HuturAay, May 21, 1021. f AGK it XHB TIMKS-HKIIAIjD huhnh, hahnhv oou n t y o it b o o n NOTION OF H01IOOL MHKTINC1 Notice la horoby glvon to tho loga! voters of School Dlatrlot No. 1 of Hnrnoy Ceuuty, Stato of Oregon, that n School Meeting of said district will be hold nt Public School Building, on tho 16th day of Juno, 1124, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of dlflCUMilna; the budget hereinafter net out with the levying board, and to voto on the proposition of levying A special dlatrlot tax. . ...... , ... The total amount of money needed by the nald school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 16, 1924, and ending June 30 1825, IsW; tlnated In the following- budgot and Includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, stato aohool fund, elementary nohool fund, sMdivl district tax, and all other moneyn of tho district. llUlKiRT KHTIMATKI) RXrKNDITUHH8 Personal Service- 1 Principal at J,600.00 $2,500.00 7 Tetchors at $1,200.90 8,400,00 Substitute Teachers ....,....., 1 Teacher of Music and Art at $1,200.00 1,200.00 i 1 Janitor at $800.00 .'. 800.00 1 Engineer at $1,000.00, 1,080.00 1 Olurk nt $300. 00. ...i , u 300.00 TOtftl MMtallft. .lM.M..toMlltlMIMM)l,MMlH Material aim! Happlk A . v .. Furniture (desks, stovefl, ourtalna.lotc) $ 218.18 Supplies, (chalk, ornsors, etc.) vt..' O.OJ Playground oqulpmont 316.38 Janitor's supplies 60,00 Kuol 660.00 Light t": "" '2C,S2 Currant for plcturo mnchlno 1B0.00 BnglnoorH Supplies . ' Onsollno, Oils, oto C0.00 Postage, stationery nnd printing supplljoB,... . 80.00 $ 14,250.00 Total Malntonnnco ami ltcpui Building and grounds 4 $ 1.000.54 .$ 500.00 Total fiMk'btcdnwrt To rotlro bonds '..... ., ...,.$1,000.00 Bonded, Interont thuroou ., ., ......, 1,610,25 Wnrrnut, lutorcst thoreon ..........., M. '' 500.00 Dlsrounts on vnrrnntn .....u.v.. ........ .......... 550.00 500.00 Total iMMHrunoo Premium on Policies Hnmna m $ 3,066.25 ..... -..$ 405.00 HWMM' .$ Total Mtooellntivoti Publishing Budgot oto. ...,MM........$ Xe I OP II OIIO tM.Mm..MMM....MW.Ml.,U...lMH. Audit of records ................ .m.............. 65.00 25.00 5.00 Totnl 405.00 95.00 7 Teachers .; Bitbntltuto Tcachern Teacher of Music and Art Janitor r.. Hnglneer .., .,. Clerk Total-r-Personal Service',',...; Material mMI fhwaUM-- . Furalture (desks, etc.) f., Supplies (chalk, etc) Playground equipment Janitor's supplies Fuel . ti. .... ... .. ,.,, .... . '. v '.... Knglaeers Supplies Gasoline oil oto Postage, stationery and printing supplies.... 4,200,00 60.00 600,00 320.09 450.00 160.00 400.00 175,00 160.00 30.99 469.90 19.99 25.00 59.00 26.90 7,03,00 Total Material and Supplies MAlNtauiMee Kcaalrw - V", . i Buildings and grounds ? $ 360.00 TotalMaintenance and Uojlnll'rt tatltteda , v . v ; Bonded, interest thereon Warrant Interest thereon , ...... Discount on warrants $ 'ii'i 837.84 .404.84 276.00 1,325.00 S.'r 250.00 r Totnl IndobtcdnesH IiiNurrtRfi Promlum on Pollciun Fi $' 1,517.68 75.00 Total estimated amount of money for nil purpose during tho yoar K8T1MATKD HKCKIITH Prom county bcIiooI fund during coming school yoar$2,500.10 Prom ntato school fund during coming school year 608.72 Prom elomentary school fund during tho coming school year 4,158.54 Estimated amount to bo received from nil other sources during the coming school yoar 63.00 $ 20,916.70 Total ontlmated receipts, not Including pro posed tax HKCAP1TULATION Total estimated oxpcnaoa for the yonr :..