The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 13, 1924, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    tlntlllllilf. DlMIMIlltlf til. n '" ' ' (
" "" " -T II 10 '
1M M K H - II K It A.Ij l,ll If 11 N H , II A It N'K'V
... ,.u
0 O U N T V O II H O N .
Wo danced parti tliolr table. JurI
uh I hod thuiiHlit tlui Klrl with
Curl Ins WrlKht wan Anno Untitling
(on Shu wan tinluintuil atnl luiiKhud
K b.
.:uiu 1 loHt the tlmo of (hu mu-
li "Oh, lorn stop. Tod," 1 pleadod.
' I'm a hunch that 1 should go homo
.IllfWllV You huu I HllUllltlll't Htay
tut Into hh thlri Ih thu llrut tlmo I'vu
Ill'OII out rIiicv
filio wan looking uiiuiiually prolty,
too, that evening. Anno certainly
Unow her typo ami omphtislr.otl It to
perfection. I lor frock, or ruffled pink
lullo, edged In hllvor, gave hor tho
liiuocont look of ii schoolgirl.
Hspoulnlly with hor hair ntlll low;,
parted Blmply In tho middle and
drawn In a low coll to tho hack or
hor nuok In tho simplest niaunor.
, Shu wiih Imniiiciilaloly giilluloHH. and
' Oh, that's right,, your olo' nmn
HAS boon Hlok, haiiu't ho? lltit I'll
In I there's a gang of nursoa to wait
. a hint. Youro Billy to lot It cramp j
uitr stlo any." ,
'I hat wa Tod all over.
iiiio turnod around, faood uh, I
that was tho typo Klrl that Curtlrfn
Wright wautod.
Tho thotiKht wiih iiuhoarahlo. I
put my hand to my oycm and huge
imn nllppaii through my linger.
Doli pulled liy Bhouldor.
"Thoro, (horo now, Hulllu, Klrl.
it il ald In u volco that could ho ; K'h H rlcli t. You'ro Juil a hit
' ir.l at tho near-by Initios; imrvotiB. Nothing M worth taurine
Vh. Bnlllo, darling, I'm ct- ' '"K ono momont of your Bpnrkllng
l .inly inoHt surprised to hoo you horo. ' Bponlunolly. Thoro, thoro now."
Jut tli In aftoriioou I hoard that "ol Haiti gently.
our father had a turn for tho worno "Oh. hut Hob," 1 nobbed, "I'm u
i ml that ho would allow no ono but j llappor. Thorn'B no gottlng around
miii to ntirflo him." jit. I llko everything frlvoloUB. I
That's rlKht. Anno, nhftolutoly.." I adoro to drink and smoke and Jar..
1 uiiBwored. "I'm a very undutlful j and I havou't any purpoHo In llfo
daughter and I'm JiiBt leaving." ami I'm Jtmt Kouorally worthloBH."
. I could have said I was thoro by I "Who Hiild so?" In a llaiih Hob
t'oitor'u ordurB oud Inuldoutally I wiib loyal and ready to flKht my
hriUKht out tho fact that nho was buttles.
tu'tlHB WrlKbt'n necoml uholco that! "No one bml to. I know It," I
lunliiK Hut It would liuvo boon J HiillToil. I Junt know lU"
htilo and catty. Too much bo for; "You'ro nothing of tho Bort," ho
fnthor'ii IIIiuihr,"
"Uui.'t t wun now wuoplnu oqpl
ously, "Anno Ood-dliig-lou said
"What, thiil darn Jlttlw llollor-tiiim-tlittti
flplt-flro?" Ilob'n tcunnur
wiih rUliiB. With all hor nLTlilttTd
Kooilliutifi. BIio'm llttlo, I toiryoti',
Bulllo, and moan and Hpllotul,
A lot of tho thliiKii you do aro
probably not your oholco anyway,"
ho comforted, "thoy'ro moro or Iobb
thriiHt on you, A uort of poualty
you pay for your wit and beauty.
Hob wan a dear, and IiIh word a
wore encouraging. Thoy wcro at
onco soothing.
"Itomombor, ilalllo," ho Bald In
leaving, "ir yon over want any
fitralghtf(irward, blg-brolhnr itdvloo,
call on uio, I'm for you," ho IiomI
tatod, thou luniilm; over awkwardly
ho kissed ii)y forohoad, iib If 1 wiih ii
very llttlo Klrl. HuiiiiIiik down tho
tps. ho loft mo.
