The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 24, 1924, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Saturday, May 24, IIMM.
give to my country" said Nathan Halo,
tho famous young American patriot of the
Revolutionary war,
Wheu Bomo mon can rise to uuoh heights
of nolf-BBcrldco When erery father it
equally willing to givo hla llfo lu the de
fense of hid homo anil family doe It not
Room that ALL of un fathom could eacrl
floo something out of ovory iay chock to
provide for Hafoty utnl futuro of our ohll-dro'nl
The First National Bank
Bums, Oregon
sssES2if3liJs z ViSSM'StiesssiuiMn
?.T.rrra3 t.-T.ragiyifni.inrirn TrTrHi
Now York and Chicago had a light
unow last Tuesday different here.
W. A. Robertson vas lu from his
home nt DrowHcy thli. week.
Mr. I lodges of tho Hums Power
Company haa returned from an ex
tended business trip.
Shcopmou report that the lambing
. this aeuBon will rench an average of
95 per rout. Tho bent In yoarn.
V. Ii. Johnson and hoii of Suutox
woro business visitors lu town yes
terday. Mrs. Frank Wnlkor of Andrews,
died ut Holy Itosory Hospital, Ontar
io, last Wednesday.
Captain A. W. (iowan of UuniB, re
ceived a very flaltterlng vote In the
utato for Kloctor of President and
Vlco President, and was elected
hands down.
Friends and relatives are enjoying
a visit from Mr. and Mrs. William
Allen and little sou Howard, of Wal
lowa. Oregon. Mrs. Allen was for
merly MIhb Ilesslo Swnln.
Mr. J. A. LnknoHs of Ontario,
Oregon, Manager or Central Oregon
Telephone Company, was hero IiIIh
week on buslnoss connected with his
Tho posters for tho Public Library
bolng painted by Mrs. P. 8. Weltten
hlller and her art class will bu out
tho comliu; week. Theso posters are
going to bo very attractlvo and will
advertise tho books of tho library.
The fato of 'tho McNary-HauRon
bill, sotting up u $200,000,000 gov
ernment export corporation, to sell
agricultural products abroad and
stabilize prices, Is considered very
uncertain, and If It falls of passage
thoro Is scant llkllhood of farm re
lief of any kind by tho present congress.
The Rexal Store
Burns, Oregon
Kterital vigilance Is the prlci of
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Urowtt woro In
town during tho week.
Joe Fine was lu town during the
tho week.
The American "army around the
world fliers" have arrived safely In
W. Ii. Nowtou and wlfo left last
Monday on a motor trip to their old
home In Arkansas.
Mr. and Mrs. I), lilusou Kmylh of
Happy Valley were visitors lu Hums
during tho week.
Laying of rails on tho Crane
! Hums section of tho U. P. system
I commenced at Crane yesterday
' Miss Frances Domtgan h:m com
pleted her term us teacher in the
public schools at Ho ml and returned
to Hums for a vacation. Later In
tho summer she will go to Monmnath
and conclude her studluu.
Weather conditions continue un
favorable. With tho oxcoptlon or a
shower last Wednesday afternoon wo
have had no rain for sjx weeks ami
iiu a consequence range and fields
nro suffering for want of moisture.
Lancaster and Halrds, Coined
Iiiii'h have occuplfd tho stage at the
Liberty theatre for two nights this
wcok. They present a very good
show mill were well patronized. They
will conclude tonight with "Peck's
Had Hoy,"
C. V. Iteed of flannel recently re
turned from a trip to Portland. Ills
brother "Fred" camo up with hliu to
bask lu llurnoy County sunshluo and
conk for Charlton whllo Mrs. Iteed
remains lu Portland on a visit.
The liurini, buildings, feueeii and
sagebrush have been removed from
tho old fairgrounds and all accum
ulated rubbish burned, and the old
slto will soon bu a valuabllo addition
to tho City,
Curtis Smith, into cuudlduto for
County Clerk on tho'domocrntlc tick
et, was In town since tho ballot was
counted. (o doos not feol sorry for
himself and rojolcos with his suc
cessful opponent,
Delegates from Harney Lodge
No. 77 I. O. O. F. to tho Grand lodge
of Odd Follows held at Hood Iliver
this week were Ous. Uardwoll, John
Hodder, Uube Drake, Julian llyrd
and James Taylor, and tho Itchoknh
lodgo Is represented by Mesdumen
Ooldle Heed and Ethel Hotchklss,
and Miss Hoselle Hoed. A foaturu of
cntertulumeut this year is a trip
over the new Mount Hood loop and
It Is expected more than 3000 will
Join In this trip, forming a lino of
cars three miles long.
