The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 26, 1924, Image 1

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h 'fiia x
i fii
NO. 38
WtM It
Ut r Satisfied WitK
3fcwg MMTnisSeaten;
t. Tke gnthwrlMg f the, people of this
rttt'nty at tie 'twnwrlwont Btatlon on
-JMt $uda:ft4i attend the annual
flfe'd baytalH' emphasized tho in
ttrjwt Int tae, work o( the station.
T),ctt fro 1K distance. urn!
kovra warked liKoretit In tho ox
prhntf& Thy lis ton od to -joino
Jtllettl' tJk and wont awuy tnuoh
1)KUtj'rtettjf Tkcy auw tho ottectM
rOUJtnl,lW4 HIMJ' were r.iiiiviiicoii
the great advantngo at Irrigation
the right time.
While there was universal regret
wprewod because nelthor Governor
Morco or Jefferson MyorB woro pres-
'at, tho former becauso of tho mrl-
& ... t.l- . ..!. .! 4t. ImIIam
HI IIWOiW Ol Ilia wiiu uu iiiu inuui
attained becauso of an Injury sus
tained while attending a fluid day nt
one of Mie experiment stations nt
Aatorla,, when ho was precipitated
Jrwn a. platform by a board break
r andlp. tho fall he waa painfully
irt, there wan much pleasure cx
aweU to find Judgp J. K. Woutb
'ord, tke "daddy" of the 0. A. C.
'd or Regents, preaeut. Judge
aerford also sustained a severe
wound (it the time of the aecl
kat'rKept Jeff at homo, but the
etercd his Injury with a
'Cftftnad said nothing about It.
hV'nu'K0 Weatherford woro
it l'almlter, Aldrlch and
ind Prof. Hyslop. Tho party
rom Ucnd on Saturday ovon-
jworo gueata of Supt. and
Uuck at tho station for sup-
"nlni? tn tlurnu for tllO UVOn-
jMTV- " " -
PK'WMra mey mci aevuriii oi wmn
ttSsos during the evening. The par-
L'tr. returned lo the station early Sun-
l,tv morning and made a personal in
iictlon of thov Holds before the ar-
E.jjl of the Harney county farmers
04 frlondu who came to parucipaio
thn iivnnlK nt thu llttV.
No formality waa observed W un-
noon hour when tho big picnic
Inner wa served. Thin waa served
the usual manner by volunteers
aim! tho long tables filling tho
ltc an they passed along, mo
9od was up to former years wnn
aU of good thing Including salads,
indwlrhcs, hnm, chicken, cakes,
pies, 'tc , with plenty of Ice com
ikmonadc, Ico tea and coffoo. Tho
food was furnished in most part by
tho hUHtwlvm bringing well filled
bakia and the ladlon of tho ntutlon
provvig somf- extras.
At 1 ocioik Jiidgo Woalhurford,
jirosidi a of tlio lward of rcgontu.
was ,kf'd 10 proHido after Supt.
Shatturk tailed the gathering to
order Judge Wontljorford alwuyn
bas a word of praise and encourage
ment for the people of this big
country He wa one of the commit
tee to select the site of the present
cxpcrlmont station and ho has over
tlnco been a consistent advocuto of
tho utatlon and comes year aftvr
year to vlow Its work und confer
with the people. Ho has nover Just
his faith Ib tho agricultural possi
bilities of tho Harney valcy and In
sists it has tho richest soil and great
est prospects of tho entire Interior
country. He rejoices with us in the
development now taking place, the
utoiuion of the railroad and tho ad
vent of tho sawmills. Judge Wea
therford is sincoro in his deslro to
see this big country developed. He
wants Oregon to advanco and seos In
this big country nn opportunity for
advancement in the lino of latent
resources that will bring wealth and
happiness to multitudes. Judgo
Woatherford'B intoroat In the young
mon and women of this stato, his
treat deslro to insplro them to bet'
ter citizenship by fitting thomaolves
for usefulness by higher education
nd vocational training, has brought
blm in closo association with hun
dreds, oven thousands of the young
People of Oregon and liaa placed him
In tho position of enjoying tho con
fidence and high regard of more
boys and girls than perhaps any oth
er ono Individual in Oregon. It is
rcoponslblo for hla popularity and
tho lasting and sincoro friendships
'10 has acquired,
Rovoral of our local cltizons wero
callod upon during tho afternoon for
talks, among thorn being I. 8. door,
William ITnnloy, W. B.. Johnson and
A, W. Oowan. Mr, deer renewed his
faith in tho success of ngrleulturo
and tho benefits of the oxperiment
station ; Mr. Hanley discussed Irri
gation a little; stating ho was not
going to, favor borrowing money on
bonds that would bring a burden lo
tho pioneer rancher until he waa
convinced the old timer wan going to
rep the benefit of his labors. Mr.
