rr(&: a THR XIMMH-UMIIALI) RUItNH. NARN1X COUNTY OBHOOS Haluttlty, May 10, 02 Real Estate rsc6 THI UNIVERSAL CAR tt AND Insurance Fire-- Automobile Life FARM & BUILDING LOANS Investments Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Prop. Burns, Oregon. Phone 30W .vwc 'tiiui:k wihk fooi-s" A oorkliiK Reed picture la Uold- wyiia film version of Austin Storni;' Aauccesflful stnKe piny, "Throo Wlao J&Kola," which comon to tho Liberty kcutro next Wednesday. It had hooti iHrixitou" by ICItti; Vlilor with nil of hls foolliiK for nctunllt) In cho . Mctcr- Jji.Ioti, Jm atmosphere Mini (u hack ground. it' story If Hint of throo o!l bach o!cra who nsroo to take olinii" ol tbo xrown daughter of tho j;lri win Wtiid rejected tho love of all thrtv of :hem In Uulr youth. iNuuedy con. BJpHcatlous I'tiKtio tw nuil forioiul nd soon heroine Interwoven In u scrim of dr.imatlc InuldcittH whVh axto hulvotl for nil concerned after thu jnxt 1i:ih been Jailed on a chargo of . tuldlur, aihI uhettliu; throe cilmlnatM "to "brook ont of prison. "Thro Wlftu "Spools" nul almost ovorythltiK In It Uh.t tlio moht Jaded fan onuh with Cor--oomiMly, romance, reullty. thrill -uf1 spectacular moments. Mia wist I, of the kind that Until- vyn has aeeitatouiori plctureicatr to -X7ct Iffleanor Doardman, who Jamnatl Into t-reoii fame with her net In- of the ri'l nf ltim"iulH,r 8ted- tie to ICipcrt Iliiuho' "Soul for Snlo." a t J s'rl the "thr wise fooli" ate Claude n-UIngwutfr. Wll- f linn TI. Crane mid Alec Frtncla. Tho ;iM also Include John Hnlupulls, ' Ilrliisloy Shaw, Frml Ksmeltoii, Wll " In m llitlnoH, I.uolou Mttteflolil. ZaHu "tlMlW, Martha Mottox, Cralj; Illddlo. tJr., .'OrolKliton Halo unit Itaynioiid Tlattoiu o rrrilKV I,(()K AT III.M AND hAl'tllf iiiako otlior puoplo laugh, hut, dog gone Itt It'ii protty totiKk when your soborost momonts, either on or off tho Hcroon, Inspire niorrlinuni. "I don't mind having a girl turn mo down In every plcluru-- Hint s to bo exptctul with o many Apollo a ron ml but It guts downrlKlit gloomy whan I got a laugh when J nit down; nnothor IiiukIi when I slain) up; n iddo-spllttlug roar lion I mi!I( through n doorway- "Ono might say that fato in ugnlu Kt mo provided you take tho filial final o' oh tho word." "Fair Week." by Walter WooiIh, In a brlt;ht. eleun oomedy-dmniu of small-town life when tho annual fair urrlvoa. Thoro uro laughs, thrlllfl. tears n'e very thl tig. Countiiuru WIIhoii I loading wont an. Hob Wngiior (ltd tho dliuutJiuc. o ll., HA! TIIHKK VII.UANH J.V "Tin: oui.mndn ('llAI.l.,c;H', Tko Millers. trugody of llfo for Walter utnr of tho Paramount pic stare "'Fair Wook," duo at the Mbor. 4y "Tontro tomorrow night In com t idy. '"1 lUo to laugh an much as tho -Msext ono," nay liters, "I like to Th cail of Dorothy Dalton'i Ut t Paramount picture, "The t'rlin on CliaJhuigt." whlrh la to b atwn at thu Liberty Thwilro toutRht, roart Ilka a blua book of acreen vlUiatif. Thr are atvarnl bad man In tha plcturt. but throo of thorn aro noted for thalr ruffianly record In tho an mil of (lit Hcroon. Then uro Frjttk Uumpoau, Clarnr Utirton and '!rur 1 k Flolil. Frank Cainpuau play thu part of "Huck Courlroy" In tho pluturo-u inKUlar "Tranipus" part and tho kind that brought Cnuipuau famo whou ho toured with "Tho Virgin Ian." Claronco Hurton not long nco flu lulled tho rollo of n bad Mexican In Cecil I). DoMllle'H production, "FooI'h Iaradfe," and nnotohr aim liar Mexican charnctor in Gloria Swanson'a Paramount picture, "Her Huaband'fl Tradomark," In thin new plcturo ho will bo seen on "Illnck Feature at the Liberty Theatre tomorrow night wAtTCPiiiro 11.111,' ould lo be one of tho moyt denplcablo tlinnu n i i-vi-r put on tho ncrcon. (JoorKO Field, who pluyn "Wylack lo." a high :nt Mexlouu vltllnii, up poared an "Podio" in "Fool'ii Para dine." Tho.tu three bad men are I'Uitran teo onniiith that thnro will bo morn fihlvorri per Inch of film In "Tho Crlnmon CIiiiIIoiiru" than ituy pic ture which Iiiih boon produced ro ueutly. It