The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 05, 1924, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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H.-.turtliiy, July B, 11124
II 10 T I M K H II K II A h I) II U It N H , II A It W H Y O O N T V (I It l (, () f,
(I'roin Department of liulUHtrlul
,1. uriinllsm Oregon Agricultural Cut
Po.i-uild-otits hIIuro Ih recommend
e.l us oiio of thu best Hllngo crops for
the iiortlioru Oregon conat section.
Tho avernBo ylclil at tho Astoria ox
Itrlniont Htrttlou wan U.G3 tons tin
in re. PoaH-and-oalK or pean-attd- bar
It y liuvo great promise, In tho warm
r south coaHt section .particularly
vhoro corn doen not Rrow well.
Tho batttH of ajl pig feeding In
g-.iln corn, ground whout, or bar
It -supplemented with a small per
il ntago of a protein food such an
i .nkago, fish meal, and skim milk,
li estimating costn and rations tho
Oregon experiment taton figures
whole corn, ground wheat and
i-Muml barloy as having onual value
when properly supplemented.
When calcium casolnnto Ih added
i.- a sprondor in tho powder form to
si rays containing bordeaux, llme
Huifur or other fungicides, it nemo
t.uics gums things up badly. When
tri happens, tho O. A. 0. experiment
tt.itlon suggests that tho sproador bo
d-niplotoly dissolved iu wator before
It -s added to tho spray tank.
Killing tho weeds Is the principal
tujoct of cultivating row crops such
corn and potatoes, nays 0. U. Hys
li'P of tho O .A. G. experiment atu- ',
ticn, stneo weeds aro tho principal
v mtors of moisture Cultivation,
. tuy persons think, in chlofly to stir
ii, th ground to glvo the roots a
. .nc to spread and to hold mcls-
iiiltlvntlon that go no dcopcr
, neeeeeajrr to get the weed It
l l Profvtenr Hyslop to bo moat
ftful. Whon It booh much deep-'
, than this It 'not only coats more j
h my do ooualdornbje dnmago by
- "giiig moist unrlh to tho eurfneo
' a by snipping off many of the feed ,
you.' jntejsd jNot fSSjx
Tm Hank In was born in the liar-
s room of a stable on Monroe
'r -t, in the heart of I ho Chicago
v :ird. forty-nlno yearn aico.
i 1 fathor, "Bull" Rankin, was n
I . i-!;smlth, town bully, G.T-u:ul-on
r"Mii;htor and n drunkard. His
t.i-'har wns an outcast. Ho was
' ih1 In filth, disease and Igno-
i- nml nt II became a "killer's
. tiinl" tn tho sleor pons of tho
' Vyru-ds nccauso he didn't kill
enough his los.i stabbed him
1 Tom win Uktn to a nearby
j.ltal. Stubborn, brutnl of in-
t, (Iii'l of mind, he wa nevcr-
i "a toticliod l;'.ho nwvut ap-
j of a vlsitlnj; social worker
ui.o - hhi rslonco was 'uro-
'" tr worker V'm "
Arthur Brhbano
Our National Pride.
Wonderful Baby Crop.
Women With Black Nojm.
157 Pound Holstein Calf.
You'vo heard of Knglnnd'a putrl
otic exhibition, at Wembley, planned
to loom tho llrltlsh Kniplro and
11 rou' HritlMh imtrlotlstu.
The bent lttiMrInl exhibit shows
a map of the wmld of glgantle slw,
with the oceans, fcas awl bigger
lakes made of real water.
ItrltlHlicrM wnlUliw nround tljst
M.ap nee till parts or lh earlirH wur
fiice owned by them llghlcsl up by
1 -d lipids from liclinv. They sen
ihiiUNuiidit of IJrltlHh shlH muting
nln vx through Vi water 011 the great
world's trade routes, Signs tell them (he HrltlHh Hag. (Hen over one
1'iaitcr of nil tho Intnl. on earth.
