The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 27, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 9
'nltm "a I!
CM 111 EB- 'M ftST 1 1
mtmmmmm mmmmmm ;n lf1 , -.
Severe Cold Ctuuca Many Poor
Stock to I'crish; Accurate
Record Kept at Station.
i tn present uohl tump Ih tlui most
u i''i" oxir1oncil lu llurttoy
, t mi far an any rocortl In known.
,). i i.imri sny that In 1538-80 It
v, 4 mill, Imt tho wrttor was a
I nt llurna nt that ilntu and ho
lf u th opinion, However, wo
, f . !i,riiiuinU)rs at that tlmu
i -..oulil rocoril with nay accuracy.
. ,.ia i old very coldand largo
ji..lit( of itittlu ami aheap perish-
i tija tlio uohl, but Judging from
r( .rt from other aeotluna of
. . tntry ilurliin thu l'ttl W,H,U
, r .-into Uavo boon kopl. It Is
, , tho onldoat over In thin
it i ohiittuok at the oxporluiont
t li.i tho only Inatruinont In
i,. tlon that nro Inntrtltoil no-
i K .j Korurnmont rules III"
r, diw coldor than any thor-
i ,ir In llurnu and It has. been
- h red for yours that them woro
,j roU' of at least Mr degrees.
-! ai average between tho stntlou
,-.-1 Hums
The Htntlon records for tho i
wcik show tho coldest hIiico begin-
K tin rocoril hack In 1014.
r. i. r,.,..Ufifn n roconloil thoro
H' Tuesday. WudWMuajr. Thursday
up to noon yesterday shew:
Tuosdny, 23
. M 35 holovr
M 0
i M ...,.. v-"
M -..- -'
i M
. M .-
M .. - ?
M "
Wudnyiday, 2 1
M .......'''
4 1
A M ...... 1 '
A M '4a
s M ..; W
f It
i" M . ....' "--ia
I M ....'
i' M
M . """
Thuituf, 2
M ... "
M .... .37
A M U-5
.. A M 3$
A M ...... '
r P M J .
I'rlday, 20
i I' M ........m"'"'
m , nnuin Tomporaturo hy YmiM
. iinriiuy Uranoh Kxiiorlmoiit 3'itmlow
! .nary - -'
! mury '
f i unary 8'
.inimr a I '
i.riiir l 38'
iniiur 11 ,a
,.ry U 10
i. uury ia 40
Miiary I "
tnhtr 24
,i. oro.. nw. 17 CJltluf
Urn?n annual ronort,
f v).loh hftvo JuBt lioon ro-
1 the iiistrlot I'orwUr ut
i impliMlxM tho neod for
i fundv to pro'vldn tlio oon
i MiaBlBK niiuilior of raoroa-
.(moil tho National Forwl
- . ntlul comfortH und Hhollom.
i i,nfirU aro oloarort oflinp
!-. rouish flroplnoBii or oamp-
s nulo tahlofl, puro wator and
' rv finIlltloH.
if. ForM Sorvluo now inalntalnu
1 1 f,,o puhllo cump grounda on
' r Nitlonnl Foroatu Tho num-
' i of prrtfoiiH who visited tho Na-
'"ul For(t aroao laat year Is on-
fMd a 14,500 000. Thin ropro-
nontn an Incroniio of 8,000,000 viol-
torn hIiico 1017. Tho twonty-two
tlonal ForoRtn of UruKoii and Wanh
liiKtou nhow a total of 2,181,532 vln
ItorH for 1021, an IncrwiHO of 1.151,
rG0 oor tho 1022 fliniron.
Tho InuronHttd uno of tho autonio
hlli In hold rcftpotiHlhlo for UiIh vimt
mli;ratlou oai'h lunnmcr Into tho for
oRtod aruan of tho country an about
00 por cont or tho vlHltorn to tho Na
tional ForontH imnio la prlvntoly uwn-
c" ctl-
i no rrerMiiuiini ami wim uru uh.w
of tho National Fornut proportion
aro (nmontlal pnrU of any moiiiiiI plan
of National Foront adnilnUtnitlon,
(Milf Forostur (lrooluy Htntw la hla
roport. Coordination of thsco an
tlvltloH with tluibor produotlou, ho
aid, Ih wholly norniuint to tho pruc
tleo of forostry.
