The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 26, 1924, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Bnturday, April 20, 1021
t T II K T I M H B
II K It A lt II U It N 8 , IIAIIN1V OOlllt f V O It MOON
I r , I
Now For Your Home In
Lots 50 x 100 ft. On easy terms
Inland Empire Realty Co,
Albert A. Traugott, Prop.
Phone 30 W Burn
r i'u MUkVbUauHuJ ;
The Times-Herald
JUIus Tim hardest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney c;ttu(y.
-vTinJAX JtVltl)
.Mitniwr I
-Hi Month
" Mouth
ouiiuil.i), Apill !, I'.rM
Harney totiatjr should take adva..
i&S of suoiintflfg additional funds ami
orhiug with the National r'ort In
KUlug a lurtl surface road WsUvsu
M 'ei tln nnd tltt Johu Day high
vy. Omni ouuty U using $16,000
f 4t rwid bond to build u road
rffniHi tjio John Duy highway to B, r
valley and In no dalxif ha r mu!
mu AttllttiiHa! fiio.uuo from the l' r-
mt dfvlopiijiit fund mukii a u total
ui $?&.o'" uvailabtti for the work.
Himulii Hurt.)' county ralsi $60,-
fiuo for siub purpo4. It totild rure
tw2- that amtwnt, at loam, from tho
li jvu 1 vtiupni'Ut luud uiiii havo
.Ji&0.(M, . llOil for tli work.
Se4i mi ui.. . Htftild not add
-J!M under the plan p.. -Ible. m this
i wy would be simply borrowing
ririoYrurt grt receipts from tho
4ata,iKi At proflont this fund
r.aitnuiu ' ti tpproxlinatoly $7,000
. -aoo ymur nud with tho cutting of
..Usalutr within three years It would
. amount to iivproxlmatoly $25,000.
'-JJjjsg&lnE ndvantago of thia op-
" inortunlty Harney county not only
iaui u connection with tho scenic
.'Johu 'Day 'highway but adds mator-
.' wUj lo the I'onvenlnnco of its own
ltlitmF iu tho way of an outlet nnd
JaaAVJugJiu attractive route for north
A32 iwulh travel. TIiIb county hua
-. asui:li iu coramon with Grant and
wltb the timber devolopmotit tula
v aturcourw) and bUHlnCHfl relation
wilt Incritaso. Tho proponed road
jorprmuniimt Is needed. The plan
nullified glvoa the work added at
1 iractlvuueris as It can ho done with
co additional tax lining placed upon
lhi 'proxent tnxable property. The
added taxable property In tint rall
?oad, tho conequont dovolopmout
'iat will follow tho operation of tho
maJll (MitnrprlHOii and gouoral Impetus
xiilvon to agricultural dovolopmout
''Will bo a thing that will demand
uuli a movn on our part.
The building of a road to couueet
" nD that being constructed by
'nuit county at the Una 1 not dlfll
tini. Much of It Ih wllhlu tho Na
AJorml Foroat and by tying up with
"tibn 'itoreat funds there Is an annual
r.maintonaiioa fund of 200 'i mllo
"tlan la perpetual. This feature nlouo
M mi item that iu wortii consldorlin,'.
Ilaria-y uounty h'J3 not boon an
rr.ure an other oountiea In this atato
a road building; It has not bonded
indubtodnaas and with flitch an op
'oitunUy thin proposition pro
aorttB wo ahould got busy Wo nood
hu road; tho cUlzann of Grant coun
ty aro taking advantajjg of tho op
portunity to ho in rend'neafl for the
-liVfcfopiuant timt In -npnn us, It
.laonus oioro to 11,1. i county 'Inii to
our neighbors. We aro approaching
a greater activity and change m our
oomlltloii than tnortL of us ic-ullo.
Tho only way to meat tht'Mi condi
tions' in to bo prepared. It taboo
ouergy, forslglitnuss and ijood Judg
ment In handling tho problem Jjt-
fort, ,lrt.
Tho llurns Times-Herald recently
rbldod the OreKoiilnii for going to
prPHt with one Ihhiio without Maor
ihikor'ri name or picture on tho front
page. The Orogonlau explained very
luuldedly that Mr. linker was such a
ubiquitous gentleman that they could
not keep hit namu and picture out of
print. All of which flald explanation
was very satisfactory until wo usk
"How doca tho Portland Journal sue
romafully keep Mr. llaker'ri picture off
the front page?" Which question
makes the Oregonlau's oxplanntlon
aeund like Just plain average, com
mon, evuryday editorial bunk.--Slue
Mountain Hngle.
What McNary's Done.
