The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 11, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 49
Vy-a ..
St. Maries Paper Given Account
Of Railroad Day; Round-up;
New Name for 'Fred.'
(St. Marios aazotto-noeord)
TUo Fred Horrlck party which
represented this suction at tho big
rnllrond colobrnlion and rodoo hold
nt Hunts. OroKon, four days of lust
week, returned to tholr homes tho
frst of the wook, and woro onthuu
i,v.tlc In rcKnrd to their oxporloncoB
nt thnt ploco and tho success of tho
, ffulr Thoso who woro In attend
ance from this vicinity woro Mr. and
Mrs Fred Horrlck, J. 0. Houllloux,
K W. KIIer',,Mr. and MrB. 11. J.
Urnckott and Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Not only woro the Hums visitors
M nl s !e with (tm colobrutloii but
My woro moro Inclined to onthuna
iir tho roceptlon which thoy re
's e vrd with tho .honor which cltlzoiiB
r h. 'errltory opened up by tho now
,i.l nr- Inclined to bestow upon
M rrlck and with vhnt thoy saw
' " ijuutry.
u the oxooptlon of Mr. Horrlck
irm hero drovo down In throo
.a Mj. Herrlok ronahod Hums
i -m Chicago, traveling In a spoclnl
tr.iiu i' company with u iniiiihor of
1 .Rh mllroud olllclala connucted with
tho Oregon Short Lino and with tho
t ulou I'uclflc system of which tho
O 8 L. Is a part.
For anyone who ,has had tho for
tuuo to reside In a now country and
to ) tho first railway train conn
hi, thu events ftt Hums smack of old
To quote one of the party the
Cazptteltocord will flrMt remind Hb
roadTH that Ilurtia U oltuntod In an
opm country, and ono can sou fo?
m lc in any dlroctlon. Tho rail lino,
which extends over thirty miles from
( ijiio u practically lovol and ono
eun land on tho lino and looking
i'tlir way tho tractk nppoura to run
t ,i t mi h for ns tho eye can reach.
,n find slghtod on tho momor-
' ' iv the first Indleutlon of tho
!Imb train was n small cloud
. r ii ofci- Thon thu engine -mmo ".
. v..w over tho horizon, uppuarlng
.. some dlitnuco nbovo tho land,
v. I'll f p"n air bolow, a ranilllar sight
i , ,. I i ii i.mlrlA i-mnto
Cowboys, ranchors, Indians and
Kusand viro gntiieMd at lli new
thousand woor Kathored at tho scone
and crowded so densely ovor thu
rails that tho train was halted a
j-ood dlstanco from tho tomporary
uapot while tho way wus cleared.
Aguln wo must romlnd readers
that tho town of Hums haB waited
"for forty years In tho wilderness"
for tho atoam train. There are veo
plo down there, grown men and
women, who had nevor boforo seen a
train. One old woman was mention
ed who with her husband camo Into
tho country from California In the
early Blxtles, w,ho haa nevor bee out,
of tho vicinity, and whose children
and grandchildren had never had
Mght of a string of cars. '
Wednesday was spent In a feast
of Jubilation with addresses by prom
inent railway raon, by Mr. Horrlck
and by cltlzona of Burns, tho latter
ixproBsIng their gratitude that after
yoara of patient work and offort tholr
city had modorn transportation.
Tho other three days were glvon
over to an annuul rodoo and this
jcnr'H ovont was fur lurgor thuu any
previous. Wild horses and cattlo
wero driven In from tho ranges,
horded Into un ImmoiiHO corral, and
many of them woro eventually rld
, - n, at loast for a few seconds. And
-,ry Ilnrnoy county man and boy
.,. enough Is n rider of no moan
Ullty That Is tholr llfo and thoy
o us uccustomed to handling mi
lamed animals as tho ayorago Umber
wkor Is In handling logs on land
ur wntor.
