The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 10, 1924, Image 1

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"N -v fsl vsV
NO. 27
Contemplate Establishment
Distributing Center Here
When Line is Built.
Clayton Davidson, of Iho David
Hon aroccry; I). J. A. Dlrka and 0.
V Dirks, with Fulk's and J. L.
lIotllnghoad with OakCB & Co.,
wholesaler, were vUltors to Burns
tlurlng this week meeting customers
of their respective concornn and
looking over thu field for tho fu
ture Tin no gentlemen boo an ad
vaniaRi in Hums as n distributing
renter when tho railroad la extended
up from ('ratio and plann
of phi'itiR goods hero In car load
lots for distribution In nil directions,
Tlicj c a field for their JobbtiiK
houses o the north and went that
Is new li rrltory and will likely tako
advantage of It as soon as the train
icrvlce It Inaugurated.
Such an action would bo of grout
benefit to Hums and tho merchant
of surrounding towns which would
In turn benefit the consumer as
goods could thus be placed In their
hands nt n less cxponso.
Postal card wore rocclvcr by sov active In Chautauqua in this
city thlM week announcing that tho
Chautauqua datcn for Hums this
jear are July 7 to 11 Inclusive. This
Ik th (latest wo have over held a
I'haiiMii'itia In Hums. Hcrotoforo
wt luvo had our dates In Juno, a
muih better tlmo Iiocuubu It Is boforc
the liming season opens. Howovcr,
no havo to be governed by tho sched
ule set bv tht Klllnon-Whlto Bureau.
II. O. II. S.
Harney High was represented at
the Central Oregon meet last Friday
In I'rlnevlllo. Redmond was the
high point winner among the eight
Khooln entered.
Welcome placed second In tho
high jump, and fourth in the CO and
100 yard dashes. McGowan was
fourth In thf broad Jump, llibbard
hurled the Javelin 147 feet for fourth
placr Thoruburg wan Just nosed
out a' U.i tape In the 440, by Marith
of Ilxlmond.
Ail four bo8 are entered In tho
Ka-tirn Oregon meet at Union May
loth . ntl expect to glvo a good no
cuv r f ttiuinholvci'.
Km .1 txanu will be held .May
19 20 21
Th- fc- ninr last wuuk will consist
of AlumM Night." olnss picnic,
cla-s piuv. Junior dinner, and com
menrfinent. Thr JJ.icalaurcato sermon will bo
given hi Itcv. Samuel Harris at (he
Presbyterian church. Tho progrum
for that day nnd for Comraencomont
will bo In next wcoks issue.
The following wcro tho throe loud
big honor studonts of this years
graduating class, Harry Loggan, Sal
utatory; Edward Drown, Valedic
tory; LucJIe Drown, History, Thesa
three honor students with Paulino
Desllets and Hums McGowan will
appear on tho Commencement pro
gram. On tho evonlng when tho play Is
given tho following elected studonts
will appear.
Arthur Thornburg, Class Poem.
('has. McConnoll Class Will.
Hal Hlbbard Class Prophecy.
The weekly program held at the
High School last Friday proved very
Interesting and entertaining.
iBola Ausraau was acting chairman
for tho nftcrnoon.
The program was opened by a
Pleasing piano solo by Lola Drown.
Mr. Dalton prosonted seven typ
ing awards to tho following students,
noaollo Deed, Kathriuo Farre, Mil
drod Dalton, nuby Campbell, Louise
Desllota, Francos King and Mao
Sevoral members of tho DIology
class gavo demonstrations of ox
Porlmonta that they had dono In
their laboraotry work.
A paper was road by Doatrlco
BceIMs. Tho subjoct was "Tho
Eeonomlo Effoct of tho Hoof nnd
Mouth DIscaso In California."
Tho last number was a lawn skit
given by tho Froshman Class ontltlod
"Pocky Hunter,''
After tho program many of the
students left for tho Fair tirounds,
where the Freshman - Sophomore
track meet was hold.
