rilKaKSHfi lfcT. v, I I Hit iimca TIH TIMEH-RHRAMI R V R N , M A B If Y HIT O rl eY (I N flalnrdfiy, November 1, 1024 FAIIM FLOCK IMlOFITAHIiK IUHKJATIOI) PAHTlUtlCH oonfaronro of tho oxtoiiRlon norvlco at tho a(rluulturnl coHoro OctrilHsr 20-23. DiuiKor that tho proaont tilioop prlccii rombtnud with low prluon of othur II v n Htook havo producod an In olplunt boom loadfl thu dopartmont to rooommond that Kroat ruru bo oxor olnod to provont rockluHH Invoahiiontii Ono-oli;litli to olio-fourth aero of flrnt claim Irrigated pauturu and 1500 poundH of alfalfa hay aro rucom- mondod for unoh owo ami hor lamb. With lambH at 10 contii a pound and wool at 40 coiita, a flock of Reed owoh will mako a not rolurn of up proxlmatuly $ti n yoar per owo. From tli Ih oHtlmato, tho cimt of foud, In toroHt on limmttnont, wai;on for lab or, doproclatlou and Iohhoh aro do ductod. It Ih rocognlr.od that thorn may bo oocaHlonal opportunltloii for prnflt ablo flpocttlatlon In cull owoh from tho raiiRo flockn, but in gonoral tho purchano of only Reed owoh for farm flock purponon Ih rocommondod. nuccoHrilvo porlodn of froozlng and thawliiR which como In thono monthn very oflon lift tho young clovor or alfalfa plantH out of tho land to tho oxtont that thoy dlo, Thorn In n llttln loBa danRor of wlntor killing on flollii that aro firm but woll dralhod, and If thorn Ih a numo crop growing with tho clovor or alfalfa. OccuhIoii ally In tho mild wlutorn wlion tlioro In no norlotiH fronting very good Htnndn aro obtained, but for tho mont part fall planting In a Iobh of tlmo and Hood. Fnrm uhuop flftck Iiub a porimtiuint placu on tho larger IrrlRUtod rnrmit of onatorn Oru,;on ami n woll liwuinK etl flock will jirovu n puyliiK Invojit mont tliroui;li a Horlua of nl tliouRh tho liimlnetm may not tin profltnlilo tit cortalti yours. TIiIh In tko recotnniondntton of tho animal Itusbnmiry do pur tm out at tho annual I'KltFKCT COMPANIONBIIIP HI'HING VhANTlNd OF IrKUUMICH IJKHT alio camo homo with hor hair hnh bod and ho Immediately wont to tlio bnrborn and had bin head Hhavcd and iiIro bin muntacho. Hlio wont him ono hotter and had all tho Hhacp clipped and uncd tho money to keop hor hair waved. Fall howIiir of Hmnll noodod lo Ktimo plantii In Oro'on Ilka alfnlfa or clnvor iiHtially roHiiltii In a ntand frozen out In January or February, roportH tho oxporlmnut iitatlon. Tho 1 I WOULD S we stand for a law that kept 3000 families out of Oregen: Of course xvc wouldn't! So it's up to us to vote the antagonistic Income Tax Law out of existence! For it has already lost for Oregon payrolls amount ing to more than six million dollars ($6,000,000) a year! And six million dollars means at least 3000 families who are lost to Oregon's popular tion in just one year under this dangerous law. Oregon needs Jobs and Markets The Income Tax kills both! Vote 312X YES and kill the Income Tax! If there nre two things Oregon needs nbovc nil others it iu ( I ) jobs for her workers, nntl (2) markets for her products. Every new enterprise or in dustry brought into Oregon means more jobs. Jobs support population. Ev ery increase in population means a better market for farm and factory products. Yet the income tax law antagonizes industries and enterprises. Many au thentic cases arc on file where industries MOVED OUT OF OREGON OR DECIDED NOT TO COME TO OREGON because of the income tax law. Counting loss of capital invested, purchases and payroll, this loss is already conservatively estimated at more than $40,000,000. The payroll loss alone is already over $6,000,000 a ycarl 59 Industries lost to Oregon in a single year others threatened These figures show the appalling efFect of this unwise tax law which antagonizes industries on which a large part of our growth and prosperity depend. Recorded Damage Due to State Income Tax it 12 10 22 Tiro dt purchases cancelled or sus pended ... .... f 1 1.000,000 Conilt uction of lumber mill, towns, loKKlnjc camps and lof ring railways ahandoncd or suspended . ... 