Hnttmiy May aiioai. r It M l I M H (4 a It A li O HUKN8, HA KNKX GOV NTV O It H G O N PAGB 1 lav ( rritl rt i NOTICIJ OK SHKHIWH 8ALK NOTIOB 18 : HEREBY OWEN that roSoViMo of U,o JhVouU Xonl dayot April, 1 9 2 4 , h. rii of recoru i e- vi !?.. "il rirw for mid County If V01"1',.. . i " riMll Curt Jour. f l! : Vtwo3lV faor p. u. in . """ YsiiViT iiinn. lor iuu Hum w T. -.-.-, AV. ' ' tt.nrt.nn at the ffltft Of 2,'Sl pir n frem tho &M PJTw. 117. and for the !rther Bum ot 160.00 attorney fees, ,d cor mo cuaio .--. -w I.. M tiff WHERBAS. II wa further order .r.dlmlgcd that tho attached ld ?.,.u .? m aMIon all the fol- ?n described real property sit- te fn tho County ot Harney and 5 State Of Oregon, namely ; Lot 8 '. a. nUNWU of Section 8. township Southj Range 36 B. f M.I Ul tho BHKNBV4 of Sec- V .' tv.nM.cHIn 40 Smith.. lUBCe 'JVV M.. bo sold under oxecu- 5 B W.lVn. nil Of tho rlKllt. tltlO. IK..Icnndc!atoorthoBHd .((nilonv oo uviu "t " ..v.... . urncy County In tho monnor pro- ded by "w for tho Bft,e .f ronl oncrty under oxecutlon: and 'rX.Pii.'ni-AS. nn tho 21st day of l.rii. 1924. fin execution for attach- Ifcint wna duly Issuod by tho Clerk ,f h(j fl.ljd CUllfl. vuiiimumtiiiA ") he undersigned Shorlff. to loyy upon ..n in i1u ninnuor nrovided by fiw for the sale of ronl property under execution, mi i uiu uriiv, Itle, Hen Interest nnd ostnto of tho aid doff niiani in wio anm hri ihujp- W. ... ... NOW, TllKUhruMtt, in niitiiiiviivw o the commands of tho Raid writ md by the nuinoriiy uiorooi, i win .. Mmwlnv. tlm 26th dnv of MftV. toi ilio hour of 10 o'clock In .iT f'nrnnnnn of the Hrtld dV lit tllO front door of tho Court Houso In the City of Ilurna. Hnrnoy County. OreRon. offer for Halo to tho highest bidder for carIi In hand, all tho right, title. Interest, lion and estate or tho uld defendnntB In and to tho above decrlbod real property to satisfy the uAmint. nttornov fee, nnd costs iad dlsbursomontn, subject to the rljht of rcuoraption ana mo connr ottlon of this Court, rittnl nt Burns. Oregon thin 21nt hi of April. 1924. W. A. OOODMAN, Sheriff Harney County, Oregon. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COUltT OK TIH3 STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. In tho Matter of tho EHtnto of I8AAC CONSTANT, Decerned. Notice Is hereby given that tho nntlcrMKiied. ndmlnlotratrlx of. the estnte of leanc Conntnnt, docoased, has filed hor final account and re port therein, nnd thnt Monday the 23 day of Juno, 1024, nt thu hour of 10 o'clock A M., nt tho CourthouHC of nurnR, Harney County, Oregon, has been rppolntcd ns the tltno and place of hearing of ald account. AH pereons Interested In ald Entato uro hereby notified to bo proaont at tho uld time and placj to Hbow cause, If any ixim, why unld final accounts and repcrlR ahnll not bo allowed. Dated this 13 day of May, 1924. JESSICA R. URFKR, AtlmMtrntrlx of tho Entato of 1-a.v Ci j, tnnt, Deceased. SAMUEL II. LAWRENCE, AH' xi for Admlnlatrntrlx. Tort '.md f)r rcii SUMMONS IS im IIICUIT COURT OF THE STAIR OF OREGON FOR HAR NLY fOUNTY. Harney fr.unty National Hank " of Hum Oregon, a national bunk ing corporation; Fred Hnlno;. I. (' I'ettreon; Leon M. Drown nnd Hubr M Hrown, Plaintiffs, V8. Mar M Hunyard; Mary M. Hun yard Administratrix of tho cHtuto (fJ H nunynrd, deceasod; Edith Goodlow; I.orona Dnker, James G Hunyard; Wlllard Dunyard; Jesse nunynrd, minors; and Ger trude nunyard, guardian of Wll lard Hunyard and Jesse Bmiyard; all heirs at law of J. H. Bsnyard, deceased. DefesdaaU. TO: Edith Goodlow, WlUard Dub yard and Joeeo Bunyard, mlsors and Gertrude Bunyard, guardlaa of Wlllard Bunyard asd Jew Bunyard, minors. You, and each ot you, are reqalged FOLKS IN OUR TOWN Oh Eleanor, How Could You? liy Edward McCuIlough AUTOCA8TER. V pVl. ftr to appour