Washlagion. D. C. April J2
Linrlug tho past seven yearn, aloe
Senator McNnry uutorud the United
Stuiea Beuate, Oregon has recolvoil
IK. SOS, 000 of government fund far
'he development of the ugrioultmul
Industry of thu utalu through In I ga
llon and reclamation and for tho de
velopment ot Its vast water power
icHouracH. TIiIh Ih iiIiuohI three
times as much as Oregon received
during the previous eight yours.
For the eight year period prior
to 1017, when Senator .McNary took
his seat In the Bonnto, tho totnl
amount received by Oregon for Irri
gation and reclamation was f 3,802,
220. Upon the acre for aero Irrigable
basis Oregon Jias received 2C per
acre more In reclamation appropria
tions from tho government than
Idaho rocolved; f 19 more per acre
than Washington received and 1 14
acre more than California hua re
ceived during tho same period.
Furthermore Senator McNary has
Introduced a bill in thu present so
tilon of Congross carrying an author
ization of iliGO,000,000 for tho re
clamation of lands by Irrigation,
drainage or dlkago. This bill also
makes provision for thu Improvement
and settlement of cutovur larula, of
which there huudrodn of thousands
of acreu In Oregon. Tho bill la now
In the hands of tho Sonato Commit
tee on Irrigation and Iteclainatlon, ot
which Senator McNary Is chairman,
and will bo roported out faborably
within a short tlmo.
Of the aggregate amount Bocured
for Irrigation and reclamation ?C,
723,000 has boon sot nsldo nnd ex
pended for tho dovolopmout of tho
Klamath and Umatilla projects;
$100,000 tor tho survey of tho Do
".ohuloa project; 400,000 for tho
nurvoy of tho Ilakor projoct and
$500,000 for tho (Tovolopmont of
the flrnt unit of tho Bnlcor projoct.
This Is tho first now Irrigation pro
ject that ban boon rccpgnlzod and
adopted by tho .Oopartmont of tho
Interior and Cougrgss hIiico tho
world war, which, U ltuolf Is n rtla
tluetlvo vlotory in 'ricognltlnn of
Oregon over l.roj.'et.i lu othor West-
..m tnt,w
orn stales
Commissioner 1). W. DuvIh, of the
Hureau of Iteclainatlon, after citing
thu record or amounts received by
Oregon through the efforts of Sena-
tor MuNary, says;
"These totals do not Inoludo any
amount appropriated In general
terms for miscellaneous Investiga
tions or secondary projects, a con
jlderable amount of which has boon
allotud and spent In Oregon," ,
Oregon is fortunntu In having a
capable representative of tho typo
or Senator McNary at the head of
thu In (gallon nud Reclamation com
mittee In the U. S. Sonata lu that
Ml matters pertaining' to tho dovcl-
apuieut tf the state's Intent reaour-'
res -tho reclamation or arid, nwamp
mil eut-over Innds-whlch directly
,-, ,,. "
affects the Interests of every section
oi mo sinie, nave to pass through j
and receive the approvul or this
committee In order to receive the I
i,.ai,iA.ti..,, f . a . 1 1 ,
eoualdorutloii of the Senate, which '
ie the oourt or last resort In mn,tlora
at national legislation.
Meinbera of the Junior rU.i of
Ui Harnuy County High garu a ou
aet comedy yeturdny nftornoon on- '
titled "Supprassud Duslros" thu wn
well preaonted. Thore wrn but
three characters represented! Mlsse
llolda Schwartz. Fraucua Illbbnrd
and John Mothershuud, taking the
partu. Tli one young people showed
v mont Intelligent conception or the
parts and It was so true to Hie t'uso
days that It should be given to a
larger audience. Harney County
High hits some exceptional talent
that would be a credit to any in-
Htltutlou of loarulng. Tho writer '
conaldored It a privilege to witness
this little playlet and recommniuU
that It bo rando the nucleus for an
entertainment given lu a public place
at some date In tho uear future.
In this connection It might bo add
ed that the chlllren of this city gavo
one of thu most attractive entertain
ments over witnessed lu Hums on
last Friday ovonlug at thu Masonic
hall when tho Masonic Orders gave
the children of Masons an ovonlug
of pleasure, However, It should have
been put tho othor way round, as It
was really thu children that enter-
tallied tho elders. In this 0,,tor-
, , ., , , .
talnmont sovernl of high school ago I
Auto upholstering, Now Auto lops, Old tops
stretched and curtains patched and new celluloids.
Cushions rebuilt and recovered.
Hastings glass put in any make Ford cars, Pinto
glass in back curtains, side.curtnins made and door
irons put in lo Htriny make of car.
