The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 05, 1924, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Saturday, Jul)- 5, 1021
I lC
LUCK rises early to catoh that morn
ing train; 1m busy at tlio rorgo, bench or
desk; Im ponilstont; wanton no time; In not
onslly discouraged,
MJCIC fnnteuu t lip loor before tho
horso Is ntoloa; keeps Unit scalding water
out of baby's ronch; has forothought; In
prepared for opportunities; has plans and
executes thorn.
LUCK -denies ihlmsolf that auto until
ho can afford to buy and maintain It;
nvolda luxury; pay coali, respects hlmHolf
and Is rcapoctcd.
LUCK lauglta at mlufortitnc; has nil
tho good positions; drawn all tho 1)1 Hal
nrlos; spends low than ho oarnu has a
SAVINGS ACCOUNT and Is financially In
dopondont! "MAN IS NOT T1IK CU13ATUUI3 OK
- -Dhrnell
The First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
"' ,
Josso W. Allison of Suplcc was In
Darns during tho wcok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stove Seaward were
In town Wodnosday and Thursday.
Italph Cnttorsou was up from Ills
ranch homo In the Lawvn district
Mrs. J. I). Smith visited our city
during this week from her homo at
Mrs. Frank Hossmnu and llltlu
daughter roturncd Sunday from a
visit with rolatlvcH In tho Drewsey
cob n try.
Kucouraglug reports are rccolvfcd
by this olllco us to the yield of hay
la thin vicinity. In most Instanced
tho crops aro bigger than expected.
Scott Cattcrson wan in to huo us
tho othor day, Ho Is making prepar
ations to go to a lowor altitude
whore he hopes his health will Im
prove. T
Bupt. Obll Shuttuck of tho expert
raont Btatlon loft Thursday for Klam
ath where ho took his mother to hor
homo following an oxtondod visit
with him hero. Ho oxpects to return
homo tomorrow.
Forest flnw aro visible from Burns
in two different directions. This Is
a critical lltno for fires and ovory
effort nliould bo mado to keep thorn
down. Tako no chances with fire.
Sco that you aro not lexpnuHlhto for
ono atartlm,.
August Muller wan over from hit.
farm homo above DrowHoy for a day
or two during (his week. Mr, M nl lul
ls ono of tho pioneer ranchers of that
vicinity and has one of tho bent
farms in that section. Ho states ho
will have very good crops consider
ing tho unusual drynoss. Mrs. Mill
ler Is ubsont visiting coast and Wil
lamette valley points in company
-with her dnughtor.
The Rexal Store
Burnt, Oregon
Many tourists aro passing through
Hums these days.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. To
beck, Saturday, Juno -'8, a daughter,
Ilonr Weduesady .July 2, to Mr.
and Mm. M. S. Davlos, a daughter.
II. Hang was among our out of
town visitors for a day or two during
tho present woek.
It. L. Haines arrived In Hums tho
first of this week, Ho is somo im
proved In lion' hut Is not very robust.
: W. V. Uould and fumlly and
Claud Brown' and family havo gono
I to Snow mountain for a few days
recreation. They oxpect to ba back
Sunday evening.
Twin boys wero born to Mr. and
Mrs. (!. J. Wolter at tho homo of
Mrs. L. M. Karpontor In this oily
last Saturday, ono or tho llttlo fel
lows not surviving.
Mrs. John l Kay arrived homo
Saturday night from a row days
visit in Payette, Idaho, whoro sho
had accompanied tho Hartwulli on
tholr return homo.
Judge It. T. Hughot Is an Inmato
or tho Valley View Hospital where ho
was seriously ill for a tlmo surforlng
from bladdor trouble Ho Is now
couvalesent and his doctor announc-
ho will bo nblo to bo out in a row
Mrs. Karl (Jraham luft last Sat
urday ror Nmmott whoro sho will
visit at tho family homo or tho flrn
hams .ror a row weoks Sho drove
over In tho car and was accompanied
by W. 8. Laythe. Karl expects to
Join hor right artor Chautauqua and
remain for a short tlmo.
. Mr. and Mrs. Button entertained
ilevoral or tholr Mends at a course
dinner on last Monday evening at
their .homo. I'latoa wero laid ror
twonty-rivo and it proved a very do
llghtrul affair with congenial com
pany. Tho guests hud tho pleaouru
or hearing Mm. Olson slug with Mrs.
Bamuol Harris as accompanist..
Wouldn't it bo better to havo somo
work to do with a big lot of outsldo
money put In circulation, ovon ir It
did add a llttlo to taxes than to go
through tho ontlro Benson in idleness
and no monoy to pay tho lessor tax?
