The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 12, 1924, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Oregon Agricultural Collouo, Cor
vallls, March 31 To moot tho lo
inanda of all nsthmn unci liny fuvor
sufferers In tho state. Dr. Uolon M.
Gllkoy, assistant professor of botany,
J nlillns In tho work of colloctlnis
iiollona for tho euro of bay fovor.
Ntttlon-wido liitoroat la being created
In tho work. Tho botany depart
ment is flooded with nxjuosta from
many sections, aevurding to Dr. Oil
key, but It is unablo to meet tho de
mands becnuae tho pollen caunlng
tho hay favor iiiuhI bo avallablo.
Special liny fever pdllous aro found
In every acctlon of tho country.
1 o
Sho said lior dad
Was a retired nilllionatro.
So I wont In to chut awhllu,
Now I am Had,
Hccauso tho old lad was
Up and kicked tuo out through tho
The city council has tordorod that
next week. April 11-10,' lio observed
as iinnunl eloanup week and resl
donlH aro retiulri'd to comply wIMi
thiH In nccordnucu with tho ordin
ance KOvernliiK It- All aro caution
rd to haul their ilobrls to tho city
dumping ground!! aa they are llublo
under thu law Khould they dump it
on privately owned property.
City MarHhal.
AUGUHT 21, 1IM2,
Of Tho Tltuea-IIerald published
weekly -at DuniR, OrcRou for April
1, 1924.
State of Oregon, County of Ilarnoy,
IJeforo me, a Notary Public In and
for tho SCnto and county aforesaid,
personally appeared Julian Hyrd,
who, having been duly Hworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that bo
In tho owner and publlshohr of t tin
Times-Herald and tho following
Is, to the beat of his knowledge and
belief, 'a truo statement of the own
ership, management etc., of thu
uforesald publication for thu date
shown in tho above caption, requir
ed by tho Act of August 24, 1912,
ombodled In section 443 Postal Laws
and Hegulatlons, printed on the re
verso of this form, to-wlt:
That tho names and addresses of
tho publisher, editor, managing ed
itor, nud business managers are:
Julian Hyrd, Burns, Oregon.
That the owners ar.e: Julian Hyrd.
That thu known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security hold
ers owning or holding I per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages, or other securities nre: None.
Sworn to anil subscribed bofora
jno this nth day of April, 1924.
W.M. FAItltl-'.
(My commission expires May J10,
., NkIIco Is hereby given thai the
County Court will receive bids up to
12 o'clock A. M., May 7th 1921 for
25 cords first quality mahogany
wood and 25 cords of first ciuullly
pine wood to bo delivered at llifl
High Reliool In Hums, Orogoe, 20
cords of first finality nmhogun wood
mid 20 cords of first iunllty nine
wood to be delivered at the Court
Houho In Hums, Oregon, on u. b'i
f.irc September 1st, 1924. The
Court reserves tho right to reject
tiny nr all bids. Hlds should In
addressed, sealed, U tho undersign
e.l uud marked "Hlds for Wood."
Hlds will bo considered for either or
both Kinds of wood.
4 12-21. Couu'y Clerk.
General Fund
Oluss & Prudhommu Co. $87.49,
Fairbanks Morso Co. $2.82, Hur
roughs Adding Machine Co. 12.30,
Tho Times-Herald $42.05, Uyder
Ilros. $13.31, Supplies; James itlch
ardsou $32.00, Hluuehe Caldwell
$1C00. Hlauch Goodman $100,00,
Assistants; Hums Power Co. $14.00
Lights Court Houso; Eva 10. Luco
$5.72 Caro of County Charge; Hums
Hdw. Co., $1.00 Hepulrs; U. S. Uud
Olllco $8.50 Abstract of entries; U.
W. Clovongor $75,00 Hurlul of Coun
ty Charge; W. A. Cowan $50.00
Premium on Houd; Cecil J. Huffman
$33.50 Refund of Tax; Itobt. Sin
clair $75,00 Janitor; Central Ore
gon Telephone Co. $10.75; Rentals;
Hums Auto Top Shop $11.00 llo
palrs; Leo Clark $08.00 Assistant;
Mary Grillln $4.00 Stumps; Chun, 10.
