The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 01, 1924, Image 1

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' f&&p
vol. xxxv in
f, NOVEMBER 1, 1924
NO. 1
u (fr i
r " m ij .;i. tt t - ib w y i w. jhv jn..
ZOW'Jr iW Vt-
Valuable Suggestions by Engineer
On Harney Valley Irrigation Plans
Portland, Oregon.
Oelobur 2!tril, 1021.
Mr Wllllnni Fnrro,
H,.rns, OroKon.
M. (I mi r Mr. Fnrre:
I have boon vory miiuli Interested
,n nadlng In tlio UuriiB papers of tlio
,k of our Uommlttoo, studying
p B.ilillltl08 of pumping wutor j
r irrigation. Through thu work
, our firm as Hngluours for tho Hur
. , alley Irrigation District I bo
in vory fumlllnr with tho uttua
t im your vnlloy nnd linvo given
, v study to tho tfrli;nltou pump
, i, posHltilllllun. I bollova that tho
V rni'V Valloy will In the courso
( timo aoo agricultural development
ftr beyond prosont expectations.
This will comu about through Irri
gation anil through tho adaptation of
f.rm iron which will offer tho great-
t rotum to the prpilucer.
On tho subject of pumping water
f. r Irrigation, I have certain &mm
which I huvo not seen expreeeed In
invious discussions of the subject.
I ,.m writing you this letter not an
a final opinion, but a r starting
P nt for uddltlonaal discussion and
tudy thta may prove fruitful and or
lunoflt to your valley.
Under-flow not Unlimited
lu varloiiH discussions or the sub
jut there hnvo boon stiilomonts giv
ing n vory largo ncrongo In llnmoy
V.lley HUbJoct to reclamation by
lumping water. 200.000 acres was
the figure uunlud In one liiKtiinco. I
am not prepared to nay whether this
figure Is likely to bo correct or Incor
riTt. nor to place uny definite limit
i... .imi whH'ii tnav oo
by nuiuplng. Mil mere in i
Mult to this ncroogo- probably very
i uch Iohh than the area having soil
'vlltlmiH unci surface layout othur
.. e favorable for irrigation.
From the goologlua.l standpoint
))re Is no roubt thnt the llarnoy
H.v Is the bed of an ancient Ink", j
t predecessor of Malheur Lake.
r rirnmtlonii l tho valley tiown
i depth wore dopoalted uu-
. ,-r In tho bed of this lake
-hi. edge of tho Valluy tho
'ormetlone are much roer-
hose out In tfl mWdh) of
. ..-., t -v. '
,-.n ft,r till. U .rMtltf. T?M,.l wKh f ggW' , "
...L i rv-.Pni CreaTc t&wM ItoH (rtalJBU To Irrigate
and o ho7 J&li ' l tfce
, IS or Vavel. u.d .
, Midler ..d heavier
I ." THO ouaniur !
rn. carrlttd by thww atrwunB
r aiosUU Vhwo thoy first
, ur. .1 Hie inkn, aor iitwr tlio foot
, ii, Tie fltiqr purllcttls wro our
t ul bv curroiits niiif wave action
irthtr nut Into tho ,Jnko, nnd tho
wry finest roiiialiiod Huapondwl
tho water u long time and -i
camo to roat In life ldlo of tho
lako or out In tho vicinity of tho
existing Mulhour Lake. Tho con
firmation of this is found In tho
fact thut tho fliib-surfaco formation
1 1, tho Harney Valley aro much conri-
r around tho edges of tho Valley
man out In tho middle. Since It Is
taster to get water In largo ipmntl-
t p from walls drlvon In gravel.
knd. ormlmllar formations. It muy
h c pectod that tho morn ravorabl
Ucj'ion- for developing ground wat-
- i Hupi'iiat fo" IrrlRBtlon in amplo
f,a.tUio lie around the odgw of
,' iljcney Valloy rather than out
v. ,-jr.i ilia middle. Of oourao, thoro
n 1 al conditions which will mod-
i -v tb.t but tf A'uonoral gtotomont
jt cn not be controvortod.
flirt water ' bearing formations
,ihrouKhout the llarnoy Valloy Imvo
tiKcn'niled Up to tho prosont round
H ei v b-vc'l through conturlos of aur-
f . ra'nfall and sub-urfac flow.