There aro roads, wo might build with
a big help from outsldo sourcea In
tho way or Hnancos If wo would tako
advantugo of tho opportunity,
Pooplo should romombor that tho
lecal Chautauqua committee and
guarantors havo tho advantage or
soason tickets sold in advance of the
opouiug only. Help out in financ
ing this big undertaking. It Is worth
tho offort ao Chautauqua brings to
us tho bolter things that tond to Im
prove social conditions and create an
Jntorost in highor morals.
MrH. A. E. Murphy and hor daugh
ter, Mrs. W. J. Williams, arrived
horo from Soattlo last Saturday and
aro guosts ot tho homo or Mr. and
Mrp. Noil Imltli, tho lattor bolng
daughter and slstor rospoctlyoly. Tho
ladloa drovo through from Seattle
In n car, coming in by way of tho
John Day highway nnd woro mot nt
Canyon Saturday by tho Smiths. Mr&.
Murphy Vrns at ono llm'q a rosldont
of this county whoro hor husband
had largo land holdings in the vicin
ity of Iron Mountain, Thoy will re
main for an Indefinite tlmo in this
vicinity. Mrs. Williams has her lit
tle girl, Dorothy, with her.
0, W. DrlnkWRlor was over from
Drewsey during tho week,
Mrs. ChhhIo Smyth wiui over from
hor Diamond home tho othor day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Otus Bltemoro wore
in town Wednesday doing noma shop
ping and calling upon relatives and
Krma and Itetta Hanklns woro
down from tholr Sllvles valley ranch
homo during tho week visiting wtlh
Herbert Caso and family recently
arrived hero frpm Now Plymouth,
Idaho with tho Intention of making
his homo In this city, Ho is a bro
ther to Mrs. Paul Well,
Mrs, J. F. Malio.i and her d.ninli
ter, Mrs, Krod (Smyth, woro over
from Diamond Wcdnx.luy trading
at tli ostore and greeting their many
Tho Tlmes-llernld Ik Informed by
Mrs. Sutton that Mrs. Samuel Har
ris was Jointly responsible ror the
afternoon of music at her homo Lint
week, mention of which was iniidn In
our last Issue.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. II. Turner, of
Portland, havo been vlBltlng with
the Dewey Itnblnsous during this
week, Mrs. Tumor and Mrs. Itobln
son bolng alHtors. Mrs. Ward, llui
mother .also nrrlved In the city and
will remain for an Indefinite tlmo
with her dnughtor,
Frank Johnson was over from
Prluovlllu over tho weok end. Ho
wan much interested In tho laying or
steel on tho railroad extension from
Crane to Hums and says ho is sure
coming over on tho occasion of our
railroad celebration. Dick Mllggs Is
also going to loine over nt Unit time.
Mrs. P. B. Welttonhlller took her
departuru (he foro part of this week
ror Garfield, Washington, where sho
Joins her mother and together they
contemplate touring California
spending several weeks or tho vaca
tion period visiting scenic points and
visiting with relatives and friends,
Mrs. A. K, llrowu, accompanied by
her son, Harry, and daughlora Misses
Klhel and Opal, arrived horo Satur
day enrnuto to tholr home beyond
Crnno, after upending several wcoks
ut Seaside. On Monday all snvo Miss
Kthel left for Crane, sho remaining
hero ror a visit with friends. Miss
Hrowu was a mctubor or tho graduat
ing class from Monmouth this year.
Ontario Argus.
Henry Long, one of the old timers
of this part or Oregon, win In to mi
Thursday. Henry used to lho In
Hums whero ho was connected with
the liquor business ror a tlmo and
ill'" had a st'li.g or race howi, lie
li u well known channte and is
romeraborcd by almost overyono who
lived In this section during the 'JOk
Ho Is now engaged in the stock busi
ness, bolng an employe or a hli; con
cern that has ranchca In tho Fossil
section and also In Malheur county.
Mrs. JamoA Henderson wan up
rrom her homo at Narrows Wednes
day. Cat Clemens nnd family havo mov
ed Into lho Choator Dnllon rdsldciico
for tho proosnt.
W. D. linker win registered at a
local hotel from Drewsey tno foro
port of tit Ih wosk
Kllla Hoitnett was homo over tho
week end visiting his family. lie is
engaged in canvassing for tho Fuller
Hodtioy Coxad wan thrown from a
horso Thuraday afternoon sustaining
noma severe bruises but not seriously
hurt. Ho In pretty wore, howeverr.
A. K. Hrowu nnd his not) Harry
wero among out of town motuor who
attended the roclal noM.lon 'or tho
Masonic lodge Wednesday evening to
witness the conferring or tho M'lslor
Mi.miii Degree on two candidates
Mrs. 11. H, Mm co loft the fore part
or this week ror Uoiio, Nevada whoro
she Ih visiting her mother who litis
been III. Mrs. Maco wont out by
Lakevlew, accompanying Otis Hard
well that rnr on hor Journey.
