The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 19, 1924, Image 1

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    If ff "psjp-
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NO. 37
Provide! Modern Improvements
Keeping With Development;
Water, Sewer Estimates.
Tho city council' has fixed Satur
day, August 16th, no election day to
vote on tho now city charter for
Burns. Thla hns huon undor consid
eration Tor mouths and tho subject
hns ncclved careful study boforo bo
ng submitted to tho voters. It
makes provision for Improvements
that are essential to tho growth of
the town and In keeping with tho
prejcnt development. HocaiiBO of
the npprorch of this election Tho
Tlme-vllerftld Is this week publishing
tho estimate recently Hubmlttod by
tho engineers on the proposed water
and siwer system. This report gives
details in an Itemized form In tho
original but tho tabulations are
omitted from our report. However
tho totals nro given.
In giving thlB subject considera
tion It should bo understood that tho
plan outlined by tho engineers Is
not definite thnt Is, tho city Is not
bound to follow this particular plan
If It Is found othor ways .nro fonsl
bio or some or tho expense may bo
eliminated, Tho subject should bo
seriously considered. It Is absolute
ly necessary that Burn construct
water and sewer systemo In ordor to
moot conditions now confronting tho
Tho estimate foljews:
pni:iii:.:iXAUV ukpout of
'I ho necessity of an udequuto sup
ply of pure water for tho present duy
community needs no nrgumuut. Kvua
whin uinilltlous uro such that In
dividual supplies from wells may bo
obtnlred without pollution, tho prob
lem of fire protection Is ono for tho
community In general. To success
fully fight a flro requires concentra
tion of a lurgo volume of water at
ono point. Considered from an econ
omic standpoint, tho cost of mainten
ance for individual supplies of run
ning water is no small Hera and tho
reduction in Insuranco rates coming
with udequato flro protection will to
a largo extent offsot tho cost thereof.
Water llrtiuircnicnlM and Bourco
or Kuppl) : Tho actual per capita
lonsuuiptlon varies so greatly In diff
erent cities thnt It Is dllllcult to esti
mate tho probnblo ropulromonts of
one city by tho known uwo of othors.
The consumption of water Is affected
b the climate, soil conditions, con
dlt mi of tho system and pressure, in
(Uis'nul roqulromonts, tho extent of
metering, nml tho general disposition
and customs of tho users. Along with
the per capita consumption also must
be considered tho population to bo
provided for. It would bo equally u
mistake to prnvldo only enough wat
er for tho present population of u
growing community or to ovor-bulld
a tent and Incur tho cost of a sup-
. ply which will not bo complctoly
utillzrd for years to come.
Tho only available sourco of sup
ply for tho City or Hums us wo ceo
it will bo rrom driven wells. No
largo alnglo Horn or Investment such
as a dum or a long pipe line will be
required When n cortaln develop
ment Is outgrown. It will only bo
necessary to put down additional
wells sulllclcutly removed from the
first ones to avoid Interference and
Instill additional pumping equip
ment It would esem to us then that
only a reasonablo provision for fu
ture growth should, be made in tho
sourco of supply, although the mollis
fchould bo ndaptnblO to extensions,
Having carefully considered all
'he existing conditions, wo aro of
the opinion. that a supply of 200 gal
lons per capita for it population of.
2,000 or -100,000 gallons In 24 hours,
will bo a logical presont development
for the City of Durns. The pumping
equipment should have a somowhat
larger capacity to provide for break
ago and shut-downs, For the pres
ent population a surplus of water
will oxbt which will permit llborat
ueo for sprinkling mjd Irrigation.
With tho growth of tho City, restric
tions and economics in the uso of
water, and tho Installation of motorB,
will rcduco tho per capita consump
tion bolow tho figure usod and post
pone tho necessity of lucoraslng tho
supply until groator than tho ostl
matcd population has boon reached.
