aijtfJI HMttidiiy, MtiySI.-inai. 11 H T I M K H . II K ft A Ij D HUH N'S, HAItKKY GOV NT V ORKOON PAGE t fc DISSOLUTION OK PAUTNl'ltSHIP NOTICE IS HEUEI1Y GIVEN Unit tho partnership auhslstlng bo twoon us, tliu undoralgnod, rotor Oblnguc, Potor Sngnrdoy nnd John i'bliiK''i carrying on tho business of U2fH More Fresh WATER means better health '"piIE FnitlKinkt-Mottc Home 1 Water Plant it like a city wn tcritytein under your cm n con trol. It operate automatically, No adjusting, not even a witch to turn. It nemls fresh running water to nny faucet anywhere. And more fresh water means bcttcrKuiiution bcttcrhcalili. It's Automatic FAIRBANKS-MORSE HOME WATER PIANT 0xratji frwti any electric i '.t jkUi; or home light'tig , Hi i.c nit. ri'inpSMf(ci iiitiu i tern, ahallotv well, ipiing, ircain or lake.Qtu'ot limning. I'lewnrt antouwlivnlly main urncd. llu Kunly gtmmtiicd tank. J)tpniL-iblu Fairbaukf Meno Pump, Capacity 200 gallon per hour. Ak us for all the facts. Hincxs gauaei: . Ilurtti, Oregon WR1GLEYS After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting conlcctlon you can buy -mid It's a help to di gestion and a cleanser l for the 'mouth lyand teeth. Wrfrjlcy's meaaa beaclltaa well plca&iarc. ra BiBBaaBBlBBBHL'-JIBBBKJr M t5 1 t i . ! iHia4 Further Reductions In Our CLOSING OUT SALE Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Mr. Home You don't know it nil; Tho othor follow doosn't togGthor wo know Let's Get You toll ine what you tiro going to do in (ho way or building und homo decorating this Bprhig and I'll toll you soino tilings I know' about t'-lial, ami will mako you prices tliajr will mako you sit up and inko notiao, Get Me? L S. Geer & Co. raising livestock nl Buri'm, Hnruoy County, Oregon, under tho firm, nntno and stylo, of Sngardoy & Ob Inguu, was on 'the 10th day of May, 1024, dissolved by mutual consent thu proporty mid IndobtoduOim hav ing boon mutunlly divided and imtlu fuclory to tho creditors of tho firm of HaKiirdoy & Obfnguo; John Obla guo und l'otor Oblnguo will conduct bunlnoHU from thtn tlino on under tho ntuno of Oblnguo Brothers and Potor 8ngnrdoy under hlM own nnmo. Dated nt HuniH, Orogon thin 10th day of May, 1924. PETKK OBIAUUE, JOHN ODIAGUE, PETEIt SAQAIIDOY. -o- SUMMONS IN THK OIltCUlT GOUUT OF THE STATE OF OllEGON FOIt IIAH NEY COUNTY. OltEGON-WAaillNUTQN HAIL UAOI) &. NAVIGATION COM PANY, a corporation, Plulntirr, Vfl. MHRL It. PAINE, OLIVE PAINE, ELLEN NOIS, JOHN MYEU, ANNIE MYEU and HAUNEY COUNTY, u municipal corporation of tho Stato of Oregon, Defendants, To MEltL It. PAINE, OLIVE PAINE, ELLEN NOIS, JOHN MEYEIl mill ANNIE MYEU: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OUEUON; You mid each of ynu aro hereby rciiulfod to npponr In tho uhnvu ontltlcd action on or be-' foro six waekn from tho date of first publication or thl luminous, nr. within six week fr.mi the dole of service of wuio mr n you person ally, mid nuewor the complaint lit the tibove untitled aotlou. a duly certified copy of which Is serml up on you with this summons, and If you fall to o npi. ar and anewer tho plnlntlrr will apply to the nbovo on titled court for tho following rolleT: That nu assessment bo hod of tho damages which will rosult to the defendants herein by reason or tho Inking mid appropriation of a strip or land ICO font In width, being 50 foot In width on tho Southerly and 100 root on tho NNr'herly Hhlu of, parcllcl with und contlnguouB In tho rontor lino of tho survey nud exten sion of tho railroad of tho Oregon I Washington llnllrond & Navigation : Company, aa tho unuio In stnkcd out, located over nud across Lots one (1) mid two (2) of Section Seven (7), j Township Twcnty-flvo (25), 8. ' Itnngq Thlrty-throo (33), E. V. M. ' In Harney County. Oregon, and that upon tho payment by plaintiff of tho damaged so uuncttHcd and nwnrded j to defondnnto upon tho trial of thin cause, 'Judgmont bo glvon, nppro ! printing said property to plaintiff i and that plaintiff have and recover of mid from dofondnntn Its costs 1 and dlflhuraomouln