nw.f.lSrt -s J- I I im-llefEJ il f- r: VOL. XXXV II BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 31, li24 NO. 30 I I lb aHH GREATER ACTIVITY ON RAILROAD WORK HERE Engineers Busy On Grade And Terminal Ground ; Grading In Progress Tho engineers of tho Fred Hor rific I.umbor Co. have boon Btaklng (he grado a ud terminal groundn in the Vocgtly Hold this wook propara lory to getting tbnt portion of tho lino in readiness for grading and In shapo for tho orcctiou of tho depot and other necessary buildings. Grading is still In progress north of Hums, ono contractor now at wcrk in tho Ilowon place and anoth er s finishing up grading In tho vicinity of Jnp McKlnnott'a plnco on Toinon crook. With tho ro.mplotloti of thcno two stretches the grado will be finished a distance of somo 12 mllon or moro toward tho timber. It Is understood that tho work from this point on for n dlstanco of several mllon Is through sumo hard country where a steam shovel can bo usd,to an advantage. However, this will not stop the letting of con tracts at other points on tho line nnd It is qulto likely this will bo tho case and contractors will bo busy along tho lino in Silvio valley nnd on stretches whoro they can work to on advantage with tho equipment they have at hand. With tho completion of a short dlptanco beyond tho present graded portion the line will reach tho tract of timber recently asked to ho cruis ed and plncud nn tho inarkot. It Is probable tho rnlls will be laid to that point and tho timber be cut. Tho erection of tho mill at Hums U awaiting the completion of thu lay ing of rails from Crane to this city. It was originally announced tho work on the milt would begin by the firm of September and there Is no reason to doubt this plan will bo carried out. With the rails ready for transportation of the necessary equipment uud material to tbe mill alto thu work can progress advan- j tBKeously. Altogether thtt prospects are as bright as ever. We are prone to chafe at apparent delays but it Is a big undertaking and ono that re- quins considerable outlay as well as ' details and tho present non-action . .. .. . . . i-. .i-i,... i noes not Figiuiy miy Mm.niui ) tn earring out tho original plans. In fa tvrrythlng points to the mill bing In oporatlon sooner than had lifon hoped for. F.lf.MTH GRADE GRADUATES from corcrriiv !.nvitj:i Principal Button Is arranging to include all the eighth grado gradua- h M Hie country in tho program for tlif graduating exercises of tho JltiriM public nchool on Saturday ov mnp June 7. The program for 11.1 or c.slon may be found elsewhere- tn mis imuo oi Tne iime-xeriu. Jt Is Mr .Sutton'a doslro to havo nil the jgraduates present on this ocens- ion and It Is hoped that advance notlif will he glvan of those coming ' In from other schools in order that j arrangemonts may bo perfected for ( their appearance on the platform and taking p&rt In the exercises. , The principal and teachers of (he j l-ubllc school of Burns havo arrmg- -d with the management of the Lib- crty Thoatro for a matinee picture on Saturday afternoon At 2: IS. Tho picture will ho "Sunshlno Trail," a very laughablo comedy featuring Douglns MacLean. There will also bo a news reel of Interest. Tho out of town pupils will bo honor guests at this performance and pnronts and teachers are urged to Fee that thoy nro in Hums In tlmo to co (his pic ture n will bo a real tront o STOCKMJvX WILL .MEKT Htato Cattlo and Horo Jtulsei'tf to Gather at linker Juno it The annual convention of tho Ore con Cattlo nnd Horso Raisers' assoc iation will bo hold In Baker, Oregon, on Juno 3 and 4, according to a let ter received by utockmon this week from S. O. Corroll, secrotnry. In connection with tho convention tlio Uaker Chamber of Commorco la promoting a big round-up. Tho lot tor follews: "Call In hereby rnude for tho Eleventh Annual Convontluto of tho Cattlo and Horse Italsora' Associa tion of Oregon, to be hold ItfBakor, Oregon, June 3rd and 4th, 1924, opening at ten o'clock A. M. Tues day, June Zt&( "Boot prices have Improved with in the past year and the several cases now pending for the reduction of freight rates on livestock, if success ful, which wo think they will be, should be n material advantage in their continued improvement. "An explanation of tho foot-and-mouth dlsenso now'provalllng lu Cal ifornia, which will ho made at this convention, should be of Interest to you. "Tho sixteenth Union