The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 17, 1924, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    WWhwwwWftKBMdWtWMtWiiiWHaMwmi '-MiH'mmHVJWnmi
B.itunby, May 17, IDS
t?HK I I M H H II K RAM) II U It N 8 'II A It W K Y OOV SU () It K 0 O N
(it ti communication to Mac Hoko,
gtcrotury, Fred W. Falocnur, Presl-
More Fresh
means better health
'"PHE Fnirbanks-Morsc Home
Water riant ii like a city a
tcrsyMcm under your unit con
trol. It opi-rate automatically.
No adjusting, not even a twitch
to turn. It sends fresh running
water to any faucet anywhere.
And more fresh water means
bcttcrsauitation better health.
It's Automatic
i ,cifttci from any electric
' Hket or home lighting
" lui nit. Pumps water inun
ti.n, khalhnv well, spring,
nam ( lukc. Quiet limning.
io ure automatically main-
irl Ins sturdy gelvantud
Muk. Dependable Fnirlunks-
Mofe Pump. Capacity 20O
gallons per hour. Ailc ui for all
the facts.
IIL'ltXrt AltA(JI-J
Hum, Oregon
Vj Chew it after
we r e
II Ntlmulatcft
appetite and
aids dlycMlon.
It mflkcK your
i food do you more
v. aood. Note Iiow
it relieves that slutfy fcellna
alter hearty eating.
Iiltcnn teeth,
s w it e t ii
tirentli nud
i iiii'i'
Mwttxnwii mmmtm
w 1 rMt1 sssssfl
. .. 1 n
J J u .' -1621
ft ,jwfJW
'TfaSw. l
Further Re'ductiorib In Oue
Luaabur'D'alton & Co,
i r-niw,iS"rr"7jr7iT?.T-""""" """r ' '.. ! timiii'bi'"!"" ""w r-jji
Mr. Home
You don't, know it nil;
Tho othor follow dociBii'li
Loccothor wo know
Let's Get
You toll mo what you am going- to do in
tho way of building- and homo douorating
thin soring and I'll toll you aorno bhingn I
know'about that, and will mako you priww
ilmL will mako you sit ) and tnlco notiiQo.
Get Me?
I. S. Geer & Co.
ilont of tho Oregon Wool drowors
AHuocintion, writing mini tho Infout
cd nroa In Cuilfornlu, whoro ho la
with tho Oregon Commission Invcstl
gallng tho root and mouth dlaonno,
Benil;! a word of warning to employ
ers of labor on ahoop and cnttlo
rnnchuB also general farm labor, on
account of tho grave danger of Im
porting the germn of tho dlsenHo
from tho persons or garments of Bald
InvcHtlgntloitH ho far mado by Mr,
Falconer have convinced him that
the intuit danger to Oregon livestock
comos from employing heirdom,
iJust follow
ray Directions
Fuller dealers take a
real interest in giving
helpful advice to paint
customers; telling them
what product h the
most suitable; carefully
cxplainingsurfacc prep
aration; what kind of
brush to use and just
how to apply the paint,
varnish, enamel or stain.
T;ikc advantage of the
knowledgeand experience
of the Fuller dealer. He
will be glad to help you.
Ask or send for our Fiujk
book "Home Painting."
. It's your painting guide.
i on as rut-UR rnonucT consult
C. II. VocghUy
Ml Ml,!o Slit, l, S,a I iacSk
21 Duwlxi la rclt Cin Cill
,,n hi rm9m9mrTi'i y '"ir
I don't know il all,
know it all; But
a-liock-of-a lot-
Ul (jLJ
ml vlmm
j . it . i .bBEMbmCU
Ranch lands, city property, acreage ffl investment, Exchanges a specialty. Your IItIg solicited
Real Estate, Farm and Building Loans, Insurance
Agenta For The
Royal Insurance Company
Together with other good board Fire Insurance Companies
The Largest Fire Insurance Company In The World
Phone 5R
Dliuurcru anil liiboroni from Cullfor
nla, wlio do not (urnlnli hunlth cor
tirlcaton ami complutu uvlduuco that
they Ituvo como from a region not
Infected, run! tlint tliu anil their
Karmunlx liavo boon tlioronghly
i' I can ho il of all danger from tltu
Traolm who eomo liy antoino
Ii 1 1 1 from California rojiort liuvlim l
Lrmi dlitnfaotiMl a many as twenty
Umm enrotito, lint pasdonnura on '
tmlm rwoh OrcKon without heliiK '
tllMtufculwl wi iiiHtty t Innm am thin. ,
Th vmtMtrRu tKHttl ly (Jovornur
Plvrc. uu April lfi. l'J2t, provhloH !
m follow In rwfurenc to fivrm labor .
tr, anil farm mid ranch holp In r.on-'
ml ooinliii; from thn Htalo of flu II f
ornla Into tho Httito of Orciton.