heroin. Thin numinous In sorvod upon you by publication thoreof by ordor of Hon. Dalton Ulggs. Judgo or tho Circuit Court of Harney County, Statu of Orogon, which ordor wnst glvun mid ontored on tho 8th dny of April, 1024. A. C. SPENOBIl. Portland, Orogon. OHAB I). FOLEY, HuniH, Oregon. NICHOLS, HALLOCK & DONALD, i Maker, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff. -rTTTrvi Owner I don't know it all, know it nil; But ii-hock-of-a lot. Together y '" H - E3 3S W. T. LESTER and COMPANY Ranch lands, city property, acreage HI investments, Exchanges a specialty. Yoar listing solicited Real Estate, Farm and Building Loans, Insurance Agents Far The Royal Insurance Company Together with other good board Fire Insurance Companies The Largest Fire Insurance Company In The World Phone 5R Burns, Oregon Ditto of flrHl publication April 12, 1024. Ditto of last publication May 24, 102 4. ItEDUCE YOUll TAXES, by dealing with homo coneoriiH. Wn aro AgeutH for tho Union Saving mid .',... I .I..IU,, ,. I)..rlliiI rtrn " " " V"' ,n k:. "i?; : .r" :r UWIIIIIK IUWU VIT1 liui'il'l n will nhow you how to own your nwn hom, and make IJL'lt.N'B A HEAL HOME TOWN. W. T. Uv tr ft Compnny. 5-17 NOTION OF HI I WHIFF'S SALE I.V FOKKCLOSintK. NOTICE IS 1H8HEIIY 01V15K that uniler and by virtue of n Decrou of tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of Ore gon for tho County of Harney, made ! on tho 8th tiny of March, 1024. mid ontored mid docketed on (ho 14th day of March. 1021, In favor of Judd Wise, Plnlntirf, und ngnlnsl C. 1 Cary, Elllo A. Cary and I). W. Vinson dufoiidantH. Judgment was entered on the flrit cause of suit for the principal tium of $2720.00 together with Interest theroon at tho rato of 8 per eeul pur milium from Juno 14, 1022. until jmld, mid for tho further sum or $240. Q0 liitorest paid on a prior mortgngo together with Inter est thereon at S per cent pur annum from Nov. nth. 1023, until paid, and on tho soconil cnuso of suit In tho sum or $3828.05 togother with Interest thereon nt tho rnto of 8 per cent por minumu from Decom-: her 17th, 1023, until pnld, nnd for tho furlhur sum or $050.00 nttor noyM foes, mid costs nnd disburse monts thoroln; mid Whoroaa It wan furthor Ordored iiid Dfcrood by tho nltl Court that ih Jiiilgmnt aforesaid constituted a Hon upon the Imuls horelnartor do acrltofd by virtue of the mortgngo In aald proceodlug dcsorlbnd, mid that thu lieu of tho snld Judgment afore said, on tho said lands, to-wlt: All of Sections Thlrty-flvo (:JG) and Thirty-six (3G) 'ffownahlp Twonty-four (24) 8outh. Ilnnge Thlrty-rour (34) Enjt W. M. nlso tho Northwest ijunrter uf fljuth east ijunrtor (NWU8KV4) North east aunrter of Southwest anrtor (NEViSWVi ), south half of south wont nuartor (8KBWU) Sectloi Two (2) East half of the East half (EViEVi) Section Ten (10) an all Section Eleven (11) all i Township Twenty-five (25) 8out, Range Thirty-four (34) Kast Wll lametto Meridian be foreclose Speed StiU Hit ' ?ti' i 'asZ5 &M. Clmrlon rnddock, fastest sprinl man tho world has oyer known, uhnwH tho form of old in hls.flrsl Olympic tryouts, Ust week hi Hlmttorcd nnother mark, making him the holder of nine- world rc ordj. . ' a3wfMaWW -i Ji ,.V. j Tr ,iVMtfWSeiBBaiHtiVV-!-'4-VVf " MeBjaBJJk . ' rt;-'rsjiji4fr.iY.'?wris-t: ' s j . " , .awJWar aHffsBBK3iSR 8n V' CX Sa -fMBaSBBBBSBBB mtiie A mJ A mid that nil tho right, title, Intorest, estate or lieu of tho defendants nnd each thereof bo sold by tho Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, In the inaiiuur provided by Inw for tho snlo of real esttito under oxocutlon; mid WHEHEAS on tho 17th day of May, 1024, an Execution In Fore- closure was duly Issued by tho Clerk u- .ove .nuu0i conn .. uiaiidlug ma, tho uudorxlgnod, nher Iff, to levy upon mid soil, In tho mm) ntr provided by law for tho sale of real property under oxocutlon In foreclosure- nil ho rlgh, tltlo, lien, In- tenMt or oetnto, or thu mid defend - ants, or cither or all of them, In mid to tho said inortgaged promises i aliovo