On 'account of convenlonco of ar
rangoraont, short pump mains, and
reduction of friction, we prefer to lo-
cato tho wolls near to tho distribu
tion roaorvolr which would bring
thorn on tho hill Bomowhoro In tho
vicinity of the schoolhouso. From,
Inquiry, we understand that the lava
rock soen on tho surfaco of tho
ground Is merely a capping and that
drilling through thin rock will de
velop practically tho eamo sourco of
water as oxlsls on tho olwor areas
adjacent to Durns, Thoro Is always
nn olemont of uncertainty In connec
tion with woll development and wo
would suggest that nt least one woll
on tho most fnvorablo Incntlon bo
drilled and tested boforo the bnlauco
of tho water works aystom In com
plotoly planned or Installed.
Our estimates provide for wollii lo
cnto'd on tho hill adjacent to storago
and distribution rcuorvolrs. Thcso
will bo drilled wolls probably 12" In
diameter and will bo pumped by deep
woll turblno pumps, delivering wntor
Into a Hiirfnco reservoir of HUdlclout
capacity to carry practically n day's
nupply. For distribution purposes,
and to servo tho higher areas water
will bo lifted from this reservoir Into
nn elevated steel tank of 50,000 to
00,000 gallons capacity. Tho distri
bution mains will hnvo a minimum
slzo of 4" to glvo flro service. Larger
feeding mains will bo laid out In
ouch a way as to permit futuro ex
tensions In tho portions or tho City
most likely to have rapid growth.
Our csllmntes provldo for n com
plete system of flro hydrants nt nl
tomato blocks and valves necessary
to shut off any unit of tho system
for repairs. For tho sake of econ
omy, we hnvo plnnuod placing tho
water pipes In thp same excavated
trouch as sowers where rock exenva
tlon will be Involved. While this is
n doparturo rrom tho usual practlco,
wo seo no danger or pollution that
can rosult therefrom. Tho pressuro
upon ii water pipe Is always outward,
whllo tho leakago to a sower, If titer,)
bo any, will always ho Inward.
I'Mlnmtn.: Tho preliminary oh
tlmnto or cost totals $120,232.00.
This estlmato provides tor tho host
class of construction throughout.
While somo of thu details nro sub
ject to revision when definite plans
nro completed, we bollevo Hint tho
total Is ndequato and conservative.
Preliminary Hrport on St-wrr HMem
for City of HurtiN, Origin
Present day standards of living
and sanitation mnko a sower system
u necoaalty In any community or con
sequence. A llhornl uso or domostlc
water by tho Amerlcnu people ror
washing and carrying or organic
wastes makes nevonsnry some moth
ml or disposal. Ccm-pools and Indi
vidual voptlc tanks nro utisatlnfnc
torv In operation and In tho long run
expensive. Tho only mot hod which
meets all requirements Is Hie adop
tion of a sower system to collect nnd
carry the wanton to n remote point
ror disposal. Tho ultimate method
or disposal Is u problom In itself but
tho concentration of thu total How at
one point makes It u community
probelm worthy or skilled attention.
Tho City or HuriiH bus reached u
development whoro a sower system Is
needed even If thoro is no rurlhor
growth. However, tho coming cM
u raiirona connection ami tuo util
ization or tho Immenso Umber re
sources back or Durns, in addition
to thu certain agricultural resources
scorn to gunruntoo a growth to u
population rnr beyond what Is now
supported. Tho City presents iiomo
dllllcult probloms from thu sower
construction standpoint zut those
aro not Insurmountable, In portions
of tho City tho oxlstunce of surfaco
rock will mnko tho oxcavntlon of
sowor trenches exponsive, whlli In
othor portions of tho City the flat
grades and low elevations rolativo lo
tho outfall lines must bo ovorcomo,
After Hpondlng sovorul duyu In go
lug over tho local situation in detail
and aftor studying nvallablo maps
and topography, wo havo mado a pre
liminary layout for a sower systom
Hint will servo all purposes and Is
entirely feasible Whllo somo molli
fications will no doubt bo necessary
aftor detailed survoys are mado, we
believe that present estimates nro-
liberal and may bo usod with safoty
In considering the Improvement nnd
In deciding upon u bond issuo to
meet tho cost of tho same,
Our plans provldo for sowers run
ning from North to South on all of
the stroots now utilized. Thoso
sowers will hnvo a minimum slzo of
8", which oxporlonco shows to be
inocossary for proper cleaning, and
will be provided with manholos and
flushtanks to allow ready raulntoi)-
nnco. Thoy will lead to a trunk
sewer at tho South end of tho platted
(Continued on pngb four)
Rudolph Wenzcll Killed Himself
Early Yesterday Morning in
Kitchen at Farm Home.
