The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 13, 1924, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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i i
Aa4Uf4t3i tHjwwwf " !
Hat An Outside Chain Store the right to enter your home to publicly call YOU, the good citizens who make up and develop our local community,
(Uofvr o HWiikk advert Incniciit, Homey (Joiinly Niwh, December 4)
I Wcinstein, for seven years conducting the Wcinstcin's Cut Rate Stores in Harney County, in the name of our people whose good names have been insulted
PUBLICLY DENIES this outrageous charge of that outside Chain Store. 'Mti, ,
The people of Harney County arc not "Dead Beats", As in 35 years of merchandising in different sections I have never found a more honest and responsible
class of citizens than are living here in our comnumi ty. For this reason I am investing every dollar I possess in Harney County, making this my home and
- I am proud to refer to myself as a citizen of Homey County.
Space paid for by I. Weinstcin to openly deny this Innulting charge of an outside Chain Store
ICIuii Oray, furuiurly u ronldont
UiMi-i whoro bin parontH woro for
an .u utuiioii wim mu ouniiiuun
j s . ,tl lifu of Hint community, Itt
tr n i luu; in UuriiH, hnvlng nr
ird I rr recently (rom Ummott,
iho, where lio had boon living (or
t turt few yonrn. Claudu ciimo In
( tak I'irt In tb railroad duvolop-
nt w rk lit thin vicinity.
Janiu Glrnrd, cbluf engineer mill
linagcr hi chnrgo of tbu Fred Her-
ck Lumber Co In thin city, arrived
omo Thursday evening from u trip
outs "o point. When noon In bin
Hco I y a representative of lliln pa
r hi" Bi.ii no una tiuuiing now tor
ubbof'n Ho did volunteer tlin
Knw t that t lio lumber Itiduntry
lis I k ' k much brighter.
fnuitrirtu (lio ilinpirni nooiliritiuIif
tlonal ttiborciibmlii hospital facllltloH.
All IbU wiiM dono mi 5 coutri por
capita. If every purohtiNor would
doublo bin purchase Ibo AHrtocliitlon
could doublo ltd nurvlco.
i'r ono of tlio pioneer
f tblH county with bond
i vi r on Crime crook. Hpuut
in Hums during thin week
ualutnncos and also vis-
' In daughter, Mm. Nick
Mr Vonntor enmo to liar-
In tbo Into '70s and Jinn
ifiod with tbo country uvur
an county comniln
luir -
I It "A )
PR ..
lV f 1
oen ,i
liner Ho nerved
(oner i i.t term.
Orcoon Sen! Record Excellent.
A record In tbo December Chrlutinan
Seal Bale wan iiiiido by Oregon bint
year, whlcb plncon bur woll toward tbo
top of tbo Hut of atulon In tbo por
capita aula of noalH, Itor 1D2.1 rocord
waa 5.0 irnla void for ovory pornon
In tbo stnto, an Incrcann of noven
tenthn of a noal over tbo 1922 mark,
Portland, and Multnomah county,
Oregon, lnnt year won a crons-country
content agnlnnl I'ortland, In Cumber
land county, .Malno. Tbo raco waa to
Bee who would nail tbo hlghonl number
of acala percaplta. A largo nllvor
loving cup waa awardnd Multiiouiab
county, whlcb reached tbo rocord of
9.2 ngalnnt her opponent's 0.2, Kvou
no, Multnomah did nut roach tho top
among tbo Oregon countln, for alio
waa slightly surpassed by Dunchutun.
Tbo 1024 Christmas Hunt Halo be
gins December 1, and continues until
Cbrlutinnn Tho nolo rnnatltuten tho
nolo nupport of the Oregon Tuhorou
lonln Annoclntlon, with all Itn boaltb
and uiitl-tubori-uloM work, mid pro
vldra ftiiidn for tho County Public
Health AnnorlallmiH Ninety fire pur
cont of tho proceeds aru retained with
in tbo Mate, only flvo por cunt being
onl an commlnnlnn to tbo National, or
parent organization.
Courts Judgo A. I. Jobuaou und
ountv ( lerk Chan. K. Dlllrunn, wont
Portend lant Saturday to bo pros
it a' a ronforonco with tbo For-
Irv Ki rvlrn llnrntii nt I'll 111 I- piiiiiIh
....".. V . w. .'.. . . .. ,, . ....
... ....... , ii i yearn loia uu iour aim a uuurior mii-
ml th" Stnto HlKbway Commlnilon I :, ,
tun with tho road program
For anvunlvn yearn. Cbrlntmaa
Bealn bavo lit on follonlnK tbolr unoful
earner In tbo fulled Ktaton. Tho flrnt
aalo amounted to about STtOOO. Lunt
f h
l i
hi r
liV r
duty Win. Farro bad pro-
' m down In order tn co-
' data that was noenwrnry.
