The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 20, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 8
. wytAfrp )'fci4prtrlWwvt-WWwvM
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EncournniiiR Information Comes
From Washington; An Early
Investigation Expected.
An oiii'uuritiiliiK tin ii in tin ulTiilrH
or tho llurmiy Vnly Irilitutluu DIa
Irlot wuh brought out ut Uu open
muutliiK of tho illruulors hut Satur
day artornuon when two toliiKiniiiH
woro roud froin OruKon's U. H. Hon
iitorH ut Washington niinuuuoliiK
that $5,000 hail boon appropriated
by tho roolumatlou service fop uu ln
voMtlKallon of the district by i0v
ornmont uiiKlnoors wllii a view of
taklui; tho project ovor. j
Till i liiforiuulloii cunio a a emu. '
plutu surprise to Uiomo uttuiulliiK thu
inootlnj; hh ll was not known previ
ous to that tlmo that such a thliiK
wuh iionHlhlu.
At tho previous mcotliiK of the
hoard of directum, hold on Dorem
bur 2, tho proposition wiih dlmnneii
of uttoiuptltiK to not tho KOVorntiUMit
Interested In thu project. The prop
osition wan coiuliloreil rather remote
hy Director OIhiiii, according to III
own statement last Saturday, unit an
other plum en of tho Mltuatlon con
froiitliiK tho district woro ulxo under
cniiHtdoratlon ll wuh iiRreoh to ad
journ tho tiHintlni; for two weeks
mill tho subject further dhictinod nt
a later mooting In tho meantime
It appear from subsequent events,
Honator McNary liuil huoti busy In
Washington with Hiimn recommends
lions following tho roporl of Horn
tary Work on reclamation to lrsl
dent Conlldgo, hy unking an lnveitl
XUtloil to determine the feasibility
If sovornl Irrigation projects of tho
wiMt nml anieiu: them tho IJarnev
Vulluy IrrlKatlon DNtrlct wan one
Xunntar It. N' Htanflold wired
Director Dlivu under dnt or the
"Commtaatonor Mwulo Iihm ullonit.
ihI J. 001) to InriMtlKatloii of Harney
Vnllty projuut on a flfiy-flfiy huls
TIim dlatrka to Iikvo rrodti fr nil
aim koretoforo. wponUwl In ui:ln
MrlHc work. Danrar olUee Inatruct
Ml to proceed liiimdlataly to obtain
airooiHont and bogln work "
atonator McVary wlrod th 1Mb.
trlct Officer unur aaiua lists
"AdrtMil by reclamation lirronr
ttaay Iihv JS.flOO whluh they can
n I locate to lvostlKta Harmy Vallny
Irritation project. However. H mut
bo upon cooperative baala though
govsrHinont twins willing to crdU
part contributions made hy slat or
ooitnty on tlml Hocouat. fhiaf en
flHMr aHtliorlswl to look liitu matter
and Ut upon what bauin Kiivorn
muni will oooiurnto.M
Whllo Uiwo tuloKnmm wero not
eullroly olwir. It wuh tho opinion or
thoHo proHont that tho appropriation
had' nlruiiily liuou nindo. llowovor
to iiuiko Hiiro Horrotnry Mothorolioiul
wan limtruotod to wlro for confirma
tion and rooolvotl r. favornblo roply
from Honator MoNury. Mr JMoth
orHhoad bad Htatod In his wlro that
tho dlHtrlct doHlnid to luiMton thh
InvoHtlKntlou and would do anythlnj;
within lt powor to oxpodlto tho
mattor Honator McNary HiiKRoatoil
tho plnno to so wna direct o tho
roo'lainatlon torvloe and ho thoro
foru wlrud tho Donvor liomliimrtora
or tho ohJor oiiKlnour for furtlior ln
rormntlou M to whon tlio Invagina
tion mlKht bo mado.