Johnson advocated diversified farm
ing to a greater extent, raising loss
cattle and Improving tho brood at
tho same time devote a greater offort
toward forago cropa to turn off n
hotter grade of buof nud also goner
nl farming. Cnpt. Oownu expressed
his pleasuro nt bolug pormlttcd tn
nddresa his old friends and to note
tho Interest In tho work of tho sta
tion. Mr. Aldrlch, 11 member of the
board of reguutH, who Is editor of
tho East Orogonlnn at I'ondleton,
dlKctiBsed tho advautngen of tho
work of tho experiment Htnttuiw by
rofcrlng to tho new wheat that Una
been brought out this yonr In that
whaet boll whlrh 1b yielding n nu
cvorngt of fi huhtlft per acre r-'ore
than any wheat beforu tried. lie
pointed out what this additional
yield means this sou (ton when the
drouth has been so pronounci'd,
Stnto Senator Drown, of Marlon
county, Is n now member of the
board and made his flrnt visit to
the Htatlon this year. Senntnr Hrown
Is n farmer and ho at once convinced
his hearers when he was Introduced
that ho know tho farmem problems
and that he wan u real friend. His
remarks wore to the point and waa
listened to with attention. .Mr.
Drown admonished his farmer
friends to pay more attention to
their ballots on election day and
know what mon ho wan nupportlng
as wnll an such measure as come
up for tho pnwwgo of tho people from
time to time.
President l'almlter of the tirnuge,
also n member of tho board, gavo
Bomo excellent advice along the lino
of bettor organization In farm work
nnd marketing. Hu urged a greater
Interest In tho work of tho station
and taking advantage of what could
bo learned through the experiments.
Mr. l'almlter advocated ntoro dairy
cows and tho use of more dairy pro
ducts denouncing the use of substitu
tes no not only Injuring tho farmer
dairyman in a financial way, but also
to the detriment of tho health nnd
growth of the children.
Prof. Hynlop talked crops and this
was tho talk that tho fanners took
greater Intoroat ln--that In tho ono
Unit wan most vital to his Immediate
prosperity and auccoss. Prof. Hyrflop
has become an old friend to tno
farmers of thin aootlon where ho hnn
mndu many visit and ha given so
murh good advice. Ho advocated
more arloy nnd food crops such as
field pena, ajfalfa, olc. These cropH
havo boon proven iiuccessful In thin
territory nnd are no longer an ex
periment. Prof. IIVHlop In returning
to thla vicinity next month to romnln
for n time whon It Ih IiIb hopo to
moot moro of tho farmorfl and dis
cuss crops with thorn personally. Ho
Is coming back to seo tho offoctn of
tho Irrigation on tho oxporlmont Hta-
tlon fields becauso of tho fact that at
tho present time tho crops nro not
sufllclontly ndvanccd to give hltn tho
(Continued on page flvo)
i-koi'm: mahuii:i
Harley Hotchklss and Miss Nena
Hardlsty wero murrlod last aturday
aftornoon, Uev. C. A. Waterhouse of
tho DaptlBt church preforming the
ceremony. Tho affair was u quiet
pno and but fow of the frlondn and
rlontlvee were upprlsod of It until
after thu ceremony. Doth these
young peoplo are popular In this
community whero thoy havo resided
bIiico childhood. Thoy attendod tho
Harney county high school from
which Jhoy are graduatoa. Harloy
Is tho eon of Mr. and Mrs, H, Hotch
tm and is engaged with hl fathor
and brothers in the live stock nnd
dairy business. Ills brldo 1b a vory
charming young lady, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Hardlsty, who
nro also pioneers.