$20, 915.79 Total estimated receipts not Including proposed tax 7.420.36 $ 7,420.36 Balance, amount to bo rained by district tnx .. $ 13,495.43 Dated this 2lHt day of May, 1924. A V. UOWAN, Chairman, Board of Directors. Attest: W. K. HUSTON, District Clerk. OKIOI.VAli KSTI.MATK AND ACCOUNTING HIIKKT BCHOOIj DIHTHICT NO. 1 ESTIMATED KXPKNDITUBKS FOB TUB KN8UINO SCHOOL YEAIt rmonnl Hemic' 1 Principal .. $ 2,500.00 7 Tcachora ..... ...... 8,400.00 Toncher of Music nnd Art ,......... 1,200.00 Janitor .'. .... 800,00 Engineer .. , 1,050.00 Clerk - 300.00 ! Total Pursoual Service Material and Hupplle Furniture (desks, otc.) ......... Supplies (calk, etc) ... Playground equipment .... Janitor's supplies - Fuel Light Current for plcturo mnchlno . Onsollnu, oil etc Postuge, btntlonory and printing supplies .... $ 14,250.00 218.16 150.00 316.38 60.00 950.00 25,00 150.00 50.00 80.00 Total Material nnd Supplies Maiiitomiico nnd UcjmlrH Buildings and grounds 600.00 Totnl Mulntcnuiico and Itopulrs ............ v IndcbKHliK'HH Bonded, luloroul thereon ................ f l,r,ltj;25 Warrant, Interont tlienfon .,...'... 500.00 Discount on wnrrnnta 550,00 To rotlro bonds 1,000.00 1,009.54 500.00 Total-- IiidehtediKisa iHHurmict Promlum on pnllclex ,$ 405.00 Totnl Insurance MlKcelbiiH'ouH Publishing Budget etc .....$ Tolophone rentuls, tolls otc, ,....,.,.MM , Audit of HccordH M...,...,..t........$ $ 3,066.26 405.00 65.00 26.00 5.00 Total Miscellaneous 05.00 Orand Totnl $ 20,915.79 lCXPKNDITUKRH AND BUDUKT ALLOWANCE FOB SIX MONTHS OF LAST SCHOOL YEAIt Hxpoudlturori In detail Fsnesal Hervke Principal , $ 1,249.98 7 Teachers , 4,200.00 Teacher of MuhIo nnd Art 600,00 Janitor :. .-. , ",. 320.00 Clerk ,.., 169.00 Total Personal Service , ; MatriHl ami Huppllos Furniture (desks, otc.) . , $ Supplies (chalk, etc,) Playground equipment , ,...,. Janitor's supplies JIJUIi ! t4 fttttf Engineers Supplies , ,. . Qaaollne, oils etc :. , $ 6,969.98 618.16 128,19 319,38 15.95 228.09 - 2.80 2.76 30.96 Total Material and Buppllles MMintennnctf and llcpalrs Buildings and grounds , ,... $ 1,339.09 189,72 Total Maintenance mid BopalrH Indebtedttcas - Bonded, intorost thoroon Warrant intorost thoreon Discount on warrants ,; $ 189.72 837.84 404.84 215.03 T.otal Indebtedness iHsurunco Promlum on Policies , f 1,457.71 75.00 Total Insurance MIscelllunOouH . Tolophone rentuls, tolls, etc . Audit of records 13.46 i.70 Total MltfcolIanoouH $ 76.00 18M6 Grand Total Budget mIIowhhoo Jr detail VerMuul Bervlce . Principal , $ 10,049.65 Total Insurnur-o .MlHccllrtneoH Tolophone rontuta tnlln otc. .......,SMM..mM $ 12.60 Totnl Mlirellnnoous 75.00 12.50 Grand Total $ 10.219.18 HXPKNDITUUISB FOB TIIKKK FIHGAIj YEABH NEXT PltECEDING THE LAST SCHOOL YEAIt Detailed oxM'MlltmrH fr tin: lasf yvnv ut lhc tlir:-y,' l'lod Pcrtonnl Hi'vlc Prlnclpnl .". .$ 2,500.00 7 Tonchors . . . 8,400.00 Bubitltutn teacher .. , 138.00 Teacher of Munlc nnd Art 1,200.00 Janitor ..... 800.00 Engliioer - 1,060.00 Clerk - - 300.00 Other jmrvleo 6.00 MlNcellniioouK -' Publishing Judgot oto, ....... Telephono rentals tolls oto Wiring Plcturo Machlno .... Audit of records 65.35 29.50 100.46 14.22 Totnl Miscellaneous ...,...... 8 199.53 a rand Total Poraonnl Sorvlco ...t.l.J. $ 12,717.00 Material and Supplies ..,......". 1,707.53 Maintenance and Repairs 1,381.60 indebtedness a 4,479.90 InsurancA ................,.......... ,..,.........i 4iio.u u Miscellaneous ...,.,.........,.......... ,......,..... 138.15 $ 20,9DD.0 ( Grand Total .'.... ....'. Totals for first year Personal Servlco , $ 12,146.00 Material aud Supplies .;....: 3,794.34 Maintenance and Uepalrs : '.... 