described; j. eT1)er"ak4jsis(eBSeekweKesswekfiBBeevsMeiBi Elmer Lawrence, n Masaachu nutts boy witii no chance, made 55.000.000 before ho wits sixty. Elmer was born in Hillorlca. u township of 1,000 farmers, 10 mllei N. W. of Ilojton, in 1UUI, In 1805, his father died from injuries re ceived in tho Civil War. Ills moth er then sold cookies, washed laces, nnd raised pigs to mako a llvini; Elmer, at two, hovered between life nud death from burns, the re sult of scalding' water, nnd wus crippled In looks for life. llo learned to read nnd wrlto nt Ids motlior'rt knee, nnd at 10 wont to work In tho freight yards of tho Fitchburg Hnllroad. ' ire wni n cinder sifter. His snlnry was ?i n month and maintenance. Thin In; sent to his mother. Unknown to him site saved !'., ThisW By Arthur Brisbane Mr. Jaicluon of Indlann. Southwest and NortKwMt. A Wbbr and FieW. Off? A Treo for TolMtM. 1.V1.. .! VkaLamb f MljtalAl fal tkUk .,r, if,tMU"i '., " I l Ku XIhx KUn IftdU", swt the State fer the Qovemorsfclp lOMbMtioii. He got urn wtai than all Ave of the other eandUatee put together. Lew ShasJt, Myor of IndUnapolUi, most Important fnr1ldmtii aaralfist Jackson and inemy of the Klan, was wiped out 10 to 1. This election is Important out lido of Indiana, and indicates that Ihu Ku Klux Klan has gained father than lost strength, and will piny an Important part In the com jig natlonnl election. An Fll Vnun hank cloHca itfi doom. In tho Southwest, that should' know mmmimmmHmmimmJfgffytgMgMmuwun IH fftiMmwtllll fitly prosperity. The otnor nay an Jiave boon out to aeo mat. cninipmi- Importnnt bank in tho Northwest .ee. tviis In trouble nnd only saved by purging with nnpthor bank. There's excitement in I-ranco Farmers can't mako n living, and about thn chargo that soldier rhllo everything is done for mil- bones Imvo been collected on bat ronda and other corporations, to tleflohU by junk dealers; ground up mako sure that their atockho'dera and Bold for fertiliser. Tho idea la rit dividends, nothing is done for abominable to many, therefore tho fiirmi-ru except to glvo them ofllcial denial is welcome rathorly advice, But what better uao could bo made of our "remains" than to fer- SoinotliiiiK better must bo dona tilize tho earth when wo nre gone 'I boforo long or there will bo trouble To bo buried nt tho foot of a Ann ja moro banks, nnd troublo in two tree, with n Uttlo brn4 tablet on old political parties. tho tree trunk, "John Jonco la , proud to help IhU troo grow," Henry Ford bid veal mwicy for would bo k pleasanter voHtlng plneo Iiu lo 'Shoals, agreed to manufac- thnn bebig tucked nway with "other luu fortiHzoro nnd tho fnrmors akoletona in a vuult. I tow thut he would manufacture - " lb r. f Of two Amej-lcan goeflO tnlUlng M my other coueerns aro now lo oach other, ot ton one la iufklnf, '" l..a Vcber nnd Fields, burlesquo nc- ,,.... i.v 4Un ..ii Mnuu "I'd give $B,000 for that dog," syn one. "But. Mlko, wo ain't got ;.-Hint ' , . ' i ' f .11,'g, but not rem money, una "iyiiiii no yon minis nui un tifera one hundred and twonty ilcso? Will tlm untb.nul ch-vtlpn .i.lliou dollars, nnd reminds you oi ciiBtuvn prosporuy, etc., oic. i I ,..v.,.ur.lnr. lwilurinll MARNrH. Tflllthd StntOH llllBllt HtlllU'll Oil Ith - i i" n srs: Now thoreforo, In obcdlenco to said writ mid by authority thereof 1 will on TUESDAY tho 17th day of JUNE, 1024, nt tho hour of two o'clock P, M. of Bald dny at tho Court House Door in Hurne, Harney Coun ty, Oregon, offer for sale mid noli to the highest bidder or btddoro for cash all the right, tltlo, Interest, uslnto or Il?n of tho nnld dofonduuts, or either or any of thoui, In unit to the foregoing described real oetnto, or o much Unroof as may bo ncc- cesary to satisfy the nnld Judgment j In said decree contain mid nn horeln 1 set forth, togethor with the coats of i this sulo. nubjuct to eoufirmntlnn by , the raid Court nnd tho equity of re demption of snld defoiidnnts. - nnd when ho was 18 und needed I money to buy a two-thlrdn Inter-! est In n new cinder sifting nieclmni