The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 28, 1924, Image 1

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j 9.. (4 sJk. ""
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I1! I
ijjwSlwl Gon Dow" Fa,Ur Thal1
gjrpectea; many via raw
Visit Scene of Action.
rhA trncklaylnK train now putting
jown the steel on tho railroad ex-
.don from Crane to uurnn is
asking r.ipld progress. It wiib
dated tint the trnck would ko down
tt a spel r between u mid
thrcc-nunrtcm of n mile a tiny but
Iho crew ha mudo bettor llm than
Ihst during thlB week, exceeding
that b siderablo. Tho machine
ufl hu and ono of (ho best
Sevf ' ur citizen have visit
ed the n "k Mirhig tho wcok and aro
mprfsr ' ' 'Mi tho precision and
good nrRin izitlon of thin work." It
U also wrv grntlfylsg to (ho old
tlmore.ldf t of Ilttrnit who him wait
ed for so ninny yearn (o see (hu rail-
raid (o Hums in ncfual construction.
One lone time resident suld ho ox
Barknccd a thrill whon ho wan ap
proaching Crane tho other day and
looking for tho scene of activity lo
luddenly 1ow a work train and on
sine emerging from tho went whoro
it had always seen mro brush, cattle
and Jack rabbits. Ho said It was a
ilfbt for sore eyes.
Halls will be laid from Crane Into
Darns by Aurum. 20, according to
Fred derrick, purchaser of tho Hoar
valley timber of tho Mainour forest
reserve The Crane-Hums lino In
needed by Mr Hcrrlck and tho lino
vill bo extended from Hums Into
near allfy and K In fact, now un
der construction Tho Hcrrlck saw
mill, which will handlo tho Iors from
Dear valle ,ls to bo located In Hums
and will be under construction soon.
Mr Hcrrlck caran to Portland to
confer with J P. O'llrlen, A. 8. Kd
mnnds and other officers of tho O.
W It N company. Orogonlun.
Summer courses for IiIrIi hohool
ttudenUi will open Monday, Junu -3,
at the Inlverslty high school, It wan
acuouiKisl .it tho university school
of education yesterday. Tho rourso
will tl-me for six weeks. closing
August 1 Classen will meet dally
l,xcep H urdu y from ulght lo eleven
In tl'i iii ii'i.iDK
Pi ru' :. in ninth grado English
w II I K , t dn MInh Klhel II. Wnku
Iff d .b grado science will be
taurl ' ' Klbrrt I.. Ilosklu, and
nlTM i ii'.ith grade niathoniiido
by P r L Hponcor.
T i munc-r elusfcos nro to he.
f'Pf.n i (.raduntes of the olglith
grad are proparlng lo outer
high Mluol next fall, nnd to mom
berg of tbt present ninth grade who
have kr not to oxeced ono-half
year nf ninth grado work. In tho
nintl f mail, s doparttnont, inoro ad
van'I udonts will bo admitted m.d
will In permitted to work Individual
ly an rapidly as ponslbJij In algobra
or gcnKtry
'S'u'icnts who wlbh to earn oxlra
trwIPft for tho purpose of shortening
their high echoo) courso will find
this an excrllont opportunity. There
wll" hu r,o (xpene to pupllM other
tbii'i t'u i necessary for bookn or
etb pptiei," wuh the aiinounce
'r i i by Harold nonjamlu,
: Die UnlvorHltjr high
' ik ne Hoglstor.
. .v land of tho 'inn of
x iM-nnsll. arohltootn, of
H . Krnost Whlto, a oo n tract-
in Fulls, woro among tho
v i Purns during thin week.
