JUNE 7, ? K v 1- --),' " -"-v1WtH .. i i !l AMaV i, i SSING i ' .a -Vw xnu n 41 1 'Wt'1' ,N t i, ', , A .JfM 1 ' i".1 2i VOL. XXXVII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 14 1924 NO. 32 LAYING STEEL CRANEBURNS NEXT WEEK Befal it aw Equipment and Work Force flONEER ASSOCIATION HOLD REUNION TODAY Old Timers Program Include Speeches, Music, Picnic Din ncr, Sports, Dancing. Thn nrocram Is arranged for thu l " ' fathering oi mo iinruoy county 'pioneers at thulr annual reunion to day It Is hoped the weather may prove favorable and that tho old tim er moy again have thulr usual Kood time and hnvo u happy visit with rtb other. Thu dinner In going to be well served and of a character that will tompt tho appetite of every body. One thing that will mur thu pleas ore of tho day In that William Han y, tho president of thu association, Ii 111 at Han Francisco and unable to bo present. However, tho bent wishes of the pioneers will go to Mr. Han ky with the wlnh for a speedy recov ery. V. U D Dodson, manager of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, will If, bo honor guest or tnu ocenmou ui Ibis reunion, coming to us from his busy life with inspiration and bene ficial suggootlons an to buttering our conditions. Mr. Dodsou h one of the able men of thin statu attd huH kd a moot active career from thu time ho enlisted as a volunteer in Ibe Spanish-American war which was followed by newspaper activity and association with the civic and Improvement bodies of this ntato. Mr. Dodsou wns n resldont of Harney connty at one tlmu and luu never lost his Interest with thu problems of this big territory, nor has ho over overlooked an opportunity to glv aid whenever thu tlmu permitted. Ho has never turned down an appeal Irom his friends In this scutlon when hie strike were solicited In further ing th development of thlH section. Mr Dodson played no small part In Kettlng the timber iiwf railroad ac tivity started thut is now Hearing realization. Local speakers and unterlalners will hleo appear on the program and the day will be filled with onjoy rac, for the men and women who hav livs fl in this county for so many year Thc-so plonoors now number Into the hundreds. At tho tlmu tho ahsotla'lon wns formed thero were many less but each year moro aro added to the roster, ns all who have resided in tho county for 30 years or moro aro eligible to membership. Wo now have soveral "babies" to add each year Tho program is so arranged that It is hoped tho principal numbers may all bo given before tho lunch hour It Ih suggested that thu picnic dinner bo prepared for serving at 1 o'clock instead of at 12 as orlginnlly planned, thus giving tlmo for all tho busing and speakers before, An Interesting program by thu fblldnr hnu been arranged for tho afternoon, cither to prorcdu or fol low sports. ' iurts commltteo havw pro- ral contests to bo oompot 'he plonoors with Hultublo' a for osoli ovout liy oma . rn v iilng a fre danoo Is pro- ': visitors at Tonuwftum Mojo inunlc ind the old will " ii. order, It U iv ii i umber of fiddlers . 1 r ir i i M. ' 11 -I'Ml M0 1IIU310. .ill uo the usual picture .i iht Liberty Thontra for J-:dr to uttoad it. Taoni- i will be seen, on tb "Wornan I'roof." ThlH n uro with some vury laugh tions. I'rogiarn Pioneer Itc-Unlon :30 A. M. to order "William Hanloy Call Community Ringing America Iavoc .tlon ...Mra. H. II. Rccd Quut'tl. Hyrd, Leonard, Wolcomo, nyrd Addr. Ha of Wolcomo, .Mayor, W. H. Huston. Orchestra flolectlon, Wolcomo, Foloy, Caldwell, Tteod, Wolcomo, Ilocd, Miller. , Vocal Solo ,....,v..Claronco Luckoy Address W. D. D. Dodaon Vocal Solo Marjorlo Clnrlc Old Fashioned Hooltaliou, Mrs. Geo. Fry. Vocal Solo Doll Iluyos IMano 8olo Unynioml Vocgtly Address II. M. Horton Duet . .. .Mrs. ttud Miss Luonnrd Vowil Solo 01ms. 11. Foley Address . .Judge Grant Thompson Vocal Solo . .Mrs. Nolllo F. Hood Tho Happy Vnfley Tragedy, Head by James J, Donognn. Vocal Solo .Mrs. Alfred C. Welcome Election of Officers Community Singing, Auld Lang Syno Program for afternoon during or after tho sporls. Song and dance . Hart oil Williams Whistling Solo Mnrgnrot Wolcomo Song Norma Smith Old Time Dnnco, Dorothy !aonaril, Doris Hotchklss. Song