and answer to tho com plaint filed against you In the above entitled ault on or before the. last iay ot the time prescribed In the order for publication of Raid aura nions, lo-wlt: on or before the 24th day ot May, 1134, said date being the expiration of alx weeks from the date of eke first publication of this auMaaens, and If you fall to appear and answer far want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply te the Court for the relief Brayed for In their com plaint, te-wtt: For a Judgment against you for suu of MILS? In favor of the Harney County National Bank, with interest thereen nt the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 26th day of March, 1924, nnd for the furth er Bum of 1300.09 attorney fees therein. For the further sum of S1.87G.21 lii favor of Frod HalneH with Inter est thereon nt tho rnto ot 8 per cont per annum from tho 20th day of March, 1924, nnd tor tho further sum of $17f,00 attoruoy foes therein. For tho further sum ot 1,87C21 In favor of P. C. Petoraon with In terest thereon nt tho rnto ot 8 per cont per annum from tho 20th dny ot March, 1924, uud for tho further num ot $175.00 attorney toon. And for tho further sum of 2. 01C.21 In favor of Loon M. Hrown nnd. Ruby M. Hrown with intorcst thereon nt tho rnto of S pur cont per nnnum from tho 20th duy of Murchh, 1924, nnd for tho further sum of $200.00 nttornoy fee, and for their coBts nnd disbursement of thin suit. And thnt thnt certain mortgngo mndo nnd executod by J. II, Hun ynrd nnd Mnry M .Hunyard on tho 20th dny of Novambor, 1922, for tho sum of 129,287.02 upon tho flW',1 nnd tho 88B'4 of Section 12, nnd the NNE'A ot Section 13, nil in Township 24 South, Range 31 E. W. M. In Hnrnoy County, Oregon, sontalnlng 320 acros of land more or lew, together with all wntor rights and claims to water rights thereon appurtenant or appertain ing thereto, be foreclosed, and that the usual decroa ot foreclosure be entered heroin, and thnt tho said real property nbovo described bo sold as by law required, and in ac cordance with tho rules nnd regula tions of thin court to satisfy tho sums due upon thu principal of tho ruspcctlvo notcn liorolti net out, thu Interest, attorney feci, coiHn and dis bursements nn provided by tho raid notes and by law, and that tho sums so received from tho sale of tho said property, after tho payment of nttor noy fees, rontn and dliburMoments and the costs of tho nalo of this null, be applied proportionately upon tho sums duo upon tho principal nnd Interest of each of tho rospectho notes, and that In case tho said snlo of tho said properly nhult not pny tho coBta and dUbursuinuutn of this suit, tho said Harney County Nat ional Hank, a bnukiug corporation, Fred HalmM, P. C. Petersen, Lion M. L'rown and Ruby M. Hrown hnvn a deficiency Judgment against the tald Mary M, Hunyurd and the onld Mary M. Hunyard, Admlnlatrntrlx of the estate of J. H. Hunyard, deceas ed, for tho respective halanro duo upon each of tho said nolo. Thnt the said defend aula bu re quired to appear and pay tho uld bums above monlloned, nnd if thoy fall so to do, that said tnortgnge ho foreclosed, nnd that thoy nnd ea.'h of tho suld dafondauts, bu forever debarred nnd onjoluud from claim ing or assorting any right, title, In forest, lion or oatato In or to tho said roal property described In tho said mortgage advorso to the plnln tlffs herein, nava nnd except their right of redemption. That said right, title, Hen, inter, est and mortgage of tho plaintiffs herein bo declared u first and prior lien to nil other claims of all other parties whomsoever, and for such other and further rcllof as the Court may deem equitable and proper, That thin summons is published by order ot the Hon. Dnlton Biggs, of the Circuit Court for the Connty of Harney and tfahe