Call at tho Burnn Auto Top Shop for prices on
top work, located on
tSS352S5222i &: EiS
woro featured and sovoral of tlio
Vrtulo nohool uh woll. Tho numbers
woro woll ntugod and highly pleas
ing, llurns hits Home romnrkablo young
pooplo and clilldron that aro Its bout
imaot. Oldor pooplo, ospociully par
ents, Hhottld Kivo thorn an much of.
tliolr 1 1 mo u u possible nnd encourage
thoin In tliolr work toward making
inou and women of hucIi typo an will
bn a crndlt to HuriiH. Why Hhould
wo throw our young pooplo bo much
on tliolr own resources In tliolr Hoclal
actlvltUm whon by Miporvlslon of tho
oldor heads It would bo so winy to
ill root tli iM r efforts and mluilH toward
; worthwhllo things rattier than frlv-
olduH nothlngH that do not build up
; character? A groator Interunt in tho
I young pooplo would moan much to
tit Ik cnmmunlnty In thoo dayn.
I Mr. and Mrs. Hank Anderson woro
lu town thin wook from tliolr ranch
' homo out In tho valloy. Although
J It In not a groat dlHtauco out lo tho
ranch thin wan Mm. Anderson' first
: vlHlt to town In tli re o year.
! citation'
In the matter or tho listate of Wil
liam Henry Hare, Deceased.
To Owen H. Hare, Andy Hare, and
Mrs. Frances C. Chappull, as hclra
at law or William Henry Hare, deceased-
You. and each of you are hereby
lied and required to appear lu the
county Court of the Htut of Oregon. I
for the County of Harney, at thu J
Omrt room theroor. at liiirus, iu the
County or Harney on Wednesday Mm
:!Htli day of Mav 1021 at Ion o'clock,
lu the forenoon of Hint day. then nud
there lo kIiow eaiisu, If any exist,
why an order of alo should not be
made allowing the administrator of
, the abovo-uameil ofltuto to sell at
! public snle. for thu purpose of pay-
h( oUn (( 0XH,I0 r ,,.
ministration of said estate, the i'ol-
lowing deitcrlhed renl property, viz;
1 . rta n II tllltti (IMIJ
ftff'.iBKWi awitt Vi. ry
NWV4. KHW4. Her. 27 and K..
NWVi Sec. HI, Tp 18 H.. Itange 3214
Bast, WlllatU'tte Meridian. Hnruoy
foully. Oregon; n by polltlou ii has
been prayed'
This citation shall bo deemed ser
ved upon you, If served by 'publica
tions! after tho expiration of twoul
tlghl days from the date of first pub pub
licateon: or If It bo personally mi r veil
then after the oxplrntlnn of tun dnyi
from date or such service, ir served
In llurney County. Oregon, or after
Hie expiration of twenty days from
ditto of service H served lu nuy oilier
county lu this state.
Publication hereof lias been order
od against tho above-named Audv
Jinro and FraucPH C. Chapiudl, and
' date or first publication hereof)
will In April Sfi. 11124. In Tho Tltiioa. .
, Mon,j,j weekly newspaper or gen-;
j ,rill ,.m.ulutlnn printed and publish-
oil lu liiirus. Oregon.
Wll nets, The Hon It. T. .llughel.
r,0,,,u,v.Jm,?'V!,f ,U" r,0U,l.V' C"l !'f
thi State or Oregon for the Counl
of iirov wm, ,, 0r said
Court adlxed. HiIh 26111 day or Mirll
A D. 1021
CHAS. tf. nil.LM.VV.
under and by virtue or a Judgment
nud order or sale or the t'ireiili
Court of the State or Oregon rut the
County of Harney, matin nud tinturltil-
on the urd nay ot Apr", i'J-. an
appuarii of record iu the olllco of
tue County Clerk for said County
and State, lu thu Circuit Court Jour
nal . at page . In favor
o'. 11. 1). Dufeubaugh, and against A
K. Allen, tor the sum or I340.0B,
with luturest thereon at the rate or
8 per cent per annum from th-j ISth
day of October. 1917, and for the
further sum of fDO.OO attorney fees,
and for his costs nud disbursements
herein; and
WHE11KA8. It was further order
and adjudged that the attached
property In said action all the fol
lowing described real properly sit
uate In the County ot Harney and,
tho State of Oregon, namely: Lot S
and the SV4NWK of Section 6.
Township 40' South. Rantje 38 K.