Mr. T, II. Uoyd, representing tho
Ulythe-Wlttor Company of San Fran
elsco, Mr, Pratt, representing thu
Western Bend tiud Mortgugo Com
pany, and Mr, J. O, Ilanr of tho En
glueorlng firm of Haur and Cun
ningham, both of Portland uubmlttod
tliojiow churtor for Hums to Uio city
council last Thursday evening, nud
discussed mattors of dotnll with tho
cltynuthorltlos, Tho ohartor ns sub
mitted wan accoplod by tho council
and will bo referred to a voto of tho
pooplo at suoli tlmo that develop
ments hero will Justify, Thoso gen-
tlonion also had a confaronce with
County Judge Hughet concerning
mattera of Interest to tho county,
Audrow Folkostadt was too much
of u gontloman to clioat us out of a
"local" Ho Is hero now.
Our llttllo friend, Johnnie Robin
son, Is developing Into an export
Violet Harkey stopped off tho train
n Uond Monday morning en route
to Huriis.
It Is rumored that tho big 'Skaggs'
corporation, operating chalnn of
stores in cities of tho Pacific north
west, Intends to open one In Hums,
Tho Times-Herald regrets that It
failed to mentloh tne arrival of a
baby boy In tho Kills HonnMt home
In fcti, city.
Armstcad H. Drown and wlfo of
Crane dropped Into town last Thurs
day, turned nround and went right
out again.
King Tilt's mummy will not bo re
moved from the tomb but will con
tinue to sleep undisturbed where It
wan placed .1000 years ago,
Tho Ladles Auxiliary will meet ut
the home or Mrs. HuhhoII Smith
Saturday, May III. Members desir
ing to attend will meet at Dr. mil
ium! 'a olllcu at - P. M. Those own
lug cars pi on no bring thuiii.
Warner valley lu seriously affected
by the continued drought and cattle
men from that section are renting
rnugu and buying hay lu the Dia
mond suction. Hay is selling for
$K.00 per ton.
Dr. T. A. Jiiggor, government vol
vnuologlsl at Kllauca, beljuves the
Japanese earthquake nud the recent
Hawaiian eruption nro but part of
unusual disturbances lu store for the
Pacific region.
Mr. nud Mrs, Jack Laudlu of On
tario were guests of Mrs. Chas. Hohu
Monday evening, Mrs. Lnndls is sea
rotary for tho Central Oregon Tele
phone Co. at the head ofllcn In On
tario. Mr. Klobeshor, Treasurer or Mal
heur Hallroad Company, and Mr. W,
H. Skogonon, Engineer for the Un
ion Pacific II. It. Company, departed
on Monday mornings train for Port
land. The paint brush of lute has been
much In evidence along Main Street.
The flro bell gave warnlnp lust
Wednesday 1 2.30 p. m. that n small
fire was lu progress at the cream
ery. It was extinguished without
any serious damage.
Sheepmen occasionally tliow up lu
town but uro too busy preparing for
shearing or removing tlio.'liinocentu'
to tho summer rango o tarry. long.
Prices offered for wool from the
range country varies from US to 42
A fiuu of $1000 was Imposed on
II. J. Ovorturf, ami fines or 600
erch were Imposed on Charles Hay
lies, James Ityan nud Charles Car
roll, Deschutes county principals lu
the statu bonus fraud cases, by Unit
ed States District Judge Wolvorton
on Mny 21st.
Jamca W. Olrard of tho Frod Hor
rlck Lumbor Compuny loft for out
sldo points tho first of tho wook.
J. Wolnntolh and Joo It, Thomp
son departed for Dolse Inst Saturday
on a business mission,
For a few days tho toll lines reach
ed a vory high temperature carrying
election news.
Miss Grant of tho Hlghschoot fac
ulty Is recovering nlcoly from an op
eration for appendicitis1 and will
soon bo able to leave tho Hospital,
Mrs Albert Johnson and two chil
dren were In town this week that tho
children might bo prosout at tho
high school examinations.
II. II. DoArmoud, Attomoy nt Law
and L. M. Foso, Vlco President of tho
First National Dank, both of Dend,
Oregon, woro visitors in Hums last
The senior class of the Harney
county high school will present tho
comedy "Como out of thu Kitchen"
nt Cruuo tonight. This will bo fol
lowed by a big dance.