When the visitor from Canada,
i.stinlla. Koutli Africa, seen that
1..- siijh to blniHitlf I'lirliu-nfltlji In
ti.. Ilrltlflh Kiiiplii! Ih a pretty good
thing." .
tud other iiutliiiiw liHudlii.' i'li
mi I omul to give llo Hrl w
i" IU for gnverilliU ill llll.v. Vim
i-k tin- othftvdii.v 11 jitulcmcit ly
Itrltlslu l.fili'C J'rlnio .MIulKlcr
" i"i oaujd- IJiat'tliu whole army of
1 1 Itrli JetrHlhlllHl i Minllor thnn
. nt- oy of floljiTiiii or Spain. That
ins good iiuTiiug.iiiiciil.
Tho vnuit Kvottilt Cottjill MlllH of
1 mrciico. AfflltimcliuseltM, ,Jmv "No deinHnd fiir'ioloi-cd eot.-
1 u'oihUi." Ami Hiitflaud Is Hlilllplitg
' i.r -n-ilH of colored ffl! loll
nM trU'ouutry. '1'h" at ores
. .. I 1. it t,Vu.!s ;1 Dior" viiiy
, ji! "Mudc In Vi j .!."
'uiisMit he 11 hiid idea to have
i.indi.r 4iiu, m.j.1 iu every
a natrlollii niflji elmwluir what
1 1
1 1
i- I ufU'ii NtaUM- fiiiiountM to.
c djni'1 own oiuMiHitrlor of the.
.ih'h 'iirfiiic. Hut ffl linvo got
1 f.- (f I CllllH Kll I 1" I'll.!"-,
Ml ' I
lug roots.
I wnon a poinio or corn now nun u
looiio ury layer or noil on top ami ih
free from wauda, thuro In nothing to
cultlvnto for.
o. s
Tho I to 1000 bichloride of mer
cury solution for cabbaKo maggots
may bo made In small quantities by
dissolving one blchlorldo of mercury
nittlneptlo tablet la ono pint of water
I olght tablot nto ono gallon of wat
er. This savofl tho trouble of weigh
lug out tho powdcrod'form, and tho
tablotfl dtnsolvo readily In either hot
, or oold wator. Tho solution in ap
j piled hy pouring through a narrow
, spout, tube or funnol, onotigh to
i molatuu tho ground wolt close about
i tho roatH of tho nlants. As cnbhnr.u
(uul olhor ,,,nnlfl mtnckod como up
a small stream of the solution is
poured over them. This Is repeated
In 7 to 10 days till danger Is past
Newly transplanted cabbage, kali or
cauliflower Is first watered HUinolont
ly and thou treated with tho solu
tion. This plan takos lots material
and is more effective.
Ono hundred and twenty-flvo cam
of stock, worth under ordinary con
ditions about $22ri,000, arrived In
l'ortlaud yesterday from ' cuutorii
Oregon, Idaho and Montana, accord-
Ing to stockmen Hint wore at tho
Imperial. Largo quantities of slock
aro coming In every wcok-ond, thoy
said, largely bocauso of tho drouth
conditions In all parts of III" stock -
raUIng country and the pnpct
for h feed shortage wIihm the sloek-
men will bur 1o buy feed to kseii
their cattle. Deeldes stool:, some of
tho oattlomou aro Intorosted In tho
oil prospbotH of Wyoming and env-
oral of them reported yesterday (hut
development Is about to start on
project not bo fur from the Teepol
to n farm in Monipvlier, Vermont,
and ho was "taken in" ns n grwm
farm hand bv h fsndlv named Tsy-
lor. Hu rose b fore dawn
worked until long after dusk nt u
monthly stipend of 1U nnd keep,
but Ills life wan made mellow nud
soft nnd sweet by the kindly treat
ment of the Taylors, especially
Mm. Taylor. Encouraged to save,
praised for his work, waUhed over
nnd educated by tho farmer's wife,
younc Ha'dtin irrew to manhood.
