Tyr-yyr'NPyy"j - Sa .'.nl.i.v, April 30, 1021 W II t? T 1 M I. H II I. It A 1j 1) II II It N 8 , II A R N 1 1 OOU.VTV O It NOON I'MiK ft TT BIB "V I INI "- I aJ?1v" ' 'CJR-Lamv Paint Service for you When you want paint or varnish, usually you want it quick! Thai's where the Fuller deal ers conic in! Tlicy will furnish any kind of paint or varnish you need. If temporarily out of stock it will be obtain ed for you from a nearby Fuller Branch within twenty-four hours. - tkn-' a Fuller Wlioleule i lose to every Ftller iKrrS no delay -and ' h fmA. That's .' Fuller Dealer about ting problem. lie ;ii.l tj rci.x jrou. Send free bwk "Horn. 1M 1-iH ".Y lUXKtt 1-ijnuCT C3"-;VtT na t:nrT uuen dhaujii ('. II. VocifhUjr W V rULLKR & CO. '.iV CMCii-M FULLER PAINTS . ? v;.?j;jsi!C3 pioNtta vHirr had : WRIGLEYS -4fcr Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy -anil it's a help to di gestion and a cleanser J a lor the mouth -JUL 1CCUI. Wrlglcy's means benefit as well pleasmre. WwTTirTtl &M CliUll 1'AKl.H UP child wixivwu: Tho Mothers Club of UiIh oily Ih ilovotlng much tltno to jtivunllo pro (n'llon iiinl child wolfitro worlt at iho semi-monthly meetings ut this tlnio. Tho following well wrliton paper was road by Mrs. Clarence Young ttt a runout nicotine. I HO.MH J Tlioro is a consensus or opinion J that irregularity of homo II fo Ih vluwod oh tho Krontont factor toward Juvonltu delinquency. Tho problom of Juvonllo (lolltinuoncy Ih mi Iiibuu . of tho day. With our Juvonllo courts 'crowded with cIiooh our pollco rec- i nrds cluttered with unusual onsen In- - vulvitis; tho wrongdoings or inlsdl- rootod or neglected ohlldrun, tho tlmo Ihih como for u public uprising . to domuud Hie sufo guarding of tho coming generation and to Inculcate , In tho iuIiiiIh of pnronts who aro willfully negligent, tho ponalty of tliolr neglect and In tho minds of thoHo who nro careless, tho conao- j quoucos of tliolr carelessness also I to Imbed in tho iiilmlti of chlldrou tho folly of misdeeds. No problom In moro vital at thin tlmo and no mibpoct should havo tnoro attontlou and no campaign idtould havo moro ardent Htipport of tho iiooplo of an community who havo tho Intermit of tho coming generation at heart. A child has tho right to a normal, decent Hympathetlc homo; the right to tho caro and protection of tho Htato In caHO its uaturnt guardians fall In their duties; tho right to bo safeguard :iKn tniit corrupting I n nuances and debasing environments; the right of deliverance from ocon omlu proesuro and the Horfdom of ohlld labor In all of Itn fornix. Tho limit Important part of. any Juvonllo work l homemnklug edu outing parent! to sou that tho strong est human obligation ls that (f parents to tho child.' If moral stun dnrds are not maintained within the home, respect for tho moral stan dards will not be malutalueud out' aide of homo. The school can only build upon the foundation laid with in the fnnilly lift. Tho homo mid Mm trhool nunt bu mud the im mortal foundation of an Imttk-rinl stato. m Cheater A t-yotfof Hit: Urothor Karm BtroiM tho pood of parent co-operating In child training, and uf parent understanding ihelr ohl drcn. Hi eunrttd lax marriage and. dU.iroa li.wa nj productive cf child nrobktm und urged thut uloun' amusementa be provided for ohlldun. The lam word hud nut been mild - -through tho exhuuitlvo lltorature on the subject might Indicate that It had been on the subject of ji.irontal responsibility for Juvenile crlmo when n Ht. Louis Judge con trlbuled a new thnuRht to, tbu nym poslum. Ha JoIiib tho ehortiH of condemnation of pareute In tnpt ImttancoH In which youngHtors go .rotiR but ho nddM thnt it Ik "not Ilio Ignorant people who uoglcct