The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 17, 1924, Image 1

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S i
NO. 26
ffkient Information In To
Know Nominees; Young
Makes Strong Run.
Thn cutotnndlng fetuurn of yen-
.rdav'a primary election in thle
tasty win tho Btrong run of C'lar-
.M Yojmc (or sheriff, tic wus not
oniklcrodnn formidable n contender
i ho proved. Other contests wcro
Bero nearly expected, iiltliouijli It
looked for closov runs.
Information from outsldn points
i tnO BIBIU l"m" w"h
t. earrl-d the stuto by n big major-
j. Senator McN..ry U plan In the
d wl'h a Reed margin over his
oBipctlt rs with hl nomination
urcd Sinuott htia ugaln carried
i district for congress with n bl
Rtravor l tho lending candidate
lor U S. Senator on tho democratic
kct and Im beyond a doubt tho
tlneo. Nothing has been rocolved
tre or oror tho radio an to tho
idlDK of tho democratic candldat-
i for cougroi-s. Swaglcr In tbo fav-
Irlte In bH county.
Charlies W. Ellin In slightly be-
Jsd Judgo Davis for atato Honator,
at his friends believe ho has a good
ItoBco for tho nomination. Ford
d Mrs. Orovo for representative
b a big margin In this county.
Tho county nominees aro known
Ires tho ruturns eo far In as It
Jroald be practically Impossible to
irtrcomo the leads. They are: C.
I. Uonnrd for district attorney on
he ropubllcan ticket, ho being un
erased V 0. Co tad has thn nomln-
itlon on tho democratic ticket.
foanic and Jeff Cnwlfleld aro tho
-tnlnces for sheriff. A. A. Hard-
relland Chas. B. Dlllmau for clerk;
V. Y. King, treasnrar. tho domocrats
tb no nominee. Chas. W. Loggan
lor wcKor on tho republican ticket,
rhu. Urlttlnghnni, democrat unop-
J. W. Iluchanan and Wm. T.
kanDerveer arc tho nominees for
ommlwlom-r on tho democratic nnd
Itpubllcan tickets, respectively.
The totals in tho county received
lp to (ho time this Is written:
llopnbllran Ticket
Delegates National Convention,
lute nt large -Dlshop. 187; Carey,
MO; farter, 205; Coo, 113; Kvonson
l; Farrell, 129, Fulton, 85; Hill,
il; Johnaon, 105; Johnston, 48;
UacDonald. fi'i. MaralorH, H2; Met-
than, 272, Person. 222; Muck,
DoleeaU t second district Crun-
ll,7t; Gallagher, 181; Ivnnhno,
IjMahaffy 149; Itltner, 78; Stavor
President foolldge, 326; John-
loo, SC
Vlco president Lowdon, CO;
aepard 62, Washington, 8; Wob-
Y. 4,
Electors -Uovd. 230: Ocorgo,
1(7; Go wan, 249; Holman, 214;
pkhards, 211; Btcarns, 143.
Senator- Daker. 82. Kubll, 16;
keNar7, 274; Mallard, 24.
Congress- Cochran, 86; Sinuott,
Becrotary state Kozer, 231.
Btato troamirer Campbell, CO;
W, 191; Bever, 7C.
Supremo court Belt. 86; Knowl-
k 171; Westbrook, 18,
Attorney tteneral Kurkendall,
M; Van Wlnklo, 237.
Dairy commissioner liiekle, 151;
Filler, 264.
8rvlco commissioner Corey 252;
tervice. 7fi.
otnt ponutor -Davis, 181; Kills,
'presontatlve- Ford, 262; Drove,
District attorney C. H. Leonard,
8horiff Goodman. 256: Luckey.
I5 Young, 351.
Clorknardwoll, 322; Dlott, 142;
Won, 225.
Treasurer Oibbs. 186: KlnK.
H; Parker, 92.
ABBowsar Duck. 223: LoKEan,
8chool sirporlntondent Mary Grlf-
Pa. no opposition,
TlnriinrniMn Plntot
Dclrgatna national convention-
F"nB, 61; Crews. 03: Hnmpson. 04;
Kxcra. P.7- IfnT.nln AI' MMn liotl t .