Ho' j ii tic-men fahowod keen Juter
f3t in he development of JlurnH and
tro "o favorably Imprcasod that thoy
contemplate entering activity Into
Uio building of thin community. Thoy
discussed tho futuro with local citi
zens and found many things favor
ablo io tho erection of substantial
RtrurturfB In thin Imraodlato vlcin
v, including flno building slono,
6ul bio material for manufacturing
rMr, rand for concroto, good gravol
ai"l rthcr material. s
Tl.r r fjontlomon muy bo n factor
I" ''nrllng nomo good bulldlngn Jn
Hunig vIthin a short tlmo as thoy
aro going to Interview capital and
nun who nro looking for Investment
and now locations.
i it'll
Strongheart "Knock"
On Chautauqua Stage.
Cblof BtronRboart, who will bo ro
munbred by many an ono of tho
Lyceum numbers in ilurna winter
boforo last, In on tho aovon day
Chautauqua platform for tho Ellison
Whlto Byuttrm. Ho was rocontly In
Wlnnemucca and from tho platform
niado nomo tA(omon(n that are not
altogether truo u (o condltloim In
Hums and tho attitudo of tho whltea
to tho Piute. Hlrongheart would
lead hla hearcm io bellovo tint (ho
cliizoiiH of thin place tiro iudlilerent
to thu Indians and aro not s'lug
ihom proper eonsldorallon. Ona
atnteniont that a newly born babe,
her mother and threo other Indlami
dlod from uxposurc. It U ponslblo
thero wore dcatlui an tho Influenza
was a Horloua mnltor"(o tho Indiana
who would not b housed nor follow
Instruction In rnnpoct to proper
care. Stronghonrt ahio wiyn, accord
ing to a nowrpaper nrllelo of hln talk,
(hat l hla ! an Indian riorvadnn,
when ns a mailer of fact It never
wan a reservation and the Plutes now
in thla section aro here of their own
accord nnd because they profer being
hero nnd received more consideration
than on u reservation. He might
have gono further In hln remnrkn
and told of (heno Indian having
nllotmentH of aomu of tho fiest laud
In this Mctlon but that Ihuy refused
to llvo on It but profer camping In
tho vicinity of Hurnn whero they nro
given much work and treated with
klndnes. Tho local doctors have
never refuwd aid to tho Indlann
when called upon and local nurses
huvu given them much aid. The flrnt
patient In tho St Joseph'a hospKnl
when It opened lla doom In Jlurnn
wan a young Indian child that wan
given every caro without charge.
Chief Strongheart should keep
better ponied on thu affairs of his
bmlhren If ho In (o enpouso (heir
caiuo nnd give (he real aid. Ho
should know that the Indians of
thin vicinity have been given ma
terial aid through tho good ollkes of
Iceal people and tho co-operallon of
the nuperliitendent of tho Warm
Sprlngn r-ervatloti under which
them) Indlnnn nro looked after. Thoy
have excellent living quarters on a
lghtly place, have boon cautioned
In sanitary Importance and have a
clean location They have been glv
(ii material aid by tho public of
Iluriib nnd are receiving better care
than many white people.
The Klllon-Vhlt Hureau should
liihtruct Its uilent to bo careful In
stutemontH that may not bo Intended
to reflect upon communities, but
never (hulwn do. II In possible
Stronghftrt did not Intend to In
llmato that Hums wan mlMreadng
the Indians but hln talk In mislead
ing. o-
MKH. KI.I lll)KTf
Mr. nnd Mm. W. M. Carroll arrlv
ud homo Tuesday from Klamath
whero they hail boon called by a telu
gram announcing thut Mm. A. Kgll
had met with an accident. Mrs.
Egll returned with thu Carrolln and
Ik yet puttering from tho offoots of
hor mishap, although not sorlously
hurt. She waa coming up from
Klamath to llonil on tho auto (ngo
when the accident occurred. Whllu
traveling nt a rather rapid apeod and
in making a curve they mot a load
of bay and In nttomptlng to avoid a
collision tho car wan drawn too naur
the odgt of a grado Ju tho joose grav
el and went over. An oyo wltnosw
M iho par turned over thf H'W
in thu full down tho liiclttio and f! fl
ail ylmiVd stundlug on tho whuolu.
