Hitttmlnri aiuy S2l, inl. T H K T I M R B II K H A M) It If U N, B , II A II N 13 Y COUNTY OR1IIM vAvim 1.01'Ali ASM) IMMHONAli It Ii llnlnou la confined to a hoa nltal l Portland ntid will bo unnblo to return to llarnoy county for uumo tt,o Consequently tho adjourned torm of tlio Circuit Court which wan to linvo convonotl on Juno 8, has bfon Indefinitely postponed. jullnii Hynl, orotwhllu editor of the Saturday ovonhiK truth, nllas The Times-Herald Ih sojourning at outside points and enjoying a well (csorved teat, lie will ro-occtipy tho tutorial chair on hln roturn early j est wook (.ilcnn Oliver watt In town for a (IK du tlila week. Mr. Oliver lives tear tho Alvord ranch and reports the fishing quite good In that aec t on Ho remarked that they had more water In that Hcctlon for Irrlgo tmn than wo havo hut that It wax rttlier do HiIh yoar uovortholcsn. Congress forced tho soldiers bon us hilt over tho President!! veto and 3000 additional employes will bo unnled Immediately to circulate ap plications and assembling; noccHHary .'atn I'ndor the act no Insurance cortlf Ic.ilPH will ho laaued heforo January lat. and cash paymoutH will rot he uuulo until after next March. J M McDndo represented the jiii Mouth InHt Saturday at tho i juaty metropolis. The ballot box rom Callow 1 wight Oscar Downs to town on 'lit .it binlnoHH. night yearn ago tho ti m Callow had to ho rockoned ,i d upiy the guod old dayH turn .V. iimteln Morouiilllo Coin- i punhaRml tho mono build i took of tho Uurns Cah , 1 are preparing to tuko li- 1 .uid possession. Mr. Woln- iiforms us that ho will move t.ti -ry department from Itx t (oration to tho newly ue- jit 1 properly ncroas tho street. IfAi 1 ' I I May Day Baskets to Hf8t ady "' J- r.S ANNOUNCEMEN1 Our factory represenatives have today advised us that our stocks of Furniture recently selected by our buyers, are now being- prepared for shipment to us. If you are planning on buying anything in the furniture line in fact home furnishing of any kind, we assure you, "If you will delay your buying until the Weinstein stocks are ready" We will save you money. We made so many good buys and in line with our past policy, they will be passed on to you in the form of low prices. Watch For The Opening Of The Home Furnishing Company iM Vmp 'Timlin . MM ' -V 1 (7rT nKTZ1 JggggggCTCr m 1 Z .j ie best photograph taken of Mrs Coolidgo nlncc she became ixtit'iKi of h.t Wh-tc House. Mic rewarded the little lota for their Day ti.c'Mi with a molleily kiss and a loving hue for each. VtsaxxmiKfZMsnsmsvett J m rrJ FtlBC&JflBB l. W Cloveiiger, (leneral Mail er if the Haruoy County Furiil r f mpany, la luBtilllm: a flue m i nirniiure hi mo uuu renown j itM uk and expects to bo ready to j r uly to open for limine In a a '1ih Tho public will bo Inter-j i ' i'i this now lino of furniture I ii ax It Ik roady for Inspection. ' ! i Crimen, deputy shorlff, and i id ndrlokHoii, dUtrlet j;anio i. ii i uf Crook county wero In ii i Saturday IuivIiik broiiKht over rt S.lliuniH who was arraigned bo- j ' jusil-o court and fined 127.00 ' (mi tlnK out of hciIhoii. Hot It Mr. r.'ii. s and Mr. HondrlckHon ox- 1 tlu'iiiRolvus qulto favorably l r, county and tho corning i ;.iinnt niid romarkiul that they ' mm that they did not have i in.' to !iivQAtl;ato our ro- i nut fxprerfHud a dOfllro to ro- . "line futuro dMto whon thoy ii ' ii i- i lino at thlr dlspoMil. This i t i flnt trip to llurns. Thay ' i'ui,t iimruliiK for I'rlnovlllo. n gua Journal of My 18th . - tht followliiK Item of In- j thf paoplo of IluniH. "Unl- .f Washington. Ueattlo Tho ' f im nt of Mlw) Cone 8ehwartz llurns OreKoii. to Harry Qlttol- n i