The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 12, 1924, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    T II H T I M 10 H II 13 It A 1 I) II II It N 8 , II A It N K V OOUNTX OKROOK
ffuftmlny, April $. fiHiJ
Mn t
xxso i.rregawaMMia!re
Now for your home in
Bennett's First Addition
Lots SO x 100 feet. On easy terms
Help Build Up
Inland Empire Realty Co,
Albert A. Traugofct, Prop.
Phone 30 W
tansmajmx jkms&miu&uiaxBHnma siw'?srar'j,w'?KssiTO
i'jU .
Jtn (l. Urit UrrMioit Ol
Irwlpiprr In il'ir. ' it.
In r
-3ii JXilh
vSmimluj. April tii, 1021
'rlTfitTT YiffltiOftrT'
I From our ftlti or April It. Uul)
(The following war th candl-
lat( for county office ou the riemo-
TatS- ticket nominated lit n con-
"vuiutoii held lu llurua on April 7,
TKDl, ex appeared in tlio Idhuc or tho
papur of alios (Inte: Win. Mlllur,
judge; I. Ii. Shldolor, clerk; W. K.
Alhenon, sheriff; 8. W. Miller,
C. II. VoaKtly, treauuror; i
.V. rftallard. coiiinilsalonar; Horo i
Ilembrea. school auparintandant; T.
. MclClunoD. awrrayor; I.ou Cld
.yrcll. coroner. Tho popullal tlokat
li ,i- Mold : rr- v I' liuthrrfoni,.
)udg , () O. Hondrb W. clerk: John
J.ij u.-inlii . rh;rtF, ''mion llorion.
ii-vjvr, J ' .Utiif i i. tri-a-iuier
lie:, l-tinn. i-'lll-ii (i nmllomr; I,.
in . - l.diih Cla
1 1 , k.. i : !'
nm i.)
i . - 'r jiii the
".! ' l ' ilt.
f!n ,to;i Oi' lr. we)
i rtb
t , t
1i li
vl-'tlng ii'-r ltor. Mr. II
M Th riM :
I'd w!i I ki ly r . i. 'i.
for iw time '
Thi f'v Mr Wtnan. ft Jh'.hodlat t
mlD'ri ami dwin' y lehool irgm-j
laar will probably Hpend ih moiitUa
uf Jane ami July In lUtrna. Harney.
nd taa aenuty. . W fauiiiy wiu ag
aooipai'.y him
In tliti school election Nontlay af
dornoon tti'trt mr 03- rjlUff of at
mhiI CQ wara In favurof IjotjilliiK .Iho
. dlntrlct for tha purpura of ralaltiK
the uemr with which lu hu!pl a new
m-hooI .li'iuac
JdLun 'Ilea iiroun, M. It. Hy,K
nn AiUlior Haeliio loft hero thla
week ror Portland, Measrfl. DlggB
; uid lirown to attend tho democratic
tfitate couvontlon nnd Adolor, wo un-
rtlorfltaud, to hunt a business sltuu-
Mou of Home kind.
UTrank IJowera, a ronldont of WH
lard, Oregon, 'hut who has been In
our tnrn -ror auvural moiilliH. left
"hero Ihh wook ror his homo. Frank
undo many frlonda while horo, who
rof,rrot vory much hla ahaonco,
IIiiB)i HnrrlH, nccompanlod hy
"CharloH Simons, arrived horo aovoral
.iliiyn alnca from Linn county. Thoy
'croHM'd tho mouutaliiH on hiiow shoos
Hugh linked tho first man ho mot
upon, reaching Harney county If ho
'could auoommodalo him with a
vroxy to the diiuocrnllc couvontloii.
