i ' im iltefttl ?i s, VOL. XXXV 11 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 20, 1924 NO. 2 TULE FIRE AT LAKE DE STROYS HAY, PROPERTY Railroad Material for Ex tention Still Coming in. 10,000,000 FEET TIMBER CRUISED NEAR BURNS RUMORS OF DELAY ARE WITHOUT FOUNDATION Candidates on Ballot at Primary Election May 16. MUCH LOVED PIONEER -WOMAN PASSES AWAl She m - 1400 Tons of Hay and Barns in Path; Burnt Over an Area of 3 Sections. A disastrous flro hah boon raging on tho south bank of Malheur laku for snverul days that has destroyed between 1200 nnd 1400 tons of hay, burned tho barns of Hyo Smyth nnd Mr Hutchinson nnd destroyed other property In the wny of fences nnd improvements. The flro was Btnrted Jn tho dry tulcs early In tho week nnd n hnrd wlmll fn mi oil it Into uch proportions that it was beyond control. Anions those losing hny nnd proporty nro Mm Peter Cnldwull, Uyo Smith, Jnme Huuynrd, C. V. Hoed, Mr. HutchliiHon. At ono time tho flro threatened tho entire neighborhood annd Joe Morris nt Narrowu sent out nn S. O. S. cull. Several ro iponded from Hums nnd word wns also tent to Crane. The country In that neighborhood it so exceedingly dry that It was hnrd to fight the conflagration. Tho noil Is all decomposed vegetation nnd the (Ire penetrates to such a depth In teh soli, a sort of poet, that It Is almost Impossible to put it out. It burns until It reaches ho wot clay that unnderllos It boforo It will go out, and oven then such fires havo been known to smoulder for weeks and break out hundreds of foot nway from wheru any sign is visible. In all about three section of Innd have been covered by tho flro and as It burns all thu growing soil It Is a serious loss as tho places will not produco during tho prosont sea ion In most Instances. The Ions of hay Is a serious matter as the Mcnaon lacks thu usunl run off for luck of snow in the moun tains and tho shortage of water for Irrigation will diminish the amount of hay for tho Hoasou and tho old hny was au asset sorely needed by stock moh for tho coming feodlng season. According to Information yester day morning tho firo is now consid ered under control, although It mutt be patrolled for daya and weeks Mn and team were brought from distances an far as tho I much to combat tho flro. At oiii- time It was feared tho flro Whllo no official announcement has booB made public there Is every reason to bollove the laying of rails on tho extension of the railroad from Crane to Duma will begin tho first of tho coming month as originally planned, Material continues to ar rive at Crane, including many car loads of tics during tho pant Iwo wooks. Tho local representative of the Union Pacific stated somo days ago that ho was waiting Instructions. Sufficient material to start tho work has been on hand for somn tlmo. Tho laying or stool will not roqulro n long tlmo. However, tho brldgOR must bo constructed nnd tills may delay tho track laying somo. Citizen of Hums havo been told by men In authority that wu may prepare for a celebration of tho com plctlou of tho road to Duma by July 4. With thin assurance tho people are encouraged and hnppy. Thoro noems nothing would delny this ar rangement. o DESIRE IIRTTKIl ItOAD CONNECTIONS WITH VH Sale of Fine Tract on Poison Crack Makes Possible to Start Milling Earlier. would ('"tr i tin r. Tji In ' . , llo'A I ai I (! ' tho Sod Houso field mid 'i pntur nnd hay lauds H a. tho bulldlnga and 'it Had the wind boon ' ir would huvo swept right 'i.titiiol to the Narrows itid n much greater area. o MORE HAKEH Mr and Mrs. Thos. Cleveland and Miss Agnes Mullor woro over from their homo near Van Wednesday. Mr. Cleveland announced that his community would appreciate bettor road connection with this section of the