r AV ! A T II H T 1 M K H ' Jl 10 It A li I) It V It N H , II A It N, la V O O V A-i, lTV O It K'O.O N Hrttimflrrv Dcrrmber nc, nJ f i hi u JV , !? i TMilg'S iailfilC!Eii!IlM! i ought t Know Nliou over Mix Million DoIIiiim (j(l,0(MI,0(IO.(IO) fuw bcoii pi-utlilml for ami Is licliiK hMMi( In tlto ilovclupiuoiil ol' ImliiMdlcM unit project nl yobr vvvy door, Think of what It liicnni lo tho Oily of IliiniN nml llmncy County lit Kuucrnl. Wo nliould bo hiiiIIIiiij all over. Fieri lleiilok Lumber (Company (iim per tlovciniiiont contract Appro JjtJI.fJOO.OOO UIONNirrr'H b'lltHT ADDITION (LoIniiiiiI HiiIUIIiiks) Appro. 00,000 Iliu-ni'N Addition (,o(n nml IIiiIIiIIiikh) Approv. . Hums Power- Company, Hiilbliil, Machinery ,M CoiiMlnietloii Approv Hlnnilnnl (Ml Company plan of construction .C IiihIhIIiiIIoii I'I'' .. aeaeaaaeee Texaco Oil Company plans or cntmtritrllnu . limtitllntlou Approv Kore.nt. .i Market ltomls, Appro i!0l),000 llurns Honer Ai Water Hywtom conntr nrllon Ai lutfillnflnn Ap- ln 1100,000 llnrnoy Valley Irrigation Project coin! ruction Ai DMHhuHnii Appro U.fiOO.OOO 150,000 i!5,0()0 :m,ooo on.ooo i totaij Appro v. ipo.nin.ooo .11 ST MTOI' TO THINK WHAT 'I 111! NUW YHAIt II M IV HTOIIIi I'Olt Inland Empire Realty Co. ALBERT A. TRAUGOTT, Prop. Agents mid Collectors. Ileal Estate and Insurance BURNS, OREGON PHONE SOW Only Leading Realty Dealers I A'inv Ni-:m kii,m on-: to jik shown ni:m: vimv soon "Man." I'ola N'j;rl' nawoat pro eduction for l'arninount. will opun a Uwo day a' run al thu Liberty Thuutro -Huturduy. It lit elnlmod that In thin tplulure IhH popular routlnuiital a tor ubaolutuly rottinta to the kind nf rulu ahu had In "I'iuhIoii" and her other Kuiojiouit production. Tim picture-, dlroclul by tlio innu "VvTio Jiitule "Putor thu Utoat," Dlml- trl Iluchowolzkl, Ik a poworful alory of France, lnvlahly prudurud. Poln him thu role of a hot-bluodod young ' woman whom wo flrat hoo iik a "wultreea In MnrHwllloa. An the pic turo progreenoa. lb aitur hocomea - na of tin moat aotmkt-aftur woman In tJi Kraneu rupltal. "Maa" ia Jnat thai typa f pfMlup tou Uw 'public pf lodny wattta. And tb uaportlng rt. Itobari 'PTMar baa tb landiuy imh'i rola TbB Ultra 'a Kobart Kdraon and . Joajb Swk-kard. boii vfll known ! aid acraan. In impuriuni fftktU. Amonc othra ara M atl Cl Jlno Crrado and Eklrtr Nrr HAV MrAVOVM HOUB THAT tiF A tWKTKV DRt'lMlIK of coumo, wo nvud thlckur armour plato fur our Navy If wucuu t thiiu wo nuud larur and moro poworful kIioIIi and thlckur armour for our fortN. Thu puhllc pumu In uaiinlit hutwouti thu uuthnr tnlllHtoiion. Moro Important than tho puhllu pumu, howuvur, U public protection. Hlnk Iiik our latoal ililpH unodr tutor national ajtroummit. whllu Orual llrltaln Hlinply tunr up a papor Hunt. It ouclit to nut no mo folka to think liiic. Wo uuviir huvo hoii a matcli for tho forulcn diplomat mid nooni liiKly dlploimicy. Wuclu Bam In