For tho National Faros tH of Oro
Kon and WiiHhliiKtoii a total of 1072
foroit flron woro ruporlod lu 1024.
tho an;nt numliiT for tint 10 yoars
Hlnco th ForoHt Horvlro has boon In
fhar;o of tho National Famuli. For
1023, tho total ntiinhcr of flron for
those two stHtiHi on Nitloual For
m Innds only, wax fiOf. Tho 1024
flro niMiitou Hlartnd on April 3 and tho
last flro wan on October 2C.
Tho nnason In tho Pacific North
west was most unusual, forost olll
rorn say, In tho IiIrIi porcontaKO or
llj'htlni: flros nftor Hoptmnbor 1. Tho
porrnntaKo of man-causm! flros,
thorcforo, was liiuah lowor than us
On account of tho flro omurKonny
In Om;oa and Washhutlon. ovor
six million acrm of National Forost
lands woro cloned to public uso Tho
niinibor of Hinokorn flros was laro.
A vigorous antl-flro campalKU was
startod by tho Klamath Falls Cham
bur of Commerce, which developed
Into a state-wide movement, bucked
by tho Oregon Htalo Chamber of
Commerce A similar movmnoni was
slnrtod lu WhiIiIiikIou hy tho Hoattlo
Chnwlwr of Commerce
O ' -
lit trier
at A.vimiews
Moyd Hwonoy Is roportnd to Iihi-i
byen badly Iniruud lu a flro that
doatroyod tho A nil rows hotel at An
drawi on ChrUtmss Ifiv. ,!r Wrrd
wm cllU lo the InJurtd nun
4l at la Mia Uihi U wrl ten 'vr!
day tniinMii) b had tint roturHixl
nor had w s-rornil nnrtblug dof
In lu m to th origin of tun flro.
TO hotel U l he property of th
fttnytn llrotbvrs who nUo own ib
Mr build lag tharo.
It It tupttoaad tkara wm a iIarm
tbara on Cbrtalmaa Itvu aad likely
boon mm or ira aevara told atuvaa
wara kojit aa hot m poaalhlo.
Dr. Ilomun la ulxiont In Idaho for
tho holiday.
" -" -jgrrjL - ' tzz - ,,,- "
rmvju on
W r
Tl' F
DKflll AP TlAllvl CVUVlfP
Nil-'""""""ft IlliUll OLIXTltL
La Ice view YomiB Lady BuynTlic
Firt Ticket to Burns; Ajicnt
Installed at Depot.
MIhr ViiHla DIokN, daiiKhlur of H.
i p. uick, wn kll0WII t0iiKnian of
,)ttvlow, had tho dlHllnctlon of buy
K n,9 nr,t nClii t0 j,llt ovor tllc
r0uiu friim (.'mini. Tin, firi imin
on tho temporary schodiilo Just os
tahllshud arrhod lu lliirns Tuatolay
ovonltu;. Iloroafter wo aro to havo a
train tliruo tl mum euei wouk, oemlui:
In on Timidity, Thursday, Halurday,
nt 7:15 and departing on Monday,
Wodnosday and Frldaya at 7 o'clock
la tho morului:,
AlthotiKh thoro was confmiloii In
llurns as to tho arrival of tho train,
It havlui; been nuuouucuil by tho
newspaper that tho first train would
ho hero on Christmas Kvo, thoro wan i
hardly any ouo realized a train b l
nrrlvod. Tho whlstlo of lor tkIi.u
win hoard but many thotu;i ' it was
nnly a work train that was hrliiKliiK
up some nililltloiial malcrlal and sup
pllus for tho tormlual ground tin
provomonls. Ilowuvor, thoro worn
five passutiKors lncludliiK tha now
itKont. M. I'.'JarvIs W. h. Monahan,
or Ontario, also camo up with Mr.
Jarvls to miiko tho necessary wlrlnj;
and uouniicllou for the leleKraph lino
an toluphouo, also for electric llclit.s
For tho prosont tho "depot" will
consist or a box car. Tho freight will
bo handled la tho nninu manner, a
box car linlni; used ror storago.