- o '
VO'l'liltH CONHtDIHt
Tlio lloaoiablo Chan. W. KUla in
-u caudldato to Hticcued liIniHOlf aa
j Joint Stato Bunotur for Grant, Har-
noy and Mnlliour counlloa and Is op-
loflod In tho comliifj primaries hy
uirnnornhlo Geo M Duvla, fortuorly
Pride - Brushed Aside
Larger, Stronger, Better
Circuit Judge of tho 9th
jliuiniai .
dUtrlct. Ho ih are high cIhm nt n
nblf, couicmmiIIoun, houortibl ,.)(!
dowervlng, ami or thu tpe thin tin
uijctoralo delight lo Uonor.
Howmr. Qrant and IIrnjr conn
tlri have one Joint rwprvaentaltve.
I i v d from Urn in Count). Mil
'i it. hu a member ruprt-aoinlrg
bat county alone, and t present
i .. Jolut Senator raprtmontlng thu
lime counties la elected from Har
ney m fairly final dUtrihutlon of
. -prcien (alive. But, provided tho
lannlor la elected from Malheur.
Harney county, at this period of
co mi I BC doralopmaul, will b with
Oftt u member In olthur ltouae. Mora
of or, I wo yaora from honoa will
iWoaaanrlly too olthor Grtuit or Mar
liny without dlroot represent it'on.
nnd thla In a very aurlous inattar ror
tho volurs or tho two conutlo to
O-i i
Senator Cliita. I. MoNary and
Congraaaunu K. J. Slutiott by virtuo
jf their prodominant poaltlona lu
rongreaa, ettlcleucy nud untiring of-
fort wero the main faclora lu open
.UK up l ho timber rnourrea nnd a-
ii-R trj oi' port at Ion for
r t j. .i lUiiu-y count le Thy
ill I I. I'lLinirfd irom th' .l.irt
li h.l of Inviilty and iwrvlio to lh
ii n.i'v and ni" lv- tln ""iiuj
-a iii" of Mippo lu return (Jf
1 I'.trni) lOimtlM '..,!! not or
r,.tofHl le th" nunln primary
. ctlon.
i.t riuytTitJiH;t maki::.
;ta(iciN or Ihe Urgoalm roiMod
n of thu ulaioti dally leatun
. tit Tirreility. Mayor Cakvr'a pi.-
,ur didb't appear on any of thi
pt'i, at laaai af the tdlilon that
nno am ihU way. Ua might liava
bioa Inclnduil lu a lator vtlitu-n of
that ituta.' Of court tUcro vaa u
ii'o, piece lihout llio ra t'ar addr'v-
k the Jujitea gt a dluiur jiud nne
hU lOaaa of what a ''"('ed State
.'iiator ahould Uo, and (hou again
i' imd him talk ovur tho tadto on
Thiirsitlty night ho all lu all It lino
not entirely neglected hla oumlldnoy
for the Houatorlal toua. Huron
Vory like a bull'tt-oye. In fact,
.in export inlKht ho pardoned If ho
couldn't detect tho (Ufforonco. nut
evidently Tho Tluios-Horald doofln't
know Mayor Iiakor. Apparently It
lias never heeu called upon to copo
with that gonial itcntlemnn'H goulua
for publicity. Uo la ubiquitous us
llio- or very duco. If wo can
hold him, to one picture or one pago
Hint counts u scoro for us. Tho
Tlmoa-Horald doesn't uudoratnnd.
Howard tho man. Uo la a nmrvol
a, mnkiug tho front pago. If ho
l4ii't klsaipg tho babies ho la . bu
atowfug tho couvontlonal smack up
on the roay chouk of some buxom
prlmu donpa. At noon ho lu addros
alng tho'Goclety for tlio Suppression
of Malo Flappora. Yot at 1;30 wo
dUcovor lilin booming away hoforo
tho Amnlgamated Association of
Tt.ok'-MakorH, asaoniblecl In annual
conv .lion. Tho aftornoon Ih young.
Thrco o'clock flnd thin Indofallgalilo
follow laying tho of tho
now Itociar"it chooso factory. At
Burns, Oregon
nij iii'i; ol- nvo o'clock hi) Is ux- I
... . ..