Tho Sophs mot tho Rooks In a
dual track meet last Friday After
noon at the fairgrounds. Some of
tho events were omitted due to the
fact that part ot tlio track has boon
destroyed In changing tho location
ot the fairgrounds. Tho meet was
run off quickly and Home of tho en
trants showed signs of developing
Into material for next year's track
team. Tho Hookn wcro defeated to
tho tunc of 51-35. Edgar Dent tor
tho Sophs wan high point mnn with
10 markortt to hln credit, llaclno,
his team mato, wan second with 13,
Dickenson wan high mnn for tho
Hooks taking ono first nnd four
thirds bringing his total to 0. Tho
winners In tho following uvonln wore,
50 yd. dash, Edgar Dont '2C; Shot
put, Edgar Dent 2r.; 100 yd. dash,
W. Itaclne '2(1 ; Javolln, Edgar Dent
2G; 120 yd. low hurdles, Carroll
Jordan '20; DIrcus. Marcus Haines.
27; 4 10 yd. dash, Wilbur Springer
27; llroad Jump, W. Hoclno '2(5;
220 yd. dash, Kay Dickenson '27;
the 440 yd. relay was won by tho
Sophomore team composed of Edgar
Dont, Robert McCulloch, W. Rnclno,
And Carroll Jordan.
Tho entertainment put on by stud
onts of tho high school nt tho Lleerty
Thursday night was n credit to tho
school and tho players wore greeted
by a largo audlonco that manifested
an appreciation of the efforts with
generous applause,
The Girls' OIco Club rendered a
vocal solcctlon after Egglcston'n
Orchestra had, played an overture
nnd this was followed by a one act
playlet ontltlod "Tho Rnmnnceru" In
which girls portrayed all tho char
acters. Kathriuo Farro taking tho
character of a girl other members
of tho cast, Mao Hrlttlngham, Ruby
Poujude. Rosello Reed nnd Inolu
Ausmuft, taking tho part of men, Tho
stage setting was u garden scone nnd
tho effect wan iilta realistic.
"Wild Nell" thu stunt In panto
mime net to muHlc with Luclle Gould
as reader and Kathrlno Farro as
musician. Tho characters Included
Loin Drown, Naomi Moon, Deatrlco
Desllets, Francis King, Louel Reed.
Tho Spanish class rendered "Msr
chcta" In Spanish and rcspondod to
an encore with a parody on thn ori
ginal. "Suppressed Desires" was u ono
act play In two scenes in which Delda
Schwurtx, Frances Hlbbard and John
Mothernhead took part. This prov
ed a very amusing feature and wan
well acted.
Homemade oandy made by mom
born of the domestic nclonco de
partment was dlsposod of during In
tornilHslom. ThU wnn (julto popular
and tho supply was not oguul to. the
Tho rerelptH from this ontorttaln
mout go towurd tho uxponno of tho
student body activities.
The homo of Mrs. I). F. Smlh wus
(ho ncone of a pleasant party last
8turduy afternoon when Mrs.
Smith was Joined by Miss Jeano
Cook, Mrs. R. W. Cozad, Mrs. Geo,
Fry, Mrs. James Olrard, and Mrs,
Obll Bhattuck In giving a card party
to members of tho Library Club. Tho
hostesses are on the waiting list for
membership In tho club, The affair
was a very enjoyable ono and there
were many guesta present.
High honorB wont to MrB, Druce
Ollbert with Mrs. J. W. Biggs re
ceiving second high score; Mrs. C.
D. McConncll was awarded tho con
solation price.
Mrs. Win, Farro und Mrs. P. F.
Chandler rendered a vocal duet as
u diversion that was generoulsy ap
plauded as a token of appreciation
of tho guests.
