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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
'JV.- :n If K4iturtlny iluno 36, ltl " NOTICK OK FINAL ACCOUNT in tJi County Court of (ho HtalQ of Oregon for t,l 0oMnl' of ,,RTHCy la tho Mutter of tho Kstato of Joseph I Hector, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that tho un dersigned executor haa filed his final Recount and report aa executor In tho nbovo-ontltled eelato and Court, and tho hour of ton o'clock In tho forenoon of Tucaday the 1st day of JuT. 1984, In tho County Court Room In tho Court Houao In Hums Oregon ,hn boon sot as tho llrao nud placo for hearing thereon and settlement thereof. All poraons conrerncd In said oatato nro horoby notified to preaont ouch objections an thoro tnuy bo to the namo, In writing, on rr before said (lute, nnd to ap pear .inil rontoot aald final account nod support uch objections as nro (Hod LEON M. lUlOWN. Executor. WARRANT CAIjIi - o l heroby glvon that thoro htp suii. unt funds In the haudi of tho unty treasurer to redeem till llarmv County High School win rants r jjlrtorcd up to and Including Mar h 1. 1021. u.. all Houd Warrants registered up i' .mil including Juno 20, 1024. ! .- rennon Juno .TO, 11)21. W. V. KINO. County Treasurer. NOTK'ti CI' SIIHKIKK'H 8AI.K IN ix)iu:c!osciu: NOT1CK IS HKRKHY (1IVKN That under and by vlrtuo or n decree of tho Circuit Court of tho 8tato of Oregon for llnreny County, entered on tho lCth day of June, 1924, nn appears of record In tho otllco of tho County Clerk for said County nnd Btate, In Circuit Court Journal "0" nt pafie 269', In favor of the Harney County National Dank, n national banking corporation; Fred llaliice, P C. PoUtrson, Leon M. Brown and Ruby M Ilrown, and nKalniit Mary M Uunynrd, and Mary M.J Dunynrd, Administratrix of tho estate of J. II llunyard,, Kdlth flood low, Loronn linker, Janioi O. Hun yard, Wlllord llunyard and .Tease Hunvard, minors, and Gertrude Run ard guardian or Willard llunyard and Jr"e llunyard, for tho hum or $R 782 20. with Interest thereon nt tin rat of 8 por cent per milium from th 20th day of March, 1921, and for the further sum o JtPO.OO attorney fees, and for their cnnln and disbursement! herein: nnd WHERKAS, It wan further OH DBUED and OECRKK1) by the said Court that plalntlfin' inortgaisti on tho following doscrlbod real property nit ua to in the County of Harney and Rtato of Oregon, namely. The Southwest quarter (BW&1. South half of thJ Southeast juar ter (BBEK) of Section Twelve (12), nnd the North half of tho KnrtheuHt quarter iN'ANKH ) of Section Thirteen (111, nil In Township Twenty-four (21) South Range. Thlrty-one (31 K. W. M., br forcplosed, and that nil of the right, title, Interest, lien and entnto of the nnld defendant, or either of thoro. be foreclosed and sold by the Mhorlff of Hnrney County, Oregon, In the manner provided by law for tho sale of real property under inden tion, and WIIKRKAB, on the 19lh day of Jure, 1924. an execution In fore closure was duly Issued by the clerk of f&ld court commanding inc, tho undersigned Shorlfr, to lovy upon and Mil In tho mannor provided by law for tho salo of real properly un der execution In foreclosure, all of llio right, title, Interost, Hen and es tato of the said defendants, or eith er of them, In and to tho mortgaged property hereinabove described. NOW, THEREFORE, In obedience to tho commands of the said writ and by tho authority thereof, I will, on Monday tho 2 1st day of July, 1924, at tho hour of ton o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, nt tho front door of tbo County Court House In tho City