7,171,000 Oihtr indutttlil Inyettments can relied or suspended 4, 171,000 One year'e operating payroll on foregoing Itrmi . 1,610,000 Diiincorporatloni, 14,606,000 ctpl list. Oamagt lined I 10 only 4(0,600 Actual removttt Irom t tie Hate, In diirling !mi ol only ont yni'i pay roll . 2.440,210 Threatened removals, Including lota vl only ont year'e payroll 2,211,100 31 Caiea ti lo which definite amounta art nol available, hut which would amount to many million ( dtintge tilted at 14 Cases ttlll under Investigations would amount to many mllllonlj damage lilted at 21 Catet In which reported removal or Inveitment eliewhere wat itated to have been cauied by the Income tit but which cannot b verified In writing tlmtr,e lilted at Total Kecorilnl Parnate . . . , ..$41,252,350 Three fiiirci crrilfirJ contrrvtllv anil correct liyi I HANK I.', ANDIUiWS, CHAHUH II.STHWAIIT. UI.N arXLINO. CIIIUSS A. DULL, J. K.GILL. The customer who quits and says nothing The innicliniin thinn about thin Inw in that industries do not complnin they oimply pack up and move to another Mate I They arc like the customer who quitn and says nothinn you never know he is diMatinfird nor why hence have no chance to make matters right with him. Many larce. concerns who left or stayed out of Ore Kon on account of the income tax refused to allow us to use their names because they did not want to be made to appear as tax dodders and yet the' could not af-, ford to carry a tax burden in Oregon which they did not need to pay in California or Washington! There is an old adage which says, "Business is sensitive. It rocs only where it is invited and stays only where it is well treated." We cannot afford to AN TAGONIZE enterprises which other states are INVITING I This insidious law must go It is hurting Oregon! we had pltnncd to cttabllih our Northwrit head'iuartert In Partland. We changed our plant, and re locating In Seattle became of the advene Oregon Tai Law. TUB HOYUMMYTON CO., Loa Angtlca. Had we known the Oregon Income Tai Law would have patted, we certainly would have bought timber in Waihington or llrltlth Columbia, rather than In Ore ' CKNTHAL COAL, A COKR CO., Kantat City. Owncrt of Vernonla, Ore,, development. Wt had planned on erecting a lawmill at a cott of approilmately 1100,000 and four miles of logging rail toad. Thlt would increatt our lodging facilities which would amount to an eapcndilure of about $110,000 addi tional, TUB OI.EMDALU LUMIIBK CO., Utendale, Oregon. On receipt of a draft ol the ttate Iricomt tax lave at our New York headquarters, Initrunlont were tent to clote tht Pacific Coatt branch at Portland, February I, 1924. LEW18-MKAR3 CO., New York. Wt would not contldtr any further cipantlon aa long aa there It a ttate Incomt tax In Oregon. IMHNES-LINDHLEY MfO. CO., Portland, Ort. Wt had completed plant and spccMcatloni for a building to be utcd aa a warehoute and officii for a large corporation with headquarters In California, but the plans fell through when they learned of the atatt income tax meiiure. Will do nothing further in this raatttr until tht Incomt tax mcature it settled. HOLMAN TKANBPER CO., Portland, Oregon. Will reduce our operations in Oregon and possibly go to Vancouver, Waahlngton. COAST CUL.VEKT A PLUMB CO., Portland, Ore. Read these extracts from, letters. The originals and hundreds more like them are on file. Then go to the polls November 4th and rid Oregon of this objectionable law which is keeping millions of dollars and thousands of people away from our state. When tht State 6f Oregon patted tht ttatt Incomt tax law, then wt believed it bcit to rt-Incorporata the company In California, which was done. 11ENSON LUMI1BR CO., San Diego, Cat. we cannot permit ourtelvet to bt burdened with any taxca that our competitor!, the majority of whom art In Wellington, do not have to pay, For that retinn we figure that if the Income tax It to be permanent, we, In self preservation, mutt with draw our headquarters to another state. MAM WOODWORK! NO CO.. Ponltnd, Oregon. Coming from WUconiln, whtre wt have had a ststt Ittfoene tax for several years, we are familiar with that deterrent to bualneia development, and we, ourstlvee, at well as many others whom we know, left WUconiln for the time reaaon for which we hetltate to go Into buelntis in Oregon. WM. M. II RAY, Stcy.