"All thoop shonrars, farm labor-
nr, jjtilry laborer, farm and ranch .
and stock-yard liolp In Knural com- (
lii; from tho Rtate of California Into ,
thn Btnto of OruL'on, iiiiIqsk albo to
(nrnUh ullldavlt ovldonco that ihoy
linvv not boon In any district Infect
d with foot and mouth dlnoaso, nhall
bo ru(ulrod to olthor dhtcard, wimh
In bollinu water, or Hubjvct all of
tholr elothltiK a four (I) parts of
40 per cent fnrmnllu solution hath
(U. S. V.) to unch one hum! rod
(100) iKrtH of water and their mIiooh
ami hMirlnK oiiulpmoul to olllclnl
dulnfoollon. Certificate! of dlhlnkc
ilou "liall bo rouulretl of all rami
laborer's coming from California."
O '
annuel-: youu tax as, by iomHiik
Willi homo couceniH. Wo are
AkoiiI for tho Union Savings and
hOftii Association of Portland, Ore
Kon. I'ny your rent money lownrdu
owning YOUIl OWN HOME, wn
will Iiow you how In own your
own homo. ml mako IHMINH A
tr A Company 6-17
- .. -o
CilllsilliIlN 'OIV I'AHMN'l'H
Joliunlo Turns mi Splnnrli Wlien
irHthei' Hefii-HN t IfcO. "That
l'uiar;- I'lnniiow Nodfl
(Krotu l)Hartinoiit of In -lust rial
Journalism Ortjjon AcrlculturAl Cl
ICRP,) --
l'reuU who Ml tho HrM exaiu
tl .best duvirfop iroi' i food haltltf
In their children. j.i tin. O, A. P.
Homtmakeri. Th oolr r' ?
T.r psronti to like hnd tfat ftll th
food ttoey AwXrm their eblUlntit to
it iluw lotu will Hutu. Jolinule
tu'iUmi': i Hkn epluteh, H hUuth
tr rufu. to it thi't 'UuAuV
"Make It an tufttllibl . rulpiierur
lo talk of dislike In f0l in the
lrene. of chlldron." thoy diolnro
"W don't talk about oatmoal it
our Iiouq; wo Juat eat It," said ouo
woll-tralpod four-ycitr old.
To train a child to eat n now food
you must llko It youraolf, tho npeclal
lnt nsserts. Treat It iw a luxury for
Krown-ups, hut ono which ho Ih now
big ouourIi to Imvo. Lot tho child
ask for It at first and giro It grudg
ingly In small amounts to create a
(tonirp for It,
If a child wnutn nothing to oat, ho
la probably flick. If ho oata only
food which ho llkos and refuses to
eat tho foods ho really noods, firm
ness or use of authority is tho thing
No mothor allows ft child to go
dirty hocnuHo' ho doesn't enjoy tho
procosa of nock and oar washing,
Why Hhould Hho not ho Just as firm
In regard to tho kind of food tho
child noodB?
If Oregon Is Invaded H Will Almost
fitnwly Ho by Mnns of Uumun
Agouclee, BiiyH Dr, filnuns
(From Depurlmont of Industrial
Jntirnnllsin Oregon Agricultural Col
logo.) If foot and mouth illsoaoo breaks
out In Orogon It will probably bo bo
cftuso somo human carried It In, re-
porta Dr. II. T. Slmma, vuterlnarluu
of the uxpurlment ntutlon and repre
Hontutlve of the Htalo llvcHlock Hani
tary hoard -Kuardlug Oregon Inter
CHtit In tho Htrlckeu California ills
trlctM. "More than 00 per cent of tho
California outbrcakn dcoui to luive
bucu ttproad through humuti ageu
cl." Dr. BlmniH vrltos. "Llvelock
owner should hu very onroful not
to allow niiyniin on thulr proir. Inon
unlets thty know tlmt such pnraoii
has not beon In the InfeHted dig
tricm." All laborers nnd nillkurs whoso
whr0)bUU are not known should
lmvc t lisslr ololliltig and hIiooh dipped
In a I lo 1000 notation of bichloride
Z K.ttM
Your Btorairo battorv can be
used for llghtlnj; the fllnmentji of
J00 tubes by connecting- tho bat
torv cllpn to only two of tho cells
which will give i volte, tho COU
RECT operating voUiiko. For 1 Vx
volt tubcti tho clips must only con
nect 1 eel! of tho battery. It is
advisable, however, to chnno tho
cUps from ono eel! to tho other
ovory fow days, In order to drain
tho battery evenly. This Is rec
ommonded when you wish to uso
dry cell tubes In some experiment.
