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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
.- 4 K tHK T IM KS-H K H A LI) HIIIINH, 11 A II N B If O O U N T V O It H O O W HiUHttlii)', June 2(4, 1924 rAGHB MM- WiM. - ; li 110: -Nrvw seen the null como up; wonrn out tlio dont of hln trouHora; In moro anxloun to Kot nil ho onrtiH thnt to'ehrn moro thah ho' KOtK. In onrcdom with hlfl credit, htalte off tho grocer, makoa uxcubca to Uio butcher. lUdoa In an auto when ho nhould wulk; cannot deny hlmHolf or bin family tho lux urlOfi thoy ak; buyu ovorythlnfc "1 dowu nnd $1 n mlnuto." la novor prepared nixl ready, ennnot coma to a doc Won nnd honltntM when op portunity knock, Novor taken oounol with hln banket', sunken foolish lnvontniontn! In nit oawy prey to tho stock promoter. Ciumot imvo, lins no linnk account, Ih nlwnya In troultlo nnd dies ponnllcflB. "If u mini known not how to nnvo an ho KOivt, koopH hlfl iiobo to tho crlndstono." The First National Bank Burns, Oregon flu ifrr-rt-Tr-. iK'15 szi -u-ut'I-u. jrrjsi-.vc3tuxt v ct aasaozxExsax r " B . ' , LOCAL -I 'PENJNGS Ilnllcy Ilayc wiih up from tho ranch Thursday. C. II. McCoiinoll wont to Portland thin wook on buninms. Mrs. Herman Huh aiid hou Charles wuro up from Juweu during tbo week. Mr. nnd Mn. Albert Johnnon wuro over from their Silver creek homo Tfcurwluy doing some jliopplnn mill vlnlthiR with frlondH. Mm. CInw. Hoper him heon dowu from her homo nt llnruey for u part of this week vIhUIiik nt tin home of Mr. and Mr.n Walter CroaM. Mrs. It. V. Hopper took her de parture Thurodny morning for Kan mm where alio will vIhU with relutlvon and frlondn for a few weekn. The new hurber nhop of Leeo U.ilil well hou oponed for buxlitimi In tliu building adjoining tho Abstract olllce Leo needs no introduction to tho People of IluriiH as ho han been iihho clatod with hopn hero for many yearn. Ho lms an attractive ami modern shop with threo nhnlrn In talled. There will be a tipeelul nitiutliiK of llurns LoiIko So. t7, A. I & A. M. on WcdiiORdtiy, July 2nd with work In the .M. M. doKroo. All olilceri nln tloiiH will he filled by putt umbtorn with I. M. John K. I.okvmii In the Kant. Membora and sojourning brethren frnternnlly Invited to at tend. Madison Hlehnrditon left Tiiondiiy morning for Idaho In company with HupervlHor Clark of tho BkiiKgR fitoros, "Men" U going to wor'c for tho 8kugga ntorea but did not know Avhou ho left ul whut point. Mr. Clark announced ho wh going to rarina whero ho will aanlat In opeu Ing another branch Htore of the con cern todny, ' Mrn Km iik llomnuitn and little daughter aro vIhIIIiik with rolntlvoK nnd frlondH In tho Drowaoy country, DENTAL CREME m or I Mutt Tttlh Ik-alil yfiunit tintu Chun Huui v'jxJBBlBFBBrBsssfflR m aaA WjLmmSmt, Nfc Tr-TfGs .: ,. -t '. .. ... c&Sirft" Tl11T..- Jek rft frfwi m? 'Haul 31 mouim iiuiii aea, 3 SOLD ONL Y at REED BROS. The Rexal Store flams, Oregon Oscar Dowim wuh In town tho nth- j er nay rrom lihi rurm homo nt tho ; head of Catlow valley. Many of our cltizcnx attended tho 't2 colebrution ut Canyon lant week and report a flno tlmo. The cele bration wan u big nuccewi they claim. .Mr. Dell Hayes arrived homo lnt Monday from llend where alio had been vIkIUiik with her mother for a few weeks. Mm. Kred (loyl and little iion Itlolinri! have koiiu to Porllnnd for n few wook a vlttlt, leavliiK hero but Hu inlay. J. N'. WIIIIuiiihoii, pont iniiMtor ut I'rlnovllle, ban beon In thin vicinity durliiK tho week on mnttor.i In con ncotlou with the estate of hU Into brother Krnnk. Mr. Wllllnnuoii nt one time reprenonted thla dlntrlrl In eoiiRrens and la widely known. Mr. ami Mr. Kred Hartwull r.ud clauKhter Kllnor of I'ayetto aro vlalt Iiik Mr. and Mr, John Kay and other frlondH of Silver crook. Tho Hart wolU were former renldentH of thin rommunlly nnd havo been attend Iiik the Itomt Comlval at Portland mid louring tho connt rouutry. Hyron Terrlll wjth IiIh wlfo and hou. arrived home Wednesdny from an auto trip to Medford and other polutH. They were ubnont Ichh than two weokH but return In bettor hoalth mid Hyron Haya ho found many