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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
I'Aciu a ' I II 1 T I M U H II K It A h I It U It N S ,. H A It N 10 V OOUN T V O H K G O N Saturday, Juno 28, J 021 V'CAPPY RICKS" THE PLAY FOR CHAUTAUQUA Great American Cemedy-Drama Tojd in Real American Style"Cappy" mf the "FrUce Water Front" Most Dellghtfal Character ! the Medem Stage Cmmimg Third Nig Kt , BaVeBBav nyk t aaaHssaB aasase jTJKm PBnlWyw HiLnLnLnLnLnBk!LnnLLnBBLTVnBLnV flLnLnLnLnP nnW'Vtlu . 'asasaa taSaw araaaaSaSam JnLnLjLanLnnnnBEinV SrVvieSnBnniBi' eLnLnm Vftfa VtSaBaBaV IV -' $il i BnaEBM'lir i i IF B"'B"TBnB Vfl SVbbbbbbm K i-'j'' A I JHiffi!hAiw-l.-Ilfo' V ..tfv'La iBBBnBW J'"li''B I'MHeKPftP A ?. Hfi ytLjL VaSavftjMaJanMsaV BBnBvRvlBnVlBnBH Iti Bnm9MBBKBnK p4 't . HBbm B r 8sl BnBBBWIHrrSBBnlHiBBnBHiKL i -. BnBV'BnViBnVlr FT bbbbS Ml anl BKBBnLnBCAiBKBnBnBBnBBi. i w' BpnBMn KBBBnnBnWrA " nenennl b I , t9eV BBBBVnnBRKffVBnlPWvBHlBBBBBBBB H BBBBBBBl nHBBrJBBrjLii nnBBBBBl I .BB1 BenMlTBnlnnfrMiiMlBnBiVif " IHEK39anBnTl HI BaaS v4 fl r -alH BBnBMBnnflkflBHBBBnBnB4 '' HGUtf . HR V xiImkHH There Is more tu real liuiuor tliun lliu tlilncn which innko tin IuiikIi tipnmrlouMy, un Clintitnii(iiniiH Mill ronllr.o when they ne tlu fnnioiM viminly (Iriiiim "Citiiy HleW ircnciitMl ly that nplcndld ortninlxiitlon, the KIIuh Day I'lnyot-fl oti the third night. Tho humor of "Cnpny Illckn" In gcmulno hociiiiKe cni'li cliimictur In It I rcjiniiluct'il from persona now living most of them In Hun Kritiicltico whcro 1'ctcr II. Kync, mithor of the ntorlcH which ran In tho Saturday Evening Post. studied htinian nature and gathered mutcrlal for hln nticrrful aeries of character Hketchen. He traniplanled thriit onto the printed page, and Kdward Home, tho eminent playwright, lino moved them from Iho dtory page, to the center of the Mage. Oliver Morosco llrut produced tho play In New York where It had a phc nouienal run of u whole year, fhlcapi claimed It for live consecutive moutliH, and It haw nlnco won friend !y the hundred of thousands on the circuits of tho hltf I heaters. Of course tho lraclhle, blunt, "I'm nlwnyH right" old xru dog "Cappy" Ih the central flure, and .Matt I'eaaley, tho clean-cut, couraKeous younc male who bent "Cappy" ut hln own uame, U hlH foil. "Cappy V pretty daughter; .Skinner, the cdlclent olllcc manager whom "Cappy" oulldozctt; old Aunt Lucy, tho only pornon In captivity who In not afraid of the old man; a ne'er-do-well rich man's non and IIiq ofllce (teunsrnpher are the eharactem wrlrclcd frotij tlie torlcs hy tho playwright for tho Mage version. FOItl) OAKS IIV TIIK MILLION Auuouncomont of tho Ford Motor Company that tho lO.OOO.OOOtho Kord car had been produced hrlugH to light tho IntoreHtliiK fact Hint thOBQ 10 million earn all are tho famous Model T. Tho company from ltd organiza tion lit June, 100.1, until late In 1908 kopt oxporlmontlng to dotermlno up on n standard modl. Approximate ly 25,000 Ford cars of different mod els were produced prior to tho fall of 190S when the now universally known Model T whh developed and Introduced to tho motoring public. Popularity of tho Ford Model T n bnst told In tho following production record hy mlllloiiHr Car No. natu Oct. I, 1908 1,000,000 Doc. 10, 1915 2,000,000 Juno 14, 1917 3,000,000 Apr. 2, 1919 4,000,000 May 11, 1920 fi.000,000 May 28. 1921 6,000.000 May 18. 1922 7,000,000 jnn. 12 1923 8,000.000 Jjily 11,1 923 9,000,000 J)ip. 2rt, 192.1 10,000,000 .June t, 1924 o i We will do your Job work. o Girls Have Pretty Eyes No girl In pretty If her eyes are red, Mtrulned or have dark rings. Simple camphor, wltchhazel, ote., ait mixed In IjivoptIk yo wash, keops oyos healthy, sparkling and vlva- Oalnty eye oup free. Iteed Druggists. AdvertlHoment. o CITATION NKW) tho Houtliwost juartor of, the Northonat (uartor (8WU-' NKU) and Lota Ono (1) Two (2 j and Threo (3) of Section Twenty- j ouu (21) Township Twonty.four (24) South, Itango Thirty-two j (32) East Willamette Meridian. Clvou under my hand and tho oeal ' of tho above ontltled Court at Hums, I Oregon, thU 2tHh day of June, 192 1 I CIIAS. K. UILLMAN, (8"''D County Clerk. . o , Nena: of siii:kii."s haik clous Ilros. IN TIIK COUNTY COUItT OF THE STATE OF OHKCJON FOR THE COUNTY OF IIAKNEY. In tho Mutter