The termlnitl Krnuud Improve
munis nro roIiik very slow on ac
count or tho extreme cold weather
and It will likely ho loum time boforo
tho 'btilldiiiKM are rondy ror orcu
pancy. ,
As soon hh It Is generally known
lhal tmlii itirrlro Is romliiK Into
IluriiH tha travolliiK public will adapt
Itsolf to the trl-woakly liidtilo and
tho rallrond will get more pntseHgor
Tho mall will ooiltlntio to b ban
dlwl from Crane by Mr llnekuoy,
tho proMnt oonlraotor until tlio train
rvlco inrransad to oarh day. This
fa on raaaon ror tha train not ar
riving liar befora T 16 aa It ro
oulras considerable tliiia to kH tha
lar walla off nt Crana.
Tha train from Gratia up atoita nt ,
Alhrltton at l:oB. arrive nt Lawan.
aa. uum mbImihI ltaudii uMini-t i
:3R. Uodao. (Siding In SwUon R.
Haulay'a) G:n, lltrrlck (Mill slto)
7:01!. IluriiH. 7:15.
Wo -fill do your Job work.
K. aaaaW v. 1 W IV W' S -?SC. s.ff.fiflil .
:m ?
i m
tr wv . u. - tp a i im n, . r r i i i i n i.
JV3JT s v ' .'."- WttlHt .i I I I i I 1. i
m. sr s. i. ,",ir
tMT r " --. Sk MB MIM M I , i I I I II
Ml mllll
v&BT - Unl
ii:ooo, 000,000.
.FArM y&Ar,
' '
Uo of Monoyo on Stale Mi(;li-
wayn SiiRKUBtion to be Put
Up to The LeKislature.
ItesultM under tho prosont markot
roiul law nro so unsatisfactory lu
many houiiUom that thoro la a crow
llilt demand that tho h'ulRlaturo
inalto a number or ohaiicoH lo meet
conditions. At (his tlmo thoro nro
at loast four bills drawn, oaoh In
leiulud to chniiKO ona or moro fou
turos of the law. Not until tho committee-
on i-oiiiIh and hlchwayti re
celveH llieiie and other bills on tho
immo subject will It bo posslblo to
ludlcato what tho loRbilaturo will do.
Tho two tbouitlita most promlnout
ly nil va need are:
That county couitn havo tho op
!' ti, when deemed necessary of plno-
. x market road ruuds on stain high
ways, that tho building nt markot
roads bo taken from tho hands of
county courts and Invested lu tho
state hlghwny commission.
Itoad (Jupi tJncloHcd
A number of counties find thorn
huIvch lu a position where they havo
no means or co-operallng with tho
stato and federal government In clos
ing gaps on tho statu highways, ir
they could uso markot road money
this would tldo thorn ovor. Ilowuvor,
a derision of tho supremo court a row
yoars ago decided that markot road
ruuds could not bo applied on stato
Hoveral county Judges aro asking
ror an amendment to tho law which
will give lliDiu tho privilege or us
ing market road money oa stato
roads when such uso Is doomed es
sential to tho community. Markot
funds will halp moro than one ooiiu
I) to clean up stuto highway gap
Tho proposal lo havo market rond
work administered by tho stato
highway commission miliar than by
county court will mm with oppo
sition, but not all county courts will
object. Thoro nro counties where
tho mnrknt read mono)' has boon
frltlvrad away by tho policy of tho
rourta. laatand of laklHK tha funds
and building oao mnrkat road at a
lima and ibaa eventually providing
a romplet Inter-nounty market road I
sow eeaaty rourta hnva
aaattarad tka woney around playing
KtfMilfM Mo TririliiK
A little dab of money ror title. Hint
and tho other road baa raaultwl la
"nci good whatovur, other than rilling
a uuidholo or making a amall out.
(Jon u tlos wlnjre thin sort or policy
n m
'J MM l
mi :
L K'. " a." a, t:
l,ts bieii puiaued uav practically
ti'ifhPjj- tn !,liw r Dm, thousands
ol dollars int.