country as at present it in dim cult to come to I) urns. If they had hotter and more direct roads they would turn much of their business to Harney valley, as It Is their natural market point. Mr. Cleveland and a fow of his neighbors are now shipping out ap proximately $3,000 worth of cream each season to outside creameries which would be marketed In Hums If they could reach hero convenient ly. This product would bo Increas ed materially if thoro was morn In ducement offered dairymen In tho Van section. Tho local creamery could handlo this product and In fact should havo It, but under existing circumstances It Is not economical to sund it to Hums. That community produces consid erable for market. It is tho desire to make thin their markotlng and trading point. Thoy should havo roads. p7)REST .Sl'I'KKVlHOIl VISITS US Tho government has Just com pleted the cruising of 10,000,000 fcot of timber In tho Malheur forest on Poison creek. This body of yel low plno Is made avallablo by chang ing thu route of the railroad from here to Hear vulloy from directly up Slivlcs river to PoIhou crook. This cruise had (icon requested and appraisement tundo for tho pur pose of illnclug It on tho market. It In a flue body of timber mature and ready for tho market. The appraise ment has been accepted by tho dis trict olllce, wo are Informed, and the trad will Ilkoly bo advertised 'within tho next two weeks. The nalo of this timber will give the mills avallablo timber to cut from four to six months sooner than would bo possible if It woro uocos- sary to build tho railroad lino Into Hear valley boforo any lumber would bo turned out. If this tract Is din- posed of to thu Krod Horrlck Lum ber Company It will give tho mills work earlier than had been expected. It Is possible other units may be logged off following this betweon here and Hear valley, as 10,000,000 feet will not last long In a mill with 75,000.000 capacity. Such activity would furnish tonnage for tho rail road hh It progressed toward Hear valley and bring In a revenue to the mills that will aid materially in tak ing rare of tho big undertaking that will finally reach tho thnbor form erly designated In thu contract with tho govornmont. Railroad, Mill Construction Going on as Scheduled; No Extension Asked. HINXOTT AH A PERFORMER The following was Inspired by u, Portland man following tho publi cation of the recent squib nnont Maker It was sent to tho Orogonlan for publication but tho writer states bo ban failed to sco It In print, ho therefore forwarded It to this paper: Portland, April 4th .(To tho Ed Hor) Your editorial squelching of 'he Hums Times-Herald for ye Edi tor's levity, nnont tho ubiquity of Ucorgo Luis Haker, Mayor, stimu lates a palpitation of tho midriff. Right you are!. Wo all applaud! You most corte chlmo In harmony with tho eternal verities when you Plcturo our oblquitous 'municipal naglstrato flitting from this to that nd thenco to tho other, osculating here and osculating Uiere, from the allvary lips of Infants to tho rouged oicujes of Divas; discoursing upon ,h "Ulghts of Labor" to tho Holler Makers Union, thon a disquisition before tho Portland Dowagers' Club n the "Immorality of tho Unlon "It." Huroly, HIh Honor la news, likewise his downsltllnea and his un- flalngs; und surely wo havo grown to Hko it, for will not water wear aay u atono? But, and wo say but boldly, whllo QeW3 Is HOWS. Whv thn nrHstrv? IIIr Honor's faco, forsooth, Is pleasant to look upon, but it dooa not follow does tho night tho day that It la thing of beauty and n Joy forovor. Why avaunt tho aquawlc of yo Tlmos 'torald Editor about, tho diurnal re production of tho photographa slmll "udo of aeorgo'a physiognomical lay out? In other words, while nowti Is i'', why