State of Oregon, made and entered on the 5th day of April, 1924; the date of the first publication of this sununons la April 12th and the date et the Inat publi cation of this summons Is May 24th, I fSBLAiBa how I ( ,LL I I "-. if? . I :tut aT a shhch Lovaas i can smh Sbposb 1 ( NOT J V OW V J OW roii ( -tahb V A MKIK? MABRV I MA4ll ' ?V L' ? NOTICt , ? ' TT" , J2lJj "v I L x , "'"""l I I - . ..." -'. ; '"U "' ' i ' ' . ' ' " '-i ' w.? I 1924. D1QQ8 & BIGGS. Attorney for Plaintiffs Residence and Poet Office address; Burns, Oregon, NOTICK TO CKKD1TORH IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOJl 11X11- NEY COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate ot Ket- urah J. James, Deceased. NOTIOB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the nndertlg ned has been dnly fcp- pointed administrator of the abate named estate nnd has qualified as such administrator. All persona having claims against t above named deceased or her eatate ' are hereby notified to preaent tame, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned nt his residence near Andrews, Oregon, or to his at torney, C, B. McConnell, at his ofHce In Burns, Oregon, within six months from this notice which Is dated May 17th, 1924. LUTHWIt If. TUDOR, " Administrator. FlrRt publication May 17, 1924. Lant publication June 14, 1924. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. In .tho matter of tho Entuto of Wil liam Henry Haio, Deconsod. To Owen 8. Hare, Andy Hare, nnd Mrs. Frnucen O. Chiippoll, an holm at law of Wllllnm Honry Hare, do censed. GREETINGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You, nnd each of you aro horohy cited nnd required to appear In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Hnrnoy, nt tho Court room thereof, at Burns, In tho County of Harney on Wednesday tho 28th dny of Mny 1924, at ton o'clock. In tho forenoon ot that day, thou nnd there to show cnuno, If any exist, why an order of sale should not ho made allowing tho administrator of tho above-named estate to sell nt public sale, for tho purpose of pay ing tho dohtn and expenses of ad ministration of nald estate, the fol lowing described real property, viz; NWti'SE.y. SViNEJ, 8EK, NWW. HUBWU. Sec. 27 and BV4- MWI K .14. Tn. IH 8.. Knnco 33d I - w " -W j-- - - - -r r f Kant. Wlllametto Meridian, Harney County, Oregon; nn by petition It has bean prayed: Thin citation shall be deemed ser ved upon you, If jierved by publica tions, nfter tho expiration of twent ulght days from tho date of flrnt pub lication; or If It bo porsonnlly sorvod then after tho expiration of ton days from date of such service, If served In Hnrnoy County, Oregon, or nfter tho vtpfrattnn or twenty days from date of servlco If served In any othor county In this stato. Publication hereof has been ordor od against the above-named Andy Bare and Frances C. Chappoll, and the date of first publication hereof will bo April 28. 1924, in Tho Tlmes- ifnvnl.l ii wrnibti' nnwnnnnfr nt irim- rnl rlrriilntlnn nrllltod and nuhllsh- ed In Burns. Oregon. Witness, Tho lion. H. T. nugnoi. County Judgo of the County Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Harney with tho seal of said Court aftlxcd, this 2r,th day of prll A. D. 1924. SEAL Attest rilAS 13- DILLMAN, Clerk. HUMMONH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY, Win. E. Marshall, Plaintiff, VH Illlllo E. Hanks anil Mrs. Htlllo E. HnukH. Defendants. To Hllllc E. Hanks mid Mrn. Hlllto K, Hanks. hlB wlfo. Defendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nro hereby re quired to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho nbove-ontltlod suit on or hoforo tho last day of tho dnto proscrlbod In tho order for the publication of this BummoiiB, to-wlt, on or hoforo the 16th day of June, 1924, said date being nix weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded In his complaint, vis: that plaintiff have judgment and deeroo an follows; Judgment against the defendants for the aum of $240,60, amount due on note described In the complaint, together wKh Interest, thereon from April 89. 