Dillmuu $18.05 Stamps dtc; AV. A,
Goodman $10.50 Travel Expanse;
Chas. A. King $223.00 Caro County
Poor; Service Oarage $101.23 Re
pairs; J. C. Foley $125.00 Wator-
T II 10 T I
uiusivi'i iniiiM cuiuu o.ou btor
iigu; V. A. fSJU.lM Utumpa;
(Jrlsluy Foely lo.uo Survlng bub
pneuas; W. A. Ooodtuau $25.20 Car
Hire, Dr. U. F. 'Smith $75.00 Health
Olllcorj It. T. Uughot $3.50 WXf
poiiuo; ltonilugloti Typewriter Co.
iTi 50 Typewriter; 11. 13. Deuuo $50.
Attending Institute; Harney County
Abstract & Title Co. $,300.00 Prem
ium ou Insurance Policy. Charles W.
1-Jllls $130.71 Travel Expense; U. N.
Holtou $21. 40, O. T. Lilian! $45.00
Commisslouoru, Mary Orlillii $50.00
Institute Kxponso.
General Howl Fund
C. Thos. Vollock $143.50, Hill
Campbell $195.00, Dalla Turner
$OG,50, Starr Uuckland $15,00,
Claud McOeo $28.00, Otus Slzomoro
$214.50, Geo. L. Huchanau $104.00,
Harold J. Hakor $28,00, Nick Uarth
$17.50. Clyde Cowing $64.00, N. K.
Curroy $195.00, Win. T. Van Dor
veer $7.00 N. K. Curroy $295.00,
Thos. Jenkins $42.50, Chris Hurg
$105.00, Work on County Honda;
Harney Koblo $4.75, Foonaughty
Machinery Co. $2.05, State Highway
Commission $4.59, Porter Hit?. Co.
$2.95. I. H. Geer H. Co. $8.00. Vale
Trading Co. $3.75, Geo. A. Smyth
.3.r.u. Standard Oil Co. $42.95, C. II.
Vo'ngtly $5.75, Hums Hdw. Co, $80.
19, K. L. Smith $12.00, Joe Lillard
$0.00, A. II. Page $55.00, Viewing
Hood; Haruoy Saw Mill $355.40
Lumber, Clarenco Luckoy $30.00
Driving Truck, Geo. M. Shaw $58.35
Hopalrs, II. It. Rlloy $0.50 Work on
Illgli School I'll ml
The Athletic Journal $2.75, Hex-soy-Lamber
Co , $9.95, Home Drug
Co. $2.10, It. S. Klllott AmiB Co.
$6.25, Lnmpshlro's Oarngo Co. $1.
90, Tho Tlmos-Hornld $7.05, I. H.
(leer & Co. $1.00, C. H. Voogtly $C
90, Hums Oarngo $1.10, Reed Hros.
$7.05, F. II. Wallace, Supplies; W.
F. Oltmon $7.20 Kxpross; Chns. M.
McConnoll $25.00, Harry Loggan
$25.00 Janiters: Hums Power Co.
$3.50 Lights, Central Oregon Tel
ephone Co. $2.00 Telephone.
.Market Road Fund
It. T. Iliigbet $3.10, Joo Llllnrd
$4.80, Roy McOou $35.00 KxpiMises.'
Rodent Fund
John Crensinaii $35.00 Oats.
I. ('has. 10. Dlllmau, County Clork,
In and for thu County of Harney, do
hereby certify that tho foregoing is
u trap nud correct copy of all bills
allowed by tho County Court at Hio
Regular April Term, 1924.
County Clork.
In tho Comuy Court of Hie Hlnlo of
Oregmi, for Hnrncy Comity.
In the Matter of the Estate of Aug
ust Haurstrlch, Deed.
Notice Is hereby given (hat thu
undersigned executor has filed his
final account and report In the above
Court nud Estate, and the Court has
set the hour of ten o'clock In the
forenoon of Monday thu I2lh day of
May, 1921, fu the County Court
Room In tho Court House, In Hums,
OrtJgon. as the time and place for
hearing (hereon and settlement (here
if. All persons concerned in said
ostutu aro hereby notlfltnl to appear
st said time and place and file their
objuullons, In writing, If nm such
thro hu, to said final account and
Mutant thu same.
Datud April 12, 1921'.
Harney County National Hank of
Hums, Oregon, a national bank
ing corporation; Fred Haines; P.
O. Peterson; Loon M. Drown and
Ruby M. Hrown,
Mary M. Iluuyurd; Mary M. Hun
yard, Administratrix of tho estate
of J. if, Hunyard, deceased; Edith
Ooodlow; Lorena Hakor, James
G. Hunyard; Wlllard Hunyard;
Jesse Hunyard, minors; and Oor
trudo Hunyard, guurdian of Wll
lard Hunyard and Jesso Hunyard;
all heirs ut law or J. II. Hunyard,
TO: Edith Ooodlow, Wlllard Dun
yard and Jeusu Hunynrd, minors
and Gertrude Hunyard, guardian
of Wlllard Hunyard and Jesso
Hunyard, minors.