of Hums, Harney County, Oregon, offor for eale to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the right, title, Interest, lion and estate of the said defendants, and each of thorn, In and to tho said described real proporty, to satisfy tho jald de cree, attorney feea, costs and dla- L , I I S HELUO JO THIS A I Like 1 CICTCD t ) ) COiviE. VCT WAT" 1 i .,, 7 0dsRiwM;vBU,vou. R"V && j- h2? ) y w4; ? ( atwa"s psmi IrMAITD JmiSk I'LL CALL UP ON TO-NIGHV I'LL 1 X V THINK-;- It'I1 " - COMIN' I o I llw 1 II 11 I TnlNIS I lU tntU UK" I I rrK4l? oiBD s ",n" S f ,, I aaiim& err" lo h . fi TAIIIaT 1 COMIN' OVER MAYBE V fflh A Wf.t,U X S ( Yt DKfiM " V7 V 'T J AC U IVFTTAl I WITH MW SHE'LL "sSQKXV w I 1 Z V0 I U I r - V o c 0 l ' AUTOCASTER sSflflHHattfew 33a (J " " 1 L '...J Lp--amaaaaaaaBmmmsii 1 1 " ' " rilM T I M burBomoniH and accruing costs and dlsburtomont, subjoct In th'j right of redemption and tho confirmation of thin Court, Dated at Burns, Orogon this UUh day of June, 1924. W. A. GOODMAN, " Sheriff of Harney County, Oro. CITATION , IN TUB COUNTY COURT OK THE STATU OF OUKdON, FOR TUB COUNTY OF HARNBY, In the natter of the Eelato of Uuy J. Garrison, Deceased. To A. F. Garrison, Dulla Btandloy, William Garrison, Hurt L. GnrH son, Lllllo Snow, Nottto Bnuudors, Edith B. Garrison, Woaloy Garri son, Dorothy Garrlun, Cecil Garri son, Mrs. 11. J. Garrison, nnd Rose Garrison, ua tho holra at law of Ray J, Garrison, Doconsodi nnd M. A. Dlggs, gunrdlau ad litem, for Woaloy, Dorothy, and Cocll Gnrrlson, minors; GREETINGS. IN TUB NAMK OF THH STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are horoby cllod and required to appear In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for the County of Hnrney, nt tho Court room thereof, nt Burns In tho County of Harney, State of Oregon on Wednesday tho 2nd day of July, 1924, nt ten o'clock, in tho forenoon of that day, then nnd thcro to show cause, If any exist, why an order of r,alo should not bo made allowing untl authorizing tho administrator of tho above-named estate to sell nt private sale, for tho purpose of pny ing tbo debts and exponsos of admin istration of said cslnto, tho follow ing described real proporty, of tho, viz: SV4NW4, BWM, and WVaBB'.t of Sec. 4, Twp. Iir. South, Range 02 Bast, Willamette Meridian, Harney County, Oregon; as by petition pray ed fer: This citation shall bo doomed ser ved upon you nfter tho expiration of twenty-eight days from tho dnto of first publication; publication hereof having been ordered against nil of tho above-named heirs, and tho dato of first publication hereof will bo May 31st 1924, said publication hav ing been ordorcd In Tho Tlmos-Hor-ald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed nnd published In Burns, Oregon. Snld guardian nd litem to bo personally served. Wltnoas, tho Hon R. T. Hughot, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Harney with tho seal of said Court affixed, this 27th day of May, A. D. 1924. Attest CHAB. K. D1LLMAN, Clerk. (Seal of County Court of Harney County, Oregon.) KXKOOTOIttt HAIK Notice Is heroby glvon that under and by vlrtuo of an order of salo, duly made and entered, by the Coun ty Court of Harney County, Oregon, in probate, on May 28th, 1924, in tho matter of tho Bstato of William Henry Ilnro, deceased, tho under Hlgried administrator of tho said es tate will, on nnd after Tuesday tho lnt day of July, 1924, nt his ofllco In Burnu, Oregon, olter for sale and noil at private sale for cash (ten por c.out of bid to hu paid at tlmo of sale nnd bnlanco of purchase prlco at time of confirmation by tho Court), nubjoct to