The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 05, 1924, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PACK a
Til M
Saturday, July 5, 1021
Where The DcmoC
- - i i i I I HI i & , Wj.ij- 1 7iV if i lHl' li
SEsHSJbDKBIBBBBBBBBSm flvm u vnnAf srf jea-aarvaiseBaiBiyHeBBBflBHBiBBBBBBBBVi
fvsbhlv VtHsrBsKrVF'lailiBuVlkKHfl sIbbbbH
77 (tBBMtiaaaeev&ssmsHSisA rr i
I -i i ..ri,i wiMt ft.r.r. nnr
UUIIUVIN l KUIIIFIU vu nun -... -
cent for thu non-farm population,
lift'tliftio of.the flv States Maine,
NoWfllnmpBhlro. anil Oregon how
ovorf)ilghef ii8rcotlBq,8,ot tho farm
potation? ara enrolled In -klgh
hoIiooI tlmn of the non-farm popuia-
tlon. in tllOUO lUlltCH It Id Hlgllltl-
cant thnt through centralisation of
.high schools niortfjtliqn. 80 por.'cpnj.
otall hlgliichopltf sonng farm chlU
drdn nro comprohonslvo four-yortr
high schools while In tho two 9tos
whom lower porcc-ntngcs'or tho farm
populntlpn aro enrolled morp than 50
twtr clmiI of all high school serving
furm chlldron are ntmvll ono, two, or
throo-yenr high achbdls. Docldodiy
higher r)orqon;nKC of rlrls ore en
rolled from both farm" Md non-farm
"groups. On-tan avorngn theipgroonti
ages ofglrsl enrolled arc more tlmr
one-third higher JHrtti fdr boyr'. If
(.ducntlnn In worth nnylhliiK for Pro
ductive work, cither vn imwt depend
more and moro noon our women to
do the productive wortt of ho world
u- wo imiBt find oJfl notation for
Ik; problem of gottiiu our boys In
o- '
ril MMI2R PLAY I'Oli
Outo tfoupur (asylum )-r-"Vhutcha
Govoruor "I want to coma In."
Gato Keeper "Horry, lr, but It
lei against tho rulcH,"
Oovornor "Hut, I'm the governor
of thin nuiio." ;;
Onto Koe;ior "Como right In
you iihouhl havo told mo that at
flral. You'll find Napoleon, Helen
of Troy and Louis XVI right over
llicro. They'vo boon waiting
A o
. .. .. k . i ...a. .... . i i. ... k.. n...i .. V V ...tit i.t I.i mi. 11 i.i i.i
The Democratic .Miiiouai vomciiuuu m uion i' "hiiimmi j-i'mh u,hh h. . i :i-
of the hottt'st Convention fights emiv tin l.m at ;.iltniioii wluii Woinlrow Wilson u lni no .ilnl
lT,l)i:KAIi-All ItOADN IX
Tho Kedornl-ald hlghity H'Htom In
Washington and Oregon ombraucu
5,702 mllua accordlut; to tho Hureau
of Public ItoadM of tho United States
Department of Agriculture. Tho
in lea go by StatcB Is as follownt
Washington, 2,888.
Oregon, 2,814,
The nyatom of hlghwayu ban been
riiwlgnatcd by thu Stated and approv
ed by thu Secretary of Agriculture
m provided by the Federal Highway
Act of 1921. According to thin act
tho Stato highway departmonta were
to deidgnato a Hyatem of roadu not
exceeding 7 per cent of tho total
mileage for Improvement with Fed
eral aid and on which Jho Govern
ment wa nto pay up to CO per cent
or tho cost except In tho public laud
States where tho amount wns In
rrcancd In proportion to tho area of
unappropriated public lands.
Appropriations for Federal aid to
taling $540,000,000 havo been miulu
nlnco 191C and comtldorahln progrcHi
has already been mado on tho b'k
fern. In theno States tho total ap
portionment ha been an follews:
Washington, 10.773,309.
Oregon, 17,329,328.
Although two of tho appropria
tions wuro mado beforo thu Federal
Highway Act restricted tho expoudl
tare to roads of tho Federal-aid sys
tem by far tho greater part of the
expondlturu has been on thu desig
nated system. On April 30 thu Hur
eau of Public Iloads reports tho Hiat
us of conatructlou as follews:
I l either completed, under conolruu
tlon or iiehcdulcd for construction at
I an early date. In addition tho Htntos
havo Improved roads on tho Kyatom
liiditpoudouUof Fudoral aid.
Thu whole Federal-aid highway
nystom embraces approximately 170,
000 miles of road. A careful uludy
Is being muilo or Its present condi
tion of Improvement. An approxi
mate estimate based upon Incomplete
studies Is that at the end of tho year
there voro about CO.OOO miles of
surfaced roads and 8,700 miles grad
ed, which loavoB nearly 110,000
mllos yet to bo surfaced.
