I Ihc 'y I V imml laVI - V I Am vamm. tBlra- Ji u VOL, XXXV 11 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JULY lt24 NO. 3 literal a V- vi ; 1RD SOLD HIS ALFALFA AT $10 A TON Ijieaioaable Fricee WUl Tend T : Encourage Steele Greweira to id Hold tk Brawling Stuff Oountv Comnilwdonor Chas. T. Lll- :ti was over from hlo "Valley of ijBO Moon rnncn uuring uv nvvn. t ho In nttendanco upon tho rOKUlar pjsly term of commissioners court. e Informed a roprescntntlvoof this yinor Hint ho had disposed othl on- ruro eron of alfalfa hay nt $10 a ton. This if a prlco that tho stock man an afford to pay nud If thoso having nrplu hay will all ho satisfied with rcso"nhlo prlco tho stockman will nnt h.iro to sacrifice liln stock and taplc(o tho rango of animal that jhould remain In this county. Onu In tho days pam tho hay nan nfin n Me mistake lii niacins too phlgh a value on hla product and the I" tlnl min nhlnniMl Ills htock out tO IP . ... .. . ... ..... .. Kmarkot wun mo resuu inai uieie frwere no stock for two or throo yean C following and tho hay man had no warkot for his hay. Lot's koop tho breeding stock In tho community as we will need thorn for future. o PAST MASTRK8 FILL CHAHtM AT MASONIC U)WiK ""Another Interesting .leaslon wm ' belli at Uurna Lodge No. 1)7, A. F. & A. M. on Wednesday evening when ' tho Master Mason Oegreo was con ferred upon Frank Loggan and Lynn Dower Tho chairs wer ofllled by ; Past Masters for tho degree work, J K. Loggan presiding and confer ' ring the degreo upon hU son. This ? Is not ofton tho prlvllogo of fathers ,and sons and tho occasion was ono .that brought much satisfaction to Elko participants. Past Mastern from other lodges If-'wero also prowed Into service, John 'Rasmussen, Maater of Acacia lodge at Ontario, being ono of the officers snd V G. Cosad of Canyon City lod; another. Many membora and visitors from other sections wero present and tho session waa ono that will mako a las lng Jmprowlon upon tho candidates and ono thoroughly enjoyed by the members. Programs wcro printed giving tho names of thoso partlclpat lag and tho dates of service of the Past Ma titers. OUII J'hMiOWH I.NHTAI.f NKW OFFICKIW Tim onicerH of Harney Lodge, No. L 77, I 0 O K , were Installed Thurs ; day tuning at tho regular meeting, 8. H Smith acting as Installing olll cor In tho ubMnco of D. D. 0. M. Xell Smith. Tho offlcors for the on lug term are! N. (J , Jamoa Richardson; V. G., Donald Hotchklss; secretary, Nell Miller; ronductor, Rr W. Drake; warden, 8. 8. Smith; It. 8. N. 0 U Hart Slier; L. 8. N. O., John Hoddor; u. 8. V 0 , Ttobt. Oroff ; L. S. V. a., Ralph Poabody; R. 8. S., Hubert Smith; L. 8 S Harry Custer; inside l .....!. 11 -n.ll. . nn- Kuurwiuu, iiuurjr biuimvuiimi vuv- tldo guardian, Grant ReysoMa; chap- ln, Earl Graham. . McKKNZIB FA8H ROAD OPKN From different oourcee It Is learn ed that the highway over the Mc Kenrlo pasa through the Cascades la bow open for travel and saany tour ists aro taking advantage of tbia scenic and more direct roato from Central Orogon across to the Wlllaw etto valJoy, This la a very attrac tive routo and one that Is going to bo very popular during tho aummer tlrao. Recently tho mayor of Eugene camo over tho route to Bend, making his first visit Into the central part of tho atato. FT DID RAIN Bam Jurvla gavo this great re ligious weokly an ordor for an ad vortlsomcnt for rain. Ho bolloved In advcrtlHlng and tho manager Is strongly Inclined to tho Bame opin ion Soon aftor tho ad wn .written on 'lhursday It did rain. It gavo a Hno Khower to this lmmcdjato vicin ity hhil whllo It did n6t extend ovor tho valloy gonornlly It was a groat help