confirmation by tho Court, In ono parcel, or In nub dlvlslons. tho following described real ebtate. viz; NWKBHtf, 8 NEU. SEUNWtf, BtfSWVi Sec, 27, and BNW4 See 34 Twp. 18 South, Range 33 tf East, Wlllametto Morldlun, Harney County, Oregon. Bids shoild bo placed with mo at my office as above-said. Dated May 31st, 1924. CHARLES W. BLLlfl, Administrator. BUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNBY. THE PACIFIC LIVH OTOOK COM PANY, a corporation, Plaintiff. s Willard N. Jones, Josalo A. Jones, Wellington G. Howell, Jonnlo B, K B - 11 K It A L D II U K N B , Howell, Emma Colin, Purlin & Oreudorff l'low Company of Port land, a corporation, A. J, Winters ft Co.t a corporation, The United States National Bank of Portland, a corporation, R. M, Wado ft Co. a corporation, Bertha A. Martin, M, J, Clapp And A. R. Olsen, and all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real nronorty described In tho com plaint herein. Dofondants. To Emma Conn, Pnrllu & Oreudorff Plow Company of Portland, a cor poration, M. J. Clnpp, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming nny right, llllo, estate, lion or Interest In tho ronl propor ty described In tho complnlnt hero in. IN TUB NAME OF TUB BTATB OF OREGON:- You and each of you are hereby roqulrcd to appear nud answer the Complaint filed ngnlnst you In tho above entitled suit on or boforn tho 20th day of July, 1921, and If you fall ho Id appunr nnd ans wer for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court above namod for tho relief prayed for In tho com nlnlnt. nnmoly; that a certain mort gage bmirlng dnto of July 12th, 1017, made, executed nnd delivered by de fondants Wlllnrd N. Jones, Jessie A. Jones, Wellington O. Howolt and Jennlo I). Howell, to plaintiff cor poration, nnd recorded on tho 16th day of September, 1917, In Hook "0" pagcH 41S-419 Records of Real Moitgagos for Harney County, Ore gon, wherein the following describ ed real proporty In Harney County, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho South half of the Southwest quarter (SMBWU), and tho South Half of tho Southeast Quar ter (BtfBBtt) flection Thlrtytwo (32); tho Southwest quarter of tho Southwest quarter (BWU; BWM) Section Thirty-three (33)'; tho North half of the Southwost quarter (NtfBWK) and Lots Twelve (12) nnd Thlrteon (13 of Kortlnn Thlrtv-four (34) all In Township Twonty-flvo (25) South Itaiigo Thirty-two (32) Bust Wil lamette Meridian; Also all of Lots Four (4), Blovou (11) and Twelvo (12); tho South wimt quartor of tho Northwest quarter (BWUNWU); the North half of tho Southwest quarter (Nlt8W ) of Section Throo (3); the North Half (N4) tho West hnlf of tho Southwest quartor (WUHWii) Mini Lota Nino (ih. Ten (10) Twelvo (12) nnd hlr-' I (ii (13), and thu Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter NEUBRtt) Section Four (4); the North half of tho Northwest Quarter (NpWU)i tho North weal quarter of the Northeast quarter (NWUNEU); the 3outh half of the Southeast Quarter (fl'-iBBM) and Northonst Quar ter of tho Southeast Quarter (NK48E4) and Lota Two (2, Soven (7) and Bight (8) of Sec tion Five (5); the Bast hnlf or the Southwest Quarter (B"i SW4). the North wen quartor of the Southeast Quarter (NW1 SBU); the West half of tho Northeast Quarter (WjNBt ); tho Northeast Quarter of Iho Northeast Quarter (NBViNBlP and Lots Four (4) and Flvo (6) of Sod Ion Eight (8); Lots Duo (1) Two (2) nnd Throo (3) of Soctlon Nine (9); Lot Two (2) of Section Ten (10), Lots Ono 1) Two (2) and Three (3) Soctlon Seventeen (17); Lota Ono (1) nnd Nino (9) of Section Flvo (C) AH In Township Twenty-six (20) South, Range Thirty-two (32) East Wlllametto Meridian, North of Malheur Lake. was mortgaged and pledged to so euro tho paymont of n promissory noto bearing date of July 12th, 1917, in tho principal' sum of 130,000.00 payale to the order of plaintiff cor poration, on or before five yrs af ter date thereof, together vrlth In terest thorcon from date thereof at the rate of eight per cent per An num; that the Hen of said Mortgage be foreclosed against the said land and that plaintiff have judgment against Willard N. Jonea and Wel lington O. Howell and each of thena for the-principal sum of f 20,000. II A K ?f K COUNT V O It 13 tugothor' with Intercut thereon nt eight pot4 cent por annum from March 31st, 1923, until paid, nnd fur tho sum of 12,000.00 nttornoyii fees nud for tho costs and disbursements of this suit and that such judgment bo doorced a lion against (he land ueroinbofore described by virtue of oald mortgage described; that the mild laud bo sold by the Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, in foreclos ure and that plaintiff have n dofl- oloucy judgment against defendants Willard N. Jones and Wellington Q. Howell, and each of thorn for any amount remaining unpaid after ap plying tho procoods of tho nalo of said land; that nil tho dofondants hereinbefore nnmed nnd nliio nil porsotiH and parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estatu, Hon or Interest In tho said real proporty horolnboforo described, nnd all por tions clulmlnir by. through or un der thbm or either of them bo fore closed of any right, titlo, interest or estate in or to the said ronl proporty or nny portion thereof and that tho defendants heroin, nnd each thereof, tholr ngontft nnd nttornoys, bo for ever barred and prohibited from nnsertlng any such claim, domnnd or right, adversely to tho plaintiff lioroln. in tho future. This publication for a period of six successive weeks, soven Issues, Is mndo purouant to an ordor of tho Hon. R. 'IV Hughot, Judge of tho County Court of tho 8tnto of Oregon for Harney County, In the nbsonco of llio Circuit Judge, mndo nnd entorod of record In tho ubovo ontltlod suit on tho 14 tb day of June, 1921. Dnto of first publication Juno 14, 1024. Dato of Inst publication July 2Cth, 1924. T. P. W1TT8CHBN, Rosldonce 1128 Merchants Exchange Building, San Francisco, Calif. Mcculloch & duncan, Rcsldonco Burns, Oropon. Attorneys for Plaintiff. WANTED used enra al kinds buy trade and noil, must b cheap. C. W. Luckey. c"14 Saturday Aucllou ShIcb Starling Saturday 21 bring any thing you don't want I can soil It. O. W. Luckey. 8-14-24 FOR BALE Ford Roadster and Ford dellvory, both lu good con ditionHighway Service 8tatlon. 0-14-tf. FOR BALE Household furniture, farm machinery, work, saddle and unbroken horses. Beo theso bar gains beroro July 20th nt tho ranch- Virgil Bolton, Burns, Ore gon. C-21-Ct. FOR SALE Pure blood O. I. C. Chester Whltf weanor pigs also onu registered yearling boar. Prlcos reasonable. C. Trine, Burns, Oregon. (Prathor Crook). C-21-41 FOR BALE Good Cook stove, for coal or wood, In good condition, S. M. Karpoutor C-24 FOR SALE Good span or honvy geldings and also good span of mares at bargain prclos O. W, Clevengor. 6-7-tf. Mrs. Belle Jenkins will care for sick patients In her home. 2-16-tf. Everbearing Progressive Strawber ries are the best, most prolific and hardiest, they will do well In Harney Valley, will produce same year as planted; plant as soon as ground can he worked. I furnish guaranteed pure plant at SMI per leO ?.08 per 1000 $1.00 for 3000 or over, delivered at your office P. P. and guarantee them to reach you In good condition. Ad dress N. B, Matthlessen, Model Fruit Farm, R. No, 1, Emmett, Idaho. 