of tho Estato of OEORGE II. I'ORTKIl, Uocancd. To William I). I'ortor, Sarah M. Cur tis, Eloauor n. Crook, Clara P. At kliiH, Irving I). Porter, Sarah H. Portor, Mabel C. Portor, Dorothy B. Porter, Ella M. Ilammerschnjldt Charlea A. Portor, Ruth Porter, Emma Mablo WJteon, AgnoB Por tor Slack, Harriot E. Portor, Joseph Mllo Portor, Ford Portor, Ashbol Portor, Arthur Portor, Earl Portor, Mark Portor, GREET INGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You, and oaoh of you, aro horoby cltod and required to appear in tho County Court of tho State of Ore gon for tho County of Harney nt tho court room thereof in tho Court Houbo, at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday, tho 8th day of August, 1924, thon and thoro to ahow causo, If any you havo, why tho Court should not en ter an ordor heroin dlroctlng tho ad ministrator to soil at Puhlio nuptlon tho following doscrlbod real proper ty, Hltuatod in Harney County, Ore gon, or bo much thorcof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho clalniB again st thofmld estato, to-wlt: Tho Went half of tho Eant half of tho Southwost quarter of tho Northeast quartor (W'4E8WVi NEi) of Section Twonty-four (21) Townfthlp Thlrty-nlno (30) South of Range Thlrty-flvo (3C), '. and tho Northwoa-t quarter (NW4) tho Northwest qua'rtor of tho Northeast quarter (NWi NOTICE 18 llrtUKM' VB, that under and hy virtue of n decree ()f ' the Clreull Com I of the 3tan of' Onjur for tln Coiutv of Harney, ' in. uli and rendered on rh .' Hi d;(y ' of IVbruury, 1921. .iud, vvhinh Judg-! nunt and decru was entered ami niCii in the omr : of tho Ooumy Ork of Harney Ooiiniy, State of Oji'cou on the '.'Otli da of Fubniury, 1 V. I such Judgment and decrvu liv ing In favor of tho State Lund Hoard of Oregon, conslstliK of Walter M Pierce. Governor, ihm A. Knxcr, Secretary of State and O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer, as plaintiff, and against Frank lJalo'r, flrato Maker, N. Ilrowu 0. Sons mid i. C. PeterhOii, defendants thoreiu, wherein Judg ment was entered iianiHl defeudauiH Frank Raker and Iraeo linker for tho principal sum of ISAOo.O'). to gether with Interest thortfiu at the rate of 0 per cent pu rannum from January 1 7th, 1921, until paid, and for tho further sum of $2fi0 00 at toruey foes, and for tho costs and disbursements of this mil, taxed at 15.70. WHEREAS by said decree It wan further ORDERED and DECREED by tho Court that the Judgmom aforosald constituted a lien upon tho following described real premises, by virtue of a mortgage thereon, to wit: Tho Southwest quarter of tho Southeast quarter (8W,8E,i) of Section Twenty-three (23) and the West half of tho Northuanl quarter (WV4NEU). the North west quartor of tho Southeast qunrtcr (NWUBKK) of Section Twenty-six (2G) In Township Twenty (20) South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. M. and tho Northwest quartor ((NW'J) of Section Thlrty-otie (31) Town ship Twen.ty-two (22) South Range Thlrty-oue (31) E. W. M. containing threo hundred and twenty acroa according to otllclal survey thereof, and together with all watiT rights appertaining thereto. And the said decree ORDHRED that tho said real property above described bo sold by the Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon In tho man ner porvlded by law for tho sale of real property under executien: and WHEREAS on tho 20th day of June, 1024, an execution In foreclosure was duly Issued by tho Clerk of tho above entitled court commanding mo, the undersigned sheriff to levy upon and sell In tho manner provided by law for tho sain of real property under execution in foreclosure, all tho right, title, Hen, Interest or estate of the above nam ed defendants, or either of them, In or to tho said mortgaged promises above doncrlhnd, or so much thereof a may bo necessary to satisfy the said Judgment hereinbefore describ ed. NOW THEREFORE, In obedloucu to the commands of said writ and hy authority thereof, I have levied upon the said roal property above described and 1 will on Tuesday tho 22nd day or July, 1024, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day nt tho Court Houbo door in the City of Hums, Oregon offer for Hale to the highest bidder or bidden for cash all tho right, title, lion, Inter ost or ostato of the said