forovor tho plcturo? In ncord with a raultitudo of otWa, "e cry out and wo say that wo have A onoughj LONG SUFFERING. Koroat Supervisor C. C. Held wns over from his headquarters nt John Day during this week, conferring i him; with subordinates and tho clthous cf Harney county. Mr. Hold Is Interest ed In Improving roads through the Mnlheur forum and is ready to eo oporato with tho citizens In gottlr.g such aid us Is avallablo from tho Forest developments funds for such purpose Ho Ik coming over again next week. " ' ' o "Actions speak louder than words." Tho rocord of Hlnnott In Congress speaks for him. Ho ban de livered tho goods; Is a purformor rather than a promisor. No one who has ever represented Oregon In Con gress has written his name on moro legislation. Tho ordinary now Con gressman is happy and lucky if ho can flccuro the pasnago of ono bill for his constituents during his first two yearn In Cougross. During Ihreo yearn In tho OCth and 07th Cougrcnics, Nick Slnnntt got tho House to pass 2.1 bills Introduced by securing favorable committed Humors without any foundation should not bo glvon any considera tion. It ban boon reported that the Frod Horrlck Lumber Co. had al ready asked for a two year extension of tlmo In which to complete Its con tract with the govornmont in getting thu railroad Into Hoar valley and bo gin milling operations. This can not bo traced to tiny nutborltatlvo source and in without foundation. Forest .Supervisor Hold of tho Mal heur forest Mates nothing has come to the forest servlco In any manner and that from his relations with tho Fred Herrlck Lumber Co, ho fools nsNured that tho undertaking Is go ing forward as per schedule In fact It Is expected that active work on the mill site nt Hums will begin at once and It Is Ilkoly that milling op orations will begin oven earlier than hnd been hoped from tho fact that u flno body or timbor is avallablo for Immediate uso on Poison crcok through which tho definite route of tho railroad ban boon located. Tho 10,000,000 foot of timber re cently cruised a short distance north of Hums on the railroad route will likely bo advertised for salo next wook. While it Is not stated that the Fred Herrlck Lumber Co. asked thin sale, It In not denied that the concern wanted to know how much thoro was In tho body nvnllablu for Immediate salo. Tho grading on tho Hue north from Hums ban reached a dlntaMca of somo ton miles, only a short dis tance from tho timber tract recontly cruised. It would not require much moro work to finish thu grado and lay tha rails to this timbor. The completion of tho railroad to Hums would facilitate matters In handling thu supplies for extension on Into the timber. This, evidently, Is the Intention, ' ' o THE NEW STANDARD At a wedding anniversary of u wealthy young farmer, one of the guostn noticed a somewhat lonely looking and rather shabbily attlrod man in a corner of the room, nnd walked over to him. "I wan introduced to you," he an lit "Imf T .1 11 nnt iaf1i vmtr reports on 38 hills during thoso con,- ,. greases nlono. ' . ,. ,. ,. HI bill renting to the Malheur .'?' ,. ' ' ' National Forest In Harney nnd Grant J oh; , you nro n rtfttvo of counties was followed by tho Bale of nnr host?" timber In thin forest and tho present , "Yos," rcjolnod tho "poor roln- Harney, the Laud of Sunshine. construction of the railroad from Crane through Hums to Hoar Val loy, thus oponing to dovolopmont Harney County, tlon." "I am his cousin, ono hun dred thousand dollars rornoved." - o J. M. (Union wwv nvr from Prliio vlllo for a fow days Mill woe. irer. r - r: , WAITING - - l 1 1 1 1 t ; i ,r Jv I T-Trilr?l IS' thkqe's always W! CIAJ ' 1 -T HATCH m "5T5: vvy urn Wmh - . -y ' The following are tho naraea of nsplrantn who