I'; Thompson, 81; Ticknor, 31;
koji, U2.
Delogatos. second district DlakO-
W 39: Cnrtor. 80: Marshall. 77:
poraon, 81.
Vlco president Uorry, 109.
Bloctom Gavin, 108; Johnson,
87; Luck, 01; Miller, 83; Montague
55; Bnodecor, 28; Turner, 103;
V,eaoh, 84.
Senator King, 52; Mansfiold, 20;
Miller, 14; Btrayer ,76.
Congress Grnhatn, 61; Swaglor,
68; WHson, 38.
Bocretary stnto Hombroo, 120.
Trctisuror Myers, 141.
Dupromo court CobIiow, 116,
Service commlsolonor Drowu,
DlHtrlct attornoy Coxad, 223;
BUemoru, 133.
Commissioner J. Duelmunn,
no oppooltlon.
BhorlfT Cnwlfleld, 252; Clemens,
Clerk Dllliunn, 255; Smith, 109.
Assessor Clias. llrlttlngham, no
II. (7. II. H.
Tho linccAlntircuto exorcises will
be held tomorrow, Sunday, May IS
nt tho Presbyterian church, ltov.
Sumuel Harris delivering tho ser
mon, Special musical numbers ifto
nlHO offorod. The public Is cordially
Invited to attend. Tho program
commenros promptly nt 11 o'clock.
Bcnlor Play
Mlsa Olivia Dalngorfleld A
Southern girl, Mildred Dalton.
KllMbeth Dalngorfleld Hor
younger sister, Lucllo Drown.
Mrs. Kolkner A victim of cir
cumstance, Nena Hardlsty.
Cora Folkner Tlio victim of her
mother, LouIbo Desllels.
Mandy Tho fjolored oook, Hubey
Durton Crane A Yankee, Lcsllo
Dandy Weokfc Uout Eatato Agent
Harry Loggan.
Salon Tucker,' Lawyer Mrs. Falk
ners Drother, Edward Drown.
Paul Dalngorfleld Kldcr Drother
of Olivia, Durns McGowan.
Charles Dalngerflcld Younger
brother, Charles McCounell,
Tom Llfforts 0 Love-Lorn poet,
Carroll Sklons,
Act I Scene 1 and 2 Tho Colon
ial Drawing room of tho Dnlnger
Act II The Kitchen.
Art III Tho Dining Doom.
Time Presort, flace Virginia.
fVimHHiic,nioiit Irojcrm
Friday ovonlng, May 23, 8 o'clock.
Invocation Hev. Shaver
Snlutatory . ..Kdward Drown
Violin Solo . . Paulino Desiloth
Valedictory Harry Loggan
Bi-loctlon Oleo Club
Class History . . .. Luclle Drown
Prcronlatlon of diplomas
Prln. W. M. Sutton
P-rnM-ntatlon of Gifts
...Durns McGowan
Closing remrfrks Prln. D. M. McDndo
Donodlctlon Hev. Watorhouae
Class roll lUlSt
Nono Hardltsy, Torosa I''oley,
Loulso Desllels, Paulino DoatleU,
Lucllo Drown, Nolllo Parker, Iluby
Campbell, Mildred Dalton, Oraco
Laxarus, Harry Loggan, Hal Hlb
bard, Adolph Dyrd, Carrol Skeins,
Durns McGowan, Loslle Terrlll, Chas,
McConnell, Edward Drown, Dnxlcr
need, Arthur Thornburg.
Principal D. M. McDado took a
team of four men to tho Eastern
Oregon track meet held In Union
May 10th. This was the fastest
'prep' school meet held In a long
tine, four records being shattorcd.
Tb quarter treat la 53.3 with Thorn
burg a good fifth. The 220 yard
low burdlen were topped In 27 sec
while be blgb burdlles wero won In
17,1. Alfred Welcome won his pre
liminary beat in 172 placing fourth
In tho finale. "A!" was llmlnnte4
at 6 feet seven In. In the high Jump.
