The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 24, 1924, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    T II K T I M K B - H K It A I, I 1IURNH, M A It N R Y O V NTT O K B Q O K
MiUitrtlny, May HI tnaiSBt
HWPWPP(WP5jfif f-gi
The Old Reliable
Real Estate
rAGH 6
jf yj a . bW
Fire Automobile -Life
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Albert A. Traugott, Prop.
Burns, Oregon. Phone SOW
as I'lirruitK is S(;iii:i:m:d
itHtwwv of "Tlic Man From Home"
Company Thrilled on
Italian Tour
mul with tliu
to discus why
. Gf&uil old
4tete?, nvlion
fftotor, n lid
Vesuvius showed ltd
(cargo Fltzmnurlco
members of "Tlio Man
uouipaiiy begun film
ftngi ctxmis of the IiIk I'nrumount pic
tttnTwwiiluh will bo hnvtti tit the Lib
st tttuatin. Sunday. Muy 2(1.
Efeulnc lite wiinpmo'H Ht.iy at fir
KuinAr. -a jcoort deal of excitement wits
icaxjtvei our ulglit liy Yosuvlus ovln
4&1&5; tJnipiomtt ol an eruption. Tliu
s.kcx iruiuhliuKS of tlio inoiinliiln,
sou.'blnon with KoniD retnnrkuhly
ntri'teJn: lltfhtiilirg offoem. roused
ttJvz cif thv conipnny from their woll
tftsxroua xlunfber.
Jtoififo Kirkwuod In the featured
0k3j-r n fltU ronWul lulautloit of
Bwtttr Tafklngtoit' famous uovul.
iH olhr popular uimbar of the
$ tor 7vHiift Q, Nllssou, N'orituiil
tRHcxy. fWotlty runtNttiig nnd John
C. "U 6tM." Market Avvnt)
vtwi'it mrtf TBwm to nmrKCl pto
itrnciM Through u org'in
tttasfou Uian tnrough tin prosoul
xstjurkcilirg system flint organisation
a.-1I wovnr Km very fHr. There arc
tftrw.-5trvuj xif thorn In that condition.
Kswy'toirvt'v tholr organlzatlona, tholr
trt.-. and othrlals, but
vifc -returns from the marketed
pnrwitMcXn torac lu III or tiro no hotter, 'less, fhan could have boon
r-wcMirrt(l fcy marketing through the
rwflffcrMrricoianiHslon houses.
' R3o))cratlvo organization! are not
tpVr tr ho very successful until
rfgUsyiirp a bio to take over profltH ho
rrjlho grower and eater. He
tftu.n .lhoKo Is Ibe field for real co--3irfttTH
veaults. Collective selling
i-aTMth same old agendo dooHti't got
T"8tn' fartnur uuywhoro. It fllniply
'Miki it hotter and ojialer for the ng-
'Stuvix! organizations have got to
it&T.vomlir.irvd In tholr program the
"?i&.e:tulJlug vnd, tlio ronimhialou
tsA, tJrri illrftrrhutlng cud. Tlioy havo
cn to find their own mnrkota and
.xaxilo tliotr producta all the way
li-TOUgh to Uioho markets. When tliu
rwwAr KfltH hut flvo conta for bin
J9rwni and tlioy nro rotnllod in tlio
T!lhTni)tt(t Vulloy, almost lulnht of
rjj(,'brcharda wlioro tlioy ar i;rown,
-iAr!37 f-onta, It In tlmo to jjo furlhor
V03 TintrkoLInK itHSooltttlnnH. Jt Is
tQ to flo bU8luo$!i dlroot with tlio
rdwiSix of the Kront chain Btoros und
femfour IIk cotioBrba and lop off this
-sr.iuiKt J!00 por cant, hotwuon tho
f grarw orchard and tho Itltohon. And
"&I?Hrtfi Mprwirt" npjillo to nlmont
iusp "produot of tho farm. t
Thl '-Uange uuimot he liroueht
: ii&out in u tluy, hut If orguutKatloona
ttcnrtft k0 the nelllnc ond of nriunl
tmpxirUiTMQ with r.rnWarM' coutructfl,
vUld would (joiue (lulkfM' A nmn
x1tnrInB conoom knovn whoro It In
'KHlnjf to noil llfi ijoodu boforo It
wiWdB ItaTaclory, and Jt knowa It In
;JnK to linvt profit on thp output.