That Mr. Horrlck Is regarded as
n empire bulldor by people of
Hums and of Harney county K0
without sayiiiR. Ho has put thorn on
tho main lino of tho railway, and is
injragod in building un additional
lino ovor forty mll$s long to roach
tii immense timber lands of tho
county. Ono realizes moro of what
this moans whon ho remombors that
Htirnoy county embraces an nrea of
0 033 sqimro mlle3, or nearly six
J a ha'f million iiti -u county
1. iter than tho statos of Vermont or
MasBnohUhotts -and that thlB county
has loss than 4,000 inhabitants,
To quolo Tho Tlmos-Herald, HurtiH
weekly nowBpapor, tho coming of
tho railway and ponding nattlomont
"mean tho pausing of tho last fron
tier In tho United States."
Tho Oazetto-Itocord reporter hnd a
talk with Captain Ell Laird con
corning tho country, It people, and
what tho now dovolopmout moans.
Of course many of tho things which
tho Captain said would npponr ex
aggerated and many othor of his
statements would not bo of lutorost
to our iivmuru road . tt li In eon-iift-tloti
rttl Mr! Horrtok's opera
tions that wo aro more concorned.
Ills activity and personality lnvvo
won him n now name down thon
and while In North Idaho ho Is
known far and wldo as "Cougar
Frod," Captain Laird Informs tho
Oazotto-Hecord that Ilnrnoy county
people havo adopted for him tho
cognomen of "Uoefalo Hull."
Mr. llorrlrk has purchased and
will commouco logging 890 million
foot of yellow pine In tho Hear Vnl
toy unit of thu Malheur National
Forost. Thirteen nillos of grade to
this timber hnvu been built and
much matorlul for construction as
sembled to complete tho linn, work
on which la still going on. Ho will
build a two or threo baud mill at
Hums, with a capacity of 75 to 110
million foot annually. Lnter, n oasu
ho sooures portions of some of tho
Immonso traotn of privately owned
limber land ho mny oruct another
mill. Under tho plans of cutting and
oporatlon It Is expected that thn
lumbar Industry will bo a pirmnniTt
ono thoro, as reforestation will ho
carried on nu fast as timber li cut.
The Lndlfs' Library Club met at
thu homo of the President; Mrs. C.
K. Dlllmnu on Saturday, Oct. -4.
The studding committees reported
on thu work done during tho sum
mer. Tho Voar Hooks for tho yoar 1021
toar, being very neat and attractive
and tho program committee and Tho
Tlmof -Herald wore praised and
thanked for tho work and tlmo spent
on arranging and publishing thorn.
Tho book committee reported
sovonloon new books as having boon
added to tha Library.
Sovoral new members Were admit
ted to membership.
A lutter was read from Mrs. Sadlo
Orr Dunbur expressing her ploasuro
In huvlng met the ladles of tho
Mothers Club and Library Club.
Mrs. C. K, Dlllman In tho Proal
dents' aroetlnga spoko of tho num
ber of yours the club hud boon or
ganized, twenty-ono years, of tho
charter members, two of which
having holonged to tho club since
U was organized In 1903. Ono bo
lug reinstated to membership on
Saturday and two others whoso
home duties muko It Impossible for
them to belong at this time; only
five now Jiving In Hums of a churtor
membership of twenty or twenty
five. Baylug In closing "Lot us mako
this year one of the best In the his
tory of the clGb, a history well be
gun and may It havo many years bo
fore its cjose."
Mrs. J. W. Uiggs gave a book re
view of J-Snda FerbolB So Dig a
book coiwildorod to bo ono of tho host
novels of tho yoar.
This story of Bollna Peuke, a won
dorful mother, and hor son Dirk vi
bratos botwoon fashionable Chlcugo
of tho North Shore and tho Dutch
rarmer community of High Frnlrlo.
"It Is a book for Americans to rond
and pralso."
AflHitttinir Mrs. Dlllman woro Mrs.
.7. W. Hlggs, Mrs. 15. H. Purlngton,
Mro. L. .1 Locher. Mrs. A. U. Gooloy.
Tho noxt mooting will bo at tho
homo of Mrs. J. W. Ibbo un Satur
day, Oct. 18th.
" tlnSihnt OV TAX OAHK
During tho sosslon of county court
this wook tho matter of thtf delin
quent tjixcB of tho Kostom Orogou
Llvo Stock was consldored. Tho 1910
lux.robato wau allowod according to
circuit court dooreo muklng tho total
amount paid -17200.84. Tho last
half of Uio 1020 tax was also pain
togothor with poualty and lntorost
muklng a total of ?22,103.00.
