vaoic a rilH TIMHM-UNHAIl) 1HIUNH, 11 A It N H Y OOU NTT ORlflOH Hnturtlnjr, Novrtnltrr SO, 1024 ki ' ;, v r w r p . 4 V - ft Pi .5 RETURNING TOURISTS TELL SAME STORY 'Ono of tho Rretitoat uneournRO jocnta In tho oIkM youni I hnvo norv oil ib Director of tho Nour Kaat In the report brought Imck by roturnltiK tourlatu thin yonr," atntoti J. J. Hand aker, Motional Director for Noar ISitat Hollof for OroKon, WaHhliif-ton, Urltlah Columbia and Alaaka. nlroiiKth vlnoftnr, Diirroln in which tho fermentation In tiiklnrc plnco tiro firmly nupportod on tho nldoii with holim drilled nbovo tho vhioKiir lovol ut onch oud of tho Itarrol, Thin allowii froo circulation ho "cniT nffoniriiUhou'jli oflwt only it oflior thouHiimlii of children, uh woll fow contH, for tho ulothltiK, Wo nro bh to raliio tho honlth Mtniidurdii ovory dotornilnod not to pnuporito thoMo poo- whoro thoy go. plo, who, until u fow youra jiko, woro "iioyn triilnod In modern mothodn of proaporoua and Hulf-roHpontliiK. Ho nRrloulturo hy Hum Nowiunn of Bo cnrofully dooH Tod (liuinuwny hnndlo nttlo mid l.oonnrd llurthlll of Cor tit 1m clothing thnt ho actually turnii viiIIIh, nro rovolullonlr.lim tho Idouii of of air. Aftor formontntlon Iiuh atart- bnck a Profit ouch month, n profit fnrmura who nro ani-urlim iwtco tholr ,, tho 1)lirn) , )t llllllur,l(!tI, which In uhoiI for tho purchitiio of frmor erdpn by tho into of ilioao Uiiiiueeom.ul vlnoimr makliiK Ih rood for tho children of whom thoro modern mothoilM. un iu ohk ui vinoi nr uuuciiifc ih nro thoumitida and thouimndu huniiry "Honiotliuoa poopln Hay to mo, 'Why ""y "no to muni; llio imrrolH loo In (Jroooo today. don't IIioho people do iiomothlni; for Hill, preventing froo olroulatlon of "Tho Hiimo Hort of mlraoloa aro thomBolvoii?' And I'womlor If thoy air. Low acetic acid contont of vln- "It Ih a very HhniHIcnnt thing that thosu tourlHtn nil comn back with tho wr(rUKit with old clothliiR aoroNH tho moan tho children, hoiuo of whom ogar Ih initially duo to low augur con tinue Htory. Home auw ono part of mack Him In tho HiiiihIoii CaueuBtia hegln iih early iib oIriiI to help oarn tout. Htlgur completely formontod whom about half of tho oxponao of tholr own way . wm y)j ,Kj, l(,Mt vinegar, tho work Ib mot through contrlbutloiiBj "Tho Noar Kant Ilollof In not giving t , ,. iii() of old cunning irom America, tiiu am in aoiiu rniuguoa oxcupi in wm tho work ami hoiuo auothor. Hut nil utile In imylni; that tho Americana oigagcd In tho work aro of ituiiHiially 1irIi typo; that tho work In economic Hy and efficiently done, and If Amor leu only know the nood and how far the nood Ib being met with tho money n-mllnblo, thoro would bo no lack of tuuda, "Among thoBo recently vlaltlng tho Near Karit and whoao reportH have ItiiHBtan government payH a iitalod biiiii for (Iioho toiiH or clothing, and thoy aro furulHhed to workera who make thorn over and put thorn In Hhapu for Hale to tho himiara or ahop'i. Aituln tho people aro not pauperized ror tlumo who can pay, pay a hiiiiiII amount, and only tho ciihoh of Hie meal been uniformly onthiiBliiBtlc, are Mra. doaporulo nood receive free glfta." O. H. JackNon and her aoerotary, MIbh prcaont, Mr. Merrill iiayii, tho Julia Hobday, or the Oregon Journal; ; ntftt ()f tho Atmonhuiii In moat un Mlua Cornelia Marvin, Stale 11-1 Impity. Thoy aro IioIiir torced out of brarlan; Mru. l.nuiau Ivollenw, or tnu circeee, and. uh they aro not allowed