Vertnllu Klrhnrdnou Duet, Juno Thompson. Arlena Jnmc- son. 8porti-. Night, pioneer dattco. o m! CKLKHHATION Whiskey Gulch. June Dth, IU2I. Mr. Julian Hyrd, Camp Harney, Ore. Dear Partner: Have not had a chance to write to you for nearly a year now. Ai Loulu Woldenburg Is going to tako the mall over thoru will send you u lino, Hope that you got It this tlmo Thu last time Loulu went over tho Indians caught him nnd nenlped him and ho was left for dead. Hu U all right now and don seem to be afraid to go. Our claims look fine yet. have worked out one of thorn nnd hopo that you got your returns for part from the Wulls Fargo people In The Dalles. I have continued to send It lii there In preference to holding It hero with thu chance of robber;'. I don't seo why you won't roino over and help movit our derrick wheel down on tho lower claim. It is hard to get labor here now I hired two fellows tho other day and thoy both quit ns soon as they had an ounce of dust a piece. One was u Oeo. Cawl field and the other one I hnvo for gotten his name, I hey were both from tho Narrows somn where down south, both had that southern dialect and were good Judges or whiskey, they didn't seem to care much about the cpiallty tho at that. They weru mighty good fellows but did not Ilko to stick In one place too long I guess. I hIIII have tho rest of thu old crew, drover Jameson, Urnost Music and Churllo Loggan. Thoy still spend all tholr dust and show up broke overy Monday morning. The iluiico halls got thulr goat for a fact. I will say for them though that thoy spend their tlmo In the moro decent of the two halls, the uppor one, as you know is protty high class. A fellow by tho unmo of Don Drown Is hero and going to Btart n ntoro I understand. Ho is a (Ino ap pearing man and acts Ilko ho meant business, says ho will cut prices which Is good news to tho hotel hero, fifty dollars a sack for flour Is sure . some jirlco. Waldo Geer. Archie McGownn and Nolllo nocMl. the young follows who have tho claims noxt to ours hnvo had Monuo kind of a row, I think It wii ovr that UUlo lrl who ?lt oil table In Jttkan Pine. I think that Arcltto vm 0,,t of nit but trlod to. separate thu other two am) after thoy j had bath hit hhW a few times he got mad too and thoy all got skinned up . considerable. Thuy are all working Logftluor now ajflu und I uiiflentunid the girl married n fellow by the naaae of Co tad, Roduoy I think 1" his flrut naina, you no doubt romeuiher him as ho works for Ike Ileus u In i thd store. That will nettle tho row between the partuoru I guess. Tho minora nro going to hnvo some kind of a celebration hero In Juno 10-20-21 and If you can got hold of Barnes, Douognn nnd some of tho rest of thn bunch, wlnh you would bring thorn over. Hoping to roo you soon, I am I. II. HA'RLTINK o 10, A. Wimp, of Itcdmond, is again in Hums. Ho was hero n fow wnalcs ago and was favorably impressed J with tho prospects of casting hie lot j with ub and now ho contomplatos ro-1 malnlng. Mr, Wimp la an oloctvlclnn, Assembling to INTERESTING PUMPING DEMONSTRATION MADE Fcisability of Method for Irriga tion Proven by Test on H. J. Hansen Place Thursday. An Interesting pumping demon Htratlnu Is being conducted at the II. J. Hansen farm adjoining town. Fred Goyt of the HuriiH Garage Is supervising It and the demonstration has proven of vast hnuoflt In what may ho done with pumping Tor Irri gation. A Fordsou tractor Is used for power with a six-Inch centrifugal pump raising water II feet from tho excavation made at the gravel pit. Thu water In pumped ul the rate of 1200 gallons a minute and It comes nut with a good head cover ing a large acreage. Its feasibility Is assured from a test covering 1C hours. Tho water waii lowered con siderable at first hut there is an abundnnco for tho purpose nnd thu plant Is capable of taking care of at least 200 ncres. It In estimated that snub a plant would cost in tho neighborhood of H.fiO an acre figuring depreciation, Interent on thu Investment, fuel, elo. Mr. Hansen in well pleased with the showing made and the experiment has been witnessed by many who are intereidcd In this method of Irriga tion who aru encouraged. Thero Is a vast acreage