An outbreak or rnbleu among Iho
ooyotoa Is unusual Ihlu early In the
year, atithorltlen state. Last year
Iho two outstanding caHos'of rabies
wero when a woman was bit by a
mad royolo and recovereed after
treatment and when another woman
who wns attacked by ono of the eras
ed animals noar Algoma,, klllod it
with a pitch fork, being bitten never
el limes Klamath Herald.
Subsequent to tho above. Tho
Herald contained tho follewing:
Six moro hoof cattlo In thu lower
Spraguo Itlvor section havo fallen
victim to rabies from Infrctud coy-
To bring this system up to servlc otes, according? to reports received
oablo standards, therefore, within this morning by County Agent u. A.
tho full decade ahead, will mean a llendorson. Tho nix dead cattlo worn
surfacing program of about 11.000 ranging In tho Hay Creek, district
mlk-H for each or tho 10 years; this' Hovoral miles from whero eight head
in addition to additions to the ays-j of tho Hogolstoln herd dlod two or
torn, tho sepnratlon of grade crosv threu days ago. Cowpunohors riding
ings, reconstruction, and such other among the Hegelateln cattle lieroro
, .I..... .Il.ul i.iauli. .iuniiti.1.1 IllllirV
work nerosKary.
Oulhivuk oY Ituhk'N Is riuiMial
ttilx, Tlmo of Year, Au
lliorlllen Htuti.
Klghl steers or tho Hogelsteln herd
or cattlo In Spraguo Itlvor valley are
dead from rabies, as a result, It Is
thought, of biles from a mad coyoto
Tho deaths of tho cattlo wero report
ed to the county agent's ofllcu and a
trapper will soon bo sent out In tho
valley to protect the InturostK or the
cattiomon by trapping tho mad coyo
Washington, Total Mileage com
ploted, r,r,; Miloago under construe
f n7 Ml Infirm tt ttiirfiviul fnr intli
.....!..i.! -in. v u ..vMiini.i.. for eight Hpgulstulii steers. Tho place
I,..',,rM,n,.f'i.nt vt .iiiiiroveil for whero It wnu killed Is 10 to 15 miles
construction. 198,012. ' ot where Iho steers wero found
Oregon. Total miloago compicieu,
G5G; Miloago under ronstructloii,
144; Mileage approved for eonstrue-
they died narrowly escaped Injury
when maddoned stueru charged at
them. It has been learned.
A letter has been dispatched to
Stanley Juwett of tho United States
lllologlral Hurvuy of predatory ani
mals and It Is expected Mr. Jowclt
will hasten, Immediately to Klamath
ami assist In killing the Infected coy
otes. An experienced trappor, working
out of tho county ngont's ofTico, will
bo soul to thu Hay Crook section on
Monday to kill as many or tho de
structive animals as posslblo and en
deavor to locate tho Infoctod coyotes.
I nlowor Spraguo Itlvor valley
there aro said to ho a largo number
o fcoyotos. Authorities stnto If tho
rabies continues to spread among i
A mad coyoto has been killed near
t.-.i, mill It In thritiifliL that
this coyoto might havo been the anl- tehm thu danger to cattlo bonis will '
i 11...1 u...i 1 1... .1. xi Hi nf llin lin irrnnt .
lllltl IIIUI VHlinvu Hi" HV..I.. ... ... .. o.---
The biting of cattlo by mad coyotes
Ik unusual, according to Countv Ag-
iiiit (' A. lloiidurHoii. Mist year no
Tho United Status Hureau of F.du
cation of tho Department or tho In
terior has mado available for the
Hon, 17; Funds available ror now " ,,u - ",xv "" ' "' "" "
nroJects not yot approved for con-' cattlo woru reported Into the county i first tlmo rollablo facts as to thu ox-
J 1 ...... ...II.... .... .1l,l., .ltll 1-fllllAa 111. 1 ...... . ...l.lnl. .......... nl.M.Unll n.A
structlon, $28,3GC
Tho above flguros show that 1,-
404 miles or thu R.702 inllos ombrao
ed In tho syHtem In
hkoiiI'h olllco as dying from rablon al
though It was pointed out thnt ofti.u
cattlo aro found dead and tho came
the two States i of their death undetermined.