Mi. Ir chlldrou, but tho pIchmi re voking pnruntu." In other wordH, avU doalro to bo rid of whatever i-ontJtutoH an obHtacle to lnilut guiico In not aHHOclated with lltur iuy or Itn reverse, but Ih an evil to lH corrected by otbor iiiciiiih than uo-callcd formal education. Hut In ability to comproboinl tho obllgatloiiH of parenthood Ih a form or "Ignor once" that Iho Judge evidently baa overlooked In IiIh claHHlflcatlon One finds It bard to think of dUijuallfi catlon moro comploto than that of tho father or mother who muni abandon tho youngatera in order to enjoy life. Moral MHd Hplrltual Neglect Tho child must bo given tho op portunity to learn of rollgloua truth and to worship Ood. Tho form of religion matters not but it has been Mr. Home Owner You don't know it all; I don't know it all, The oilier follow doesn't know it nil; But togobhor wo know o-lieck-of-n. lot. et s Get Together Yuu UA me what, you aro going to do in tin way of building and homo decorating Huh .spring and I'll toll you Home things I Know about that, and will make you prjeoH that ' will make you Hit up and tako notice, Get Me? eer ez: ,0. PJ MHx WJh proved by experluucOH In Ublldreuii OourtH that lollglon Ih oBbuutlnl lit tho training of children und Unit, 110 hntlng good can bu achlovod when till nplrlluul devolopmeut Ih uogleutod. Hex There Ih an much danger In pro sontltiK facts proiuuturely an In wltlilioltllng needed Intitruotlnns, Bex I'rltnoH are often caiiHed by an erfort to obtain kuowlegdu wlilnli Ih liiHtluctlvely InteroHtlng to nil. Chil dren may bo Htupld unough in tliolr adult-planned Hchool ntudleH, but they will exhibit ,thc uioxt alert appreciation of tho falutciit nllUHlon to hux. Hero we havo an tutttlnrlUo IntcroHt. Tho Htupld boy w.iUoh up (Mlekly when iiucli Intoro'dH arc ep preached, bin whole body Ih already on edge with naturen phyntcal awak ening and what duett he got'' Prob ably a Jumble of rotten misinforma tion and thou ho finds thai ho Is u man and now, perforce, iniiHt try hlniMclf. What of the girl Htnndlng on the frontier of the dark world of pion tltutlou? It used to be Haiti of her that she was Hiibnormal It she foil, hut now wu Know that hIio In no more ho than her happlor ulRturH In society. The dllllculty with her Is in her unregulated emotional ronctlniiH mid Uicho are but normal pubescent phenomena eminently characteristic of puberty, und destructive only In the absence of a wise morthor'ji caro. Hoclal disease are spreading nmkliig our homo no longer invio late Can we tench purity to our boys and girls and the sacrcduesH of parenthood. It must bu done by oxpert. Hut it must be done. .Mm. rctniiiH itimsoll, fluid secre tary for I'nelflc itutciw und I'rotoc tlon Roeloty tulls that HO pur cunt of girls in l.ouieu Home make good. Follow up work is done for sovernl yonrs. Not all girls nro dslluuuent, homo abandoned by mothers. .Mrs. Itus sell line 7ft girls reporting to her ruffularly. oven lliougli rnlonwd to iliuir own motbum. Home inotliers are only n dvtrlmout (All socially minded people eliould rend lotils F. hl"ia nr ticks fwlnrtHl In ftunday ()rgnhlan.) .Many can are ilio rvaiilt of piotbors allowing their dauKhiam to utr out at all hours for dunao or Ljuy riiks or oven to slay over night, taking iholr word that tliuy aro with ;!rl frioiids. The eiddtttl fnet In tbu oullro out :rt k cf this Institution Ih that a liirgtv-iiumher of tho glrln' havo been rr'.d Into dulluiiuoncy by fnthors, brother, uurle. mid most dlasuntlm; ol all gniuillnlhcrs. usually In eases whore Iho mother has dlod or do sorted the home, l'ublle spirited citizens should concern themselves to look Into tho situation of nuy little girl left in a homo