aafiMtl whoii hu attondi to hht own hUHluoaa and lot thu Kuropuuu crowd work out tholr own rnilvatlou or tholr own duatructlou. whlahavor tlioy prufer. Atnarlraiia can protoct AtuarlvH whuiiHVor thay not out to do It. and that la alumt all wo want, o HIMI'KINH HYSTK.M Jeiiuh: "Hill Hltuiikltin, comluu tor on tho Jurkwator (oral, linn iu i;raat oaali lyHtoiu." Dnckur: "HoT I havon't titmril about It." Jeitua: "Wall, Hlmpklint collucli Uiillu a fqw onah faroit on hla dallf trip. To dotrutluo jonl who tlui inotiuy IioIoiirh lo, ho lllpa a rolu. If It'll houdrt. ho pula It In tho loft' pocket. If It'a talU, ho iuta It In thu rlftul pocket and If It laudk on tho bnllrord ami halnucca thu fi ll kouh lo tho company. o inn-Tim ohi:jon ntrri:it IH AIM Ol' HIIOltT COKItSi: "A llgHiu Vamp." In wblrb May MfAvoy will ba acan bar st 44ay. inc. 21. t tbe Liuarty rThftU, off r U alar an antiraty btAd of rota, tbat of a lit t la Cinderella, who tfrudaa for ji pair of atlngy ojd Saotob unclaa. . "Katarally tbu ula abounoa In AiOaBOly toaatry lonohaa. from ibo soaking of aoraod baaf aiid cabbaga tj tba alar, ibrougb tha ludriroHa , match-making atlampta of her guar dtan, a pair of maarnllna old ma Ida avho ara. raapoallTaly, th vlllar.u a(f1)War and raraantar. 1 loullah coiio try Invur forma ui cuflylltiiit foil to a city awijothuurt 'who appuara lalor In tho atury. Thin mpaaUtiian'a path Is by no muana Hnmotb. howovar, and bofora lha alOTor IltUa romanco la andad tbarv -are plonxy of dacldadly dramatic fUimnltoaiJona. Pmalc O'Connor d tract ad with Unl UlMafJO at tba camera. Tnompenn UwoliaBan anparvlioU. Tha cut tn anJtabioa Uarral foaa, Cbarloe Ogla, ICtiblaaa Klrkbaia, Helen Dunbar, -aaftbln Crowall and Lincoln Sled-MRgJ. 44'JII4 PVMAVS I'lJHBW "Wtian c want lo leurw bow many Siuutaa ll will take a Uytng lorpwlo IB reach Saturn our iclanllila work 'kv grab a faw dalhmta InatruinanU, afjoYtte up a little atinoaphara, wlilp a "Ho ma; rula out of ihelr pockuUi, art In a month or two thay toll ua all about It. Tha problem of a (jlyon vbjtuit vT oerlalu danalty travail iuj Owrougli wither foroa of nuollior don- ajlty uppeara Ilka almplo nrlthmotlu. 'Bax vhua it cornea lo flxllpg out 'xballior oiio of our HholJu of u " ttilti deiiulty, travolltig at n clvan ' 0cUy, can alnk one of our Imtlli- aipa -wltli armour plato of a glvon 'IWokiingf, thuu wo miiHt put up n tac.000,000 taraet nml iiontl to (ho crt,lom of tho ocottti ono of our latent lyiPOH of protootlvo mnchlnory, Of siourHo thl8 Is a Croat thlnj; for tho riMour plato crowd. If vo can nlnk ll hlp with pn lont sholls, llion, T Gfttbtmas HI.ONDK MIWS OI'INICH "I may b u little older than I waa I.ih( ur. but I Imvui't ruarhml that doling old bijo or ulng up my beauty lay maklni; mud plea." Cfroui Dnpnrtmunl of lmhintrlal Jnoruallam Oriou AKrlrulluiil Col lego ) llallor Oregon boltur. cbeeao and lew rroani. and tkalr ooonomla pro