of his old tlmo frlondH In liU formor homo In JnekRon rounty Houiu of tho homea in IluriiH aro piOHontltiK u beautiful appearance Just nt thla tlmo with tho flower. In bloom mid tho tnwua Kroon. Dark ward Hprluj; weather hna delayed the Krowth of flowerH and Kardoin but they aro makliiK up for loat tlum now with favorable weather. Juy floulil wont to llend Sundny nlKht takliu: hln wlfo who was en route to Portland to huvo a special ist look after her oyos. MrH. (lould has boon IiuvIiik a aerloiiH tlmo with her eyes for some tlmo. Newton Hotrhklsa took her out uh far uh Ilond. ho and Jny rotumlng homo tho following dny. Mra. K. V. Hchwartz wuh a pnBaon- r'-r in on Moudny'B lloud atayo after ;i"ii(inB a few wooks with rolnllvfa .md frlondg in I'QgUuml mill Sealtlo. siif vlnlted her ilatiRliter, MIhh Otne. I" HcRttlB. tlio- ypuiljj ludy huving j irtt fjraduatwl from the U. of V. Mi tichwftrtK will bo ono'of the Harncv rounty hlnh school facult durloK tho eomliiK school year. Ariiiitliittiiiaoa coniluu up from Wlnnomucca tho foro part of this weok roport having met Hoy Iluchnn an and Mra. Laura McKnddon bo tweou tliut place and Donlo. It Ih roportod tho yoiuifr pooplo wQro on tholr way to Wlnnomucca whoro thoy would bo married, Thla Is not nur- prlBiiiff Informntloiv to friends who Heom to know. I. M. Davla wuh over from hlii ranch homo in tho ProwHoy Boctlou early thlfl wook and alatoii that thero will bo a Reed liny crop in that vicinity this Hoason with u surplus of Homu 3,000 touii or m&ro, This will bo a nroat bonoflt to stookinou who aro short thla Boason nnd aliio n flno thing for tlio hay growor ns it will furnish a rondy market for tho BltrpIUR. Mr. and Mrs, W. U, JohtiHon wcro ovor from )or Hllvor creek home Thursday, Mrb. William Hanloy rrlvod hotno tho foro part 6t itiilo week from Call fornla Whero sho bad been with her hukband iror r few Wbe'kB. MIhs Mnre, Haines, dnughtor of MrH, AntiR Halnen, Is homo from Portland whom n1ut' )mn been at tondliR(4Chool. John Graves was Up from hi ranch homo nonr Malheur lake Thursday doinfc flomo trading and KrootltiK friends. James Kcllows and H. H. ' Soulo wore roKlfltered at tho Levons this week. Thoy have boon vIhUIuk dif ferent part not Harney county dur ing the past few weeks. J, 10, Hulllvnii wan In town thin weok. Wo didn't Ret to Hee "Joiry" but uuppohu ho In on his usual pood behavior ax tho police Judge ban not reported anything to tho contrnry. Mrs. Peter ChrlMteiiBou and clill (Iron were up from Lnweti tho flrHt of this week iiccoiupanled by her Hlster nnd family who are hero ln; her from Kpokniie. Now homes coIiik up In tllffuteiu parts of town HlKnlfy tho faltli of those who know tho udvaiitiiKOH of u homo In a crowing comm,tinlty with atlvantnucH. Mrs. Win. Knrro and dmiKhtor, MIm Kathrlne, nro homo from Can yon City whero they visited with rel atives and friends mid took In the '(12 eelobrntlon. IluriiH Is srclnrc new people urrlv IiiK almost dally for tho puipoc or lookliiB over the field with n vluw of locatiiiR mid InvefttliiK. Mr. Her rlck'a rerun t nnnouncemeiil In tho OreKontnn of the hulldliiK of hit nawmllls nt IluriiH will ntlmutoto Krowth and wo may look forward to rapid IncTcnfln In population nnd bus In dm. Mrs. Mollio Kmlth arrived home on Krldny ovoiiIiik of last week nftor an nbsonco of Hoveral weeks with her parentn near Portland. Hhe came over from llend In company with her HDii-lii-law, Arehlo McClownn. who hnd koiio that far with his son Hums nnd other hoys who were on their way to the training camp at Ameri can Lake, Alex KKKk'stou and bin orclienlra took purl In tho 'C2 eelobrntlon at Canyon City IiihI wook, Thoy Htnlo they had a big Hmo oVor thoro and woro "rpyally treated. Mr. and Mrs, lllul Hotchklsn havo boon Informed they aro ftrandpar- ionts. Tlinlh (Inufthtor, Mrs. C, W, CoorKe, wlio roflldert at' Cumro, Ne braaka, hnti a daURlitor, born tnrt Hriturdny) Juno 21, o Mr. K, K. 8chwnrt8 Ih ninklna: a special dale of children' drcs'tvs and boy' undorwear nt 20 per cent discount. 