Mrv Kil wus thrown out ami fell
on her bead and shoulder, causing
sevoro bruUes mid slight cuts. Bho
still shows tho'ninrks and her oyoa
nro discolored.
Mrs. Kgll was on routo hero to
vlnlt with hor daughter, Mrs. Curroll,
also at tho ranch with hor son Ed.
She had not Informed tho children of
hor coming.
-- -o
W. OIhoii nnd IiIh wKo and his
brother, Alfred, of Now York, urn
Into arrivals In B-urns nnd havo pur
chased nn Jicroago from Hert Ttloh
nrdson noar tho McDonald roaldonoo
toward tho river whoro thoy 'vlll
orcct throo or four cottages for rent
or to soil, Mr. Olson lu a contractor
and lmlldor nnd will orcct bin own
houses. IIo will find n roady tonnnt
us soon as thoy nro complotod.
J. J. Donegan Assumes Duties
Of Both in U. S. Lund Office
After August 17th.
Telegraphic ndvlco recolvod hero
Thursday announces that (ho olllcu
of register and receiver of tho U.
S, laud office at IluriiH will bo con-
ollda(cd on Augutt 17, 104 and
that J. J. Donegan, Iho proonnt re
ceiver, ban been appointed to the
position of register.
Thla movo h(d been eontemplnlod
but It was not exported no soon. V.
fl. Coznd, the present register, hud
time having expired hint mouth. Mr.
time having oxprled lust mouth. Mr
Cosad In Instructed to turn over to
Mr. Donegan the affairs of (he or
llru on tho evening of August 17 mid
will then retire
(' C Chapman, editor of the Ore
gen Votor, wan In Iluriin Thursday
securing signatures to petition to
submit the repeal of tho present atate
Income tax to the votom at tho No
vember election. Mr. Chapman ban
already secured more than twice the
number of signature iieeennary to
place It on tho ballot. Chapman
ban many loiters from big concernn
that claim they have either refused
to ro through with Investments In
Oergon or withdrawn from (lie n(a(u
because of (he Income (ax. He ban a
good argument and ono that appeals
to the Individual who want to re
duce tuxcfl. Mr. Chapman does not
believe a xtato Income tax should bo
placed among our lawn, an It retards
development Ho wan ticcompniiled
by bin wife and daughter and II. H.
Howard, vice president or Hie I.add
& Tllton Hank of Portland. The
parly loft yesterday morning for
John L. Caldwell hai dlsp'isud of
bin IntorcHtn lu the Harney County
Abstract & Title Co and ban retired
from Iho firm. Karl Hngey now ap
pears an a stockholder and president
of tho concern associated with A. A.
Hnrdwell. The presont eourerii In
a reorganization or an Institution
that wan rounded several year ago
and In one thnt will have much busi
ness In the new order or things with
the transfer of real entato that In
i hut (o follow (he goneral develop
ment of HiIh bg country and the
changes thnt will bo sen In Hums
during tho Immodlale futuro.
uj - '"
OREGON, JUNE 28 1924
Contractors Finishing Grade and
Sidings; Slight Changes Are
Made in Arrangements.
Home slight changes liavc been
made III tho final nurvey and loca-
, (Ion of thu dopot ami tormlual
groundn for thu railroad. Contrac-
torn nro now finishing tho grado In
the Vougtly field and tho tracka
have been changed In order lliai mo
Malheur Itallroad Co. track will bo
tralghtened out giving It the track
to tha north of (ho dopot. Thin
necessitated a little moro ground to
the south and out through iho Hon-
' sen tract to the cant whoro tho rall-
I mad erosson highway.
mm... .ii.. fur id ilmwit linn been
changed to (he east and will bo ao
emlblo from (he main Htreet, being
located Just lo tho woat of this
street and to tho south of whero It
wan formerly. Thin arrangement
wan found mom satisfactory.