Jt'BHO llradeoii wnu In from his
Dlltzon homo Thursday.
Three Separate Contracts For
Work on Line Between Here
And Bear Valley Timber.
Tho Tlmes-Horald lenrned from
tho Frod Horrlck Lumber Co, olllces
In thin city on Thursday aftoruoon
thnt two grading contracts had boon
let for work on tho Malheur Hall
road, hoMi being for work In Sllvlos
vnlloy, and another contract was to
bo lot yesterday aftoruoon when bids
would bo opottod.
Fuglnoer Ktobticher stilted thnt
Clareuco Hrowu and Frank Hrowu
had each boon nwardod contracts for
grading In Sllvlos valley, thn work
to ho In tho neighborhood of Jack
Craddock's ranch nnd extend this
This confirms Mto iituteinout mndo
by Mr. Horrlck during his recant vis
It to Hums that more work would ho
done on tho railroad toward tho
timber during this season. It nlun
gives the busluoss men of Hums cat
Isfnetlon In that It bourn out thn turn
ridonoo oxprossud in Mr. Herrlok by
tlm substantial cltlzona of thin vicin
John L. Hopper, the Sllvlos stock
man and rnnchor, wni in town Tues
day, having aided In bringing out
norao cnttlo from Sllvlos for ship
ment. He called nt this ortlco for
a short visit and to uako the news
pajMir man glad with n substantial
check. While In tho otllco Mr. Hop
por Hatod that a riipresontatlvo of
tho Frod Horrlck Lumber Co had
titnui at his ranch tho day before
making Inquiry as to the host route
Into thu timber for railroad tloa.
Mr. Hopper slated ho hud boon fav
orably impressed with this visit and
believes thoro will ho no iinnecessarv
delay In building Ijito tho timber.
Mr. Hopper reports that sovoral of
tho stockman In his nelnhborhood
had disposed of tholr stock at vry
good prices, uouldorlng. Ho said
he was disposing of his stock down
to tho number ho eould carry over
on his food. Tho buyers woro taking
all classes of cutllo and ono man
was taking over tho young calvos at
$10 ouuh. Somu of tho stockmen
havo disposed of tholr calves only
and Having Hi" brooding stuff. wh?en
they aro able to feed.
Tho work train wnu up ovor tho
now rail lino from Crane on Bundny,
A baggngo cur, day cooch and sev
eral frloght cars woro attachod to
tho engine and It waB stated tho trip
was made to dlstrlbuto tologrnph
poles ovor tho routo preparatory to
stringing tho wlre'for Westorn Union
Tolograph connection.
Tho train crow found It nocessary
to call on the city flro department
for ati engine to pump water for the
train engine as the woll at the ter
minal grounds as yot- has no pump.
.. m
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dickenson and
tholr young son arrived homo last
Saturday from a tour that covered
vor i.nnn mllos. Thoy wont east
as fur as Nobrasku whore thoy vlslt
od with relatlvon and frlonds. Mr.
Dlokonsou returns homo a thorough
bollovor In IrrlRatlou and nnnouneos
that wo must got busy on our Irri
gation systoms as that Is tho only
Milni; that will bring thlB country
out In Itn trno sonao. Whorovor thoy
wont they found that wntor was tho
essential thing townril pronporlty.
Controlled Irrigation haa accompllBh
ed wondors whom othorwlso thoro
hud boon nothing. OUior dovolopmout
Is alright, according to Mr. Dlok
onsou. but wo must havo tho Irriga
tion to roally mako this country
nnd wo have tho rosourcos aim pru
duotlvo soil, cllmato and other oa
sontlula thoroforo irrigation Is tho
Improvement wo roqul'ro for por
manont prosperity,
drover Hlako. Forest Hunger, has
returned from another trip to Mlt
choll whoro ho hud gono for an
other truck loud of bin hou-johold
Certification of all Namei Sent
County Clerk by Secretary
State Sam A. Kozer.
Certification of all national dis
trict and ntato candidates wheal
names will appear on the ballot at
tho gonerul oloctlon In November, to
gether with the sovornl mousuri's,
rortrenduius and constitution?!
umoiidtnonts hns boon complotod by
Sam A. Kozer, secrotury of stuto
Coplos of tho certification have been
sent to all county clerks In Oregon
by thu stuto department.
