The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 17, 1924, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    J'l' Hl:j',M.iy 17, 1021
T II H T 1 M R) H, I! 14 It 'A h 1) It tilt N H , II A It N P V (J O IJ N T Y O II B OOW
sejsetaaesSMeseHsnsssBesBfcseMstieismi tf"! nnmanai wwiiwMNWi wmmmmmam tmmmmmmtmm www
You '"' ol wnlt 0' vol ,(,ur
ticket straight, but that lu liunuui,
In fact most of us aro llttlu moro In
dependent these (ln'a t,,lUl formerly
4ho Htrali;ht party mini Ih becom
ing about an osarco nH "lion's tooth."
"'ho competent ouu la tliu Individual
who should flit tho olllco regardless
of politics.
Died tl. W. Coblo (lied nt tho
t iitunilt Holed yontorilny morning
i,om spotted fever, Ho was n man
about CO years did iitul Is u stranger
v bla vicinity, coming horo.from
Idaho. He had Bald ho had n bro
ther liv Meridian, Idaho, and un at
tempt In beliiB niudo nt tho tlmo thlH
ik written to got hi touch with him.
Next Tuoidny night Ih oloctlon at
tho llebokah lodgo. LoiIro will con
Y ne at 7; 30 sharp as It Is doslrod
to have tho business over boforo tho
curtain rises for tho high uuhool bou
ijr play. t'o0 to lodgo flrat and
lake part In tho election, then go to
Up play Evory mombor Is urged
to be priint. Ily order of tho Noblo
Hurtuy Lodge, Odd FoIIowb, will
lu well reprorented at tho Grand
Lougo next weok. Anions tho local
nipfiiliors nnil delegates going nro
j hu llodder. Qua IJardwoll, J. B.
t , ,r and It. B. Drake. Gub will
jmpatiled by his family. ulso
i , .ih r and mother, tho latter go-
r t. down to Portland and Wil
li y point for a visit.
loarii'-l this wack that tho
t muu"i !' ' win reipoa-
r ih ' to di' el for ilio
kiii nt Ultras thin yonr. A
i. tiro of th IClltson-White
i ..'.iti'itiH ilttroau Informs ut Hint
i d smio was nasponrflblo for a
wk delay In atarllng th
i iiiqim dating In Southern Col-
r , which oousod tho moro north-
t wis to bo booked later than us-
jl Our dates thin year are July
U Inclusive.
I M Ualtou was on tho sick list
i .. w day recently hut It again
,.i? at thu istoro, Jim hope to
railroad line completed to
.ii sehudulu tlmo na hu lias
i to belluvo IT ho tiff or tho In
i.cut lu Mm. D.tlton that hIiu
., ! rlRbt to Burns on tho train
' i. ni.o up during tho uummer
cam of him. Ho'h ranlly
wt if li to take earn of hliuwlt
:r having Mrs. Dnlton rugu-
. nt habits for so ninny yonm It a habit and ho "klndn"
. ,' - id upon her.
1 V 'Hnp" Buyer, win 70 yari
i i Monday. Ho wi tk rlp
i i blR ontto properly ilacorat
" mi ami prontfNl to him by
., h.m of th public achool
cip" I tn eRluor. 1I
r )iou.l "f the cak Imi al-
i fjfl'h .. h ftiaraly vm
. ir of tlili niTlrci lu Uily H
..r IT( r ,1 it M.niplo lo th
iff mu- ami ha know of
w .t tooth." HowaTor. w'r
iiik to hold that tiKulnat htm
' in, hu many old tlmo fr.owU
-'iiiiR him many hippy rctoniH
" 'i day.
I World's Lowest Priced Ca I
I With BanoonTirc Standard I
J It's here now. Come in! 1
Ml . 15
Burns, Oregon
High uchool Clonofl next Friday.