HcuiBOfi of Itedmond breaking tbe
record with 6 feet C-8 In. Thn 220
yard dash wan won by Taggnrt of
Baker in 22 4-5 seconds, Duma Mc
Gowan placed fourth In the Javolln.
Moiday evening the graduates will
ride the goat for the amusomont of
the alumni. This will occur nt tho
Odd Fellows Hall.
All alumni are urged to t-
toml tho aiinual social hour glv-
on In honor 'of tho grnduntlnt?
cIiihh of II. O. II. H. Monday
uvonlnB, Mny 10th, Odd Kol-
lows Hnll 8 o'clock. This N
your Invitation. Do sure mnl
romo and help mako tho oven-
fag a (nieces.
j mrtmmmmtmw ih if mub
Mr. George Tonkin Afki To
Retain The Support In
Thii Section Of State
George Tonkin, II. B. Gamo War
den with hondquartcrs at Daker, was
in this soctlou for u fow days dur
ing tho present week. Mr. Tonkin
was dtsouHuing tho coming exposition
of tho" Eastern Oregon Bportsmou
.hut Is Bchcdulod for next wook In
Uukor, May 22-25 Inclusive, It in
his hopo to havu a good representa
tion of tho sportsmen of thin soctlou
Attend UiIh exposition and (nko part
In an organization that will cover
UiIh part of tho stuto effectively with
conventions held nt different local
ities over tho district from tlnm to
.Mr. Tonkin thinks wo do not real
ize tho attraction our game Is to this
big soctlou and suggetts that wo
make an exhibit at the mooting In
Huker where tho sportsmen have
been Joined by tho Forest and Dlo
logical departments of tho govern
ment. In addition to these exhibits
thoro will bo game and flah from all
over tho west a big pool of cloar
water will be filled with fish, with
swan, goeso and other wntor fowl on
tho Burface.
Several firms will exhibit sporting
goods, fishing tackle, guns, ainunl
lion etc., but exhibits from tho sev
eral sections that aro not of a com
mercial naluru will not bo charged
an admission nor will thoro bo an ad
mission chargo for the public to visit
tho exhibition.
A fly casing contest and a trap
shooting tournament Is a feature of
tho gathering, teams enter the con
test from Idaho and different parts
of Oregon, Tho contest nt the traps
will not bo confined to teams as
there will bo Individual contests.
Mr. Tonkin Is very enthusiastic
over this gathering and Harney coun
ty should take part In It. Wo are
the most attractlvo game section In
this entlro western country and wo
should mako tho best of this oppor
tunity to bring our recrcattlon ad
vantage to tbe attention of sports
men. o--
Liibt Sunday's Oregon contained a
plrturo of Mrs. Howard T. McCul
Joch, formerly Jane Flockonstoln, tho
daughter of Graco McGownn-Klock-onsteln.
Tho young Indy waB a brldo
Of tho wook. Hor mothor was tho
first child horn In Durns, tho daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGowan
and a sister to Archlo McGowan of
tho Durns Garago.
y.w. :-..' I avAmM.
t U tUiJfirXrti!'!..'! .'. A.
rmw. i8" JUpW I oncJe?V (
fAprTfit) BfclV Vlfc23!l WWftCtb-
Construction Will Begin On
Crane Burns Railroad In
Very Few Dayi.
Tho Tlmos-Heratd Is authentic
ally Informed that thoro will bo
no further delay In starting tho lay
lug of steel between Durns nnd
Crane, Everything Is In rondlncss
for the work and with tho clearing
up pof some minor details actual
construction will begin nnd will be
prosecuted to the finish an rapidly
ns possible.