Secretary James J, Donegan yes
terday had a responio to bin com-
j munlcatlon to (lonornl Manager
' Piatt of tho Oregon Short Lino Hall
way In renpect to tho nttltudo or thu
railroad to taking part in a celebra
tion In Hums on tho completion of
tho laying of nleel on tho extension
from Crane. Mr. Piatt nuggotscd
taking the mutter up with tho tralllc
department of tho Union Pacific and
this will bo done at once.
It U the Intention to celebrate
the event of tho completion of tho
ilii'j to Hums but dotnlln and the
date of the colubratlon wilt not bo
an noil need until tho matter ban tho
sanction of the railroad people and
i their active pnrtlclpntlon. an an ex
cursion is' the first consideration.
The remodeling of tho Hums
Cash Sto.'c to accommodate the gro
cery duiwrtinenl o fthe consolidated
slorcw under the Welnsteln maiiagu
moiK In eompleteil and tho now store
In open today to patrons. It In being
made a noelui affair lu connection
with the general hiiHluk opening
to the patrons with refreshnientH
aorvod to all who vlnlt the store.
Tho now quartern presont one or
the hrg't and most attractive stores
In nil nterii Oregon. It is a credit
lo Hums and a nforo (hat will com
pare wllh any In much larger plnrns.
Pal Orll wan In lown Wednesday
" Hisb.'K. in Nevember:
t ' " " ' """ " -
Bill Newton WriU$ of
' Journey to Old Home.
Horryvllle, Ark.
Juno 16, 1924
Friend Julian:
I will fulfill my promlno I made
boforo I loft Burns, and wrlto you ft
brief account of our trip.
Wo loft home the 19th of May nnd
arrived hero tho 3rd of Juno, would
havo mado the trip noonor but It be
gan lo rain tho day wo croaaod tho
fltato llnu of Wyoming and Colorado
and It rallied and snowed for flro
days ho wo layed off for four days
ami ntarted out tho morning of tho
Glh day and encounlorcd ono of tho
wornt hiiow ntorniB wo over nnw. Wo
wero between Denver and Colorado
Springs, Colo., and up In tho air. I
mean by (hut tho nltltudo was near
7000 ft. and old hiiow banks 4 and
r. ft. deep near the highway. Wo
wished for our overcoats.
Wo landed lu Colorado Sprlngn
that evening and bollovo mo wo
abandoned our camp for a comfort
able room lu thu hotel.
Wo found excellent hlghwaya nil
thu way and enjoyed thu trip with
the exception of tho tstoinm.
It ban rained hero two nnd threo
t linen a week nlnco wo havo been
hero and Is pouring down now. Wish
I could turn some of it OtORonward.
Thu people hero would gladly share
It with you an (hoy hao moro than
Wo aro euJoyliiR our visit im
mensely but It mire Is hot. I auro
do nwent nomo Just hunting tho cool
places, I find thoro fan't any.
Things, places, and-people have
changed hero since I saw It last.
My old frlondn ;.oom glad to vce
me and I enjoy visiting thorn but will
he glad to get back to tho land of
Your friend,
While plucking fruit from a bunch
or bananas Wednesday I. Welmrteln
uncovered a large tarantula and his
neat. The big spider Insisted on re
maining in the web nest and It wan
with dllllculty It wiut gotten out. Her
man Thels took a pair or pliers with
the Intention or capturing it but
the huge spider Jumped nway and
then It was forced to lake refuge lu
u wlde-miiuthed candy glaan Jur and
thiin raptured wan covered "A ltl nl
Vohol and Is now on display lu (lie
window of the WeliiH(eln grocery de
partment. 0 ' '
V. 0. Cozad and sou Hod with his
family, wero among tho Hurnn peo
ple to attend the '02 coloration nt
Canyon. They report having had a
fine time among old fi lends.
NO. 34
Look Over Prfed Resenr
Lake Cetrnty; People Not.
Entirely FavoraW
(Lakevlow Examiner)
Tho Oregon Gamo (mmisslqn Iv
making a tour of this Bcctlon of tk.