W. M and the BRV4NB of Sec
tion 1, Township 40 South, Range
3C B. W. M be sold under execu
tion, uud that all of the right, title,
Intorent, Hen and cstato of the sold
dofendant be sold by thu Sheriff of
Harney County lu tho manner pro
vided by law for tho Bale ot real
property under oxocutlon; and
WHHKUAB, on mo am uay oi
April, ia. au execution tor auacn-
niont wiib duly issuod by tho Clerk
at t,o said court, commanding ino,
1 1 1
II '
tho undersigned OhorlfT, to lo.vy upon
and null lu tho mauiior provided by
law for tho Halo of real property
under execution, all of tho right,
title, Hon, Intercut and eiitato of the
mild defendant In tho nald real prop
erty, NOW, TJIBKBF0IU3, in obedience
to tho commands of tho nald writ
and by ftio authority thereof, I will
on Monday, tho 26th day of Mayf
1924, at tho hour of 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of tho nald day at tho
front door of tho Court Houho lu
tho City of Ilunm. Hnruoy County,
Oregon, ofTor for Hale to the hlghOAt
bidder for cash In band, all tho right,
title, Intorent, lion and estate of tho
nald defendant!) In mid to tho nbovo
described real property to satisfy the
Judgtnont, attorney foea, and costs
and dlflburnomontn, subject to tho
right of redemption and the confir
mation of this Court.
Hated at Hunis, Oregon this 21st
day of April, 1024.
Bherlff Harney County, Oregon,
lu tliumuttur of the Bstate of Jeffer
son F. Williamson, Decennial.
thu undersigned, ADMINISTRATOR
of tho estate of Jorrersou F. William
sou, docuuscd, to the crodltorn of and
all persons having claims against
the said deceased, to exhibit thorn,
together with tho necessary vouchers
within six months from tho ditto of
thu rirst publication of this notice to
thu undersigned Administrator at
,1'rliievllle, Oregon, or lo McCulloch
& Duncan. Attorneys for tho Admin
istrator at HuriiH, Oregon .
Date of first publication of this
Notice U April IN. 102 .
In the County Court or Harney
Count), Oregon,
Iu thu Matter of the Bstate of Wil
liam A Cecil, Deceased.
Notlcu Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator has ren
dered and filed his final account
and urpurt lu tho above named es
tate -and Court, and the Court has
wi Tuesduy the 20th day of May
1020 at the hour of. tun o'clock lu
the forenoon In tho County Court
Itooiu lu the Court 'House lu Hums,
Oregon as tho time and place for
hearing thereon and settlement thero
. r ii
Harry S. Stone
Olllco hours 2 to 5 V. M.
Other hours by appointment
Livestock Commission
CattU, Shp, Wool, Hay
Bums, OrogMi
Patronize Home Industry
and get the belt
We distribute- nbout $8300.00 a month lu lluriiey County. Help s
to make It fOOOO.OO or moro
. by using
Aipine Butter
None butter,
Quality guaranteed or money refunded
Woliihtoin'H Mere, Co., Cranw
WeliiHtelu'a Mure. Co., Liuveu
Vale Trndlng Co., Crauu
Narrows Mere, Co., Narrows
W. h HtpiKCs. Suutox
Hniytli Hwih., Andrews, Fields
1. I). Defcnbauglt, Doulo
of. All porsouu concerned aro hero
by notified to fflo tliolr objections,
In writing, if any such thero bo, ami
to appear at nald bearing and sup
port the same and contest the' ar.
Registered and Grade
High Class Milk Tested
AH T. B. Tested Fresh and
Soon to Freshen Cows Now
Increase your cream check
by making your dairy herd
high class cows.
Willis Rounsevcllc
Burnt, Oregon
Aie dangerous .en'i. 'iliej wctr,
(I en troy nnd poon tilings that nre
Hut when oii feed lliciii HAT KN
mill lliey ernvo for It us n cat does
cat-nip It Ii nbsolutely GUAIt.W.
TBBD to lid you ot all ruin and mice.
way "e me pleaned to stnto wo con
sltlcr ItAT-SXAl1 Is, without iloubt,
tho best Ita and .Mouse extermina
tor wc have ever used. It docs ALL
you claim mid moro too." Three
Hlmi ur.c, ro, 513. HAT-S.VAP
will Kill
mid leitvo no smell.
Hold and guaranteed by Heed llrotle
ern, mid I. S. Gccr & Co,
Dr. Karl Norvall
Mcchano Thcraphy
Elccric Thcraphy
Office Over Postoffice
Burns, Oregon
N. llrown Ji Son
IturiH Cash Store
h, W. Heed
A.Vxdiistola's Merc. Co,
I.iiiiabui-K'Haltou & Co.
Geo. I), Ilitgoy,
m wwufcusyy1 tmu.rrr''
ftyi)i umivmmixWiW'Vm',mi m
Mtirw la I