Refreshments were served follow
ing the hands and a general good
tlmo is tho report of those who had
the good fortuno to bo present,
Principal McDado of tho Harney
County High School lort Thursday
with four ot his boys for Union to
tako part In tho field moot thoro, Ho
was accompanlod by Alfred Wol
como, Hal Hlbbard, Arthur Thorn
burg and Burns McGowan, Thoso
boys aro expected to do 'something
for tho honor of thoir school at this
Equipment Assembled And
Material on Ground; To
Start Work at Once.
Thu track laying equipment han
been assembled nt Crane and In
ready for operation. It Is reported
tho contract fur laying thu steel be
tween Crauo und Durus hun been let.
Thin report could not bo confirmed
yesturdny, an Engineer Glrurd ot the
Fred Derrick Lumber Co. was out
of town. Ilowovor, Mr, Ulrard re
turned Thursday night from Salt
Lake, wheru ho hud gouo to confer
with otllctals of tho Union Pacific
In respect to the contract, at toast
that Is snld to havo beuu tho ob
ject of his visit.
It Is atatcd on good authority that
there . wcro thrco bldn In for this
work and tho conference was for thu
purpose of dorldlug thu ono to ac
cept. The material In on thu ground
nt Crane to atari tho work of laying
steel nnd It In expected tho work will
begin at onco.
Guy costumes, varied In repre
sentation of types, featured tho be
ginning of n social evening at tho
Odd Fcllown lodge rooms last Tues
day night following tho regular ses
sion of tho Robekah lodge. Thoro
were many members und guosn pres
ent who enjoyed tho "stunts" which
followed In quick nuocusslou. A
j largo number ot tho members wore
discovered entering from tho ban
quel room drossed In gay colors,
r.omo ns dolls, omI maidens with
drsosen of tho stylo ot many years
ugo, gypsies, Spanish dancing girls
and other charactetn. Thin entrance
wan accompanied by tho orchestra
playing "Hall, Hall, Tho Gang's All
Hero" tho parade serplntlnlug up the
length of thu hall and singing. Home
of those In costume sat down aud
kept tlmo with feet and haudn to the
music while others gave an exhibi
tion of tho Virginia rcot that did
credit to tho duyn when this dance
wan thu social thing,
Just an noon an thltt event was off
there wan a contest between tho
Indlctt and geutlomen putting on a
vest, buttoning It up aud removing,
passing to tho next In line. Thu men
woro lined up on one sldv, tho ladles
on the other, It wns a conclusive
victory for thu mou aud Just a repe
tition of tho known fact that It takes
u woman twlco as long to dress as
a-man. Another stunt was passing
a glvoii number of peanuts down tho
lino from ono und of tho hall tu tho
other by holding tho haudn behind
thu back. Thu women woro quite
proficient at this but tho men show
ed greater skill in eluding tho watch
ful eyes of thoso placed bohlud tho
lines to boo that thu peanuts weru
passed through both hands. Tho
mon won again but not on thu square
Dell Hayes proved his steady nerves
over Lea Clark In carrying peanuts
on a knlfo blade from ono end of
the hall to the other In greater
numbers and In less tlmo than his
opponent. "
There were other contests and
games that kept every ono busy un
til a halt was made to catch a
breath, There was some dancing
with "Paul Jones" and similar di
version. It was Just a general good
time which every one enjoyed. Lat
er tho guests woro escorted to the
banquet room whore "hot dog" and
coffee and cako were served. The
table contor pieces and decorations
consisted of onions la vases, rheu
barb and other beautiful emblems.
Following tho repast some or the
younger ones engaged In some more
dancing betoro leaving for home as
after such a Buppor sleep was put off
tho question until It was given some
extra efforts to digest.
The social sessions of the Re
bokaha aro qulto popular and always
bring a big crowd and thoy tend to
koop up llfo und lutorest in tho
"Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Buchanan woro
mudo happy this wook by having
thoir two sons, Leo nnd Roo, with
thoir families, conio to tho family
homo for a visit. Tho boys arc lo
cated in Hood Rlvor and La Grando,
respectively, aud had not boon homo
for somo time, All of thorn woro In
town tho othor day,
Writer Considers Tkc Plan
Feasible, Desirable And
Good Investment.
