Satitnlny, AuKst a, 1024 T II W T I M H 8 II K 11 A h I) II U U N H , II A It N 13 Y COUNTY O 11 H Q O If PAOR n , AYBE NEITHER COOLIDGE, DAViiS NOR LA FOLLETTE Jnusual Political Situation Makes Possible a Final Presidential Choice By Senate of Either Bryan or Dawes; An Outline of the Workins of Our Election Machinery When an Electoral Majority is Not Won. l.ufmi snectally for Timos-IIorold r EDWARD PHllOY HOWARD Through Auuocnsicr ourTico mnpv n conservative nowBpapor UltslilnB on ,lfl flrat pnK a fltory , tho effect that nounor uooiiuro br Davis nor Im Kollotto will bo L-tnil President or tua united E.IM In Novcmbor. At flrat glnnca Kch n Btntomont might scorn out- u ho realm or possibility, but L political situation lu complex L tho oloatlon machinery uch Kit It docs not roqulro much Imng- ..iinn n rnrnnnn tho nosslbllltV. If nu" " .---,. , ul tho prolmblllty. of such n sltuu- :0n Almost anything mny linppon i November. There urc 531 votos In the Kleo jral ColtcRo. Tho doctoral col n l composed of electors from ich state, equal In number to tho ombor of Senator ami KopruHont ilrctf to which tho ntnto la entitled. ror example, New York Htnto 1ms vo Senators and 13 Kepriontu- tps Therefore, Now York ban for- f.flvo vol. s In tho doctoral college iho total membership of tho elec toral college equals tho total mom- enhlp of tho Sonato and Houuo si In voting It will bo remombcr- kl that the pooplo voto for tho olec- or of their states, thvso names np- ttirlng on the ballot, and not thoso bf Coolldgo or Davis or Ui Foiiutto. Tho ConHtltutlon provides thut n ilnajorlty of theso C31 electoral votw. or -66, la nccewary to tho holco of a President. Tho person Airing the greatest number of course, wins whon thoro arc only iwo candldatos In the Hold, but with thrco tho complexities begin. Hero Is tho cotiHtltutlonal clause: "Tho person having tho greatest Why fhe" Senate May Pick Our Next President I EHH Tvjiit ft iir U1 II III go II HI 10 'THyJJ K jV ? ' J ) iilxtoon utntos. If ho oarrlco only kotu, Bouth Diikotu and Montana, such Irnntttt would llkoly provontl olthor Oaolldgo or DiwIb from win ning tho nccoewary majority of 2G6 olootoral votes noceasary to oloct tho Prolsdont. Even tbo olootoral voto of any ono stnto might provont a majority, : o EHKOTING I'OLKH VOK POWER iane Tho Hums Power Co, In now t work oroctlng tho polctt on which to Hiring tho nocefwnry (transmis sion of oloctrlo Julco for lighting and powor purposon. Tho now polos nro largo and of sufficient longtli to put tho wires high abovo tho ntroots and Intersections and tho wiring will bo nmplo to caro for tho load, Many patrons have dignified their Intention to luntall electric power Just an noon oh thu Power Company will furnish It. Several motors have been ordered iind more arc- on tho way and It now looks favorable to a fiuo patromigo for this new en terprise when It Is Installed aid ready for operation, having ouch majority, Ithoit from tho persons huvlug tho highest numbers, not oxcocdlug three, on tho list of thoso voted for as Presi dent, the House of Itepresontntlvcs uhalt choosu Immediately by ballot, tho President" KtertliiK Proidnit. Now let us turn to thu situation. If tho cnndldnto rocolvlng mcroly tho largrnt number of electoral votes could .bo clioson, then tho entry of Ia Kollotto Into tho field mo grOftlOBl, ,, , ..nlmnnrhinl nnxnrillni' in number of votes (In tho Electoral ,,... nni, . .,, ,,-,. illcgo) for President shall bo tho , . President, If such number bo a ma- hut this is not tho enso, and there orlty of tho whole number of eloc- ""' Pomicm o.iservcrs wno re- osr appointed; and If no person gnrd It us highly unlikely that a w vre s m m m rSSS w J5S rW m m B H ?n nR k i m M IS.JLJP P 3 majority of the olootoral voto will be won by any of tho candidates. Tho Hucoud .Monday or the fol lowing January tho electors lu ench Htato ehOHou at tho November elec tion moot In their respective state capitals and doclnro for their windl dates. The votes will then bo ucnt by mcsHouger to tho president of tho Sonato In Washington. They will bo counted on tho second Wednes day In February boforo the Joint iicsslon of tho Houso and Sonato. Then the result will bo announc ed. If no candidate has a majority two hundred and sixty-six