"treproiontatlvoa of a fo-oporutlvo
HdNoolntlon ruoontly
Into nmrkfl tiKont
tbulr orKiiulzatlou wo not r.ottliiK
roiulu. Tho vtntonifut wan uiadu
that tho urowurs had inoiioy on
ovory Hhlpnicnt madu ditrltiK the
yonr, yet their tialun aguul nan paid
$ruu pur mouth for ruuuliiK thorn In
deh. The committee xtutud tliu k row
cm would ho fnr hotter ofT If they
hud no organization, and were frco
to moII whoro they mli:ht.
TIiIh organization Iiiih much oap
Itol Invented In hulldltiKn and eiiulp
intuit, and It Ih under heavy over
hoad oxpuiiHCR. And it tu-llti very
ln;oly throuKh the itame. cIiimiiioIm
that the iudlvldtmlH Hold throuKh
before tho orcnulzntlon wiih Klnrtud.
In thlN imiio tho growcrrt Hlmply add
td the ovorhond expuiiHux onto them
olvp without any benefit In h1 llni;
prlriw. Tho grower who wan pot a
member wiih hotter on. The haUh
ttgsut and the other employee
th only otiM wlio were well off
If lhl hlj-li priced manager, the
-Moral managnr and nil other ho
dcaw good wilarleM rugtirdlant. nf r
ult. repel vrtl pay in proportion to
1 1' profit howlug of the luiur
ierhnp the ywr'n output would not
bavu bwoii Hold at lonn than tliu pro
dilution dOHt. ir a hiiIoh mnuauur
had nut enough ability to havo III
ulary baaed on renalta, then ho In
not tho man for the place. It docs
not require n G,OQOnyoar man to
give nway goodH.
Co-operation la hound to wotk
when It In worked out right. It
uiUHl Htart on a holld foundation.
Too many Hturt out with high ealar
lea and expanses first.
It will take more than a lot of
producers signing up contracts to
bring all their products to one place,
vegetal) giuir will ptuflt h)j .
QMtlug with leuil arsonate after lire
lilauU nru net out, Hny the experl- ,
inont fltatlou. Hush and, polo Minus ,
ure liloswlse ehuwed by titu 12 spot
ted beotloj. Tliu Htallon IliuU that
lead urnuunto duot applied soon nrtnr
tho first two lenveK appear will repel
the limed and keep tho lenvn from
being Injured.
('urrant and gooioherry grower In
Orogoii whoo 'biiliett are afTeoled
with leaf spot dlioano or uuthruK
none Hpray Immedlatuly utter tho
rrop In liarveMtud. Tho experiment
station recommends spraying with
llordtmux mixture 4-4-SO.
i V
The Touring Car
P O IS Detroit
Demounttblo Him
nd Starter t-35 cxtis
Every Motoring Need
At Lo-west Cost
The Ford Touring Car meets every
motoring requirement at the lowest
possible cost. It is sturdy, depend
able, long lived; easy to drive; con
venient to park and possesses
the highest resale value in propor
tion to list price, of any car built
"V(tV Detroit. Mlfl.lf in
Kunabout $365 Coup SS2S TuJor Satan SS99
rortloor Stiian S6HS All firtcis f. o. b. Detroit
Vou can buy any mod! by mating m tmalt down-paytntnl niulornt tilling tatyltrm fin- th biiUnc. Orynu
on tht yardWtthly I'urthait 'an. Thtrortt litMtr In your ntltM'urUtxui vHllgutitlyittplaln tath ptmi. d
KOU roill) IMlODI'tMH
Detroit, Mich -.Muy has opened
with n bigger domanil for Konl I'm
dtiotrt than tiny mouth ho far thta
year, tho Ton! Motor-Company nn
nouueud hero today, ami Ford retail
twtlen in the United Hlntnri during the
(Irxt 10 days of May averages 8,380
dally, exceeding the Inst 10 day per
iod of tho record breaking sales
month of April and Indicating tliu
uoutliuietl upward trautl of the mar
ket, flgur-tn Just ooiiipIUmJ show a
total of 7.7.02 Kurd unit rUlted '
to riietomeni front Jnitunry 1st to I
and Including May tOili. of whleh
Ford our and tmek dollverliw alone
show n gain ti 102,1 f8 over the nanio
period a your ago. U'lih the Increases
already nttulued this tiiontb and with
tho present outlook for business,
tho company antlelpnttm u new high
sales figure lu May
the reuitdy will como too late to
meet tlio public tioodH," Col. Uroele
Btutex lu the circular.
Other high llghta of tho bulletin
are that a real limber shortage al
ready oxIritH lu the United States. It
Is dun to Idle forcul laudii. Full u.e
of their growing power Is the only
,way to mnko ends meet, on u b.iHln of
Htillllelont timber Huppllus.