You, and each of you, aro required
to appear and answer to tho com
plaint filed against you in tho above
entitled suit on or before tho last
day of tho time prescribed In tho
order for publication of said sum
mons, to-wlt: ou or boforo tho 24th
day of May, 1924, said data being
tho expiration of six weeks from tho
date of tho first publication of this
summons, and If you fall to appear
and answer for want thoroof, tho
plaintiffs will apply to tho Court for
tho relief, prayed for In tholr com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a Judgment against you for
M M H . II It HAM) It I It N H ,
.. . ji r,,,uiii.u( in tuvor of tho
Haruoy County National Hank, with
luikiodt thuroou ai tuo ruio of 8 put
cciii per niuiuiii from thu UOlli day
of March, 1924, and for tho furth
er uiuu of $300.00 attorney foes
Fur tlb further sum of $1,876.21
in mvor ut Fred Unities with inter
est thereon at thu rato of 8 par cent
per annum from tho 20th day of
Match, 1924, and for tho further
ttuiii of $175.00 attorney fees therein.
For tho further sum of $1,875.21
in favor of P. C. Peterson with in
terest thoroou at tho rato of 8 per
cent per annuTa from the 26th day of
March, 1924, and for tho further
uutn of $175.00 attornoy feci.
And for tho further sum of $2,
010.21 In favor of Leon M. Hrown
and Ruby M. Hrown with Interest
thereon at tho rato of 8 per cent per
annum from tho 20th day of Marchh,
1924, and for thu further sum of
$200.00 attorney foes, and for tholr
costH uud disbursements of this suit.
And that that certain mortgage
made and executed by J, II. Hun
yard and Mary M .Hunyard on tho
2oth day of November, 1922, ror thu
mi m of $29,287.02 upon tho 8WV1
ami thu SlfcHEVi of Suction 12, and
tho NV&NEVi of Suction 13, all In
Township 24 South, Range 31 E.
W. M. In Haruoy County, Oregon,
containing 320 acres of laud more
or less, together wllli all water
rights and claims to water rights
thereon appurtenant or appertain
ing thereto, be foreclosed, and that
tho usual decree of foreclosure be
entered luroln, and that tho said
real property above described be
sold as by law reijulred, and In ac
cordance with tho rules and regula
tions or this court to satisfy tho
sums duo upon thu principals of tho
respective notes heroin sot out, tho
Interest, attorney fees, costs and dis
bursements as provided by tho said
notes and by law, and that the sums
so rccolvcd rrom tint sale of tho said
property, nflor tho payment or attor
ney rocs, costs ami disbursements
and the costs or thu rale of this
suit, bo applied proportionately upon
tho sums due upon the principal ami
Interest or each or the respeolho
notes, uud that In casu (he said sab
or tho said property shall not pay
the costs and dlsbursonionls or (his
suit, tho said Harney County .Nat
ional Hank, a banking corporation.
Fred Haines, P. C. Petersen, L-wii
M. I'rowii and Ruby M. Hrown have
a doriclency Judgment again' the
.:tld Mary M. Hunyard and (he said
Mary M. Hunyard, Administratrix of
the estate of J. n. Hunynrd, deeens.
ed, for tho respective balance due
upon each of tho said notes.
That the said defendants bo re
quired to appear and pay the said
sums above mentioned, and if (boy
rail so to do, that said mortgngu be
foreclosed, and Hint (hey and each
of tho said defnudauts, be forever
debarred nud enjoined rrom claim
ing or asserting any right, title, in
terest. Hun or estate In or to the
said real properly described In the
said mortgage, adverse to (he plnln
(irfs horalu, save ami oxcepi (heir
right or redemption.
That said right, tide, lieu, Inter
est and morlgago or the plaintiffs
heroin bo declared a first and prior
Hen to all other claims or all other
parties whamsoovor, and ror such
other and rurther roller us the Court
may deem eiuitnblo and proper.
That this summons Is published
by ordor or the Hon. Dallon Hlggs,
or tho Circuit Court ror the County
or Harney nud tlilie State or Oregon,
made and entered ou Hie 5th day or
April, 1924; thu date or tho first
publication or this summons Is April
12th and tho data or the Inst publi
cation of this summons Is May 24th,
Attorney for Plaintiffs
Residence and Post Ofllco nddress:
Hums, Oregon.