whoro It foil and especially in tho forest section where thoro aro some fJrcs raging, nlso dn tho range country. CKANH PKKPAUING FOll BIG OKLKHIIATION TODAY The Times-Herald man visited Crane Wednesday afternoon and found the cltlsena of our sister town looking forward to being host to many Harney coiinty cltltens today tho occasion being the celebration of. our natal birth. Tho sovoral com mittees wore completing the details for the colebratlon and announced that every effort will bo put forth to hoo that vlHltora aro entertained. A patriotic program hns boon ar ranged for tho forenoon to bo held on tho dopot grounds In tho foro nnon, Thoro will ho music, national airs by tho assemblage, and two or throo other numbers. Capt. ltobt. M, Duncan hna been prevailed upon to deliver the oration on this occas ion. At noon there will bo n barbecue dinner which will bo followed by sports In tho afternoon with a dis play of flro works and danrlug In tho evening. Iiuruit will participate In this cele bration. Many of our cltlxons will ho prcsont for tho ontlro day, thoro bolng only thoso who must romnln at homo to look aftor necessary buBt ncm matters at homo. It la tmposfflblo to closo all bus! new on Saturday with so many farm era now in their harvoat, thoreforo It Is not likely tho store will bo closed, o MANAGER IAKNK88 OF TKLKPHONK CO. HKIIK General Manager J. A. Lakncss of the Central Oregon Telephono Co. was ovor from Ontario for a fow days during tho week looking after matters In connection with tho sorv Ice and muklng somo changes. Mr. Lakncss told a roporsontatlvo of this paper that ho was doing everything In his power to glvo sorvlco to tho peoplo and hoped to bo able to lm provo it with tho general develop ment of this territory. Ho Is handi capped for necessary funds Just at present to mako any radical Improve ments but that tho company hoped to bo In bettor circumstances within a reasonable time. Inland Fry, who ban hld tho position of local manag er and lino man, Is leaving tho con cern to Uko up work elsewhero. For tho time bolng John Hoddor will assnroo those duties and such changes and circumstances will Justify will bo mado from time to time. I'lltB DKHTUOYINU ItANOB ON HIIjVKK CIUSKK Word was received yesterday that tho forest flro ovor In tho Silver crook ctlon has spread to tho sum mer r.iigo In that territory and con siderable amount of tho rango grass has boon destroyed. Ono big sheep concern Ik sorlously Injured on Its rango as tho flro has practically wip ed It out, Tho rain Thursday after noon did not reach but a portion of the flro zone but It has Improved conditions in the forest, ax tho rain scemod to bo heavier in tho forest and monntalns to the north and west. o FOflMKH IlANKKIt GRKKTINU OLD TIMB FIHKNIW4 Henry Daltou and family arrived from Hollywood Tuesday and havo necked a most hearty wolclmo from their many old tlmo friends. Thuy r? taking a shei: vacutlon, Henry havJug two woo'o from his duties la tbo banking Initltutlon with which bo is associated. Tho Daltons called Uurna homo from tho tlmo of their birth up to a short tlmo ago. They wept to southorn California and Hon ry at once secured a opsltlon lu a banking Institution and since has been promoted matoriall until now ho holds a responsible position in one pf the largo banks in Hollywood. This advancement Is niorltod and bis many friends rejoice In his good for tune. Mrs. Dalton is enjoying much better health than sho did whllo In this city and they aro happy. o The reservation for Chautauqua aeata indicate that tho advance salo la not progressing as rapidly as hop ed for. Oct your soason tlckots early and