;;v Vrttr''VJ9W i t-yyr Hututiliiy, Juno II. 11)!21 UK T I M K H - II K It A h l II U It N1 flf II A II N R V COU'NTV o'llKOOX PACK ft KAHM I'OINTKHH 55 r iHimiMMin C iwb 3S E WPMwiwrwi r Cultivation to Kill Wi'wIn (From Dupurtmunt of Imluutrlnl j ui'iinllHiii OroKon Agricultural Col lege.) Tho principal object 111 cultivating n w eropn IIUo potatocti or corn Is to j kill weeds, Many pontons tlilnk tholr cultivation Ih laritoly for the purpose ol stirring up tlio ground, lull really tlio cultivation Ih principally to pro vnit wood growth, slneo woods aro the worst wasters of inolsturu wo liuvc. Cultivation should lio Just ilu'P enoiiKli to Hiilllclontly stir tlio tuil to kill tlio Hinall weeds, tlio ox jKrliuoiil Htntlou fliulH. Deep cultl v .tloii which digs up a lot of moist iil not only costs tuoro but may do much harm by tearing off- u, gront ttuny rootu. Whon a field of potn toou or corn Is freo from weeds and It t a looso dry Inyor of noil on top thorn Is nothing to cultlvatu for. LittM Forage NeiMotl With dry wenther shortening tlio Pasture and tho hay crops, tato plant-' til forage may be ipilto worth while in hoiiiu latidB that were prepared r..rly early but huvo not yet been planted. Corn planted moderately thickly oven aH Into an the middle of June makcH a great deal of excellent green feed, fair sltngo, and when cut nd dried In September make a very giod kind of dry rough feed. With (i mil Hiiuuner rain turnip sown in l te Juno or July often mnko a great ,tl of forage for full and oarly wln ' ) the Oregon station ha found. ! anno of tlii considerable abort- r fornKH In California nud the .iltiuly dry season no Tar. aa wll J unrkai condition for. Hungarian ti li rood, It l duslrable that iI'lHrcv . u-t of (ha Hungarian vttoh bu made ' bay wliloli will probably havo a .rcnttr nluu pr aero than the need if ninth of the crop Ih cut for ho1 .i?AIO 'MINTS', When you buy a phono plug be xiirt thai the Insulating piece which iiiMilHti' tbo lip from tin Mltv Is in ''nI condition. If It Ih racked 4i- lirokvii you will get a nhorL cir cuit and our net Ih iinuIcsm. Any atornce battery that has n solutioN which after churgf will : ot give a hydrometer rending of more than .I'JOO Hhoulil be taken i a atorago battery Hcrvice ta t.un and a now solution obtained. N'avor soldor tlio wlre on a ..molded aockot unlcHti you are poai- "h It (a nvitla of bnkvlito. Cornpo- ...ui ,6 mult aa soon an tho heat HH ? B i ess weess; uamaaes3grsvi Tjmaujulttv Trin.r, By Arthur Brisbane USED CARS FOR EUROPE. A TEXT FOR FORD. WHAT S A CAREER? THE JUDGE'S COCKTAIL. When the automobile arrived, old-faahioned carriages, Victorias, broughams, etc., became worthlesa here, and a market was found for them in South America where they did not give up horses and car riugc so easily. Lately the American problem has been "how lo get rid of accond hand automobiles." Europe, it aecms, will help nolvo that problem. A company, formed to ship hoc-ond-hand cars to Kurope, sends over bargains by the shipload Money is not as plentiful there as it Is here. Tho "used car," at a whittled down price, is attractive. .Unloading of cd cars abroad will lie u good thing for Europe, which needs economy, and a good thing for the United .States, wjiero millions need "a bigger or bettor car." The Senate Agricultural Com mittee, 11 to G, voted against Ford's Muscle Shoals oirer and took up Senator Norrik's bill. Senators that refused Ford'a ofter aro hurting farmers and hurt ing themselvuii. Hut that doesn't t-oiuole Ford, who must now And bis consolation in the 140th Psalm. Verse 3 is especially recemmended: "Put not your truut in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." The unreliable sou of man in this chhI- uuema to bo Mr. Coolidgu. f'hlorino gas that wiped out bat- Bit the tuliomi in the great war, will be uited on a hiuuev uvmu nf "destruc tion iu;a n -i germs of Inllucnza, pntun i i.., and other dlsuasOH. That'i .i b-'tcr waK Ex mi i'd . ui v- vY'ukd". c''it to nupini tjeir yialtors' list liiii ; the DeMdi'rntic loitt'c tion. Tb presumably