Mrs. (1. W. Young and her sous,
Joe iiiil (lenrgi Jr., also hor sou
Hill and this wife, 'irrlvod hero rrom
California Thursday evening. It Is
their Intention to reiiiiilii hero for an
Indefinite tlmo.
Mrs. Uerthii (.J rl III Hi Is hero rrom
her suburbiiii homo nt Boise, hnvlng
come over on somo business. Mrt.
Orllllth static sho will havo an ex
cellent fruit crop this season and
that prospeclH for good mnrkot aro
bright. Sho announce Hint tho
Arrowrock reservoir Is dry and wnter
ror Irrigation purposes Is short In
that section,
Mrs. Julian Jlyrd and sun Ullllo
and tho MIhnoh Kvolyn and Gladys
Hyrd arrived home Wednesday even
ing. Hllllo and his mothor had been
out ror a few weeks visiting at differ
ent points, having mot lho glrli at
Seattle. Kvolyn has been teaching
In a high nchnul at Burlington and
Oladyn has Just finished her first
year In the university of Wnnlilugtnu
at Seattle.
Mrs. A. D. Jones Iiiih secured tho ser
vices or an excellent cook and has
opoikmI her dining room In con
nection with Oior rooming hnuso.
Nobody is really happy until they
own their own home. Sco Dennett
First Addition. 5-17-tf
Nobody is really happy until they
own their own homo. Bee Dennetts
Mrt Addition. 5-17-tf
Wo aro offering to builld n limited
number of homes for only 1-6 tho
cash, balance long easy monthly
payments, 8oloct your own build
ing plans, and lots or acroago lo
cation rrom us. W. T. Lester
Company. 5-24,
itfWl UPM "iii" I I BiiiHiHiViiK
You Independent?
Your'e free of course, being an America
make you that,- but are you independent?
Have you a surplus capital, readily avail
able in cash, that gives you a chance to decide
your life for yourself and keeps you from the
trcad'mill of hand-to-mouth labor?
Use your freedom to achieve your inde
pendence. Thin bank can help you if you open a
savings account.
Hantiy Eouniy National Bank
g Bums, Driyfcm
Well's mill ror yellow plno. D-17-8t
Tho continued dry weather has pro
duced In this country n serious
condition. It Is absolutely neces
sary Hint wu protect from loss by
flro ovory ton of hay, wool, resi
dence barnos business property
and any othor property liable to
bo destroyed by flro. Wo offer
you tho best fire protection to bo
obtalnod for the least possible
money. Call -and soo us. W. T.
Looter Company. Phone CH.
The Harrison Honking ranch In
the Stolns Mountains, consisting of
1700' acres or good summer rango,
Including running wntor, ror sale
cheap. For particulars, write,
phono or call Inland Emplro Realty
Co., Phone 30W, I)urns, Oregon.
Four Now Tires Bargain 31x1
cordfl, 11. H. Klloy. Burns. 7-&
Mrs. K. F. Schwartz Is leaking
special salo or chlldrcnr drosv
and boy' underwear at 20 per
cent discount. 5-2t
choice locxitioH on bill or la flt,
lUnging from f0S.OO to 9100.00
per lot 00x100 feet. Fine ballJ
Ihk sites. Will nMlst yOH to balk)
your own liome on easy terau,
Just like paying rent. IN MM)
Phone 0W. K-1B
olHdy l really happy until tiny
own their own home. Hen Dennett
Flr.-a Addition. 3-1 7-1 f I
Oct your yellow plno nt Well's siw
mill. G-17-6t
Slmplo home method. Send
for FItER booklet and tcatl
moulalls. Warner's Ilenowu
cd Kemcdlcs Co., 723 Security
nidg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Irrigated Fatbis b4 Stock lUadi
at DenuUfal Harburban Acref?
Tractif Nlcoljr sltaated hones (far
nlshcd and anfamisaed) on the hill
or In the flat. Choice Vacant LoU,
Good ItiislneM blocka and lnvt
nicntfl, In fnct, everythlac la tire r
ty lino nt reanonable price and ewy
term.-. Call, write or phone, IN
l'ANY, nuniN, Oregon. ,. I'honn .10W
The Most Complete Line Of
Quality Groceries
In Burns, Oregon
The lowest possible prices all the way thru an entire stock
Why then take chances on a store
with a few leaders and a ten, cent
charge for a slow delivery service.
Buy at The
Weinstein's Grocery Co
The Biggest Grocery Store In Eastsrn Oregon
. .. fe -