Hudolph Wonzell shot hlmsolf In
tho bronst with n shot gun yestordny
morning resulting In Instant death,
Tho fatal shot wns fired In tho kitch
en of his homo on tho Ilrowu ranch a
mllu north of Hunts about five
n'ulouk after bo hnd flrod ono shot
rrom tho gun near thu door ot a bod
room whoro his young Hon And
daughter were slooplng.
Mr, Wonzell had threatened such
an act boforo, according to bio young
son. Ho wub subject to despondency
at lulorvnls and sumo times on such
occasions ho would Indulge In drink
ing. A bottle or liquor was found In
his room.
The dnughtor Hinted that her
father had boon restless, nil night
and wns up and down, alio had qecu
pled n bed In the hum room with
him but because of his rcsllcMincws
she had gotton up and entered tho
room where her brother was sleep
lug. Ho announced he was going to
tako his own llfo aftor ho flren tho
gun the son got up and tried to take
It rrom him but tho father throw him
aside nud entered tho kitchen clos
ing tho door. Ho hnd mado u loop
of a strong cord which was attach
od to tho trlggor and used his foot
to discharge tho gun which wns plac
ed against his right breast.
.Mrs. 'Wonroll had gono to Klamath
Falls to visit a son nnd tho othor
children woru away from homo, two
or the boys being In Callow where
thu family formerly resided, Mr.
Wonzell wuh between GO and (10
years old and tho rather or eight
children Ho was an industrious
man and ambitious In jits donlro for
the education of his younger child
run. Thoy enmo to thin plncu ror
better educational facilities and bo
hud recently leased tho Drown farm
adjoining Hums. Ho had Just fin
ished putting up tho first crop of
alfalfa and the prospects to succeed
flnnnrlully were bright.
The tragic ending of his llfo was
n shock to his family and this com
munity where (boy nro all hold in
high esteem.
Harry .. Smith ban disposed of
his poolhall to It. Y. llogard and B.
Uithrop, formorly of Jtocky IJar,
Idaho. Tho purchasers havo ro
turued to Idaho to mako arrange
ments to como back nnd tako chargo
or the business tho first of next
month, W. T. Lester mado tho doal
for this trannfor.
i.L mmimeam siMiMseiseasMSBTT,''MrTBleJFMKeyTFWnr
BsaWeHPl AsaH oNvBin!'
bbbh1 "VHbbf 9 su bbbv. bbbbCbkbbT '
BBLB 'nB''!55
igr-Aav t 1 "'"'ii''iiJ!K" lUSmim, Wlltw . i u
J"tR I "' Kiii'jfir .BBi f BBmVvvV
Excellent Crops Where Water is
Available for Irrigation; See
Warm Springs Reservoir.
Three outstanding groen spots
wore found In n tour of somo 340
tulles of Harney county mado mi Inst
Sunday and Monday by Bupt. Shot
tuck or tho oxporiment stntlon nnd n
representative of Tho TimoH-Hornld.
The P Itiinch, Dlltzen .vnlloy, Dia
mond, tho Drewsey section on up the
Malheur and Calamity crook pre
sented n most attractive contrast to
tho other localities visited.
The trip took us by Narrows, Malt
D.ivles Jack creek ranch and Oscar
Downs' to as far south as Dlitzou In
Callow valley' then bnek by tho P
rnnch, grain ramp 'o Diamond whoro
Sunday night wan spoilt. The follow
ing day thu party drove Into Crane
by wny or Princeton and rrom Crane
lo lllvorslde then lo tho Wnrm
Springs dam. Drewsey was reached
rrom this point and- then up the
Malheur to Chus. Llllnrd's "Valley
or thu Moon" much and back to
Durns over tho now market road and
Pine creek grade.