1924, for the further sum of $7.17 taxes paid on the premleae described in the complaint, together with Intereet thereon at 12 per cent per annum from Aprlll 29, 1124; the further sum of $8Mt reaeonnbla attorney fee to be allowed plaintiff and his coeta and dlsbarsemeBta herein; and decree that the mortgage deeeribed in the complaint be a first and prior f ' , i.i I, i nil - " j, Hon upon the ronl property describ ed therein und that the usual deeree he court be made and entered he foreclosure of said mortgage ror me sate or the mortgaged property according to law and the practices of thin court, and that the proceed!) of the ante be applied In payment of plallntlff's debt and the amounts due under the terms of said mortgage; and that at the sale plaintiff be allowed to bid on nnd become a purchaser of said land, and in the event the proceeds of the sale be not sufficient to pay plain tiff's judgment that he have a de ficiency Judgment for amount re maining unpaid! and that the de fendants and all persona claiming by, through or under them, subsequent ly to plaintiff's mortgage be for ever barred and foreclosed of all claim, right, title, estate, lien or In terest lu, to or upon said mortgaged premises and every part thereof; nave and exeept their statutory right ot redemption; That thin summons Is published by order ot the Hon. R, T, Hughet, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Harney County, made nnd entered on May 1st, 19!!4, authorising and ordering tho publi cation hereof In Tho Tlmes-Horald, n weekly newspaper of general circu lation published In Hums, Oregon, onco it week for bIx consecutive wookn, GEO, B. 8r,EMORE, Attorney for plaintiff. Ro nldlug uud postofrtco nddrosB, Burns, Oregon. Date of first publication May 3, 1024 Dato of lant publication Juno 14, 1924 Wnntod houso work, cooking Job on ranch or In town, Inquire at this office. C-3- If you want to sell or trade list your property with W. T. Lester Co., Phone 5R 4-19 A few cord of Pine wood for nalo. Burns Oarage. 3-8- Wlll trade for cattle, C room modern now house lot 1 V4. tor cqunl value. 4-2C FOR SALE Light set ot double bar nosri, platform scales and hand truck; olllco dosk. Mrs. E. E. Purlngton. 4-26-tf. Parcel Post your Cleunlnt nnd Dye ing Lorlraer'n City Dyo Works, noise, Idaho. 4-19- Everbearing Progressive Strawbor rles nro the best, most prolific and hardiest, they will do well in Harney Valley, will produce same year as planted; plant as soon as ground can be worked. I furnish guaranteed pure plaul at 1 1.26 por 100 $9.00 per 1000 $8.00 for 3000 or over, dollverod nt your olllco P. P. nnd guarantoe them to reach you In good condition. Ad ilresi N. B. Mntthlcsson, Model Fruit Form, R. No. 1, Einmctt, Idaho 3-1 C FOR HALE Round Oak Steel rnngo J. C. Wolcomo riding saddle, ton Inch John Deoro walking Plow, HIr 4 McCormlek Mower N. II. Vooglly, Hums, Oregon. 3-lC-tf. Mrn. Hollo Jenkins will earo for nick patients In hor homo. 2-lC-tf. $000 REWARD For evldouce lead ing to arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing my sheep. My sheep are fire branded on the aoea and paint branded on the bank with tha hors shoe bar. Both brands ara recorded. My re corded ear mark la an upper bit la both aara. My awaa have sev en dlfereat aga marks an under slepei and aa upper slope la bath aara and my yearllB twee have a email are V. eeth aara. I sail ft sbacp branded m nee. W. W. Brawa, Ufa. OraueB. 