Thu plan as outlined last week by
Mr. Held, Supervisor of Malheur Na
tional Forent, for Harney County to
oo-operato with tho Forest Scrvlco
In extending tho rpad now under
construction between Canyon City
and Hour Valley, from the Harney
County lino nouth to Burns, thus
connecting tho county by n first
cIush rond with tho John Day High
way appears nut nlouo feasible but
highly dmilrnblo nnd n good Invest
mont. No ostlmutcs of tho cost of con
struction ot nuch n roud have yet
boon mudo, but tho greater portion
within Harney county Is on Hues of
natural graded whoro good road
material In avallabla' und tho cont
will not bo prohibitive. Towards
tho cost of tho road now building In
Grant county tho Forent Servlco Is
contributing 100,000.00 to J15.000.
00 by tho county, or at tho ratio of
four to one. Crook county also co
poratcd with the Forest Service on
advantageous forms and built a
splendid road from Prlnovlllo to
Mitchotl through tho Oohoco Nation
al Forest, ultimately to connect with
tho John Day Highway. On what
terms Hariiu' county can co-oporato
can not bo definitely stated at thin
tlmo but the cost Ja tho county will
probably not uxcood $50,000.00, and
bo It understood that counties thus
co-oporating with tho Forent Sorvlco
In building rondn under thin plan aro
allowed a perpetual annual appro
priation of 200.00 per mllo for pur
pose of mnlutoiinttcc. an Item worth
considering, Harney county would
receive $6000.00 ntiuuully, or, In
ten yearn in ore than tho original
cost to the county.
It Is pollinated by tho Supervisor
that tho receipts of Homey county
from thu Foderal Foront Reserve
Fund thrco years henco will bo in
excess of 130,000.00 per annum, 75
per cent of which must bo apportion
ed to thu road fund undor Soctlou
8978 Oregon Lawn, which readn an
"All moneys so received by each
county shall be divided sovonty-flvo
por centum to thu road fund .and
twonty-flvo per centum to the school
fund ot said county, thu same to ho
oxpended an other moneys In nald
fundii aro expended; provided, that
tho uionoyn ho apportioned to tho
county rond fund may ho applied in
payment of any outntandlng rond
bonds, or bo placed In nuy county
road bond Milking fund for Iho pur
pose of balng so nppllod."
aud provided tho estimate proven
correct tho county's contribution can
bu paid from said fund within u fow
yonro without an incroased property
tnx. A bond Issue to tho oxtont of
the county's participation may bo
necessary, but whon It is known
whero tho mouoy for tho rotlromont
of sumo Is coming from, and no ad
ditional tax la required, ouch should
not bo a deterrent factor. The world
Is bonded to tho canopy of hoavon
but is still progressing and It 1b hot
ter to bo ullvo nnd doing with a
small temporary Indebtedness than
to bo dead and forgotton; perchance
there may be a possibility of arrang
ing tho matter with the Forest Ser
vice wlhout tho necosalty ot a bond
Issue by pledging tho good faith of
the county In applying a certain por
tion of the estimated aunual receipts.
Measured by any rule of ecouossy
good roads nro a splendid Invest
mout; thoy are volus and arteries
and tho beginning of Industrial aud
agricultural llfo nnd progress. The
tondency of Investors, land and home
seekers Is to travol by autosaoblle
rather than by train In order to bet
tor vlow tho country, and the auto
mobllo has boen one of the great
contributing factors In the dovolop
mont of California. It has brought
more money and Investment to cities,
sold mora Bunshino and farms there
In rocont yoars than any other ngon
oy, and what happonod to California
will bo repented In Oregon. Harney
County has thousands of productlvo
"ounklst" noros nt tho disposal of
tho Investor at prices nnd conditions
profitable to both buyer nnd sollor,
notably In tho groat valleys of Har
eoy, Blltzon, Diamond, Wild Horso,
Mlddlo Fork and Bllvor eroek, ns
well ns mnny othor opportunities for
Conditions in Harney county are
not generally understood because of
our isolation, and travol over dreary
deserts Is not inviting, but build a
scenic road such as proposed to cob
nect with the boautlful Johu Day
aud Columbia river highways, and
direct proper attention to this prac
tically unknown section of OregOB,
tho tourist will soon make his ap
pearance and find many things to
hln lutorest, and advantage. What
wo through yoars of obnervatiou and
hnbll regard with Indifference ho
will find intensely Interesting and
profitable. Wo may sell him tho
wholo thing nnd yot remain m,oro
prospuroiiH and contout than here
tofore. WM. FARRE.