Tito poMlblllty or tho itovoriimmit
tuklMS ovnr ho projoot lirmiKlU
Kotioral oxproHilon or approval from
tho Iftiid ownoni pnwont at tho muot
liii; nml tho projoot U now looked
upon with Kroator favor tlinn whon
tho iiiuutliib' oponoil for thoro woro n
fow prooont who had oxproiHod tholr
doalro to linvo tho dlHtrlct dlHUolvod
ui.Iomh tho Kovormnont coiild lio ln
torofltod. aoiiiinliialoiier MuihIu'h iiIiwih ror
rocliunutlon am olaborato In a WW
and uulto a dopurturo from former
- " if'miiinudd on Pl(u flr)
Z i
-rv ir'j2s5f7ia5i!
S in.
SWBBi o b III 11
" s l f'BfiJf) IJWf
..rsma b 0l p
,r r.l JfTW.r- soi r-v ZZAr&xzmmM U MI H I U I (
,r . " . - . - mr tiibk. waaiaiaiaiaiaiamBmBmBmVh X m l m rmDM WW M.M aW m
seaCaSlv-as351 . "
$kk-WW&z& wjy
Burnn to Have Tri-Wceldy Scr-
vic? Pending Completion of
Terminul Facilities.
v trfhiff. At jit-jr. . 'z Ti&a j " jV ? a. ,nxt ? c s&,e .; t ya 7 -h -v
jfrirV J- 'f WII'W( ff li oi a - HUxO' I" IB r; I' w,
I A (Eiirunutcui SitUmiui uf
vj ChHatmjH bells rc iuar to tinlinjr, so let us look into the
rft sUrc. Like eyes of Heuven, wjitehful throughout the niht, they
J seom to smile upon us from their silent places, glistening with
w tears of sorrow at the frailty of our poor humanity ; yet look again !
J There is one Unit shines in greater grandeur, one that lights anew
V? oui' hope, one that beckons us, as it beckoned the wise men of
jji Juden, on to the manger whore lay tho infant Jesus, bringing
& the message of Peace on Earth, Good will to Men. Well nigh
C two thousand years have passed since those wise men marched
fe onward to closer understanding and contact with their God, but
YP the glory of The Light remains, btul it leads the way to harmony gj
jj with nature, forever it makes martyrdom sublime and turns suffer-
jr ing into triumphant glory. j
g .Jesus brought to us the all eternal gift, the Death of Death, the y
w Life of Love. Christians awake; Salute the happy morn! Arise 2X
from your slumbers this Christmastide with hearts of children; t&
mingle with their sweet simplicity and listen to the angels singing Jj
in your heart bo one with him of Nazareth. Let us place atop 2jj
the Christmas tree the star of Bethlehem, let us wind its swaying jj
boughs with threads of silver and of gold, and hang upon its limbs
in radiant colorings, our shimmering spheres, symbols of our faith, 5
our joy, and our immortalitv. Again we can lie one with Him who
notes the sparrow's fall. Each of us can spread life as He spread Jfc
life, for Life is Love for all who strive beneath (hat star of Rethle- '
v? hem. Tho embers of the Christmas log may fade into dust and JJ
$? into ashes but that Star of Hope will always shine, ever illuminat- if
yd ing God's golden refuge of the soul. Look into tho stars and read A
$ again about the Death of Death ; the Life of Love. ft
SUnnmnltw lp (EJjUinm
Make the coming weekla happy one for the child
ren of this community. A Real Merry Christmas.
lluriiH will Imvo regular train t-or-vlco
buKliiiilfiK ,, ,IMXt wuilntmclni
ovoiiIiik accordliiK to Information ro
colvoil horo tho firm of tho week. v
ro to hao ii ir-woukly Horvlcu
iiuimiiiiy i no tomplotlou or terminal
Kromnl racllltlofl.
Hlatlon Aboiii Jolnor whb up rrom
'ranu TiiuHilny limidinr ,.,... .i...
Kniuiiil mid Iiiih IrintriiciloiiH to movo
mi!!"r"" W,Ul ,l'" "MB'K,t. 0ro
IIIJIh. At preHont tho ntutlon will
likely ronslilt of two bole earn, but
tho contrartorM nro at work on tho
terminal hulldlnifB and It Ih expect
oil within a nhort Hiiltahlo torn
votary nmrlun will bo completed
to iicroiiiiiiiiiintu tho nmoiiut or Iiiih.
Iiiobm romlnj; In.