to oblige ,nem- puvpoiiosi tho experiment Htntlou Sug gests, Many Hiulm.'lti Poisoned Biiulrrol poisoning In tlio Klnmnth country In succeeding big thin yenr, roportn C. A, lluudurson, county at; . out. Some HOOO pouudH of oatii poln- oned by tho government formula Wuru prepurud for attribution. A ithort tlmo after tho I0 aero fair ground tract wan treated with hoiii of thin bait 1H7 dead Hqulrrols wore picked up In a r00 foot dlteii. Prop erty owners falllriK to clean out tho rodents on tholr holdings will hnvo that attended to for thorn by a coun ty roilont Inspector appolntod for that purpoRO. -o- HTATH MAHKI.T NI'AVH (C. B. Sponco, Market Agont) Tho Now HampHhlro Division of Markets Is showing Hii section of tho country what really Ih tho niiUtor with agriculture, or at lottHt one of the things. It taken for HIiiHtratlon the potato crop of Minnesota, and hIiowh that tho growers portion of tho retail plrcu Ih 20 per cent, the country liuyrra' part 15 Vt per cunl, frleght lll'j per cant, city illntrlliu tlou GO pur cent anil retail price 100 per cent. Coinmontliin on thin con dition Oommlsfllottcr Kelkor Mays: "Can any fair-minded person con ii I tie r our distribution syattim olllclnut or Just whon tho farmer who fur nliliOH laud, sued, fertilizer, labor and othur uneoHsnry overhead, re ceive but ono-flflh of tho price pafd by the consumer for hlx pommodlty " rn-nppmtlon In the nrt and mld- ill- wctt I tuklnr tie ilrldcu A fdrattor of nil tho .l.ilrv InlnreM of tho New BiiRlnnd ituici I. under way with romnimer t.warMilp of tin factorloa for the manufacture of butter, oheoau nnd by-products. Mm inmola and Wbwotisln are federating thlr cruaiuerloa nnd I'lieew factorluM of a soldorlng Iron !a brought near it. Mo Run1 to wlri'jour motor prop erly. A voltmeter Hhoulil lie ploctil In xliiuil or across the battery lnatU. while an ammeter Hhoulil U' placed In serlw or on one tdilo of tho but l ery only. . I ld you know that a Utile vae line placed on iho tertnlnalH of oui Htorage batlary rlll prevent forru aloiiV Try It. Mniiy or u aie bulldlnu tiny, portable (.iMhltthe l to taku with us In the eomitr. You iiin'fimku a batvi that oconalonnlly dreoni politi cal dreamt, on tholr own nnout.t. but would not Ilka lo jmah the tb u ao far aa Ui "invito Hunk fl.t..ii. ihan to one'a oten club, d' know." We really h o A- win arlatocracy, a pour 1I..1 our own. .U' The MnthotlUti, wt!i ' i ward'1 for their keyi.o. . i 1 In their cenonil coufvriw-f i" 'n't tho ban on dancca and ilit:.ui. Tiio old rule wn no amuaament "except thoho Vhlch ir:i be tued in tho name of tho Lord Joaua." Now amusement u.:J : vl.g.oii van bo kept separate, as education and religion are separate in public schools. Charles II, Mayo, great surgeon, says cancer will bu coiuiuurud "within a few years." Already neventy to eighty per cent of can cers can be cured "if taken In time." Remember that over-eating is one of the princlpul cauuvs of cancer. Keep your system light, clear, clean, full of energy, and it will deal with the diseases that at tack it. Overloaded, it Is helpless. Miss Gildersleove, dean of Bar nard College, tells the girls that marriage is not ENOUGH for women now. Each girl must have a career, as well as a husband. What IS a career? Heethoven's Job was music 4 Michel Augeln's was art. Did not their mothers havo a cureer, when they created them? Or must they nlno paint pictures and write music? la not the creator as great as the thing created? Mothers ure tho creutoni, men are only tho product, doj ending for their fame on what their mothers give them. lt would horrify you to load about a female gorilla capturing a young girl, skinning her, to use the skin as sandals. That never hap pened. Hut European ludlus are having sandals made of tliu "soft and pliable" skin of monkeys, guar anteed not to "squvak." In n gor illa that would shock us. It's all right for u lady. Rebecca West, an intelligent young English writer, back in I. don, tells of a Judge in tho Middle West "who danced tho tango y)lh passion rarely exhibited in public plncoH. And afterward gaye me a wonderful cocktuil mndq of a brand of white flie out f ailvor Husk tho size of the Ascot Cup." At his invitation she sat on the bench with him noxt dav anil 4 a him fine a colored I i'. sivijit, five yer . old. .ru f'r vmi) ig pint botUo of nioi'-bine iin.