iluctlon. will be aoagbt lu tho four - '-k dairy abort conrate fur buttor, ' beeeo and Ire rreom nmkatM anil . rtuianry managert. at tho atale col ka. January I to 31. Helen' wlU blnd with praaUoo In I !. roura liiatrurlloo In tha iK'i and Uteat known metbodo will ; i' given In Inn (ori-nnMii. and prae t - la the ull4f iwimrrr in (ha (ilinnn i will ahow Low tha newly ar'iafred Inforatatlnn hi oeetl hi dairy factory work. The enrnwutcr baa to he welf Mttpportlng. heuro entirely lrortlral. Ita machinery and mater Inla ara of the bwt. The) will be n rare opiwrtuully for dairy man ufaeta rare to pick up tha beat of tbu up-to-the-inlililte Infor mation nlona tlictr llnra Tbeae men know Hint -Hiiotltltni baa rut their profits tn a viry narrow inarKlu' On- l'"lWrniK"AT Till? I.UIHItTV TIIKATIIK, XKXT HATl,ltDAVtn?f)AV' ADOLPIUliKOItAni' JL5j!. L UN SKY faiiS&Nl A m :' .''',.:' sSf J dRa 'I. : . ' wa ' ..:!'" . i ... ..u. I . T 1 ( i . . i . 1 ' ' MM ' f t ' fl A T 111 1 fit h s WLJ & a a I W m f"0 DimllrI Dudiowelzki J& v Production' POtA oo .8 B fiW rtrj2P.X:S' ,v.- ' '. . KnM mr-iWA ''' ' ''''; riling m ,eaa, . aa Iff I in' immim1 vaa I f.i f W: ly tho ntonliiprlon tliot put iiuallty nml uiiiulouoy fufn tholr product oijyr nto nt a profit.' "liiri'OMami alllclcimy ami iiuallty" In tho hIohiiii for tho oourie. llmili ovuiy-day niiliJocOi u oruitm liuutnil l.iuloii, rlputilng, iiturturH, uhurniiiit oiid workhiK thu but I or will bo ox pluluod in lo tholr latoul pliiuiOM, nml thuu iliiiiioiiHtraloil mid praoticud lu thu uroamury. ruicliiiHo of urnam nml miiIoh of cruamory produutii, touuthor with croaninry lomum unit muthodn of ao uountlMK. will Kt nttoutlou Ilnniillnj; and foodlnk dairy uatllo, tiHU of croitmury byproilucln for Iiok fuudliiK and dairy unclmierlni: aro production phaHon llHtod for coiutld-(-ration Kiially practical work will bo nrfcrod In Ico cruiimoud clioimo mak Iiir - flrnt In liiMlructlou, mid later In tho crnumury. Milk and crumu H'ltliu; mid a Npoalal cruiim gradtmr (uiirHK aru uIho tichodulod. Kull In roritintlou will bo Hunt by tho col lijt'. Oorvnllla, on roittust. IMIt.M I'OINTIiltH (I'rom Dipnrlmnnt Industrial Jou- uallnm, OroRon At;rloulturnl Col lc;o ) llaruyurd inmuiru lit too ofton al lowed to remain lu tho opun. Ovor fid per rout of II tn lout by tho ralti'n Icaclilni; out tho nolublo plant foodn. lr tho amount of uniuuro proilucml mi ii farm la hinto, a covonul mnnuro till nlfiiild bo built, nil vino tho O. A ( oxporlmoiit illation. Tho pit lioufd tint fxtoiid Into tho ground moro lllnn foot lu or.lrr to iniiko llio fenillni: cf tho m.iuuro rnalor. With Ori'ton a m lot at 10 ennta and wool warlli 40 cmita, Ihn own will pay nbtmt fC for tho fcod mid pithturo Hho comiuiiKm annually ro- porta tho ntariir rnllpgo animal lulu- bamlry duputuiioiit. Ill fattonltf OrcRon ran;c lamb-, a rntJtiu, or ino pound -r Krnln a day toKolhiT with nil