HUnn1ay Hcpictnbcr 27, 1021 I'AfCO '1 The Times-Herald Harney Couuty Gnets Ex liBnlilii T II M T. I M 1-3 H - IMO H A ! 1) , I) !J H N fl II A II N M V O O II N T Y O II H OON Man Tlio LnrgeNt ChculMtlon Of Any Newspaper In Iliirnoy County. JULIAN I1YHU Manager BUIISOKII'TION HATKH Oho Year 99.00 Ml Months 1.00 Tfarco Mouths , 70 Hnttmlity September 27, 1024 yillfl TWO Hl'lUlTH 'i- . Two Bplrlto aro always at war, struggling to rulo tlio world and each no of us. Onu lu thy spirit that denies; tho othur tlio spirit that reatos, Lot any iluu bo proposed, ally onlorprlso Initialed, ullV soliome suggested for tho good of mnnk'l'd, and pooplo quickly fall into two groups or cIurbch, according na thry aru ruled by ono or tho othor of those two spirits. Tho cleavage at onco up pears between Fear and Faith, ho twoon tho backward-looking and tho forward-looking, tliono who doubt aud those who daro to altontpt now undertakings. Tho spirit that dcnloH Is afraid of tbo untried, and casts doubt on all tlio gouoruuu linpuluoa and enthusi asms of niat. It uiuckn, discourages, finds fault, raises objections, noes nil tho dllllcultlco, real or Imaginary; It clings to tho old, tho secure, tho es tablished forgetting that things as they nru wore otino new, uutrlod and full of uncortnluty Thin spirit Uoolho called tho Dovll, tho only dovll that noud bo fenrud, mid u doll that lurks lu all of us, idioutlug "No" to every constructive proposal. It Is tho cynic that sneers at Ideals as day-dreams and delusions, and Jeers at tho high motives of men, donylug tho roallty of disinterested service aud sncrlftco. It professes to bo vory "practical," but It never makes any discoveries, and rofuses to try any thing until someone else, braver than Itself, has put It to a tost. Tho spirit' that creates conceives a now ago, droams of a now world, and trusts human nature. It sees things as they aru to he a proludo of things as thoy tuny bo. must bo, can bo. It bollovcs that plain common pooplo like ourselfcs aro capable of great things! It n urn on tho seedlings of faith, talont, Intclllgonco, construc tive onorgy, Helf-rollanco and self-ro-spect. It believes, it ntfrmi, It seeks to build, to crcato, to beautify tho world, to oncourago others, to glad den life with faith lu the worth of man aud tho Joy of using his high powers. Tho Influence of man, his power for good, tho worth of his life to him self and others, in bis community, deponds on which of theso two spir its rulo hlB life. Wo aro still lu the making and need men of vision, pow er and leadership to lift u.i out nf too rut and discover tho measureless possibilities of our own time. With hats off to tho past; coats off to tho futuro, let's Join hearts In one faith; join hands lu onu purpose, and do tho thing:) that need to bo dono. M. M. o KOIIKHTHV NOTKH Tho gathering of cattle which bo Kan early In August has resulted In tho removal of practically all tho cut tlo from tho forest range. Lack of feed resulting from tho long drought has miwlo early romuvu! of tho stock necessary. Even though thoro has been vory little rainfall over tho forest'land It is bolloved that th cooler weather of tho pnst cnuplo of wookH combined with tho longer nights and rising humidity has brought tho worst flro season on record to n closo as fur as the Hums District is concerned. The King Mountain and Myrtle Ilutte lookout stations hava boon closed for tho year and tho smoke chasers have been rellovcd from duty. Tho Forest florvlco was represent ed In tho Itullroud Day program on Soptombor 24 by Messrs. J, T. Bid rldgo of tho Forostor's olJlcu In Wash ington, D. 0 and Fred Ames of tho District Onlco lu Portland... Mr. Ames roud a mossago from CoL W. Jl. Oreoloy, Chlof Forostor of tho United States In which ho oxprossed Ills intorost In tho dovolopment of tho Duma country which Is so close ly associated with tho dovolopmont of tho Malheur National Forest. The bad flro altuntiou In California pro vontcd Col Orooloy from being pres ent In person as ho had planned. II. L. Plumb of Iloiul, fluporvlsor "of tho Deschutes National cyro,t, was In -ntlondauco tit tho Ilullrodn Day celebration In Hums on S.p tombor 24 and Ollbart I). Drown Supervisor of tho Fromont National Forost arrived from Lnlcoviow the saino ovoning but too Itxlo for tho program and harhocuo. Mr. Brown