' mto haa boau loaruod an
of HiIm ooiiforonco an
it'ntlviMt bad not nrrlvod
'Uno tbln la wrltton Frl-
MaKKlo' "Iletb Is biiIiik bor
I for divorce."
Sarah "I nm flurprlned
t'ui ncalu I Kuenn I nood not
w' i olno could Hbo nuoT"
..... . .. ,.. . . ,. .. .......
i rouuwiilK aru biiiii inu nuuiur
i of iiiiNitloiiH for toaohum' uxamlua
tlon: i Arltbmotlc, Ouo-nlxtb from tbo
uourno of ntudy and flvonlxtliH from
llamllton'a KniontlalH or Arltbmotlc.
Civil (lovornmont, Form and Func
tion of Amorlcnn Govornmont, by
Iteeil, and current ovontn.
(looKrnphy, Ono-nlxtb from tbo
roumo of ntudy and flvo-nlxtbn from
Tarr and Mc.Murry.
Grammar, Ono-nlxtb from tbo
courno of Htudy and flvo-nlxtliH from
Potter, Jimcbko anil Glllott, Hook II.
lllntory, Ono-nlxtb from tbo courno
of ntudy nnd flvo-nlxthn from School
MlHtory, by Maco, and current ovonta.
Ortbogrnpby, Ono-nlxtb from tbo
courno of ntudy nnd flvo-nlxthn from
Ply Conta Per Capita for Chrlatmat
Ottla Paya for OraQon Oampalgn,
rplA .nlu nunA
r n,i. fr tho! tbo Now World flpollor.
and Public Haaith
work cooductod
by tbo Oroon
Tuborculoala Ab
oelatlon and Ita
aaventoon afflllat
l Pnnnfv Puhllo
ir..nt. a..mi..I 1023 edition.
ftlona. in ,ft rkri.iR... r.i ri.I Theory nnd Practlco, Practical i
rery peraon who purchaaed Heala laat Problomn of tbo Hcbooln, by wans.
rear U entltlod to the eutlafactlon of, (Quo attention on tboory nnd prac-
1 Q llUUH
1 Y OMhUf
PbynloIORy, Ono-alxtb from tbo
courno of ntudy and flvo-alxtbn from
Advnncod Pbynloloh'y and IlyBlone,
by Conn nnd I)udltiKton.
ItendlfiK. Courno of Htudy for tbo
olomontnry KrndoH.
School Law, Ori;on School Lawn,
nowlnj; that oven at the nmall per-
plta expenditure of 6 contn, over m
wlod of a ynar, a Ions lint of things
li accompllabed.
Tt)ouiaa4a of chlldraa war enrelUd
the Modern Health Crusade, ana
1ren tho benefit of definite teaching
ad practise In the verforeiance of
ibllj of paraoual hygiene so sects-
uy to good health. Public Health
Fining aerrlce waa extended Mo a
irger number of Oregon counties dur-
aC tho year t'mn ever before. Free
(uherculosln cllnlca were held. Thous
ands of plecen of literature was dls-
tributed. Health films were clrculat-
1. SuDDlonientarr material to aid lu
tho roqulrod toacblsg of Health and
Hyglcuo wun offered to every toaoher
In tho ntato,
Another ploco of tho Anaoclatlon'u
tlco will roaulro tho nppllcnnt to pro-
paro n roport on library work, in
cluding a discussion aa to what
would dotormino bl cbolco In tho
nelcctlon of booka for u achool libr
ary. For furthor Information boo
Scliool Library List, Part I, Profaco,
nnd other publications of tho Orofjon
Stnto Library.)
Writing, Tho Pnlmor Method of
I)ufllno88 Writing;.
Algobrn, Now High School Algo
brn, by Wolla and Hart.
Compoaltlon, Written nnd Spokon
lOngllnb, by Ollpplngor.
Amorlcttn Llloraturo, Two-tblrdn
rmin Amorlcnn Lllornry noadlnga
with Introductory lllntory of Amor
'uiin?r piOCO OI mo ahhuciuuuh a ., nml nnn-
vrorl, of tho utmost vftluo, h tbo mak- lean Llloraturo. by Pay no, and ono
lie of nurvoyn, and InvoHtlgatlona ro- third from Amorlcnn claflSicH union
bolow, , .