0. A. Ilnwklnti wns ovor from IiIh
Ulmiioiid I'liueh yesterday, Ho ex
tonded an luvllntlou to tho uowapa
per man to como nut to his homo
and fish, oud that Ib koIiir to ho talc-1
on advautaRO of tho first opportuni
ty. Lambs havo boon contracted for
In the Ihlrns and I'rluovlllo sections
at 10 coutu n pound, no discount, for
mixed; and nine cunts, no discount,
for WothorH, An yet no lamb buy
ors havo appeared hero, but It Ib
understood that C, I). Arthur may
Hoou bo In tho market av roprosouta
tlvo of Basturn firms. It Ib probablo
that most of this year's lambs will
bo uhlppod to Middle West mnrkotB.
Lakovlow Examiner.
D. T. Jones, who nrrlvod last wook
from tho Uino & Jones ranch near1
Huntex, Hnrney county, Friday mot
with a painful Injury when ho stum
bled In cltmbliiR ovor an old fonco
at Cottonwood, Ho landod on a rock
cuttlnR open tho loft, aide of his head,
cnunlns It to bleed profusely. Ho
was brought to town for attention
and was nblo to bo about na usual
nftor tho wound had boon droBscd by
a physician Lakovlow Kxamlnor.
K. A. Frnoor, ouo of tho pioneer
morchnnlH of Ontario accompanied
by a Mr. Harris w.ih n visitor to our
city last Sunday and Monday. Mr.
Krnier Iiiib many old time frlotnl In
Hi la vicinity who woro Kind, to soo
him. Thvy made tho trip In Hplr
oar. Mr. Frnsor aays tliluisi nro
rather alow out bla way with Illilo
w itor In Willow croek for Irrlffklluti
imriow but an nbundiiiiQo In tht
Warm Sprlnua dam for tha landa
nnlr that projtct.
. TM old fair Krounda hat liwni
ilred up, tha track tevoloil ilowit
:, n i e.l tho hnproemcnt but h por
Ion of tha old Brand stand havo bueu
rflmovod. Tho Kouud-Up lioya aro
using tha Improvomonta of tho tract
whar they will hold tho atiuunt
evont. A half mllo truck haH boon
maile.thero and lhliiR aro proBrosa
Ibb toward ovorythliiR complotod for
tha big show lu Heptombnr.
Hurhay oouiiiy will suroly not b
ho abort alRhlud ua to turn down
lha jiroiwKltlon mailu by Hip Forest
service to uoMipentto lu building
iflin rani roads. Wlieu ovnrytlilnR
l ao rnvnrtiblu at this tlmo for uncli
Mil Improvptnont on audi uttracllvo
ttruia ua nra aura It la tlmu that we
taJco a4 vantage of It. Why ahnutd
wv wait for uuedud Improvomonta
until u tlmo whfii wo nr compolloil
li rto th wirk and at a illsadviintuRo
wliau by tnkliiR advnhtiiKO of tho
prawst opportunity, wo r.ct needed
aid that will not bo' uvallnblo later?
Wo need moro tonUn In this county
and whan thliiRM are nt n low obb
In Hiq Una of work, whou men and
teams ar wanting omptoymeut;
when th Foroat acrvlca la favorable
j ni"kf IIi-.mI plmlRtts toward miHi
v -Ii-! m-n' nnil In position to
iiukr attr-K'tUf aclvanc; with th
iitri.o-lt'on of jilMlRlnit futtir n-r.-lpts
that arc sura to coma from Uia
torvl solos ink cura of n moiluat
) ti(l f ji it, thus not adding ono oaut
t Iim pr. xiiit tuxii why not do It.
V will
- i r-
Down Come Prices
Sale Continues
The Greatest Array of Bargains
Ever In Burns
M () N K V H A V I N O
Buv All You Can
Save and Save and Save
New Merchandise BeXi? Down Kvcry Day
This Is Dr. I . U, Htiiick of the I'lillcil SIiiIch llurcau of Anluiul
luiliihlry, (left) lilto has been jilaccd by Secretary Wallace lu complclr
cumimind of Hie light being effccthcly Magcd oh Ike foot Hiid mouth
disease outbreak In California, and (1. 11. llcckc, dlrdor Department af
Agrlcaltare, Stale of I'nllforMk, who Is asslsllag Dr. Ilouck la quickly
hh4 perNHeMlly mIuiiiiiIiir oat the epidemic.
force of the United 8tatea govera
meat has been brought Into play
effectively Rfalaat the foot and
mouth disease In California. Tho
disease has bees confined to cer
tain limited districts In tha atate
anil tha work of stamping It out la
proceeding rigorously under the
direction of Dr. U, O. Houclr, per
sonal Representative of Secretary
Wallace, department of agriculture,
who has complete control of the
combined federal and state forcea.