' i rtliiK all
humnultarlanH to auh-
hiiIIh' to i ho fuinl for Indigent con
KriMuiuu. Uunhiiig away to a din
..or piigog. nrnui, where ha will In
ir.dtieo Lor Spoofua lo Ike auaom
tied IiumI notabloii, ho uouieltow man
itt in ,ialili :i moment for the
rr ,t of a aptvil r. That night hla
pl. organ louncc ailr all hear-
iH ll ft tvlc rull iti lit a mullfiif.iMM
M..r..i..-. i i v. ... , ,
.. ... iiiii.ti n .i nn h jun '
being mayor.
What would Ilia Tluiea-lloraUl do
If attti'larly tried? Obaerv that
even Tho Tlmoa-Herald hag per
mitted Oaorge L. Maker to outer
the ckaato proclneta of lis aUltoflnl
Vot Mayor liakar la always rual
nawa. Ho la muyor of i'orllau.l and
ceriaiu iiieriiaiuu ovoiiim iii which
the publ!" la Intonwtad revolvo about
bin paraounllty. What Ih printed
about him la printed haOHiiea It Ih
nows, Tho Tlmoa-liarold Hrat
try Ita own hxud at the reprawlou
or newa.Oreiioufan.
rxiVKiwhT din- campaign
Mra. CJ. K nillnimi of Hunt Uua
accepted the fhulrmnhlr of ilui
j i'ntvcriv of Or m rift i t-ni r
I .
In Hmni roumr. fndir hr l-.i'l- ,.m of fh ial" to wtl fhoio Inter.
. rrhlii tin- .iluniiil of Ihli dNtr1 ' m.ll'-tnl In ituuii'on m h'lr ua l Ihfe
do ihc'r li ir- t.tuntu rUln mi" r to ni'-H nor oat Inl'toat
fand of on,! mill. it itolhrH whioh la, noed Tor build lug. "
t h th" ulnnnif cunrrlbtitlou tu tho ' - . -
56.000 000 five yeur- hijlldlug pro- HOIM II,AT ATI AKI8 lMM)jrilCl)
gram n inlrc4 toe tha Uulverrlty.
Alumni throagkont, tho eonntry Portlnnd. March II IBtpandl.
nro rallying to tho nupport af tba ' taw of $S0o.00 In tho erection of
t..'i.. t
Wm. Fsirre
Kepresntog lite American KaiontU'
Altio the big nd populnr
'Pennsylvania ami Ffrcmcns Fnnd
American Fire Innurnnce Compnnica
Will Appreciate your
ll -
Auto upholstering, New Auto tops, Old tops
stretched and curtains patched and new celluloids.
Cushions rebuilt and recovered,
Hastings glass put in any make Ford cars, Plato
glass in back curtains, side curtains mado and door
irono put in to fit any make of car.
Call at the Burnn Auto Top Shop for prices on
lop work,' located on
: ";:itz ,,Ll:,r ,,::;
I ....... ...... "" .. ..--T ..--,r -,.
llii lati y lnuruap)ii(f niimliut'u of
HltidoinH at tliu Unlvoriilly, Tho ou-
'lollmnt haii m'ju'ii rour liuiulrcd
IK r cut within tho ltiHt ton yearn,
anil It h nxpouted that wllliln the
next flvo yoarn thu iiunihor now on
thu cainptiH will havo dottlilotl. J'i'oi)-
orly to euro for tho HttuloutH ouroll-
L'd In thu unlvoriilly al proHont, and
to kIvo them an education tho ciiual
or that provided In any tiulvuniUy.
requires practlciilly nil tho UnlvorHl-
I ty Inc. mo from thu inllluito. Iimvlnj,'
I out a iitnall inniRlu for liulliiluKit.