9-28 A gold vanity case was picked up, ' following tho pioneer mooting re cently. Owner may havo It by, calling nt thin olllce and paying for this notice. 6-28 Plain and fancy sowing. Price reaionnble, Mrs. W. T. Lester. 0.28-4 Nobody Is really happy until they own their own home. Hco llcnnetts Klr,t Addition. 5-17-tf Well's mill for yellow pine. fi-l-7-8t Xobody Is really happy until Ihey own (hell ouii home, fr'o IleiuiellN I'tHt Addition, n-17-tf Wo tire ofYorlug to bullld a limited number of homos for only 1-ii tliu cash, bnlaiiuo long easy monthly imyui'iiits. Kelecl your own build ing plans, ai:d lots or ncrcngo lo cation rrom uh. W. T. Lester Company. n-2-t. Tlio continued dry weather has pro duced In this country u serious condition. It Ih absolutely uecos Hiiry tliut we protect from Ioh.i by flro every ton of hay, wool, resi dence burnos business property and tiny other property liable to bo destroyed by flro. Wo offer you tho best flro protection to be obtained for the toast possible money. Call and moo us. W. T. Lester Company. Phono CH. G-24 FOIt HALK The Harrison Hosklns ranch In the Steins Mountains, consisting of 1700 acres of good summer range, Including running water, for sale cheap, Kor particulars, write, phono or call Inland Empire Honlly Co., Phono 30W, Hums, Oregon. 3-1 -r-:,1 . It, rzr" IT? rxTrumt TV: 1 i r i One Platform For Ail Parties P. i 1 A Jl T Y platforms ndop led nt till- m'Mith's conven IIoiih will illfl'tr In ninnv thl us", but they will nil con Mitt plank!! (U.rclng eeon otny. VIo Hpelidlug nnd nt'iuly saving nro In overybody'H in I ii tl these days. Kconnmy's In tho nlr. We nil wnnt to ote for It, Let's practice what we pronth. A more frugnl Kovcrumcii t calls for u more frugal na tion, mid Hint culls for moro frugnl IndlvidunlB and thnt means you. This bank can help you .'Hid will bo glad to do so. Hantty Eountij Natinnil Bank j Burns, UxwQti "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" CITV M)TS FOK HALK C11KAP In choice location on bill or in flat, Hanging from fftfl.OO to lp 150.00 per lot OOxlOO fret. Flno build ing sites. Will assist you to balld oiir own Ifme oh easy terms, . Just like paylaff rent, INLAND KML'JKH ItKATY COMPANY Phone SOW. H-lfl rniTCD TREATED UUI 1 EK AT HOME Slmplo home method. Send for KHKK booklet nnd testl moulalls. Warner's Itonown cd Hcmcdlcs Co,, 723 Security Hldg., Mlnnoapolls, Minn. Noboily is really happy until they! own uicir own nonie. hoc iicnactt; rirnt Addition.. 5-17-1 f)i fill! vnnr vnllfiu llltin nl Wnll'a mn-r- 'ill :.: " . ts mm. o-17-ct H '''isiiiiiiMslwbmWbSMilB i 11 K A L Irrigated Farms and Hioclc Handl es Ilnautiful Burbarbaa Acreage TrnctK Nicely situated bomes (for ulslird nnd unfurnlhlicd) on the bill or In tho flat, Choice Vacant Lot, (iood ItuHlnesN blocks nnd Invest iitents, In fact, everything In tho rat ty lino nt reiiMinablo prices and casj tcims. mil, write or phone, IN. LAXI K.MPIUi: HKALTY COM PANY, Hums, Orfgon. . Phono .'I0W C-17-tf. QUALIS PLUS QUANTUS The Old Store Weinstein's Grocery Now Open In Their New Location The Biggest Grocery Store in Eastern Ore. Go Crystal White Soap 10 bars - - 44c. lO Cream Oil - 69c. Picket Flour sack $1.79 Carnation tails, Milk Can 1 lc. Bulk Coco Gultards fresh oat of the bbl. 2 pounds - - 24c. 16 oz. bottle catsup 24c. Prunes, large fancy 3 lbs. 33c. Prunes, 25 lb. lts $2.15 Quick Delivery Service To Your Door CREDIT GLADLY Don't Be Fooled By Any New Storfe Open an account at the Old Store, WEINSTEIN'S. Do your buying there and SAVE MONEY. WE ARE ALWAYS CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW AS AN ILLUSTRATION Call the i other store for a loaf of Bread. Bread will cost you 10c., delivery service to your home will cost an additional 10c, making the loaf of bread cost you HOc. Call Weinstein's St qalck delivery service, charge for the bread 1 Oc. itfn extra iAiivrv ! ti. .j Viitiri .wow ww - .waw w w r vnnRMjwi 4ft Rfl VMM Uvllf vlCU to your door will cost you 10c. Weinstein's Grocery Co A corporation of home people intrestcd In the welfare of our and your community. "Our Steady Growth Is Due The People We Serve." Fm i QUALIS PLUS QUANTUS I