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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
iV"',WS"'," - n'jw5,-. MKHaMtmWi!kMWW1MMmfMA.. V ,,. ,, . M-WL .-. ,S nnlnj. J imi UH, iliai II 10 T 1 M R H II K it VAOK t A L D It U It K H . II A II N K GOV N T V () II K () () N Graduate Nurse Tells How Tan lac Helps Many Of Her Patients Seattle Nurse is Fitm Believ er lrTanlac And Recom mends It. yrotn my loB uxporlontio as u professional nurse, I do not hesitate Jo say I consider Tanlac thu moBt ttrH.ent titnl natural stomnch modi doe and tonlo to bo had. It Is un doubtedly nnturo'a most porfoct rom f,ly" lu tho far-reiichlnB stntomont lve i out for publication, recently, by Mrs I A. Ilordon, 42G Pontius Av Seattle, Wash. ,u graduato of tru. National Tempornnco Hospital, Chicago ' have used Tanlue oxclualvoly. for von years In tho treatment of my harlty patlontB," said Mrs. Bor der ' and my oxperlonco has boon lhat for kooplng tho stomach, llvor, kM-y and bowels functioning prop erlr and for toning up tho syatom KOI 1,1 VU CICJAUMTTKH IN IWUAMOUNT STUDIO i ..1 in cigarette rolling. James lu produced "Hugglon of il " which comos to tho I.lbor- -r. tonight and 8undny, hnd i i-w during Ih filming of " in Hollywood, Cat idiots ho w4kd to a , roar of ih tt vrtor int rreno. a fturd uluir- r In Paramount pluturto, rolliilg rlgsretl nflr rig- 'i.'iivoii'i ske. hurry." laugh- .JPAD JTO HIfrr&Sj tig trouble with aerial nua- J from tree 7 It ia due, iMj to changing .aparlty he tree Is blown by tho wind .king whwn the strain U ' Hfre'n a good way to over- niuat tree trouble. One end l m nttnrhetl to your house u-nd wire running to tt. i'Iiit tntl fasten n "trip of irm an automobile Inner i Inc of the rgulnr Irtstutu- . th fie end of the strip Jir faaten u ioiio and run ,, through n whcl pulley. tnd of this rope, now n J he pulley, faln k heavy . leu (he aerial from g:t- k. To Uii frva w-1 o( the Ev Arthur BrisL&nc HENANUOAH PASSES. 100 FEW OWN ilOMES. LADY VICE-PRESIDENT. IHE PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENCE. The airship .Shcunndouh, sailing ward Albany, above tho Hudson, .ml week, paused the Twentieth cntury, the astwt New York Cen- l al train, coming from Chicago, I he airship carried 120 human Icings, the express train many -ore. Tho passengers on the faat iraln bent their necks looking up- vnrd, and thought how strungo it ' as traveling up there in the air. In a fow yearrt that well-ap- ; nted express train will he out of ate as the stage coach ia now. "i young Vanderb'.lt boys aiw a F. liaher, xeal boss of the Vi rk Central, would do vCM ' - In iin planning now for trnna- 1 1' ion through the air. They i the tc. initials, can raise niouaj', . Ii.julil nee the warning written he eky by aniokr from- the or- t ut pipes of liw big flying ship l'.t anient Coolidgc tblla real un- men lio vunts to see this coun- ii homo-owning ilation. Tliut'i hi than Henry Nnynne's wmh ' tt every Frenchman shorn 1 huvu. (Inchon cooking on tho atovo. .. Poule, uu poto. - Iicnchmeii, woven inillwna or nil, own tho aoil of France, .iiks to the ivoIutlan. ' liut's what htflpod them to hold li"t 'P'i - WIT Jl I Sins Weey i p. .aanta Qwn Swodwi Hint j ci-uifo$li,toimrccb fW ',00 1 of thtini through Ptr .irraioa. ' , iL rtw own their homes and ton in tlila country. Agricultural Department ro- , th voist crops In many 'Wat's bad news for those . i at the cropi, but inuy moor . tHc' for f'1'i..i' not abl .. r . . . , . l ' in KOiH'ralTTt TwJh no equal. " About u your ago I had u lady patient who could not kuup u thing on her Htomnch fifteen minutes, not even water, I prevailed on hur to try TaiUuc and after tho sixth hottlo Blio could eat ubsolutoly anything rIio wntuod without tho slightest bad aftor-offeota, "I had another patient who simply could not