Don't worry so much nbout
"summer ntntlc." Think nbout your
n )mttf ' i.
This Week
ywmwgi wn nww mwrnw ?y
- fcs Wo Spend, Also Stvc-Ftill BonrH nt 4-Why Except
'borera? Old Men Cmve Li.arninB Money in the Bible
Americans aro saving money as
over before, and prohibitionists
.ill find comfort and ammunition
ii thnt.
Savings bank deposit inoroased
oat year ono billion one humlrod
UHl forty million, a good deal of
ionoy, and that's only a small part.
Other huiuirods of tnllllous woro
nvMUd In real oetato, bond a,
coaks, utu. In tho world's history
hut is nqUting llkv th? way In
SiCH tb AjMrlcnit pionls IkjUi
?tBMO mOJfoy mid SAVtt money.
. Hviig vriMk. thirty mltllon
lollftrs dy, ttbout thirty veiiH
t tay(foi- evorj'iiittji, wotnan niwl
'jjld not bud.
Yot yoM linve pesinuts,rr4U't
n.f hsrd tlmcH and sensible btul
ie men actually frightonwl by
Slr own talk about "n bad Fresf
loittlnl yoar."
Wo nro Indeed "fearfully and
vonderfully made," and vell may
vo rralso tho Lord. What hard
)lo things MIGHT happen If our
jlainls vtM wild, as in tho cane of
i Httlo Russian boy four years old.
lo wears a full beard and has such
iL normal power that ho wrestles
,uccessfully with grown men and
:iust bo watched lest ho strangle
lis playmates, having tho brain of
child nnd no realization of power.
Doctors say tho unfortunato boy
las excessive development of varl
1UB glands, especially tho thyroid.
Mnrvelously wo aro balanced,
Hid wo should bo grateful, At tho
L'quator, temperature M0, or tho
North Polo, B0 below zero, tho
temperature of your blood remains
;iio same, not a change of ono du
preo, while outside tomporaturo
:luuiges two hundred degrees.
And the earth, that floating hot
house In which you Jivo, sails
through frightfully cold other per
manently at "absolute zero," cold
Innnncnlvnhlo to US. and WQ aro
irotcdU'd from It.
Washington predicts that postal
employes will Kot nn IncreaBO of
CUOO n year, "all except Jiibotorn."
WHY except tho laborers? Their
children eat as much, wear out as
many Phoes na others. The Gov
ernment can afford to pay Ha work-r-.rft
well, and Blioulil romombor that
'" -11 p l.iWr-r inv be the
TSSBalimrjMUMivaMM nm
of mercury before allowed on the
pri'iulHfM. HaiidH, aniiH, face, feet
and Ion uliould ho washed In tho
Mann Holutlou, caro being taken not
to allow any to gel Into the eyco,
! "The flrhl week nftor an outbreak
i It. tin mtiMt ilangoroiiH iih lo tho
I spread or the dlsuaHo. Stock owuerti
1 chotild not Allow any vlaltlug whatso
ever If they tumpcal the (IIhouxo 111
i n. Hi. nnhiu'M. Idle rurloslty ban
t-id many outbrc:ik In Ciillfornla.
Whon the dl-'.inu h suspected nil
lUi-stf;! k' h 'lid ho confined, don
tied up and faintly hpt at homo.
No olnml prcduou inch nx milk and
iii'um Mliould ! nt orf tho farm.
". .initial i f any kind should bo al
i.iw.vl nut l h velerlnarlpu has made
there. A voltmelor, roadlntc from
0 to CO volts should be In your
homo to teat your battorles. Sum
mer heat lowors the life of D baU
tory. When It runs down from
heat It kIvcs forth noises which
are mistaken for static. Ronow
the battery and, prestol no "static."
A ground clnmp or wire cannot
bo Boldcred to n water pine until
tho water has been drained out of
It, Uso n prick-point clamp on the
water pipe and solder tho ground
wlro to the clamp.
According the Hmlht Lnlmrn-
-,. . ... -.,. . .
wmuiipimujili tjiuH4ja ."
. , lliun avorat'c human beings, was
ho son of a livury stable groom.