Tho marriage was a completo sur
prlBO to tholr frlonds. Thoy liad
bCon ongngod for tho pnt year or
moro and made no socret of tholr
Intontlon of wadding but the lime
wn not announced and it was. tho
improsslon tho affair would not tako
place until Into this fall or winter.
Thoy woro coon dlHcovorcd nftor tho
coromony had boon performed, how
ever, and received the hoarty con
gratulations of tholr frlonds. Tho
young people will mnko their home
In thin vicinity,
Landowners Hold Two MMtinga
With Be.rd and Voice Their
SentimanU; With Board.
From expressions heard ul two
muettng of the landowners In the
Harney Valley Irrigation Dlvtrlet,
one at Ijiwoii Tihursday afteruloou,
nud another yenterday held ut the
Touawama In lliirnu yesterday af
ternoon, It Ih fouuA thoy are not
favorable to dlnholvlug tho district.
Tho board of dlrcotors naked these
mcullngs to dlsetina plans for the Im
mediate future and the nuhjout vnn
given protty thorough dlneiiHiilon In
general. Tho Immediate subject was
not always tho predominating que
Hon dlHcuMud, nMhoro wua more or
om pormMinllMoa Injcotod Into blii
moetlniit, but on tho wlrolo tho de
sired Information wau uooitrod as to
the cjuulmout of tho people directly
Ah tn tho Immediate plan of actual
work on the project tho matter 1.3
not entirely clear. Borne ndWicuNt
putting in a partial distribution nyx
tent before couHtructlug a reservoir
for Htornge, while others prefer n,
atorago Kystcm flrt, at least a dam
nulllclont to lake care of the peak of
tho fk)od that rnmea down no onrly
In tho growing soojton Utnt It bt of
little practical use for Irrigation, be
Hides flooding certain ' lands that
could otherwise be cropped.
A more detailed report of tho re
sults of tho two meetings will bo glv
On In our next Ihhuu, the time being
rather short; 'to get It lirlhls Iwiuo
nud do tho subject Jiuttlco. Tho me
chanical department of thin paper
waa Mispcuded yetttcrday afternoon
In order not to disturb thu meeting
on K10 floor nbovo The Times-Herald
(iltlce. It has mado the Itraunuco
of the paper later than It would have,
otherwise been but under the clr
cumPtnnccH the paper feels JunUfled
an It Is lutorcBted In the dovolopmeut
of thin big country and reallzese a
crinlH exltitod that throHtoned ltn
advancement. AMer fully conwlder
Ing the situation and a better undor
htandlug among the landownoTa
thore Is n feeling of relief to find the
ranchers of thla section are favorablo
Ut development nud honoring their
condition. Tho matter of financing
tho undortnklng and Junt what unit
of the work will bo given flrt con
Hlderatlon now reata with the board
of dlrectosr. It Is likely some defi
nite pnopotritlon will be put bofero
the lnndownora In tDie near future.
0" '
Mr. ad Mr. A. A. Ilolnoman were
In town during tho week registered j
at tho Lovons. '
t am. 1 -" "'
HgggK, vglp y I . " "tv -sasjn-
SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27
Program Provides Thrilling and
Spectacular Stunts; $5,000
In Prizes and Purses.
The fourth annual Roundup Ib to
be held on Septomhor 2G, 26, 27 this
year. Tho how grounds nro being
put In first clans shapo with modoru
conveniences In evidence. The new
half tulle track will bo ready for
speed coiitetitH and the arena for tho
bucking eontcftts and exhibition rid
ing no nrraugo na to give the npoctn
torn In the big grand stand nnd
blcachera tho best view.
The boys In nhnrgo nro preparing
for a big tlmo nud one of tho mont
successful wild we-it ulinwn over pull
ed erf In thin country.
Advertlsolug ban gone out for this
big event already, 10,000 dodgem
having Just buen printed In this olllce
for a novel method of distribution
from nu alrplauo all over thin east
ern part of the stnto and nlsn In
There will bo J5.000.lnprlzos and
purses for tho dlfforout events to bo
put on during tho Hound-up which
will lucludn spend coutesttf, bucking
contents, bull riding, bnro buck
nlunlH, airplane exhibitions, etc.