bolp tho commlftco and guaran tors to put this big ontertalnmont ovor Jn good shape. The program Is exceptionally good this yoar and oven If ono doo-j not ottond ovory numbor It Is chenpor to buy a soason ticket and got a roaorvatlon than to pay singlo admission for only a portion of tho numbers. Soe a program and invcBtlgato this. o We'll all colobrato at Crane today. RAIL LAYING SPEEDING UP TO EXPECTATIONS Reliable Working Force Makea Task Eaaier; Men In Charge Praise The Road Bed Tho laying of atcol on tho railroad oxtunslou from Crane to llurnn is being dunu with dispatch, It in ex pected tho Atcol will bo laid to Laweu today nud ns soon au neces nary sidings nro mado tho camp will he moved from Crane to that point. A I'eproaon'tallvo of this paper called upon Hngtuoor Bkngorsou at Crane Wednesday evening and found him well pleased with tho progrowt Jo far. Ono or tho tracklaylug bond men wan lu couofronco with Mr. Sko gorflotr at tho tlmo tho nowspapor man was there and ho was planning on a record for tho following day. The men In ehnrgo of thin work havo oxproased their satisfaction nt finding such an oxcelont rond bed, one man stating ho never had a hot ter road bed and grado on which to lay steel. Tho crow Is doing well, practically every man who started on tho Job Is still on tho work and each day finds them bettor orguulxod and doing moro effective work. At tho present rate of laying stool tho track will bo completed boforo tho tlmo specified in tho contract. It la understood Chlof Engineer Armstrong of the Union Pacific will bo hero this (Friday) evening to vlow tho work and confor with oaaoc latos on mnttors pertaining to tho work. o- TltllltJTK TO KFFIC1BNGY OF JIKimiCK KNGINEKItH Tho road bed for tho railroad ex tension from Crane to Hums was built under tho supervision of Frnnk J. Klobucher, engineer In chargo of the railroad work of tho Fred Hor rlrk Lumber Co. Tho samo young man Is In' chargo of tho grading Tor the Malheur Railroad Co., a Fred Derrick Lumber Co. project, from Hum to Sonera. The men In charge of laying ."tool between Hums and Crane announce that tho road bed l ono of the best thoy havo over put a track on. This Is a trlbuto to tho olHclcncy of Mr. Klobucher nud his associates. The samo oxcHlonco characterizes 'the work on tho rond to 8enoca. Tho young people of this place are sorely put out because tho dam at tho flour mill has boon romoved and spoiled their swimming pond. Thoy aro looking forward to tho opening of tho Foloy dam which will allow the mill pond to fill up ngaln. , YEP, ITS GONNA BE A GEE-LORIOUS FOURTH l-r- 9 ITV JF- A eMrmlr & .JaJmmmm (4C3ft TeWkT gflgf0ljHHjH Kj BHfBjiflamwB-dAPiK) DEMOCRATS BALLOT FOR PRESIDENTIALCANDIDATE FaU to Reach Cheke Wkh S7th Ballet; McAeWe and Smith Leading , Rabten Thkd. Through Mru. C. II. Voegtly, P. C. Potornon and, Leon M. Drown's sons Tho Tlnios-Horald has boon kept well Informed of tho process of voting for a presidential cundldato at tho demo cratic convention being held In Now York. Their radio sots havo been tuned lu on' tho convention uows ouch oveulng and tbo results havo boon promptly telephoned to tho manager of thla paper. This curtesy Is much appreciated. It Is not known whothor tho bal loting continued this (Friday) or not na tho radio Ih not giving out any uowa today, It being u holiday. Thursday night, on tho r7th ballot tho leading candidates stoed: Mc Adoo, 430; Smith, 320 1&; llnlotou, 07 14 ; Davis, 08 &. This shows Hol Hton at thu Htrongest his has devel oped during tho balloting. McAdoo at ono tlmo had 543 votes. Smith had moro at Intervals during tho balloting. It Is predicted that nelthor