vote.1 then thu 1 louse ot Representativ es must Immediately convent for JUoney saving S3 mi f M " J myrrw- w ij2 vs wz ai j-: h S The growth of SKAGGS STORES from a very Modest Beginning in July 1915, to 219 stores located in 98 towns and cities, in July 1924. From two to an Jinny or 800 men and women; from inHigni" flennt hhIoh to it yearly volume moro than 20,000,000 dollim; from community to stato'wido public popularity and favor. If you contomplato making an nutomohilo tour tlim Hummer, North,' South, Kast or West make your dfiily purcliiiBOH at SkagH whore tho merchandiKe h alwnyH fresh, and no old HtockH havo shelf room, as the Sknggs olicy is fresh MerchandiHo to the public at all times, Wo Horvo nine AVontorn States which havo been moro than pleased with tho enormous saving and square dealing which tho Skaggs stores servo. Everyday prices, we have no baits or specials 12 Boxes Matches for 59c. 91b. Sack Corn Meal....43c. 6 Boxes of Rex Lye 74c. 91b. Sack of Pearl Bar- 2 Citrus washing pow- ley 45c. der 35c. 9lb. Sack Oats 54c. Cider Vinegar Per Gallon 48c. Skaggs Creamery Butter Yeast Foam per pack . per lb 44c. Skaggs Maple Syrup per gallon $1.79 Skaggs Best Flour per Sack 1.98 DRIED age Crackers by the half kadv Oyster crackers per Pound 12c. ..5c. 45c. FRUITS Peaches, appricotts, white figs, Raisin, and Prunes by The Box 14c. lb. We deliver to all Parts of the city, Telephone orders as well as personal calls have our best of attention at all times. We charge 10c on all deliveries less than five dollars, and over five dollars Free. Remember some one must stand the ex pense of free delivery, think it over, it is worth a consideration and a money saver. ,s&&ssmes-&&&i z2zfof Hid purpose of cIiosIiik n President. Tho choice ImMiik limited to tho three hlijhest candidates, would menu that tho House would havo only Iho optou of oIioohIiik oiio. ullher Davis, CoolldRo of La Kol lotto. MOW IloilMI Vol I'M Hero Is where .the election ma chinery takes on a different color. There Is no voIIiik by Individuals lu thu House. Moreover, each statu has only ono vole. Hhodo Island's vote urinals that of Now York. Tho voto of each nUitu Is determined by majority of thu Congressional Ilcprosoulntlvoif in Hint statu. This point Krnspcd lot It bo romombercd that tho "blocs" In sovornl dolr.'Ka tlous hold tho balance or power. Thus the Ii Koilette-Whoelor can dltlnry becomes somothltiK to bu leekonod with. Anyone familiar with tho lino up In the olluio hint year can see how likely It Is that neither Davis nor CooIIIiko would bo able to obtain a majority vote In tho House lu Kcb ruary. A deadlock Is quite on tho cards a repetition of tho Domo eartlc National Convention, par tialis, until March 4. 1025. At that time tho new Houso conn Into IioIiik- Hut TUB NKW IIOURB HAH NOTHING TO DO WITH TUB CIIOICI-: OK A l'UKSIDKNT. In tho event of a deadlock until tho dlHiuKrtio!i of the present House the- duty would pass to tho Senate and here It must bu remem bered that TUB HBNATB VOTB8 ONIiY KOIt TUB VICB-l'ltBHl-DBNT AND NOT KOIt TUB l'UKSI DKNT. If tho tountry stands with out a rro.nlmit, then that otllcn, he iiiK vannut, must bu filled by tho man chosen as Vlw-l'rosldont by thu Sonato. At this point wo read another nllmluntlnii. Tho Sonato Is limited to voto for tho two blithest nuidl datos. So tho likelihood Is thu chalcti would He botweon Clonoral DnwoH and Guvornor Ilrynn. nifTcrvnt In Senato. Now wo como to tho Senate voto. Tho Sonato does not voto by sUttes llko tho House. Tho Souators voto an individuals, and a majority voto docldcs, Tho Sonato mombonihlp bolng 00, 40 votos would oloct a Vlco-Prosldont, who would Immedi ately succeed to tho Presidency, Just as CoolldKO euccooded Harding as soon ob tho vacancy occurred. In 'tho prosont' Sonato thoro are 43 Democrats, CI Republicans and 2 Farmer Laborltos. Thcso figures would tippoar to onauro tho election of Diwcw, providing thoro Is no change in tho charuotdr of tho Son ato as n rosult of tho Novombor WlsaoitHln, Mlnnoaotfl, North Da oloctloiis, and providing always that La Kollotto would not switch 6. number of Itopublloan Sonaton rrom tho Coolldgo-Dawos tlckot and proouro votos for llryan. TIjo mar gin Is narrow, and La Kollotto might easily bo tho deciding factor. Ono