& .Knttmlay, May 17, tftti run r i m i: h - in k ii a j i) n u u n b , 11 a k n h if county o h a o n PAGB T XcrriiKii wav ok iX.oi;aiiv GHKAM )Unoger Hnsmusson of tho llnr- ! county Creamery xundo tho first .,' of Ico cronm at tho Croum- piant Inat Wednesday and tho .j- ri treated to a agllon that a o good tho "Missus" had to L, 0(f tho supply on miiiio turn win fcman. This Is another method of dlspos rtf tho raw material of tho dairy . !..( i, rn hi nrovo nonulnr. At 'i. .nmmn of tho year tho cream liput I' mUC" lnpron8CM nn (Uho lint hU' -1 muou Hoi" "i connum- a, Wii nuvqunio roinguraior tilltirt ' tl Hiultod nmotiut of Liler can i Morcu ami woumor adltlotiH . ft oi enureiy lavorauio . ihlpracn Ice cream made as tho unmplo glv , tU family will ho consumed In LiiiIpr and this offers anolhor .mm of disposing of tho cream l,t cannot bo usel profitably In ittcr We undorstnnd Mr. uasmus n will not cater to tho retail trado tl sell In quantities to those hnndl- s Ice cream It Is a goon movo nnu ould ho oiirourngcti. o Wo will do your Job work. SUMMONS k'THB ilUtTIT COURT OF THE STATB OK OREGON FOR HAH NBY COl'NTV. rnoy County National Hank of Darns, On Ron, a national bank Inn corporation; Fred Unities; P. C. I'otorsen, Leon M. Drown and Ruby M llrown, Plaintiffs, vs. hry M Hunynrd; Mary M. nun- jard, Adinlnlntratrlx of tho oaituo of J. H Dunyard, deceaaod; Edith Gooulow; Lorona llakor, James 0. Uunyard; Wlllard Bunyard; Jcmc Hunynrd, minors; and Ger- yl trudo nunyaru, guaruian oi vn $it lard Dunyard and Josae Buuyard; ill holrs st Inw of J. h. iinnyara, dweascd Defondants. to- Kcllth Goodlow, Wlllard Bun- & yarn anu jonso wunyaru, iuiuum gjl actl Orrtrudo Bunyard, guardian of Wlllard nunyaru aim jobho Dunyard tnlnore. You. und each of you, aro roqulred ii appear nnd answer to tho com- lilnt filed against you In tho nbovo ntltled suit on or hoforo tho Inst kiy of the tlmo prohcrlbed In tho rJer for publication of said sum- tons, to-wlt: on or beforo tho 24th iUr of May. 1024, said dato being he expiration of six weoks from the bate of the first publication of this nmmonH, and If you fall to appear Lad answer for want thereof, tho UlntlrTs will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In their com- bUInt, to-wlt For a Judgmont agnlns. you for Bum of $3,015.57 In favor of tho Harney County National Bank, with ateros' thereon at the rato of 8 per tnt p- r -innum from tho 20th day .1 Mann, 1024. nnd for tho furth er um i, POO 00 nttnrnoy mi's lihircln Ffu M. iirmor turn of $1,875.21 I rod Halnos with Inter .t the rato of S per cont hi lb- r. in a-.un. from the 20th day of March, 1.4. and for tho further mm of 117' 00 attornoy foes therein. For th. further sum of $1,875.21 la favor .f V C. Peterson with In terest tl.'non at tho rato of 8 pnr 'entptr annum from tho 20th duy of March, 1024, nnd for tho furthor turn of $175 00 attorney foes. And for tho further sum of $2,- 016.21 In favor of Leon M. Brown nd Uuhy M. Brown with interwt thereon at tho rnto of 8 per cent por tnnurn from tho 20th day of Marchh, 1924. and for tho further sum of 1200.00 attorney fees, and for their costs and disbursements of this suit. And that that certain mortgage made nnd executed by J, II. Bun- yard and Mary M .Bunyard on the 20th day of November, 1922, for tho am of $20,287.02 upon tho SWU ind tho 8 V BE V ot Bccllon 12, and the N'NB't of Section 13, all In Townehln 24 South. Banco 31 H. W, m. In Harney County, Orogon, containing 320 acres of land more FOLKS IN OUR TOWN Anything Taslts, Good Mm You Are Tiiirtly Jiy Edward McCuIIough AUrOCASTER or loss, togother with all water rights nnd claims to water rights thoroon appurtonaut or appertain ing