the alfutfa liny tlioy will one Knlit cf eno ijuartor pouitil' a day can Im oamtctcd, snya. llio axtpirJmtint atntlou. --o - ' TK.muatH' i:.'AMKC.vnoN Arlthmollc, 1 1 Into iy of l.duontlmi, I'ltycholoiry, Alotliotla In CleuKmpljy, Tliunhitutcal DrnwIliK, Dnmoalfu Art, Cotirao nf iltudy for DoinoaLJtf Art. Tliiii'Nilliy Af(nionii (Iramiiiiir, (looitrnpliy, 8tanoi;ru pliy, Amorlcnn I.ltutut iir(t rivyiikw, Typowrltlim, Mntlioilii In hmu;ui;80, Th6ul for Primary (!ortlflcalo. Krlilay l-'ori'iioon Thoory mid I'rnctlco, OrthoRraphy (Upclllttg), I'hyflcil (j. llab Mlifluituru, Clir:,, . 'rrruiiiy aii Bflionl Uw, (1ml Civil nrfvernrriein. ntitiirilay I'mii, (Juomotrjv flotmv Katiiiilay Afti-rn (Jonoral fflutory, lie J. A cm Hiiporliilonilotif of Pnbl j'ffrlfi'' aWrtiTiTai1! ffiMniiir f i fc HI ajguriiirpaimai.aiCTEimmgTglcamnj-a Notbio It huroby rjcn that thu Coiitily Hiiporlntuuduitt of llaruny. County, Ocroii, will bold thu ruuutar, (uaniliintXon of nppllcuuta for Hlnto CortlflcaitiM at lluru-v rh follew: Comiii-jnclni; Wivimmdny. luem bor 17. nt 0 00 ovlock a. m.K and contlnuliw; until Kolurday. DiKjitmbor 10. I 'Ml, at 4.0ft. o'clock p. im WYrini'Mlik,' Iforonoon H 8. lllatorv. Wrltlug ( Ivn tit..ii- abba). Mualo. Dcnwlug. WtMliiotriny Aftorttauii fbyetology. Itaadlng. Manual Training . CFQmv-IHon. Domaailr tttanrr. MadlAiU i P.raJtnc roan of fltudy tor Drawing. Method to I W<&'MuLVii'W Arltbnteiio. ,Kfcda At WATER t I KENT msm tessftn BfflSW r v id? ' ' 4 I M-. - l. ,-f v-- wj I '.l ll l I 1 r'- ttJZZ23CMlX&.Z RADIO THINK OP W K A r IS HACK Oh If rPHH mine rrin rhai ur u i b- t Jl iliat wrcll ArvvMin K'mt Ralio. will i- . you proud lo own U. In dip ntw modrli ulu tt wc arcitowiliowiotf.Hcwtiiind.idiul rxrcllrncr hove been achieved Whatever you want-whetlitr ll be rinr if operation, id tctlvlty, volume, beauty or fine w.'ik rnumblp you will find your choice ol la.lio equipment lu our Atwaiih Krt'T Radio line. Burns Garage WE REPAIR H v ill 11 - It - llulw' L,tlitJi'M r ' At rti:?l f . m a im 1 MO r iIiiijBjLii;nrilitIllHUIilH:J U J KamaF Promptly Kec Hardware Cor ,sqaattargrgT3ayyijaia t2S5inJd$inrwLi)iMmriSjr&itiwi iiTrmiimnnTVurimiriMfiii iwrnmtiifi ' rrz r 1 1 el jv jA if JCf e i h -jr -j.j w sw - J t &E2r r jtc if K I I '-' a aT n aa i aagT" &r vjn.& i ALL PRICES REDUCED Effective December 2nd, the FqicI Motor Company an nounces new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction ol twenty-five dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater value than before. NEW PRICES Runabout - $260 Touring Car - $290 Con)e $520 Tudor Sedan ' - - - $580 Fordor Sedan - $6.60 Chassis - - - - - $22 Truck Chassis - ' - - - $365 All Prices f.o.b. Detroit These arc the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard ot value for motor car transportation. SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1 Yi Ugl sai ir ooii a ; 1 "ephj I'f'llllJ