noodonly go back to 101C to boo how dollcato la tho prcsont Bit-' uatlon. In that year tho oloctoral collogo stood 1577 for Wilson and 254 for HughoH. A third party can didal controlling, for oxamplo, tho 13 oloctoral votoa of California, would havo thrown tho oloctlon into tho Houso, I row many olootoral votoB La Follotto will control as a rosult of tho coming oloctlon is somothlng for political wrltors to flguro on. It may bo something for tho two dominant parties to consider seriously. La Follotto supporters aro claim ing ho will carry botweon oght nnd HU.MMONH IN TUB UIItUUlT COU11T OK TUB STATB OK OHBUON FOU TUB COUNTY OK IIARNKY. Cora I'urlngtou, Plaintiff. vs. A. II. Webbor, Itono U. Colt, W. B. Stafford, Hortlo Foil car, and K. A. Bmpey, Defoudantu. TO: A. II. Wobbor, Iloso 0. Cole, W. 12. Stafford, HeJrUo Koucar, and K. A. Buipoy, Dofoudants. IN TUB NAM 13 OK TUB STATB OK OUKOON, you nro liuroby rc riulred nnd directed to appear and nuswor tho complaint filed against you, nnd ench of you, in tho above untitled suit on or before tho Inst day of tho time prescribed lu tho order for publication of this sum mans, to-wit: On or boforo tho 13th day of Soptomber, 1924, said date being tho expiration of six weeks from the date of tho first publica tion of this mimmouB, and if you fall to appear and answer for the want thereof, tho plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief pray ed for lu Ijer complaint, to-wlt: For Judgment against the defend ants, A. II. Webber and Itono O. Cole, for tho sum of $2600.00 with 8 per cout Interest thereon from December 1st, 1H20; for tho fur ther sum of $233. 3C with intercut thereon from April 13, 1923, nnd for the further sum or $50.29, with 8 per cent interest thereon from April 1st, 1924, for $250.00 attor ney foes, And for cotits and ills bursemeutk herein. That said mortgago he amended and corrected to rend as set forth lu plaintiff's complaint; That a decroo of this court be eutorod foreclosing all ot tho Inter est or tho said derondants herein, In and to the N!(i r Section 9, the V.Vi nnd the B16SWU or Section 4. tho 8W.i. VKHB4 and the 8W4 NWU of Section 3, the Nt&NWU, WlJNKVi, and SKUNK', of See- tlon 10, all in Towmdilp 2G South,. Hango 34 M, W. M. forever barring said dofoudants, or either of them, from any other right or equity ot. redumption, and that wild property bo sold, as by law required, and. ,thd irrocobdp thereof .bo uppled, .first In tho payment of this Judg ment, coats and accruing cowls, and. tho romalndor, If any thoro bo, bu distributed to tho said defendant aH tholr Intorostd nppoar. In case tho property upon alo Htmll not pay this Judgment, -interest, conte and accruing costs, that tho plain tiff have and rocovor of and fromu tho dofonilnntn, A. H. Webbor and. Hebo O. Colo, any nunia Tomnlnlng unpaid, and that she havo a defic iency judgmont thorofor, and that execution lssuo thereon; That tho plaintiff bo allowed to bid upon nnd purchase snld prop erty whon sold on execution under fills Judgmont and decroo, and for such other and further rollof as to. equity may portaln. This summons iu published br order of tho Hon. It. T. Hughot, Judge of thu County Court for Har ney County, Oregon, mndo and on torcd on tho 31nt tiny of July, 1924.. tho date of the first publication or this summons is August 2nd, 1924,. nnd tho date of tho last publica tion of this numinous Is September 13, 1924. uiaos & macs. Attornoyo for Plaintiff. Post Ofllco nnd Itcnldonce: Hums Orogon. Registered nnd Grade Jerseys Hirjh Class Milk Tested All T. B. Tested Fresh and Coon to Freshen Cows Now On Hand. Increase your cream check by making your dairy herd high claas cows. Willis Rounsevelle Burnt, Oregon Get The Habit and eat at the CLUB CAFE 3Lc vens Hotel Building Meals nl all hours and the menu includes everything obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick courteous H'jrvico Bring the Family JFWV !& BJ ADJUSTS J 35 THE CAUSE OF W Harry S. Stone Chiropractor LEVENS HOTEL Offlco hours 2 to 5 P. M. Other hours by appointment ft Best Yellow Pine Lumber Rough and Dressed WEIL'S YARD At The New River Bridge End of lane leading east from Short's blacksmith Shop. Burns Paul A. Weil Burn8 Tit. ummT- MticsjaMiiMnmimn ism xs-p m W I MM - m IK i