Notice is horoby glvon thut by vir
tue of an oxocutlon duly issued out
of the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Hnrnoy County, ou tho
15th, day of March, 1924, mid to me
uiruciuu, upon a juugmont and de
cree in roreclnsure, duly rendered,
ontered or rotord and dockotod In
said court ou tho 14th. day or Murch,
1924, In a certain suit In said court
ponding, whoroln Ooorgo Fry was
plaintiff and J. C, Wolcomo, Jr., and
Fraukio Wolcomo, his wife, wore de
fendants, in favor of plaintiff and
against said defendants, by whioh
oxueutlou I am commanded to sell
tho ronl property in said execution
and horolnnftor described, to pay (lie
sumo duo tho plaintiff of $8,400.00,
with Interest thoroon rrom tho 20th.
day of January, 1924, nt Jlio rato of
8 por cent por annum until paid,
and tho furthor mi in of $794.35, with
Interest thoroon at tho rato of 12
per cont por annum from July 0th.,
1923, until paid, nud tho furthor
mini of $048,20, with lntorost thoro
on ul tho rato of 8 por cont por an
num from July 9th 1023, until
paid, and tho furthor sum of $750.00
attorneys fees, and tho costs and
lisiHirHumoutii of said salt taxes ul
$15.80, itud all accruing costs, I
will, on Saturday, tho 10th. day of
April, 1924, at thu hour of tun
o'clock A, M at tho front door or
tho uotinty court house, In Dumn,
Haruoy County, Oregon, soil at pub
lln auction, In two soparato parcels
ns directed by tho aforoaaid Judg
ment and decroo as hereinafter rnon-j
tlouud, to tho highest bidder for
cash, all tho right, tltlo, Intorest and
estate which thu said dofondniits, or
either of thorn, and all porsons claim
ing by, through or undor thorn, or
wither of thorn, subsoauont .to tho
execution or tho mortgage foreclosed
In snld suit, to wit; April 30th.,
1918, lind, havo nlnco acquired or
now havo of, In and to said real
property horolnboforo montloncd and
described an follows, to wit;
PARCEL NO. 1 Tho east half of
tho northeast quarter nud tho east
half of thu southeast uuartur or flec
tion twenty-six (20) in township
twenty two (22) south or rnngo
thlrly-two nud MU'-ltfilf (32') east
of Willamette Meridian, In Harney
County, Oregon, containing one hun
dred sixty (100) acres, more or less,
and tho southwest quarter of tho
southeast quarter and Hut lots two
(2), tlireo (U) and four (I), tho
southwest quarter of thu northeast
quarter and tho northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of section
seven (7) In township twonty-Hve
(25) South of rnngo thirty-two nud
one-half (32 'i) east or Willamette
Meridian, In Harney County, Ore
gon, containing two hundred forty
four (244) acres, more or less, to
gether with alt water rights, tene
ments, hereditaments and appurten
ances thorouuto belonging or In any
wise appertaining.
PARCEL NO. 2 Tho lots onu (1)
and two (2), thu south half of thu
northeast quarter, and tho south
onc-hnir or section four (4) In town
ship twouty-threo (23) south of
range thlrty-ono (31) oast of WIN
lamutto Meridian, In Hnrncy County,
Oregon, containing four hundred
seventy-eight and thirty onrfhun
dredthn (478.30) acres, mora or less,
together with nil water rights, tone
inuiits, horldltnmeuts and appurtou
iinccn thereunto belonging or In any
wiio appertaining.