Thu ocmplete list of cnndldnton,
together with tholr political doslg
nation, follews:
Pn-Hldcntlal Klrctot-rt
Presidential elector (voto for
flvo) Daniel lloyd, M. C Oeoroi',
A. W. Cowan, Harriot Lane Hlch
nrds and J. O. Stearns, republican,
all of Multnomah county. Colin Oav
In. wasoo county; Wllllnm A. John
sou, Itnhari A. Mlllor and Ulohard
Montague, Multnomah county; 11.
It. Turner. Polk county, democrats.
Oust Andoraon, IC. J. HIIIiirsoii and
Wrnst Kronor. Multnomah county;
J. D. Hrowu. milium county, and
Poter Zimmerman, Yumhlll count ,
Independents. Churles Henrman,
Clatsop county; A. Hoglund, Carl
.V. Sodorbuck und O. Stromqulst,
Multnomah county, nnd Axol K
Lundoll, Clatsop county, aocIaHst
labor. United States Senator (vote for
ouo) F. K. Coulter, Multnomah
county, progressive; Charles L. Mo
Nary, Marlon county, republican;
Milton A. Miller. Multnomah county,
rteprosontntlvi In congress, second
domocrat; It. Itoblnson, Clatsop
county, socialist-labor,
district (voto for ono) Jumoa Har
vey (Iraham, linker county, domocrat
N. J. Blunott, Wasco county, republi
can. Secretary of titato (voto for ojio)
L. J. Francis, Washington county,
hoolal-labor; Walter L. Hoinliro.
Yamhill county, domocrat; Bam A.
Kozur. Clatsop county, republican.
tilnta treasurer (voto for ono)
Thomas H. Kay. Marlon county, ro
publican; A. K. Korn, Multnomah
county. progreHlvo; Jefferson Myers.
Multnomah county, domocrat.
JubIIco of nupronio court, to till
vucaiuiy caused by resignation of
Lawrence T. Harris (voty for ono)
Harry II. Holt, Polk iiounty, re
publican; O, P. Coshow, Douglas
county, domocrat,
Juutlco of supremo court to fill
vacancy caused by death of J.ohn
McCourt (vote for ono) Porcy It.
Kolly, Linn county, Independent.
Attornoy-gonoral (vote for one)
W. P. Adams, Multnomah county,
progressive; I. II. VonWInklo. re
publican. Dairy and food commissioner (voto
for one) J. D. Mlckle, Waihlavton
county, republican-democratic.
Publlo service commissioner, east
ern Oregon district (vote for one)
II, II. Corey, Daker county, repub
lican. Htwte Senator
Twonty-econd district (vote for
one) Oeorgo B. Davis, Malheur
county, republican.
Twenty-seventh dUtrlct (voto for
ono) II. A. Ford, Ornnt county, re
publican, District Attorney
Harney county (voto for alio)
V. O. Cozud, domocrnt; G. II. ,LHs
nurd, ropubllcan, Vm
County M
CommlBslonor J. W. IluohunnnJ
domocrat; W. T. VanDorvoer, ropub-
llcan. , ,
Shorlff Jeff Cawlflold, dotnocr.U;
Clurouco Young, ropubllcan.
Clerk A. A. Danlwoll, ropubll
can; CIiub. H, Dlllmnn, domocrat.
TrottBiiror W. Y. King, republi
can, , ,, ,
ABsoBHor OhM. Hrlltlngham,
democrat; O. W, Loggan, ropubllcan.
School Superintendent Mary arlf
iln, ropubllcan; Lolah McOoo, demo
crat. Coroner 0. W. Glovongor, ropUb-
1,can .....
Tn nddltlon thoro aro bovou Initiat
ed and roforrod inoaflurofl of a Btato
charaotor to voto on and t,ho pro
posed bond iosuo for rond purposoH
In thin county.
retltloiiH HNkliiK for the recall
of Judge IL T. HiiKliot hih!
CoiiimlNNlouer H. M. Itolton wcro
filed with (lie county clerk yen
('inlay afternoon, .1. O. Carter
proHoiitliiK litem for filing. The
bending on both nra Identical
anil recite tliu "Hvhhoii for this
demand Is that tho said 11. T.