Kugeno lllblo UulvorHlty; Prof. W. J. Fly, hlnflold College; Mliitt Mella Smith of the Portland Publlo HcIiooIh, nud Dr. and Mrs. II. W. Coo or Port land, phllauthroplHtB, Dr. J. It. Wether boo, termer ProHldeut Portland Chain ber of Coinmerco. "ActliiR on the ndvlro of the Na tional Information llureau, the Com munity ChoMtH of Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Include the Near Kaat llellef ror generous appropriations The purpouo or thtH bureau In to In YeatlRiito tho worklnRH or roller iiRunclcB, both at homo and abroad, nud no Community Cheat will rIvo n penny to an organization not ap proved by (IiIb bureau. luveBtlRiitora have round that tho money gota there If wo rIvo It." Tho Nenr I'aat Holler offlcert aro at 013 Stock KxchatiRo, Portland and 339 Durko IIIiIr., Seuttle. In Turkey or IIuiihIii, they have nowhere to i;o, hut aro Riithered In refURoo iitallomi alonR the idieren of the Mediterranean iioa, waltluu ror tho ItOHRue or NatlotiH lo decide what In to ho done with them. "Why tho allien allowed tho Turkn to net oft ho enny la more than any of int can underHtaud," ho mild, UIiicubhIiiic the Hltualloti In the Levant. "That wiih certainly a moat torrlblo mlatake, and wo havo not hoRiitt yut to know bow terrible it wnu.' WASHINGTON BOY HOME FROM NEAR EAST rF - s: ACHESON SURVEYS AMERICAN OPERATIONS rf'"' --"7 mm ALFRED MCRRITT Alfred Merrltt, who Iiiih JumI return ed to bin homo In Tai-oma after three yoara uervlce for th NVar KitMt ltellof in ItUHBlati Armi'iila "Unleaa you have lim-n over there and have tteen thoiiHiiudH upon tltoilH anda or children Rraduully develop from practical aiivuKory, to which they had beuu reductid, Into happy VHoful Helf-HiipportlnR membera or humanity you can never know whnt that country owes to America. Tho work la not flnlahud yt but after thla year Hhould ItcRlu to diminish. With thouaauda of children nt III huiiRry In rofuRue campH thla la no time to think of reductloiiH or withdraw aU." "Ted (lanuaway, a boy from Med ford and Knattli', la buay illatrlbullnR clnthltiR in (ireece. He pay a tho rofURoe women, many or them expert noedlewomen, a tew coula a day ror maklnR over tho clothluR, Then It a muu la able to pay any price what ever Ipt Hyn'r-ic' to pny nil, thntl BARCLAY ACHCSON Ilarclny AcIu'moii, wiII known to many In OroRon and WaMhltiRtoii be taiiae of yttara or ronldonm In Clio hallfi. Smith llotid and Portland, mill d from Now York on Novembor 5th, to continue hla work iih Director of Ovoraeaa Operatlona for tho Nenr Kaat Hellef. Acheaon linn recently apont more than a year In the Near Kaat, makliiR careful ntirvuy of the different dlatrlhutlou of old clothluR. And hint year we riivo help to r.0(),()()0 In thin way. Our program In purely ono of ohlldeiiio, and iih noon iih our children nro able to atipport themaelvuH, our work will be flnlahed. Hut theao nro children, tuontly orphaiiH, atraiiRern In n HtraiiRo laud, with no claim what , aver upon the Rovernmentn who hnvo Riven llieiti a place to live." ' Acheaon declared that (ho (Irook Roveriiiiieut In duliiR more lo aid tho roriiROoa than all (ho relief iiroiicIok .combined, and In iipeudliiR inure on them than on all Rovornmontal iiReuolen combined INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN ' I1ULI! SUNDAY DEC. 7 Iutertiatlounl Hidden Rule Sunday In n teat for our rellRlou our nliicerlty, It la ii day for pornoim) atoek taking, for