. ' - ffiPPI -P Mtf&l k tmt VOL. XXXVII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 19, 1924 NO. 25 F JURY IN JOE CAVENDER CASE FAILS TO AGREE An Adjourned Term Circuit Court Set for Retrial in Juno; Other Cases. Judge Gustnv Anderson cumo oTcr from Raker lent Monday nnd on Tuesday morning took ttio hour, h In Judge Rlggs' pJnc.o to presldo at the trlnl of Jou Cavenilor on tho charge ot ahootlng It. L. Hnlnos. Tho tmpnnncl'ing of a Jury did not occu py in juihh ttmc its had been expect ed ami In fore tho evening adjourn acnt f i ""wrl tho jurors had boon irorn The following wcro tho Jur or W.ilUr Andurcon, Prcstloy Smyth N H. VocRtly, Fred 0. Brown, Oscar Courtrlght, Oliver Pocr, Chna W. Sponcer, Ubald Coto,, r. D, Ilukor, Gel. Jnmcs, OttrsGasch, Go. Hlley Several of the witnesses for tho prosecution wero examlnod tho first day nnd tho caso was completed nnd In tho hnnda of tho Jury In tho af ternoon Wednesday. After dollb crating all night they camo Into court and reported thoy wcro uu ble to aRreo. Thoy wcro sent bnck by Judge Anderson for furthor de liberation but finally asked to bo discharged as they could not agreo upon a verdict. The caso attracted a largo num ber of pcoplo and tho court room was crowded by men. women and children during tho taking of tho testimony and tho argument of tho attorneys. The- testimony was not ns sensational it had been expected nnd much of what might hnvo benn brought out vai not given, several witnesses not blng called The Times-Herald docs not feel It rljht to make comment upon tho testimony at this tlmo us tho caso bis been set for retrial on Juno 3 next and u general discussion of tho cane would tend to innko it dlirtcult to secure n Jury. Tho prosecution was conducted by District Attorney Geo. SUomoro and be was aided by Oeorgo Nouner, of, Rosehurg Mr Cavcnder was de fended b U V. Schmalz. Th rtcHit grand Jury returned four t lMmcnts but one of which bis far been mndu public. I Woi - ' i i. indletod ohnrgnd with condi if .i lottery In connection wit. r.-r uf h Pord car to tho pas . loiitin it number to bu dr.. ' . m appointed lime. .Mr. V- .. desirous of having tho ca .. uf up for Immodluto trUl but . poMtponed by thu court uutti ' ..ijuiirned trm on Juno .'t to fo.. ' ib- Cnvoiidcr trial. Judgo Antbr i. I returning to presldo again a Mils trlnl and In nil proba- Mllty a id bu on tho bonch for tho Welnsteiu caso. Ik-fore adjournment wuh taken tho following inou woro selected an grand jurors for tho full term: N. II Voi'gtly, Glenn Edwards, Potor Petersen, A A Trnugott, Prcstloy flrayth, Oscar Courtrlght, Geo, James Judge Anderson and Court Steno grapher Walker loft Wednesday af ternoon for Crane where thoy took tho train out Thursday morning for their rerpectlvo homes. It Is announcod that Mr. Ncuitcr will also roturn hero In Juno to tako Prt In tho prosocutlon of tho Cnv ndcr case. HOMK IMPROVEMENT WAVE HITS SUMMIT COMMUNITY (From Department of Industrial Journalism Oregon Agricultural Col lcgo j ' Farm homo Improvements pri vate tr-r, sowago and olectrlct llghtfr systoms aro going or havo eon n(j soma sfioros of homes In tflf I , 1i Summit rntniminHv nt Ilcr.i "T elat tak. then repo tQr ext elu bath i, t'unty, Oregon. pooplo thoro scorn to nypro ' live only onco nnd cannot r rarthly possession) with ii"i they loavo this world," f: (,rgo W. Kabio, narlotiN ' mit for thu Btato collego ' ' rvlce. "Mnoy of tho Hh'fii plants, running water, '' 'iiul othor modorn noo- I'lii'iciromonta nov In contompla loi. v,iU not cost a groat deal of wp'i installed nftor plans nuppllcd by tho coilogo. PnrmorH nro not depleted as having any moro caoli 'ban farmers In other .parts of tho valley, but tho Important thing In thoy hnvo tho Idea. In speaking of tho vnlun of their tmprovumonta ono woman unld tho running water in tho house cutii tho work In two, nnd nnothor "wo would not bo making half no much trips to tho hospltnl If wo had it." Now Improvements undor consider ation with tho collcgo aro listed ns follews: Bcoptlo tftuks for sowago disposal