-Treee., Othkoth Land A Timber Co.. Othkoth, Wis. I Pret. Klsnv. ath Logging Co., Klamath Fills, Ore.) Pres. Sprtgue River Co., Chlloquln, Ore, Third largest owners in Klamath County, We had acquired property for the erection of a wtrehouit when we turned of thlt law. I have heretofore advlnd on similar rrquttts thtt wt ctnnot maintain our builnctt in Oregon if tht ttatutt It upheld. TRUSCON STKBL COMPANY, Youngttown, Ohio, W, V. Outride, V, P. Will limit expamlon to moil aluolute neceititles to complete preiitit function!, a tciuctlun of 01 In program, On account of the severity and ln)tiitlce of the Oregon Income tax law we have decided to cut down our proposed building and equipment project from 1)1.000 lo 112,000. and had we realiied that this tax would become effective, wt would not have budgeted any additional Improvement at , Oregon. WKSTKKN LUMUER MFO. CO., San Prancltce, Unites tht lsw la repealed we are aerlouily con sldcring Incorporating our Seattle home separately and diverting also to them all Oregon builneis tint It it pottlblt for them to handle. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO,, Portland, Oregon. Our company will not expand In Portland so lone i thrrc Is a State Inrorna Tax Law, The principal reatn our head office waa net totaled In Portland was on this aoeoiun. 11UNOB WESTERN OKAIN CORPORATION. Porttatol, Oregon. had we not already opmed our olfice there, and eiubllihtd ouij)vc, c certainly would not ilo It now, and futthrrmore, we have been considering the adtiiahility of diicontlnulni; our branch there. TUB 1). V, BTUKTBVANT CO., San Francisco. Mr, Herbert Armstrong Western Manager for the Mentiha Woodtnwjre tumpuny, itored that thry were figuring on moving the Weitern Woodcnware Com vjnir from Taconia lo Coot Hay, anil had already pur r hated site on our waterfront. Later -tatrd they would not do anything at all toward a change until they hid seen the effect of the Oregon State Income Tax Law. II. O. KERN, Prctldcnt, First National Ilank, North Uend, Oregon. Our original plant of operations In Oregon railed (or an annual froductlon of 200 million feel of lum ber, whcitai nur prerent plena rail for only 20 of that amount. Furtherrrore, we had planneif on con ttnictinc and operating a Uige Door and Tush Factory In connection with our lumbering p!-n-, hut with this ihiratcniiit; teuiUatton there is no,.cmcnt for us to Invcct the nccca.ary capital fcr carrying out our original plans. We hope that the majority o( the people in Oregon wit! ultimately change their preterit Mtiuile toward capital and industry, to the end that '- "I.I be a wel come vliitor In every lection of the uric. MOUNT EMILY TIMlU'.l; CO., La Grande, Ore. wt contemplated putting In an electric tucl furnact, but will not do thit until the law hat been changvd. REND IRON WORKS. nrlllQ trix Irtail riQ rilwrtAv ncf or Oregon more than 40 million dollars just for the purpose of X 1113 HeA. tlW ftitie LUI Ctltty UA1 soaking our enterprises 2 or 3 millions a yean Is that good business . or good sense? The situation is critical. It must be met by intelligent voting. If we want Oregon to grow we must vote to KILL THE STATE INCOME TAX Initiated hr O C. Chapman, Editor, Oregon Voter, Z'ii Worcester Uulld Iriff, Portland, Oregon-INCOMF. TAX RriPKAL-Purpoteri To re peul chapter 271) of (be General tana of Oregon of 1923, known aa tue income Tax Act voto Yfcti or nu Yea 313 No 3S Vote 312 X Ye J-MakesiircyourbalIot In marked this way J'ald advertisement, Portland Chamber of Commerce Committee for repeal of Ineomo Tax, V. S, llabion, Chairman, rctldcnco 543 V.ut IStH Street, North, Portland, Oregon, !fc M VI