ineaHtirliiR our Uvea by a uulver ' iially accepted Htaudard or tiro to un certain how nearly we have attained to an Ideal. It la Intended aa a day of plain IIvIiir and IiIrIi thlukliiR. On (hla day nil peraoiin who be Hove In (lolilen Rule are nuked to pro vide for (heir Sunday dinner approxi mately (he hiiiiio nliiiple menu provid ed for (he toiia of thoiiHUiida of chll- dren In the Noar Kaat llellef orphan . IIROB. j A ntandnrd menu for a Coldeu Rill Dinner la na follewa: Pllaf Armenian or macaroni ami cheeno, alewcd aprl cola with corn ayrup, lirown bread anil cocoa. A alow of beef and voruIiiIiIoh may bo nubatltiiled for (ho pllaf or miiear l onl Ih deiilred The rood rihouhl be douiitt-d hy local merchiiulH. The ruclpe for pllaf of (Iih chef or j tho Hotel Leu IhirRiio. Ufiievn. Swit zerland, wliern the flrai InteriiHtlonnl (loldoii Kill" Dlniii'r wit held. n un folloxs I i upftil wellw-mhed rice, 2 iiHifiilN lnilter nr Irttuir nUKlllnte. ' inelt'il. 1' u;fuU tintiitma t-ut u , S'v iiiprulu tnl and la in I broth. 7 tnbli'Mpoonriila elitipped oiiIoiih Mlv (he oiiIiiiih Willi the butlnr; add the tomatoes, ullow lo hIiiiiiI ror fixe mlii- uteH, pour over Hie liroth and when bollliiR add the rke, null and pepper. Stir with a fork to keep It from bum Iiir, cover llRlKly and rook In (ho oven for 30 uiiuulitn. Then take from the oven and let aland for 15 mliititea. Take (he rice from the kettle with a aklmiuer. llflliiR It from (he bottom to the top to keep the Rralna aeparatn. It la liuperittlvo to have n kettle with n cover that cloaoa hermetically ao (hat the atentu tuny be atmorbed by TIIUTIIIWI. Chaurrour; "And ur Iurriiro, Hlrl Shall wo take It with un now," Fanner: "IjUrkiiro, mo eye. Hay, fioiiiiy, when I htttlim my rout my trunk In locked." ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICI3 T-'nj stgrgg? pifcn.N rim i-'itrrr .n-.i.ii IS MADI. IIV iiei'scwiim: flelda where Amorlcnti charity la car Mho rice. Iiir for mere than 60.001) children. Tho above quiuitlty will prorlde for SpeakltiR bufcire cluba of Portland, tun people. Seattle and Tacoma bualtieaa men, Acheaon deelared that the Near Kaat Relief Ih comliiR Into a now phaae of work. "Kxcept for Syria and (Ireece, there It little more limn (ho normal amount of aiifferltiR in the Near Kaat," ho a Id. "It la trim that the Mltiiatlou In thoae en in pa la ilea perate, and then are thouaauila of children t litre who will periah thla wiutor almply heeHiiau thnro aro hoiuo foIkH In America who are RottliiR tired of kIvIiir. Anyone who Iiiih over aeon the mlrnclea Unit I have aeu homo lean and hopelewM, riiRRed children turned into hniipy, couflilenl, health fill children- would never talk ubout beltiR tired or rIvIiir. "DurliiR the paHt year we aavud 16,000 children from roIiir blind and wo trained hundreda of rIHii to ro Ollt an, nuraea. to jvy, (he alRht of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Lamps, Toasters, Sweepers, Irons, Percolators, Etc. ROSTERS AND PERCOLATORS All Reasonably Priced I. S. Geer & Co. . Kiodi Department liidtiatrlul Jou rnallam. OreRou Aiirtciillural Cel Ioro. Pectin fftr future .JollymakliiR In boat proaorvod at thla aiwaou or (he year hy OroRon houauwlvm aaya K II. WleRiind, horllRiilturlat for the ox perlmeiit alatlon. A homo aupply may ho made hy taklni; apple peela or amall applea and alinmerliiR them for two houra with a allRht addition or waler. Tho Juice extracted