One stunt that will bo thrilling Is to
place a xaddlo on tho tnll of the air
plane and n rider mnko tho flight.
Two hundred head of broncos' will
be In the nronn to tnnt tho skill of
tho riders,
Cow boy parades, Indian war
dances, cnrnlvnln, band music, dnnc
Iiir nud other diversions tire furnish
ed. It Ih quite likely the railroad, ce 1 0
brnllnn will be hold on tho day pre
ceding tho Hound-up.
' o
thi: i.m:v vikw iiohpital
Dy . Invitation of Doctor D. K.
Smith we Inspected the big rejuve
nated Valley Vl'ow Honpltal last
week and will endeavor to glvo tho
public an impression of the visit.
Our first introduction was to the
operating room with Ita Immaculate
white enameled walls and steol op
erating table etc; from thenco we
pased Into tho sterilizing room con
taining steam and electric sterilizers,
nine' delicately adjusted scales that
put "daddy's" fish sculos which fre
quently weighed In the now baby at
thirty five pounds out of commission.
Adjoining Is the maternity room
with bath and lavatory.
S'txt In order came the X-Itay and
developing rooms. Tho big Wnpler
X-ltny machine Installed at a cost
exceeding $.1000.00 Hint makes tho
mom look Homethlng akin to tho In
terior of a submarine, will do any
kind of X-Itny or picture vrork from
a core tooth to tho eutire body. A
patient can bo placed on, the table
of tho machine and a fracture set
while the doctor is looking at it
through the rays. Pictures Ukon
aro doveloped In the dark room ad
Joining, equipped with vats heated
by Htoam or electricity.
Across tho hall In the spotlcsB kit
chen presided over by Mrs. Graham,
which Insures suitably, well prepared
and dainty food for tho patients, In
the south end of tho building nro
located four private rooms nnd two
wards, one for womon with thrco
bods and one for mon with four; tho
rooms nro light nnd cbcory and nil
tho furnlturo and fixtures aro now
white. Tho rooms on tho nocond
floor have not yet been finished or
furnished but will be so na tho nltun
tlon ilomnnds.
The floors In tho ball aro covered
with rubber matting; settees are
provided for tho comfort of visitors,
and the olllce hnn been Inclosed In
order that charts may not bo Indis
criminately Inspected by tho visit
ing public. In addition lo tho pri
vate steam heating and olcctrlc plant
Installed, power for tho X-Ilay Is
nupplled by tho BurnB Power Com
pany. Kor tho purposo or insuring
fresh milk nnd eggs to pat louts tho
honpltal ban boon provided with Kb
own cow and chickens. Shade trees
have boon planted on tho grounds
and thoro is also a small vcgetablo
Thoro Is no bettor equipped hos
pital In Eastern Oregon or anywhere
outsldo tho large cities, and tho in
stitution nn It now stands Ik a bless
ing to Hums and vicinity nnd n
credit to Doctor Smith who constant
ly ronllzcH his responsibility as a
A mall woodshed at the rear of
tho Yosldence occupied by Dewey
Kobluosn nud wife was discovered on
fire Monday night a little lifter 12
o'clock and an alarm wnn turnod In.
The shed was enveloped In flames
before the flro hoso could bo strung
to It and tho engine In action but
wan soon subdued when tho water
wan turned on. It looked rather scr
loan ul flrot and people wore much
concerned oh tho shed Is close to
tho dwelling und also tho bomo of
Mrs. Mllllo Patterson but heroic
work with buckets und wet sacks
prevented tho building Igniting until
the engine nnd pump gol In action.
Tho Itohlnsou dwelling was badly
scorhced. Fortunately theer was no
w ijd nud the flume were confined
to the shed Which wn destroyed.
Mrs. H. W. Damon accompaanlod
her husband up from tholr Portland
homo laAt week and ban boon spend
ing tho tlmo visiting with friends In
this city since.
AskKtkmal Seating Facilities aauIX
Cshit ienc ; New Tracks
.Well Arranged Arena.