HiiKhct (and H. M. Ilolton In tho
other) Iiiih condurlcd Ills ofllec
In an Inelllrlent, nrbltrary mid
In u manner not upholding ilio
dignity of tliN county and that
It In to tho befit. InlercHt of
tho people Hint ho shall bo re
called." Thn filing romoH Just as Tho
Tliiu'H-llei'nhl i'Ionch Mm forms
for this lisiio and no rotiiiuent
will ho iniHle until next uevk.
: o
School Is now past the fourth week
and everything Is running smopthly.
Nearly all back work mndo up and
cvoryono settled down to steady
The first Haolol event of tho year
fw hold yostenlhy at the Commer
rlttl Hulldlng when the Sophomore
entertained tho Fre-shmon with tho
upperelimteN In to help nut on the
eats. .The facially and noma of tho
parents regulated thu tnilllo.
Thin annuel affair was a howling
success. Amid n pandemonium of
noise tho following schedule f
events was run off.
1 Oath by nil Freshman class.
2 Oath taken by Bhopard, Harkey,
3 Fox trot rendered by Wnllnco
Welcome and aeraldlnn Slier.
4 Solo by Hob McConnoll accom
panied by Arlcnci Jameson on tho
nnitn Orguu.
K Whuelbnrrow roco by Mattlo
Molvln and Walter Iiintz, Dorthy
Miller and Paul Cawlflold, Cloorgla
Slmmona and llnrherl Fawcott.
(5 Hcoltalton by Mury Hnmllton
"Mary had a llttlu lamb."
7 Aosthotlc dancing Uy Mildred
Halnos. Uuby Illohnrdson. Jesso Tay
lor, Alberta Craves. I-Jsthor Hhopard.
Loolla Springer.
8 A 3 mlnuto spoeoh by Hob
Urown on "Ossified Needles In 81
borla." 0 Lttclllo Ilownrci ..Miirjorio jun
WaiKOII WIU pillllR, " " !, -
10 A prlzo wua awarded to tho
llrst student going around a broom
handlo eight times. Tilio compotors
woro Juno Thompson, Salllo Perry
and Ida Harfton.
11 Alma Wonzol and Clara Spring
er nto worms, (cold spagottl,
12 Iluth Mlllor nnd Kdwnrd Slzo
more, Murgret Wolcomo nnd Dan
Hrowu In baby raco. Tho mother
dressed bablos and Blurted him off
In a klddlo car on a two lap race
around main room of Commorclal
13 authoring of Nuts Most of
freshman, class participated.
We overlooked mentioning our
Corvallls delegation last wook. Bax
ter Heed, Harry Loggan and Chas.
McConnell all made tho grado In the
entrance English.
Last wook Tho Times-Herald ask
ed for a mooting of thoso who had
nlready contributed to tho Austin
Coodmnn memorial fund, but tho ro
sponso wuh not encouraging and no
organization has yet' boon formod to
take chnrgo of tho fund, This Is
a fund rnlBod by voluntary contrlbu-
i t . i- ....A .. ....It ..1.1. mrttlll Yll.ltl t
illOUS ll IHHUV) li nuimuiu iiiui
. - n.11.w.H ..... Inbt lllu
(jn mumory cu iu umuui wi iv. "
jlfe Jn tho service of tho people of
Harney county. It Is not nucoasnry
that ouch should feo.1 It Incumbont- to
contrlbuto u big sum, small coutrl
butlono aro Just mf wolcomo as largo
In fucit tho groator number of
contributors tho hotter. Any frlond
u-lm fnnlfl tllOV WOllId llltO tO aid III
thin underJnkln la InVltod to mnko
u contribution.
Previously rOcolved on tlila fund,
$05.00, TJiIh wook tho following nro
J. 10. Craven and wlfo ?G.OO
Mm. Anna Pearco-llurd .. 2.00
Mrs. W. U. Scott -. r.oo
Mrs. Spott Bont dipi' ohook from
Haglovlllo, Oaliromla. Sho Ib a for
mer Ilnrnoy county rosldont nnd Is
Uvnii liitnwn horo. Sho wuh Lonu
Hnrkoy boforo hor mnrrtnfto.