The big Hospital Is being thor
oughly rejuvenated and conditioned
by Dr. H. F. Smith and his UHHOclatnn.
An n.xpert will urrlvo hero next Mon
day to set up tho X-ltay plant; nomo
delay has been experienced lu re
ceiving part of tho needed equipment
but It le now ready for shipment
from Haknr and Portland, and It Is
oxpucted that It can bo Installed no
an to open (he hospital June lnt,
Tho continued dry weather has pro
duced lu this country a serious
condition. It Is absolutely neces
sary that We protect from loss by
fire uvory ton or hay, wool, resi
dence buriies business property
and any other property liable to
be destroyed by fire. Wo offer
you tho best flro protection to bo
obtained for tho least posslblo
money. Call and seo us. W. T.
Lester Company. Phone 6H.
The Dollars
that Grow
AKKOULAIt savings depositor of this bunk can count
on three kinds of growth for his dollars.
First, tho more you snvo, tho more you can and will
save. Secondly, wo add compound Interest to everything
you do nave. And, finally, tho purchasing power of your
dollar Is Increasing and should grow steadily through
the next fow years.
Pulling something Into this bank every month Is just
ii ease or sound huslnosi sense. I'rovo this to yourself
by opening nn account today.
Huitiy Eounttf Nitioml Bank
j Burn 5, Oregon
Slmplu home method Send
fur FltKK booklet and testl
moululls. Warner's Heitown-
ed Hornedles Co , 72.1 Security
Hldg,, Minneapolis, Minn.
Nobody In milly happy until they
OHH their owh home. Ho Hornet t
Kin Addition. 5-17-tf
It K A h
Irrigate Farm and Stock Ranch
es ReautJful Hurburbaa Acreage
Tract Nicely situated home (fur
hImIioJ and unfurnished) on tho hill
or In tho Hat, Choice Vacant Lots,
Good HiiaIhcm blocks und Invest
ments, In fact, evcrythlHg In tiro roa
ty lino nt reasonable prices and oasy
t'rins. Call, wrlta or phono, IN
PANY, Munis, Oregon. Phono .'IOW
I ur. olll .In ,nur Inti unrlr.
FOIt HALB Oood Cook stove, tor
coal or wood, In good condition,
8. M. Karponter 0-24
We nro offering to bullld a limited
numbor of homes for only 1-8 the
cash, balance long easy monthly
payments. Select your own build
ing plans, and lots or acreage lo
cation from us. W. T. Lester
Comnanv. 8-24.
j .Vob(Hl) Is really lutppy until they
own tlii'lr own Home, nns iivhwiim
Flr.t Addition. IJ-17-tf
Cot your yellow plnu at Well's saw
mill. 8-17-Ct
Thu Harrison Hosklns ranch In
tho Steins Mountains, consisting of
1700 acres or good summer range,
Including running water, for sale
cheap. For particulars, write,
phone or call Inland Empire Realty
Co., Phono .10W. Burns, Oregon.
SavingM for Old and Young
"Your Hem liutitutior,"
Well's mill for yellow pine. C-17-fit
own tlivlr own home. Heo Ilcnnetts
KJrt Addition. rt-17-tf
1 kitchen ehalr 3.E0
1 kitchen table, zlnco top .. . 5.S0
2 stoves 2,00
1 oak table 6,00
I couch 17.00
1 slop Jar . 1.76
2 X ray tables 6.00
1 clothes hamper 3.60
3 canvass cots u M . 10.00
4 canvass stools 2.00
1 rcrd rocker 4.00
1 set springs with legs 4.00
1 porch swing 12.00
1 nrm chair C.OO
I settee 6.00
1 bedjilde table . 6 00
Ded sheet, pillow cases
1 small mirror SO
1 bowl and pitcher, granite .. 2.60
At Mrs. K. F. Schwartz. 4-6
chole location fen hill or In flat,
Ranging from 985.00 to 150.00
per lt 50x100 fret. Fine build
ing sites. Will assist you to build
your own lfuie on easy tcrni.t,
Just Ilka paying rent. INLAND
Phone .10 W. K-1K
We Assume All The
Risk of Shoppino;
Shopping isn't a gamble
for our
as their agents we assume
all the risks of buying.
If a suit, or a shirt, or a hat
isn't absolutely all right, the
customer isn't out a cent
We Make it Right
That's part of our job as we
look at it
Burns Cash Store
, l