-jy. She proM'0 that m a sfunpff if iiir "reMjeit f'ir law " W. T. LESTER and COMPANY Bunch iHtidM, city property, acreage aH Investments. Exchanges a specialty. Your listing solicited Real Estate, Farm and Building Loans, Insurance ' Agents Fr The Royal Insurance Company Together with other god hoard Fire Insurance Companies The Largest Fire Insurance Company In The World Phone 5R Burns, Oregon tS .. . - , and propoHO to bottle mid Hell their milk, noil their cream, butter and cottitgo cIiccho. "The fanner who hcch IiIb market broken year after year by proinlncu ouh cropH dumping iuid Hpoculntlvo marketing, ami who huoii the middle men receive approximately four times a much pur uaplta aa tb pro ilu;r. It faHt coming lif luaru that tbf prluolploa of on-orntlvo mar keting inuM ba ubitltutMl for nn-r-lru!nd rotnpatlilon If I lie farin'r In tn 1'xlrt In thin day of oritiinlti itou-' WmhIiIiikIhii BtaUi Orange fewl. Mow faiil tlu fnrmrii aro b-nrnlng la llltiatraled by n report from tli" notMrtinotit of Agrlrulturo'of Wnuli- diuidy et with a four by four-Inch panel and (Ivo-lnoli bnhoboiinl.onrr). lug a Will- tube, lie nu ordinary Hpliler wed mil to nine Hpmv alid a tln tube Nockrt. wllh h triple -" Niuall eomlohsor. When tlgbtelilllR llu eoniieel'nti xMia (mi n tmiMfuriHer. afii Hie wlrm Iwvt been fani -nt-d to tt, iwrwr fonts Utuiu tight aa l- -!.; con live! loua on the IMdr wbidi i ho ik on nre liable to lo(Hn the i-erur iil eally I'e reuHNlled. mjC t'w&al&b K,JijUCX'64ri luwlejohii i." e 'ake '), g..irrl avitrux . ih pcopli urf they comi-; .iu-y voluble on aomo things, wh U -n otliorH they aro dumb. . . . And, you're forced to th' concluHion- if you'll only litl.e tiio paiuu, that thoy'ro more incllnud to money than an ovur nluH of brains. . . I wouldn't do injestico to the chick or child of man, who pins Ills faith to dollars and replevin:! all he can but we can't dismiss the iiuoUlon from tho feller that reflucks, how brains compare with dollars In acqulrin' men's re . necks! h'omotimrs tho matt with mil lions creates an awful stir. while the baggy-kneed phllo.i o;iher Is one we're sorriest for. . . . The fat-hcad with tho for tune Hint's been handed down to him, may write u fust-rate poem, -but hl3 chance is mighty slim! I 1'UEL QOy H TrK HA66Y VKMCCP PHILOfjOPItCr y ;t WOULprt'T IT DC A 6U15AT, OL' Y0TI.P IF TUB PEUOW6 WHO THIMK THCV K'OW IT ALL COULP ONLV PROVB -I'.teV j rar j . ' (SI i.yvriClir' t' a" -tsua v Ington, I). C , which ntatuB that up lo April 1 of IIiIm year 10, 100 co-operative atiHoi-latloiiR had made reports to that department. DoubtlcMM liunil reiU of othurH did not report. Out of IIiIm vaNt movement ronultB are coin ing Co-operatorn aro learning. They aro federating and taking over the field where ollivra have profiled from ro-Molllng their produola, innl whon limy leurn to carry tholr pro dueta Irom ih flalUn to the ralall- 1 or. then will they he running their - own lMilni t . lb uianuf u-liirlng 1 InfluitrifN run thetm. i In a Iftigthy rerlrw of tlu poirlo neaMn (r the Pacific roast Mate, It. U llliic-r of dbe feileral aareli.ii, or I'oriliiiiil, glvoa many litterMlliid I facta. Ha atatAH that Oregon la con- aldarnbly bohliul Idaho, tt'axhlngtou j and OullfurulH In proiluotlnn per a ore. During the pa I three vuarn j Idnho Iiiin avomged 1512 biiHtieln lo tho aero; Wellington H5; C'allfor- . ula 110 and Oregon U7. Irrigation I hnit much to do with tho difforeure in yleldH, and Orogon'H late crop ma- turim later. Mr. (linger Htatea that j Oregon hat a distinct place In tint j potato Industry, but that jirowert. muHt get a higher price for tho pro- durtH to offHut lower production po- acre, ami Hint thl miiHt be done by I Where you may buy Paint with Confidence Wherever yon sec the the above window pos