la heat pre nerved in well aloppered hottlua Tho bottloa are atealllr.ed either lit lint water nt 180 to 190 doRroea J for 30 iiilnutoH or hy one tenth or 1 per cent by wolRht henzotiolo of node. Combined with vuiIouh fruit Julcea thla product will make a Reed Rrado of Jelly. Proportlona to uao are ono part or pectin, and three pnrtn or fruit Juice, to four pnrtn of auRiir, (iood akuation nkkdkd in i'Kii.mi:nti.N(j vwkh From Department Induatrlal Jou ruallam, OroRon Agricultural Col lego. In makliiR vinegar, caro la taken to aerate tho formontliiR elder well, iiayH M. II, WioRiuid, hnrtlciilturlHt 1 for the Oregon experiment atatlon. I Thin lit iieceHHiiry to got a propor In tho matter of tho l.ntatn of Alfred Woat Dereaneil. Notice la hereby given that tho underalgued wua on tho 0th day of November, 11121, hy tho County JuilRo of Harney County, Oregon, duly appointed AilmlulHlrntrlx of '" '-UH I ' I UH 'IIH H jf-fr tho above oatato, and linn duly qual ified nnd filed her bond. Any and nil pornoiiii haying clnlmn ugnltint mild oatato nro required to preiient tho aarno duly verified an by InW re quired with proper voucliorn, within nix montlin from tho (Into of thin notice, to mo nt Duron, Orugon, nt tllo office of my attornoy, C. II. i.oo- nnrd, Datid Nov. 7th, 1024, IDA WKBT. Adtnlnlntrntrlx of tho JCittnto of Al fred Weal, Decomjnd. Called Wasfeiul Destruction j Cabin el Post? 3 '.JnL JB' ipif" ' ' i .V. w l K HK Mil i he callitiR of W C t'oirry. ui of Mlnneaota ARricultural 'ilege, to Washington for confer- with Prealilcnt Coollclgo linn uaeil the Weaterner to bo men- i.iicil n a a likely aucccasor to the 'u Spcretnry Wnllnce na hcnd of m' Department of Agriculture. Hemstitching lOcenUYard Stamping and Mail Orders Promptly Filled Mrs. W. W. Keeney Burns The bit Get na and eat at the CLUB CAFE Levenslltel BaHdlng MvalH at all houra and the menu includes evcrythinf? obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick courteous service Bring the Family Above la the I.1 H. S. Waalilnton aa nho waa lowed townrtl tu- 'Irjrlnla Capea to lie uhoiI aa a target in Nnvy prnctice. hhe c o.OOO.OOO nnd la 8f per cent complete. Her destruction ia h uccord no with the "WaahinRton Conference." Protcnta from nil aourcci ' auch wnsteful dealriictlon hnvu been mntlt, the claim being that 1'ier powers have not lived up to their ngrecmentH made at Wash kIoIi. I WM. FARRE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Standard Stock Com- panics PRACTICE, before U. S. Land Office and bureaus of the Department REAL ESTATE; city, acreage and farm property YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED wnvtiarW -1 Further Reductions In Our CLOSING OUT SALE Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Crane-Burns Mail Stage Seven Passenger Touring Gars Best on the line Leaves Burns Post Office every evening except Saturday, at 6 P. M. Fare $2.50 BONDED CARRIER U. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor HWIWHI -jl'H-Mil 'fU FOR SALE Buick-4, 1923 model Touring Car Run about 6500 miles VALE TRADING CO. Crane Oregon --4- - y ' W a t-A I1TAT" ;' ff .h. - . '.Ik ..Vlii. H B9 N-w mn IWlliK? "n1" r'lr!-) 5 Jri I -J JCJ MnMllK-i' J'tllIn-r3 We will be glad to confer with prospective home builders or business investors. 1 Let us help you to plan and finance your ouiiaing operations. Itwitw 1 GEORGE HACKER Contractor and Builder Corner North of Burns Gurnge