Annual Livestock Show will be hold at Union, Oregon, on Juno 6th, Oth and 7th, 1924." o IIUUN8 GIRL MAKES GOOD AT U, OF O. Miss Lillian Vulgnmore, a sopho more In tho school of physical educa tion at thu U. of O. nt Eugene, hits boon elected to membership In the Hormlun Club. This Is nil organiza tion of upper nliiKH women In tho physical education department and is thu only honorary of Its kind on tho U. of O, campus. Miss Lillian has also received a letter given her for work In athletics by the Oregon Athletic association. o MEMORIAL FITTINGLY OBSERVED Thu Memorial exercises held at tho Liberty Theatre yestorday fore noon wus of a high order and tho house was filled. Capt. A. W. Gowan was the presiding officer of tho pro gram and the chorus of 60 girls from tho public school was tin attractive feature. Tho attsvmbly idiiglug, accordion aolo by Archie Howell, Lincoln's Gettysburg address by Chits. M. Mc Connoll wero all well rendered. The Memorial address by Row Samuel Harris was pronounced ono of tho bctit over given In Hums. -' o- EXJOVAIILE M'HOOL KXTKKTAI XM EXT Tbe parents uud some pntronn of j the Foley school district up thu riv er, as well as friends from Uurna at tended tho closing exercises of tho school last Friday afternoon Thu entertainment was very creditable nnd unlovable. "TIih Snlrit of Tho (jnrdon" was tho title of a little nay)t Jn wj,lch tne ,1Uplls excelled R(l Kav. m ,0Ktful presentation. Tloru wmi 0(,ur features that wore equally as enjoyable and tho honor ' pupils were awarded prizes in turn the school presented Mrs. Doll Hayes tho teacher, with a oautiful.cut glass j piece. Following tho entertainment ' ice cream and raho wero sorvod all tho guests. 'M CATTLE DIE OF THIKKT It, L, .MiuiKvr of Jordan Valley I.usi'm Keternl Thousand Dollar llecaiiM' of Dry Crcrk, (Vulo Enterprise) Along with other "dry" reports from different parts of the cotinfy comes one printed In tbo Jordan Val Jey Express an follews: Twenty six head of pure bred Hereford cattlo bolonglng to H. L. Muugor died last week In the Geo. Pnrks field on Hooker Creek for lack of water. These cattlo wore turned into thu field this spring where there h the best of pasture and heretofore plenty of wntor until tho first of August at lenst, This yoar Hooker Creek has been very low hut no thought wax given the fact that It would not furnish wntor for ntock this early In tho season, with tho above disastrous result, This herd wan among the best In tho state for high claw Horcfords, nnd tho loss will total several thousand dollars. o CHAUTAUQUA MEKTINO I TUESDAY, .lUNK 10 Thoro will bo a meeting of tho Chautauqua guarantors at tho Lib erty Thoatro on Tuesday evening, Juno 10 for tho purpose of perfect ing organization for tho coming ses sion'. Every guarantor should be presont and tako an activo part In this affair. All aro equally intorest od In making tho session n succors nnd It will tako team work to put it over. Bo thore. o Mr, nnd Mrs. Lotilu McPherson pnssod through Vulo Sunday oYonlng in thoir car on tholr way from tholr homo In Burns to Brogan for n brlof .visit with Mrs. McPhorflon's mother nnd father, Mr. nnd Mrs, George 8. Horn. Vnle EntorprJso. , AVIATOR IS KILLED WHEN PLANE DIVES 300 FEET Former Harney County Boy Meeti Death In Home Made Airoplane. (Journal) Holso, Idaho, May 231. N. 8. Don Joklsch, aged 24, fell to his doath from a height of 300 feet In a homemade nlrplanu hero todny, when the wlngB of tho machine buck led and tho piano went Into n nooo dive. Tho nceldent occurred ono hour after thu aviator had completed a successful flight lit which ho had at tained an ultltudo of 1000 fuel and n speed of 100 miles an hour, Ho wns circling over the boucli laud Just west of tho city when tho struts gavo way. Tho piano and pilot crashed through a dairy bam. Death wan Instant, the victim's chest and arms being crushed. The piano was of tho monoplane varloty equipped with a La ltliono onglnu of 80 horsepower. Joklsch wns mechanic In tho army air service of tho World war and had flown standard planes here many times. Ho had one fall a year ago, killing a woman passenger. His employer, H. H. Bryant, pro prietor of the Ford aMsmbly plant, witnessed the accident, removed tho body from the wreckage and notified his mother, Mrs. Carolina Joklsch of Centralla, Wash, o LOAN OOXCEKN OFFICIALS PLEASED WITH PROSPECTS W. H. Held, president of tho Pacif ic Havings & Loan