(To llo Continued Next Week.)
au satisfaction.
After a polite arKumoiit with Hob
ml Mnrj about my leaving. Hob
Miatly nettled It by nayltiK that ho
would tnko mo. Wo loft, and for a
1-uig tlmo on tho way homo In tho
i ir I wan (itlot. I llko llob Chouo
with' With him ojio can enjoy
dofouded, "you'ro Jut yourself-
Junt flallln, ami at that you'ro tho popular Klrl In tho whole town,
In tho whole Houth for that inaKor.
People love you, 811III0, becaiiHo you
A I IK yourself. Don't bo dllTereiit.
You haven't a moan thought for
anybody. You'ro IiIk ami lino." ho
fib nco ami with It a sympathetic ; averred lit a positive manner, ami
Llko an etchhiK of tiro wart tho
picture In my brain of Anno and
Curtlss back thoro In the nardou.
can meamiru up In any omorKoiicy.
Don't you think for a minute that
wo haven't known how nhlnliiKly
upload Id you've boon through your
ri:ATtHK at tiii: i.inintTY tiikatki:, hi'mjav, iu:i:.miii:u uiht
iif ffW
(Kioin Dopartinoiit of ImliiBttlat
Jouriinlluiii Oregon Aurlculturat Col
The majority of'eedllni: moth
woruiH Bpiiml tho winter under tho
Rcaly bark of the (roe. Take a dull
hoo or have tho blacksmith fashion
you a handler Hcrupnr and carefully
remove tho row;h ncaly bark from
the trunk and IIiiiIib, Pay particular
attention to tho crotchon or tho troon,
advlnea tho Mute coIIoko oxperlmont
Itotntlnn to Oregon U the only
natlflfaotory mothod of combattliiK
tho clover root borer. Do no at
tempt to i;row clover more than two
yearn, llo Hiiro thoro are no old
rundown clover fields nervlui; uh a
breodliiK place for the bororn. If a
i-omwilty would adopt thin program
of control, tho yields would noon
show a marked upward trend, miyn
the oxperlmont ntullon.
(Mover seed ylehU per acre have
fallen off forlornly In Oregon In tho
Ihh( d ecu do, Itnyn the oxperlmont
station. The work of tho clover
root borer (tinuollliiK out tho tap
root ami crown ami thus dovllnllzlw;
the plant ban boon a material fac
tor In those need ami hay yield.
Land (hat Is foul with clumps of
i;ruiw ami nod. hunches of woods ami
crop debrln. Invito (ho liijurlotiii In
1 sects as it haven for depositing Iholr
i oKK"- ami ronrliiK Iholr yoitnn. It In
I In fiirh land that cut worn, immdow
initKKnt. ami wlroiyoniis prunpur.
( I.-in floldn do not attract Insect
1 I"- ' to an (Niinl iloKroo. says the
o A ('. experiment station.
Iloiiijy l Dost Hee(
ll"y, lu HHdldon ui having
ir. .r.' awMltnlPR power ibM Kminl
i.t.I Kti)tr, rontnliMi tb HiHrh hhI
i mlii rals, wh'i'h nrf rraiovM
r-1 whn augur !- raflnMl. Rorn
up t tfiotmftHt'i af Inferior to
i nmv. iw fftrnif' UlCklnK In oolb
wei.nlnt priwrr ouil mincmls,
tiiut ih lattor I'tunlntof too much
lime lilrh l uddl durltiK tho r
Honty It th oly ronnarxiUl fwt
now koovu to oontala rltcmlKM.
ty th fetate rollir x fieri wmuM
(I Inn.
Junier: "It's h '(treat life If you
don't wftMKttu."
Senior. "Yp but If you woak
oii Junt a llttlo It's Kroator."
This Weeks Cross Word Puzzle
' y ' U ' ' j'---'j VMtTMgiy 111 1'' "' "I'' "U't ' "pa
jy- - wpnv
a jjP !t1!I"BZ
rr" ""fi' "joi"" " i '
JTg ---- ' " " '
, -l!) Not litio. " ' "
' owrp will fibird jiotBoTi)
na .fofi toiothftf ' ' ' J
no xtoffrif
07 Dhititrb -fill
To partlculRrlfco
(11 Depart
(12 To have cxproauod Rratltudo.