Clever Entertainers Billed to Come Here
BaUffhman-PerTcrle Duo Brings Variety, Charm and Beauty te
tent to which farmers chlldron nro
bolng educatod in high hcIiooIh. Com
ploto returns from thu Statoa of
Maine, Now Hampshire, North Da
kota, Montana, and Orogon show
that 3.1 (i per cent of tho total farm
population aro orirollod In high
Tim consolidated rural school can
furnish a very hulprul n-rvleo during
thu summer months I J 'In young
children of thu community, and lo
their mothers as wed. Tho stimniur
Is a trying tlmo for eliildien of bin
tlorgartou and primary ago nlnco tho
older mombers of tho family aro too
busy to give then intention, and be
ing tumble lo bo of ludp thoy do not
know what to do with thomsolves. It
Is tho need or directed piny and com
panlonnhlp. that tho school could
meet by opening tho primary room
for the children's uso each morning,
and providing n play loader, pre
ferably a trained kindergarten teach
er lo direct their activities. To this
room thu chlldron could bring their
pleturu and story books and their
toys for cooperative play, and by tho
use of paper, cardboard, sclsnors and
pasto they 'could learn to mako
ttcrnp hooka and toys for uso during
tho winter. Under such leadership
thoy would take excursions to see
birds, riowers, trees, and the farming
processos In operation. The com
panionship of other chlldron or their
own ago would moan much to tho
younger children sluco such compan
ionship Is orton lacking on tho farm.
How can this Idea bo carried out7
Ono of tho most effective ways would
bo through an organization of thu
mothers, but olhrs will suggest them
buIvos. How can a play loader be
iccitrodT Ono way would bo to apply
to tho nunrcMt teachor-tralnlng In
stitution. Ofton a now graduate
would bo glad of an opportunity to
apend Kimu weeks in tho country and
gain such an experience. Why not
try tho plant
Lot George make It. George h
my farm boy of school ngc. He
has already built 200,000 of tho iiuar
lor of a million radio sots now In
uhc in farm homes in b) 4S Slates.
Hcmiiu mado sots coalpitr lrs than $0
are very satisfactory. Rind a 10
eviit coin to Bupurlnt indent of Docit
mfnts, Government Printing Ollicc.
Washington, D. C, and request Stun
lit 'r. Circular Noi 120 and ll
w'llili will give full 1Im'oiij lt
u i -t also a copy of Prh-i list 0 1 and
took for other document under
' '.' clegraphy.
Governor (on secret Inspection
trip) "Open tho gato, ploaso."
Iitf tho Mftltor of tho Estate of
- GBOltGB 1U rOUTlfill, Docoascd.
To William H. I'ortor, Sarah M. Cur
tis, Bloanor U. Crook, Clara V. At
kliiH, Irving I), Portor, Sarah H.
Porter, Mabel C. Porter, Dorothy
B. Porter, K-lln M. llnmmersohinldt
Charlwt A. Portor, lluth Porter,
Bmma Mablo Wltoon, Agnes Por
ter Slack, Harriet B. Porter,
Joseph MUo Porler, Ford Portor,
Ashbol Porter, Arthur Portor,
Karl Portor, Mark Portor, fWBBT
You. and oaoh of you, aro hereby
cited and required to appear In tho
County Court of tho Stnto of Ore
gon for tho County of Harney at tho
court room thereof In tho Court
IIouso, at 10 o'clock A. M. on -Friday,
(no Slh day of August, 1924. thou
and there to show cause, ir any you (
have, way thu court hiiouiu noi en
ter an order heroin directing thu ad
ministrator to sell at Public auction
Secretary of Statu and O. P. Huff,
Stato Tronnuror, us plaintiffs, and
against Frank linker, Graco Haker,
N. Drown & Honn and V, O. Pftternon,
defendants therein, wherein Judg
ment wau entered nsaluet defendants
Frank llakor and lraco Uukcr or
tho principal sum of S3f.00.00, lo
gother with interest therein at tho
rato of 0 ptir cout po rannum from
January 17lh. 1921, until paid, and
for for tho further sum of $250 00 at
i tornoy fcoB, and ror tho costs and
disbursements or this nul. taxed st
WHBIIBAS by paid decree It was
by tho Court that tho Judgment
aforesaid constituted a lion upon Iho
following described real promises,
by vlrtuo .of n mortgogo thorcon, to
Tho SouthwcHt quarter of tho
HouthoiMtt quarter (8W8BU
of Soctlon Twenty-thrco (23) ami
tho West half of tho Northeast
quarter (WNB'J), tho North
wont quarter of tho SouthcftK1
quartor (NWViSBU) of Scctloa
Twonty-slx (2C) In Towiisblp
Twenty (20) South of Hang"
Thirty (30) K. W. M. and th
Northwest quartor ((NW'i) tt
Section Thlrty-ono (31) Town
ship Twonly-two (22) South
Range Thlrty-ono (310 B W
M. eontninlng thrco hundred and
twonty ncroa according to nlllcl il
survoy thereof, and togothcr wltu
all water rights appertaining
And tho said docrco ORDBRKD
that tho gald real proporty above
described bo sold by tho Sheriff f
Harney County, Orogon In tho man
ner porvldcd by law for tho aalo ef
tho rollowlng described real proper-1 rtiR, ,,ropcrly undcr executien: and
ty, situated in Harney County. Ore- f wBKBAg on tho 20th day or
sflii. nr sn much thereof as may bo! . .... ... . .... ...