ter displayed it identi fies a progressive, de pendable merchant. From him you may buy, with confidence, your paints and varnishes he is a Fuller dealer. Hit reputation lias luck of it our quality guarantee of I'ullcr paint and varniilt products a tiarantcc rcit iuB on 75 year j of experi ence in making paint for ui!ic Coait condition!. Tnuhs with tonic merchant wlioie name appears below. Ak or wtul for our I'HIUv book "Iloiuc.Paintinj." io;i yw vvuxh I'ltouucr (u.nsih,t 'i nt: MurcsT rutxtia hl-aiku- C. II. Vocffhtly W. V. FUIJ.KH tc CO. 301 .MUiluu Slrrvl, ilaii I Miniw SI llitatlf In I'.ciac Com Chin FULLER IAINTS VARNISHES piONSuai OIITC UtAO im K5 v.pJFi.LEi&cci y ySu v n7i win wait,in i 3 HI I i i7 J.li. .X0U..JIiJmT I I virile eed, butler product and high grading standards. The review states that Htato Mar hut Agent Hpeitt'u solved a largo part of the d Illicit Men by securing feder al co-operation, anil that because of grading, standardization and com pulsory inspection Orogon'H well nrr.ilml stock soon advanced front tho bottom to the tup of tbo mnrkotn In California; that dottlerM oarly found Mtlb difficulty In enforcing acoept mw of ears hmrlng ft Kedral-Stnti eei'ttfirate, while ninny oars roUliin 1ft trovt Clarke 'ounty. Wash., with out auh erllflratHi, were n lom to the owner when the market broke. The eo-oporatlv associated Clrauite Waroliouee On. of Henttlu Is tho wholmaler for CIS rslall aturoa or the state. The movemunt l"n fast going nliMiiil-'ln our sister state, because the producers do loss talking and more o'rgaulzlug than In Oregon. Hlxty-flvo retail stores In a state, coutroled by eo-operatlvoa, aro hound to help both producers ami consumers by market regulation. , U UEDUCE YOUlt TAXES, by dealing with homo concerns. We aro Agents for thn Union Havings nnd Loan Association ot Portland, Ore-1 gou. Pay your rent money towards i owning -VOUIt OWN HOME, wo ! will fbow you how to own your j own homo, and make I1UHNS A f HUAI. HOME TOWN. T. Ies- ' tor & Compnny f-l 7 Nathan Leopold and Richard Leob two youthful sons of mllllonnlrs, . have eoufesHed to killing Itobcrt Frank, a l.'l year old son of another ' woalthyChlcngonn. Tho young mur derers aro brilliant students of a pri vate school In Chicago nnd tho crime ban attraeted mitlon-wldu attention. i After they had killed tho boy thoy j attempted to secure ransom from tho i rather and failed only because tho I father nilauuderstnod directions na to the placo to leavo the money. I.at- r luvoetlyutlou has enused author- i I Ilea to connect the two youths with i ha death of Freeman Traey. an other former university student who Further Reductions In Our CLOSING Lunaburg, Dalton & Mr. Home Owner You don't know it nil; I don't know it all, Tho othor Follow doesn't know it all; But togobhor wo know a-hook-of-ii lot. Let's Get You t-oll mo what .you aro going' to do in tho way of building and homo docorating t.hifi Buring and I'll loll you soiuo things I know about that, and will mako ,you prices that will mako you sit up and tako notieo. Get le 0 vJ.?a 23 was found killed last fall, also other mysterious denlhn and mutilations or recent happening. Tho boys claiaa. they killed tho Frank boy la tho in terest of Hclonco as they wanted to ohHcrvo the effects of death. Vpi . f il'i' ' -JfcT More Fresh WATER means better health ' I MIEFaitlunkx-Morje Home Water I'lant ! like a city wa ter ytcm under your own con trol. It ojcrate atitoinrtttcnlly. Nti adjuttiag, not c en a switch to turn. It Head frh running atcr to iny i'nucct anywhere. And more trcth water nieani ht iter itut'uu Ion bcttcrlicalih. it's Automatic 5 Fj FAIRBANKS-MORSE HOME WATER PLANT Operates frm" ay electric IIhIii fockct oi luinc lighting punt rirctth.Pi'iijwnu, from I q ciicui, saaiiow well, pnng, iliMiit ur lnl.c. Juiet Minning. I'ltMii i sirfrauaiicaliv iusiii tsJnwl. " atuidy gaivnnind tanl- J ml.li,c FairbanU Moix. i " , Capacity 24)0 yalluu. pvr 'kmi. AjIc u. ut all the lac. .. HlMt.NS (UltAtJK lorii, Oregon OUT SALE Co. Together Me? Co, aVtTHaaiaiaiiilwialal mifcKHal & m 1 1