Whou h wnu 3"i yonrs old ho had
$1,200 in the bank. Purine thut
year tho Taylors dled'of dlphlhcrin
and tho small farm they had left
to him lie sold for $2.fl00. With
Jf.1,000 ho moved to Mui-llngU. Vl
Kiwi m rt nn. uihi one ' icct
nnd tw !! hilHlu ef preU lutel
llxtiit ViMcrimu buiiMn,belugs. It
mi .'ht I' mIU In some way
1 , 1 1 .iiHi-fcm In nqrli
,ih' 11 U' x ovii '-tmnir)
If tu niiy gowla
mat!.- ' 1 arc
.' .-. .'Ill ttlTf.
' j I'.. X'xidk NUT
i i t.. tuinltlncil
Nl ' i 4I"mI
1 ' 'I .-.
! ' Jl! 11
HHt. -an ."i ""
U 'I !i! 1'.
A new i.nioiM, Juat trUul In
llu- i.'i 1. Iiilcrrti OU. It Ik 11
whole inmur pku.. In llnelf. biiriiH
oil, elm use '.')' ' ilcctrlclty. and
runs ly I he electricity.
A loy can learn lo nni It In ten
mliiiiUw. It bus greet power, mid
you ure told It um oiil leu lo
llfteeii ceil I a worth of fuel per hour.
That won't please coal mine owners.
This nation baa many valuable
crops running up Into the billions
per year. Tho iiicmI valuable of
all, although you couldn't sell It
ror leu cents or oven give It away,
Is the crop of babies.
In the Fulled States last year,
1,iaW,(XMI brand new babies were
lorn. Only 1)21,000 deaths occurred,
leaving out Immigration, a popula
tion Increase of 1)17,000. That la a
great city added to the nation by
the mil Ion's mothers.
How fal Ibis country grows,
oven with limited Immigration! Our
population Is now more than
Iiy.OOOMM), more than 7.000.000 In
crease since tho rmiHiis of 11)20.
TliafM good news, fur what we need
IS uuothor 100,000,000 people to do
work now neglected, mid to consume
tho products or farpm and factories.
In Ihiglaiid women aro beginning
to take snuff, tired of claaicttes.
That won't last, for siuirf uiitkcH
tho niH-e I huh liixtcnd of pink 011
tho limbic. I'lnl; HinifT may bo in
ventv'd. NcvcrthelesH, siiuff luklug
won't endiiro.
' Hut it lllimtralcH tho fact that
woimiii tlnil It illjlleiilt to lake Iholr
bad habits as miSdonitely an men do.
Their llitwiiso nervous systei'in 1
wrivn demand mow. inure, That's
why tlfi-y sh uld never stint any
thing yihnt can be done to excels,
drinking, drugs, guiiibllug or gad
ding. .More Ijiir '!uk 10 twenty million
raimcrlliii" mi) other news Is the
llrlh Iu I'aiinda or a calf weighing
r,i pounds ut birth. The mother,
or wnu wi. Is a llulstelii. The aver
age weight 0 11 newborn cair is
between eighty and ninety pouiids.
If 'ai-tlliclal si bft Ion", could
ralKo tlio average ' ' 1 "f calve
i I'll'Myiritf"
lttuic! i lands, city property, acreage ffl Investments. Exchanges r snccinSty. Your listing olf cited
Real Estate. Farm and. Building Loans Insurance
Agents Fr Tke ...
Together with other good board Fire Insurance Companies
The Largest Fire Insurance Company In The World
Phone 5R
Dome field, which has boon In tho
limelight mo much recently. Among
the stockman In town at tho Im
perial yontorday were: Henry
II Trowbrldgo, John Day: Hint
8pauldlng IlakeV; James V. Andor
tion, Prairie City; II. 1 Swisher,
Home. Or.; It. U Anderson, Slmlloy.