without the protection or a mother, particularly In Ijoluteii Hectious of the country. A eht'ld's definition or hnppluess N thai which nuggosls plensura and vtijoymeul. That Is only natural, for If wo think of n child as happy, wo think at tho same time of the ro creation und nmuionionts. A child without an Instinct and u deslro for play would be a morft abnormal and unhappy one. Its diversions, bow over aro'iiot always easy to regulate, for ploosuro cunuot bo forced down anyone's throat. If a child does not. like tho umusomeut provided for ,it, It will sully forth to find imbutl lutes for such uniunements and those substitutes aro too often of u dan gerous type. The whole question needs moro study and consideration1 than lias been given In the pust. The child's point of view Und its natural tastes should be better appreciated und understood so that something satisfying may bo given it In the way of recreation, and its amusoments at tho same time inado safe aud clean. At tho bottom of muny Juvenile delinquencies und disastrous exper iences we find a natural craving for amusement and advonturo which, if it had been understood and wisely treated in tho beginning might have beuji eusily controlled, We might us well realize that whatover wo do, chlldrou aro going to Join in the universal quest for happiness und pleasure, us one of tliolr rights. It Is for us, therefore, to see thut they are properly guided In their sourch for recreation aud aro taught to find enjoyment In thp flnor tilings of life. Aro tho children of our community to bo taught to think rightly and to llvo usofully or aro they to bo al lowed to drift uJmloHsly with no re gard for their personal obligations! toward tho state mid socloty at largo? They often roach tho purl ing of the ways soonor than ono would suspect. If their thoughtu nod activities aro properly directed and they aro kot moutally alert and spiritually awako thoy will bo fitted to tako Iholr nllotcd partu an effic ient and balpful citizens In the fu ture. If, on tho othor hand, thoy uro pormlttod to bocomo selfish and HQlr-euutorod, ir thoy aro nllowod to grow liidlft'eront to their obligations nud woak In Holf-dlselplluo ftnd bqIN eontrol, iho will soon Iokq rospcot for all authority and fall Into that rlii i which bereft of decent Incen tive mid healthy Meals, und ucoth lug with discontent and IuwIc.-mhuhs, throatuiin danger to our common wealth, Out of whluh material uro we go ing to build tho city and statu of tomorrow 7 Tho choice Ih ours to make, and wu nil share a common responsibility In soiling that our children aro taught to'roveronco and fight for those Ideals which wo Just ly regard as tho cornerstone of our beloved country, No ono should be discouraged ut the magnitude of tho task. If ovory year wo progress a little in promot ing child welfare and developing tiio.to who are working In Iho flnhh of religion, education, health and ways tin Individual can contribute bin or her aliuro to iho advance iiulill of child wolrnro In general. lilt; Brother and Hlater organiza tions nro merely asked to Intorcut themselves iilngly in the caso of u iioy or girl. ISach effort, small as 11 may seem taken In aggregate produce!) a re sult which Is astonishing In its far reaching effects, v A small ineanuro of service would bu appreciated, churches, schools, hospltubi, community centers, socle lies Including such effective organ isations nit Hoy Hcouts, Girl Scowls our mothods .anil standards along i clubs, playgrounds, camps, and other these linos; II' we laky no backward ntops and do not relax our efforts wo shall move steadily forward to ward tho goal. In leaching chldrcn to take IhoTr part and to fit