More maerlal Is being brought up
, at Intervals; tho tracklaylng niacu
j (no is UHsotublcd and the gathering
! of Htnull tools, necessnry housing and
nicmu neccHHorlcn for the crew will
bo gotten In shupo before thn work
Tho finishing of tho rails to Durns
making It possible to bring In heav
ier mnculiiory with which to con
tinue tho grndo from tho ond of tho
work now completed toward Dear
valley will facllltato this part of tho
railroad building, ns It Is understood
a steam shovel can bo used to an ad
vantage. Thn rails will thereforo ho
laid right on up tho grado as the
work progresses.
Tho recont crulno or 10,000,000
feet of guvornment timber on Pois
on creek a short dlstanco from tho
ond of tho grnde now completod I
expoctod to be advertised for ralo
within a short time. With this sale
togother with the additional prlvato
ly owned timber In tho vicinity (hero
Is sulllcleut to Justify starting mil
ling at an early date.
If tho former announced plan of
beginning tho erection or tho mill
nt tho Warm Springs Is to he car
ried nut thoro Is every reason to ex
poet tho mill te ho In oporatlon this
fall lnted of next April as origin
ally planned. This will not In any
wise Impede the progress of the rail
road building Into Dear valley, but
rather a'lmulate it as there will be
some tonnago for tlfo trains during
the procoss of building, besides give
the mills at Durns timber to manu
facture that Is neoded for local Im
provement as well ns export.
Evorythlng Is working woli to (Ids
end and wo aro optimistic as to the
activities during tho prcsont seusn,
O ' '
Leonard Frank Lazarus and MIbb
Delphlno Whiting wcro married Inst
Tuesday afternoon at Dond. They
arrived In Durns Thursday morning
and wont on out to tho Whiting
ranch homo. Tho brldo Is tho daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Prnnk Whiting
and has resided In this vicinity nil
her life. She In n graduate of the
Harney county high and has been
nn assistant In Tbo Times-Herald
oflloo since last fall. Bho Is a charm
inlg lady who Is very popular among
her wide acquaintance. Mr. La tar us
formerly resided here but had been
living In Colorado Recently. Ills
mother resides In Durns and hi sis
ter Is a student In the high school.
The boss of this shop is natural
ly floro. He had tried conscientious
ly to make ft ROd office girl of Dol
phluo and wan somo encouraged, but
thin Is his luck, gonorally. Ho gets
competent help and then something
happens to upoll tho woll orgnnlzod
working forco. Mr. Lnznrus has n
charming brldo nnd wo wish him Joy,
but wo wnrn any othor young mnn
that dnrcs cnsl coVetous eyes on nny
of this otflco forco that ho's breeding
o :
The public school auditorium wan
filled to capacity ycutorday after
noon whon u program wnH put on by
tho pupils. "A Fairy Conspiracy"
-was the title of a llttlo oporetta that
was of tho most charmingly noted
and costumed feaMjres over witness
ed In Durns. Tho characters wcro
well Interpreted and costumed with
tho llttlo once; fairies, brownies,
Santa claus, tiovcrnl of tho fairy talo
characters all wero carried out to
such perfection that It brouhgt uni
versal applause
The chorus work of tho girls,
piano duot by two ilttle girls, folk
dancing and other numbers wore
most pleasing and creditable.
Marguerite Welcome whistled as
a special number and many heard
tho llttlo lady for tho first time. Bho
Is a wonder.
It would be Imposstbllo for this
artlclo to glvo tho names of tho chil
dren taking part In this very charm
lug ititertnlument as k comes Just
before wo close the forms for this
Issue of tho paper. They wore all
artltta In tholr clans and a most con
vincing proof or tho advantages or
music and art In our schools. We
should be proud of our little folks
and glvo our educational Institutions
oven greater support and attention.
Our presence nnd personal Interest
and encouragmeut In due tho toach
ors and pupils In tho Important work
they aro now engaged In. Tho
schools aro the most Important In
flluoncu In our community in any
community. Keep them nt a high
standard and let's have more of
nuch entertainments ns was witness
ed yesterday afternoon.
If there wns n stage largo enough
In Durns to properly accommodnto
tho performance ef "A Fairy Con
spiracy" there Is no question but It
would bo ono of tho most nttraetlvo
and talked of ovente of this com
munity. D. n. Kollor, tho gonial represent
ative of tho First Nntlonal Pictures
Corporation, was In Durns yesterday.