McA doo nor Hmlth will be tho nomlneo as thoy do not seem ablo to awing nuffl clont strength to get the necossary two-thirds. Ralnton Is considered by many of tho local politicians as standing tho best Hhow for tho place. MANY GO TO MOUNTAINH ON PICNIC Yesterday bolng a holiday many of our citizens with their families went to thu mountains to plcnlo In the ' shade of tho plnos and enjoy a day of ' fishing. Most of tho business houses were closed for tho day, tho hanks, tho post office and tho stores. Tho county officers aWw took a vacation and closed for the day. -o HKIIKKAHH IN8TALL OFFIOKUfi Sylvia Robokah Lodge No, 43, In stalled tho following officers last Tuesday evening for tho ensuing term, Mm. Bthol Hotchklss acting as Installing efT.cer: N. G., Holono Hlggs; V, G., Olivia Whiting; recording nocretnry, Mrs. Monroe; financial socretary, Henri etta Kgglooton; troasuror, Ooldlo Stahl; It. 8. N. G Kthol Hotchklsa; L, 8. N. 0 Hortha Smith; It. 8. V. G , Vera Glbbv. L. 8. V. G., Lillian Rlchnrdran; conductress, lCllcn Whiting, wnrdon, Nena Hardlsty; chaplain, Mrs. Drako; Insldo guard Inn, Rosello Reed; outsldo guardian, Aug'ista Graham. ANTI-FIRM AfKOfAON KNDORHUD BV GOVERNMENT Tho Stop Forest Fires Association Idea, originated by the Klamabh eouaty Chamber of Commerce, and spoaaorea by the Oref ea State Cham ber of Commerce In an excellent one, aad whoukl do a tremendous amount of good In aroaalag the people of Oregon to a realization that we have a very bad forest fire season ahead, accordlag to Geo. H. Ceell, U. 8. Dlstrct Forester, of Portland. Tho State Chambor of Commerce has enlisted civic and booster or ganizations throughout tho Btnto In tho Intensive membership campaign, which Is to bu conflnod to tho two weeks period of Juno 30July 14.. There aro no dues. Membership Jn tho association Is obtained by sign ing a card, pledging tho Individual to do all In his power to prevent forest fires. Tho by-lawn of tho asso ciation aro tho nix rules for flro pre vention anil aro given on tho back of the membership enrd. One of tho features of tho campaign Is tho pro posal to offer cash prizes to-Boy and Girl ScoutB, Campflro Girls, etc., for tho Individual boy or girl accurlng tho most momhors. The plan con template that tho prize contests shnll bo arranged In each locality by civic booster clubs. "RcgardloBH of the advanco ef fort of federal ami state ofllcera to prevent forest fire," said Mr. Cecil, "unlewi Uioro Is a feollng or personal responsibility on the part of every cltlzon to keep out fire, all effort aro apt to prove futllo. We must havo tho cooperation of all citizens lu preventing that ono spark which Is responsible for tho forest flro. I am convinced that tho 8top Forest Fires Association will bo of great asslHtanco lit securing this coopera tion." VALLKY VIKW IIOHPITAL NOW OPKN FOR FATIKNT8 Valley View Is the namo selected for tho hospital that Dr. Smith and associates havo Just orened In nurns for tho reception of patients. Thla Is ono of the modern hospitals of tho country nnd waa formerly conducted by the Catholic Sisters and known as St. Joseph's hospital. The. large stono structure has been closed' for somo tlmo but new aupplles nnd equipment has Just been received, tho building thoroughly cleaned and put In the best of shape for tho pur pose It Is Intonded. Now bods nnd other supplied wero received yester day and aro bolng Installed. How over, tho placo had formerly been furnished ni.d patients received. Tho hospital is In charge of a graduate nurse nnd patients will ro colvo tho bets of caro. Prospects for moro rain this (Fri day) aftornoon. IRRiUTKmDEVUJOallEir