themselves for Iholr duties as citizens of tomorrow, wo must not Ignore or forget the obli gations which wo ourselves, as clti- souliil und civic groups lunumurnblo which aro calling for tho public' active co-operation titid Htipport und to which everybody can contribute something by way of personal inter est.' These nro the main obligations which tho statu owes its fulttro citi zens. All subjects alluded to uro sons of today, owe tho community ' ' Importance und each subject prop in this respect. Wvory man and ' erly dealt with would require vol winitnu In lint bind can render at I limes. loiiHt some mennuru uf sorvlco to ward this end. Tho work cannot bo left to specialists and exports. Somo Individuals may be In a position to dedicate their lives to child training and child saving, but alone and un aided thoy cannot elevate nud pro tect the whole youth of tho nation. Tho oullro country must Join In tho task with enthusiasm and accept child coiiHcrvatlou as ono of Itn prin cipal and sacred tenets ir the move ment Is to ho carried on to a glorious c'liisumiuatlou. It gnra without suyylng thnt those who are devoting their tlmo nud on erpy to Hie caro and training of their own chlldrou aro by thnt very not rendering tho supromo service to tin state, and this is also true of protoc- Theso aro essentially dopoudont one upon another. Education would bo futile without health, health would bu dllucult without rcerontlon, nud all three would be well-night Impossible without ipropor Hon. Child labor cannot flourish sldo by side wltli, education aud health. Health cannot survive cruolty, abuse, or noglect. Or ir n child is to bo denied recreation nnd happiness, Its Adueutlon, hoalth und moral train ing might ns well bo thrown into tho discard ni tho sanio tlmo, ' Glorious will be tho destiny of this or any oilier nalicn which is wlio enough to prepare Itn children for the rospouslhliltloH which they will hi hi Hod upon to bear. Happy will bo Its future if its sous and. u.uighlur are uplrllua'ly nwako nud ivndy io I'ldb'iiti' themsLlvoH to It service. Let us iico thut our chil dren are ho guldad and guarded that when the call comes to them they shall not fait. Why not go to the bottom of this thing? Why not try prevention? A. small fraction of the cost of such a pollco force, spent on social treat ment of tho Juvonllo dolinquont or the young, Incipient offender, would Indeed pay for 'itself "soveral times over." Why not go back to causo? Why do thoHo offenders, mostly young men, apparently luck tho nonno of right and wrong or any rogard for tho property and welfare of others? They havo not been educated moral ly. Gluiriiclor, tho only real preven tive of crime, has not been develop ed. The crooked business men Ih no bettor than tho petly thief or bur glar. Holh have miseod out on a life training which would make them unoful nnd happy. Why not Invest In a moro practical direct system of touching character In the schools, yen aud In tho church also, nnd In othor Institutions estab lished to train tho young? Why not Invost a great tloal moro In agencies that protect nud build up homes nnd help parents to measure up to tho most important task in tho world the up-bringing of chil dren? . --o How To Strengthen Eyes In n surprising short tlmo simple f-ninphor, witclihuznl, liydrastln etc., nc mlsod In Lavoptllc eyo wash, strengthens oyo so you can read or work moro. One small boltlo shows results. Aluminum eyo cup froe. Itced IlroH., Druggiots. Advertisement. wmmammmmmmima0mmmaKmmimmBfmmmmmmmaam YOU NEEB JNTOTT 'JKAJC2L, rT" n n linn i-i fmri ifi i innniirn m in i in iniiririr-irr n 1 1 ' I f.liy-two ytam ago I omorl W I'lm'i father moved to Magnet; J -"JJjr ) U.vbunv .T.uiti.mlKional e bankf ! v., Ar' , when the boy WBiif 11 WMBT f it I ptiM.iltnt o thn Associate! (h n d u' a a cotton pickor. A '.y (Sou Corporation or NV',yt.ir let' i h took a Job at 7ft Y'lfc, wlnfji control fight bv . rcnta u d iy m ft vtiwnrill in the (.i tuffeiii'M tir i. - ii"g a t ' ', j.jlgldn). inj town of Uoiker, Myi,tKKi b . iQrtH ntuiui.by, as be 'wirnrl b . bo.ud t.nd Io Itfitic y In kI.'ci ;ooly on n t.ny lu n rising at 4, inilklnt; the comth, build- in K.iiiplaj,, Hot Springs t'eu: ).!ing tho lire and cooking tho lodg- ArkanRn. Taken tram a nau-- irtr house nreukiaeB. nut lie saved nh'ft evhool Wlirn ho avjs V.uh'.IH n month out of a total wnp;e of Sain started Mu rmccr by mM):? I Si!) 80. and banked it Wlion ho was pope r, berrlrr, fruit and nuta t , 22, Itcyburn was admitted to the waiting iwMftigt ra at the rnilrna ! liar. u took n Job in n real oslnlo aUt'on. lictwoon trains ho sol : '" -. at ISO, nnd at tho end of one letter, tftrt and friiiis to neigh j ; had snved $4fG. At tho end bnni Ilia nroAta aupported th of another year he had saved wholu fauiily of six. hie father i $1,500 nud opened u law olllcc. Hut Hrnlniis from'the farm bnlnsaml1 When he wn 1U he hnd twenly lioye working for him ns nalesmec Tlmt year his iiiothcr dltd uu I the real estnte, bnnkinir nnd "r.on oral store" olllro had grown. He con centrated on the banking end of It and Increuoed deposits from ?10 HADLEY sac IflH fw wr - il TH iLrg &&V' 000 to f225.000 in ono year's time. An a result of his remarkable management, the little mnkeahift combination busines.i became, in 11)01!, tho Union Trusf Co., and Itcyburn was elected president. In lOO.'l the deposits Win over SI, 000.000, and Heyburn was tho ilnnnclnl lender of I.itUo Hock. In 11)05 ho was elected president of the Little Hock Clearing Houao Association, nud in 1UU& was mndu bend of tlio Arkansas Hankers' Association. In 101i came th fa mous John Clnil in department store crash in New York. Key burn was sent for This Week Dy AltTHUR nillSHANC BwwratdKji?vnriMnaraiMaK ! -- --- - - -' - - - - i -- w - - w b.-bvi f i ii - w - wmrmrmw Wheeler No 'Eay Mark Bijjcr 1'orU CowiBgVoulJ Miracles Da? Home enthusiasts out WVt ntlii.u-ito import, lie inklit uUlte tX mi luted by large Kclietl'ooks, luive In-'wuglne IroMey car tlmt hi oi.ut illelwi .Senator Wheeler trying to dla-i showed tbU writer in hi Itou'loni wuriige his nlilo liiotlgaMiitf. Hy tlils (line they probably lesnt it, for the Senator Is liivcKtlKutlng THC.M io Hud out Jiini wlml uud who lire leblnd the Indict meiit. i bmm'ii $rrr. 0 .!' .Mw. W -tC' Unc!aJo3ut; Wuslilngtou knows that when Senator Wheeler euterwl public llfo lu .Montana ho found two political parties out there, one called Itcpiib llciin, one called Democratic, both owned by copper mines. When ho ventured to opoxo tho copper capitalist be was informed Hint he would be run out of Mon tana. Hut ho had other plans, got himself elected to the Henato of the I'nlted Htatcs, aud now tbu people aro hearing from him. liven the fattest Hcketbook ought to realise that this Is no time for tluuuclal "rough stuff." mnorntory. ugnr in iiiiini. uia .r nild crons the Continent at I be rito of sixty miles uu hour without lak ng on fuel, and at less ibnii half ilio iircHcnt cost of truiwiHxiatlou. rimt ought to Interest rallrund uiau now. If It doesn't, the kind of com petition It will give thorn will tuiur ct tliem later nnd TOO late. II r.i Dr. Ghapinun, excellent scientific worker for the Auiericsn Museum of Natural History, returns from the Andes mountains bringing a bird that brays like a donkey and a duck that cuu't fly, Iiefore amusement carrion you away ut thought