A iow wallH, mostly snatiow, uv
Sa Inoxlmiistlblo. Tho uiidorgronnu
water opcuplOB tho spaces botwoon
tho soil particles and It must bo ro
momhorod that thlB spitco is only 'n
frncilon of the qntlro soil volumo. In
very fow caeo will' tho poroua npaco
exceed 40 por'cont and ordinarily It
' 1 vory much hw, U tho poroim
xpiico lii an (Aidorground formation
invcrqged 20 por oont and thin wa(or
were romovoit for nurfuco Irrigation
nt the ruto of 2 ncro root por annum, ,
...- i.i ,l.l 1, rmlMPnil 10
feet everv veur unions some addition
,,. ,Phla ,B hovevor no ovi- lo undogrround water U U. bos-
ul wutor woro supplied. 11 IIh clour
thnt tlio extent to which Irrigation
pumping may ho successfully un
dertaken depends out holy upon thu
possibility of tlio underground source
being replenished from your to your.
Tlio ruto of undorgr und flow of
wntnr In commonly vory much oxug
gorntod. Water done not flow or-
illnurlly In sub-surface ohtiunuln or
seams but uiovos Mlowly between the
soil particles at a rate which depends
upon the coarseness of the soil ami
tho Hlopu but Is ordliiarlly only u mat
tor of Inchon or a vory fow feet u
day. Under the conditions In tho
llnmoy Valloy, the underground sup
ply would be replenished to a certain
degree by the Inflow foom tho nioun
tnliiH to the North and to the Booth
and from tho high ureas Kast and
west of the Valley. The underground
water supply would also pe replen
ished, frems the winter precipitation
awl from the absorption through the
Wed or streams. After you sum up
all of these additions to tho under
ground storage reservoir, It nooms
very unlikely that It could possibly
be replenished ut the rate thu water
Is removed for surface Irrigation
purposes. Under the conditions, I
seriously doubt whether there Is any
portion of the Harney Valley where
complete Irrigation of the surface
area would not result lu drawing
down thu underground water level at
n rapid rate. For a given section the
first wells developed would undoubt
edly hold up very well and give
promise of permanent success but
as the time came when a large solid
area of laud was completely develop
ed with a woll on every 80 or ICO
iipin iiml nil tllliun U'ltllu lull II I' lllllllll
-" - - ." " .
od for Irrigation, the probabilities
tho tliut the entire water table would
be drawn down to such an extent
that none of those wells could bo
pumped profitably. There Is no
doubt' that n very 'largo total area ol
land lit tho HiJrnoy Valloy etui bo
Irrjgutod by wells but It Is very
doubtful whether the development
of any largo solid body In quo .part
of the Valloy would bo ntifijutoil UX
nucri'sti From iiroeeni hihwdwho"
It i Impossible to say how oloael
lls unxb bo speeml Or mU pt-
outn of Die area coiihlk furoUl-
eWe.liiwofyi-etlm u not ilk-
ly to he poMlbta, " might ho..r...
hrpoeelblo to d.v.P,,, aso ur mo
or 80 acres out of ivry soctlou ny
pwmpliiK u"'l buve tb wells bold up
jjerwinnwi.lly lth no great redurtlou
In the wuhtr mbln. I do not with to
discourage ihv pomlbllltltw of woll
tlevoloinnvnt in llarnoy Valloy. I
heller thoso possibilities aro vory
groat aud that ulllmntoly you will
oo many thouowids of acroa ndded
to your Irrlgablo arou In this man
nor. I simply want to point out the
possibility of over-doing tho woh
development and thu limiting cotidl
lions which govom. It Is possible
for tbo Harney Valloy to profit from
tho unfortunate oxporloucos in other
localities whoro tho first wells prov
ed h guceoss nnd wore followed by n
Kroat wave of woll drilling activity
which finally resulted In disaster
to everybody. 1 bollovo that the
great advantngo to bo dorlvod from
thu work of your Oommttuo Is
through tho thorough, uniiroliiJIooil
study that you wo able to muUo, nnd
tho worklug out of R definite pro
gram, making uoo of tho oxperlonco
of others.