of Seattle Is announced hero. li-s Schwartz Is a member of thin 'ear'ri KraduatlnK claim at tho Uul- I'rxlty of WaHhlnKtou. Sho i tho jpular and accompllalicd dauKhter f Mr. Ksther F. Schwartz of Ilurnii, and The Tlmen-Hcrald Joins her lanny frlondH hero In extending con-1 Emulations. Tho fortunate young' roan U unrjueatlonably of high qual ity but wo would like to have him, rop in for a visit so wo can look fclra over. IStomach Trouble p. JO BOOST WEST AER0AD; Can Be Corrected EUROPEAN AGENTS SEE Quitkid and Easily i X M .JL 2fJ v lmr9V'' If The Stomach is Uvct And The Digestive Sys tem Is Not Working Pro perly One Cannot Hope To Feel Well And Strong. Many Complications have Their Origin In An Upset Stomach. TAMLAC IS WORLD'S BEST TONIC FOR STOMACH TROUBLE """" mi nihil' ' """" life ' " . h ' .., -?- r This Great Medicine Vill Tone Up The Syotom, Sooth An Inflamed Stom uch, Remove Accumulat ed Poison And Start The Dicslivc Orcam Function- Ihimjii nirruls of Hnullirrii l'aclllc comimny nho luno Ju mude n Islf la i-ngfuii in (uMr Ki M i. iiflirr KiinuiciiKO or JH nllruclloiw. Tbey ulll u.sell" (lie hlMte in Kurupe. I i.ni leil u rlxut are . ,lj!iea of l.hrr pouli 0. Kulir, Hjiu'irri V. Jlircllo, (iouuat H. Drsiulilt, 1'arli, ami 11. U. Itoiihor of I.emloii. intj Properly Thus Allow ing The System To Assim ilate The Food One fcnti All Good Druggists Sell TANLAC. HCti.VICJ ATTItACTIONH IN IIAItNKV COU.NTV m IlKdON Is to htcoine still bettor i Ing a month vUItlog various scctloDi Thoro la only ono Crater Lake with Its wonderful blue waterB ono Yellowstone Park1 with Us goysers and HeU's half atre, only one Yose- Ito with Its giant trees, dui asm. m Louis Sweistrat THE TAILOR Will Open For Business MONDAY, JUNE 16 In McGee Building, On A Street Opposit Burns Hotel CLEANING-PRESSING REPAIRING Gives Prompt Attention MflBMK known to travolcrtt and busi ness mou of Kunijm Five Europium represeata- tlvos of Southara I'acltlc sompsay hays just made a trip through Orsgoa la erdsr to better acualal tksmstlvea with the sqsbIc attractions aad eo aomlo resource! ef the state. With this wore latlmate knowledge et tke state tkey will ke bi a setter eoaltlo to eerve betk tke latereets ef Oregon aad tkose or JCuropsaue la carrylag eat tktlr duties with tke railroad cow ea Havlag keea ta Oregoa tkey oaa more accurately aa4 easily fur alsh laformatloa to esople plaaalag to (me to the United States, or wko shlp.or receive freight to or from the state. The foreign agents have been spend- of the l'aclllc coast served by South' urn I'acltlc, accompanlnd by L. II. Nutting of the company's New York oco, They traveled during the day light hours only so that tke membere of tke party could get a good idea of tke character of every section visited. Tke visit ef tke European renre eeatatlves el tke Seutkern Pacllo Is effected to be ef Importance la Im proving tke kuslnese relations be tween tke Paclf c ceast and he eenn tries ef Kurope. It la eald to ee tke drat time that n transcontinental rail read has brought Its foreign agenta kere for aa Intensive study of teeal conditions. Members of tke party are V. Mylrea of Liverpool; a. Kuhr, Hamburg; V, Merollo, Genoa; H. Dunmldt, Paris, and H. O. Bonsor of London. from tuoeo freaks of nature Harney tuto for a biscuit. Gold, or any oth- , ... ,i I or form of inonoy, Is meroly a jnod riuiiitv him Its iioautv unota In Mai- '"' . ' ... ' hour and Ochoco National Forosta HurpaHslug In many respects tho at tractions of thoso Natlonni paries. Wo havo Stolns Mountain "tho Oro- gon Alps" with its ravinoB and wat orfalla; wo havo lakos and HtroaiuH, hot, cold and minoral Bprlpga. wo havo a National bird roHorvo; and linniudlatoly ncroHM tho county lino tho Malheur 'cavo, Wo havo Incom parable vatloya, hllla, swales, nioad- e -1IA. Alfi- linvn own. KorKOH ana cuim, i '"" .