thereto, ho foreclosed, nnd that the usual decree of foreclosure bo entered herein, and that the said real property above described be sold as by 'law required, and In ao cofdanco with the rulos nnd regula tions of this court to satisfy tho sums due upon the principals of tho respective notes herein set out, tho Interest, attorney fees, casts and dis bursements as provided by tho Enid notes and by law, und thnt tho sums so received from Did snlo of tho said property, nfter tho payment of attor ney fees, costs nnd disbursements and tho costs of tho pnlo of this null, bo applied proportionately upon tho Hums due upon tho principal and lutorosl of each of tho respective notes, and that in enso tho said snlo of tho Bald proporly shall not pay the coats and disbursements of this suit, tho said Harney County Nat ional Bank, a hanking corporation, Frod Halnos, P. C. Peterson, LJon M. lirown and Iluby M. Brown havo a doflcloncy Judgmont against tho said Mary M. Bunyard and the aalrt Mary M. Bunyard, Administratrix of tho estate of J. H. Bunynrd, deceas ed, for tho respcctlvo balnnrc due upon each of tho said notes. That tho said defendants he re quired to appear and pay tho said bums above mentioned, and If they fall so to do, that said mortgage he forocloBcd, nnd thnt (hoy and each of tho said defendants, be forevur debarred and enjoined from claim ing or asserting nuy right, title, In terest, lien or cstnto In or to the said real property described In tho said mortgage, advorso to tho plain tiffs heroin, save and excopt their right of redemption. Thnt said right, title, lion, Inter est nnd mortgago of tho plaintiffs heroin ho declared n first and prior Hen to nil other claims of all other parties whomsoever, and for such other and further relief ns tho Court may deem oqultablo and proper. Thnt this summons Is published by order of tho Hon. Dalton Biggs, of the Circuit Court for the County of Harney nnd thho State of Oregon, mado nnd entered on tho 5th day of April, 1024; tho data of tho first publication of thin summons Is April 12th and the ditto of tho Inst publi cation of this summons Is May 24(h, 1924. BIROS ft BIQGS. Attorney, for Plaintiffs Residence and Post Office nddrcis: Burns, Oregon. NOTICE OF -PINAL ACI.'OIJNT In tin; County Court of l!irnoy CoHHty, Oregon, In tho Mnttor of the Estate of Wil liam A. Cecil, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator has ren dered and filed his final aecount and erport In tho above named es tate and Court, and tho Court has set Tuesday tho 20th day of May 1020 at the hour or ton o'clock. In tho forenoon In the County Court Boom In the Court Houno in Burns. Oregon as the tlmo nnd place for hearing thereon and settlement there of. All persons concerned aro here by notified to file their objections, In writing. If any such thero bo, and to nppenr at said hearing and sup port the unmo mid contest tin- af count. J. C. CECIL. Administrator. XOTIOI? TO CHKDITOMH In tho matter of tho Estate or Jeffer son F, Williamson, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIHRBDY GIVEN by the undersigned, ADMINISTRATOR of tho ettate of Jefferson F. William son, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against tho said deceased, to exhibit them, together with the necessary vouchers within bix months from the date of the first publication or tbls'fiotlce to the undersigned Administrator at Prinevllle, Oregon, or to McCulloch ft Duncan, Attorneys for the Admin istrator at Burns, Oregon . Date of first publication of this Notlco is April 19, 1924. J. N, WILLIAMSON, Administrator, L Asa? S& 'vsr) ' IF- " i aa? ssls? ywsemaon A" W wfr vJtnt J LOUIES 3XHAV HIRB - I f - I,J BOWL M' NorT in ?rne ( I'M ( uTTMMVaHirNV V'J t. V 7 A NOT1O10 TO OHKDITOIIS IN THE COUNTY COUll'l OF THE STATB OF OREGON FOR IIAR- NBY COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Ket- urah J. James, Deceased. NOTICB IS HHRBBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administrator of the above named eatato and hah qualified as such administrator, All persons having claims against above named deceased or her estnto aro heroby notified to present aamo, duly verified as roqulred by law, to tho undorslguod at his rcnldnnco near AndrowB, Orogon, or to his at tornoy, C. B, McConnoll, at his onlce in Burns, Orogon, within ulx inontliu from this notlco which Is dntod May 17th, 1024. LUTHER B. TUIlOlt. Administrator. First publication May 17, 1921. Last publication Juno 14, 1024. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. In tho matter of tho Estnto of Wil liam Henry Baro, Deceased. To Owon 8. Baro, Andy Bare, and Mrs. Frances C. Chappnll, ns heirs at lnw of William Honry ilaro, de ceased: GREETINGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You, nnd each of you aro horoby cited and required to appoar In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Hnrnoy, nt tho Court room thereof, at Burns, In thn County of Harney on Wednesday tho 28th day of May 1021, at ton o'clock. In tho forenoon of that tiny, then and thero to show can ho, If any oxlst, why an order of snlo should not bo matin allowing tho administrator of tho ahovo-nnmd estnto to sell at nubile salo, for tho purpose of pay ing the debts and expenses of ad ministration of said ostato, the fol lowing described real proporly, viz; NYVIJSBU, 8lNKUi SE".i NWM, UU8WU. Sec. 27 and BV4-NW-4 Sec. 34, Tp. 18 S., Range 3,'Ufi East, Wlllnmolto Meridian, Harney County, Oregon; as by petition It hns been prayed: This citation shall bo deemed ser ved upon you, It served by publica tions, nfter tho oxplrntlon of twent eight days from tho dato of first pub lication; or If It bo personally served then after tho expiration of ten days from date of such servlco, If served in Hnrnny County, Orogon, or after tho expiration of twenty days from dato of service it served In any other county in this state. Publication hereof has been order ed against tho ahovo-nnmnd Andy Bnro and Francos O. Chnppoll, and tho date of first publication hereof will bo April 28. 1024, In TJio Tlmos Horald, n weekly newspaper of gen i rnl rlrculntlnn printed and publish ed In Burns. Oregon Wllncs, Tho Hon. R. T. Hughct. County Judge of tho County Court of the State of Oregon for th6 County of Harney with the seal of said Court affixed, this 25th day of prll A. I). 1024. SEAL Attest CIIAB, E. DILLMAK, Clerk. Hl'MMONH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATB OF OltEOON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. Wm. E. Marshall, Plaintiff. vs. Bllllu E. Banks nnd Mrs. Bllllo E. Banks. Dofondants. To Bllllo E. Banks nnd Mrs. Bllllo E. Banks, his wife, Dofondants, IN THE NAME OF TH.E STATE OF OREGON: You aro hereby ro qulred to appear and nnswer tho complaint filed against you In tho above-entitled suit on Or hoforo tho Inst day of tho dato proscribed In tho order for tho publication of this Hummons, to-wlt, on or hoforo tho lflth dny of Juno, 1024, said dato holng si weeks from tho dato of tho rirst publication of this summons, nnd If you fall to appoar and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for the rellof de manded In his complaint, vU: that plaintiff havo Judgment and docroo as follows; Judgment against the defendants for tho sum of $240.G0, nmount duo on noto described in tho complaint, togotWer with Interest, thereon from April 30. 