Tlio Need of U'tfltdutlon
Prior to undertaking tho devoloi
mmit of underground wntor .i any
argo affile we naod u rovlslon mid
luiprovement of our p..)Ult lw Oil
tl-.. subject. Wo haw a fairly oom-
dovolopmonlB and somo roylslon or
addition to our laws hould be
No man Hhould bo prohibited rrom
putting dpwn u wolljinJlU proic-rlv
for domestic purpelpaailig uos or
water tof drinking, c.aftltjng jnnltury
purpoees. nnd tho watering of stouk
lu paramount and no ono nhould be
doprlvud of thlB. Tho amount of
water used for those nurtioroa Is,
i . .n..iki.
compared 10
' (Conttnuud on page fivo)
. . . ... -,!. t.j.u I H llfcA
till uaie n mp ii t. -. . a- , - ..- ..--.--
to m: vi-jitv puoductivi:!
Due to fire hazard It was In pos
sible for Mr. AuHiuus to take u stoma
throHhlng outfit to his farm about
ono and three-fnurlh miles iuiild t or
the Meander lino on thu Malheur
lllrd Heiiervo, so ho persuaded tho
writer to lake tho Clan rig owned by
tho llarnoy llranch lOxperlmeiit ( lo
tion down nnd thresh out IiIh crop of
outH and rye.
The writer was surprised to po
the splendid oropn produced on tt
open hike bod Hurrouildod bv till?
nlimii four lo six foot In
The nianiK'r In which tl
were produced provim c
that the Ink" b twill flvery f
im- v.. iv HliiillarhoTtliHtrof TuH I.iko
In Oregon andaTlfoWi; and ino't
aiiv other laud Iniff'vaUnv luin-'led
lu the samu mnntier durnii: Hi's dry
Hoasoii would have resulted In fall
Mr. Auhiiius did not take tho trou
ble to plow or even disc the land,
but simply bitched onto his drill,
which was more or loss of a wreik,
ami using oats that had not beei
cleaned or graded, which he
wore so trashy that the. jiild
i,r,iii' r.ntil the drill and
part of which had to be discarded,'
tu.wnd about one and one-half tons
.. ..ui. .hi as itirnn of laud 101
IiiimIioU of oats were threshed fro
.1.1- ..I..,,., i.r limit nod the writ
I III" MJ " ' ..-..--
eslluiiites that a tomperature of
ilegreen on the 20 and 21 of A
reduced the yield about r.o pe
On a two ncre Mold scparr
the 3S acre piece by a sir.
r..iir fiint wide Mr Aus
one sack of recleaiied on
127 poundM and folio
with a splketoolh harr
thu piece leiigthwav;
From these two i
128 bushels and h
frost damage this
easily yielded 00 Imsh
mm... miMl vleld foriilfli
fnrtv five acres threshed
iiuhUi of oats and CO bush
signed, mm- bii
.,. .u' '
. v r v
M' i
Pait '
l)i !
Th '
. I , .
1 1 , (. .'
,1 Hero riuin:
i nt MnU tilt
. ,., m unU P..' ''r '
i. vra Oi" gu.t' '
In. mi r
.,. I .lone extendel were of a
......... i.. i in I moras" " "-
. .- . k mlii.l
'""' ' . ..... .,
m ,1.e ili-ui r. .e the wei -""""
., (ird..r r..r ll.o- who ua n h
fullv their . lull-;;
,,r.i oon.lder.tlon. The. i
showed careful proparaUoi. and H at
,boso taking lrt Ml '. r
Brd for the Order nnd what It
"l Th" program of the evening bo
gu will. uni.l..o. supper pro
utirod and served ut : Y l"
lum.ttee. Knol. .LX
Moortod to lior plnco nt the b e by
,,, Patron who had served with lor.
While this could not " " ""
Utomlly hecaui.0 of doath and h--nco
breaking tlio ranks. It
Hurprlalngtonndhowmo to
Mntrong nnd Pnirous wo.. '-";
getlior prosont. It was very Imp py
La.lo, ovon Ibnush 41 broU
momorloa of pool wrrowg as woll
"Swing tlio MMlon of tho Ohan
ttr btislno.. th eoinmlttoo prosuntod
one-aot oomody that was will pro
luc d ad .tatd. It hnmght much
praise from tho nuoets pro.-.
IL nn indication of how lhonn8li
tun oonnnltloM momliorg
.... ...i... i Muiv iindartnko lu
the aoeret or tho popularity oj tho
order among tho fmtpriuil goojitltw
or llama lieaM or lt ablUtor to on
terlaln aud Interest IU woinlifw.
ji. a. n. h.