- -. ,, . , foHiill and lava hedfl, oxtlnQt orators , 1 -. 1 A MjlHi I II 1 ...i.i in fni.iniiH Aivoril llOHuri, m ( -.---- fact much of lutoroist and beauty that Ih admired by lovorn of naturo. I urn of cxchnnRO used as a convon louco to K0t away from tho prlml tlvo modo of bartor and trado, and tho real wealth Is what is storod ill warehouses and granaries, necessary for tho HUHtonauco and comfort of llfo, All wealth comes from tho land; from farms, forests and mlnos, and of those tho farm Is of primary Im portance becaiiHo that In tho eourco of food and clothing, yet tho fannor Ih compelled to dlsposo of hla ylolda ogardlesa of coat of production, ho- AHTM'KUAL AND IHJAL WI-3ALTH BuiToumUid with all tho gold In iho world In a placo. whoro tho noo wssarloa or llfo could nut bo obtained, tho ohowliiK of a twenty dollar uold piece would ho found a poor subali- liiK a moro pawn In tho hands of on terprlHliiK nnd lufluontlal spoculat ora. On tho other hand, tho fanner muat pay tho price coat of product ttou pliia profits, together with a lib oral margin to numberless middle mon arbitrarily domaildod for all ho la compelled to buy. Haw ma terial produced on tho farm and sold at a serious Iosh, In manufactured iilnto froquoutly Incroacos 100 per cent, mid tho fannor must pay the prlco. This situation has obtained for Bovoral yoars and to audi an extent I Hint tho farmers havo operated at ruinous lonhcs, olieumbarlug tltclr farms beyond Iiojh of rodompllon and forclni; IlioustiiuiK into nauit ruplcy. Their condition, with low ox copliuiis, Iihh become pathlc and tho rrult is: compulsory abaiidou- ' iiioiit ofefnrni and migratiou to tho , big ClllOH. lllllloiir of a cumulated dotmrH in tint large money centers arc houKIiik imestiuoitt In oouimorco aud trado or in Rucurllles, hut none, or very little, for rehabilitation of tho farmer or for hunks In the rural districts that liotid ovory flbro o relievo tho situa tion. Tho meagre Income of tho I farmer is forced out for Intorost to i swell the xlzo of litis "God or false wealth," leaving nothing for tho op- j ur.itlnii of tho farm or creation or ronl wealth, and sumo day. unless tho t'de turns, overpopulnted cities will realize that the phraao "back to tho farm" when a living l denied will rind no responsive chord; and that j wjicat and bder can noj bo produced tin paved streets and skysnrapers. This In not railing against fortu tutu holders of artificial wealth, hut ., condition, and noiiio form of ad- JiiNlmont must liu round, in uie days of Webster and Clay tho brll lllant minds of tho nation wero occu pied In building up a great country i ml we may again havo to turn at tention In thai direction Instead of treating powerful corporations mid Mist Individual wealth. The fuderal rcior.'o hanks probably function to , the extent authorized by law. but aii the scope or oo-operatlou not ho materially Increased? It Is Impera tive that tho federal government ap ply power and moans to snvo the agriuultural situation. WM. KAKHB. 