P. A. Reynolds, J. A. Hotgor, J. A. Btoubnck, John Strouts nnd Wil ey Plunkott; wator systoms P. L. Cone, John Messlck, P. L. Pottlt, Rev. Phelps and Mr. l'lunkott, Mr. Reynolds Is also studying tho poBKlbllltloB of n small fit ream for gonorallng farm electricity. Tho IioukowIvoh of tho district aro studying thulr problems with tho help of Kvn Comegys, homo dom oustratlon ngout. Community meet ings nro held and about tho oiillro community turns out to report progress and get furthor mshtnnco. o RIKR PROM IN.IIMUKK IN MW-AWAV Oscar Smith, a man aged about CO years, died at Soda Springs between nurns and Canyon City Inst Satur day from Injuries sustained when n team ran away with him, Just how tho accident happened was not learn ed by tho representative of this pa per. Tho fatality happened some tlmo early in tho day and Dr. Ward was callod from hero to minister to tho injured man but ho died bo foro medical aid reached him. Tho body wan brought to Rums and proparcd for burial and was tak en out to Ontario for intormont, Icav Ing Crane Monday morning. Tho deceased had been residing at tho old Soda Springs much for merly owned by Prank McMoan for soveral years nnd had dovoldped It to a good stock ranch. Ills sou re sided there with him. Tho formers homo was in Ontario whero othir members of the family reside. TIIIUTV YKAItM AGO (Prom our flies of April 18, 1801 Our merchants will start freight teams to tho raload In u fow days for tholr spring and summer supply of goods. If politics Isn't n humbug and the leading politicians of today humbugs will some ono plonso define whnt n humbug Is? Sheep shearing will begin In this nullity In a fow days. Tho shenrora don't oxpuct to got morn than i or ft cents this your, still n fast nhonror can make good wages at this figure. Mossrs. Mrliillro and Poat nro pre paring their brick yard near tho cem etery. Mr. Mclutiro Informs us ho finds an oxnollent qunlity of dirt nt that point for brick. Mnuy parsons who huvo taken ranches near tho lakes havo boon compollod to movo back on tho foot hills on account of high water. This works a great hardship as It Is not likely they will bo able to put In. any crops. Tho artesian well Ih rostlng from Its labors, still wo hope tho under taking will not bo abandoned. Pootbnll Is tho loading feature of amusement In our town nt this tlmo. Wu nro Informed by rnnchors that tho crop of grasshoppers and crick ets bids fair to bo amazing this sea son. Mossrs. Comegys and Dussc, also Mrs. Comegys and Miss Anna pnld Rums a visit last vroek. Dr. McPhoetors was callod to tho Warm Springs cattle ranch to visit a patlont tho latter part of last week On his roturn ho reported tho patlont doing well. John Robertson of Drowsny Is in our burg this weok, Messrs, John Roborls and Thomas Rain woro in Dtirus last Saturday. o JJTTLK CHILD DIES Lillian Mario, tho flvo-monthn-old daughtor of Mr nnd Mrs J, C. Tom-1 plo, died at tho homo of tho grand pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Dlclconson, Sunday morning. Tho llttlo patlont was suffering from nryslpolaa but hor condition wan not cousldorQd norlouo until shortly hoforo alio died. Services woro hold ut tho family horns Sunday afternoon nnd Intor mont wan mndo In tho Burns como lory, Tho boronvod pnronta nnd rol ntlvos havo tho sympathy of this community. Mrs. W. W, Koonoy.camo ovor from Rond Thursday nnd Is visiting with hor daughtor, Mrs, Doll Hayes nnd hor nlstor, Mrs, A. T). Jones. GEORGE BAKER IS GOOD MAN TO KEEP AT HONE "Selling Oregon" Program is Valuable to State; U. S. Senate Not Place. Quo. L. linker, tho energetic mayor of Portland, who has iiBplrntloun to bo U. S, Sunntor from Oregon, was in Ruriis Inst Friday and uddrostied u well filled housu In thu Liberty Theatre that night, hORldon mooting mnuy of our citizens before tho speaking, attended u ilauru at tho Masonic lodge rooms nnd again meet people thu mxt morning before leaving for Rend. Mr. Rakur madu a good Impres sion upon his hearers Friday night as ho has a personality and Is a forceful talker. Ilowtovur, Raker