Tho following ntndonlH 'nro olaso
oil A Honor Studenta lmvlng no tin-
oxcuse.l aboncos nor mroy
and having an nvorago of 00 or bet
tor In nil Hubjootti taken:
John nib'io. Arort mown' DBM
Drown. Uoy Brown, Itobort Urown,
LoIh llrown. Kdijar Dont, Alberta
anives. Sidney Hotohkltia, FmncoB
King, Naomi Moon, Marian McOul
innirh Holono LogEaii, Itwby PouJado,
llFllt llnillmlfl
Qoruldino Biior,
vuour iut.j .
most tmprwuiv
, 4 e wri" '
xN ) i b ',' '
vl.. " '
Ooorgla SlmmoiiH, Anna Vnrian unuiror 1110 mooa !, v. - -..-
Eleanor Wolcoino. and adjoining states where stock aro
tivc of Stockgrowera
lion SiRiis up Local
iuccra to Plan.
for jiiiiny years brand
Portland,, Block
lu & Horse Uulsers
)gon, Vns in Hums
fs tills wecK wnore no
the i. 'i, (Union and ills-
rdorly Marketing rinii"
teok,, .Without x-
ir. ',i,.r- ..i.
II wmiiajKruyu "'(."
reval efthe plan aftur
Ml boon explained to
markotli'g plan has
bcusIjii by tho Cat-
itsers Asuoclatlou for
L-ars, perhaps longer.
It 1
lu a test lu other ee-
i-oven an enllro siic
lu fahfurnla, where
It ill
the benefit of both
Itock yards, packers,
mid all loiiceruod.
regulation of
rovont a con-
iiH force the
ih u harduhlp
l's tho en-
)' '
11 I
ck f r
I lliey ill
I I C ' 'Il'lll-IB
nn l bo"!
1 1 i mar
. . it Mie:.
i.. imllflen
rtaln locality
, ieff r ;i ' '
', III,. I
I r.'
..! of
:lm th
Cll It
1 1
Di .J trn'n
,i ids. (II-
. ,. i. i ...-in in. i l.i no ili.
tr,'.iMif! Hi" ntuff equllablv UIMOOK
iho grower In accordance to their
.lrruinsiHiii-s. iiuuiher of li
rendy. ltalr ability to hold on pao
ture or foed with lo dleadvontngo
than some other, olo.
In order lo make this plan oneo
tlro It le nocoowry to got praetlonlly
all tho pioducera In this territory to
xlgii nn agreement to ship under tho
dlroctlon of tho mnrketlng ngont,
Urns pruvontliig tho congestion mon
tlonu.l hoforn. This ngroumoiit Is
merely to the effect that tho produ
cor will notify tho marketing ngont
ul least :0 days before glilpmont of
... . I.-- ..t ulnnlr In I'O
tho kind ami iiuiimui " n.v.. - .,
nnd bo governed by his direction.
. . ..rnVIIIlt
This ngroenioni u.)e i-.v....
the producer from selling his slock
to any one at any time, but does bind
him to notiry the murkotlng agent of
luuh salo and If It Is to bo marketed
In this territory tho buyer must take
delivery as dlmctod by tho ngont. 1
the stock aro to be takon to somo
other market this restriction does
not apply.
Mr. Buow oxplnlnod thnt tho pnoli-
I... I,... nn wHlllli;
era ami iioiuiuihiuh .)i - -
to pay n Kood prlco for atoolc but
dealro It regulated. Thoy aro Just
u, anxious to stabilize- tho mtirket
M tho producr and will glvo this
plan thQli hearty gtipport ud cooper
... ..- ... kIhmu the ooin.
aiioii- unite i"-i' -
uilselou man .who buys at a top price
on tho market this morning with the
expectation or disposing ltor to a
rathllor at'u marglJi. my "d n oou
gostoU murkot tomorrow morning
and a competitor g)ttHiB " ndvnnt
.o of ii slump and thus ablo to turn
his sturr to tlio rotallor at a leas cost
and still muko tho margin ho oxpoots.