To provonl luitli"r oklrnvuguuuu
or thl soil, It Ir aiigKfalwd that the
hlglr.vity oommisaiou york out mar
ket roa.l HynioiiH fur count Ih and
II an lane tho ftinCa nud noa that
tho roads aro built. Itmutur aa tho
ineiulnim or tho stato highway coni
nilNilon mo iiiiuimrund, thoy havo
no doslro to Imvu tho additional
work or markot road building wlsh'd
on them. Two or I ho oommlaalouorn
William Hithy of linker and Wide
SI ii lone of ltstitou, aro ox-county
IiiiIr-s nud they uiidrstnnd from ox
porlonlu Hit prtMuuro that la applied
on rounty "ourts wbati cnnatlluonls
Hani road
That soma chant; should bo made
tho highway rnmmlaslou baiiovoa and
tho eommlcalnn Is In ravnr or an
amendmeiit which will permit conn
tlos to co-oparnto with markot road
funds on Htalo highways, ror this
will aaalst thu comtnlHilon In riming
up a row gups which otliorwlso tiro
likely lo remain an gapa ror years to
( ;t TnxpayerH Hit
Itoproaont. .ivo Ford or (Irani and
Ilnruoy counties has an jimeiidtnent
prepared ror the murkot road law.
I.oyal (Irahaui. roprosontatlvo ror
Washington county, ban drafted a
bill ror (ho committal' appointed by
tho governor to look Into a revision
or motor license fees, and J. M
Devors, attorney ror tho highway
commission, has drafted two amend
ments to tho markot road bill nt
tho mquost of legislators. Other
Hinnudmonts, It in understood, aro In
tho making.
Under tho law every county re
ceives as much utatu market road
money as It rnlses for rounty market
roads. Thoro Is an exception, how
over, ns to Multnomah county. Mul
tnomah receives nnly a portion of
what it contribute and the surplus
provided hy Multnomah Is distribut
ed around among thu other oountlM.
"ii tho theory that Multnomah coun
ty Is built up lu proportion as the
roads for farmers nro built. The
whole financing Idea back or tho
markot road net la that tho city tax
payors pay moat or the coat for the
roada In the country.
i i n
Tho Harney county Klks ov
I their usual community tfbrlstmaa
Irae nn the street tltl vesr, bu n
waa au bitterly oold the exeretees
war curtailed to on niualml nuut
bar in which f If loan mala voices par
tleltwtad. Vary few child ron were
out to moat ttauta Claua hut the proa
ojits woro dlatrlhuloil nil ovor town.
Tha true waa bwuitlfully dweo rated
with colored electric lights.
The usual oxurelflo w-io held lu
tho several churchoH on Christmas
Uvo., with good attendance, although
not aa in former years huoauso or
tho cold. TJio children or tho Hun
day uuhools did thotUBnlvcit proud
on this ocoaslou and brought out tho
Christmas spirit lu a manner that
was Impressive.
OlirlKtmaH day witnessed tho us
ual homo dinners with good things.
Thoro w'ns a dance at Touawama oa
that night and those attending mild
thu cold wmh a drawback yet thoy
ropoit an onjoyahln tlmo.
Til standard Oil Oo. hrnuuli at
('mno Iiiih put on a delivery bolwaon
that place und llurtia and are de
livering gnu lu Uiirna ror Vi cent a
gallon, whore It rormarly eoat
about 4 oonta a gallon. This utakea
the murkot or gas lu this ulty pruo
tlonlly ns ohwtp aa at Omue. Coin
cident with this move comoa the au
nounoamont or a induction or 1 Vu
oen ta nor uiillou on tho freight rnto
or tha' railroad whloh glvos an nd
(lltloual reduction uf the eoat ami
It la now rotulloo from tha guragea In
Hurna for 23 cunts Instead of 3,1
The Aral delivery hy tho ouninauy
In lui apoolally built truck waa mndo
on Tuofiday at thla wook when aav
aral of tli ocustninora or tho concern
woro Rurvod. It lu unuouucod that
tho elmrgo on tho railroad for do
llvory or gaa lu HuriiB will bo about
h a cont por gallon ovor Crane.
O- ' '
Tro rlrat wlro out of llurns ovor
tho Western Union lino waa Bout
yostordny giving an nrcnunt or tho
woathor to tho Orogonlnu,
Slayer of Sheriff Goodman But
Little Moved When Sentence
Was Passed by Judfic.