In thin val ley that could be Irrigated by this plan. o CIIAI'TAirQUA .MKKTINCJ NHXT TUKHDAY AT LIIIKItTV An attempt to hold a meeting of tho guarantors for tho coming Chan tauaua at tho Liberty Theatre last Tuesday evening was not successful as hut few wore present. Tho 1 1 him Is short In which In organize and get tho ticket sale startod, therefore It In Important that the guarantors and nil others Interested attend a meet ing railed for next Tuesday evening nl 7:.'t0 to make a permanent or ganization for this season. Please remember this mooting. o M. J. Comegys was a visitor to our town during this week WITH SATTERFIELD AT CLEVELAND irnim W r 0ORAy frSR r II II '" I' II i V U. . v . ...-. . - x-Mrfv .fJ f . "I riA mmm-j ,iu,.r.Sr VP CONGRESSMAN 5 courts wmiouT r(fi its. tur.v.s r s Til& Key riOTu A j "A H -fj-n, , Tift ih Vwl is I Jirt'lK Avffilf' o- wV hote-u cievaAND W (fi MSI I r-rC.r,fcV.XAtcucv0D . $$iku OWC-R-. Vy, Start Track TULE FIRE PLAYS HAVOC AROUND MALHEUR LAKE Flames Break Out Afresh After Smouldering for Weeks and Destroy More Hay. The fire that started sevuial weeks ogo and resulted In burning over a big area of territory on the south border of Malheur lake, destroying I uiueh hn and pasture nnd also eon- sumlug xpvurnl ranch houses and burns, has broken out again this week and done moro damage. The exceedingly dry noasoii Ib re sponsible for thn lake not filling up as Is iMtial' in ordinary years, thus leaving the peat soil very dry and It Is almost Impossible to put out a fire when onco started without flood- lug and this Is Impossible this sea- sou Tim original flro in reported to have been of Incendiary origin by some spiteful person nnd It has prov - en disastrous to many rancher hor derlng thu lake as It hns not only dlstroyed much hay that Is needed for next winter, hut also burned tho soil to such an extent that It is worthless for an ludutlnltu time. From Information received yester day It Is found tho flro has covered an area of at leant twenty miles one way by eight thu other. It has been subdued In thu vicinity of Narrows but han spread east toward Lawen and has rousumed much hay and threatens more, although tho sltua- tlon Is reported better at tho tlmu this Is written Friday. There aro u number of mben now flghtlu,; flro i and good results aru being had, Tho I Pacific Live Stock Co. has placed a targe number of men in the Swan lake section and with favorable weather renditions It Is hoped to i.uhdtie the flariiH and keep the flro within bounds. However, should n high wind again prevail It Is likely to spread over a great nren and do much damage. Just last wool; two rancher stock men of tho lake neighborhood nro reported to havo said they were "silting pretty" with plenty of hay for the coming wlntor nnd some to pure Today those two men nrn vvithrut any hay and no prospect for new bay this season hocuuso of lark of water for the meadows, '4 OOh1 -.TC- - A. M - - Laying on Extension at Onc& i Ui Mfi r:r- HHl'imLlCAX NATION- Ah CONVENTION Calvin Coolldgo wan nominal M for president at the irpuhll can national convention at Cleveland on Thursday. Sen ator Kenjoii of Iowa and Sen ator Wntwin of Indlitiiu had been formerly placed licfor the convention tin candidate for vice pnvddcnt but no vote Ink en. 1'p (4) the tlmo IliU Im trf leu l-'riday afternoon, no word had beon n velvet as to who Iiun Itc4'ii chosen lo run tltli Coolldge. JOIINHO.Y-I'AHKKK The marriage o( Ioroy Johnson and Miss Marie Parker last Saturday uveulng was a union of two of the r0ldont ploneor fnmllleit In Harney j county. Leroy Is tho son of Mr, and ) .Mm. Lloyd Johnson while Ids bride . jn thu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luto Parker. Thu ceremony was perform ed by Hev. II. W. Shnvor of tho Nhj; nrono church and the wedding tcok place nt thu home of Loroy'n sister, Mrs. II. A. Pickens. Only the par untn of thu two and Mr. and Mrs. Plckeuu witnessed the ceremony. Leroy Is a member of The Tlinos llerald staff where he is becoming quite proficient In thu mechanical department; his bride attended the llaurey county high school lust year and Is a very attractive young lady. Owing to the boss having made all