will appear oa the ballot at the primary election oa May IS: Delegates to the National Con vention, State at Largo Republican, (Seven to elect): Fannie Kay Bish op, Charles H. Carey, William A. Carter, Henry Waldo Ooo, (0. J, Evenson, Hobt. 8, Farroll, O. C. Ful ton, Mary E. Hill, A. J. Johnson, J. N, Johnston, Banflold,Mncdonald, A. C. Marsters, Phil Motschan, Alwlu A. Muck, 8. I). Peterson. Democratic, (Four to elect): Jns. D. Hums, W. E. Cruws, Alfred A, Hampton, Frank 8. Meyers, Hugh McLain, Allco M. McNaught, Mrs. Aloxandor Thomp son, II. J, Tlckuor, Oswald West. Second Congressional District, (Two to elect) Republican: Lulu 1). Oraudnll, P. J. Oallagher, F. S. Ivanhoo, E.' P. Mnhttffoy, Roy W. Rltiier, W, O. Stavor. Doinecrbtlc: Ceo. C. Hlakeloy, Char'los F. Carter, Onorgo A. Marshall, Will M. Peter son, President of the United States, (One to nominate) Republican: Calvin Coolldge, Hiram W. Johnson, Demecratic: William Olbbs McAdoo. Vice-President of tho United States, (Ono to nominate) -Republican: Frank O. Lowdcn, H. H. Northrup, George Shepherd, Elwood Washington, William Grant Webster. Demecratic: Geo. L. Merry. Presidential Electors, (Flno to nominate)- Republican: Daniol Hoyd, M. (J. George, A. W. (lowan, Glen O. Holmnn, Harriet Lanu Rich nrds, J. O. Stearns. Demecratic: Co I la L. Gavin, William A. Johnson, Hall 8 Lusk, Robert A. Miller, Rlchajd W. Montague, Elites Sue decor, R. It, Turner, John C. Veateh. United State Senator, (One to nominate) -Republican: Geo, L. HaKer, K. K. Kubll, Charles L. Mc Nary, Eugene E. Smith, H. II. Htal lard. Demecratic: Will R. King, Geo. A. Mansfield, Milton A. Miller, W. II. Strayor. Representative In Congress, Sec ond District, (One to Nominate) Republican: Oeo. T. Cochran, N, J. Hlnnott. Demecratic: James Harvey Graham, Ralph W. 8wagler, H. F. Wilton. Secretary or State, (One to nomin ate) - Rnpubllean: Sam A. ICozer. Demecratic: Walter L. Humbreo. State Treasurer, (Ono to nomin al u)- Rupublc.'iu: E. R Campbell. Thos. II. Kay, Frank 8. Sever. Doin epratte: Jttfforsnit Myurs. Jusllco of the Supremo Court (Oiu to nominate)--Kupubllotwi; Harry H. I Ml... J. W. IvuowUm. Hunr H. Wtal brook. Demecratic: O.'P. l' how. Attorney Clouornl, (Ono to w.'in lniito) Ituiiublluau : Roburt U. Kuy koudall. I. II. Van Winkle. Dairy and Food Commissioner, (Ono to nominate) Repnbllenn: .1. I). Mlekle. Harry V. Miller. Conuulwloner of the Public Ser vice Com:iti-io::, Eastern District, (f "" to nominate) Republican: II. II. Corey, Robert Service. Demo cratic: J. D. Drown, Senator, Twenty-second Senatorial District, (Ono to nominate) Ropub Ican: Geo, E. Davis, Churlea W. Ells. Representative, Twenty-seventh Representative District, (One to nominate) Republican: R. A. Ford, Mary Grove. District Attorney, Harney county, (One to nominate)-Republican: C. II. Leonard, Democratic; V. G. Cotad, Geo, 8, Siseuore. Sheriff Republican: W. A. Good man, W. C, Luckey, Clarence Young. Domocratle; Clay demons, Joff Cawlflold, , Commissioner Democratic; J. W. Huchanan. Clerk Republican; A. A. Hard well, Mary L. Hlott, W. E. Huston. Demecratic: Chas, E. Dlllman, Curtis Smith. Troaauror Ropubllcan; Vera Olbbs, W. Y. King, Mrs. Luto Par ker. Assessor Republican: Harry Buck, Ohas. W. Loggnn; Domecratlo: Cbas. Brlttingban. School Superlntsndent Republi can: Mnry Griffin, o- Mrs. Martha Lampskire Emlav. Long, Useful Life Easter. Sunday Morning Mrs, It. Wonzoll hna boon confined tp hor homo for the past couplo of wookH or moro from llliiosa but Is much linproovd nt this tlmo. This OBtlmahle lady wna mado very happy last Saturday by bolng remembered by tho Proubytorlan Ladlos Aid In tho way of n boautlful bouquet of flowors nnd dalntlos of food follow ing the annual Eaater salo, Mrs. Martha