The Governor of Connecticut,
list fifty, will enter Yalo Unlver
i lty, to specialize in history nnd
i.choiogy when his tonn ends,
t.r'l that Is normal. At fifty, men
i rally tnnt knowlcdgo and valuo
it. In oarly youth thoy crave ox-
: . iso and oxciteinont.
In ctuldhooil we lock thorn up in
srhvols, forcing knowlcdgo Into
them by n pumping procees, whin
thfy ouitht to be out ul doom. Awl
when Uiey aro old wo turn them
..ut into the gulf field ami let them
ime gevtfe of themselves, when
ihiv reully ought to be studying.
Hie Lubor (aovernnteulr of Eng-
lrinit Iism nlmlialiAit nil dutiae Oil
iiutomobilflx, motor cyclos, moving
picture flljna ana wutctios nnn
that, in splto of Groat Dritain's
terrific war debt.
'I'h In hlL'hlv intellectual Ameri
can Kepublla Is planning a tnx on
radio sots, whicn is nooui as intel
ligent as it would bo to tax school
books or now Ideas. To allow
twenty billion dollars' worth of se
curities to go untaxed and put a
tax on human ingonulty is foolish,
to put it mildly.
Mason J. Aldrlch bought a Biblo
at auction for twenty-flvo cents,
and found In it two bills, ono for
S100, tho othor for f 2. A wonder
ful bargain, nowspapors cull it. Hut
there nro better things than $102
to bo found in any Bible, Thoro Is
salvation, most Important, and if
you nro moro interested In money
than salvation, na some are, you
can oven malco monoy by reading
tho Dlblo.
Isaiah, Job, tho Psalms Btimu
Into tho mind, mako the brain work,
A stimulated mind succeeds,
whether In making monoy, or
avoiding sin.
"To lend dignity to tholr bobbed
heads," English womon wenv fil
lets of green and gold, or Httlo
spikes, In UoddoBH of Llborty fash
Jon. Tho real dignity of a bobbed
head, Is n well shaped skull. Noth
ing Is move dignified tlmn tho sym
metrical head of an IntolllgenJ:
woman, bobbod or not. Eventually
all women will cut their hair In
Bitch fashion as to show tho wliolo
' ' fi cars n it1' sVajio
Burns, Oregon
n dlaunoslH.
Wherever the dlucnne In suspected
owucm uliould call tho county vctor
luarlan Immcdlatuly. Dr. Klmua ad
vises. Whom thcro Is tto veterinar
ian In the county (he county agont
Hhould ha called.
.... o
Tho first and hwit opportunity to
force His growth of plg Ih whqu they
are Hire weeks old. At that time
they start imllnj grain. The Oregon
Mtalion recommends that a creep he
counlructcd In the pen Ht that tlmo
conUklulng n trough iti which grain
and Hklm milk oau ho placed. Dy
starting thin early tho pig will bo
eating bolter at woanln? Mine and
1 um 1p of a net back.
Kfti sKJi
ti im
Standards, No. 14 solid, bare, r-
Fier wire, or larger sizes, la hi
or outdoor antennas. Strand-'
wire, though stronger, has great
resistance and hence lower slgna
Fifty to 1C0 feet, direct from
set to tho highest point avalh.
at tho distant end is recommen ; .
As the Ntatic season niiproru
n loon aerial will ho found tho h
It il'inlnafen n!i' and Int
Axice Jcrhn
How gladly 1 wi-leomo tho
verdant spring onion, tlpit sheds
o'er my garden its capable
breath. It's good for my cold
or to poultice my bunion, nnd
holps to postpone when I'm
llirtln' with doath! Its virtues, so
rare, that I gladly repeat 'em,
although they aro easy and well
understood, I challenge tho
strongholds of science to bent
'am in uplift, exclusion, perfum
ery and fowl! What mattor If
friends an' companions forsake
me, Qr fuce t'other wy When-1
toot my twsoot Of oouma I'll
reiwnt--Jf iriy sine overtake me,
anil ot by myself n h fai
ciiricr pew Lot -neighbors
ineult me by holdm' their skmc,
and hlitin' that "polecats It on
the increase" tho orrton don't
smell liko tho ottar of roses, bat
eho lends her admirers contont
inont and peace! And, while I
am kcorful In idyll nnd lyric
and deftly avoid any statements
that clash I'm quick to repel
any mental hysteric that enters
my kitchen an' fools with my
hash I
"7'iU'Tl' lT w '
V M-Sr m J t
P Tby oojy
'k r
)TjieW we) 2SWvl
u?i Jr &