Is too good a man right hero In Oregon to send to Washington. Ho has a big program but It Isn't thu kind or program Hint should bo worked out In tho congress of tho United Stnttis, but right hero nt home. Ho Is a vnluablo man to his ntnto, not an mayor of Portland but as an organizer of tho entire statu, He should hnvo a place on tho Stnto Chamber of Commerco and nt a sal ary oven bigger than Is paid a United States Sonator. Lot Rill Strayor or Chas, L, McNary look af ter our Interests nt Washington ns that Is more In their lino, but not Mr. Raker's. "Helling Oregon" In thu United States Senate wouldn't get us far wo wnnt linker hero ats homo where ho run do nomu real good. If ho should get to Washing ton ho'd bo In so much demand ns a public spenker and genornl booster, so popular with the ladles and am bitious communities Hint want to exploit tholr advantages, ho'd havo little or no tlmo for senatorial work. In fact ho'd likely not answer as many roll calls as our Junior Senator Stanfleld. To republicans would make n mlstnko In letting such n good fellow ns Geo. L. Raker waste his energies In trying to got' somo- j ...I. ...... I., ti... it a a .... ...i.,. .v t whern lu tho U. 8. Senatn when wo could use him in such an advantage hero In Oregon. Oeorgo Is alright but ho Is dl- reeling his energies lu tho wrong i direction. i o j II .M. Horlon and wife arrived in ' Rums early this week nnd nro guestn of relative nnd friends. Tho Hor tons spent thu winter lu southern California ax Is llmlr custom, arriv ing at Rend Inst week oud where thoy remained for a cquplu of days, Thoy oxpect to remain In thin city for several days, at least until after (ho Odd Fellow nnnlversnry celebration. T-T -.- - . . Ui ' rr fTTfiViMi ysKSsaikVK'r oi ow ii,.i ,,,""fvi u iZX'S',or thZ-SXMllr Salter ifjJPl&fflyJSffi aVfv i l -Sri: '.Mwwmor "-T-ntwr mBmv:"(vi rms- - i fssssmA wwwh ' ' ' 4 MARE INFORMATION ON FOOT, MOUTH DISEASE State Health Board Suggests Take Every Precaution Prevent Infection. (Oregon Stnto Hoard of Health) Peel and mouth dlnoasu Is an neiitu and highly commuiilcnblo In fection which occurs chlufly lu cattlo nnd other cloven-hoofed uulmnls. Tho vlrua of this disease Is of his toric Interest, since It wns thu first to he duflud an fllternblo mid ultra microscopic This moans 'that It will pass through poros of tho finest of fillers, mid hcIoiiUhIs nro not uhlo to dutnniiHtrato iho organism under the microscope. It Is ossonllnlly a dlituase of cattle, but It also attacks sheop and nwlno. lu cattlo It causes small, fine blisters lu thu mouth nnd oil the skill between tho hoofs, There Is a characteristic "slobber lug," a licking and smacking of tho lips as though tho animal wero at tempting to rid Itself of foreign material adhering to tho sldo of tho mouth. Lameness frequently occurs. Tho animal suffers a loss of appetite, emaciation and a marked diminu tion In tho quantity of milk, Moro rarely tho eruption appears on tho udder, and It in this localization that Is chiefly responslbto for tho virus In tho milk. Tho time that tho dis ease appears nftor Infection In from two to nix dnys. The dtsoaso has n very low mortality, generally from 1 to .1 per cent, but Its highly In fectious naturo makes it of tho high economic Importance. Tho nttack lasts normally from ten to twenty days, hut has boon known to con tinue for a year. It has been known to continue for a yoar. It has been demonstrated in tho recent opldemlc In California that this disease Is not easily contorlled, anil radical meas ures, therefore, must bo taken to stamp It out. Tho disease Is ex tremely prevalent lu European coun tries and carries grent economic loss. The vlruo Is found In the cou- tontH ()f tno ,tor. lu tho saliva. (litharge from thu eyes, lu tho mkf llll( j Xcrotory material. In- foctlou takes placo directly, ns by licking and sucking, or Indirectly through Infected manure, hay, uten- Mils, drinking troughs, barnyards, olc Human beings nro nut fioqueutly Infected, although It In by no ininuis rare for ohlldruu to