OH A mouth,
O '
Annwor to last wcek'fl puzzlo,
Uy iMrH, John II, Hoblnnoii
Holiday Dances
Wednesday, 24
Christmas Eve
K New Years Eve
& Thursday, Dec. 31
Thursday, 25 $
Christmas Night $r
New Years Night
January 1, 1925
Follow The Crowd
Music By Dewey
When you (ry (o "pull (ho words"
out of Oils dcop ono you aro koIiik
to havu tho Job of a lifetime on your
liHiida. It Is ono or tho host (hat wo
have published and aro Hiiro that
our rondom will huvo several pleas
ant ho urn worklw; on It,
1 Hlow (music.)
2 Influenced
.'1 Kxclnmallou of sorrow
I A m- nlcal Instrument
r. Mature years
0 Pronoun
8 A Caiindlan provlugo (abhr.)
0 A small spot
10 Fanciful
1 Prefox lo words relating to din
eases, etc., of tho Khimls.
12 A iinnro
III To stick fant
T A vcKOlahto
IK A thread or metal
10 Drunkards
'1Z A rained level plalform of earth
23 Twelve o'clock In tho day
2(1 A Now KiiKlnnd Hlnto (hbbr.)
28 Not out
:0 The point of a pen
31 Tho first woman
an lleply (abhr.)
a I To steal from
ar A pronoun
a.S Hum
30 Wall (scots.)
10 A period or tlmo
11 A small body or land
12 Hast Indies (ubbrO
1 1 Ono who kills
4K A motalllc plate
47 LniiKtinKO (rIiiiik)
IS A kind of boon
fin a mnt
62 An affeuted person
61 Nahutn (abhr)
&& An aiiluml with boras
17 Axed (Kbhr.) . $
If A alnHlK unit u
t0 You old for)
f 1 A (Vnadiau PrbrlMM (abhr)
1 k Hu i..Tn tut
7 A Mld-WoHloni Btato
H (Mood
10 Turfed
17 An old saying
18 Ilaii boon
SiO Bmall bo n on attnehed lo (ho Jawn
21 Hollcllor at law (ubbr)
fi A ebiinii'lor In Hhakonpoaro
2 1 An luilvflnlto article
2f. At all Union
27 Work
20 A bIiikIo unit
32 Trouohory
a I A kind of iiraln
a A vino
27 AIho
.18 Ulvon name of a prosldout (nick-
.10 Tho odiso or tho road
13 An omnibus (abbr.)
AT, A step In walklw;
40 To IiukIii voyngo
48 A Houthern Btato (abbr)
Winter HalloiiM Olven
HuDceiwful poultryinon often nk
tho station what Is tho bot ration
(o feed for winter laying. Tho namo
ration used at any other tlmo ot
tho year for bs production will bIvo
good roBUllB In tho wlntor. Plenty
of grit and green food aro neces
sary nt this uoa'son. Skill In feed
ing In Important at any tlmo of tho
year. It Is most Important In wlnt
or rocdliiK. advlsen tho O. A. C. ox
perlmont station.
hm)Nih: iikhh opinkh
"Old inaldB Bhould not (ako much
tlmo In Blzlng up n man It affords
tho man tho name oppotrunlty."
Further Reductions In Our
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
v , . - - - - -- -
Crane-Burns Mail Stage
Seven Passenger Touring Gars
Best on the line
Leaves Burns Post Office every evening
except Saturday, at 6 P. M.
Fare $2.50
U. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor
f . jim. ii m.mmBmmmmm n n m
. . '
WW Santa Has
tv J- " ' .' A.
With a Large Assortment of useful
Your Gift Problem SoBved At
A Few Suggestiens:
Christmas Cards, Fountain Pens, and Pencils, Perfume
' and Toilet Sets, Manicure in sets
Boohs, Dolls, Toys, Fresh Christmas Box Candy and
Many other useful Gifts,
rintLlJ DnU
The Rexall Store
fMt C r-" ----- .--
ii)iiwmhm aaanr-iimirwrii jni
eu mj.vkmmutvrtmm hajuu,
LRniM HI Mi !! 1