The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 19, 1924, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Hatm-day, April 10, lttet
Easter Greetings
tuisli-r U a glorlotu senspn Nut only In
lr ot luiigmus significance but all Naturo
wan uvldoncu or roimwod llfo The Bong
. ol ttiu birds la hoard budn and leave
Mi'up ''forth nnd tho broath of Spring is In
the ntr.
In tuno with Naturo wo fool a quick
' onlng or tho Bplrlt, renowod llfo, enlarged
hope nnd Htrongthonod courngo.
Bnntor comes as a apoclnl blessing to
IhoHO who nro dlscourngod and who are
scarred with tho battles of life,
, ..Thin bank extonda HABTBIl QHKKT
1N09 to nil and earnestly hopes It may
effectively aid In heaping up your hopo,
your courago and determination quali
ties which will win victories In tho future.
The First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
rrucircararfszcarrsn acarrnrsrarcacarcsai
w M ..
II. Dang was In town for a few
days during this week.
Forest Supervisor JIarpham was
over from I'rlnovlllo last Saturday.
Mrs. J. I). Corum and little son
or Silver Lake, are horo vlsltlug with
her parents, Itov. and Mrs. C. A.
Watcrhausc. Sho expects to remain
for a few weoks.
City Recorder M. Schwartz has
been confined to his rooms for sever
al days following an operation on
his foot. Hu Ih recovering ulcoly
and will Hoon bo out.
Miss Frances Donegau wuh ovor
from Bend to upend the week end
with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J.
Doncgnu. Tho young lady is teach
ing In Ileud. Sho'uccompaiilcd Mr.
Dagau ovor, returning Sunday.
Mrs. D. Potter arrived hero tho
foro part of thin week from Corvallls
and Is a guest at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Cnvender. "Curloy"
Potter Is attcudliiK 0. A. V. and Mrs.
Potior has been with hi in during the
J. It. Weaver returned home this
week after spending tho winter In
Douglas county with rlalivos and
frlouds. lie was suffering from
blood poisoning when ho left last
fall and his friends aro ploasud to
find he has entirely recovered- from
its effects.
Several of the Silver crook ranch
ers were in town last Monday In at
tendance upon a hearing beforo the
circuit court In connection with tho
dissolution of tho Silver Creek Val
ley Irrigation District. Among those
noted woro Carroll Cecil and son Pat,
Itolllo Thoruo, W. II, Johnson nnd
son Albert, W. L, Host, Pryor Homos
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Dibble.
Mrs. I'nto and her daughtor, Mrs.
Kelvlo, of Kellogg, Iduho, wore in
Hums this week. Mrs. Pate's hus
band is a Jowollo? and they hnvo
disposed of their business In Kellogg
and seeking a now location whore
tho health of tho family may bo Jm-
. proved. They wore introduced I
around town yesterday by Socrotary i
.Donegau of tho Commercial Club.
I. M. Davis was over from Drow
soy for a day or two during tho week.
C. 10. Smyth was registered at the
Levons from Diamond Wednesday.
Little Eleanor UoUtun foil and
broko her arm while playing the
other day. Sho Is recovering rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Hex ltoso have gone
to Ontario whore thoy will make
their home, Hex having leased his
fnther's farm in that vicinity.
Mrs. James J. Donegau left Sun
day morning in company with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Johnson for Prlne
vlllo, She will spend a couplo of
weeks at llond with hor dnughor be
fore returning home.
Tho Hums Power Co. has been
hovlng power during the daylight
parlnd a part of the tlmo during this
week. Whether this Is to be a reg
ular thing fro mthls tlmo on has not
boon announced.
I. Welustelu and his sou Archie
Intend to leave tomorrow morning
for Portland and other outside points
on a buying tour Thoy state thoy
will havo somo sensational sales dur
ing the soauou following this trip.
Dr. II. F. Smith returned from
Portland early this weolt. lie had
accompanied Leonard Locher down
lp a hospital whoro ho Is under the
euro of specialists. Dr. Smith re
ports the patient stood the trip well
and suomud quite cheerful mid en
couraged at tho time ho left Portland.