I'Jvory imok and cranny of llio Unl-
V- rlty In alioudy orowtlcil to I ho llm-
I' N'W liullilliiKH mo tiuedod at
oik1", and the Uiilvorelty tnusl ho-
kIii to miiko provlalott for more Htu-
(1 uiits Tlio Ktnto Ih prcnldliii: con-
orouslv for ifoiiural innlnteunu,a and
cnuiiot ho iiHked to IncmuHo lltt tip-'
1 proprl-itlouM at this lime. Ho tho
1 ITnlvorilly, Mho other ntato unlver-
I nl Hon, lui.i omlmrked on n lft raiu-
paliin to nocuro (ho needed htilldliiRH
from thoHO who aro (ntereiited In ed
ucallou u tho Htato of Orison.
Tho hulldliiKH inoHt iiri;ontly need
ed aro library and memorial court,
liberal artn bulldliiK, auditorium,
fine aria hulldliiK, iicI'Mico building,
Kyiunahlum, Infirmary, ntudent un
ion, ntiuory, JournallHin bulldliiK,
law building, ehemlittry bulldliiK,
meu'n dormitory, woinen'n dormt
tors, and, In the elty of l'orllaud,
. uu'ddleat nohool hulldliiK. hospital,
and n bulldlni; for tho UxtoiiHlon
or tiioKo tu alumni hava aat out
i i provide ilia Library, tho Oymtiaa
Min nud Athletic lMalda ami tho
Mt'tiiiri il Pom i In uiomory of the
4; I nnirlt nl- n who died during
iii world war.
' Tlio (Minatid for thb urttiipaigii
to botlnr the L'lilvoralty rioea not
. i coin frcm the UnlvrMly Itself, nor
from tU alumni aloua. It Ih tint hum
. M. lv t.t.l Irf ,1. t..A
r : . ' ? .. - . .T .
i mrvM mbiii I'raiaiifinni in irtTtiiaaii in
diaeaaltift tho origin o tlio Gift
Campaign, "r t :omnl comta
from fh ! in i r Utn tttt from
the flrrildrn h r the bo. and
,, rl i t fi'l'iri i -jf rutloDk art' btluK
rirn'iilh t'fttrhi up, where the
inotlum nod fntlHTK ar hoping aid :
pianniiig to give tueir ciiiiorcn t'i po..blilMetloBB progr.i-
Hon lor 11 fr They are looking to
' the Htat I'lilvumtty to prorldn thl.i
i duration nnd Ihe Bleti l'lilvoralty
. mutt not dlaappolni them.
"We havo ralaed our atandarda un
til tho I'lilwratty nompnroa favor
ably with any In the entttitr. V.'e
cannot nud will not lower theao
Htaudarda, and thun cheat tho hoys
,,, K,r(, f 0rvRon oul of t,r
il;ht to tho hent pmiHlhlo education.
Wo arc apoudlnK our Income econ
omically; our Hillary ncalo Ih lowur
than Hit nvoraKe ror Htato uiilvera
Itlea our teaehem aro cttrrylut; mora
work par uttidnnt thnn tho taachorx
era oarryliitf at moat or the. flrot rata
unttarvarfea or tha eotintry; wa can
not poaatbly dtvart any larva prt or
our Inortme t bulldlntc purpoani and
, in'ltm 'a mnlistnlii hlRh Mdardn.
w,. look ihroforo to our nlumnl
u'ul t rl -u.. .. mo,- rn av& f.h-
h diflt unit or a Hod'. Ifroilurllon
iil.i ii it Alluvll lnlu, Central fJtoijot;,
oajLitilo of nn initial output- ot CO,
000 toita of inula nnnually wiih p'Uidu
od today hy lopriuiuitntlvoa of thu
Oi'tmnil Petroleiitu CorpornUoii of
(Mlirornio and of llio SprooltloB lu
torciifl, ol Han KrawlBco, If the mil
11ihh am Dtiuutlod, nn is bulim iiHUrd
by tho iiUite publlo nontou cointnln
Blon nl the haarliiK under wny hero.
