The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 24, 1924, Image 1

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    I I
imtftta k
NO. 2t
seflMliBmw 1
Mlt Of Election For The
Official Count Wat Com
pleted Monday, May 19
Tho olllclnl count of tho Primary
lomlnalliiR Klectlon Dnllot for Hur-
y County was completed Monday,
My 19th Tlio roFult Is glvon bo
Delegntis National Conventien:
IS 1) lluriH HO
V K Crews ............. 1.JU
tffrcil A Hamtwon 154
rauk S Mors 209
lush'i HJ1
Mice MtN'Ught ........, 130
In Alexander Thompson 205
f J Tlrkuor 04
)ald West 233
Delegates for Second District:
;co. C Illnlulely 1G5
harkM F Carter 220
Iwrgo A Marshall 180
Wilt M. Peterson 170
President of United States:
JiVllllatn lbln McAdoo 542
Vlco President of United States:
;o. I.. Horry 28C
Electors of President and Vice
tola L. Gavin 251
William A. Johnson 217
fall 8. Lusk , u 149
lebcrt A Miller 229
Ucbard W. MontaKUO 188
tc Sncdecor 08
United States Senater:
V It King - 130
iftilton A Miller 41
!to A Mansfield 70
w II Strnyer ......... .151
ItepresMtlutlve In Cengress:
Dimes Harvey Graham ..121
tilph V Swrgler 169
1. V Wilnm .. ..... 103
Secretary of State:
Viltcr M Ilemhree 290
State Treasurer:
Jefferson Myers .7r 338
Justice of Supremo Ceurt:
). I CojI.ow 295
Commissioner Public Service:
I D. Ilrowu 285
llcpresimlntlvo 27th District:
mxa Muthcrshcad ..- 24
Dlit.rlct Atterney:
V 0 Cozad 7. 270
'o 8 Hlzemoro 180
Countx Commissiener:
1 W Uulmna
M Caw If Hd
lay Onu-iM
Couiii Clerk:
ban K Dlllinan
WU Smith
1 A
bag Hrldngliuni ......,
Schoull Superintendent:
lah Mrfice
Dclira'is National Conventien:
annii' K Dlxhop 437
harles j Carey 487
Milium A Carter 447
lenry Waldo Coo 224
I. J Kvensnn 218
ftobert 8 i-arrelll 321
C Fulton ... ......sir
"f '"fjai"""""""" "
ry E Hill Z 18
J Johnson M....T.r.'. 483
Johnston lgi
fUnflelil MrDorald 143
C MarHtcrs 233
'bll MetHflmn . 542
am da
M'ln A Muck ; 169
!). ('c'lrHOti 154
Delegates for Second. District:
fllu I) Cnuulull " dv.
M GuMaglicr 445
3' Ivanhoe 21
' ' Muhaffey 317
!y V Hltnnr ' mi
fw O Htaver 89
Iremdint of United StatoH
flvln C'J0(,K0 ;, 0B
"" W. Johnson 130
Vlco President of IT. R
'auk O Lowdon 204
orgu Shephord 397
'wood Washington 28
"hum Grant Woboter 29
'lectorH of President and Vlco
'atol Iloyd 472
i. aeorgo 532
W. (Jo wan . . iion
JtIen O iioilnian !!C4
""et Lane Itlchards 460
0, HteaniB r.i?
. umted States Senater:
',C0 L. Hakor .... ..... 130
v K. Kubll a. 40
hrlos L. MeNary , 507
1 . Stallard 51
( "eprosentatlvo In Cengress:
'o. T Cochran .
...200 and
N. J, Slnnott 508
Secretary of State:
Sam A. ICozer 734
State Treasurer:
K. It. Campbell 1C4
ThOH. D. Kay 413
Frank S. Sever , 137
Justice of Supremo Ceurt:
Uarry H. Delt 209
J. W. KiiowIm 348
Henry B. Wcstbrook 143
Atorney Oeneral:
Robert 1). Kuykondnll 208
I. II. Vnn Winkle 461
Dairy uud Food CommlsHleiicr:
J. D. Mlcklo 3CG
Harry U. Miller .... 314
Commissioner Public, Service:
II. H. Corey .. 507
Robert Service 175
Senator 22nd District:
(loo, H. Davis ....... 210
Charles W. Kills ,.T.....B8
Representative 27th District:
It. A. Ford 170
Mnry Urovo 207
District Atterney:
C. 11. Leonard .... 588
County Commissiener:
W. T. Vim Dot-veer , 180
V. A. (loodman 304
W. C. Luckoy 157
Clarence Young .441
County Clerk:
A. A. Ilardwell , - 414
Mary L. Illott 195
W. B. Huston ... ....3W
County Treasurer:
Vera Glbbs 249
W. Y. King m 548
Mrs. Lute Parker .....'....;1.-..110
Harry Duck -100
Chfts. W. Logan 012
School Superintendent:
Mary Griffin 792
M. V. Dodge -
' Coronor :
Geo, V. Clevongor t
The successful candidate for Na
tional, Stnto and Dlutricl Otllcus at
the Primary Klcctlon were:
....William dibits McAdoo, PresU
dent U. U.