arrangements to be absent from the shop for a portion of this week Leroy and his bride did not take an extend ed honeymoon trip, as hu felt he should be on ihu job, thoreforo (bey only went to thu ranch homo of his parents in or the weekend. Tho wed ding wan something of a urprino u, the boss as he know nothing of the affair until afterwards, otherwise he might have given him a little InyoiT The young couple are making 'ir rnugemouis to begin houekepliK mi once In this city. o Mn. ('has. Clark, formerly MIhh Clariudu Darsey, was given a shower at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Heed Thursday evening whore a uumer of her school friends usscm led. Sho received a nice lot of pres ents. Refreshments wero served. V.. " . s -T"' f I . WNf,V tferl CONTRACT AWARDED TO BOISE FIRM TO DO WORK Plan Celebration When Line jSs Completed to Burns; Datev Some Time in July. Tho Times-Herald has defltilto lft formation that tho laying of stouLk tweuu Crane and Hums will beclt next week. Thu Morrluou-KnuUeR Co., general railroad contractor oO lloliie, have been awarded tho ca tract. While thu bullotlris havu boft posted for n work train out of Cr&at on Monday morning, It is possible that tho assembling of oqulpmealtf may not allow for actlvo work to -gin on that dato but assurances arfe given that thu steel will bo placed mo thu gradu somo tlmu duclnc tv week. This is curtalnly encouraging- news to thu citizens of thin big country It will at onco silence thu Inntdle gossip of uncertainty that ban cau9 so much anxiety In tho past raw weeks nnd people will tako heart. Tho Improvements, both public aaCi private, thut havo been hold in ahr ance will start with vlgor.u,nd ta people will bo ready to get hohtarii activities that will tond to- roali'. Hums u butter town. Tho mills wHfc' bo erected as soon as practical arter transportation Is provided to hrlntr. In tho material necessavy. The grading will heenmo actlvo oat up toward thu timber with tho com pletion of the rails to llunitf tbr track being laid up to tho poImes where It Is desired to use the Hteasu shovel. The same equipment will llkoly he kept on tho Job after tho steol It k.id to Il.irus. lueliidlng tho bias ing uUHrtprs. whlrh It U understood will bv of the box ear typf, thus tux nlshtng comfortablo (nmrtera ttxr- crews during thu cold weather thfi winter uhen work will be prnsocuS ed. Unavoidable elreuniHtanrus o-n7 IncliUnt have been responsible; twr thu delay lu starting this work esp to the prcreut tlmu, hut tho.no haw all been overcome and now tho Giv ing of seel will go forward. Just how long It will requlru- Uv cnmpelte this work to Iturus has not been ascertained, but It will bsr knowu soon when It Is tho iutoutioj of tho citizens or llurns to arrange for a celebration when prominent men from all over the country will htr Invited to our town to help male It a memorable occasion. This wilt &cr given detailed attention at tho propt er time. It has been decided to forego nn.i' celebration of the 4 th of July as hasi been the custom for so many years. The Chuutuuqua datos aro July 7-1X and this' wns another reason for ns having a colobratlon on thu -Ith, corn ing so close. o - HILKV-THOHNIumfi The woddlttb' or Htrry IMev -m. Miss Hilda Thnruburg wns soinun Ittfl last Sunday at tho home of tit bride's paronU. Mr. and Mr Cnv.' Thornburg. The euremony -at- uir foruiMl by Uv, C V Wtorbou-s ; th llaiittst oaurch m the presc.u - s" tho iuraedlate family Of the br(. Mr. Hlloy cxae hero last year n .i. Ilend uud has sinca had charto -i Hip repair dontrluieut of thu Scrviti; Clrao. Hu is an exeprtanced k.-- clmntc ud Is proparnifr to open u now tfaravu hi the IniuitjtUuto futur. having seouvod tho looat reproaaotii tlon of tho Oldsmobllo. Hln brldo la a charming youoer lady who has boon nttondlng tfcc Ilarnoy county high school. Sh Jsr a momlior of ono of tho oldest Tfpn ocr fnmlllos In this coctlon. Thu nowlyweda loft Monday moro' Inir In tholr car by way of Bend for, Portland whoro thoy will nttond fhu Itoso fcstlvnl and cxpoct to ho $ homo soon In this city. o Cal Clomons and little 3oir are.' horo from Pendleton visiting wttto homo folks and looking after busi ness niattors.