H rAOE 4 T II H TIMBH-IIRltAliD 11 If It N B , II A It N K Y OOUN 'V V O B H fl O S Haturdajr.MaySI, lf21. Ji c? njn iwn'ir'wiwl ifo pi7Pimuuiflt i i crowds are feono,. II m I Kor It stnndu for ii false deed do And It's lienor you novor should roach your goal TIiiiii over nuccoas to buy You Can Build Your Own Home Just Like Paying Rent I.' At ii price of knowing down In yo MOtll That your glory In nil u Ho 1 PliliMilll Jaeeeeeeeeeeeel "' aeeeeeeeeeemBal' BeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeMM'.aBeel i : Pi BENNETTS FIRST ADDITION Lots 50 x 100 ft. On easy terms Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Prop. Phone 30 W Burns, Oregon Tlio California Jubilee uH-Blar Quartet Mborty Theatre, Mny 30-31 futida Tor completing it hIiiiII bo rnls ed. J. V, iiiaos, "JWfMDWM t!jrwmtmxm.iui 1 The Times-Herald aim Tli ii Largest Circulation Of Any fcspiiper In llnmoy County. JUMA.Y HVItl) .Mnii.ige'r kkhschmtion maths On vnr Six .Months Ttirfg'.MoulliH Siifunliiy, Alti) ill, lUUI. JHl'HNS.rtVVON oirv I'OKItST .: ivMrvw l helping them upon tlio to Imuo liomU to liulld ronds tlmn It piece of road which In being built i f(, ., ,.,... ....... .... ... . . . . i M ",r "" otlior purpose. Croat ng thli ytiur. When this In oomplotoil , , , . ,h It will connect uh dlroolly with the , H" '" b"i for wasteful pur- John Day Highway at Canyon Oily. ' "UT. .V ma' ""l """' HOAl) A ehort''ttme nu Mr. Klud of tho I'oruet Horvlo of John n.iy met with o number of people of tlil commun Ity for the intrpoM of discussing tlio building of ii road from Hunt north to the CJraut Comity lino. About half f thin road I roust rurled through the Malhnur Nutloii4l FWeet Ile xKrvM, the otlior half of the rond be ing onteldc of the reserve. The for itt ini-vl. hiu been taking quite hii Active interest dttrlug th last taw ynw in building rojida within the rverv' or assisting hi building raula Kbit i iii u manner will develop -jthelr ritinri)i' . Mr. Mod hluiHlf In not In potUti'.i to statu uxuctly what Hie forest aeiviie roubl and would do upon It, ut In satisfied they will help very materially. This la n road at thin tlino which ta very iiej'ossary to have completed, nd will bo or great benefit to this country In the very near future. Tho opening and developing of the tlm 'Aicr through this section will bo tho Sargent asset to Harney County for .Uiu ii cu few yearn, and will bo a threat help to uh In other Hues of do rvolopraent. raat County la now nt work building from Canyon City to tho Tlnrncjr County lino and the for- whloh will put uh lu direct cotitiniin Icntlou by highway both ennt mid went, uh It In the quickest way from Hurna to Portland and will only be a Ffh.t tnll.iu fnrtliri ffftm tlllfllti t. i!W.0li I Outarlo. i mi . ..m... .1.... ..t.... I.... ..r .i. ...!... ...in i iiu iiuuuiiiiK in iii jiuiuur nm oaiiMD that lo be lined very muuh lo imlly and whllu the foroat nmuivu ulllolnlii nro lu tho mood to modul, I I think that It would bo n good Idea.' to km ihat tills is put through, lu tho duvaloplug of tho forest a largo amount of money will he turned ovor to thin county for road purpoat'K, and It cnu ho nrrouged no thai tho f iitulH rciiolved from that may bo used in paying off any liidohtoduoM cauaoil hi thfa time In the construe Hon of thla rond. Tho road oaii bo flthor built by tu putting up lu caah our purl of the eonxtriietlon. or wo pn Imuo bonds and pay off thwu bonds with tha vxiwfa earnings brought in from ilia forant rasurvo. Dmlng the laat few years-tho re- ipi to thla county for road pur potM