Tho orderly marketing plan has
the approval and hacking of tho Cut
tle & Ilorao Ualsors Awioolntlon of
Orogon and that nssoolatlon Is
spending lt own monoy and Hondlug
Itu own uulnrlod man out among tho
.stock men to got tho HUbJoct hofroo
them. Thoy nvo doing a goon niuu;
: ; ,, ,.,. ... , , ,,,,a .
shlptied lo the Portland market. Tho '
Htockmou have confidence lu this or-1
gnulzatloii and aru readily taking
up thu proposition mid signing the
Mr. Hnow camo lo Durus unher
alded and thuroforo was tinablo to
meet many of tho stock men, but all
who were prosont at a mooting hold
at thu colrt liouiio on Wednesday
afternoon signed up agreements and
are convinced It Is tho best move of
this character ever made by thu slock
men of Oregon. Mr. Snow has ar
ranged to place agreement blanks
with both of the banks lu Hums for
tho convenience of stockmen who rnn,;o(1 for t, program to be ludd
were not seen during his visit hero ( t(0 lAmiy Theiilnr m u,u iiftor
iiud The Tltuos-Horiild Is glad to call mH) al O.cloct an,i MVo s,,
their attention lo It lu order that i ..,. ,,. Tn,.liwnm.. Ute ,. ,ianCu
Hh stockmen roadors and friends
may avail themselves of tho oppor
tunity to better their marketing pos
sibilities and not only help thomelves
but their neighbor an woll, .for It will
possibly ho tho moans of saving him
from going In on n oongestod market
and selling at a loss,
' -o
MKMOltlAli ,,,rND
In appointing commit toos to cun
vusm tholr respective nolgltborhood
for the Austin (Joodman moinorlal
fund three precincts wore omitted
lu our last Issuo. Those woro Warm
Springs, where Peter Oblaguo and
Al Cote are the commltteo; Curry,
with W. U. Heat and Albert Oaker
mau us committeemen, and Fgll
where Link Mutton nnd Peter Peter
son are appointed.
Kvon though pooplo have been up-
tolnted to look after gathering the '
ids in ouch commimlly with a j
of completing the canvass by
giving lime woen .... "-.,
"' s ,:" r:.r -s ; i
disposition of tho fiinii, Tlio
les-llorald has received J 10 more
lrhiK the week, thus bringing tne
)tal contributed through this paper '
ip to $170.50. Thoso rontrlbiiting
this week nre:
null Mrs. W. F. Oltman ...?
.... in., ni.n. iirlilliu'liiim 2. CO I
t-,ni, ifv. COO t
Funds ror this purposo may .bo crook last .Saturday morning, waa
...ut dtrectly to either lnk In Hums burled nl'Hiirnoy on Tuesday nfter
in the name of tho Austin Goodman noon. Itov. Kugono Mowd ol tho Ilai
M.raorlal ruw' wltlwut oomlOB ' tint church conducting the service
through this office or glwn dlrootly I from the Community church. Inter-
" . .. i ... i i.. ii... I l.n.i iinimt.
t . Mm .inuel,ten.n IH Hie
.tlffwrrii' ..lrUls i
.. T
I Contributed 1
The regular meeting of the Moth
er Club on rkurday afternoon at
ti. imme of Mrs. W. U. Sutton. In
o.e nonie '.; -r"-;
St was Z ot "Z SSlM , r...- I-- P - the time of hla
iTZlJXdn! in of tho rail ! deth. Mr. Plrto had umii In poor
1 The boil waa dooornted health tor several years and UU gl
Z HailoJe'eti 2o Tul tho on-' ter a. looking after him at the t mo
ire .. " uml "g conformed with of his last Illness. However .1.0 won
tire siiriouiiiii.h- i C0,fll,n(j t0 ni ,01110 as ho wna
the Hallowe'en spirit. , "" coi on
a verv Interesting program was
ulon which lucludud n snxupliouo soio
by Mrs. Cnrrlon; vocal soloctlon by
Mrs. Olson; piano solo by Mrs.-Hnr-rls.
and vocal solo by Mrs. Woltton
hlllur with Mrs. Carrlco assisting
with a violin obllgato. All tho seloc
ttons were ncoompanlod by Mrs. Har
ris 011 tho piano and each numuor
was roundly applauded, tho per
former responding with onooroe,
.... .......... ,lnrt,,.l and tho hostOAHCW
IrllU JB, V ' "'w ""
wore warmly thanked for n dollght-
ful afternoon. Tho noxt moeltng
will bo at tho homo of Mrs. Olaudo
llrown ou Novmbor 20.
of tmijHphonm lajcias
Tbo Times-Herald Is Informed that
there lias heeu arrgngemonte made
whereby A. H. argreawlll anoowed J.