8-1 pft siisisisisBMtti Hl m G O N If you wont to noil or trndo list your properly with W, T. Lester Co., Phono 0U 4-19 Parcel Post your Cleaning and Dye ing Larimer's City Dye Works, Boise, Idaho. 4-19- MMmMBMMMMIMMMMMMHMHBMaSM Tresspass notices prime on eleth At this office. Bold In any quantity desire. 6-ll-tf. D. Diekenssa ft Bon have a supply, el rosgh, dimension nnd dresss lawber at the aatll abort Bnrns. s-ai-tt. Many bargains 4a City property, forma nnd stock ranches. IN LAND KMPIIIK ItEAIiTY COM PANY. Phone BOW -l Any one desiring wood sawvd see F. D. Towsloy, Burns, Oregon. 9-1-tf. FOR BALE Round Oak Stool range J. C. Wolcomo riding saddle, ton Inch John Dooro walking plow, nig 1 McCormlck Mower N. II. Voogtly, Burns, Oregon. 3-lC-tf. 1 000 REWARD For ovldonco load ing to arrest and conviction of any parly or partlos stoallng my shoop. My shoop aro fire branded on tho noes and paint branded on the bars with the liorsi shoo bar. Doth tirnnds are recorded. My re corded oar mnrk Is an upper bit In hoth cars. My owe haro nov el) different age marksan under slope, a crop and an upper slope In both ears and my yearling ewes have a small crop of! both oars. I sell no sheep branded on nose. W. W. Brown, Fife. Oregon, 7-32. WANTED: Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children, Eliminates darning. We pay 76c, and hour spars time, or flMO a week for full time. Experience nnuoceswary. Writ Internatlon 8tocklng Mills Norrls town. Pa. J, L. Lowo has tho Purington saw mill and Is now proparcd to fill nil orders for rough lumbor. Soon havo a supply of dressed material for his customers. Watch theso columns for further announce ment. 6-10-lf. CANYON CITY BURNS V77 Fast f- ' Pleat . Tees. 1 '3 for Pas- stag' Connections to Portland or Eastern Points. Quick Express and Freight Service. N. BROWN HON, Agent Burn . Oregon Save Your Eyos Eye strain causes headache, nervoUHnefis and other trou bles. I fit jrhwgca accurately and Hclentifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist OssccwIthDr. B. F. Smith JOMM GalaflBKKIilNG Watch Repairing Barns, Of a 4jflHB38imk- -l - - - - t r ' - ' ' PAGq PROFESSIONAL CABI .u 'jtfftr i Dlt. B. F. I J 111 i : 7T rhysklM an flw.ite. Burns, Orcsjsn. I Offlce At residence, Dr. GltV .fts mer home. Phone No. 14W , 4 nosooK O. WA Jti. Pbyslclau and Burgees Complcto X-rny Laboratory a Connection Burns, WSyBJrJd h, K. IIIBBAIIIJ"' 1) K N T 8 X Ofllco first door caBt Burns, Or jto saWavc UIIAIUiRB W. KLLLS ' I, A W Y IB It: Burns Oregorw Practices In tho State Court wut beforo tbo U. S. Land OUsa .t. u McCidloch Itoht. M. McCVLTOCU A DUNCAN. Ijawjera Offlee above the U. S. Land CM BURNS, OROM II V . 8 O II M A L . Attorney at Imt Contests and prnctlco before U. Si Land Office a spoclalty, A Oftlce: Masonic Bldg;-. Burns, Oregoa , J. W. Biggs M. A. Blt lllflOH It ll.lflGH. v lAwyrrw . " Burns, Oregon, M . A . O h 1 K.IR Painting and Paper Hnnget All Work Ouur luvdi BuniN, Orcgj IMS AN CHAPTER NO 4r Itoynl Arch Mrsom IliiriiH, Oregon, Itcgrf metlngy first and UOr Thurhdaya of cacli mon4K. n. F. SMITH, n. R QRAHAM, Socrntnry , EARL Tho Sabln Book Company ot BeJbst. Idaho, buy, sell, and exchange a kinds of new and used books. In-- toxlcatlng liquor Is our only eomw' petltor. 3-l-tt.f- Burns Auto Top Shop furnishes te for any make ot car and does -eral repair work. For tons -plete with glass In back cartaasu 112.60. Other taps la yrffttaaV l-17-tt FOR SALS Light set of double aa bam, platform seales And haa track; oBce desk. Mrs. lb 1C Pnrlngton. 4-lf-tf. "T :-W