waa uccompanlod on lilo roturiv to LalcpylQw by Moasra fildridgo and Amoo, ri) v lUilph Cnttoruon roconily returned .from a trip to Southoru Oregon. (Continued from page ono) known as tho Forest Service. Tho yours rolled by and still noth ing happened in tho way of timber utilisation, nut tho timber jvuu bo trig protected? and allowed to grow against Unit future need which still held a pormanont plueo lu tho drctunn of tho "Old Timers," l)y and by far sighted cltlzoiiB bognn to grow Impa tient and decided that It waa time to wako up Undo Sam from his lethar gy and to ask tho vory portluont question of why this timber could pot bu Hold and bring n now activi ty into tho community life. Tho Forest Servlco hud planned to do tho vory thing tho cltUouu ask ed but perhaps at nut no early u date, lit any" case, a now" crulao, A now tim ber apprasll, and a now nulo wan of fered to tho public known as tho Uonr Valloy unit, containing 800 million foot of timber. With It wan the promlBO of tho Forost Servlco to furniih fifty million foot of tim ber, more or loss, to n sawmill aud wood-uslug Industry porpotuullv. A big Hawmlll nnd u railroad, nlwuys busy sawing logs nnd huullun form products, that was the promlso tho Forost Service made to tho people of Harney Couuty. Mr. Fred llcrrlck bought thai, unit of timber, nnd lu doing bo accepted his part of tho obligation which was to build tho railroad aud the sawmill aud to mnko ues of tho rosourcoi of the wilderness which had formed Hit background of tho Harney rouniy community hIiico tho pioneer dnys You havo gathered to-day to cele brate the accomplishment or the first step lu that now ontorprluo. Tho rail road has como to Hums It Is tho "coming ovont" which already casting Its shndow boforo It, por tondhig tho fulfillment of that tint- 1jor dream of long ago. I want to congratulate not only tho people or Hnrney county but also Mr. Merrick for his part lu tho enterprise. Eh poclally do I want to cougratulnto my old friend. Jim Glrard, whom t hope ovorybody lu Harney county knows aud appreciates by this tlino. I am delighted and rojolco with you. I want you to nolo particularly that this development of the lumber Industry Is something different from tho usual development. How many of you havo soon n deserted sawmill town? If possible II Is oven u llltlo more depressing than u desurted min ing town. If you havo over soon ono you understand what It moans to cut tho timber aud havo tho sawmill censes operating, leaving only a monument In tho shupu of a huge sawdust pile. With tho help of this community, lu forest flro protection and Ita hearty support in all tho ac tivities of tho Forest Servlco lu tho mountains, tho suwmlll which Mr. derrick Is to build need uovur cease operating for lack or u timber sup ply. Wo aro going to grow timber as fust an Mr. llcrrlck ran cut It. Tho people of tho United States, not ing through tho Forest Service, aro In the business or growing timber us a crop, and tho Malheur National Forost lu only ono or tho many Na tional Forest scattered through tho western country, and to sumu extent through tho Hast, whore tho now Idea of timber as u crop Is being demonstrated. Wo want tho agricultural lauds to grow grain aud hay and vegeUihloi, Wo want (ho deuort to grow rood for livestock. And wo want the moun tains to grow timber to feed tho wood-using Industries which are dos lined to prosper lu your community. Wo want overy eluss or laud to con tribute Its sharo toward making Uurns and tho surrounding country u great locality lu tho great State or Oregon, Tho Forest Service is proud to do Its shura In tho fulfillment of ono promlso of American life a happy uud prosperous community of good western folks. J, F. Eldrldgo, of Washington, I). C, wits unothor ropresoutatlvo of tho Forest service present uud ho gavo a short address In which ho ututod emphatically tho servlco was behind tho project to market tho Dear val loy unit and that tho citizens of this aoctlon would havo the nc'tlvo coop eration of tlio department in ox podlting mattors, Othors who appeared on tlio pro gram wero Donald Stirling, muuag Ing editor of tlio, Portland Journal, Henry J. Frank or tho Portland Chamber of Comnierco, Loulo Wol donborg, of Canyon City, Wnllor Moachnm, of Dakar, William llan loy, Judgo Dalton Ulggs nnd othors. Decauso of tho unfuvorablo wc.athor CHiulrmuu Douogan cut tho program uhortqr and turned tha crowd ovor to Win, Farro ror tho harhocuo din ner. It la estimated thnt ovor a, 000 pooplo woro red nt tho harhocuo and It was pronounced ono of tho finest OYor eaten. In addition to tho ltun drors of pounds of barhoouod hoof ihoor wore uandwiolioi, plokloo, prunes, cookios, flno coffoo, etc. Thoro woro nt lonst 1000 local poo- Hansen Addition IDEAL HOME NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Close in, Beit location m City, Level, Alfalfa, Fisst water right. You select your lot and home plans. We will build for you. Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Rent Be indipendant. See us to own home. Best and Cheapest in City W. T. Lester Compan BURNS, OREGON hxttmwmmmvwiTmwmffi plo on the grounds fur tho program who did not tako part lu tho harho cuo dinner, leaving that novelty for tho visitors. Congratulatory messages wero re ceived rrom many who wero uuiiblo to attend, among them being onu from Curl Oray, president of the Un ion Pacific, which read: "Hogret exceedingly that Impera tive engagements lu Now York this week made It Impossible for me to bu prosont with y,ou nnd Join lu cele brating tho completion of tho rail road to liiiriu. Will havo to bo with you lu spirit, Mr. Adams will fully represent us. Am confident that this means tho dawn of a now orn for Harney couuty." N. J. Miuiolt, congressman, wired from Tho Dalles: "Ureatly regret that I cannot bo with you to rojolco with the good pooplo of Harney county ovor tho coming or the railroad to Uurns. I bollovo nnd hopo It moans the rapid development of ono or the most promising parts not only or my dis trict hut or the whole country. Am prouud to have had a part in bring ing about this happy consummation lu which we all are so much huerest ed." Kov. aud Mrs. A. J. Irwin, former resldouts or Duma whore ho was pas tor or tho Presbyterian church ror eleven years, sont tho following rrom Crescent City, Califernia: "Wo oxtond to tho people or Hums most or you aro our old and doar rriomta our heatry congratulations upon tho completion or rail connec tions with the outside world. Wo certainly would bo delighted to bo with you today and havo a part In your festivities nnd to sharo lu your Joys and your triumphs. Yours with pleasant momorlcn of bygone dayu." Another Interesting message that wns n part of the celebration wus ono from George McOowan, the "daddy" or Uurns, who named tho town, it wus a great disappointment to Mr. McQowau that he could not ho present. lie sont tha following in addition to n personal mossage: IIUIINH Alt the world loves Hobby Uurns His Hunku O'Doou and a' that; Ho was a bard or much regard 'mong humble folks an' a' thnt, For a' that an' a' that His "mans n man ror n that" Tho he's not hero to fnsto our cheer His spirit is ror a' that, And now his namesake, Uurns, tho Town Ih waking up uud a' that, With poo'ts vision looking down . Tho glowing years, an' a' thnt. For a that un' a' that, Its tlmbor fields an' a' that, Its wide domain will woll maintain Ten thousand homes for a' that. Tho weary yoars of hopes uud fears Are past aud gono for a' that Tho sllvor dream of flirty yenra la coming true for a that; For a' that un' a' that Tho humming mills un' a' that Ita broke its sholl nnd' loft Its coll With iron horso an' n' that, Thou lot uh pruy to hasto tho day "As como It will for a that," When watered floldu, with banner yloldii Will dot tho vulo ror a.' thnt For n that an' u' that With countless herds an' a' that Tho rertllo floll Inlaid with oil Will boo tho light for a' that. Till J OLKO MAIIOAIUNK AND CONDMNSED MILK IMIJj T At tho last Hoaslon of tho legisla ture, n law was passed which briefly forbldn tho manufacture and snlo -t of a mixture or vegetable oils with milk ror tho purpose or offering u otifiHtltuto ror butter, this law was restored by the dairy Interests of tho statu nnd was opposed by tha Oleo Margarine Interests, i After tliu measure was panned, ' these Oleo Interests secured n re ferendum on It, which has kept It lu suspension jiVer since, ho that It has not been In forco. The law In to he voted on by the pooplo or tho stuta at the coming November elec tion. Tho object or this law Is to pro tect tlio dairy Industry against tho competition or what is