from tha forest has been on an averagw of about five or six thou sand dollars a your. Mr. Iliad hm (iin.ttnil that a kooii iih tho sawmill wa.i put Into opurntlon that this county would romilvo about thirty thousand dollars a year, so Hi ix-crx-i carulugM caused by developing tho forest would very soon pay off any part of tho IndobtodnoxH which wo havo. Tho question nrlscs as to which would bo tho better way to build tho rond; to levy taxes sufficient to puy our part at once or to lime bonds and moot thoso bonds out of tho excess receipts from tho forest rcsorve, I know that tho Issuing of bonds In a thing that should be carefully guarded but I do not think that ft is any worso upon the peoplo rrnl!'ig tin Indebtedness from which I you got n good Investment Is very of ten good business Judgment. It has buwu stated that this county has gono so far without Issuing bonded liuU'bti'dnoBs. As a county that Is n fuel, hut we have Issued bonds fyr n good many other purposes, and lonui of thoso 4nds are still outstanding. Wf have constructed a considerable iiiIImi;o of good roads during tho ' Ut few yers, and havo paid our part of that by direct taxation oach -year, and It U qiioHtlounhlo In my ' mind at this time iih to whether wi ' have used tho wise plan In doing that. Thoso who Issued bod ns havo twenty to thirty years lu which lo pay tlioiu lu. but wo who paid lu cash have had to pay thoso direct ! iaa each your during (ho hardest year wo havo over hud, and I believe that wo. as a wholo. would have heMi better off hud wo Issued bonds for part of this work Instoad of Mug eompolled to pny nnsh In taxes for It uaeh ytwir, ami oeiim. lally as hard as tha lust three or four tsars hnve been to pay taxes. CIIAHMOH W. IXM8 Tho big vote that (Irani county guvo to (loo. JO, Davlii, for Joint son ator wuh based upon his personal tic qtialutaiice nud many frluudshliui ho has lu the county; as a result of his long residence lu Cnnyon City and during tho ycarH ho served as circuit Judge. It was by no means a re flection ngnlnst liln opponent Charles Kills of Hums. Mr. Kills mudo o fluq record ns n Joint senator for both Grunt nud Hnrnoy, and ho Is all that any county or people can ex port or havo nuy right to expect. He Is a man of high standing and a flno type He was Just up against a lot of voters who had known Judge Davis for many years and between whom tholr existed u personal friend idilp, that wiir stronger than any pol itical Issue. Many voters lu (Irani regretted hey did not hnve tho op- portunliy to vole for both of thos mvn Aiuinugii uie vote m unuu might h n illaRppulntuieut to Mr. Kills tt Home eoiiaolatlou to know ttini it wiM not due to any of his de t rlfft tour, o rpollllcal misconduct, and sumo time in the future Ornut county might have the opportunity to help to bustow somo political hon or upon hint for ho bus shown him half u' man wotrh while. Hluo Mt. Wagle. ." o IIO.VI5HTV 'Well Able to YitUc Care of Pord M.Ubns N'o Ono. keenly nllvo to human re lationships and Influences, onn help to rogrot, that men occupying exalted positions of honor mid trust, notably suuh men ng former Hcrcotary of tho Interior Albert ll. Fall, tho late Governor of Indiana, Colonel Forbes of the Veterans bureau, and In our own state. Judge Grant ll. Dlmich. for the sako of greed and gain ho far forgets themselves' that from the plnaelo of honor nud trust the very next step Is Into the penitentiary nud oblivion, thus rocking the faith In humanity to tho very foundation, causing disgrace, sorrow mid want. "Tho Hotter Way" a