Tho object or this tour was to ad
vertise tho annual Field Day nt tho
experiment station tomorrow. For
tunately Shattuck had IiIh Dodge
Coupo equipped with now balloon
tires which Con Lloblg hod put on
Just recently nml thu writer Is fully
"sold" to balloon tires. Without
those tho trip would hnvo been quite j
ilirferent.ns thoy took out ti.o
and ruts to such an extent thnt Is
wns poMiuio to mtiKO goon nine over
any of the roads, which nro' not ex
actly boulevards. In fact thAy lnak
a lot or being that. Tho t-xtrcnitf
dry weather has made tho roads bud
ror trawling, besides th'ero htm been
u lack or work done on thorn durjng
thu present season.
While on the subject or roads It
might be well to mako some com
ment on observations during this
swing. The main traveled roads aro
badly cut up, especially Is Hid true
or the Hauloy lauo, the road leading
over thu hills by thu Illltzeu and tho
Wolls Hill road south of Crane. SoW
pormanout work should bu dono on
each or these during every summer
Hoasou Willi a view or really having
roads lu the end. Thoro Is another
fen turn of the rond system lu Hamoy
county that cnusst much confiulou to
ono not fnmlllnr with locnlltlei lu
thnt tho cross roads nro not marked
with rlgns. This would mnko u viift
dlfferouca to travelers and rnvo many
Catlow valley la very dry. Ownr
Downs hns moMui" nt his olaro and
with proper cultivation will muko a
flno alfalfa farm. The range to tho
north and. west of him Is dry nnd
rapidly drying up but to llie east and
south in still verygood. It wbb learn
ed that some of tho wells In Catlow
have gono dry nnd In places sevornl
additional wolls havo boon sunk to
a great dopth without securing a
The F Ranch seems a garden spot
aftor tTavolIng over tho torrltory bo
foro reaching It. Tho visitors found
tho ranch will produce nn nvorngo
hay crop and tho bnrvost Is now In
full -swing. At tho Ornln Camp we
found B, B. Larson was working n
blc crow In the hay nnd whllo this
crop Is not up. to normal It I good
considering. His groin will yield
very Well, somo of it good but a por
tion of It will not ho up to average
Diamond valley lu turning out a
worMorful bay crop nnd tho ranchers
or that section nro fortunate. Wo
stopped at the Diamond hotel over
night where wo had Btrlng bcatiB
from tho gurdou, nlso somo iiIcj
rnnpberrlcn wore found. Diamond
sceinod an oasis to the travolors af
tor n day of hot, dusty roads and
Tho trip from Diamond to Crnno
by way of Princeton showed somu
crops where tho wntcr supply was
sufficient for Irrigation but tho dry
farming crops woro nlmost nn cntlro
rail ii re.
Neither Bupt. Shattuck nor tho
uowspupor man had over visited tho
Warm Springs dam and this wns
a revelation. Whllo the trip entailed
some bad roads and hard hill climbs
it wns worth tho effort to bou tho big
head of wntor stored for tho thirsty
crops bolow. It Is an object lesson to
any one to visit this big structure
unu see wnai u means 10 larmors.
; T) ntQmX wul(Jr , , th(J ,()W.
(,vor ,((Jon aC0 ho (am
was completed, yet there Is sulllctent
water for (ho season still stored nud
Is being let out an needed. A big
lake or water stored lu u canyon ror
uso when most needed Is what Har
ney valley needs. Wo "would bo lull
ing u rnr different story thin season
If we had the storage reservoirs In
operation lu this section. One needs
only to mako such a Journey as tho
one described to bo convinced or tho
iibHofuto necessity or Irrjfrntlon and
ovon though thu water Is not ns plen
tiful n under the Warm Springs pro
ject, It ls iiuno the less needed lu
raot moro necessary because or Its
economic uso. With stored water on
short years Harney valley would reap
much greater" yields bocauso every
gallon could bo economically distrib
uted nud put to ueo Instead or tho
early fIod being wasted.
Jlulloon tires aro a blessing on n
onr whou ono travels on tho road
from tho Warm Springs dam to
Drewsey. They ennblo ono to travel
at n speed that otherwise would keep
"(Continued on pago five)
Earlier Date for Annual Affaisr
Finds Field Crops Less Ad
vanced: An Inspection!
