The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 13, 1924, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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V II M T I M K H II K It A M) II I! H N 8 , II A It N K V OOU NTT O It K O N
ffuiuvthty, Ilorombrr , $
w,iin n it1 nm
wTHN i "P TTTr-i i ii i irn ii it
Nfflh1 Mill I If vf J flWMildi;!ii.riHg!llinillliE ,
fzr-t!20r-vj-W 1
l'roHtloy Hmyth way In from Dia
mond durliiK tlio wook,
Cortoii Hllloll wiim In (own thin
The Pianist Premier
I'AitornwHkl wiih no lmrn munlclan ho
HiiraiiK from n lino of fur morn. Naturo ap
paroutly did not plan him for an artliit.
Ills ntuhhy lunula anil tllumlm worn u uront
hnmllcnti and IiIh tonclioni dlHcouracod
li I in and advlHod lilm to ijult.
Hut I'ndoruwaltl pornlHtod. lOlitht liuurtt
a day for two-tlilrdH of IiIh llfo ho prac
Hood. Thorn wuro long, hnrd illncuuriiKlnrc
yonro hut ho hold on and now, for 30
yoarn. ho him boon tlio world'M pruinlor
Wo, who lmvo trlod aKaln and attain to
Hiicoood, to uavo, hut havo faltod and uro
dlHOouriiKod nhould talto rouowod cour
uko from tlio llfo of thin uront arthit and
Nthk (o It.
If ho wo cannot fall
"PorHlslout pooplo hoitln tholr niicoonh
whore othom oud In fnlltiro." KrkIohIoii.
The First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
B m M
J "MW'
Mra. Frank Dlbblo wan In trom
Hut Silver crook homo Thurnduy.
C. N Hradford, tho Suiitox mor
chutit, wart In town for a Hhort bust--nut
vNU ilurliiK th wook.
Mm. 0. W. ClevonKor In up from
Vnlo whom hIio had boon for iiovoral
tJoary (JlovuiiKor l vIhUIiik with
1il fathor in thin city aftor an ah--Hence
of nevoral month.
Mr. and Mm. Iladdoti lOlllott nr-
Tlvod In IJuriin Tmmdny from Vale
whuro they had bwn nttondltiK thr
trial of Archie Cmly for tho murder
of Sheriff (loud mil ti. They lmvo
,:ono on to their home In Diamond.
Mr. and Mm. I) C. Slater woro In
town Thurmlay and atntod thoy woro
j.ropurtiiK to move to J ml no John
vion'ii ranch uhove Drowney whoro
thoy will mske tholr some Tor an In
ilolUslte time.
' The A Marions Ltgloii Auxiliary
will isstt December IK t 2:30 In
the afternoon, at tho homo of Mrs.
W. 1. Oilman with Mm. Paul I.oohor
as joint hottest. Special huilnoM,
election of olHrer
C. W. Crnddock wuh down from
Hllvlon during tho wook.
Frank Clayton In again In town
aftor nu absourn of sovural wookH.
Doau llunton, tho Crook county
atork man, wan again In Oil vicinity
during tho wook looking aftor bin
Htock IntoroHtM.
Tho dlroclorn of tho llaruoy Vol
toy IrrlKatlon DUtrlct will moot thin
nftornoon luntoad of noxt Tuoaday,
an formorly nnuouncod.
.look Drowltt wuh ovor from tho
DrowHoy Houttau Thurrtdity.
Mr. and Mm. A, II. 1'iiko and lltllo
non woro In town yoHtorday form
tholr homo In Diamond,
Mm. Jiuuoa Htithorlaud wnii In
from lior ranch homo at WuKontlro
Tlco Hliull wuh In town Woduoii
day from IiIh ranch homo In tho Cat
low miction,
Ulauilo Huiytli, tho Diamond mer
chant and pont maittor, wiih looking
afior noino hiiHluoHri nialtoM In thht
city tho forn part of tho wook.