MIsh Ilda Haven has accented a
position with thu Elllson-Whlte
Chautauqua as Junior Instructor and
carhlor for the coming season and
will leave Portland on May 8 In at
tend a convention of Chautuuquu
workers In Now Mexico prior to tak
ing up active work This Is a nice
position for Miss Hayes and will givo
her somo vnluahlo experience.
Freil L. Jioedo was ovor from
Drewsey Thursday. Ho camu ovor
with a request of the Drewsey Odd
Fellows lodge to Harney lodge to
confer tho socond degroo on Mr.
neodo. This was done on Thursday
evening. It Is nnnouucod that Drew
eoy Odd Followfl and Hobokuhs will
bo ovor In force next Saturday to
participate with tho local members
In tho lOCth anniversary of tho or-dor.
Start theLqyingh
Now'a tho tlmo to start your pullets '
and moulted hens to laying -and cash
in on eggs. Moulting puts tho egg
organs out of gear. Go after these
dormant organs with tho old reliublu
Dr. Hess Poultry
It puts tho cpg organn to v.'or):.
It utnrta tho feed the ogg way.
It gives red comua nnd red wnttlos.
It biinga back tho nontf and ncrntch nnd cncklo.
l'nn-n-cc-n glvea Jicna pep nnd makea music -in tho poultry'
yard. ' i
Tlat'a when the cjjgj conio
The Recall Store
Wo havo a rlaht-afce packaRo Fpr uvery Hoch
(1. A, Watson, roprosontlng Hlako
McFull Co,, wan calling upon his
euutomern In Hums during tho wook,
Mrs. Casslo Smyth was ovor from
hor home at Diamond during tho
Thoro will he a social mooting of
Past Matrons and Patrons at tho
Masonic Hall Thursday) April 24,
C. F, Wayne, a nurseryman of
Payette, Is In HurnB with a ntock of
troes, shrubs, etc., which ho Is of
fering to local people
Mrs, Keubo Claypool is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs, Ted
Hayes, at tho farra home up the
river. Mrs. Claypool Is well re
membered by the ploneor families of
this county whoro alto resided for so
many years. ,
H, it, Keller, representing the
First National Pictures, Inc., Geo.
J. Ekro, a representative of tho Fox
Film Corporation, and Vernon Moore
and K. Van Fleet, with tho Para
mount Pictures, were nil visitors
In Hums Wednesday nnd Thursday.
Mr Dugau, proprietor of thu Hond
Iron Works, was a week end visitor
to Hums Investigating tho prospucts
of outnbllHhlug a similar bitnliioas In
this city. Wo understand Mr. Dugau
considers thin a Tavorablu location
for such a business,
Judge (leo. E. Davis was hero dur
ing tho week from his homo In Mal
heur county looking after his can
didacy for Joint senator In this dis
trict, Ho Intended to go to Grant
county Thursday but was unexpect
edly called east on business.
Mrs. Schuler Whiting arrived
homo Tuesday evening from tho
east whoro sho spent tho winter.
Sho was accompanied homo by a
daughter and her husband. "Skip"
Is very happy to have his wife homo
The announcement of Mrs. Vera
(Jlblm as u candidate for county
treasurer, appears in this Issue. Mrs,
Ulbbs Is one of the capable and do
sorvlug young women of this county.
She was born In Hums and has spout.
practically her entire life in this
county. She has many friends, who
look with kindness upon her candi
dacy and sho will poll a good vote,
Should sho be oleotud tn tho position
shn would give tho oltlco her best ef
forts. Dan Campbell has been visiting
with his parents and brothers and
sister this week. Ho has recently
returned from Honolulu whom ho
was In the omploy of tho government
for a time Installing tanks and look
lug ufter thu gas and oil supply of
the government In Hawaii, Dan
spent his childhood In this city
where his parents havo resided, for
many years, Ho expects to go from
heru to Seattle to ongago In similar
work there as in Hawaii.
Mrs. llrtha Griffith left Thursday
for her new homo at Hoisu. She
had spent several days hero straight
eulug up hor business affairs and
stated sho would not likely bn back
for a tlmo as sho desired to fix up
hor properly recently acquired
through tho transfer of her farm
holdings In this vicinity. Mrs.Grlf
fltli uuiubors many people In this vi
cinity as her friends and It Is tholr
hopo she will profit by tho change
mndo and finally realize her hopes In
finally getting pormontly settold and
In a position to resutno hor work as
a professional nurse, as alio Is very
capablo I nthat line.