Geo. L. Hcrry, Vlco President.
Milton A. Miller, U. S. Senator.
James Harvey Graham, Rep. Con
grots'. Waltur L. Hembreo Secretary of
Jefferson Myera, State Treasurer.
O. P. Coshow, Justice supreme
J. I). Drown, Public Service Com
Sam Mothershead, Joint Roprosiln--tntlve.
Culvln Coolldgo, President, U. 8.
Frank O. Lowdon, Vlco Proaldont.
. Cha. L. MeNary, U. 8. 8enator.
N. J. Slnnott, Rep. Congress.
Sam A. Kozcr, Secietary of State.
TIiob. I). Kay, Stnto Teraaurer.
Harry licit, Justice Suprumo
I. II. Vnn Wlnklo, Attorney Gen
eral. II. 11. Corey, Public Service Com.
Geo. E. Davis, Joint Senator.
R.-A. Ford. Joint Representative.
A high class comedy presented by
the senior class of the Harney county
high HChool at the Liberty theatre on
Tuesday, May 20th. The leading
character were splendidly sustained
and strongly supported by all par
ticipants. It was a grand perform
ance by tho young people well re
ceived and accorded liberal applause,
Burns has exceptional talent and it
should bo cultivated to a greater ox
tent. Tho Chautauqua and Lycoum
for which large umounta of money
are annually taken out of the county
offer no better, greater or whole
some pleasure than tho High school
performances, and tho money sent
out of the county, for at least tho
lyceum, might be kept at home.
Burns has struggled forty years
for a railroad and a last doforrcd
hope Is about to be realized. Tho
laying of tics and steel will soon bo
In full awing on tho lino of tho Ore
gon Short Lino between Crane and
this place and it Is oxpoctod that
tracklnylng will be completed by
July 1st, la It not fitting and propor
that Burna ahould colobrnto fKo com
ing of tho railroad In a mnnnor that
will leave no doubt that wo nro glad
of Ub coming. Lot's forget tho
things that are behind nnd reach for
tho things beforo us, Tomorrow Is
full of possibilities nnd tho 4 th of
July -will bo a fine day to colebrato
"change cars."
Mr. W. D.B. Dodeen, Farmer
Harney County Reeident Te
Addreaa Big Audience.
The annual ro-unloit of the pion
eers of llnrnoy county will bo hold
at Iliiriin on Saturday Juno 14th.
Mr. Win. Ilanluy. President, has In
vited Mr, W. D. 11, Dodson, former
ly or Harney county and now general
manager of Portland Chamber of
Commerce to make the principal
address, and It is understood. Mr,
Dodson ban accepted the Invitation.
Mrs. Hello lluyoa la In chnrgo of the
luncheon and expects to provide eoatii
for Tour hundred. Tho musical pro
gram In under tho supervision of
Mesdanies Vol la Welcome and Madge
Leonard, and the athletic contents
under the direction of Clarence
Luckey. A grand old time dance
managed by Dell Dibble and Austin
Goodman will conclude tho fes
tlvltloH. All pioneers are requested
to bring and wear tho badges cor
responding lo year of membership.
Harry C. Smith who built the
stone annex to the Hums Garage,
conceived tho Idea and had a road
map of Oregon painted, covering the
entire upper front of tho building.
This map was destroyed when tho
building wan gutted by fire early In
1923, Damago to tho building wan
repaired by Archie McGowau Immed
iately after tho fire, and now he has
caused oo be reproduced thero at con
slderable expense, tho map of Ore
gon, dedicating It to tho memory or
the late Mr. Smith. County lines,
main topography, principal towns,
state highways and the more Import-
nut county roads are shown on the
map. It shows enterprise and n com-
mendnlo spirit. It Is vnluablo nil-!
vertlolng and of positive service lo
tho traveling public.
Another fitting tribute to Mr.
Smith Is being considered by tho
leading citizens of Silver creek. It
will I ! I kit fmi iitf. t Um aift
.... , .,,, frolic uud freedom,
cons ruc.ed the splendid road from cr , ,,, , w
iiiu top oi nnge-ncu iiiu to nuver i
creek with a
little assistance from '
the county and from Silver
, I
creek, '
but principally nt his own expense
thus connect lug Hums and the Sun
tex section with next to a highway
for the greater portion of the year.
The proposal Ik to erect a stono tnb
lot ftomowhoro along that stretch of
road, naming It after the bultdor,
Harry C. Smith.