termed u substitute ror butter nnd othor milk productB, It Is not the Intent or this or mic ceedlng articles to abuse anybody but to treat tho subject soberly, plainly and truthfully. Tho pooplo of tho stnto aro ontltlcd to havo all the facts set before them lu tho simplest manner pnnalblo, so that they mbau understand to tho fullest extent Just wlmt effect tholr votes may have. This Is u very Important matter. There is no other measure on tho ballot which will affect so many cit izens of the stuto as this. Tho dairy Industry Is tho largest of all agricul tural activities in Oregon and ono of the most Important. Tho dairy In dustry provides a very largo percent ugo or tho taxes. It sustains tho banks and stores. It renows and maintains the fertility, of tho soil. Anything no matter what, which affects such an Important industry surely Is worthy of the closo atten tion of tha voters. In ordoi to understand nil phases of tho subject clearly, It has boon di vided into various heads, nnd each ono will bo discussed sopnratcly an rollows. 1 Economic value or tho dairy in dustry to Oregon. 2 Yalua or tha dairy Industry from the standpoint of health and development, particularly as relates lo children. .1 Kflcct of the oleo margarine Industry on dairying in Oregon. 4 Tho aim and Intent of tho oloo margarine and condensed milk law. G Answers to charges mado by opponents of the law. In following articles each of theso subjoctn will bo handled as briefly Get The Habit and eat at the CLUB I.evexiHoe! Building McalM nt nil Mourn nml (ho menu invIudcH everything obtMinttblc in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick courtcouH service Bring the Family 7nOj?)3l ns lu consistent with a thorough un ilorsliindlng, for the Information of tho readers. ! I'llKSHYTKIUAN ClllIU'll Sunday Hohool nt 10 A. M. Our Ruudny Hchool Is a bunch tl "live wires'n group of children who will pay largo dividends on every In vestment of servlco 'that wo can mnko In tholr behalf. Como to Sun day School and bring others with you. '"It Is not enough to bo busy; what nru wo busy about?" Theru Is a pay day for ovorybody. In what aru you Investing your life? Dlvlno Worship at 1 1 A. M. Sermon Thcmo "Foreglcams or tho Future" What does tho futuro hold In storo ror us? Something to cause uo to reflect. What Is back or pres ent discovery and luvoutlon? SAMUKIj HAHIllS. Minister. Oraiulpa and grandma Cnpt. Cowan nro enjoying a visit with Mm. Helen Q. Jawcl nnd her two kiddles from Taroma, Wash. Mrs. Jowol is u nntlvo Hnrney county girl, a daughter of Mr. uud Mrs. John Har per and Is highly ploascd at meeting bo many former school associates and formor teachers and says tho Hound-up Is only typical of Harney' county nnd a romlnder of other days. Register at The Hotel Clay . CRANE, OREGON Stockmeni Headquarters Moderate Prices Mario Gllliiplr, Prop. Charley Lutlon, Mgr IweWKHWCKpifCi S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay Bums, mmmm'mmmmm'mmmmmllmf' -HM1,1 - - AT NOVEMBER ELECTION We will vote on whether coconut oil substi tute shall be sold and advertised as butter. Think about it Scientists say that the vita mine A is absolutely essential for growing children. It is found in abundance in butter while nono is found in coconut oil. You want your children to keep healthy and dovelop both physically and mentally. Don't use substitutes for butter. Vote 306 Yes ojf The Referendum Protect the children and Dairymen HARNEY CO. CREAMERY Burns, ifcm' "mmmmmmmmm UJUI Mr. C. W. I.owls is hero rrom her homo ut Uttkor visiting with rrlendu, being a guost of Mr. nnd Mrs. T J MeUonnld. Tho Lewis's formorly re sided lu this city but havo been In linker the piut two years whoro they havo purchased it store. Mrs. Lewis wanted to witness tho first train coming into her old homo town nnd tnko In the Hound-Up. -o- CAHI) OK THANKS Wo tako this moans of expressing our thanks lo tho many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during tho rocont illness and death of our boloved ono. Wo shall cherish tho momory of every kind act and word. MM. LUTE MACK, MIIS. LIZZIE IIANLKV. THOB. JOHNSON, MHS. IVAN WELLS. Dr. Karl Norvall Drugless Physician Mechano Theraphy Elecric Theraphy Naturopathy Office Over Postoffice Burns, Oregon Orfon man Oregon , v vjf. XT V f3 t J Ksnssr Hm. IU Uliijiiliai rsssaiSi