Winona Soaweard wan among tho
visitors from Dlnmond ono day tilts
it. L, Ilalnou Is III with Influenza
at prosont. He states that ho ex
pects to go to Portland as soon as
he Is physically able whoro ho will
remain for a tlmo.
Miss Dolplilno Whiting Is again
at hor dosk In The TImos-IIorald
olllco nfter an nbsonoe of sovornl
weoks at her homo in tho country
convalescing from an Illness,
Gooseberry growers intending to
send berrlea to the canneries must
not apply sulfur in any form to tho
developing berries, stated II. P.
Drass of the plant pathology depart
ment at tho Oregon station, Sulfur
causes a gas formation In the cans,
so canneries will not accept fruit
treated with sulfur.
Thoro will bo Hunter sorvlccH at
tho llaptist Church fioxt Sunday
morning at 11:00 A, M. Following
Is tho program us arranged.
Hymn by tho Congregation.
Invocation Pastor.
Solo by Mm. Wclttonhlller.
U'(jpoiitivu reading Congrega
tion. Anlhoni tho Mesdnmos Woltton
hlller, MiiNnrgtiti, Welcome, Louol
Hood and Gnldlo Heed. And Messrs
Hopper, Hayes, Smith, Heed, Uoor
and Dr. Htotio.
Sermon by tho Pastor.
Trio-tho Mosdamus Louol and
Goldlo Heed and Volla Welcome,
Closing Hymn by tho Congregation,
Mrs. Klorahel Smith will prooldo
at tho Piano, with Miss Foley and
Mr. John Caldwell, Violinists accom
panying. Thu usual ovoulng service will bo
hold at 7:30 P, M.
The Easter Program will be pro
ceded by Sunday School sorvlccs at
10.00 A. M. under tho supervision of
Mr. M. H. Gilbert Superintendent.
Our Sunday School Is growing
and much Interest Is being manifest
ed and every one Is Invited to Join
us In this work.
Every oun cordially Invited to
worship with us,
Working For
When you deposit your money in this
bank you not only add to your own wealth
but you help to upbuild the community and
to make it a better place to live in. And this
in turn benefits you as a citizen.
This bank is a strictly local institution,
owned and managed by men who are proud
of this community, and intensely interested
in its development.
One of the fundamental policies is that
the deposits in this bank are to be used as
far as possible, to aid in building up Harney
County, first of all.
Humy County Nitianai Bank
jIhmis, Dragon
Raster Sunday
Sunday School 10 A. M.
Classes form to take enrollment.
10,30, Faster program by Sunday
School. Tho parents nnd public aro
most cordially invited to this pro
gram given by tho children nnd
young people of tho Sunday School.
You will ho Instructed an dontnrtaln
od. Cotnn.
Worship, 11.00 A. M.
Following tho Sunday School pro
gram, will bo a short Kastor sorvlco
on tho Hosurrcctlon,
2.30 P. M.. Raster Cantata by tho
choir. "From Death Unto Llfo."
This will bn a very fine production In
which twelve well bnlnnccd vocalists
take part nnd which everyone will
enjoy. Everybody Is extonded a
hoarty Invitation and welcome. It
hns boon sol for 2.30 In tho after
noon to afford an opportunity to tho
congregation of our slstor churches
Thin production Is In keeping with
the spirit and meaning of Faster.
You will nujoy It. Tho choir will
givo tho Cantata at Crane in thn
nvenlng at A. 00 o'clock.
SAMUEL HAUniS, Minister.
Suits, Hats, Shirts, Ties, Sox, Bright Spring Offer
ings For The Easter Season.
Fre3h, New Varieties of Every Variety
In ro-outerlng tho Hcnlty nnd In
surance Husliiess 1 take thin oppor
tunity to publicly thank the good
folks of Hums and Harney county
for tholr past loyal support nnd
confidence without which I could
never have built up thu biggest and
best Realty and Insurance business
over In Hums or Harney county. I
feel and know I will receive tho con
fidence and support in tho future
as tho past.