Harney, the Land of Sunshine,
-P i
r rVtt4K
ESEEty BMMM. MiMMiiJa JBMb AsMMf r k wVffP
-v i BmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI
Z&yJ ? , VfmMJ tar!!
:m 'Vw-viViffl
.., ; v. v. .. ti
Service F Memorial Day Te
Be Held At Liberty Thea
tre On Menday June 30
Arrangements have boon mado for
sorvlcos for Momorlal Day, May 30,
at tho Liberty Theatre.
President of tho DayCapt. A.
W. Gownn, llrlef History of Momor
In I Day,
Music Commltteo Mrs. P, S.
Song by Assembly "llattlo Hymn
of the Republic."
Rending Gun'l Orders No. 7 De
partment of Oregon G, A. R,
Comrade D. M. MoDado Olllccr of
the Day.
Invocation Rev. II. W. Shaver,
Accordion Solo Comrade Archlu
W. Howell.
; Llnepln's Gettysburg AddronH
I Chan. M. McCnunolir
i Girls Public School Clioriif ritur
' Spangled Ilauuer.
I Memorial Address Rev. Samuel
' Harris.
Song by Assembly "My Country
'tis of Thee."
Fall In I March to Cemetery
Comrade Harry Howell Marshall!
Veterans of All Wars, City Dads
and Citizens earnestly Invited Do
nation of Auto Services roquested.
Rrlef Ritualistic Services at Cem
eteryComrade K, N Jamison - De
coration of Graves Taps.
Contribution of Flowers for ser
vlco nt Cemetery Is respectfully re
quested, COMMITTKK.
' Th" "C2 celebration under tho
I ""llcs ' ,l' Wblskoy Gulch
a,,"K' WlioltWHloro In Fun and Mirth,
""" ""nuior ). '
Canyon City, June 19, 20 and 21st,
Is described as neither a Pageant nor
a Spectacle. It Is not a show, fair,
carnival or circus. It Is just a big
time, hopped with doubled distilled
Joy with nothing on tho program but
Our fath-
big time In Whiskey Gulch
I.. I 0 A(l ...! ...I... a a .!.
- ., , , ,. ,.. ..
Ill 1 Mill! ." II II I IV ! ET 1111 f I
,. , ., . , , ....., r ....
ii in inn niiiuu "in hiiiuii, iiiiiiim iiiu
, same old sky and noino of tho samo
old folks, liking the same old things,
Join the Gang,
t o
The regular meeting of the Moth
ers Club was hold at tho-homo of
Mrs. Jno Thompson Thursday after-
I . 'iv.jiro I!w MMMBeW IWWB73 )K
ILM liv. . nlMMPt.-i 1 t&sTl f w f iMMEel9filMMMMMU b1MMMB1 jLwVI
e! . t.erJ- . " C i ea I " aBMBf 1 llBH9eeer I
p .-'i.'.ir'ij 'j.;. . i -esr" -a . ihmv
wim.M s wr
'IJsW.Tl Iri.
FM UAL. ' V 'JJ.-r !, .,,1 j if . '
tmmipi&tias?: r . a S v
xmnMSr.i$&ma . ', JJ ' r V.-5'
' "iW ..,th
noon with Mrs, Dcrt Richardson as
Joint hostess,
One feature of the meeting was a
very Interesting and enlightening
paper entitled "Are Musicians Horn
Not MadeT"'rcad by Mrs. Fred Ooyt,
The following question were given
attention in this paper: Youth and
beauty, to be sure, arc less Import
ant on the stage than good singing
and acting; but wbon till four are
present, who could fall to be enrap
tured? It duos not follow that be
cause great musicians are Invariably
both born and teacher mudo or self
nindu, all those who are born with
special musical talent become groat
musicians. Genuine nun famotiu mu
nlclaus may be either horn or mado,
but usually aro both,
A very delightful and eutortalu
lug little porgrnm was glvon which
proved a great success duo to tho
careful training of Mrs. Harry Smith
who also ncted as accompanist.
The program consisted ef:
Piano Solo "Flying Sparkn.",
Dorothy Leonard,
Solo "Cooky Man", Vertollo
Recitation "What I Like", Greta
Ilarbara Hlssmau.
Duet "To Dreamland", Arleno
Jnmesou and Juno Thompson,
Solo "In The Tree Top," Norma
Dance -"Fronch Minuet", Doris
Hotchklss and Dorothy Leonard.
Theso numbers wore all heartily
applauded and tho au4icuce -was
favoord with gonerous encores,
This was considered one of the
most Interesting and entertaining
meotiuga and closes a season that
has been educational and satisfact
ory to tho members.
With the opening of meetings In
tho fall the "Child Wolfnro" pro
gram will bo continued.