Permanent Organisation of Club
Effected to Further Better
Highways; Bend Issue.
Another mooting of tho Ilarnoy
County Ilond Club was hold oa
Thursday evening nt tho ofllco of J.
W. Hlggs when It wns permanently
organized, ndopted constitution and
by-lnwa, elected permanent ofllcors,
directors and solcclod covcrnl heads
of committees.
Tho permanent name of tho club
was chosen ns above. Archlo Mc
Cownn wan olocted prenldont, Frank
Klobuchor, vice president; S. H. Hen
nett, Bccrotary-trcasurer. Tho cor
titltutlun udoptod provided for fbo
election of 11 dlrectora who would
govern tho club. Thoso elected were:
Ceo. A. South, Andrews, A. E. Hrowu .
of Crane, I. M. Davis, of Drewsey,
J. C. Cecil of Suntcx; Archlo Mcdo
wnn, S. It. Huiiuott, Julian Hyrd,
Win. Farro, Frank Klobuchor, Waldo
Qaor, Hoy MeCne. all of Hurne.
Wm. Farro was mndo chairman of
the publicity cdiuutltteo; Julian Hyrd
chairman of the campaign commit
tee; Uoy MeOee. chairman of exten
sion nnd Improvement committee,
and Waldo Oeor chnlrmnu of tha
memhoriihlp committee.
J. W. IHgg" given tho task of
propuriug tho title to tho proposed
bond is-stio that goes on thu ballot
at tho Novomber oloctlon.
Membership to the Ilarnoy Counfcr
ltnad Club is open to all Harney
county citizens who desire to loin
In Improving tho ronds and looklnr
after any matter portnlnlng to the
betterment of transportation. Thorn
aro no dues, but a membership foe
of $1.00 li charged which given a
llfo mombernhlp In tho club so lone
ns tho Individual subscribes to the
constitution and by-laws and llvo up
to their requirements.
Tho primary object of formlnc
this club wan to advance tho Inter
cits of tho proposed bond tnsuo of
$ GB.000 nt tho coming oloctlon. This
bond oloctlon was promptsd by thn
urgent nood of cooperating with tho
Forest service In constructing u
highway or forest rood botwoon
Hums nnd Hear valley to connect
ti road nlready complotod by
lim Pnronts nnd (Irani county that
will put Ilnrnoy county In direct con
nection with tho John Day highway
and thus to Portland and outiddo
points. In addition to this Import
ance Is tho fnct thu,t It forms a por
tion of tho north and south hlghwny
through Orogou known ob the Joa
quin Mlllor Trail, which will ulti
mately connect with tho national
Lincoln highway In Novnda by way
of Donlo and Wlnnomuccn. Tho
othor road Improvements suggostod
to recolvo aid from this bond Issue
aro tho Crane-Wall Hill market road,
tho Hums-Narrows market road and
the Narrowa-Lawon road north of
Malheur lake. All aro Important
roads and should bo given Immediate
attention. The bonds will bo retired
from future forest recolpts and will
net require one cent of direct tax.
The road building plan outlined by
the club Is ewe fckat wilt benefit every
part of 'HrBey eeunty and should fe
given teverabe eonslderetlon by the
votew. "The awourft of the bonds is
smuil and tho yfethod of retiring
them ana of the best. It Is known
that the Forest service will be lib
eral In cooperating . In tho wny ot
funda for tho Forest rond botwoon
Hums nnd 8llvlos and beside tho ob
ligation cnrrlos 5200 a mllo main
tenance each yenr.
Harney county cUIzoiib nro entitl
ed to hotter roads and the only way
to get thorn Is by bonding. If wo
wait wo aro not In a position to ro
colvo suoli liberal cooporatlon from
outsido t'unda and delaying tho por
miincnt rondB Just bo much longer,
r.n.vviim II.IT.1
An Interesting Bight may ha soon
in tho north display window of tho
Lunaburg, Dnlton & Co. storo whoro
shoos of ovor CO years ago aro dis
played hosldo tho up to date shoos.
Tho comparison Ih lntorostlng and
ono tthat brings to mind tho change
in stylos, t o chango In mntorlals,
tho ohang in what wo cousldor
hoalthrul for growing childron.
Tlmos do chango that's a fnct.