I promise thu folks of Hums and
Httrnoy county to push with all tho
Pop and Vigor possible tho upbuild
ing nnd prosperity of tho entire com
munity, to work without ceasing to
build up the interests of all in tho
future as tho past.
I solicit my old friends and clients
property listing, Insuranco, loan
nnd general Iloalty business.
The next few years holds for this
community thu greatost develop
ments ever seen in this community,
this is a time to buy ns woll as to
soil. I will be glad to assist you In
your Investments, homo building,
and llnuch Ioan Problems. I havo
worked for tho development nnd
building up of this community for
tho past 111 years, I expect to con
tinue such work without ceasing, the
balance of my days, bo they few
or many. Lets nil got the true spirit
and work together for the building
or the entire community. The spirit
of good will and Justice will over
prevail us against malicious propa
ganda. Let's welcomo the stranger, help
hint make his homo content and his
business prosperous, by so doing wo
will all prosper. Envoy no man his
prosperity, for In his prosperity wo
will prosper.
Thn united efforts of a committee
of true spirited moil, especially tho
efforts of ono particular man, tho
ball of prosperity has been started
rolling Lot's every ono of us holp
them, help ourselves and the com
munity by putting our ahouldor to
tho wheel and keoplng tho ball roll
lug stendlly and unitedly for tho
prosporlt of ovory ono In tho ontlro
community Assuring the good folks
of Hums and Hnrnoy county of my
appreciation of your past patronago
and support and tho continuation
of same, for without tho support and
confldonco no man living can expect
to make a real success in business,
I bellovo I doaervo such support, and
I will do my very host to oarn same.
Thanking the Public generally for
their support and confidence.
I am yours vory truly,
itov. Wm. Halrd was a vlttltor tj
our rlty over tho wook end, harlsc
roturned with Hev. Harris from k
meeting or the Presbytery at It
(Jramto Inst week. Itov. HnlrJ oe
cuplod the pulpit nt tho Prcsbytcrhs
church Sunday morning.
Tho Intor-Mt. Nursery Co., of I'jj
otto, Idaho, havo all kinds of fraK
shado and ornamental trees f
sale Yard on Main Street Jutt
south of the Hums Moat Market.
Call and see what wo have -MM
If you want to sell or trade list yew
proporty with W. T. Lester Ce,
Phono 611 4.)
For Sale Well broko work home,
cheap Mrs. K. E. Purlnstoi,
Hums, Oregon. 3-lC-tL
KOH KENT Tho McKlnnon rand
up Sllvics river. Wrlto or phow
Mrs. Thos. Cleveland, Van, Ore
gon. 4-5-at.
The HarrlBon Hoskins ranch ta
tho Steins Mountains, consisting of
1700 acres of good summer range.
Including running water, for Jk
cheap. Will consider lease, subject
to sale, also. For particulars, write,
phono or call Inland Empire Healt;
Co., Phono 30W, Burns, Oregon.
choice location on hill or In fbx,
Hanging from fAS.OO to lflO.W
per lot ftOx 100 -feet.' Vino bnlM
lug sites. Will HNNlxt you to butM
yoHr own 1bic on easy term,
Just liko paying rent. INLM)
Phono HOW. H-I
1 kitchen chnlr ; 3.59
1 kitchen tnblo, zlnco top 5.B9
2 stoves . 2.09
1 oak table - COO
1 couch 17.09
1 slop Jar 1.75
2 X ray tables 5.09
1 clothes hamper 3,59
3 canvass cots 10.09
I canvass stools 2.09
1 rood rocker 4.09
1 set springs with legs 4,00
1 porch swing 12.09
1 arm chair 5.09
1 sottee 6.00
1 bedside table C.O0
Ded sheets, pillow cases
1 email mirror 50
1 bowl nnd pitcher, granite .. 2.59
At Mrs. R. F. Schwarti. 45
. We
have just received a well assorted line of
White and Wychaff's
priced within the reach of alt
We Are Agents For
Remington Typewriter and Typewriter Supplies
Home Drug Co.