Idle fours t lauds are In IhumMolveK
harmftilt aluco they moan lowered
I wealth production; nnd tho deprtx
This is a now circular by Col, W.
II. Greeley, Chief Forester, copies of
which have Just been received by
District ForeiUer Geo. If. Cecil at
"Already It pays to grow forests lu
various regions of the UnlUd States.
The spread of timber growing must
be accelerated by public action, or
lug ofTeol of this fulls most heavily
' ... ,1... MIIMIll m..i..tlll lllllilll .!. ki. l...t.
tin iiiu i ii,ii i:if niiiiuiiaiivn iiui ii yivii
lauds abound.
Intensive forest culture applied to
the equivalent of our entire pritteiit
fortrst urM is oiHientlal to inset the
country's permanent timber rutiutro
nioJits. Agrkultiiral demand will
tint reiuirv tho cutting down of thl
rm for cultivation.
Tho urgent first stops culled f)t
ure tho protection of nil forest laudt
agnlnat rire, ettor tax laws npplWbte
u grow tog forest, mom publlclv
owned foreet, public aid to tre
planting, nutlou-wldu oduoatlou in
forestry, ami ruiiearch to develop lin
proved mothodu of growing and us
ing Umber.
The Chief Foiei.oi eums up the
notion uecedsary .11 these werdj:
"Idle laud niul cuitly lumber
these are not vague vr Illusory glim
pies Into tho future They nro here
The United States U suffering from
them today. It will suffer moro ac
utely as tine goes on, They present
very tangible and concrete problem?
which the -present generation of
Anerlcans Must solve. Their solu
tion Is bound to be n long, hard pull,
Wo may not nil ngreu ou every etfp
that should be taken boforo It i-j cor.i
p!eto. Hut that Is Miunll reuuou for
delay or hesitation lit rotting nt the
obvious things that must ba done
Tho now clrculur I? Farmers'
lotln No. H17, and , a tasf
secured from any Fou aiioni
from tho District Forcat r I'ottl
Oregon, or from the Fer t Scr
Wnshlngioii, D. C
Rightly Promptly Reasonal
Burns Hardware Company
10 mage collective selling pay. It
will take men to break Into the mid-
SltSI'S -w K '",MttTV mK """
take men with good, sound souse to
start tho organization right; koep
the costs in proportion to tho profits
on tho business, Invado tho middle
mou'a field, and grnduully and safely
find profitable markets,
" lf . t-J ."i .
? vc
' -I -
(From Department of Industrial
Journalism Orogon Agricultural Col
logo.) Cahbago plans recently transplant
ed aro llkoly trfba Injured by tho ut
tnoks of green worma and aphln. A
lead araonnte nlcollno dual applied
soon after turiisplan'nK la regarded
by tho oxporlmont station us tho boHt
PU'parntiftp for the cti.tiol oMhcao
Sheep dip in u 2 por conl eojutlon
In n good dlHiufootnnt for tho Incu
bator boforo storing lt.uway until
aoit yonr. Thoroughly cleuping und
dislufoottiig tho Inside of tho tnuoh
ie. and w8hluii up tho traya la tlmo
well apout. Draining tho water from
tho plpos prevonts ruatlng.
od und roughly treated.
Uroody heua ivlll como buck Into
production moro quickly if well fod
and handled humnuoly than if nbua-
Fla booties and 12 npotted boau
beotloa will soon bo nttnoklng tho
Imivoa of tho egg pjant. Oregon
ssssssssHP mQlmMKJil m
W AMMjmwf J WH2vt:xm
m u fiLv . it ii . 1 a mwmrm- .-'
f 'WiisTn ' ' wmMmPM?smL?7
ZWmMBmSi B kssv 17 " W5' f vcM
:.r4Ml '
,'S luh 7Ulr
p.tJMII. ,1
. prod ;.iqn
muJm"" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVJseWJsbbbsVJsbbbbbbbbWJsWJ
f sr HGaBBBkss
"-fi waHBBflflflflYflflflYAY9jfla"v
r-b" fesHililPejBaBH'A
BhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDhhhIKS4, il a
TBBwrsMf' ' j'v?,iB'ivsf' fl
Be BffisVK2mSAW'lc'w &y
IbB r Uir!ABHlVM9BlBs L BB
Pauline Starke and House Peters,
i . ttm 1 -4 its - .1 e II I g1 If. .
W "Lotand round , on ooutn ca iianu. a uojawyn picture ww
; awl advtwture. Miw Starke U Loma Bjackpird, kidnapped dau ,hlrt
Captain Blackbkd (Hou Pctcru) . J n this pkturo hts k reunited with W
daughter he has not seen t'vico the was a litlln sitl.