Dlrttrlct Atloruoy Cloo, H. HUomoro
hit roturuoil from Vale whom ho
attondod tlio trial of Archlo Cody for
klllliiK Nhulrlf (loodmau, hoi tig an
liiiportaul wltnoHM on tho ntaud.
Mm W. A. Ooodmun In having n
now roHldoiico ooiiHtructod on tho
IoIh ndjnliilng tho formor (loodmau
food barn In tlio Houthwoitlorii part
of town.
(Huh HUomoro won In town tho
olhor day attending to imnio bualnoioi
mattoM, vlnltod bin mm who In In
high nohool, nlito his hrothor, J. hi.
MUomoro who In an lumato of tho
Valloy Vlow hospltnl.
Jaimm Johunou and II. (1. Doatloy
woro horo thl wook noKotlatlm? with
local fur moil for tho piirchaiio of a
lari:o connlRtimoiit or coyoto polln.
Mr. Doatloy wiih roprojiontlnr tho
Albany Tnnulni; Co.
I-M Moado, tlio woll known tild
tluto nhow man of thU noctlon,
hoiiiIh a (MirlntmiiH KrootliiK to tho
maniiKor of thin papor frow Itodford,
VlrKlnla, whoro ho In nu ocoupant
or nn Klk'n homo. Ho wlnhon lo bo
romomborod to nil hln old frloiidn
Whir, Non-Kruux will Itmuro your
I radiator iiKiilnnt frooxlui; fon nulo
! by Horvlco Oaraito, and Tho Ilurns
Horvlco (liiriujo, and Tho lltiniH
Horvlco Htatlou. 11-22-01,
KOU HAIiW ICO totiH ryo hay In
(ludliiK nootlon of Reed piiHturo,
foodliiR prlvllt'KOH and wator Lola
Mlllor, Huploo, OroKon. 12-13-U
RomolhltiK Now" Tho Krouoli pa
por wavo, do on not Injuro tho moot
dollcato I air. MarcollliiK and hunuty
work. lOlootrnlyiilH a Hpoclalty. Bup
uriiloiiH lmlr, warta and iiioIoh por
uiauontly romovod by oloctrlo noodlo.
draco Valonttiio, Leland Fry lloueo.
v ,
1 Front llodroom with boat for rout
1 Call II HJ. 12-13-tr.
Ilurim Auto Top flhop furnUhoi top
for any mako of car and doon tn
oral ropalr work. Ford topn cooi
ploto with gliiBH In back curtain
f la.fiO, Othor topi Is srosortl.
FOIt HUNT FuriilMhnil four room
npartmout, fZi): nix room furnlHh
od Iioiimo 011 flat, f 2C. Imiulro ut
lllllhwny Horvlco Hlntlon. 11-22 If
Howlni; or all Kludn: up to (Into dronn
maklm;, rpiuodolliiK. nltoralloun;
furn and inllllnory to ordor or ro
modolod. Mm. K. W. Imckoy,
- The Turning Point
hi each life there comci a turning
point where money in absolutely necessary.
Nothing tfilces itn place. It has no substitute
When thnt turning point comes in
your lifc-n.1 it doeB to every one in the world
will you have money in the Bank here to
meet it?
This Bank maintains a National Sav
ings Department and cordially invites your
Harney County National Bank
National, County and State Depositary
Until room fon ladlon at tho Lovoun
Hotol. Il-in-tf.
Your frlomlH can buy nnythltiK
you unit k!vo thorn font Chrlntmati
pronont oxropt your photoRraph.
Mako tllu appointment today
llcck'a Htudlo. ll-lC-Ct.
Our llulldliiK Loan Companlrn havo
aunoumuid tholr wllllnRomn to
mako unlimited f.oan In Hums.
Lot tin show our Reed faith In our
oily by building tin most modern
and butt HOMWtt IN THR COUN
vi..i.i.. r...........u i.. r.ui lu ... !