contract llio dl't-ifcf i!munh drinking raw milk fi.tn dUt'tsed animals. It may al so rosult from lh tnuisferoucd of other Mcerotloua or exudation to the mouth. After two to flvo or itMimmm i.tm'aztt. - iiJFs.sTJA'v b: :iw-ffTl T -'. i i. ii.i.a ml Well, thousands of kiddle W m-""I oncotu'uco oven ton dnys tho characteristic oruptlon develops In tho mouth, on tho skin, hands, mid foot, with swell ing, burning, and numbnosH. Tho secretion or saliva la increased and tho llttlo blisters break down and form ulcers. Tho disease is eolf llmltod'and tho ulcors heal, leaving no near. Fortunately tho disease is raro In man, and thcro aro no per manent untoward effects. Health authorities aro advisod to tine overy prveautlon to provont tho otttrnnco of tho Infection Into tholr stnto. All shipments from tho in foctod area should bo passed on by thu Statu veterinarian and tho local health olllclnls. This precaution should be enpoclnlly "observed by those living lu ports of ontry. Re port all auspicious conditions to tho Stnto Votorlnnrlnn, Salem, Oregon, or thu Statu Health Oincor, Port laud, Oregon. o HARNEY HIGH LOST DERATE WITH UNION Tho decision In tho high school debate at Union, Oregon Inst Friday evening wub agalnnt tho Harney county high team. However, nftor hearing details of tho contest nnd finding tho boys had boon pitted against Home sonsonod dobntors who had been very successful through out tho sconoii, it is not taken with any discredit, an tho homo team madu a good showing and wero high ly complimented. Thoy woro nrcom pnnlod over by Miss Wolkcr. o YOIJK MILK HUl'I'IiY IH IT HAKE? Tho recent outbreak of typhoid fover In Portland, traced to an In fected milk supply nnd causing two deaths, brings sharply to public attention tho necessities for eternal vigilance over milk supplies. Any community which hits n sense of decency and or civic prldo will en deavor to protect Its milk nupply so that I ta cltlzons may bo assured or wholesome nnd naultary milk, Is your milk supply safe-guarded? Docs your town or city have u milk ordinance? In It Inforced? These nro questions of thu greatest Im portance to your health and to tho health of your family. The Importance or -milk both as a food and uh ii conveyor of dltcnso cannot bu too greatly stressed. Milk Is tho only standard article of diet obtained from animal sources eousumud In Its raw state. It con tains, furthermore, nil thi ehHentlals oMtnontH of a wull-uuhiMmd diet both from ehlhlrvn nnd for ndults. Wt (tvoryouu knows bow futdV milk spoils, how readily It (Uviiiiijiose, and how dllUeitlt It Is- to obtain and deliver It In a clean, froeh. and satisfactory condition. A striking ehuraclorlsUe or ait Infected tullk Is thu abHonoe of any trfgu where by Infection mm ho recognized. Tho milk may bo porfoetly normal lu apponrauoo mid lu taste, yot tu full of typhoid or diphtheria germs. Milk usually becomes Infected tri'in hnmnii sources. Contamina tion may recur at any point on the n ! from tho furui to the consumer but It most frequently takes place nt tho dairy. This Is particularly truo or typhoid rover. Investigation or many mllk-boruo epidemics or typhoid fever ban shown tho sources of thu Infection to bo typhoid car riers A carrier Is a person who, not III himself, hnrborn tho dlseano germ and may transmit tho dlsoaso to others. Laboratory tests nlono can dotoct carrlors, All persons, thero foru, engaged in tho handling or milk or milk products, should bo tested for carriers. This test should bo made compulsory. Prom 1000 to 1020 thoro woro re ported In tho United States 1G1 milk borne typhoid opldonmlcs; of theso, 111 woro roportod botwoou 1000 and 1007. It Is significant that In tho period from 1007-1910, during which pastourlzatlou wns widely adopted by tho milk Industry, thoro wiih a most decided drop In tho uum bor of epidemics of typhoid fovor, scarlet fover, nnd dtphthorln from milk, nnd also n groat reduction In tho Infant mortnllty in cltloii whom pnatourlitntloii wns established. Pus tqurlzu'tlon, proporly porformod, maniia'subjoctliig