"Kvory method Justified by' our
past oxperionco and by scientific
study la being used to prevent any
possibility of apraad or tho disease
and to wlpo it out so thoroughly
(but there will bo no chttneo of lta
recurrence' eald Dr. Houck.
"Thoro ia no danger of spread of
Mr. and Mr. Nolllo Hood drovo
ovor to Dond laBt Sunday roturnlng
homo Wodiiosday. Tlioy wont ovor
Just for ii visit with old friends,
Tito hlouso known by woinon follci)
an tho middy, Is tho modorn form of
what was originally callod tho sail
or'o frock. It Is to-day called n
Juniper In tho Navy, when mado of
whilo mntorial. lu bluo maorlnl it
In callod tho "ovorshlrt" and tucka
liisidn tho waist-band with n hlouso
offoot, Tho whlto hango Iooko out
Hldo tho walal-batid and ronolios
about to tho hips.
H T () U K
W 1 1) H
. 3
Uio disease through shipment of
frulta, vegetable or dairy products
from the great non-Infected areas
of California. We know of no In
stance where the dlseaae has been
carried by such shipments," Dr.
Houck said.
Complete confidence In the men
In the Meld was aipreased by Dr. J.
It. Mohier, chief of tho bureau of
animal Industry, United Statea de
partment of agriculture, in a mea
sago he bus just sent to Dr. Houck
and tho local federal Inspectors.
"We have In California," ho said,
"tho best equipped force of Inspec
tors that was ever assembled on a
foot and mouth detufl.
"Our methods are not experi
mental, but have beon wolghed In
tho bklanco of practical experience
and havo always produced tho do
sired results."
Tho Navy uniform of our coun
try la utmost tho Hamo as that of
tho British Navy from which our
Navy 'sprang Tho principal dlffor
onco is tho two slurs op tho collar of
our uniform which mnko It ills
Unctlvoly American and aro not worn
by other navies.
Tho adoption of tho uniform dates
back to tho onrly days of tho Uritluh
Navy. Tradition baa It Hint when
tho Biihjoot wnu under iUboubuIou in
tho llfltUh Admlrnllty nnd tho quea
tlou iiro-HO iih to whothor to uso rod
for tho Nayy, a was tho oaao in tho
Army, tho mnttor wna dooldnd by n
. .... i t. n.ini.u Mint
SrffliSvS.. of llnnuano-
our oils iioomwiii. '"
wore riding in Hydo l'nrlc In tho oar
ly mornlnc and met tho Dutchoan of
tiumtcrlniid who was til no rldliiR.
Her rltlliiR habit wan of bluo cloth
tilmincd wllh whlto braM -and moro
or lfMii of tho Rcnornl iijipoarancn of
tho middy blouae. Th two noblo
Lords wtii'o bo Impressed with bur
nttractlvo appcarnnco Hint limy then
nntl thuro decided to adopt that stylo
of (Irons for tho Naval, uniform,
Tho brond collar htui long been
worn by all seamen. It wns uiunlly
of lcathor and wan detachable llko
an apron. It wnn worn to protect
tho clothing from tho groaiio and tnr
used by sailors lo confine their hair
Into n plgtnlll, which wan tho stylo
lu thona days. Tho plgall wan mado
very tlff with tar hi ordor to pro
tect the bnck of tho nock from sword
Tho bottoms of tho trousers aro
mado bell shaped In ordor that they
mny ho rollod up when tho docks nro
wot and tho sailors go barefooted.