1924, for the further sum of 7.17 taxes paid on the premises described in the complaint, together with Interest thereon at 12 per cent per annora from Aprlll 30, 1934; the further sum of (30.09 reasonable attornoy fee to be allowed plaintiff and his costs and disbursement herein; and decreo that tho mortgage described in the complaint be a first and prior Hon upon the real property describ ed therein nnd that tho usual decree of the court be made and entorcd for tho foreclosure of said mortgage and for tho sale of the mortgaged property according to law and the practices of thin court, and thnt tho proceeds of tho salo bo applied in payment of plallntlff'n debt and the amounts due under tho terms of said mortgage; and that nt the sale plaintiff be allowed to bid on and become a purchaser of said land, and In the event the proceeds of the sale bo not sufficient to pay plain tiff 'e Judgment that ho have a de ficiency JudKinont for amount re- mnlnlng unpaid; and that tho do , readmits and nil, persons claiming by, i through or undor thorn, subsequent ( ly to plalntlfl'n mortgago ho for ovor barred and foroclnscd of all nlnlm, right, tltlo, ostato, Hon or In terest In, to or upon said mortgaged premised and every part thoroofj save, and excopt thoir statutory right, or redemption; That this numinous In published by order or tho Hon. R. T. Hughot, : Jutlgo of tho County Court of tho I Statu of Oregon for Harney County, ' mado and entered on May lot, lobt, nuthomiug nnd ordering tho publi cation hereof in Tho Tlmus-Horald, It weokly iiuwspnpor of general circu lation published In Burns, Oregon, once n wonk for six consecutive wooks. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, Attorney for plaintiff. Re siding und pontofTlca address, Burns, Oregon. Dato of rirst publication May 3, 1024 Date of Inst publication June 14, 1024 FOR SALE- Early and Into cahbngo, cauliflower, tomato and uster plants. Grace B, Lampshlro. r-3-3t Wnutod house work, cooking Job on ranch or In town, Inquire at this onlce. C-3- If you want to soil or trado list your property with W. T. Lester Co., Phono Bit 4-19 A few cord of Pine wood for salo. Burns Garage. 3-8- WIU trado for cattle, C room modern new houso lot 1 Vi. for equal vuluo. 4-2C FOR SALE Light set of double har ness, platform scales and hand truck; office desk. Mrs. B. E. Purlngton. 4-26-tf. Parcel Post your Cleniilui and Dye ing Lorlmer's City Dyo Works, IloUo, Idaho. 4-10- Evorbcariug Progressive Strawbcr rlos aro tho best, most prolific and hardiest, they will do well in Harney Valley, will produce same year as planted; plant as soon as ground can be worked. I furnish guaranteed pure plant at 11.25 per 100 9.00 per 1000 18.00 for 3000 or over, delivered at your ofllco P. P. and guarantee thorn to roach you In good condition. Ad dress N. H. Matthlcsson, Model Fruit Farm, It. No. 1, Emmott, Idaho. 3-15 FOR SALE Round Oak Stool range J. C. Wolcomo riding snddlo, ton Inch John Doom walking plow, Big 4 McCormlck Mower N. H. Vougtly. Burns, Orogon. 3-in-tf. Mrs. Hollo Jenkins will care for rick pnUnnts In hor homo. 2-10-tf. $000 REWARD For evidence lead ing to arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing my sheep. My sheep are fire branded on the noes and paint branded on the bank with the horsa shoe bar. Both brands are recorded. My re corded ear mark U aa upper bit la both ears. My ewee have sev en dlffereat age marks aa aaier sieve, a erep aa an upper BUM la both eara and my jrearlla ewes hare a small arap of! hath eara. I aell ne aheap breasted aa aee. W. W. Browa, Ufa, Oreaoa. 7-11. nurus Auto Top Shop furnlshea tops for an make of car and does gen eral repair work. Ford tops com plete with glass In back curtain, $13.50. other tops in pretettloa. 