0 " ., v toudniicc. v Tho cooperation or everyone la this worthy task Ih sollcltcditand ap preciated. Worship at 11.00 A. M. Next Butnluy Is Memorial Sunday and everyone Is cordially Invited to this Hurvtre. Tho tliomo of liorinen: "Our Nation's Truest FrloudB." Como aud bring your frlouds. It Is fit ting that our churches recogulzo tho day with suitable service and tho people show tliolr loyalty and devo tion. SAMUKL HAItitlB. Milliliter Mrs. Cansle .Smyth, I'rostloy Smyth. Fred Smyth and wife, and Mr. nud Mrs. Lon Koawonrd camo in from Dlnmond the Inttcr part of tho week. DOWN I-'ll-TY 1'OINTH Father (trying to entertain young man caller) : "Do you think Ford will get Muaclo Shoala?" Doiimi Daniel: "I dtiiiuo. I hear I hat Hhoals fellow It (jullo a wres tler." o MKin'i.Vf! Tin: situation you Tho Subscriber: "Havo Duke's Ilevengo?' " Librarian: "Sorry, Mudnme hut wo are without that book this week. You see the glrU cried so- much over It that It wai neccsunry to re print It on water prof paper." Coming to BAKER Dr. Melienthin SPECIALIST ill Internal .Medicine for llie past tuolvo 'ars .-MIltACJi: I DDKS NOT OI'KKATK . (Charles II. Fole Mirage Is a phenomenon of tho dCHort country There In tho Intonso desolation ofton appear beautiful lakes, the mountains becomo squuro topped battlements of unclont cas tles and a tiny bush miles away re sembles a man on horseback. Many men havo perished In the desert be causo with thirst inflamed Imagina tions they pursued the beautiful lakes of mirage, Kvery human life Is a desert filled with glittering mirages. Every hu man. llko.the thirsty wanderer in the desert, Is athlrst for the waterB of J Wealth, Success and Happiness. Many mon, pursuing tho humdrum routine which la tho lot ot the ma jority, look up, aoo tho mlrago wnt ors of Success and Happiness aud with Imaginations inflamed with tho Hiuno thirst for thoso things, rorsako tho Hiiro but tedious paths In pur suit or tho glittering unrealities. Whon at last thoy rind that thoy havo boon deceived, aB does tho des ert wandoror, It la ofton too lato to roturn to tho old auro and familiar path. Prisons and comoterlos nro filled with prisoners aud sucloldos who havo purauod life's mlragoa, Let ua, Mr, Avorogo Man and Mrs. Average Woman, conduct oursolvoa ufl do tho hardy desert wlso plonotys. Lot uj gusto on tho mirages of Wealth Succosh and H-ipplnoss with ndmlra tlon lot mi not bo lod aatray from tho ouro truo path, at tho ami of which after nil tho reality of Buc oo8s and HnpplnoHS awalto tho trnv-olor. Will Im at (WOIHKU ClltAM) HOTKL Moutlay and Tuesday, May SHi U7 Ofilco Meurn: 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. TWO DAYH ONLY No Charge lor Cotumltnciea -o- lHIWHYTHItIAN fMlUHCMl '( Smulny Bchool ot 10 Oo A. M. A irood Iiitotoar Is bolug iihown on tho part of our young PQoploJ In tho Sunday School. Tho chlldrou nro wldo awuko and delight In ut- Dr. Melienthin Is a regular graft ale In medicine and surgery aad le licensed by tke Btate of Oregon. He doee not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall atones, ulcers or stomaek, tonsils or adenoids. He baa to bis credit wonderful re sults la diseases of tho stomach, liv er, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kldnoy, bladder, bed wetting, ca tarrh, weak lunga, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcora and rectal all monta, llolow are tho names of a fow or his many satlstled patients In Ore Ore eon: Mrs. J. W, HoyncH, North Powder, Ore., goltro, Mrs. Allcq Williams, Malheur, Oro hoart troublo and high blood pressure Uuo SJorooa, Astoria, Ore., appondl cltls. II. Doggellor, Sllvorton, Ore., ulcor or tho Htomnch. Mrs. Goo. A. Glllman, Coqulllo, Ore., gall stones. Mrs. M. E. Garaon, Sllvorton, Oro., high blood prossuro. Mrs. J. M. nowora, Toledo, Ore, gall Btones. August Erlokson, Lakeaido, Oro., kldnoy trouble. Homomhor ajiovo date, that con sultation on this trip will bo froo and that hla troatmont la dlfforont, Married womon must ho accom panied by tholr husbands. Adderas: 211 llrndhury Pldg , Loa Angoloa, California, mmmm