tho milk to n tom-i poraturo not lowor than VI 2 dogroea Pnhronholt or not lost) than 30 mluutca, nun unions bottled hot should bo promptly coolod to GO do groqn or lowor, Improper paatour- Izutlon loads to n, fnlnp senso of so-1 ourlty, and may bo oquiily dnjigor oiih If jioh moro no thnu raw milk. o Mr. and Mrs. Prod Smyth woro In from Diamond during tho wook, COMMITTEES APPOINTED FOR PIONEER REUNION, Annual Gathering of Harney County Residents Will Be Held on June 14. President William Haiilcy of thcr Harney County Pioneer Association, has begun tho preparations for tho annual rounton of tho old timers oo. tho second Saturday In Juno, by hav ing thu novcrnl committees appoint ed In order that thoy may work out tho details of tho program this year in tlmo to mako It ono of tho bout, yet undertaken. At Mr. Hnnley's request u meet ing wan held In Thu Times-Herald ofllco lust Sunday nnd tho coininlttccjv outlined Ono committee containing n largo personnel was given npcclal atten tion, thut or an executive It Is Mr. Hnnley's hopo that by gathering sev eral or tho old timers togother at constructive program or particular Interest to tho organization may bo worked out on a plan of pennanouer having n particular objective. It it President Hunloy's Idea to organlto along tho llnu of tho Natlvo Sons of. California, making to Pioneer Asso ciation of Harney County an organ isation that stands for somothluc Ideal as well as pructlcal In tho way of n community Interest, protecting; thu Interests of members, at thcr same tlmo preserving all tho senti ment and customs of tho plonoor in tho days or real plonoor life. The writer will not attempt to citu particulars In connection with he objects or purposes of this pro gram but will leavo tho matter to be worked out by the committee nnd glvo publicity to results following n . meeting "5 Tho executive committee iinmeoT Include: William Hanley, chairman; Sam Mothersheud, W. Y. King. I. S. Oeur, It. T. Hughet, I). I). Defen bnugh, J. C. Rentty, Geo. A. Smytb Junqulii Rerdugo, Joe Morris, D. II Smyth, Cassio Smyth, Grant Thomp son, Tom Arnold, Pred Unities, C W Drink water. Pred 01 ley, .A. I Joliiicon, John Wlnlermel r, W. C. Cull. Link Huttou. A. W. Hurlbiirt. ('linn. Croiilu, O. L. Shlugludecker Tim Doiiowui. Tin Hirtral I'ommltteoa to arrutigni for th- ruttHiou to be hold on Hutur .t.iy. Juo 14. aro' I Hfr.'hB.mt4 Mr-. Ullf HnyoH- iliHlrmiui; Mre. II. llotebkle. Tin raalrmaji U to mtiko further heleo tlnus for her eommlttce and thd naiuus will bo attnrtittiewl within a week or so. Dance -Julian Uyrd, W. A. Good man. M. II. Rreiitou.' Program J. J. HonegHii. olmlr iiiiui; ('. W. Logguii, Mrs. J. W. Geary. Music 7MM. A, C. Wuliiomo,. ehalrmaii; other members annouuqQil later Reception J. C. Poley, chairman 5 Cal Geer, Mrs. Simon Lewis, T. J. Shlelils, "Auntie" Clnrinda Pryo, Sports W. C. Luckoy, chairman; Lute Mace, Nell Smith. Resolutions Simon Lewis, chair man, Seating, tables, Piano, etc. Alex: llnnley, chairman. Tho annual reunion of thu Har ney County Pioneer Association i ono of tho big days for tho olii timers in this county, Kllglblcs arc nil who huvo resided lu this terri tory for a period of 30 years or mure There nro many on the roster of membership nt this tlmo and caclv year moro ollglbloa are added front native sous and daughters as well an- those who havo como to tho county. Tho untlro day Is dovoted to remin iscences, 'talks, music, sports nnd a plcnlo diniior, gonernlly on tho courfc house lawn , 0 LEGION AUXILIARY TO MKI5T WITH MRS. HOTGIIKISft Tho Ladles Auxlllav' of tho Amer Icim Legion will moot nt tho homo of Mrs. O. D. Hotchklas on April' 2fith. Momhora nro roquostod to gather nt Dr. L. H. milliard's ollloo nt 2 o'clock In tho nftornoon whsrer cars will ho in roadlnosa to tnko thoiu out to Mr3. Ilotohklas' homo. A full, nltondauco of all mombora is urged . 0 Judgo Rlggs took Ida doparturo for his homo nt Ontario Wodneadny morning nftor bolng rolloved on 'tho bonch horo at this torm or circuit court by Judgo Anderson of Hakon-