Pbynical Qoograpby, Oonoral aclea-
will boroaftor do wiuk'- ' -
fffi..ll.f. .1... ...1 1..!.. ..I...n,l.n in
the ntaU). Tbo Huroau of Cllnlca and
nurvoyn baH been nblo to furnlnh ac-
turato and
- - " . i . will noruuivu , .....,--
uptodate atatlntlcu "Bt instonil of pbyBlcnl googrn-
miilhe: nnldle oilllJilltU HoboolH innionu i
pby; bunco, tbo auonlloiiH will bo
biiHud on Flrnt Your of Sclouco, by
Prtyohfllogy, Introduction to Pny
etiology, by Itoad.
llookkuoplug, PrlnclploH of llook
koopliig, by Minor and Khvoll.
Ilotauy, Practical Ilotniiy, by Uur
gou and Caldwell.
Geology, LoConto'n Compond of
Geometry, Piano and Solid Goom
otry, by Duroll und Arnold.
lllntory, Gouornl, Ancient Tlmen,
by liruanted ,and Medieval and Mod
ern Tlmon, by Hoblnnon.
lllntory of Hducatlou, History of
Modem education, by Pnrkor.
Literature, Kiigllnh, Two-thlrdn
from Kngllnb Llloraturo by Long,
and ono-tblrd from KiikIIhIi clnnnlca
tinted bolow. ,
Pbynlcn, A Flrnt Courno In Phynlcn
Ity Mllllkan nnd Gnlo.
Cbemlntry, Flrnt Course lu Cbom
In try, by McPbernnn and Hoiidornou.
(For graduaton of uoiiHtnndnrd col
logon only.)
American Clabnlcn: Irving: Skutch
Hook. Coeper: Laut of tho Mobl
caiin, Kngllnb ClnnHlcn: Ulckuun: Tnlo of
Two Cltlon. Sbnkespearu: Morchnnt
of Venice.
(Tho Oregon State Library, Salem,
ban a limited number of each of tho
above clannlcn, which will bo loaned
to tuacliorn, tho only expound being
tbo pontago.)
itr.mjci: piucim
Kiibitnnllal !ut Made In All PntHcn
er Car Typen
.Market (Jrenlly IlroiulrntMl. Dealer
AntlclpnteN An I 'veil llettrr Yenr
Than 1021
Announcement of n ruduetlou lu
tbo prlcen of all Dodge Hrotborn Pan
nougor Cam wan received today by
It. V. Hopper local Dodge Ilrotbern
Tho now prlcen wero effective Mon
day, Ducumbor Int.
Tbu ruductloiiK nro especially
nharp on tho cloned typon. Tho Typo
A Sodan, for oxnmplu, on which tbo
lint price wnn formerly $1385, in
now $124G. Tho Typo 1) Sodan,
which formerly Hold for $1250, f, o.
b. Dotrolt, In now tinted at $1000.
There In alno n reduction from $1035
to $005 lu tho lint prlco of tho Dual
iionn coupe. Dodge Ilrothora Iload
Htor, undor tho now price, will noil
for $855 and tho Touring Car for
Tho announcement from Dodgu
llrothorn also cnrrlcd tho Informa
tion that balloon tires nro standard
equipment on all pannoiiger earn.
New prlcen on Special Typo cam aro
an follewn:
Special Hoadntor $ 055.00
Special Touring 085.00
Special II Coupe 1005.00
Special II Sodan 1105.00
Special A Sedan 1330.00
Tho npoclal typon carry Mich extra
equipment an nlckled radiator niioll,
motormotor, front and rear biimpern,
body ntrlpu, stool dine wheels scuft
platen, cowl lights, and flvo balloon,
Announcement of tbeno reductions
provoked endless dlncuBHlou through
out the uutlru Itiduntry. Tho year
1024 ban beuu tbu mcHt auccesnf ul in.
Dodge llrothorn history nnd It Is
now uvldout that tbo factory Is de
termined to enlnblloh an oven more?
enviable rocord In 1025. Obviously,
tho mnrkot for Dodge Hrotborn Mot
or Cam will bo broadened immeasur
ably by tbo lower prices, particularly
tho cloned car types.
Siibntnntlal Improvements In tho
appearance, riding comfoit and oth
er important dctnlln of construction
mid denlgn, plun tbo car's longstand
ing reputation for dcpondnblo per
formance, woro rcHpoiiBlblo for tho
groatly acelernted demand during
1024. For n number of montbn pro
duction wan cnlutnlncd connlntontly
ut a rnto cIoho to 1000 earn per day.
Prices of Dodge llrothorn Commer
cial Cam and CliacneH nro not nffoctotl
by tbo reductions.
5, V "
fc t$
Dddee Brothers
" i
A substantial reduc
tion in the prices
of their Passenger
Cars effective
December 1, 1924.
' .
- '