Idaho; II. M. lluthi.rford, Malheur,
Or.; W. C. Joiioh nud Fred Varhnas,
(Irangnvlllo, Idnho.Orogonhiii.
. o '
gel'vtlon of JI11 Muoolii Illghwity
f thi ofilcUl route of travel for
Kird Cur No. 10,000,000 on lt trip
from New Vork to Hsu I'rsiiolsoo
brlnus the world's most popular road
tud the world's most popular our into
,11 rMMinw "I
. !
PMSMPW ihibu
in tho outskirts where he bcyon
special izlne; in whlto nndlblaclc Leg
horn bene nud eggs, five yearn
Inter ho owned 1,500 tiich hem it,
seven Jersey cows nnd a fow prlro
winning hogt. He bud developed a
butter, cheese and ogg trade nob
only in Ilurlington but In Uot.n,
thatnotU' hlm?10,000'. . iir
yeara ii. when ho was (''), tvo
he was ssid to lie woith l"
"tnfl.(KM) tli'i r'l t
mmL .
Old Hliiu 1'enlun U a wk-IsWc
ridler. and favonihly kuevv us
gVsal ntor teller. . . . On fe
tlre occasloiiH he's hiire to attend,
iiih) ccilalnly given 'em as good
as thu) neiid. He'll jdcl. out the
feller lliat'K glum as mi owl. and
tell him 11 urn thai will Kit up
a howl, There's man) a by-word
that snaiWfrom his tongue the
mliiiilt he sres yet his gice In' Is
sprinig a humorous hit. calkl
tated lo stir ye, fer Instance he'll
ast, " If hot enough fcr cf"
In the long, summer montlia,
wheu she's heated an' dry, begin
alii' we'll say, with the Fourth
A July an' lasllu' well Into the
ehaiik of the fall, old Hllaa ain't
grouchy ner crabblsh at all. , . .
He may sweat Ilko a 8ambo, or
blister his nwk, but he'll keep
all the neighlsira a-smllln' by
n..v t It hot enouuh fer yet"
he'll ast every mail, and use his J
bundauuer the sumo as a fan. . , .
Him Wcatherby sex, that thoy'll
hear It In hell tho mliiiilt 81 1
lauds, but- we never can tell I
S" ... 4&
te-- "nfesssffi
N , i
Km& WK
U iSSt '. & !J 11
cyK lLJ'
ji iwve ' A'i svmi 1
.1111 lW
mKtMTKUm .
?v!i I . V '. I ' tFJ f
iv now and more lutlmnto iiHHOciatlou.
Of cou mo, Ford errs have oped
along over this great ribbon of gray
st retelling from coast to const over
since It was first laid out and It
would bo lutorentliig to count tho
Fords that will meet tho ten mil
lionth car 011 Its Journey.
Hut supposing tho other l),!liiU,ilUD
Foidn wore suddenly to appear and
oitdenvor to got pit the highway with
car No. 10.000.000.
Well, tliore'd bo n hurry cull for
nil the trftfUc cop in tho country and
Jum how tone i would tslio them to
rl:'K about any eiublenro cf order
no one could creu guess.
Anyway, lt' giro thoin the cred
it of doing a good job ni)d finally lin
ing up ell tho 10.000,000 ours, six
abreast .which would mnko a Hue
38 runt li Inches across.
Then oven with the oars standing
oud to end they would cover tho on
Itro 8.2011 mlloM of the famous high
way nnd there would be I. IB 1.020
ears entlrly out of tho pleturo, tin-
! low thu cuite woro not too tired to
park thorn on either sldo of tho road
w thoy eould sou I ho rest of the
! family 011 pnrado.