hi ijiillo umiMiial to so more than one or two heavy 'rhnr uetern In a plelure, especially heaven of aucli reputntlon mid Hereon iuuk tillude an thoui throo playerK Aiiioiik them, Ihey have doubtltxH romniltted ovory couealviihta kind of mladeed under tho nun Hint In, In tho roalma or Hhadowlaiid. Dutnldu of thrlr miikoMipn, however, thoy nro three of tho mlldeat-mnnuered f;ontcmoii In tho world. M - I i l i V A Welcome Member of the Family A MOTOR car is nevct more appreciated thun in the ajpringtime. Its convenience And enjoyment arc shared by all the family and by speeding up the day's work, it provides more time for recreation. A Ford Touring Car provides every motor car wwon tin at the lowest price for which a five ptemenger car han ever sold n price only made possible by complete manufacture, in tremendous volume, in thclnrgcntand moit economically operated plants In the automobile industry Efficiency ol manufacture is accurately reflected in the quality and price of the Ford Touring Car FOHD MOTOU COMPANY DETROIT MICHIGAN Runabout- 265 Coup.-t525 Tudor Sedan t90 Pot-dor Sedan - JWK All price f o, b Detroit You can buy any model by mnktriR n small down payment yrnnginB easy tcrma for the balance. Or you can buy on our Weekly Purchoic Plan. The Ford dealer In your neighborhood will gladly explain both plans in detail Till MEAIlt'Sf AUTHOIU7.EI FO!U OF.AURH J MAM V, O. U. Detroit Drmounlthle Klm and Suutr 6S Exti jjwtMBjaMRjrM'i -0- .MAV.MeAvov iu:m .VK.vr vi:i:ic fuel mado certain by "A Prlvnto Hyundai " luoludnd In thu nupport IliK cunt uro Kdwurd Hutliorland. Illohurd Tucker. Kuthlyn WllllnmH, Kdwlu Steven, Dana Todd. Juno Keeklv and Dully Hehtidu. ' .MAIIIIIOrr AL'TIIOIt OF "isi.i-: ol-' lost ships" upon thu xurfuco kelp, floatliiK on tain a iialUfactory location. Tour iiiutr eonforrnd with Admiral M W Kborlo, ('omiuandliiR olllccr of tho Pacific flvet. who know every Inch of tho Wont count. Tho admiral told the director of tho "ship gravoynrd" outildo of San bv Hoiwued and4 ,,,"nc'f 1J'l whero thoimB forever. To ob- cr'lfl of vrIoUM porlodu ore rc'Jd uwny, ami lourueur iiuu mas; ( tho vosmuIh moved down the cowt the npot Molceted fro (lluiluc tbW notion of thu picture Admiral lK orlo also wn of rent asaltaiKii Tourueur with hU graphic tvt edge of the octopuo-llku work of ti kelp on old hulks. May MeAvoy. recently olovnted to HtarUom under the Ilenlarl baiiuor. will Imj eou bore nest Sniurday May ' 1? nt the Mhrrty Thatro, In a now , story by Hector Tumbilll. eiitltlled "HvorjrihlnK for Halo." May MeAvoy newU no liitrodue tlon to th on who have watchod hor I rrowth n a tntntrcn of emotional lutirpr tattoo. "Oeiittnnntal Tom my" set her nut n on InUlvIdHal of parlloularlr MpPMlInc pewwnallty. a A KrlppliiK. puluilliiK Mtory of the sen U "Tho IkIo of Lout Ship," pro ilneod by M. C l.ovoo for Flwt Na tional and poMoiiully directed by Muurlee Tournour. whluh Ih to bo the feature uoxi Friday at tho Lib crtr'Thootro. Tho story In from the pun of Crittenden Marriott, ntuHt or writer or Uliw of tho boo, who has woven u powerful talo of tho stark passions of tho mighty waters. According to niiolutit suporalltlou. there Is a place lit the Sargasso Bon. which la situated In the oeutor or tho Atlantic Ocean, wharo dereltnl ahlp caato toaihr and were held Feature at the Ltbot ty Theatre tonight g5 ' f a & Quuwunt VV f V siwu taiElKyHiicsiiiHB aHWaTjBSH 1 1 I I H i-w-tm'" " FSjL I ADOUWftVWW WE KEPAEH mmffi 1 r-", mb . . . . ,'' . . - iiii T-n IIkI :Hl ,.j ! ; .-!'. I, ' -4 - 1 ' ,m fen tit i'.'. ',. ,.r S3? ,s nffiffir HHHhm ifmttu".. ttUlMtfUtHt t mnmmm t Radiatoi Riffhtlv Promntlv Reasonal Burns Hardware Company Feature at the Liberty Theatre Wednesday rAt iMUHTt DOROTHY DALTON "hc Q'infot . Challenge Qhm KING VIDOR Prodwslton M iS''AlAl s iJe Go lr cAohJtltdfromVioplay ,, AyAufiUn Sttons- slagtdhy WinchsllSm.Ji ffttmnUd to John GOldn Virecle by KING VID OFU sUnsjMathffl CdUoriamrecter A GOLDWXN WUi Ui i M-mimmmB" I A.IQ-lCcu 4