eat. I got him Htartod on Tautac and by tho tlmo ho finished three bottled ho was outing rnvououn ly and ablo to work. "Therto two Instances that !iro typ ical or tho wonderful merits of tho mcdlclno. My confldenco In Tanlac Ih unllmltod." Tanlac U for milo by all good drug glBtH. Accept no substitute. Over 10 Million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable fills, for constl- patlon in ado and recommended by tho manufacturers of TANLAC. Advertlnoinont. ud Cruao; "you've got to roll 'om In two soconds flat In tho next scone." And Torronco, dressed In cutaway, high collar 'n' everything for tho flmt tlmo In li Ih scroun enrour, den peratoly triad to twist (ho tiny UilB together with his great hands. "Kuggles, show tlm gutliiiau how to roll 'ni." Idward llorton. who j?Uvs tho rote of Hugglc. made fow pntso ovtr tho bag of Hull, and prMto! a livMlifuliy aiwri cigarette tra the rMitlt. "Aw. Jimmy." pleaded Torrone'. ! "Ut m HiuokQ my old pip luattod." pulley attach a rope and bind tb rope around th trw. The ralu are obvious. One cause of poor reooptiuu Imti been discovered to bo enusotl by Ut screwa holtllng tho contact phitea and the nuta on a tubif aockut being loose. Also the aula Ixildinir the screwa m llr.' rhooalat work looat ami rat'iii'K rcl . hUtm ll oivv3 and nuta from time t lint. A crystal c-t expense. ttt using a eryaUl tletectt.r and wur )nmpllft.r iuom di-aw only l.alr as mucil carreni a ur fig a aoft vacuum tulu detector mJ four amplifying tuhaa. with th wheat crop cut more than forty million uushid something ought to hnppvu. Ktlen.1 District Judge Carpim- tt ui.J Wdkuraon t asulo Proi- dvnl ( oolldgo's pardon of Ph'ip (Jro-sioun. in Chnftg.1, douyiliK the lre4idrnl'a oeac: i.i civil eaaet and nt'd'i g: T . !' aurh jvower tn the hAi--u..e ; u r.trlk tt tleaM, i'o'.. al ' l. ii itiOoiMlSllcu of Ui jti'liiiri ' That's a guod saying nd coura gootu. All pdural Judges depend m tho l".(t.Jin' for appointment hi. I proniot ' It's also a -aying for the peoplu to remember in case they happen, noine day, to get rulers that repre sent them, urtd nobody else. At present our system "Allows such power to the Judiciary as to tnJanger thu independence of the people." You see It when the cast ing of one single appointed Su premo Court voUj, In the majority. (ins power to over-rule an elected Congress. And when Congress Is ruled by a' bare majority, in a court beyond thu people's control, that Is not domocrucy, If there exists any power greater than the people's power, then what we call self-government is a Joke, as when a farmer leti his baby "drive tho horses," the farmer, however, holding tho reins, while the baby only thinks he Un driving. Well thought out power to recall ecry onu of. their public servants, v ;.'thi'r elected or appointed by an elected ofllcinl, is what tho peoplo will have eventually. That will come when they really tuko an in terest in their government ana inun prove their fitness to govern them selves. Mm, (ionovicvo Allen, of San FiunciBov suggested that some woman ho nominated for Vico Prosidopt. It Isn't necessary to say what old politicians think of that. Nevertheless, young politicians will live to see things in politics more surprising. , . Tho time hasn't como yet, how ever, for, strangely enough, at this moment i.