..w,,u, tlllili'fij It nun i;u..i . .-
covered from an oporatlon and was
out on tho ntroots durlnj: tho wook,
loavlnc later with hln wlfo for hln
homo nt tho drain Camp.
Mm. J. V. Fiimoii, who enmo up i
from I'ayotto lo bo with hor hunband '
and 10 vUll hor dauRhtor, Mm. Obll !
Hhattuck at tho oxporlmout ntatlou !
ovor ThauksKlvlui;. rolnrnod homo
tho foro part of thin wook.
Mm. V. "('. Olbnon wnn horo rrom
hor homo nt I'arma, Idaho, to at
tend tho fuimrnl of hor hrothor.
Unhurt Mnilth. llur two lltllo dutiKh
tsro HreompnnltHl hor and thoy will
remain Mt tho homo of tho mother for
a 1 1 mo.
Make your homo iwor rhoerfiil
(hrltiuu timo by luniftlMiiK "i
tWHlr Knt rndlo ror ! bv
.Srleo (UrNK. 1 1-2.2 1 Ut.
Mr. ninl Mm. Uuck Mlllor rnmo
In from UroKRii hint Tuwtlny, havliiK
ft ... tt..l Itaeii tufti'ft If Mfl tt I lilt
IMM'll RUIIIIIIWHt'll IM'Mi if 1 ..ii"- - ,
death of Mm. Mlller'n hrothor. Frod
Taylor Tho Mil torn am on 0110 of
tho Pacific Mvo Htock rannhon at J
Carn for hint with or without drlvor J
C W l.uckoy 12-C-tf
Hlmplo homo motUml. Hond
for Fllim booklet and toitl
monlalln. Warner's Honown
ml ltM(dlon Co., 723 Hcctirlty
Midi: . Mlnnoarolln, Minn.
Fully ivjtivuimtpil ami with inoht compUto X
Hny eqtiipiui'iit in now opun for tlio
rovuption of pntittiiH.
For UHt of Surgery $10 to $18
For Private Huoiuh $5 perdu
For Boil in Witnln.. ?a.50 per day
Fxtra cliargOH for Hpceial imrHiuj;
Maternity cases will receive special care and
attention at the rate of $35.00 por week
Comfort, Car Saving, Class, Economy, Low Cost.
That's what wc offer you now In Goodyear Bal
loon Tlrefl.
These biy air pillow save your ear and you from
the wear and tear of the road.
They look better and they eut the cost of ropalr
Goodyear Balloons arc moredurnblu bucauwlhay
are built of Sutertwit, a newly invonWd, more
elastic cord fabric which rei8ts injury tind length-,
ens tire life.
They cost lees than you have boon payii for
regular tires,
Can you afford not to get our ncwmoney-Baving
Burns Garage
i -- r.ij-.-f f
n : z - vs-. i t:
irflf&.?r OSK3&
ii 'Nta ifeSTiUR
fpy , '
t rutirv- vniTiTri in isiiws irwi isiininmsifT'Tr t -f- " - --' ----"
From the East, Wast, North and South
come the many tidbits that add spice and
dclicoiumcss to the Christmas and New
Year Dinner,
Gifts For All
TIiIh Ih an oxcolloiit opportunity, imroiitu ot tho many lltllo
mlnuto toys for Uojh anddlrls. Many tlmos FathorH and .M ''
will wall until tho last fow days ho- foro ChrlHtmaH to roI thoso Ii
booauso Ihoy do not want tho Uld- dlon lo r.ot a hint of thorn gotti
tho hoiiHO. (30.MK IN NOW aijd miikw your 1010011011. We wi'
We Have Gathered From All Over The World The
Delkicaes That Go To Make The Christmas Dinner
One To Be Remembered.
There is no time in the American house hold when the foreign ani
American food products are more in use than during the holiday seas
Weinstein's Cut Rate Store