of a duck that can't fly, ask yourself bow many human beliigH there are that can't think? Now York Is proud, learning from United Htiites authorities thnt New York's port bundled moro than oua half of the total ocean passonger traille p the United .States. Beattle, Huston and Han Francisco wero next. Well, that's to-dny'H news. How long do you tuippo9o It will bo befnro Jacksonville, Flu., and I.os Angeles both have an ocean traille bigger tliau tluil of which Now York Is so proud today? Tills country Is only start ing, and the really ilg ports and cities are wt 111 to (bid tliolr place. Those (bat rulo Ijio oil market say tbeie won't bo any big advance lu gasoline prices this Hprlug hecauso "muddy roads will hold down ,tho price." Muddy roads diminish nu toniol(llliig. I.cmh nutoinoblllng mentis sandier demands for gas, and fttutillcr demauilH moans that tho rulers don't put up I be price. In oilier words. "What will Ilio tralllo kiirV not "HVhi tine tho (Htxollno cuttv Is ll.c Impnriiujr quoilon. Henry Fo'd will buy a trolley lino poiiii cMii" Mnsele RlumlH with I bin .Jul" ut I'eusacola, lla., uccordlng Hottort D. Towne says religion la handicapped by n "lack of good news." Thoro aro no moru firm uh aurancea, such as tho one given to Peter and Andrew; "Follow mo, and I will mako you fishers of men." Thoro aro no definite as sertions about hell, if you arc wick ed, and heaven, if you behave. Clergymen split hairs. Knch ono believes a part and denies a part. The simple mind wants to helluva everything, Perhaps a few miracles would help to revive faith and fill the churches. Suppose the Kov. Dr. Straton should say: "I warn yon dissenting clergymen that you uro all bound for perdition, nnd to provo it I shall now chango Dr. Jonos into a stfck of poppermitit candy." Would not that confert till if Dr. Jones did stiffen up and slowly turn into striped pepper mint? You'd think so, but the human heart Is hard. You remember tho Arabian philosopher, who said to tho holy man: "You niny say to mo, 'Twice two ro five, nnd to prove it I'll turn this walking stick into a llvo norpont but, oven jf you chango your slick into u serpent, I'll still say, thnt is interesting, but twice two nro not live." my good iricn 'lenry kett Is a wan;-..;J, ! man. . . Hell tx'.iif u hand in any gam. an' play tho beat he can. . . So fur tut ldiratlo i gous, ' Bint a ultlnln lljiht,--but 1. vouUln't fool with novhin' tlu. hu didn't thinl. wua right. I've luni-J him prattlu half r . day, about the war in Creifc. nnd, he'd slam the dad-burr, tar- ( ifi like n Jcstico of tho peace, lle'o farm it fer a season if tho idea hit him square then, swap it for a barber shop, an' go to cuttln' hair! If you search among tin clorcy, you will hardly find a man; that can preach a better sermoucttu than Henry Tunltcti can. . . . And, while tho wood t .. . -I... i... ....ti.i i.i.. milk nuv uiiiu ujr mi miiiu uu u done. I rrcknn )in'n n irnntiiH. If I "" - .ww.--. ... w. w. u..... y .. cvor there wau onel rfKkl -JvQitof -takbthw A" gorilla, just urrived, is llvliiit In u fltu) Now York 'hotel. How it would surprise him if his dull, worried brain could realize that tho hotel was built, according to Dar win, by tho Korillns, u small, feoblo tribe of his own relations, weak in muscle, tooth nnd clnws, nnd there fore, compelled to think. Thinking, thoy boenmo rtilora of tho world. Frederick Lnndis pays thut this coni'tiy, instead of admitting kJ rib. n that como hero to dio of homesickness, ought to admit metro of tho right Idnd of l-hiropoan Im migrants that would como hero to build up tho United States nnd MVE. IfeajA iK c. THB CRAA'L W TH& PCXZ THST KIl-LC - ---"' -t--JitwrJWS--'tt4a