It Is said that tho threo strips of
! whlto braid on tho collars aro Intend
I oil to commemorate tho three great
battles of Nelson, and that tho black
neckerchief Is worn In mourning for
that olllcer, hut this legend Is not
bcllovcd to bo correct.
Tho flat hat worn by unllors, was
originally mado with lacing In tho
ildo of tho hat'band which could bo
lu-ised, thus allowing tho hat to bo
pulled down over tho outlrc head In
cold weather or worn ns at present
lu good woather. Tho bok knot on
tho side of tho present hat Is tho
only inirvlval of tho old custom.
Tim rrillmr lmdi'0 Oil the UDDCr
Nlut'Vu Indicator tho character and
rank of tho polly oUloors who wear
rjioin, while lie diagonal stripes on
'uaforanfju donate tho intmbar of
mllstiufnls nurvad.
- - -0 " - -
School f Iloiuo Hciiiiiimluw O. A. 0.
Alwo'a httiit; u mirror bo the light
will fall ou tho object to ha mflertad
and not ono tho mirror.
Arratiga tho hall lights so thay
inky-bu opitratod with throo swltdioa.
This allows for tho light to be urn
cd on either upstnlm or downstairs.
Couconl tho radiator In a window
leal, or to make It Inconspicuous,
mint It tun sii mo tonn iih the back
ground. To repair cracks and holes In plus
tor walls, trim out tho rough odgca
and fill tho cracks with planter of
Paris, rinlsh. tho wulls with two
oat of load and ott and a cont of
w.itr proof ounmol.
Fiber rugs aro practlcnl, durable
-ml attrnctlvo for porch wear ho
mum thoy do not fade or spot and
.rn easily cleaned. They nro Inox
ponslvo and harmonlxo well with tho
out doors atmosphere.
An old Iioubo mny bo nnally wlrod
for electric llghllnR without disturb
ing tho colling and partitions.
Canh curtains may ho kopt from
'lwlng by running u lended cord
t'lrough tho ham nt tho bottom of
hu curtnlna.. This given onough
weight to Uaup tho curtalna Inalda.
To light tho clowt. inatftll a door
nvltoh bu you will Imva Immedlnto
notici; ;oHitK(yrwi
I did not leave my husband's and hoard, as It belonged to mo
.Hid I took It and worked and kept
myself Mra.-8. 11." (Horn lu tho
Carllsllo, l'a Evening Hontlnul.)
"You n-nover soein to take any
IntoreBt in anything I do," sobbed
tho bride.
"Don't bo unreasonable, ray doar"
romonstratod her husband. "I re
mained awake nil last night and
thought of tho cake you baked yes
terday." .o '
Empleyer: "Now that wo havo
.inHiinii to kIvo you a position, 1
don't know of n bottor tlmo than
now to toll you that 'early' houra aro
tho rulo In thlB establishment."
Now Clerk: "That's good. You
can't closo too early for mo."
. o
Porflonully, I don't caro for UiIb
Leap Yonr gamo BoeniB to mo thoro
bojjiI Xqooq Xtniui ooi oau
Young Thing: "I lovo Gothic Ar
chitecture," Grandmother (In corner): "Do
careful of a forolgn-ur, Grace. A
plain American man was good
onough for mo and your mother,
Camphor For Sore Eyes '
It is Burprlsing how quickly oyo
inflammation ia holpod by camphor,
hydraqtiB, witchhazol, otc, na mixed
I.. T.mmnHlr nvrt Wflflll. OllO aillllll
riKutlo halni niiy cnaooro,' wcnlc or
atra luQil OYOB.
Muminum qyo oup
ro,. KooJ .ll
under and by virtuo of u Decree oC
tho Cln.'iiU Court of tho Btnto or Ore
gon for the County of Haruoy, made
on tho Hlh day of March, 1024, and
entered and docketed on Uio 14th
day of March, 1 024, In favor or Juda
Wise, Plaintiff, and against C. T.