cul device, surprised him by hand-' Inir bnck $710. Willi it lie bought flltt tltf. InUtnllAII l.tlltt ,, .Intnl.. ..w ..., tu.av mmtlt, rigged up a Hteam power plant ami started out for himself. Twclvo yearrt Inter hu was gen eral contractor for tho lloston & Mnlno Hallrond, with olllceu in Lowell nnd plants nt lloston, Cam bridge, Charlestown nud Fitch burg. His Aiothcr, a cripplo from paralysis, directed nnd encouraged evory move ho nindo. At ,'12, ho had savod $10,000, had cducutcd himself nnd jmssed cutrnnco ox nmlnntloni to Mnasnohusctts Insti tute of Technology, nnd ntudied Inw. A strike and th" ' ' . : .ma- l'orn oircrert to pny tno tiovorn jnent 21G mllltons, durtnrr U Pe riod of bin luAie, nnd be hnt tho money. Wntclinuikcrs nsaenblotl In Chi cago predict that presently all clocks and watchea will automati cally get tlmo by radio. The Im pulse will be sent out nnd the wnuh in your pockot will nutomntically udjust itself. If only wo grew individually and mentally ns rnnldly na wo glow .sclent iAcally and mochauicully, but nlas, wo don't. Men with intelll cenco enough to maku a wntch und then set It correctly by radio, haven't intelligence enough to get rid of the superstitions that make them hate nnd kill each other. While Japan tolls us how much Insulted they feel because we don't let thaw come into the United Statee, the uninese aro warning u.tHl. Jimr'i foreiern minister. Statee, the Chinese aro warning lhtt thty 'tllt chlneee, arc much lwiu because they are not al- owtd to Mttj, on Japaneao soil, Somebody In Japan must lack a aMae ot humor, In Presidential primary election of Haverhill, Massachusetts, 003 men, 121 women, took the trouble to vote out of 17,000 registered voters. Proud Americans seem to lack interest in politics. Had a trained chlmpauzeo walked a tight ropo stretched above tho principal HlTttUl Ul JlHYt'llllll, Uil JUllll". uiij. beating a drum ns he walked, all tho 17,000 registered votors would prosperity. Wit 'lVfiBKiirv tha nut With Mollon in tho on 8 debts are cut. down. Meanwhile tho pooplo are saving nnd puttlnir nwnv ' vtv niillloi ' ' i3E Dated May 17th, 1024. W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff Harney County, Oregon. Hy A. E. GOODMAN, Doputy. . . . o THE niFFEHKNCE On futliem "made hay whilo tho sun hIiIiios. Their sons sow wild oats whllo tho moon tihlncs. Good For Weak Eyes The (illicit action of simple cam phor, hydrastls, wllchhuzol, etc., us mixed In Lnvoptlh eye wash astonish im poople. One small bottlo holps nny ensv week, sore or strained oyes. Aluminum eye cup free. Hood Iiros. DrugglHl Advertisement. vJUt'ir I IHADLEYJ y f his plants mid mnchinery and left him helpless, but his SI 0,000 en abled him to atari again. Unknown to anyone, he fcyste mnlicnlly bought stocks nnd bonds nnd when the crash of Northern Securities came nnd the Wall Street panic followed, Elmer went Into the lloston Slock Mnrket with his holdingi, sold thorn nt tho punk nud cleaned up $1,100,000 In one dny. .. " ' Ho Is now n construction nnd Utchnlcul onginoav In Boston und -.4 r-!''-, on fomimnwHh .aseinr,iwv mt yr6&& Ifatole jHvSJ Hill JiM-tcr i. '. or kniatt t ovor there wait cju; nw JaaUer what his troubloj Is, ho never worries nono! Whllo other fcl lora blnuio their luck tin' grum ble nt to kill, nn' bnckflro every time they're stuck, it ain't the case with Hill. I've saw htm when the weather drapped to twenty-two below. . . . He'd whistle like a medder-lark, and holler "Let 'cr now!" Ask him if he hadn't ruther see the weather hot, he'll tell ye life's lota sweater when there ain't no files to swat! Ketch old Bill durln' Auguit when the aun Is epittln' red, hot enough to nearly Scorch tho clapboards off the shed. . . . Speak to BUI about it an' he'll greet ye with surprise, nnd then proceed to demonstrate the Joys of swattin' flies! H,. i$4fi3$ EX.PUR1SNCE 10 A PEP -Wr3 TO QCMB FEULOWO BEfAUStt twrv AN'r iz., it roc MOKE THAN tT CT06T3 TH: yV.Hr-TT fe' . y --" "at p,M. in fysy W m s 24tEf5? , a vetu another. y, (S't)