A. Iakuss aa general mnttogor of
the Central Oregon Telophoue Oo.
the change to bo effective Trout to
day. Mr. Qraves and hla aou arrived
here rrom Moaler tho lnttor part ot
this wool, to be ronny, to nseunie the
rOBpoualblllty. Ho lma Booureil n
lonao 011 tho Mrs. Esther Sohwartg
roaldouco and will huvo his family
In Hurim within a abort tlmo.
- 0
Mr. nnh Mrs. W. 11. Howard nun
hor brother. Uny Shuck, arrlvoh horo
Thusrduy ovonlng from Cnllfornln
and nro guostH of frlondfl in this
olty. Tho HownrdH aro avoII known
In this city whoro thoy rormerly yo
sldod and Imvo many rrlonds who nro
glad to wolcoino thorn.
Suitable Program Rendered at
Liberty Theater Afternoon;
Athletics and Dance.
llarnoy County Post American Le
gion, has dooloml N) arrange for a
program to bo renudri'd to Armls
ilm nv. Nov. 11. The boys have nr-
on that night with Downy .Uobliison
to play for It.
The program has been tentatively
arranged and the following Is tho
Invocation Kov. Harris
Ainorlcu Hy Assembly
Remarks Cotmnandor Lochor
Song ...-...Public School Pupil
Address ... ,.,.,..PatrIck Donegaa.
Violin solo , Mrs. Carrlco
Uonedlctlon Kov. Stuart
Following tho program nt the Lib
erty thero will bo somo athlotlc con
tests on tho street for thu boys and
girls, provided the weather will por
mlt. Tho athletic program will In
clude: 100 yard foot raco, free for all
CO yard raco, freo for all
7fi yard raco for boys under 12
CO yard raco for boys under 12
GO yard nice for girls
2T, yard raco for glrU
Marathon, length of Main street
Hlcyclo race, length of Main street
Suitable prizes will bo awarded
n, ma(, ,.,,.
h i. pectcd mat ,. Borv
Ico men
from all ovor'tho county will bo In
Hums for this occasion,
itfneSIY'frlo, tho respected pioneer
who died at his ranch homo on Cow
most wag made In tho llarnoy eome-
un iteside hla wife who died lu
K 'Oao A"! wa Horn in Bcotlnnd
' ! .' u ta HOt kMOvnj vi,um
he cake Mruw to jjio UU1 Stotca
hut he milled In Harris illo- for
.,-.i i , oni
10 vtMr Ho wm miirrioo in -to
Mugie Poll and they Mad mndo
ihlr home on Tow i?rok OOUtlnu-
lv llllin ,, rtP dealh ami he still
, om iuu.v...h -
mnrnliiR nun riuuit
out to do hla chores, roturnlng to
his bronkfast ho coniplalnod ot not
reeling well when his slstor auggost
od tho doctor bo called. Mr. Plrlu
attempted to oat some bronkrust but
partook of but llttlo nnd rotlrod to
hla bed npd o.xplrod iilmit Iminod
latoly upon lying down.
Mr. Plrio was a man highly re-
.,,,, u, . -.!
Ho l fllllU HOI 10 ..v .. w..-..,
all thla country.
lie le surrlved by hla alitor, MrB.
Main, who was with him at tho tlmo
or his dootlt. also a half brother.
Jonu Newlands. of Portland, who
came up to attend the Mnoral; nla
ono sister In Swittlo. two aiatere nnd
one hcother In Saptlaud.
The following Is 'h momhlv pri
olpitntlon at the Harcov Hr.uuh 13n
lierlmcnt St.unm by month" rrom
aanuary 1. i&2 to 8oi-t.i.t v mo.
April -
Juno '
Soptombor ,
Total Inchos 2r,r
Tho ton your normal for tho enmo
porlod Is r.7i inchos.
Tho showers during tho last fow
days' aniline Oct, 31 totaled .OK
, .lb
. .20
. .OK
.. .02
... .00
..... .18
1 ,
-t ,
s W