" ' . i J line. i.ii, nn iuwuhimi ii
necessary to satisfy me claims Bgnin-1
st tho wild estate, to-wit:
Tho West half of tho Bast half
of tho Southwest quarter of tho
Northeast quarter (WttBtfflWU
NEVO of Soctlon Twenty-four
(24) Township Thirty-nine (39)
South or Range Thlrty-flvo (3d,
and the Northwost quarter
(NWtf) tho Northwest quarter
or tho Northeast quarter (NWVi
NB'i) tho Southwost quartor or
tho Northeast quartor (8W4
NBVi ) nnd Lots Ono (1) Two (2)
and Thrco (3) or Section Twenty
ono (21) Township Twenty-four
(24) South, Range Thirty-two
(32) East Willamette Meridian.
Given under my hand and the coal
of tho abovo entitled Court at Hurns,
Orogon, thin 20th day of Juno, 1924
(Bonl) County Cleric.
under and by virtue of a dofirco of
thu Circuit Com I of the State of
Oro-O" for th C'ointv of Hnmey,
urndo and ronderod on Mu J Mb day
of IVbruary, 1921. .md, which Judg
ir.oil nnd decroo was entered tind
filed In tho offlc-; of tho County
C:tk of Harney County, Stato or
On-;oii on tho 20th day or Fobruury,
1 V. such Judgment and decrco 1!
Ing In favor of tho Stato Land Hoard
of Oregon, conslBtln.? or Walter M
Pierce, Govornor, s'im A. how,
tt -f&KBmfoWJl WfJa
wmmm' WiWa
Cornet concert solos, soprano nnd'plano solos, cnsemblo numbers, charac
ter readings and costumed character skits are among tho features Included la
tho programs of Harriet Daughman and Tlielmn Peffcrlo ou tho fourth day of
Chautauqua. Theso beautiful western girls tiro, versatile urtlsts and glvo a
full nnd satisfying entertainment.
As it concert cornetibt Miss Ilnughman has established un cuvlnblo record,
Her playing Is that of a flnlshed artist and her double mouthing produces most
Inspiring tone effects, Slio Is ulso a pianist and Impersonator. Miss Pefferlo
has a beautiful Bopruno voice nnd Ih a dramatic reader who lives her charac
ters. Costuming has been given careful attention by these young ladle and
their act Is exceptionally dainty, refreshing and refined, In their several
"croups," including tho Dutch, tho Gypsy and tho old-fashioned, they include a
fow steps to suit each nationality and character, and tho general effect is al
ways tremendously populur,
in our humidor are jutt like
they were fresh front ,
the factory
- ; -isy
for a
. - ,Al" "
. ' i1 t: ....
"" -. ;J- -.4
.. '
foreclosuro was duly leuol by thu
Clerk or tho abovo entitled court
commanding mo, tho undersigned
sheriff to lovy upon and sell in the
manner provided by law for tho sale
or roal property under execution in
foreclosure, nil tho right, tltlo, Hen,
Intorost or cstato of thu abovo nam
od defendant, or cither of thorn, In
or to tho said mortgnged promise
abovo described, or so much thorerr
as may bo newsary to satisfy IM
said Judgment hereinbefore doscr '
to tho commands of said writ and
by authority thoreof, I havo lovl.M
upon tho Bald roal property nbov
described and I will on Tuesday the
22nd day or July, 1924, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day
at tho Court' Houso door In tho City
of Hurns, Oregon offer for sale to
tho hlghoat blddor or bidders for
cash all tho right, tltlo, Hen, Inter
est or estate of tho said defondant.
or oRhor of them, In or to the above
described roal eirtate, or so much
thoreof as may bo neccsnary to sat
isfy tho said docrco and Judgment
nforosnld. and tho costs ot this sale
subject to confirmation by the abovo
ontltlcd couso ann tho legal oquly
of redemption of tho defendants.
Datod at Hurns, Oregon, Juno
20th, 1924.
Sheriff Harney County, Or"
r ' ' ' "- !
Crane-Burns Mail Stage
Seven Passenger Touring Gars
Best on the line
Leaves Burns Post Office every evening
except Saturday, at 6 P. M.
Fare $2.50
U. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor
M "
Round Trip
Summer Excursion
Fares ,,,
Union Pacific System
Good Smoke
Home Drug Co.
To Points East
Daily May 22nd to
September 15 th
To Points West
Daily May 15th to
September 30th
Limits October 31st
Stopovers-Diverse Routes
Contult Local Agantt for further detail
General Passenger iAeat
Sak Uk City
fi hi i