I'ost MiiHtur Bklciia hnn a lettor
from tho poNtal elnrk In rlmri;o of
MiIh dlvlHlon nakliiK IiIh ndvlco about
cIibubIiib tho mall rout,,K uud have
It como to IluniN Irl-wookly with tho
train aurvlco, uu Mr. Hklon., ha.
aiiBWored to tho offm that until
.m train ir...a cn 0( J( Jr Jm
fj-ovo tho hIx Uiue weov ..ervlce
Klvn iih by m Hackney, w?n take
our olinnruH on Hackney.
IMMII II(()(2IM.M )KfMVi:i)
Win. Tarro. who went to port
Jnnd tho flrot r thu mouth to Mvo
ttttaiiiluii to road mattorn ns n rep.
reauntnilvu or tho Harney County
'toad Club, mmlo n report at an In
formal inootln,: or auvural or tho oxc
ntlvo rommltteo In ,Ih ollico the
other ovoiiImk. .Mr. Farru .....H .,
I by County Judgo Johnson nml
.County riorh Dllliuan Portland
whon tho road matter wan placed
bororo the highway eommlailon and
rorost norvlco.
Mr Karro gave n dntallad raport
or tho uetlvltloa or tho Hnnmy ooim
t) loI!tlon. Thoy round that nor
J road proKram la oonnoctlon wltji tho
' ' furoat Horvlra mh.I i...r.u.. .., .........
...oh iii puniio
JJ rou.U bait not lionu fcivon a plaoo In
,iho appropriations ror tho prosent
4R hwrlMj,' itecaus tho application had
KV not beau proMHiml. Tho only nn.t
wY tera that could ba actod upon nl thu
?J Joint hiMirliiB haroro tho roroat and
buroau or piihllo romla woro tliOHo
P, that had been bIvoii coushloratlon at
; WiialiliiKtoti. This was oxplnlnod to
, mo innovation and tho npplloatlou or
A Harney county ror coopsratlon In
road rrom Hums to Hoar vulloy
sh formally made. llowovor, no
notion cau Ira had on this applloo-
Hon until tho appropriation ror tho
comlnjc flH'"l your Ih mndo thu first
or next July.
Anothor mnttor or Intoroat to tho
club anil particularly to tho taxpay
ers or Harney county wan that In dls
cushIiij; tho bonds ror rond purposos
In this county with bond buyors and
ultiirnoys, It was round that a more
nttrnctlvo bond could ho had that
would Hnvo tho taxpayers many dol
lars, hy not dlNposliiK or tho bonds
rooontly voted, which carry six por
cent luturoat and aro twenty your
bonds. It Is pointed Aut that bonds
drawluj; Iihih Intorost and with pro
vision or retiring nt an earlier Unto
will bo Just as attractive to tho buy
ors and bo a Kroat sovIiib to tho
In view of this Information It is
qulto llkoly tho matter will ho ante
mlttod to tho tnxpayora aj;aln In th'o
moro attraetlvo form and tho bonds
recently approved by tho votera not
It Ih n mnttor that can bo kIvoii
careful consldoratlon slnco thoro wll
bo no occasion of liasto bocauBQ of '
tho dolay In socurliiK Bovorinugnt
match monuy.
Jj was
Christmas Soals stand
Christmas spirit.
for the
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1 Ktm0'K,? T: W"C;T,-M. MlMIMniT Mll '" -- . .....-. .MM
iti'-M .i.. intj.y jAramjaawgirjrnwni3aawif"MW'vaiMi7 iijfIi)1JLn"l1-l.irii u U''tjjhhhiwuljj i. I
MB. mxmkmsm'Mfmm' jmimrimmBmi
iu&mmjmr sr3zs, rwm&g&m
h --""" "Tr i ri)tyMr It'rr-mT- A ,.X?i-. ,y'-StVrvxif3ftil viW.TAl
11TI . . t- jasaa-iaaaaiauflrBHu )W.-i iiaBVi HJ'll-rV.' V "'ll ft.. 1 -x. I JaW..CA J . T.'.a'WUbX
M mmj m. -- ! ri rr,i n-nti-ian-jr