Tho unnual Field Dny at tho ox
porlmont stntlon will bo held tomor
row. Supt. Shattuck states that thcr
tlmo is too early to show his field!
experiments nt their best. Ho says
"thoy-ro, ragged" becauso of Irregu
lar growth caused by tho drynosn ot
tho soil. In ordinary seasons It Is
not necessary to Irrigate to bring tho
socd up but this year considerable or
tho sood did not sprout until tha first
Irrigation, theroforo the crop arcs
A representative of thin paper
wont over tho station Holds with Mr..
Shattuck Thursday nfternuoii nnd her
doesn't uhnro In Mr. Shnttuck's ap
prehension that the station will not
bo up tooxpoctntlon. Tho crops aro
ovon hotter thnn hnd 'been expected'
by tho writer uHor n tour or somo
3G0 mile ovor Harney county earlier
In tho wook. Tho winter crops aro
making a Hue showing nnd the sev
eral oxprlmentfl aro most IntcrcBtlngr
whon studied rrom tho viewpoint of?
a producor.
Borne of the striking features or
the Htatlou this season that attracted!
thu iiltontlon of the writer will ap
peal to thoso who mnko an Inspection
of tho plant. For Instance: A new
variety or smut resistant als, titer
nursu crop or wheat Immuno frou
nmut; the effect of crops lu nlfalfa?
sod urtor buccobsIvo growing of tho
Icgumo ror four yenrs and nfter be
ing plowed n second season and seed
ed to wheat thu alfalfa still predom
inates, showing how hardy thu plant"
Is. Another experiment that him
proven a succcxw this sonsou after
four or flvo rullures Ih clover with .
nurso crop.
The fU Ul peat are making the best:
showing or anything In thu lino thbv
season nnd nro proving their success
beyond liny doubt. The alfalfa hav
been cut Just recently nnd thereforw
the fields wll luot appear In their
usual venture but the yields nro or
record nud show the ut ml high1
yields. Another plot of nlfnlfa seed
ed this year shows an excellent standi.
Tho sllngo crops nro again tbrr
show portions of tho BtnMun. The
sunflower sshow the best stand over
secured on tho station nud tiro thlcle
nn dor a uniform height. These wills
field peas and other sllngo crop
should bo given more nttontlou by
tho dairymen and Ktechfattenlng:
men of this scctloh.
A now feature at tho station thin:
j car that will prove of great buneflU
to thu farmer and city dwollor aw
woll. Is thu new lot of trees mitt
shrub sthtit have been added. So in or
of thoso nro making good for thcr
flrst year and it will not be long brr
roro one may know 'just wbut trees?
nnd shrubs nro ndaptod to this sec
tion and It 'will mean much to thor
homo beautiful. Norway spruce,
honey locust, blade walnut, Uusslniu
ollvo, tho latter a shrub, meuntain:
and white ush, box elders, poplars,,
all seem to bo doing woll, also sovor
ul vnrletlcs of apples, pears, chorrfoHv
The Field Day gathering tomorrow
will bo Junt ns interesting to the?
farmer ns over before, ovon though?
the crops aro not so advanced ns In
former yonrs when tho event was
h,old later In tho season, Governor
Plorco, 11. F. Irvine, Joff. Myors,.
Prof, Hyslop and othrs accompany
ing tho board of regents will bu oil'
hand to grcot tho visitors nnd confor
with thoso who nro Intorostod in tlic
work. Preparations for tho big picnic
dinner at noon nro perfected nnd thtr
day will bo observed In a hnppy man
ner whoro old tlmo pooplo may gath
er and dlBCUfls probloma or mutual
C, A.. Korton is horo from Chicago
this wook on his annual visit. Mr.
Korton has a big farm Just oast
Durns ami comos out each suurmor'
on his westorn tour to seo how things
are progressing, Mr, Korton Is fn
tho wholesale business nnd nmo
this section of tho nor'thwost In con
nection with that business. life
mnny friends woro glad to groot hlnu
Fred Halnoa la homo. Ho has?
boon in souUiorn California and wo
understand nlso vlsltod Toxaa olK
I fields during his absence