Association, and I). M. linker, Hupurluteudou. of tho Oregon territory of tho concern spent a couple of days In Hums this week checking up tho biisliionu of tho con corn. A. A. Traugott Is tho local representative of the association lu thin city and has placed In tho neigh borhood of fir.0,000 lu loans In II urns. After an Inspection of the properties covered the officer ex pressed their satisfaction with tho risks uud In conversation with a rrp- ( resentatlve of this paper announced that they wero ready to put addi tional sums In Hums uudor tho snmo conditions. Mr. Held stated that ho considered this ono of tho most promising fields of development lu the entire north west and while wo wore a llttlo Im patient In the delny lu gutting under way wo would finally start and whou It onro wns In actual oporatlon wo would advance rapidly and on ii basis that would ho absolutely safe. THE ' j jiu? jjvi-jfe j jt b iBfLsifCv K .- m wPHJPJg4evg- k w ilSlaCf-'a. " M'" m4-mUm Wii m ii'iii n frfti ii nam i nnnin !! 9 i -inrii.f - i I ' i n I l I i. I f GRADUATING EXERCISES NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT Big Clais Augmented By Out Of Town Pupils; The Program. 1'ropnratluns for tho graduating exercises of tho eighth grado pupils of tho public school uoxt Saturday evening aru practically completed. The nxcorolses will ho hold In the public school auditorium, Tho big oliiHfi of the Burns public school will be augmented by several from other districts of tho county. Principal Sutton has Invited all tho schools of 1 1 1 1 n Hocllou to conio lu mid he a purl of tho closing excroisns. It In not (Infinitely known Just how many out of town pupllH will bo present hut It Is Hiiro thcro will bo sovurnl. Following Is tho program! Public School Auditorium, Juno ouventh, at 8 o'clock p. in, March Mrs. Welllunhlller Song Girls from Oracles G, tf, 7 Class Extra Class Song Eighth Grado Introductory Itemurkn Mrs. Mary CIrlfllti Spring Song Mundolssohn Mrs, Olson Accompanist, Mrs. Harris Class Address ....Hov. Samuel Harris Song The Cuckoo Voctollo Richardson Address Prill. D. M. McDade Trio Oh Heautlfull Night Mrs. Wolttcnhlllcr, Mrs. Hlggs Miss Leonard. Presentation of Diplomas . .. Capt. A. W. Gowan Piano Solo Invitation to Dance Mrs. Harris OlHM Itoll Ilrowu, Daniel Baker, Kthel Drown, Robert Jameson, Arlena Cawlfleld, Paul Jordan, Marjorlo Dnltoii, Truxton Fawcott, Herbert Harkey, Darrell Harris, Joneph Laughlln, Kthel Melvln, Mattln Miller, Dorothy Perry, Sallle McConuoll, Robert Richardson Iluby Parker, Gordon Shepard, Esther Shopard, Lee Slier Qeraldlno Welcome, Wallace Simmons, Georgia Solomon, John Taylor, Josaie Thompson, June Waterhouse, Lllllco Welcome, Margaret Woniol, Alma Howard, Lucille FITTING KKCOGXITIOX OF HOOK WEEK AXD MllltAHV The art pupils of tho seventh and dlghth grado of tho Hums public school have placed somo vnry nttrac tlvo window cards and posters In r - ROUGH RIDER conspicuous places around town In recognition of book week and tbo benofits of tho publio library. These cards call attention to the benefits of tho library and the great help of better reading. Tbe number of vol umes available for tho use of the public of thin vicinity, tho character of reading, quotations of noted peo ple, advantage of the wide icopo covered by the 'works that may be found aro some of tho subjects de pleted In those art cards, Tho work Is creditable and ono that should mnko a good Impression upon thono who tnko heed, o - - XEW MLUtAKY H.OOK8 (Contributed) Thu folhAvlug Is u list of ten each of adult and ohlldrens books lately from tbo Statu Llhrr.ry us loan groups. The remaining forty of onch may bo found lu tho Public Library by those who aru Interested: Roosevelt Tho Happy Hunting Ground, Uulch Tho Bridge of tho Gods, llnlmcr A wild Gooso Chase. Daxlora Out of a Clear Sky. Fletcher The Charing Cross mys tery, Jonott The Country of tho Point ed firs, Jordan Trouble tho house. Morris Tho Applo -woman of tho Kllckdnt. Robinson Kntor Jerry. Service The Trail of '98. Children's list of ten: Hopkins The Sandman. Perkins The Dutch Twins. Perry Tho Boy's Iliad. Holland King Arthur and His Knight. Pyle Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Adams Outdoor Book for Boy's. Hoard Jolly book of fun craft. Schultr The Oold Cacho. Spyrl lloldl. Wyas -The Swiss Family Robin son. The extension commlttco of the Library Hoard wish to extend thanks to