1 :l -I" ---
Plant For Readers To HeH
Make Selections On The.
Books Purchased.
At tho rogulor meeting of tho Li
brary Donrd May Cth tho following)
plana wero made:
Tho month of May Ib to bo the
chlldrona rending plan month to be
carried out by tho Extension Com
mltteo of tho Library Doard nnd the
Publlo School toachors. Mrs. Welt
tenhlllor In now buoy with hor art.
clanscn making postora for advertis
ing tho now books especially order
ed for tho chlldron from tho Htato
Llhrnry. Thoso books will bo se
cured as a loan to try out on our
young rcadora after which, tho Doard
will purchaso all bookB which provo
populnr with paronts and children.
Dy this method wo will not stock up.
our public library with many unpop
ular or worthless bookB. Tho Li
brary Doard dcomn It wlso In those
hard times to spend tho public mon
ey to an advantage and as the board
Is Instructed by tho Btato Librarian
how to do this tho public ia asked to
bo patlont and very soon Bots of'
hooka will bo bore for distribution.
Tho Doard ban ulso ordered sots of,
books for adult use, which will also
bo used to try out on our readers,
and thus glvo them an opportunity
to help select tho books which will'
bo purchased with the public moner
oarncd by tho entertainment gives
by the Doard.
Tho Public Library Is owned b '
tho city of Durns and bolougs to hor
citizens ono and all and It Is the '
oarnest deslro ai tho Library Doard
iliat all rltlzous bo served equally
well and by following directions giv
en out by Miss Marvin, Stato Librar
ian, we are suro of arcompllshlnr
good results. Wo Invito tho Moth
ers Club In a special way to bccoaic
Interested In (lie children's reading
and tholr co-operation Is solicited.
In the pant tho Mothers Club placcdr
many good books In the Library.
Why not assist in making elections
f loin tho group of books soon to bo
in tho hands of MIbs McKmizIo, and
then perhaps, present a number or
them to the Library, think :Ula over
Mothers, n good book Is n good
friend, nnd you always know whom
to find It. The ladles of tho Library.
Club will ulso In a special way bo
Interested In tlioio loan books for.
nil ready they aro plaunlug on pre
senting more books to the Llbrnrr
nml tholr book rommltten la waiting
with happy anticipation for tho "try
out" loan group which Is soon to be
oo our loan list.
Next week n full and uomploU'
piogrnm of Library Heading pmcos
will bo published the Exteuidou Com
mittee has boon given this work to.
do, unci thoy will have plans perfect
ed noxt weok. Tho committee is as
follows: Mrs. J. C. Foley, Mrs. J. W
Dlggs, Mrs. Helen Dlllmau.
Col. P. T. Arnold was hero Wed
nesday In tho Interest of tho summer
training camp conducted by tho U
B. army at Camp Lewis. Col. Arnold;
found sovoral of tho local high,
school boys f&vomblo to golug to
tbo camp for tho mouth in which It
Is held. Tho army man visited thtv
algh school whore ho addressed the
boys, telling them of tho attractive
ness of the camp and assuring them,
of good care and recreation In addi
tion to tho physical dovelopmont
they would rocelvo, Iu tho evonlng
tho Colonel spoko to tho paronta who
wore at the Liberty Thoatro during-,
tho regular picture show program,
whero ho explained tho camp life in
The summer training camp Is very
popular as tho boys are woll boused,,
foed and cared for and given much,
attractive recreation such as outing
partlos over wookonda, tonnls, base
ball, track moota and tournamontsn
swimming, wrestling, boxing, etc.
Contests nro hold nt Intorvnls and,
modala awarded to wlnnora.
It la a good place for n boy for
a month during vacation.
Mrs. L. N. Stallard nn dhor daugh
ter, Mrs. Volfa Richardson, spon'. a
fow days of this week with relatlvoa
and friends In this vicinity, return
ing homo Thursday,
ProBldontMcAdoo, 143.