6-17-tf. L I IsYt eaVmmLwswswXrT''mi jRClI '' i ' . ' ' Tresspass notices printed on cloth at this omco. hoiu in any quantity desired. 6-ia-tf. D. Dlekenecm ft Sen have a tapply of roagh, dlaaeasIoB aai Areteed lumber at the mill ahevt Bine, f-XI-tf. t i.i FOR SALE Two used Overland touring cars In first class condi tion neither havo run 3000 miles. Call Phono 14 CJ. 1-12 Many bargains on City property, fanny mid stock ranches.- cho IN LAND UMPIRE ItUAIrY COM PANY. PhOno UOW S-1S Any ono desiring wood sawed eoo F, D. Towsloy, Burns, Oregon 9-Ltf. !fc I I ' I I 1 I'll FOR HALE Ford Touring 1022 tnodo), now paint; stnrtor, good mechanical con dition, $210.00, Ford louring 1920 modol, Mooro transmission, Hasslor shocks, good condition, at $200.00 Servlco Oarage. - 3-1 C For Salo Well broke work horses, cheapMrs. E. E. Purlngton, Burns, Oregon. 3-lC-tf. WANTED: Men or women to take ordors nmong friends and neigh bors for tho gonulno guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children, Eliminates darning. We pay 7Cc, and hour spare time, or $36.00 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write Internatlon Stocking Mills Norrls towa, Fa. j FOR TRADE I own 20 acres In 8 19 T 35 B It 31 E Harney County. Ilasc anybody anything to trado In my part of tho country for this Innd7 Write C. A. Mason, 326 East Sldo Blvd., Muskogee, Okla. 5-10-4 Those desiring flowers for com mencement nnd Decoration Day should order iarly Mrs. Oraoo Lampshlro. 5-10-tf J, L. Lowo has the Purlngton saw mill and Is now prepared to fill all orders for rough lumber. Soon havo a supply of dressod material for his customers. Watch theso columns for further announce ment. ' 5-10-tf. CANYON CITY BUIINS T-7V vice '3 for Pas- Fast ' l Pleat i ' seng Connections to Portland or Bastern Points. Quick Express and Freight Service. N. 11ICOWN A HON, Ageat Barns Oregon Save Your Eyes Kvv strain causcu hcadHchcs, nervouHnetw and other trou bles. I fit glagaefl accurately and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Omce with Dr. B. F. Smith J O II H 43 111 BV IS K It L I N G Opitaaaa Watch Repairing Buras, Oregett B9PmaBamNii'L PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1. ' Pltys4elja us4 fllum Htm, Oregra OHtce at residence, Dr. Grifflth's tor- . uior homo. Phone No. 14 t itoHeor: o . w a n i Physician nnd Surgeon Comploto X-ray Laboratory in Connection Burns, DR. B. F. t II1B. -"V j' Oregon ' 1 i .-v . ii. K.irmuAni) DENTIST OfTlco first door cast - ito gatlerr7 Burns, Or v CHARLES W. ELLIS ; L AW tl It f Burns Orcgotr Practiced in tho Stato Court an& hoforo tho U. 8. Land Officer J. W. McOhBocIi ltobt. M. Dae McCULLOCH PUNCAN t , lawyer Ofnco above tbo U. 8. Land Offlfc- burns, onsaoN, II . V . H O II M A'L 'A Attorney at Iaw Contests and practice before U.. B. tand omco a specialty Ofhre: Masonic Bldg Burns, Oregon . J J. W. Biggs M. A. Blggav it' IIKKiH HUlflB " ItnivycrN '" Bums, Oregon M . A . O L I K It Painting and Paper llangcc- v, All Work Guar wed . lliiniH, Orpgota. KtiA.V CHAPTER NO !& Royal Arch ,Mnon IJmiitJ, Oirgon, ItrgiifnV iiiectlngN flrM anil thlr& Tliuixlaya of each months n. F. SMITH, II. P EARL GRAHAM, Secretary. Tho Sabln Book Company of Boise Idaho, buy, soil, and exchange alt kinds of new and used books. In toxicating liquor Is our only com petitor. 3-16-tt. " Clean need pays. Oct our prices or Baltic Alfalfa seed. All grade seed. No weeds. Both hardjr and vigorous. Early matufttr Hollls Bros. Andrews, Oregon. 4-ia-st. Freeh creaaa at the Bums Cash Store. Milk and cream deHvere In quantities at homes at aa? time desired. C. L. Reed, phoae Nd. 1S4M. S-ll-tt. (& . ' a " !"