Mrs, Weltteuhillor for her splen did co-operation In tho way of Post ers for Publio Library use. "In unity theru Is strength" Other Interested peoplo aro also planning to make tho summer of 1924 ono of real pleasure nnd profit by contributions to tho library. o- WATER OAHE HEARING OX Court Btonographor Walker Is ov er from Ontario taking testimony lu a water suit between Frank Dunn and Myrtle Caldwell, Involving the use of water on tho Rlltzun. There aro many witnesses present. The rain wo arc looking for Is still In tho offing, ovon though there wero prospects during tho present wook. CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM! WEEK OF JULY 7-11 Cappy Ricki, Comedy And Fine Musical Numbers ,. To Be Featured Tho announcement ulono that "Gappy Hicks," that wondorful com edy which was drumutlzed from Pet er II, Kyno's Saturday Evening Post stories of tho "Frisco" waterfront, Is to bo presented by the Elias Day Players, Is sulllcleut to nrouso un usual attention In tho offering of Chautauqua wook. The dates of, Chautauqua this year aro July 7-11 Inclusive. - "Cnppy Ricks" Is on oof tho fluost biggest, most epoch making comedy dramas of tho ago, f'lllcd with a wealth of Irresistible and very hu man comedy. Tho story Is woven about a rough old sea dog, "Cappy Ricks," who has a weathor boaton extorlor, but benenth a heart of gold. It Ib good, wholoRomo and clean a.! tho way through. Cupid plays his customary pranks through out tho story, and Cnppy himself Immune finally smiles down upon a romance or two and tho play ends happily alt around. It'a a real Amer ican story, told In a real American way. i The musical uutertalument lUt features Plckurd's Royal Hawaiian, ouo of the best groups of native, singers and playors lu this country ' Their program Is composed chlofly of tho enchanting natlvo classics tho witching volco of tholr home land In tho Parudiso Isles, In ad dition to the vocal and Instrumental music, one mumborof thu comiuux will give a brief tnlkou thu lift, uiaiiuors and eustoms of the natives of Hawaii. j RoRulth Kuapp Breed, who will appe.ir oil thu second night has heeu called thu feiualu "Chic" Sale of thb platform. Mrs. Breed Is far moru than an ordluury reader and mono logulst, she Is an untcrtaluur who mukcft her audience howl with laugh ter and recognise their .own ac quaintances In tho character ho Im personates. Shu works without wig or paint, making her continue change. on thu stugo. Of great musical Jmpnit'iico uro thu two coucerta to ho presouted by the Cheney Concert Company. This Company Is composed of Marx Chen ey, 'cellist; Leonora Cheiioy, leader whistler and planlnt; Maude Cheney, , violinist, and Lou Johnson, pianist. Their repartnlru Includes thu sinu ! dard overtures, selections from tho opera classics, folk songs uud pop ular numbers of thu day. A feature of tholr program Is tho playing ot "The White llouwo Golden Organ Chimes." Tltesu chimes nro unex celled for harmony and richness of tone uud tho Clieueya are musters of thU unusual liutrumoiit. Other mus ical attractions aro tho Conservatory Artist' Trio, featuring tho vlollji and piano, with Genovlovo Gllurl,. dramatic Hoprano, as hololst; and the-Baughmiin-Pefferlo Duo, two charm ing vorMtlllo maids in songs, xkctcho. and folk dancing. I Two prominent lectures aro on thu list: Maurico Hindus, uuthor of "Tho Russian Peasant und Tho Revolu tion," which has been proclaimed tho host picture of real conditions in Russia that hut been written, re turned to this country from an In vestigation trp to Russia and Ger many Just In tlmo to mnko this Ghau tauqquqa tour; I)r, Robert Parker Miles is a namo well known In tho Lyceum nnd Chautauqua -world, Moro than 6,000 audiences lmvo heard Dr. MIIcb' famous lecture "Tal low Dips," which ia n study of fam ous world characters whom ho has had tho opportunity of studying, By tho vlrtuo of his groat dramntlo power ho is able to roproduco, upon tho platform, theso colabritlca aa "Tallow Dips," with audi striking vividness that thoy llvo bofore his nudlonco ns oxpononts of great fundamental truths and give tho losson of tholr lives to tho world. o GRASSHOPPERS AHE MAKING APPEARANCE Ohns. A. Brlttingtam informs us ho la preparing poison bait for grass hoppers for tho county, Tho insect lmvo nmdo tholr appearance in bov oral sections ot tho country and It Is hoped .to dpstroy thorn beforo thoy nro largo enough to do any damage.