Dainty and delicious refreshments
were served following the entertain
The only lufeutloiih In new terri
tory In California are reported from
Fresno and Tuolumne counties, with
recurrence In Los Angeles, Merced
and Fresno counties.
Following Is a list of the dates of
latest Infection by ceunties:
Alameda .March 23
Contra Costa May 8
Solano March 13
San Francisco March 24
Sail Joaquin ..April 24
Stanislaus April 13
Mariposa . April 13
Madera . .. May 13
Kern ....'. April 117
Los Angeles -y, .May 12
San Ilernudlno M April 21
Orange May 13
Tulare May 13
Tuolumne May 13
Fresno . . May
Merced May
Harmey Ceunty Hifk Scheel
Bids Anether CUae Goodby.
Htf h Henera Rewarded.
This week tins been u busy one
for the senior class. Last Sunday
Daccalaurcato exercises wiru neld at
the Presbyterian church. The Rev.
Shaver and C. A. WntcrliO'ino nHSlnl
ed in the prayer servlco nnd a well
rendered musical program was pre
sented by tho ladles. The Reverend
Samuel Harris gave the baccalaur
eate sermon, an Inspirational talk
which was nlrongly appealing. His
fruitful dlscourso treated of tho sim
ple vltrucs of lire, taking as a theme
Christ's work with the flsherfnlk of
Gnlllloe. Mr. Harris stressed tho fact
that tho Saviour calln to our atlou-'
Hon the noble qualities which can bo
found In lowly callings nnd that
true grandeur is of tho spirit.
Monday evening at the Odd Fol
lows Hall, tho Alumni ABsoclatloit
I tendered a rccoptlou to tho gradu
ates. The usual stunts and gatnos,.
together with a well arranged enter
tainment, made tho evening most
entertaining to all and one long to
bo romembeYod. Much pralso is
due tho local ulumnl who annually
participate In and make this feature
a success,
Wednesday the senior, In sovoral
cars, took the annual picnic pllgrlm
ogo to Roaring Springs. Lunches
were taken and a very enjoyable day
spent by all, Tho Misses Klslu Wa!--ker
and Vera Grant accompanied tluu
party. J
The annual Junior banquet to the
senior Thursday evening, at the
school house, wan a huge succoss.
The Juniors with Miss Wagner In
charge, proved themselves equal to
the task, providing a wonderful feed.
Two nolo -numbers by petite Ducky
Leonard the charming ilaiiseuse,
were features of the evening. The
Mesdanies, Farru, Harris, Dalton and
MoDado were Included with tho fac
ulty members, as guests. Hvoryono
departed praising tho class of 1925.
Friday evening the Liberty theatre
wiw crowded as the opening strains
of the Processional imliorul In the
Commencement exerolhes of thu class
of '24.
Thu three Honor studeuib partici
pating In the exorcises gavu a good '
account of themselves. Ming Lucllo
Ilrowu road the Clasd History. Kd
ward Drown delivered tho Salutatory
handling the subject In masterly
fashion. Ho took iih htu thyme
"Models and Ideals."
Harry Loggau who won the First
National Dank prize or $25,00 gavu
n splendid Valedictory which won
much npplause.
Mltsa Pauline Deslleta rendered a
violin solo and encore, In marvelous'
style, showing herself to bo very
much of an artist.
The girls Gleo Club sang two mel
odious numbers, which pleased Im
mensely, reflecting much credit on
Mrs, Farro's training.
Prluclpall W. M. Sutton In pre
senting the diplomas, gavu u very In
structive uddrcss. Space forbids go
ing Into details, except to say that
It was very scholarly and evoked
much Interest.
DuriiH McGowau then created
much laughter in u presentation of
"gifts". Washoards, Poptonn, K. I).
X. etc were somu of the presents he , .
gave to favored members of tho class
Edward Drown president of the sen
ior class aroused much merriment by
presenting Hums on behalf or tho
class with a handsome doll,
Principal MoDado thou closod
with a row remnrks on school condi
tions, Folowing thu Benediction aud Re
cessional tho graduates retired to tho
Tonawuma Hall, there to receive tho
congratulations of friends ami enjoy
tho Commencement Ball.
Unntlutcd pralso was 'showered ott
tho Junior class for the beautiful
Boltings arranged. Tho stago was
decorated with greens, flowers and
plants, making a very pleasing pic
ture, Tho Misses Dolda Schwartz and
Kathorlno Farro wero charming n&
O, Y. Drown and wifo of Canyon
City, accompanied by Mrs, A, J.
Weudlor of Anchorago, Alaska, mot? .
orod ovor from Canyon last Sunday,
roturnlng tho samo day,
wmmmmmmmmmmdrwtmmmmmmmmmBmmm0mmmmmmm4mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi i i i iun