State aud is duo to arrlvo In Lake
vlow tomorrow evening. It 1 re
ported that tho party Include alt
membors of tho commission and that;
tho purposo of tho visit Is to Investi
gate tho proposed Warner gatno re
rugo for tho protection of antelope
Tho question is one or very greatr
Importance to Lake county and c:vory
ono Interested Is urgently requested
to meet tho commission and oxproBo
hln views lu rognrd to the quoadon
Two weeks ago tho Examiner out
lined the latest steps taken ror the
withdrawal or all oustorn Lake coun
ty ror tho gamo roruge, and numer
ous porsons havo bIiico that tlmo ex
pressed thomselves aft being opposed,
t osuch action.
It would bo well Tor all who am
intorented In tho nubject lo meet
wllh the commlnslon and get the
vluwn or tho commlasloncrn who fa
vor the roruge an woll m thono op
posed, ror It In understood that but;
three or tho rive commissioners fa
vored tho bill aB outlined. In tha
opinion of tho Examiner a Foderatl.
gamo rofugo will bo not asldo In v
eastern Lake county In tho near fu
ture unions ovldonco la produced
showing (hat It In wholly unnccH
nary. '
It U generally agreed that ho far
un antelope aro concerned thoy arte
Hot lu uuod or any protection uti I da
rrein tho proMiul gamo laws, (hu
(Itieitlou locally being one of run go
alone. Stockmen, residing within
the propohed refuge and iimir It a.
linos and who would have a proror
unce right for grazing atoek within.
Its eonfluvA generally favor thu for
mation of the refuge whllu many;
others who grnre their stock In thajlA
lection ar eopposcd to It. It in cou
jervatlvely entlmatod that undar
exlsdug conditions about GO,O0t
hheep and 1.1,000 rattle are grazed,
in that section at different times o
tho year.
Another matter to bo taken up
with the commission while hero lav
that or thu installation of a perma
nent hatchery at lli. Pumitlp Cieelc
site. The depletion of III'- tisliiurc
stream 4 of (ho county In beiouilng sa
vory serious msttor duo Su pnrt to
the dry ticusou Ihls vear und also to
he grottier nninber who sr taking;
udvautngo of tho outing faollllluB of
Lake county.
The Parsnip Croult she ofTur
great advantagos ror a punnuiiont
hatchery In (hu( the water Js of the
proper tompomtiuo prncllcully hri
ear sround. '.. inui Slnnntt.
ban bocMi sui':ottiii H. hav'ng (ho
land withdrawn 'r.nn eiitry and It Iv
thoughl that now an oifjrt will bit
uiude by the BUte lo obtnlii tltlo tcy
dr land In onU r t iiiitify pormti
nont Improvomontf uch a plant ts
necessary In ordei tc restock deplut-
ed ((reams an dfurtiur to keep (herer
alrc.ipjs s(ocked osalint Iho grentor
use to which (hey will he nubjoctcd.
Plan aro bulnt. mado to eutgrtnlar
the nombors of tho eommisslmi b
thu Knd and dun Club and nlot
show them over die oudu and gnm
grounds of Lak 3il;v ThU m I:
tho first olllclot visit of (bji qommls
slon nothing vjll oo ovarleoked in
making (heir stay plpaswut nnd lu
strucdvo thnt thev nhv n f.u !
with eondltlons In Imko county
Sunt. Shattuolc of tho Experiment
Station wus In town yesterday to get
fuel ror tho pumping plant and stat
ed that It was running 14 hours oaclu
day now and good results nro ob
tained. Tho woll Is holding flno wltm
no shortage of water and tho crops
aro responding vory satisfactory. Tha
station in ono placo In Harney county
that Is demonstrating what a littler
wntor properly supplied will do. If
is a auccoss as tho crops prove.
" Tho Chautauqua tlckot fmlo U on
dot your WisOn llokot from tho coni
mlttoe and aavo money and nt tho
same tlmo aid lu making up thor
guarantoo. Reservations may bo
mada at Wm. Farro's olllco on andi
after July 2.