KKMIGl-J VOUll TAXI2B, by dealing
with homo concerns. Wo are
Agcuifl for tho Union Savings and l
Loan Association of Portland, Ore- '
noii. Pay your rent monoy towards
owning YOUlt OWN IIO.MI5. wo
will show you how lo own your
tiwu homo, and make IIUHN'S A
ter & Company. " n-17
... 1 . o
Tho stal of Oregon la dostlued to
ho tho summer playground or tho na
tion Iu the same linwauro that Cali
fornia la It whiter playground, ac
cording to Iho opinion of J. W. Ma
lonoy. Ho formod his opinion In
part on 11 tour of 10 days which was
Just completed hy tho state game
commission or which ho Is a member.
Tho trip, which began nt Pendle
ton, took the momhora of tho com-
mliiHlon to Wallowa lake, linker,
theuco down through Canyon City,
An Unusual Study of
President Coolidgc
J'his portiuit study in piohle is from
laU-rtt pnscH of the 1'ic.Uilent n; his
ollice at Iho Whito 1Inuw Ho seldom,
sits for piofilcs.
W 'PssMlm 'tsbbsH
BtHttVtttBt& JtBT He
leeaesBKilulit SfXteeeK...-!. . "..m..
t ."". HrWlHr.-t"1
IliiriiM, hakcvlew and up hy Uond
and thou to l'ortlaud.
On one of tho big honchcii of laud
in LakovleW tho members of tho par
ty saw a herd of nntolopo that con
tained inoru than fi00 head of the
niilmnbi of all agon, Tho antelope
woro eomiiaratlvoly goutlo and the
Hlght of Hitch a largo herd wan a very
beautiful one, Judge Mnlouey said.
Mil oh of tho range country In the
intry in the
or lite stti'e
.nkrs which
mown to go
southern and central port
Ih very drr, he found. Lnkrs
nevn ii.vt'r hwrore ween known to go
dry n hu miner now empty pot
hnlm - Kot OrKon!nn
She "Itutli refused Freddie two
weeks ego and ho Iim boon drink
ing hotvlly over alnco."
Cynic 'Tlia't'H tho trouble with
Fred Jin never knows when to iilt
0 "
We will do your Job work.
I Star of Stars
Olga b'tirtiiin 17 of Cinrinnati. '
14 tlie gn-ui "t girl. Mililcte iu I'
Unto Sim in,.i. t 01 swimmui
hocki-y. tciiiim, -l UfM-ikl.
unl spnntH. rilo- .vi-. ior i'i..
dancing and i ' .1 ol lior col',
ubhpv yi e
Further Reductions In Our
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
Mr. Home Owner
You tlon'b know it all; I don't know it all,
Tho other follow doesn't know it all; Rut
togotlioi1 wo know a-hook-of-a lot.
Let's Get
You toll mo what .you aro going to do in
thu wa,y of building ami homo decorating
tihiH spring 11ml I'll toll you soino things I
know about that, and will mako .you prices
Mint wilrmako .you sit up and take notice.
. Get Me?
I. S. Geer & Co.
Burns, Oregon
' "My entrant for tho laziest man
In tho world Is lilll HplvciiH, who
ought a LI7.7.I0 so ho wouldn't have
to flhake tho atdioH off hia cigar."
More Fresh
mcano better licalth
'"PH li Fniibnakt-Monc Home
Wati-r Plant ii like n city wa-
.ter y(em under your own con
trol. It (icratci nutematic-ally.
No adjiiiilng, not even a twitch
to turn. It remit frch running
water to any faucet anywhere.
And more trwli water incani
Ixiticrwnita-Jon bctlcrhcaltli.
It's Automatic
Operate! from any electric
light tockct or Lome ligliting
plant circuit. Poinpjwatci from
ciitctn, thallutv wtU, tpnng,
fttcain or lake. Quiet tunning.
PrcMiirc ni.lomatically main
taxied. Hat sturdy galv-nnbcd
tank. Dependable Fairbanks
Morse Pump. Capacity 200
gallon per hour. Ask us for all
the facts.
Ill'llNS (JAHAOi:
lluriik, Oregon
wR " '3ilf