3(3.96 Indebtedness 3,669.09 Insurance 75.00 Mlflcellnneouo 11.70 $ 8M30.H" Grand Totnl -.. 20.0B9.0&, I, W. E. Huston, do horoby certify that the above estlmtto of exponrtl turcs for tho year 1924-1925 was prepared by mo and that the expenditure nnd budget nllownnco for six months of the current year and tho expendi tures for the three fiscal years noxt preceding the current year as shown above have been .complied from the records In my chargo and are truo and correct copies thereof, W. E. HUSTON, District Clork. TAGTPUfj HKV riLOT Proncher: "And thero shall bo weeping and walling and gnashing of teeth and " Sister Bertha (in front row): "Lnwys, lawsy -l'so Is a lost soul." Preacher (loaning forward nnd wlilnnflrlnel "Whnl urn. HUtnr Ta. :j: "' " i inn i n Sister Berthn: "Ah ain't gat no toeth." Preacher (qulck-llko) :" Teeth ...nt .... ....i..t..i f. win uv luriiimicu. j. I (On with tho normon.) Total -Pursonnl Sorvlru Material mid suppllcM Supplies (chalk, .etc.) ? Flags . - I'lnygrouiid equipment Jnnltor's supplies ..... .. . I UOl t. ta.M4)e I jl fC lit . .. Current for Picture mnchlno . Engineers supplies ..............I. Gasoline, oil otc v PONtage, stationery and printing supplies ...... 14,393.00 387.94 15.00 178.61 nr.ur, 46.n 16.17 46.00 49.35 139:12 29.87 Total Matorlal and Supplies ... Malntfnanco and Repairs Buildings nnd grounds . $ $ 1.87.13 727.23 Total Maintenance and Uepalrs lHdNtcdnc - Bonded Intert'st thereon Warrant Interest thoreon Discount on Warrant To rotlro Bonds , 727.23 1,817.16 634.30 355.33 1,000.00 Total Indebtedness f .'1,806.85 THE CALIFORNIA Jubilee ah str Quartet Playls at Oraa, Jmc 2; Jaatara, Jm , Drewiey, Jaa 4 Daace after caacert la aaaa tawa Four Unbleached Americans 4-Clever Grouch Removers-4 Specially featuring lha Old Fahond Plantation Melodlci. Of ceurt r, you like a ralhonet te goednati Colored Quartet? They all dot Two Hours of Fh With Never A Dill Meaent Tbn CurloenUt lon is worth lh prlcr of admiitlon, HOT WEATHER AND Motor Oils Economy in running your car durinp; the summer months demands that you use a motor oil which will stand both the terrific heat of tho motor and the eun. VALVOLINE MOTOR OIL 100 Per cant Pure Pennsylvania Oil of Quality The Only Pure Pennsylvania Oil Sold In Barns. Vulvolo is scientifically mado to withstand heat, prov vidinjr always a film of lubricant over all working parts of your engine. Vnlvolinc oil is a real money saver. Crank Cases Drained Free Burns Service Station Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares via Union Pacific System To Points East Daily May 22ml to aj9flMMMa9i lOtal To Pointi Wei t Daily May 15th to Saptembar 30th Limits October 31st Stepovers-Diverse Routea Caawk Laaal AfMd It farther eJeUlia D. S. 9TENCEK " Cwmi f aoewger Ageat Sak Ukf,CUy Crane-Burns Mail Stage Seven Passenger Touring Gars Best on the line Leaves Burns Post Office every evening except Saturday, at 6 P. M, , Fare $2.50 BONDED CARRIER V. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor Write For Full Information SUMMER SCHOOL LINK'S New Classes Organized Monday, May 26th Monday, June 2nd Monday, Jund 9th Teachers, High School Graduates and others .intrcsted in a Business Training Course Should be making their arrangements Now Summer Scheduals is from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. Daily c-,jv CIGARS in our humidor are just like they were fre$h from 'the factory a Good Cigar in Good Shape for a Good Smoke at Home Drug Co. . vi . - :,V' 1,250190 v'S in