Louln M. Hughot nnd Mlns Mcr
tholeno McPheotorn wero married
last Sunday, May 4, nt tho farm
homo of tho brldes parontn a fow
miles east ot this city. Tho coremony
wan wltnosKQd by tho immodlato fam
ilies und a few friends Rev. C. A.
Wntorhousu officiating. Following
thu ceremony and congratulations a
dainty wedding dinner was served.
Both these young people nro fav
orably known in this community
whoro thoy havo resided since birth.
Mr. Hughot Is the son of Mr. and
Mrn, I. N. Hughot, who reside on a
ranch near tho head of Harney lnko.
Louts attended the Harney county
high school In this city and was ono
of the boyn who responded during
tho world war. Ho In an Industrious
young man, engaged In tho ntock
business In association with his
father and brothers. His brldo In tho
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc
Phccters, also pioneer residents of
this county. Shu is a charming young
woman who lum been engaged In
teaching since graduation from the
Harney county high and after tak
ing a course In the normal school at
0 '
Thu regular meeting of thu Moth
em Club was held 011 Thurduy af
ternoon of this week at tho faim
home or Mrs. Carey Thornburg with
Mrn. Uturu McFnddeu Joining us
hostess, 'It w:in it very Interesting
and profltublo meeting, oil" partic
ular fenturo being a paper rend b
Mrs. W. M. Sutton, the subject being
taken from eu article in a ri'-ent
Issue i,f thu Literary Digest, eiuitled
"Piny IIIIIm for t'rlmu IIIIN "
Thin artlclo pointed out me great
benefit derived from play sroiimU
lor boys 1 e.l jMrl and pn-vod by
HtatlHtieu that Mich supervised play
has lussonud cilino In many of tlfu
larger center; how It ban b.-oiig!.'
children to n belter uiidurlnndlug
of real cltlxuislnp. "Piny router
and play IcainMrhlp aru not only
lt I deiM (j. In. Itli and cltlx r li'i .
bu. pruvuiittYiM of erlmo n. well
Id fact, play ground blllu today prom
m cut crliiu bill tomoriuw," biiys
nuo writer. Putter for the ehlMmi
and cheaper for thu country, (s thu
utiy it is put.
Thin artlclo furnished much toad
fr thought aud brought the fait to
Iho mind that every effort should
be put forth to give our young every
advantage In the way of supervised
recreation; left to thoir own re
sources the natural Instincts of the
child is to be overbearing nnd not
considerate of others.
Mr. Alex Eggleston and Mr. John
Caldwell, violins, with Mrs. Eggles
tou at the piano, rendered "Alice
Where Art Thou" and responded
with "Love's First Kiss" as an en
core. Both these musical numbers
woro highly enjoyed.
Muslo week will bo the topic for
the next meeting which will be held
at the homo ot Mrs. Joo Thompson
on May 22.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Mrs. Volla Welcome, who was re
cently appolntod chairman of the
muslo commlttoo for tho Harney
County Plonoor Association reunion
on Juno 14, has named Mrs. C. H.
Loonnrd nnd Julian Byrd ns hor
assistants. Tho muslo Is ono ot tho
onjoyablo fouturcs of tho annunl
gathorlng of tho old tlraors na tho
selections nro gonornlly old songs
nnd molodloB thnt woro so popular
30 years ago.