Tho now grounda recently secured
for tho annual Hound up uro belnc
put In tho best of Bhapo for a per
manent place for holding thin blg
wlld west show. A vlalt to the
groundrt on Thurwlay wltnesgedv
much nctlvlty and 11 big amount oK
work complotod. Tho main on
trauco to tho grounda which nro al
ready fenocd la from Iho wist and'
wide ontrnncoB nro provided to pro
vont congestion nnd u nopnrnto oxlfc
Ib arranged for Jitneys that are task
ing frequent trlpn down, thus nrold
lug two wny tralllc through tho main,'
ontrauce. The road nnd npproacn.
will bo graveled.
Hultablo parking npaco Is provided'
to the south of tho raco couruo and',
grand Btnnd for cars nnd thojr will
bo supervised In this respect In a.
manner that will permit any car
being rbmoved without danger of."
colllsou or Injury lo others.
Tho old grand stand moved from-1
tho formor fulr grounds has been re
modeled into bleachers and tho other
Miction of blcachora also placed In.
position nnd botweon tho two wilt bo
orocted another grand stand' IIS.'
feet long and of sultable-slzc to seat:
a larger number of people. Thla
stand will bo provided with box seU
In front of tho Judges stand
ranged In tiers that wIR mako lt
convenient and attractive to. thajt
seated It In. In all seating capaclty
han been provided for 2,000 peoplo
In the Ftanil nud bleachers. -'
Tho box stalls and burns, f lu"v
numbuT, are nrruuged to the south
wont of tho enclosure where a welL i
Ins been put down for the stock. '
Another deep well has been. dug.Mtf i
a corner of Iho arena for tho accom
modation of patrons and stock en
cloned there. Tho arena Is to bo uuW
Htantlally fenced und this section.
will have an urea of 400x3.18 foet
wle re the wild hope'si. bueklnx a
tests, bull riding and other sncht
rtunts are to take plnce. This In ha"
mediately In front of the grand'
Htand nnd with the substantial fonro
of HUltleieut bvlght to prev r.'. any ol
the nnlmulB getting over ui cuuvr
any dlsturhuucc. The arena In tC-
arrn-igt-d tlmt stock are cnclnsttd UV.
7 dilfereut niuall cormls and itwr
bo let out of shuies Into the nrona
nnd after the riding are turned into a
tain .it Hu' .:lir 1'iul of tu aru.
that connects wtih tho foedlng cor
rals without further handling.
Feed racks are provided In onci
i i.. n .in win m plpeov
right to tho IrougliH und a large stor
ago tank placod at an olovutlon that
will give pressure. Thl Kline wnter
hyHtom will be piped over to the
grand utttiid with faucolu couvoutcnf
und from thene will run hoso that
may be used to cover thu grand
stand und blouchertt, also for sprinkl
ing purposes on tho raco eourso and
Hurroundlug grounds, thu assuring '
protection from dunt ns this systonx
will be used extensively In eprlukllng;
tho track and Kurroundiugs.
Tho fcucca aro of lieavy material'
and nro arranged with round coruorss
to protect tho tock from Injury..
Tho entlro urrnngoraent Is fine
with tho grand stand nnd bleachers
facing tho north und Immediately
adjoining tho race course which Is
a 1ml t mile track.
It Is tho intontlon of the boya in.
charge of this big show to make,
those grounds nttractlvo by soedlng
tho outfield In whlto clover, puttfRc.
out shado trees around tho outside'
fence nnd otherwise beautifying the
tract, Tho onclosuro covers some 24s
acres and la lovol. It Is just a ahort
drlvo from town and tho driveways
will be Improved to mnko It n nice
drivo. -o.
Tho Tlmos-Hornld is nuthorlzed'to-'
nnnounco that thero will bo n base
ball, gamo Sunday nftomoon at 2
o'clock, In tho Horaor Mnco fioldv
acrsotj tho rlvor brldgo. Tho game
Is to be playod botweon tho Frodr'
Uorriolc Lumbor Co. and a plckod'
toam of Rurna. plnyora and proml3os
to bov n good ono. No admlsolon
will bo charged und tho ball fang of;
tills vlolnlty aro Invited to wltnQSJv
tho gamo.