poem quoted lu Detroit Free Press. Is timely: Nrv, i It Is better to lose with a conscience clean Thau win by n trick unfair; It lr better to fall and to know you've haou, Whnlovpr the prfao was. square, Thau to claim the Joy of tho fnr-oir goal And the cheers of tlwi atiuiitiirii-tiv. I'hore Is no question about thla ' a.,,1 , klIOW .i,..,,,. ,.. ltI ,.. In. road being a uucosslty at this time. Thoto Is no question about Ihu foroat , roserve work being first chus and i that they have built roads better and I cheaper than any other national or statu organization. I do not think .that wo should let this die, but should koep It stirred up until wo got this road under way and built, ; but I do bollovo that wo should con-' sldcr carofully prior to that how tho I most soul A cheat you must live and die. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Savings for Old and Young "Your Horn U-tHiilion' BURNS, OREGON M HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT t TITLE CO lnc.) Abstracts of Title Insurance-Fire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building: Loans Surety Phone No. 63W Bonds Burns, Oregon Now location In Reed Building adjoining Masonic Building l "WTfMWMWWMfflMMndawMejH ....lf l.dael t'ord, son ol Ifeny Ford, who la ovory day tnklnft on r.'l'Uf. -iml rciponalbllities in tha otlvo jianagemiitit of tho Ford in- 'i' Ulus, has fnlieritcd the l;cicn buslncsH mind of Ids famous dad, say IndUbtiitU giahtsi who nccntly hud the opportunity to utudy him in action. l'!iot in n u-t. . pk.u.e of Edacl Foj J and hln wife, lE3?Jv5 Wnt, Farre Representing the American National Also the big and popular Pennsylvania and Firemcns Fund American Fire Iiinurance Companten Will Appreciate your Business Who wins by it trick tuny tnko tho prize, And at rlrst ho may think It lH iiwcet. Hut many n day In thefutttro Ilea Whun ho'll wish ho had met do feat, Fo rthu man who lost shall be glad nt heart And walk with hiu hoad up high, While bin conqueror knows ho must play tho part Of chant and living lie. The prize seems fair when tha fight Is on, Hut save It Is truly won You will hate tho thing when tho Burns Agents for BERGMANN OWMsot SHOES rm Registered and Grad Jerseys High Class Milk Totted All T. B. Tested Frcah and Soon to Freshen Covs Now On Hand. Increase your cream check by making your dairy herd high class cows. Willis Rounsevellc Burn, Oregon ink !j&gl99 RATS An- dangerous i.eii's. 'Ihcj Hn-K, letroy mid poison things that art GOOD TO EAT , Hut mIhmi you feed them IMT S.VAr mid they crave for It ns a cat d cnt-nlji It l absolutely 01 AIWX. I TKKI) lo ld j on of all rats and ink, ! WmCOOK. Sons I sa. "i mi plcahcd to ntnte wc cm. slilcr ltAT-HNAI N. without dune tho bcxt Hat mid Mouse ivtcrra!. tor wo Imto ever icd. It doci ALL j on claim ami moro too," Tarn Klcs lirtr, 0c, ?l.2.-. HAT-8.V.1T will Kill WEINSTEIN'S Ui J , , , W:fi& . m M ADJUSTS vVTHE CAUSli Of FA Harry S. Stone Chiropractor LEVENS: HOTEL Olllce hours 2 to C P. M. Other hours by uppolntmout THEM mill Icavo no iuell. Kohl xi ikI guaranteed by Heed llrmfcl ors, mid I. K. Gccr - Co. Dr. Karl Norvall Drugfless Ph y s i c i an Mcchano Therophy Elccric Theraphy Naturopathy Office Over Postoffk Burns, Oregon S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Skep, Wool, Hay Btirns, Orc wp---- HBaM Alpine Ice Cream PURE and WHOLESOME 1 """ ' ' ' - -- I. .iii--- Made from Harney Co. Products Keep your money at home and get the best Special prices to Picnins, Parties Churches and Lodges "-"-" - -' HARNEY CO. CREAMERY Burns