Snld real properly is tu be sold
subject to prior Ileus thereon and
subject to redemption as by law pro
Dated this 22nd. day of March,
Sheriff of Ilarnoy County, Oregon
L. Ilnmford, Plaintiff,
Mrs. H. J. Hamford, Ooorgo Ilnm
ford, Emily Hamford, Dotha Ham
ford, ns heirs or II. J, Hamford,
Deceased; to any nud nil "un
known hoirs" of snld II. J. Ham
ford, Deceased; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, tltlo, estate, Hen, or
Intorest In thu real ostato describ
ed In tho complaint (and in thin
numinous described);
To Mrs. II. J. Hamford, Oeorgo
Hamford, Emily Hamford, Dotha
nrimfnrd. ns heirs of II. J. namford,
Deceased; to any and all "unknown
heirs" of said II. J. Hamrord, Do
coascd; nlno all other persons or
pnrtlos unknown claiming any right,
title, ostato, lieu, or Intorest In tho
real ostato described In tho com
plaint (nud In this summons describ
ed); Dofendants.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that L, Dam ford, the above
named plaintiff, Is the holder of
Certificates of Delinquency aa here
inafter numbered and described, Is
sued by the Tax Colloctor of Harney
County, Oregon on tho dates and for
the amounts of monoy set forth In
tho description of said certificates,
said respective amounts being then
due and delinquent for tho taxes for
the year specified theroln, together
with Intorest, penalty, and costs
thereon, upon tho real property
asessed to H, J. Hamford, and of
which you aro either tho ownors or
havo Bomo claim theroln, tho rocord
tltlo of said real property bolng In
II. J. Hamford, but who Is docoasod;
said real ostato Is described as
NEV18WM, NWtfSEtf, BNWtf,
Sec. 23, uudEV'jSWtf, and RE4
Sec, 22, all In Twp, 30 South, Range
35 East, W. M Ilarnoy County,
All tnxes subsoquont to said cer
tificates havo boon paid by plaintiff
as horoln stated; said certificates of
dollnquonoy nnd tho tnx moneys paid
by plaintiff bonr intorest nt tho rato
of 12 por cont, por nun urn from data
of paymonts.
You and oach of you aro horoby
notified nnd summoned to nppoar on
or boforo Thuradny tho 24th day of
April 1024, bolng ovor 00 days aftor
tho first publication of this sum
mons, oxclusiro of tho dato of first
(J O N
publication, and defend thin suit or
pay tho amounts duo an shown heroin
togothor with contn and accrued ln
torost, and In enno of your failure no
to do thu plaliitlrf will furthor apply
to tho horeln-nbovo entitled Court to
forocloso tho said certificates and
Hon thoroof, ntid for decroo to such
offect and costs heroin.
Cort. No. 3823, Inouod Dec. 31,
1921, ror 1910 toxos on NKViUWtf,
NWBBtf, E'iNW4 Hoc. 23,
abovo Twp. and Range, for $19,20,
Interest thereon to Fob, 18, 1924,
Cort. No. 3821, Issued Dec. 31,
1021, for 1018 taxes on tho above
described land In Dec. 28, and also
EV4BWU and HE '4 Sec. 22, abovo
Twp, and Range, for $40.00. In
torest thoroon to Feb. 18, 1024,
$12.54. Taxes for 1010 of $47.75
paid Dec. 31, 1021, with Intorest
thereon to Fob. 18, 1024 of $12.13.
Taxcn for 1020 of $54.80 paid Doc.
31, 1021, with Intorest thoroon to
Fob. 18, 1924 of $14.02. Taxes for
A Fountain
of Ifouth
Beauty linked with power that
stays young that's the Willys
Knight! The quiet Willys-Knight
sleeve -valve engine improves with
use a fountain of thrills and
satisfactions. In ten years we have
never known a Willys-Knight
engine to wear out! Touring
$1195, Coupe-Sedan Standard
$1450, 5-pass. Standard Sedan,
now $1695, f. o. b. Toledo.
20,000 Acres
water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company omegon
Further Reductions In Our
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
Crane-Burns Mail Stage
Seven Passenger Touring Cars
Best on the line '
Leaves Burns Post Office every evening
except Saturday, at 6 P. M.
Fare $2.50
U. S. HACKNEY, Proprietor
Haturdny, April 12, 1021
1021 of $50.30 paid Aug. 25, 102ft,
with Intorest thoroon to Feb, 18,
1024 of $3.44. Taxes for 1022 of
$41.82 paid Aug. 25, 1023, with In
torest thoroon to Fob. 18, 1024 of
$2,30. A total of $320.88, plus ac
cruing Int. otc.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. R. T. Hughot, County
Judgo of Harney County, Oregon,
mndo and entered Fob. 18, 1024, di
recting this summons to bo published
In TlmoH-Horuld, a weekly newspa
per of general circulation publish
ed In DurnB, Oregon, for eight suc
cessive weeks, tho date of first pub
lication to be in the Issue of said
paper of Feb, 23, 1924, and tho lost
In the Issue of April 10, 1924, All
process, papers, and pleadings in
thin proceeding may bo sorvod on
tho undorslgnod nttornoy for-plaintiff.
Attornoy for Plaintiff,
ncsidonco nnd post office address
Hums, Oregon,
9' I