(Vnlo Knterprlio)
Archie Cody, who wan convicted
Inst wook or tho murdo ror Hhorlff
(loodmau of Harney county waa tak
en before Judgo Dnlton Illggs Mon
day foronoon and Houloncod to bo
hanged at tho statu punltoullnry at
Salem on Fwhrimry 20, 102fi. The
coiidomuod man appeared hut 11 1 1 lo
moved by thu ordeal.
Tho prisoner's attorneys gave no
tice of appeal lo tlio Htipromo court.
This will doubtless delay tho execu
tion, hut It In thu opinion of mem
bora of tho bar that thoro In llttlo
prospect that a mitigation of sen
tence can ho secured.
Intricate Question.
Tho ciiho or tho Htalo or Oregon
ugalnol Archie Cody attracted state
wldo attention and will go down lu
tho history or the Mainour county
bar ns one or unusual Interest owing
to tho many Intricate iiuostlons or
taw Involved Tho convicted man
uttH ably defended by Coo. W. Hayes
or Vnlo and Frank Nowinnn or Mod
ford, while Dlstrlrt Attorney Koht
II. I.ytlo or Vnlo, and K. M. Illodgett
or Nyssa and Charles Leonard of
llurns nn nssaclntos, prosecuted tho
Two Crimea (o Prove
Tho (rial wns unusual Inasmuch
as two crimes had to bo proved in
order to securo a ronvlrilnn or mur
der in tho first degree ror tho slay
ing or Sheriff Ooodman. Tho sheriff
was out of hi Jurisdiction nud had
no more right lo make nn nrrcst
than n private citizen He rrotcd
Cody, under the unmo of Frod Yard
law, ror obtaining property under
raise protono. which Is a folony
under the laws or Oregon. Any pri
vate rlllaou hns a right tn make nn
arroat ror folony hut tho Stain ban
to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that Cody had committed Hint crlmo
Sefer1 It rou Id convict or murdor In
ih flrtt decree Thla. attorneys
say. I one nt ih r w txetMtea
wham vldeiic, of an"'h i felon v
ntav be proved upon Mm- trial for
the crime charged, and tin- eaceees
ful Introduction of hvH-ih. in tho
Cody fnse required Ick.iI '"Willy of
H e hlrhs order. The proeeeiitlnn
was balnnrlnn nn n light ropa ami a
!nle lp or error on tha part or
Diatrlct Attorney Lytle would have
been ratal to the Stato's oaao, but
both the law ami tho ovldenoo woro
skillfully hnndlail nud a verdict for
tho extreme penalty wag scoured.
It tit tho victory for tho Stato waa
not au easy ouo, as tho defense con
tested every movo of tho prosecu
tion. Attorney Newman, who np
pen red as (he ohlef altarnoy ror tho
dorpuso, mndo argument to tho Jury
following tho nrgumoiit of Attorney
Ceo. W. Ilnyos.
Charloa William llimry Wolcomo,
familiarly known to all tho uIUzohh
or llurns aa Just Charley, line gouo
to his roat. He died last Monday
morulng Juat after 12 o'olook, mid
uight. followhiK au illniwa of sovaral
dH, but this waa not hi only
lllnwae. ror he had been a orlpplo
slure birth and had patiently on
durod his nifltotion for atipost 21
yeuis,- Itaiug confined all this time
lu a wheel cbalr, hut he waa ohoorful
and ouo of tha ooutnanlonablo hoyn
of the community where hit kindly
dlapoaltlon and affllctlou brought
hUn inauy kind nud synipnUiatie
Chnrlaa waa tho oltlaat oou of Mr.
nud Mr. Jake Waleonie. Ho waa
born In Uurno on December to 1'JoO.
Ho waa great render, although he
had never nltended eehuol but little.
Ilo trlod to do hi part In Ufo and
with IiIh family aa uourly na hla cmt
dlllou would allow.
The funeral servloo waa hahl at
tho Masonlo hall on Tuoeday foro
noon, ltov. Snmuol llarrla of tho
Prouhytarlnn olmroh .oonduoUui; a
abort service. Intormout was In tho
Mnaoulo comotory,
Dill Frnzler la ovor from TJond for
tho holidays iipondlnir the tlmo with
his young friends