SUGGESTED THIS SEASK Dkeetera WIN Be Faverahk Tev Diacwet The Irrigalion rV jectWMh Land Owner. At The Timea-Herald has heard nronoslUon of starting work oa Harney "VTalloy irrigation DIstriet distribution system during tho nre ont uoaoon. Tho shortogo of. water for irrigation tbia year la acuta aa: tin a consoquonco tho hay crop- H' short. Land owners havo no roven coming In from crops and moat ar thorn havo teams nnd equipment tttate: could bo used In construction. , Somo are ndvocatlng tho salir. C apportion of tho bonds and' tlesicv construeting tho distribution eyto nnd thus bring In that nmotmt tC money for distribution among. Uw peoplo of this olloy w'10 othorrrfcsa havo their slock to food and no mr for them. Tho wilo of bonds voae add tho Interest In tho taxoa tha fal lowing year but tho peoplo wcwaie'; havo that amount of money obAI work. Tho Tlmes-Horald Ioarns that tamw matter Is receiving serious conaWat- atlon and It Is understood the dwae tors of tho project would bo farer able to discussing tho subject wma tho land ownora at somo time la mar future provided there waa as disposition 'ahoww to cater Into . matter. Thin la mentioned with the of placing tho proposition before- land ownora In order that tnoy think It ovor. They should not sight of tho fact that thls jaaifc, would give local people an opper--tunlty to earn ioveral thousand f lars of money thnt would como fromu outsldo sources, yet It would add! t their taxH when tho bonds wero MMt Hold, but they'd havo tho monoy amli should they dealro to do the wormrt on their rer.peotlvo lands thiy coatiV either tnke It In bonds and mwr themhelvos the Intercat, or take wkats they earned In cash and pay th m torcst to the mna who did buy ti. bonds. Tho writer finds that hlghwu? work nnd nlmllar Industry In a Joining counties has been a great ad vantage to the communities a tIK brings In.outBlde eipltal and fi nlshea employment for peoplo vko would othorwlso bo Idle. This Is a subject that should ! given t'onslderntlon. .lOSKI'll (SIWNT GH.nt'ATr.S. Harrison Technical High School 3i one of the ninny high schools tats Chicago. Harrison, for so It Sfc known for abort, haH over 4000 BtuJ enta and ovor 1C0 teachers. Tv veara nuo this fall they gave Joseph J. Grant, ono of our StoJn'B Mo- tain. Harney County, boys, a chan to carry their Junior class work. H. had done tho freshman and sopho more work with his mothor and claac in tho IiIIIb. His grades and wortu. dono last year In tho Junior claa ranked blra, with the thirteen benr In tho whole atudont body of tai school of ovor 4000 pupils; Tate year he aaa paaaed his work and'hasn Just graduated from tho four yeaw hlgh aehool course with honors. Harney county boya can "bUocwv them." JIN IH AFRAID WB'RB OUT OK A JOEC Mr .and Mrs. James Dillon and IU tlo son are up from their homo fit southern CaMforala on a visit bUh home folka aaa old frlenda. TBey camo In Wednesday and are gue4t at the borne ot their nelce, Mr. .Claud Brown. They stepped' ax Denlo for a few days on ale wayaa to visit with old frlondB there ask baa since spent a few daya wita amm pareats near Crane. Jim's teVmr mighty aorry for the manager at great religious weekly aa he baa Beam tbo one consistent railroad bullthaf lnthlfl section for many yeara a now ho Is wondering what la toee dono with tho rails being aatualfcar laid, Thero'a still Irrigation, bottea roads, tllvorslfod farming with dump ing lu its Infancy got plonty to Roew tho old mnn busy yet a wmio vnta out having to build any moro eaJT roads. . o Tho laying of stool on tho rallroail i,Ain,nn Ttnrnn and Crane still baa a& J fascination for many of our citizen.