defendants, CIGARS in our humidor are just like .they were fresh from the factory a Good Cigar in Good Shape for a Good Smoke at Home Drug Co. or oKhor of thorn, In or lu tho ubovo doscrlbod roal enlate, or so much thorcof an may bo necessary to (sat isfy the said dooroo and Judgment aforesaid, and tho costu of this sale subject to confirmation by tho aboro ontitled couso ami the legal equity of redemption of tlio 'defendants, Dated at Ilurnn, Oregon, June 20th, 1D24. W. A. GOODMAN, flhorlff Harney County, Ore. , t. ... , .... NOTICE OK HHKHIKF'H HALK IN IWHKCIOSUIltt NOTICE IS HERI3IJY GIVEN That under and by virtue of u do oroo of tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for Harney County, enter ed on tho 10th day of Juno, 1024, as appears of record In tho olllco of (hu County Clerk for said County and Stato, In Circuit Court Journal "G" at page 207, In favor of J. E. Graves and against Henry Cary, Anna Cary, Frntiklyu Vnrlon, as Trnstoo of tho ostato" of Henry Cary, a bankrupt, the Crane Stato Hank u corporation, nnd T. E. Jenkins, for the sum or $1 GOO. 00, with Interest thereon at tho rata of 10 per cent per annum from the 4th dny of De cember. 1919, and for tho rurther sum of $ lfiO.OO attorney fees, and for his costs and disbursements heroin; and WHEREAS, It was further OR HERE!) and DKCKHED by the told if.uri that plalntllT's mortgage on J the following described renl properly nltuate In the County -jf I'nrney'iind I In Slate of Oregon, n.uiio'y.' The Southwest quarter (i)V4), tho Southeast quarter of tho Northwest quarter (SH'.iNW'i ), tho South hair or tho Northeast quarter (H'.&NHVi ) and tho North west quartor 'or tho Southeast quartor (NW48Etf) of jlottlon Twenty-six (20) TowiMlilp C6 South, Range Thirty-six iC) E. W. M., bo foreclosed, and that nit of the right, title, interest, lion And etato of tho raid defendants, or either or them, bo foreclosed, and that said proporty bo sold by tho Shorlff or Harney County, Oregon. In the manner provided by law for tho salo of real property under exe cution; and WHEREAS, on tho 10th day of Juno, 1924, nn execution In foreclo sure was duly Issued hy the clark of said court, commanding mo, tho un dersigned, sheriff, to lovy upon and sell in tho manner provided by law for tho salo or real proporty under execution In foreclosure, nil of the right, lltio, Ititorost, Hon and ostato tt Mi., anlil ,lirnnilnn(n. nt fdthnr of j thorn, in and to the mortgaged prop erty horolnbeforo described. NOW, THEREFORE, In obedlenco to tho commands of said writ and W tho authority thorcof, I will, oa Mon day, tho 21st day of July, 1924, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho fore noon of tho said day, at tho front door of tho County Court House In tho city or Hums, Harney County, Oregon, offer for sale to tho hlghewt bidder for cash In hand, all of th right, title, Intercut, Hon and ;juu of tho said defendants, and each t thorn, In and to tho wild describe reol property to nallsfy said thcttt, attorney fees, and tho costs and dl. bifrsomontH hforcln and uccrulsr costs nnd disbursement herein, tii. Jeet to tho right of mlcmptloc m the confirmation of this Court Dated at Hums, Oregon IM IJnj day or June, 1924. W. A, GOODMAN, Shorlff of Harney County, Oroi, 3 Crane-Burns Mail Stage Seven Passenger Touring Gars Best on the line Leaves Burns Post Office every evening except Saturday, at 6 P. M. Fare $2.50 BONDED CARRIER U. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor anmi tut w rmrm Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares via Union Pacific System To Points East Daily May 22nd to September 15th To Points West Daily May 15th to September 30th Limits October 31st Stopovers-Diverse Routes Contult Local Agantt tr further dt3l D. S. SPENCER Ctaeral PAtiengcr Agent Salt Lk Cilf i .. Dddee Brothers 5 P ECIAL MC3TDR CARS Theso cars represent Dodge Brothers finesvt achievement in the creation of genuine motor car beauty Identical with the standard product in fundamental design, they are individu alized by extensive extra equipment. They are available in four popular types: The Touring Car, Roadster, Type-A Sedan and 4-Passenger Coupe. R. V. HOPPER Burns, Orogon aaaV aaaaaV M H - aBH SaVEaaLBaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaVla( T35U Vtmnm ffi