Oregon LUo representa
tives to he held lit Portland next
week nnd will leave 011 Monday. Mrs.
Kggloeton will accompany Itlm nnd
while absent they will go on to Ku
gene where his mother Ih residing
this winter and where his brother
ICverett Is attending tho University.
'nmiir-i l7l-7 III I UMH
1924 Tax Roll Muddle Under
Discussion; Water and Road
Master Petitions Pending
County Court In In iieimlou thin
week with Judgo .Johnson, both Com
missioners IJuuhitnun nnd Jamou pre
sent with other attaches Including
tho district attorney Cozad, Clork
Dlllmmi, Sheriff Young.
Olio Important matter that soomn
lo have had action nt thu beginning
of the term wait the present lax mud
dle for the 1021 roll, Former Dis
trict Attorney Slzemoro had written
the attorney general for an opinion
und the answer wan not altogether
clear, but suggested aa one way of
curing the omission wns possibly by
legislative enactment. Tho court then
employed Pal H. Douegau to go to
Salum to represunt the county In mi
effort to legalize tho roll. There Is
n difference or opinion nn to tho prop
er method to pursuo In this adjust
ment and legal authorities nro dis
cussing thu subject nt length In thin
city. It wns ordered Hint tho bond
of John L. Caldwell ror thu term end
ing Dec. 31, be hold pending the Un
til settlement of the matter.
Tho court rejected ro-oporatlro
money for bounty on predatory nnl
mnls. Tim Titncs-Hornld wns designated
the county olllclal paper ror the year.
W. (1. llnrdwell wns appointed
stock Inspecton
, I-:. L. Smith mid Simon Lewis wore
appointed road viewers to act with
the county surveyor In road mnttors.
Olllclal bonds or O. H. Dlllmmi,
clork; Clarenco N. Young, Hhurlff;
(1. W. Clovongor, coroner; C. W. Log
gan. W. Y. King, treasurer;
It. 12. Drake, constable, nil npprovod.
C A. King nwnrdod contract to
onre ror tho county poor.
Thu following nro among tho ap
plicants for road muster: C. W. Frai
ler, of Llamnnd; L, It. Ilunyard. of
Harney; S. H. Soowuitrd, of Dia
mond; Win. Campball, Duma; L. A.
j LHiindlgaii, Crane; J. C. Carter,
Durne; A. II. Cooley. Hums; Joo
Iliitherfortl. Princeton; F. C. Dibble.
'silver creek; Clay Clemens Hums.
No appointment bad boou made up
to yualerdlay afternoon.
Applicants for water meat or In
clude: I. H. Holland. W. C. Luokey,
II. II. Mnce. Tito. Sylvester. D. N.
Vnrlott. Chan. Cronln, Frank Trlskn,
Uyron Torrlll. nil or Hums; O. J.
Durst, Ilnrnoy; II. W. Haiti. Drewsey.
No nppolnlmutit hna been modo nt
tho tlmo this Is written,
W. J. Whlto. who ror 11 tlmo wns
In the tolls or the law charged with
Inicony or a car. has boon rulertsod
hIiico luvostlgntlon disclosed thnt
he wns u victim or unfortunuto clr
cuiiiHtmtcoH. Mr. Whlto had pur
ehnsed 11 cur In Hond nud wn on
bin way to Ilnrnoy county to collect
some wages duo Itlm In ordor to riit
lih paying ror the car when hi mi
ncaldent on Hnrt Mountain tho car
was turned ovor tho grado nnd burn
ed up.
Mr. White continued his way
horHobtok to colloot IiIh wages and
the long tlmo consttmod In tho Jour
ney led to tho boiler that ho was
ntnklng a gotaway and his conse
quent arrest.
Ah an outoomo of tho nccldeut Mr.
White ospoota to prosont a claim to
tho county court at lln next session
for tlio'vnluo of tho car, stating that
the oondUlou or tho rojid at that
tlmo was responsible ror tho acci
dent. It Ih said that a quantity of
Ioobo roekH hnd slid down nurojs tho
road at 11 narrow point und in tra
versing It tho wheels spun and tho
car boenmo unuinnagablo. Tho out
come of the cane will bo wntcltod
with IntoroBt nu It is tho first or tho
kind to bo hoard In Lake county,
though Blinllnr cases havo ocourrod
In other coutitlos of lhoStato Lake
view Examiner,
- U '
Tho editor of tho Hluo Mountain
Uaglo at Canyon City ronmrkoil In
contiootlon with tho oxtroma cold
1 spoil around tho holidays that ho
spout bin ontlro tlmo carrying wood,
IcloBlng tho door mid blowing hl
I nose. Ho nilds that It will do him
I vory ulcaly for Bovernl yoara to 901110.