7-21. Bursa Auto Tap Shop furnishee tops for any make 9t ear and doaa gen eral repair work. Ford tepa com plete with cUaa la back curtain, $12.1$. Other ton l Krtk. I-17itf. iJ'Vl,-.' -j ' nun 0(1 t and JgS5taV. Bma4PfjBBBBBnnmlk VWSf I BmV TSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSml Bvl M JjBSJpBlBSBBBBBBBBBrTyJyaaBBf Tresspass notices printed on cloth at this office. Mold In any quantity desired. 6-12-tf, D. Dlekensoo Son have a aupplf al rough, dimension and dreeeae lumbar at the mill abate Bwrna. HMf. FOR SALE Two used Overland touring aara In flrat alasa condi tion neither- have run S9tt miles. Call Phone 14 f J. 1-12 tangcaaawf) awVaVBaBBpJ am Oltf prefctty, aaabas, e-IM-HEA1TT COM LAJ4D lAMY. aVM Ab? ana desiring weed aawad sea F. D. Tawsley, Burns, Orate. f-l-tf. VOn 8AXK Ford Touring 1922 mode), new paint; starter, good mechanical con dition, $216.00. Ford touring 1920 modol, Moore transmission, Hasslcr Rhocks, good condition, nt $200.00 Borvlco Garage. 3-15 For 8nlc -Well broke work homes, cheap Mrs. E. E. Purlngton, BuniB, Oregon. 3-lG-tf. WANTED: Mon or women to take ordors among frlonds and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteod hoslory, full line for men, womon and children, Eliminates darning. We pay 7 Go, and hour spare time, or $36.00 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write lnternatlon Stocking Mills Norrls tows, Pa. FOR TRADE I own 20 acres in 8 19T35SR31B Harney County. Hasc anybody anything to trade In ray part ot the country for this land? Write O. A. Mason, 326 East Side Blvd., Muskogee, Okla. 6-10-4 Thoso desiring flowers for com mencement and Decoration Day should order early Mrs, Oraco Larapshlro. 6-10-tt j. L. Lowo has tho Purlngton saw mill nnd Is now prepared to fill nil orders for rough lumber. Soon havo n supply of dressed material for his customers. Wntch those columnB for further announce ment. 6-10-tf. CANYON CITY BUItNH ; ! ; ic Fast ' r )' ' rces. Pleat .1 V "D for Pas- seng ' Connections to Portland or Eastern Points. quick Express and Freight Service. N. 1IICOWN SON, Ajrrnt Burns Oregon Save Your Eyes Dye strain cauttCH headaches, nervouBncRH and other trou bles. I At glaaaea accurately and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Otiee with Dr. B. F. Smith JOM1I OlUaWllXRIiINO Watch Repairing Baras, Oraajcm JBumRumuBBunBBjmiL?3 4aaTaBHCMMZ3H PROFESSIONAL CARD -w DR. M. V. i 11 VI. FhysJclaa and Ki. Bwm, Oregon, Oflce at residence, Dr. Grlmtk mar heme. Phena Na, 14v -m BOBCOK O. WBf Physician and Burgee Complete X-ray - Laboratory ko Connection Barns, L.TK. lHUBARD- ( DENTIRT Office first door oast jto caUcsrgj' Burns, Ore v. tCIIARLE8 XV. KLIJB. Ii" A W Y K If. ft Burns Orcgonf Practices in tho Stato Court nts hoforo tho U. 8. Land Offlsr J. W. McCallocli Itobt. M. MtCUJLLOClI DUNCAN. Lawyer Office above the U. S. Land BURNS, ORKGOK H . V . 8 O 11 M A L 5C. ' j Attorney at Law Contents and practice before U. SL Lnnd Office a specialty Jf$ Oince: Masonic Dldf;-. $ Uurns, Oregon . K "Jf J. W. HlKrs M. A. Bli HKJOS A IIHHJK I41W) cm .'(? Burns, Oregon tJ, ,-; fi .M . A. O HI Kit , PitliitltiK and Paper llnugec; AH Work Guar .cud Hiiriii, OifKir EUAN CHAPTER NO 4S Ilojiil Arch .Miior IIiiiiih, Oitrou, Ui'Kuralr iiioctiuK first nnd thirds TliursdnyH of eiicli lnoBthu. n. F SMITH, II. F', EARL GRAHAM, Seorethr Tho Sabln Book Company ot Dolce. Idaho, buy, soil, and exchange aX kinds of new and used books. Xw- toxlcatlng liquor In our only can petitor. 3-15-tt.- Cloan aeed pays. Got our prlcos onr Baltic Alfalfa seed. All grade seed. No weeds. Both hardy and vigorous. Early maturity- Hollls Bros. Andrews,. Oragem. 4-12-8U. Freak craam at tha Burn Oaalp Store, Milk and cream deHveaade la quaatltlaa at hesacc at aajr time decked. C. L. Bead, phm Nd. 1I4H. l-ll-tf. C: W V