Cary, Klllo A. (Jury and D. W, Vinson
defemlautii, Judgment was ontored
on thu first cnuso of milt.., for tho
principal sum of $2720. 00 together
with Intercut thereon nt tho rato of
8 per cont por annum from Juno 14,
1022, until paid, nud for the further
mi in of $240.00 Interest paid ou a
prior mortgago together with Inter
est thereon at 8 per cont per annum
from Nov. nth, 102.1, until paid, and
ou tho Bocond cause of suit In tho
principal sum of $3828. QG together
with Interest theroon nt tho rato of
8 por cent por nnnumu from Decom
bor 17th, 1022, until paid, nnd for
tho further mini of $050.00 attor
neys fees, and costs and disburse-
mollis Unrein; nnd
Wliorcao It wait further Ordorcil
and Decrocd by the Mild Court that
the Judgment aforesaid constituted u
lion upon tho lands hereinafter de
scribed by virtuo of tho mortgago in
laid proceeding described, nnd that
tho lien of the said Judgment uforo
ald, on thu said lands, to-wlt:
All of Hocllons Thlrty-fivo (35)
and Thirty-six (3G) township
Twouty-foiir (21) Houtli. Hango
Tlilryfour (311 hltiat W. M. nlso
tho Noriliv.cst ouarter of Houlh
muL quarter (NWM8BK) North
aat iiunrler of Mouthwoat iiuarter
(NIIViBWU ). south half or iiouth
wmt quarter 'HttSW) Section
Two (2) Ks.t bair of tha ISast half
(ICttHtt) Section Ton (10) nnd
all Section Woven (11) nil lit
TowuslUp Twwity-flvo (26) Houtb,
Itanga Thirty-four (34) Kual Wll
laiiidtl Meridian ba foraolonnd
ami that all tho right, title, Intorent,
ralaio or lion or I ho defendants and
-rtdi thoraof b nold by tho Bhorlff
r Harney County, Oregon, In tho
luaiinor provided by law. for tho Bnlo
r real ostato iindor oxocution; nnd
WHISIIKAS on tho 17th day of
May, 1021. un Execution In Fore
closure was duly Isauod by tho Clerk
ur the above entitled Court com
manding me, tho undorslgnod, sher
iff", to Invy upon nnd aell. In tho mnn
oVsr provided by law ror tho salo of
real property under uxocutlon In
fortrloituro all ho rlgh. title, lion, in
terest or estate, of tho said defend
ants, or lthor or all of thorn, In and
to the said mortgaged promises
above described;
Now thoreforo. In obcdlonco to
hold writ and by authority thoroof I
will on TUKBDAV tho 17th day or
JUNE. 1021. at the hour of two
o'clock I. M. of said day at tho Court
llonso Door in Duma. Haruoy Coun
ty. Oregon, offer for sale and aoll to
tho highest blddor or blddore for
rash all the right, title. Interest,
ctatu or lion of tha said dofendnnts,
or Itlifi- or any or thorn, lu and to
the rorogolng dosrrlbml runl ostato,
or so mnuh theroof ae may bo nec
essary to satiny tho said Judgment
in said decree oontnln and na heroin
t forth, together with the costs of
Ibis Halo, subject to confirmation by
the said Court and the equity of re
demption or said defendants.
Dated May 17th, 1024.
Sheriff Hnrnoy County, Oregon.
Dy A. B. GOODMAN, Doputy.
Mr. Cliff Lancnster popular Com
edian with Lnncnator and Dalvd'a
romodlnne t Tho Llhorty Thoatro
for throe days Btnrtlng Wednoaday,
May 21t.
Gas On Stomach May
Cause Appendicitis
Constant gaa causes inflammation
which may Involve tho appondlx.
SlmplO glycorlno, buoKinoru u,
etc.. as mixed lu Adlorlkn helpa any
euo bus on tho ntomacli in 1BN
mlnitos. Moat medlclnoa not only on
lowor buwol but Adlorlka acta on
BOTH uppor and lower bowol and
removoa nil iiiib nnd poisons. Ex
oellont for obsUnato conBtlpatlon and
to' guard nimfiUJt appondtoltla. Kood
ImsbwBbmPi' ssbsbHhI tnK
laWvuwy'" assBBBp''aM Jiini