-.oro women than men would bo shocked nt tho Idea of a woman on the Presidential ticket. Perhaps, aoino day, tho world will bless tho big war, although it did coat 2&0 bllllc u and 20 million lives. Potson gas will do more good thou it has ever done harm; It has boen.uaod to destroy tho boll wcovil. And now, in tho Ukraine, Troteky imlorii hla at my lllors to use gas Im'usta and Acid mice. y. M 1 use it hole, a henry ' - 'i:' ' l ., n' iyi trmtmmmtttminycmrrtwMtitmmmjIlt MimiiM niMtaMMLiv rtmm mrnir ifll trwacauxiiiw ), i.miiiiwii mm bi nuutm -Jjpmwm tmmmmmt 'J "gjJVJ W. T. LESTER and COMPANY Ranch land!, city property, acreage M InventmentH, Exchange a specialty. Your listing solicited Real Estate, Farm and Building Loans, Insurance Agent! Wmr The Royal Insurance Company Together with other good beard Fire Insurance Companies The Largest Fire Insurance Company In The World Phone 5R Burns, Oregon l3i jfri Hut Cruxe Initiated that ho roll 'om until ho beenmo perfect. And poor Kruesl Torroneo kept on slaving un til his forty thouitandlh clgarotto had bueu turned out. Who oiiys It's nsy to bo a film act or? Tho other featured players In "IttiKglea of Itod dap" aro I.uls WIN hoh, KrlUI Uldgewny, Charles Oglo and I.nuls Drawer. -o- - CUIMII UHVHAWin HV COSSII ix '"rim lmiwicixa-poimt" "floMlp, unlvorewlly condemned. 1b In rwllty th rjroatt police force in ih world." say llrbnrt Urenon. Paramount producsr. "Many a erliuliiHl haa boti HiT A Httle viiaullne placed on the turliiinnla tf h ntornge battery will prevent rprroslon. ::y complain that their ; ork Mil right last wo k .mi won't voik npw. hxanilil-n nr - n thtng nmla". even the bt Urka 1 ing nil right. Often te tronbl.- I:t In a iom.vton whip has becoinu corroded riwirh ti aan of. uo much rt flt,x 'IIiIh mv nt sbw r. p. ufate. IPUer i rt t'. whw -t. RfH.3SWi 'tiffV&V&L. tyJ$WZyZy ImcAe J&mr No liitdler of ex time to muktf -Mibbin' an if yer heart would break, sobbed out "yer woes in her dear lap- a mighty contrite little chap. . . . That ditty face against her bieast, u thousand vagrancies confessed. . . . What soothlu' power In thnt tone, "There, there, dear heart it's all -nil gonol" She patted ye with soft caiesa, aud quieted yer chlld-dlstrcsi, and, rocked yo back an' fortli the while, and fed ye with her heavenly smile. ... O, how yer little heart would turn an' nestle near that heart of her'nl All frettlu' ceased . . . forgiveness won, "Thore, there, dear child, It's all all gone!' So. when, in after years ye erretl, when unkind fate or weakness led to dire disasterr hope transferred by dread despair that racked yer head, the;i then,. sad heart, Is when you learn Um solace of them words of hcr'n, you seemed to hear 'em through the tears, though she's been gone these ninny yenrsl Income increases INTEFtEST" NOW READ (T BACKWARDS " --WJV- etfl TSSkNirS ! '&1W SBT fl' I 79T. ei r.-fr I. tttiir ct I tZrSJLiiaiiJZ .i-.-w-.i- JS- 4 2jsssT Eiljffi i i Kk-Bb. ktLamtuiK ui zmrmWPTs. brought to Justice through tho uower of gossip," says Mr Jlrenoii, wjtotie laleut Paramount production, "Tho Ilreaklug Point," which is tho fea ture at the Mberly Theatre on Balur day and Uuuday, July f.-O cout'iliiH a cuRu Illustrating his coutoutlon. 'Frequonlly wo hear people .In veighing against ttonslp but wn eel (loin pause to ruallzn that It dflM n great donl of good also. Thu fefr of what pooplw wJll y oflan pre vantn nit offouoa against good man tiers and many crimes hava been dls rovert'd through the porsUtout dr eulifV)ou of. guiUfllp." In "The llreaklng I'oloi." which romur MIU Naldl, l'nuy Uuih Mil Ur, Malt Moor aud Uoorgo J'nv.v:U. I tit ores t hi h tn ynr old crime is routwiul and the crlmlntil tyentunlly brought to Justice through th gos sip of a neighbor who happens. In this ease, to bo Julia Kayo. "The Ilroakltig Point" was adapted to tin screen by Julio Iteruo aud Kdfrld Illngham from Mary Hobortn Itlnu Imrt'H novel. Cyril King. Tlteodor von Kltz. Charles A. Htevousou and many : others Just as prominent appear In ' thu strong supporting wmt. , o i Handlers near Hums begun liar , venting their hay this week. Paisit Service for you Wlicn you want paint or varnish, usually you want it quickl That's where the Fuller deal ers come in!, Tliy will furniahany kind of paint or varnish you need. If temporarily out of stock it will be obtain ed for you from a nearby Fuller Branch within twenty-four hours. -there's a Fuller Wholesale llrasuh clo:c to every Fuller dealer. There' no delay raiul tho ttcck i freih. That's Fuller Service. Cor.ruh a Fuller Dealer Sbout your painting problem. lie will l) (lad to wrve you.