O !
Irn OInrk was In town Tuesday.
Fine Let of Steers Started to
Market; Satisfied Beyer
Coming in Again.
Eugene Hunesen of Luramla,
Wyomlng, took out 200 head of hay
fed beef stoors from this vlclnltr
yosterday that toppod tho market In
this section for tho year. Somo ot"
thoso stocrn brought 8 cents on thu
scales nt tho William Hanley Bollo
A ranch, which is tho best prlco yet.
on record for hay fod Bluff. Mr..
Hansseii expressed his plcasuro in
scouring nuch a bunch of cattlo nucH
ntatod ho conaldorcd Harney county"
11 banner livestock section. Ho it
entirely satisfied with his purchneo'
and Is golK to como bnck this falk
for more stock.
Tho cattlo woro bought from Wil
liam Hanley, Curtis Smith and John.
Biggs and tho Sam Jarvln Livestock;
CommlBHlon handled tho sale. Mr.
JurvlH Btatcs this Is tho biggest pricc
for hay fed stock In tho state for this
season and Mr. Hauna n says It was
the bent class of stuff ho has secured,
this year.
uo "
Eugene, Oregon Harney County
alumul of tho University of Oregon
have begun work on their camgalgn
to raiso a largo nhuru of thu million
dollar alumni fund which will be
used to erect now buildings.
Mrn. Helen Dlllinuu, of Burns I7
local chairman of tho cumgulgrx
vrhlim will be completed May 30,
University of Oregon alumni nlf
over tho mitlqn nro organizing for
thin work which Ih a part of the
University's 15,000,000 Gift Cam
palgn which In to finance Its flvo
year building program. Studonts on
tho campuH havo raised $219,000 to
build thu Rtudont Union nnd tho
people of tho' city of Rtigono haver
proponed to Insuo bonds to raiser
$500,000 for the Hnlvernlty'n audi
torium. Tho alumni's share will be
used for n library, a men's gymnls
lum nnd a war memorial rourt Irs
honor of tho University of Oregon
men who died In tho World Wan
Tho Gift Campaign has boon or
ganized becauso Increased enroll
ment has madu It necessary to use
most of thu University' Income for
inntruellnii, leaving small iuui--;lit
for buildings. Tho University It de
termined not to "wholesale" educa
tion and to kuop Its Htambrds hfglt.
doiplti iucrcasliig number. And It
looks to I in nliiuin! throughout the
country nnd tho frlouds of higher
education In Oregon to supply tlttr
fuitdti to cure for lln InnnedlrUu
biilldiug needs. This In not a liew
departuro for State Univcrnltloj;
mnny of them have found It Impos
sible to ndeiiuntely finance rapidly
growing work from stnte appropria
tions alone. Stuto unlversltlcH have
received over fifty million dolllnr
In prlvato gifts, tho University of
California alone receiving over $13,
000,000. 0
To tho Voters of Haruey Ceunty:
I had madu nil arrangements tc
leave Burns Monday morning,, May
6, for thu purpose of visiting tho
voters in the several preclncta oi"
the county in tho Intorost of my
candidacy for district attorney but
on Sunday I was Borved with a sub
poena commanding me to appear, ae
a witness in the United States Dis
trict Court at Portlland, Oregon, on
Wednesday, May 7."
I do not know how long I may be
detained nt Portland, but will en
deavor to get homo In time to visit
at least eomo of tho precincts befor
tho coming primary election.
I tako this mothod of explaining:
my falluro to visit you Bhould I not
be able to do bo.
Very Respectfully,
Will Flaer was up from Crane
Wednesday on buBlnoBB. Mr. FIser
has resumed buslnoss In a largo
building following his rocont disas
ter from flro whon ho lost hla ltr
wnrohouso and contonts.
. 0
J. W. Fnublon, tho mnn who !
propnrlng to oBtnbllah n brick jyartT
In this city, hns gono to OjounsiForji
ry, Idaho, for n nhcit time. At-j