H. U JOnieraoii, leproHonlatlvi) of
tho Oonoral I'otroleUin Oorporatlon,
unld that mil oda can ho obtained
mora nearly puro In Central OroKon
(haii anyAvhero elHo-In the world.
Ho Halil that tho aonoral Petrol
eum company owna 5,400 aoroa i-r
thla land and had mitiHidorcil oxtend
Ing lla own railroad, hut round l.lifi
tiillos or tho road which would he
neeoanary, lo ho Impracticable.
lOmuriou Hiild thoro hi tromeudous
mineral wealth lu tlio arein whl."h
the raliroadfl atylo an "doflorL"
Doiid liulletlu.
Glycerine Mixture For
Gas On Stomach
Ulmplo Klycarluo, buckthorn hark,
etc., iih mixed' in Adlorlkn, holpa any
ciiho Kim ou tho atomjich In THN mln-
utca. Most medlclneM act omy on
luwor bowel but Adlorlkn actn ou
UOTII upper and lower bowel and
riiiiioiin all kumich and poltionn.
Hrlny out niallar you never though
waa ir vour ayatatn Excellent for
ohetitmta eoMHtipntlou. (limrdH
nn! I'M ji'ipondlaltla. Itoi'd iiruH.
DruKltH. AdvortlDomont.
Av will rt,o vour ton wta
iTJiiy nioun weak wt. uttd
ncod more thorough tront
menl than mere syrttpa,
physics or ntimulanls.
Ivlpt chc:.l coWs hy givtntf
gln-.ioth lo the Woo'l nnd hent
. 1 W.e t.
to Ihu body, it 13 lamouu wun
physicians for hard coughs J
and weak lungs, thront V
nnl.4hronch?nl troulilr-
" S" Y1 TK" vSl
Livestock Commission
Cnllle, Sheep, Wcol, Hay.
Dunis, OroKon
Patronize Home Industry
and get the bit
U- UUtMti altout (WMKnt) n iiiontli In H irnt-j t:ouit. Help us
to inIm it SfiOOO.OO o. more
hy iiwluic
i.MialUy Kuai'iintcinl
AWliihlcIu'H Mcio. Co., Citinii
WcliiHtclii'H Mere. Co,, Law en
Vnlo Trading Co,, Onno
Narrow n Mcic. Co,, Xiurown
W. li KioiirON. HootOk
Snutli llro.itAuilrvii, Fields
I). I). Defoiihaugh, Donlo"
Abstracts of Title
Insurance Fire and Auto
Building Loans Surely Bonds
Phono No. G3W., Burns, Oregon
New locution in Heed Building
odjolninu Masonic Building
IVT.i1 isyg!rJgm.v.aiCL!14.-U'J
aqsii. - i.mi
"What could ho moro nail nun u
mini wlllioul a country?"
"A country without a man," an
Hwoieil tho pretty ylrl
WaTHE cause of
m inc. umuoc. ur yd
Harry S. Stone
Olllco lluura 2 to G I'. M.
OthT Hours hy appointment
lifter every meal
A plcnwnn?
NWcct nnd o
Itcnullt rts
Good lor
teeth, lircath
nnd digestion.
Multcfi the
next tinur
b' fl'Ai
taste Heller
.4 M-Xntruzzasvnr
ii wmn
'or liiouuy rofuii!tfl I j v
fioia) uv ' v Y'
N. Urow ii .V: Son
Ulll'IIH Chlt Btoio
L. IC. llccil
Wuinii fill's Mr it. C.
I.unnbiirg-Ualion .V (.
Ooo, 1). llngcy.
W" .' , II .11. .
1 I. tA
- mg'M - .u -"
:; iv-jiirT-y 'mu'-h-' " -Jjl
I li
s)k-5i r-!e.