- Send for our frsc .book "Home Painting." ' MJIl ANt JUI l.KIl rKOUlllXCON'SUl.T TIIR KUAfltT lUUI.Utl nicvutii C. H. Vocghtly w.), & co. Wl MiMiw !Umu R- Ti uiKi XI lscbMls rils Cmi Ciii -. l'AINTSfflfMVAIMSHBB I Jl TF'TTjJP FULLER ltBDlTIC VOlMt TAXKS, by dealing vlth homo concerns. We are Agents for tho Union Havings and Loan Association of Portland, Ore gon. Pay your ront monoy towards owning YOUIt OWN HOME, we will show you how to own your own homo, and mnku HUUNB A HKAL I10.MK TOWN. W. T. 1,08 ter ft rompany. 8-17 o v.wxsx I'oiN'riciui i Krtim iH'partmcnt of IiitlusUlHt jotin t! , ()r-gon Agrlcaltnral fl l-ire rig ic"tt rontuliilng from S to c ', per cent erudu fiber tr aaUafao- u-ri. the Oregon eiperlmitnt station has found, hut If thv run as high its 10 to 16 per emit they ueotl to be supplemented with largo amounts of more cotiovulrnlad roods, though sal Hfartory for cnttl and horsvs. Tho enuso or sunflowor sllajje un palatitbtllly moiiih In tosts couduoted by th farm crop department of tho I'lperlittaRt HUtloii to b lack of necMaary ferineiitiitlon. This can bo merroinc by adding 20 to 2f per cent or com to tho sunflowers whon puttlug thorn Into thu ello. Control of contagious abortion in Oregon cattlu Is not so general no It could be mailo by Isolation of In. rectctl anil uvposod animals. No cure Is known and tho dlsoasu Is -iprondlug with threats or ruin to m It creasing number or cattlemen, un Itko root aud mouth iIIhciiko with j violent outbreaks over relatively short periods, contagious abortion Is I widespread and- continuous. Kx ! tremu care In handling tho Infootod I nud tho woll animals on tho same j farm has boon the moans or oloan . lug up entire herds and kooplng on ! tiro clean areas uiitnfoctod. O. A. j r station bulletin 102. "Contagious , Abortion of Oattlc." explains tho method. (loosoborry iiiukkoU aro about grown and rady to crawl nut of tho birrio thoy hnvo ruined and drop to l iht ground. In addition to May i spraying control calls for destruc tion of tho worms near tho surface of hto ground under and about the bushos, whoro (hoy spond 1 1 mouths Further Reductions In Our CLOSING OUT SALE Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Mr. Home Owner You don't know it all; I don't know it all, Thu othor follow douHii't know it all; But togotlior wo know n-hook-of-a lot. Let's Get You toll mo what you aro going to do in tho way ol' building and homo decorating th io flpriug and I'll toll you soino things I know about that, and will prices that will mako yon nit up and take notice. Get Me? I. S. Geer & Co. of their year's llfo. Qood culUra t ton of tho soil about tho plants will fxposo tho worms to birds or poultry which can bn turned Into tho pntch for feeding. f ammJitUOtAStmmtmS'uK ' More Fresh WATER moans better health "P ME Fairbanks-Mowc llnmc Water Plnnti liken titytva terMvin undrryourttiva con tmj. It uvi.Ut auutiamically. No adjutiing, nut even a uhrli loiurii, It tend fndi running cv tianv Initfct unylicrc. And i,m tc ftoalk wau; inraiu bu.ra:5iuiuoii bctlcrhcalth. . Its siuionuillc FAIRBANKS-MORSE HOME WATER PLANT Operates from any electric light socket or Inline lighting punt circuit. Pi'inpttvatci l'roiit i.itcm, shidhiw ucll, spring, Mitoun r lakn.Oulct lunnlng. Prtwiirv aMotitatically inuin tairHNl. Mm tttirdy falvaiiiml lauk. Dependable laitlwiiU Motir l'tttup. Cnpucity 200 tUivi poc hour. Ask us for all . th fact. Ill'ltNS (JAItAfiK Iltifii-t Oiegtwi t r nm r Together J I l' PIONEER WHITBtCAO JI21 ! '