Lampslilre died ate. the home of hor son lu this city carlr Easter Sunday morning artcr an 111 noHH covering a long period. "Aunt ie" Lampshlre, as sho wan lovlnglr called by hor many friends, was oa or tho host loved women In Burma. She was esteemed by her wldo ac quaintance as no other women, per haps, in all of this big country, She was n wolcomo visitor In overy homo, lu any gathering, on any occasion. Her cheerfulness and Christian spirit: rudlatod wherever sho happened ta be and her presence brought bright iiosh Into tunny nick rooms and homcB that woro unhappy. During; hor active llfu lu this city uho wan always doing good and bringing hap piness to hor friends. For yours alio never failed to visit the hospitals each Sunday, whon sho wan physical ly able, and cheer up tho sick, bring ing floworn or n dainty bit or food. She wan tho friend of tho baby, tho child, the young, tho mlddlo aged, the old. Hor many acts of kindnoss and thoughtfulness aro cherished by hundreds in this community. "Auntlo" suffered u breakdown. In health some five years ago and) since then bad been confined to hor home. Muuy would have liked to dt. something In return for thu many kindnesses bestowed by hor In form er years, but this was not possible under the circumstances, to an ex tent that In uny way compensated. Howevero, sho wns not forgotten by these many Indebted frlonda and. It was their privilege to "do her honor.' and show their roxport when it camo . the time to lay tho frail body away. . Martha Lnmpshlro was horn Tn Cornwall, England, lu 1K44 whorci she grow to womanhood and whecn sho was married to Stephen Lump nhlro. Her husband came to the United States lu 1874 and to thin lcinlty in 1883, It was not unlit 183'J that sho Joined him, having re rncliidl In England with he--noun up to that tlm. Upon arriving In thlu pl ice Mrs. Uimpxhlre at hk mado- friends and Iter hospitality m n host ess beeutno wldosprend. Her Chris tian spirit at ones mado n profound and lusting Impression ujwf hor uaaorlates and It was not lung before fbt wa active lu church anil auglaV. work. Hir acqimlnl.tiic.- arw rnp Iil And thun itr influt ;ii;t wuk brpaiteiiHl until it turlu'lvd thu on tire Mnmuuully. Sho was the mothvr of thro soitSk, two of whom survlvo her, Jamua or this city nnd Harry, who rosldoH liu California. Edwin, the other son was drowned whllo trying to driver some cuttle across Silvias river lit July, t00:i. Her huHhnud died ttu 1011. Tho funeral service was conducted) by Rov. Samuel Harris at tho family homo on Monday uftornoon, Uita dreds of frloundu wore present to. pay their Inst respects to an osteomodj friend and tho minister paid her flue.- character and Christian spirit n most beautiful tribute during thu service-. Interment was mndo lu tho Odrti Fellows cemetery lu tho family lot- O ' PREPARING TO BTART HRICK YARD AND KKKCT HUILDINWS; John Fublun, formerly of Glenn's' Ferry, Idaho, has rocontly returned' to Hums nnd expocts soon to bogliu work on his brlok yard. In dis cussing the building activity of Hums Tho Times-Herald loams that thoro is going to bo an Immodlate domand for brick and in all llkoll hood somo substantial buildings wllS bo erected lit thu immodlato futnro a men aro making preparations for such activity, although nothing daf Inlto has yet beon announced In thls connection. Contractors aro now making plans and ostlmntos on proposod bulldlnys which will mean canBldornblo works during tho coming soason and Burn&r will soo muoh Improvomont bofown full. o Jnko Green, who was ongaged tn,' contracting nnd building in this; placo some 30 years ago, was gruqt Ing old tlmo frlonda in llurna dur ing this wook, Jnko hns boon In outh Amorica and traveled extensive ly sluco ho wns horo, i